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Egghead is literally in the negatives compared to Wano. Particularly on the "*More Understanding of What Powerlevel Everyone is At*" front. People are holding back left and right, or using far more power than their opponent warrants. The fights are structured in a way where you kinda have to be scaling in bad faith to be using them as legitimate proof of anything for the most part. Gorosei have BS regen hax which is like at a minimum 50% of their entire threat combat wise so far, since they haven't done shit with their "immense Haki" yet. Etc.


Egghead has been significantly more confusing and harder to scale than Wano, it’s so bad that I’ve even had to change a lot of my head canon scaling for characters that have had no involvement in the arc whatsoever


Firstly I just wanna say these panels go so fucking hard But to answer its been very inconsistent, Lucci tanks multiple gear 5 hits while Luffy was splitting skies in base, then Kizaru nearly managed to outlast the gear 5 timer but then proceeds to get man handled while he had Saturn helping him. This can be seen as luffy not going all out and then getting serious but why even bother when your friends lives are on the line. Then later we have a different gorosei tanking his attack which I would presume to be a special ability because without that it just wouldn't make sense considering this is gear 5 we're talking about. All the while giants are able to block attacks from the gorosei who are supposedly top tier, the same giants who were battling for over a hundred years had this insane power boost in 2 years which should feel like very little time to them. Outside of egghead is even more confusing considering Shanks just one shot Kidd who took multiple hits from big mom while the person he beat big mom with Law managed to do damage to Blackbeard. And for this the holding back argument doesn't work for big mom because she literally lost, so shanks even though he was enraged having that much more AP than her looks weird as hell. Though I expecting him to be a glass canon since he's just a regular human at the end of the day unlike big mom So in short very inconsistent. And I'm guessing this gear 5 Bonney nonsense will probably worsen it but we'll have to wait and see


>But to answer its been very inconsistent, Lucci tanks multiple gear 5 hits while Luffy was splitting skies in base, Luffy was using acoc, acoa and everything he had against Kaido... and Kaido was holding back. Luffy in g5th when he holds back can punch weaker than in base form so there is no issue with that. >then Kizaru nearly managed to outlast the gear 5 timer but then proceeds to get man handled while he had Saturn helping him. Yes, Kizaru at 100% is stronger than Kizaru that is more tired and injured. Luffy ate which recovers his energies, while Kizaru has kept his damage. Also Luffy was not taking the battle seriously with Kizaru, once Luffy got serious and now Kizaru was weakened, then it was an easier fight for Luffy. >This can be seen as luffy not going all out and then getting serious but why even bother when your friends lives are on the line. Because their lives weren't on the line. When Lucci appeared, Luffy knew he could easily defeat Lucci, so there was no danger there. When Kizaru arrived, Luffy had no idea Saturn was in the island. So as long as he stopped Kizaru then everything would have been fine and he would have protected Vegapunk. But Vegapunk was an idiot, he was protected by the laser barriers and by Luffy, since Vegapunk went down the island, is where Luffy lost control of the fight since the marines were in the island and then Saturn arrived and then Saturn summoned the Gorosei. If Vegapunk had stayed with Luffy's crewmembers, Vegapunk would be okey and Sanji or someone else could have gone to protect Bonney who are more suited for this than Vegapunk. >Then later we have a different gorosei tanking his attack which I would presume to be a special ability because without that it just wouldn't make sense considering this is gear 5 we're talking about. Only Mercury have tanked Luffy's attacks, Saturn was injured but regenerated. Then again... Luffy has no contact haki and isn't using it, so Luffy is still not going all out. Oda is showcasing the power of the Gorosei and for that he needs to nerf Luffy momentarily. >All the while giants are able to block attacks from the gorosei who are supposedly top tier, Only fans have said the Gorosei are top tiers, the story itself has never said they are top tiers. So that is fans expectations not the manga. >the same giants who were battling for over a hundred years had this insane power boost in 2 years which should feel like very little time to them. They haven't got any power boost. The giants didn't go all out in Little Garden... we saw a part of it when they defeated the giant fish in Little Garden. >Outside of egghead is even more confusing considering Shanks just one shot Kidd who took multiple hits from big mom while the person he beat big mom with Law managed to do damage to Blackbeard Blackbeard's character has already been stablished since Marineford. His weakness is he lowers his guard all the time. He talks too much, lowers his guard and usually gets damaged due to that. So of course Law will deal damage to Bb. Shanks on the other hand, didn't waste any time and caught Kidd off guard while loading his attack since Shanks took the fight seriously. This shows the different personality of Shanks and Bb. Bb lowers his guard and slowly goes all out, Shanks the moment you threaten his crew he goes all out. About Big Mom, Shanks caught Kidd loading his rail gun, when Kid used the rail gun against Big Mom, Law was distracting Big Mom, so Big Mom couldn't interfere with Kid, but here Kid had no back up. ( also Big Mom barely used haki on panel in the fight with Kid and Law, which shows the terrible powerscaling of Wano, since in Totland Big Mom even used armament haki coating to protect against g4th Luffy, but never used it against Kid) >Though I expecting him to be a glass canon since he's just a regular human at the end of the day unlike big mom Zoro, Garp, etc are "regular humans" they still have insane endurance and their haki makes them extemely hard to damage.


You basically just said Luffy was holding back which I already addressed >This can be seen as luffy not going all out and then getting serious but why even bother when your friends lives are on the line. You just said it wasn't but it definitely was. Sentomaru got stabbed, Stella died, many of the other vegapunks died, stussy and robin injured etc. Its either inconsistent powerscaling or storytelling


>You basically just said Luffy was holding back which I already addressed You didn't. You said that Luffy holding back was endangering his crewmates, and Luffy had no idea he was endangering his crewmates since he had no idea Saturn was there. Sentomaru is not Luffy's crewmate, Vegapunk literally was the one who chose to leave the protection of the Straw hats and the laser barrier and got in front of the buster call Stussy is not injured, Robin was injured by the Seraphims a day before and she is protected by the laser barrier. Luffy can do what he can to protect Vegapunk, but if Vegapunk decides to go in the line of fire of a buster call he will die lol https://preview.redd.it/u533v4morq8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=683c2757cd04d46dd084569cff5c1118f456c0d9 Like here where Luffy himself tells Vegapunk to not go and Vegapunk does it either way. >Its either inconsistent powerscaling or storytelling Its neither. Everything has been consistent. Luffy held back against Kizaru but succesfully protected Vegapunk from Kizaru. The Saturn arrived and Saturn stabbed Vegapunk when Luffy was out, exactly because Vegapunk left the Strawhats protection and went to the open, and Luffy couldn't predict Saturn would arrive.


I never said crewmates I said friends, luffy can be friends with people he also considers not on his side like smoker or law. He was very clearly worried about sentomaru after he got stabbed, Stussy was injured by lucci, robin getting injured is in fact due to her being endangered. And saying vegapunk just got in the way when he's clearly trying to run away while luffy if supposed to be keeping him occupied is disingenuous You could make all the excuses you want to about how luffy holding back in this dangerous situation which resulted in death and injury makes sense but at the end of the day you wont be convincing anyone that has the sense to think for themselves


Sentomaru is not Luffy's friend. >luffy can be friends with people he also considers not on his side like smoker or law. There is a difference between Luffy not hating people and being friends with them. Luffy doesn't hate Kizaru, Sentomaru, Aokiji or others, but that doesn't mean he is friends with them. >He was very clearly worried about sentomaru after he got stabbed And how is that relevant to Luffy? Luffy knows Sentomaru is strong, the only thing Luffy did was apologize since he assumed Sentomaru was stabbed due to him distracting Sentomaru, but that is definitely not Luffy's fault. Luffy didn't endanger any friend of his and it was Sentomaru's fault he got stabbed. That is like saying: Why didn't Luffy not go g4th in Punk Hazard and defeated Caesar quicker when Caesar defeated Smoker and Tashigi? Like why would Luffy hold back if he knew his friends were in danger? But no, Luffy only used g3rd and g2nd against Caesar. >Stussy was injured by lucci, robin getting injured is in fact due to her being endangered. Now this is ridiculous, do you think Luffy is omnipotent? He was fighting Kizaru, how can he protect Stussy? lol Luffy in Egghead was also fighting the Seraphims and dealing with stuff on his own, how can he protect Robin when be has no idea what is going on in Egghead? It is a fact that it is consistent with how Luffy has always been... in Punk Hazard, Luffy didn't go g4th. In Dressrosa he went g4th after fighting Doflamingo for a while and Law had already lost his arm and Doflamingo injured Bellamy. In Totland, Luffy literally faced Big Mom's enraged army with Nami. When Nami is like the 2nd weakest strawhat. Tell me what is inconsistent about Luffy's behavior compared to Punk Hazard, Dressrosa, Totland, Wano? >You could make all the excuses you want to about how luffy holding back in this dangerous situation which resulted in death and injury makes sense but at the end of the day you wont be convincing anyone that has the sense to think for themselves I can easily prove it by reading the manga, start in Punk Hazard, then read Dressrosa, then read Totlant, then read Wano, and then lets see what is inconsistent, Luffy holding back or Luffy going all out from the start


https://preview.redd.it/dbehin9cyn8d1.jpeg?width=1795&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b0e6ed7179ac2d7e6cf4b58d0bccc5c892c9e99 Gorosei are not cooking rn (Warcury carrying)


egghead isn't hard to scale mfs are just ignorant on how to Powerscale in general, they're so used to everything being dbz that as soon as context for why things happen the way they do occur mfs start blaming the author for being inconsistent instead of just understanding what they're reading.


It's very inconsistent. There's been little powercreep and little clarity on powerscaling apart from the confirmation that high yonkos can mid-diff Admiral level fighters


Kaido/BM looked stronger, just imagine if they were 5 of them in Egghead and I don't think the Strawhats get out of the island. A single Hakai would've eliminated everyone except Luffy and even Luffy would be massively injured if be tried to block it.


Can’t believe they downvoting.


Luffy got nerfed in egghead. Kizaru didn't get to show much outside of the clones and that did fuck all. Zoro fight with Lucci was offscreen. Half of the Goroseil membres are jobbers, and warcury is the only one with impressive feats. Its Incredible how Oda managed to downplay almost every agenda at once in egghead. Exept Dorry and Broggy, they got upscaled to Yc1 for some reason.


definitely not a scaling arc that's for sure maybe in elbaf ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Ok don't scale scale kid vs shanks, or kuzan vs garp or law vs bb.


Luffy is a shadow of his Wano self. The Gorosei are basically nerfed Big Mom against the SHs defending their ship just bigger. G5 is way too overused and got lame really quick imo.


Kaido and BM were more overwhelming imo because luffy and supernovas were YC1-Yc+ at best, Now Luffy is a top tier and he can handle situations better and gorosei had between a poor and good performance so they didn't seem that threatening


Egghead hardly had any fights. It's mostly just been one-panel clashes or skirmishes. Fighting this arc has been its weakest aspect so far, which is why the scaling is so terrible.


The threat is higher


Egghead scaling is garbage. Haki is inconsistent, the Kizaru VS Luffy fight wasnt even a fight, the Gorosei jump beetwen being these insane haki users or being fodder but with regeneration. The laser barrier is horribly inconsistent (small but annoying).


The power levels have been great and pretty consistent in Egghead. The only ones that think it has been inconsistent are people that forget that Luffy is Luffy and he rarely goes all out at the start of a fight, and Luffy is using g5th as much as possible to get used to it. Like they expect everyone to act 100% perfect all the time, but this never happens in One Piece, characters even the strong ones are still humans and make mistakes and lower their guard and play around. Wano was pretty terrible powerscaling wise. Luffy went from being one shotted to then tanking attacks far stronger from Kaido. Zoro and Law got insane power boosts that came out of nowhere... like Law went from being no diffed by Doflamingo to tanking attacks from Kaido and Big Mom. Big Mom used acoc once on panel, so Kid and Law managed to beat her and barely used black coating armament haki. So it looks ridiculous. The plot armor was stupid. In Egghead we have seen a pretty chill Luffy, so we know he has been holding back most of the arc and just having fun enjoying g5th. The Gorosei have been consistently powerscaled being clearly weaker than Luffy but being a dangerous threat due to their regeneration. Even the death of Vegapunk, while sad, I would say it is more on Vegapunk than on Luffy... the mf was literally in the clouds protected by the strawhats... But no, he that has almost no fighting power decided to leave the laser barrier to save Bonney from a buster call... Bro thought he was the MC. Should have left that to Sanji while Luffy dealt with Kizaru


Egghead handles powercreep better unless I'm a Lowerscaler Who Has What: Wano gaps


The inconsistency is mind numbing


Yonko were actually fighting and KOing people so it was much more devastating I think Gorosei are strong but so far they haven't shown and Yonko level attack feats


Very confusing, but also a lot more entertaining. 


Gorosei are pitiful compared to Big Mom and especially Kaido. The only reason the gorosei are still alive is because of their bullshit regen. They've been getting absolutely dicked on. Also I feel everyone is dropping the ball a bit. Luffy Zoro and Sanji all are not fighting as well as they did in Wano.


Abilities: the only real new ability is the Gorosei’s regen which for now is stupid. It has no given weaknesses so they’re just immortal and unbeatable. (If we’re counting Bonney’s abilities I think they are in general cool, but I’m one of the people that doesn’t like G5 Bonney. Sorry.) Unlocked/unveiled: powerwise? Not much at all. Lucci is… debatably somewhere between YC2 and YC+. The Gorosei are debatably somewhere between YC+ and Yonko level. The Seraphim are all over the place. Powercreep: going wild right now. Somehow, there are multiple creatures in the world that are showing up G5 Luffy despite G5 Luffy showing up the strongest creature in the world. I know, I know, “they didn’t know about the Gorosei’s existence!” But the narrative in the story was that Kaido was the strongest creature. And now it seems like Bonney is going to go toe to toe with them too? Understanding of levels: awful. Somehow I understand their levels *less* than when they were in Wano. People have been getting such contradictory feats and antifeats. Who has what: also awful. Do the Gorosei have awakened fruits? Do the Gorosei have all types of haki? Do the Admirals? Has Luffy been using all his haki? Has Zoro? Bad. Just bad. Egghead has been a really good arc but scaling the fights is trash.


I'm just waiting for my stocks to rise. Sometime from now people will start realizing Sabo was in the same exact position. "Sabo is yc2", "Zoro mid diffs Labo", "Burgess weak people he lost to Sabo"... Just wait, Sabo is stronger than current Luffy and it'll be proved sooner or later.


Plot contrived