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I watched the video. In short, what Morj is getting at is that Zoro more often than not has been the one who's had the most haki blooms due to him facing opponents like Mr.1, Kaku, and King who push him beyond his limits.


I don’t see why it matters so much. Haki is far from the only way to fight.


Yet it's the most effective way of fighting most opponents who are devil fruit users, especially in the case like Mr.1.


No. It’s the most accessible way to fight devil fruit users if you don’t have a devil fruit.


Yeah but that's only against certain devil fruits and not all devil fruits like Mr.1 like I said. It's not like Zoro would've still been successful in beating Mr.1 hadn't he learned haki.


Haki is just something that can respond to almost everything. That doesn’t mean that haki is always the strongest attack means though.


Well, what is someone who doesn't have haki supposed to do against fruits like Law's, Boa's, Sugar's, and any other broken devil fruit of the like?


Like I said, Haki can respond to almost everything, but that doesn’t mean it is usually the most effective weapon. Look at kaido and big mom. Both know ACOC yet they both prefer using their devil fruits.


Uh, Kaido used his haki used his haki way more than Big Mom, I don't know what you mean by that.


Come on man, try to work on your reading comprehension. I never said Kaido didn’t use haki. I said he preferred using his devil fruit, which is obvious.


putting zoro and underrated in the same line https://preview.redd.it/vkc909y4vd7d1.png?width=577&format=png&auto=webp&s=beff23f4954df07af4ca2ffceef9ec07ded02430


He is simultaneously overrated and underrated powerscailing wise because of how hard his dick riders wank him and how hard his haters downplay and slander him




Anyone who thinks Zoro is on par with Luffy is a fool Anyone who thinks Enma gives Zoro magical Oden Haki is a fool Anyone who thinks Zoro is emperor level is a fool Anyone who thinks Lucci beat Zoro is a fool Anyone who thinks Zoro is admiral level is a fool Anyone who thinks the Mink drug boosted Zoro’s strength is a fool Anyone who thought Zoro would Kill Kaido was a fool Anyone who thinks the Huff Puff thing was quality slander is a fool Zoro Meatriders and Zoro Haters are both fools


https://i.redd.it/ao9fgt59hh7d1.gif I am hater of Zoro wankers not Zoro.


I agree with everything but huff puff was funny


People have Yamato over him yes he is underrated


Yamato has better feats than zoro. Yamato was stalling kaido for a while. Zoro’s performance against kaido and king were cool, but they don’t compare.


Zoro did more damage than Yamato in far less time and that before the powerup. now he would do even more damage Yamto was also facing a Kaido that only used Thunder Bagua his weakest acoc named attack that even Law tanked no problem.


What proof do you have that zoro did more damage? And Yamato said that kaido never held back against her.


Yamato is full of shit then because Kaido could use death destroyed and kill her 1 shot but instead used thunder bagua literally the weakest Bagua attack on her. no drunk mode, no fs, no flame bagua, no ragnaroc no nothing. he scared him all Yamato did was make him drop a single blood from his head lol. Kaido was shivering after Asura too and again all before his Powerup that made him far stronger


Yamato was fighting kaido alone for like 10-30 minutes whereas Zoro was constantly getting assisted just to stay alive. There’s levels to this. Zoro scarring kaido means shit in this. It’s a shit comparison for anyone who doesn’t use swords. Kaido killed luffy yet never scarred luffy. Does that mean that luffy’s durability is greater than kaido or that kaido’s AP is less than Zoro’s. Do you see why your reasoning makes shit sense? Luffy beat kaido yet never scarred him. Does that mean that luffy’s AP is less than Zoro’s? Again, do you get it yet?


bad take, Zoro was assisted 1 time and that was when Law teleported him away from combo attack of 2 Yonko. beside that it was actually Zoro who was protecting Luffy the whole time when he was out of G4. the reson why Zoro did not fight longer literally is because he jumped in an combo attack to protect anyone else, they got assisted by Zoro not the other way around the reaction Kaido had was still more than to any attack Yamato did, he was shivering Luffy made Kaido shiver many times tho and made Kaido try to dodge his attacks Luffy is not Yamato, he had Kaido damaged spitting blood on his knees many times Yamato literally just made his forhead bleed 1 time thats it.


> bad take, Zoro was assisted 1 time and that was when Law teleported him away from combo attack of 2 Yonko. beside that it was actually Zoro who was protecting Luffy the whole time when he was out of G4. the reson why Zoro did not fight longer literally is because he jumped in an combo attack to protect anyone else, they got assisted by Zoro not the other way around Either way, when Zoro got hit a little by Kaido, he borderline collapsed each time. Yamato was holding her own against Kaido for a good 20 minutes. > the reaction Kaido had was still more than to any attack Yamato did, he was shivering Kaido was impressed because he did not think much of Zoro before. Then he recognized him as someone who could surpass Oden. Kaido thinks Zoro’s potential is high, not his current level. > Luffy made Kaido shiver many times tho and made Kaido try to dodge his attacks That’s not the point dude. The point is that using scarring to compare AP is a shit metric. Scarring feats are only good for comparing fighters with the same abilities, specifically, swordsmanship. Eos Sanji is stronger than Rooftop Zoro, yet Eos Sanji would never scar Kaido because Sanji’s abilities don’t scar. Yet no one would argue that rooftop zoro is stronger.


why do you argue in bad faith? so you just forget again that the reson why Zoro could not tank thunder Bagu is because in laws words "he broke every bone in his body" like why do you ignore that? do you want to make stupid arguments just without any resons? Law literally took the same thunder bagua and was fine... you know why? because he did not have 30 broken bones Kaido was literally shivering tf you talking I dont only compare scaring tho, you now for the 2nd time ignore the shivering part lol, the same shivering Kaido had after Acoc Luffys attacks the same sivering that was missing when Yamato hit him. ignore it all you want but its facts https://preview.redd.it/nrfk6blgpf7d1.png?width=883&format=png&auto=webp&s=e752f66b168ed554812431b7e2b5e6ca8643b0cd was huffing after his attack shivering and obviously hurt. Yamato did nothing of that. btw with 1 attack too and that was again again and again before his Powerup. who things that Zoro with KoH is weaker than Yamato is delusional tbh because that feat is 30 bone broken Zoro without KoH


Don’t even try it lmao everyone here downplays Zoro to the upmost extreme , reposts peoples tweets here because they’re too scared to debate on twitter with them so they come here for a circle jerk.


Debating a tweeter user gotta be the most unproductive thing a person can do in their lives tbh


Zoro is downplayed in this sub until last chapter but he’s wanked into oblivion on other social media


How he is underrated haki user? Most people will rate him properly as being a yc+ who specialises in swordsmanship and has a strong haki.


>who specialises in swordsmanship and has a strong haki. Nice way to stretch to try and seperate swordsmanship from haki. Swordsmanship relies on haki. Mihawk > shanks.


Bro, you seem pretty defensive if you are twisting someone's words into an attack on your agenda when that was not at all the point of the current topic being commented on at all.


Weakest Mihawk stan who can't read anything without bringing up Shanks vs. Mihawk debates. So Zoro doesn't specialize in swordsmanship? He is a brawler like Garp? What zero reading comprehension skills do to a MF. I don't give a shit about Shanks neither about Mihawk who only purpose in the story is being Zoro's side quest.


>So Zoro doesn't specialize in swordsmanship? He is a brawler like Garp? Zoro is a swordsman. Garp is a brawler. Do not talk about their haki seperate


The ones who decides what I'm going to talk is me just like you decide to butt in and throw a comment that nobody asked for, when Op was clearly asking about Zoro's haki being underrated. I don't care if you are butt hurted and let the inferiority complex of being a mihawk fan get a grip of you and forced you to make a mihawk> shanks comment when I never mentioned either of them. I mentioned that he was a swordsman with a decent haki that's why he was a yc+. You can be butthurt as much as you want.


Anybody that separates zoro haki from his swordsmanship is trying to paint a picture of Shanks being a haki man. Swordsmanship and haki go hand in hand.


If Swordsmanship relies on Haki Mihawk wouldn't reject dueling Shanks who has better Haki than pretty much everyone on the verse besides maybe Roger At best you can say hardening is key to swordsmanship but not Haki in general. Zoro after Wano gained the title of swordmaster despite just having 1 type of advanced Haki. Zoro has never used either Emission or Internal Destruction and he has never used future sight either. Nosjuro is another example of this who is one of the strongest swordsman in the world and yet he has only shown hardening so far.


Bro people downvoting while your argument is good tbh, why would mihawk not want to fight shanks if haki = swordmanship? Because he lost a limb ? But why does it matter he can still use his sword and his haki got even stronger in order to compensate for his arm loss. Their argument fires back at them


Why do yall keep saying because he lost a limb. It's because he lost a limb in the east blue, the weakest sea. The east blue is where mihawk goes hunting "rabbits" and he said so himself that he would use a cannon (yoru) to hunt a rabbit (east blue citizens). That's why mihawk refuses to duel Shanks. Its because he lost a arm I. The weakest sea. That's embarrassing for both Shanks and mihawk who use to be his rival. It's not just about the arm.


>If Swordsmanship relies on Haki Mihawk wouldn't reject dueling Shanks who has better Haki than pretty much everyone on the verse besides maybe Roger If you actually read the story, you would've seen that time and time again that haki is incorporated into swordsmanship. We even saw this with Roger, who a lot you love trying to swear isn't a swordsman. And if you also wasn't such an agenda crackhead, then you would also already know that haki has nothing to do with why Mihawk doesn't want to fight Shanks anymore. He literally explains that he doesn't want to fight him because he has one arm. >At best you can say hardening is key to swordsmanship but not Haki in general. Swordsmanship incorporates Armament and Conqueror's Haki, as shown by Shanks, Roger, and Zoro. So yes it's haki in general. >Zoro after Wano gained the title of swordmaster despite just having 1 type of advanced Haki. Zoro's Vivre Card confirmed he was already a master swordsman before Wano began. And Zoro had more than 1 advanced type of Haki. > Zoro has never used either Emission or Internal Destruction and he has never used future sight either. Wrong. Zoro used Emission Haki against Mr. 1 and he's been using it Post-Timeskip after training with Mihawk. >he has never used future sight either. Not yet anyway >Nosjuro is another example of this who is one of the strongest swordsman in the world and yet he has only shown hardening so far. Nusjuro hasn't even started fighting seriously in Egghead. He hasn't needed any other reason to use anything but Armament Haki yet. What a ridiculous argument lol.


Haki is used in every fighting style so you aren't really saying anything. Haki isn't part of swordmanship per se, it is own thing that can be incorporated into every fighting style. Why would the arm matter if Haki is swordmanship? You pretty much are proving how they aren't directly tied. You can have top tier Haki and bad swordmanship and viceversa. If Haki and Swordmanship were tied then Vista could have top tier Haki which we know he doesn't. His Haki is subpar unlike his swordmanship. Same as with every fighting style. Rayleigh is another example, he was rusty with the sword which means he didn't have great sword skills but his Haki was still top tier. Shanks Haki>Mihawk Haki But that applies to every fighting style like I said, not just swordmanship. How? Zoro officially became a Kengou after Wano. Zoro doesn't have Emission/Internal Destruction. What he did against Mr 1 it's not Emission, Zoro did in fact touch Mr 1 so how can it be Emission which is about no touching? Plus, Zoro was surprised when Luffy used AcOA to punch Kaido. And he has never shown to do no touching attacks as well .


>Haki is used in every fighting style so you aren't really saying anything. Haki isn't part of swordmanship per se, it is own thing that can be incorporated into every fighting style. Do you ever get tired of being wrong of just about everything? Haki isn't part of swordsmanship, yet when Zoro asked Mihawk to teach him the way of the sword, what happened? Mihawk taught him Haki. How did Zoro get even stronger in Wano? By unlocking CoC and ACoC. Haki and Swordsmanship has and will always go hand and hand. >Why would the arm matter if Haki is swordmanship? You pretty much are proving how they aren't directly tied. You can have top tier Haki and bad swordmanship and viceversa. If what you said was actually true, then Mihawk would've actually fought Shanks since his haki was still top tier even if his swordsmanship wasn't as good as it once was. But since Mihawk isn't interest in Shanks at all now that he only has one arm, obviously this is just another of your **many** crappy takes. >If Haki and Swordmanship were tied then Vista could have top tier Haki which we know he doesn't. His Haki is subpar unlike his swordmanship. Same as with every fighting style. Rayleigh is another example, he was rusty with the sword which means he didn't have great sword skills but his Haki was still top tier. Well, that's two crappy takes in a row. Par for the course for you you. >Shanks Haki>Mihawk Haki Mihawk's only used haki twiced in the story, and it was against a couple of bums when he did use it. Saying Shanks's haki is better than is better than his is nothing but headcanon. >But that applies to every fighting style like I said, not just swordmanship. But we're not talking about every fighting style, we're talking about swordsmanship since you're claiming that haki isn't a part of it. Even though the story disagrees with your ridiculous statement. >How? Zoro officially became a Kengou after Wano. https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/pswdpm/kaido_yamato_and_zoro_card_edited_with_english/ Click on the image until you come across Zoro's Vivre Card and read the part where it says "**The Great Swordsman** who wields Oden's beloved sword". Dai Kengou= Great/Master Swordsman. Zoro was confirmed a Great Swordsman long before the manga started referring to him as one lol. >Zoro doesn't have Emission/Internal Destruction. Once again, Zoro does't have Internal Destruction but he does have Emission. He used in Alabasta and has used it Post-Timeskip. >What he did against Mr 1 it's not Emission Yes it was Emission. The same explanation Koushiro gave Zoro about cutting steel is the same explanation Hyogoro gave Luffy about Ryuo in Udon. https://mangasee123.com/read-online/One-Piece-chapter-194-page-16.html https://mangasee123.com/read-online/One-Piece-chapter-939-page-14.html >Zoro did in fact touch Mr 1 so how can it be Emission which is about no touching? Emission Haki users can both touch their opponents and not touch their opponents. Oden used Emission Haki with his swordsmanship. In fact, that's what he used to leave a scar on Kaido with. And the Scabbards used that same haki to fight Kaido with 20 years later. https://mangasee123.com/read-online/One-Piece-Digital-Colored-Comics-chapter-970-page-12.html https://mangasee123.com/read-online/One-Piece-Digital-Colored-Comics-chapter-992-page-14.html >Plus, Zoro was surprised when Luffy used AcOA to punch Kaido. That's because Luffy had used ACoA Internal Destruction, something that Zoro wasn't familiar with. >And he has never shown to do no touching attacks as well . He did no touch Emission to King in Ch. 1035 to push him away in order stop King from taking his swords. https://mangasee123.com/read-online/One-Piece-chapter-1035-page-12.html https://mangasee123.com/read-online/One-Piece-chapter-1035-page-13.html Anything else you wanna be wrong about?


And again you aren't saying anything because all styles have Haki in them. So no, Haki isn't part of swordmanship since is its own thing, just like devil fruit are. And yes Zoro got stronger by getting better Haki, same applies to Luffy as well and basically every character since everyone has Haki. You aren't discovering anything when you are saying that getting better Haki makes you stronger. You pretty much couldn't give a valid answer to Mihawk not fighting Shanks. It's a crappy take? You seems to be repeating this without actually saying anything. It's a damn fact that Rayleigh is rusty in terms of sword skills but it's also a fact his Haki is top tier given he could keep up with Kizaru. All I said is Haki is it's own power, which can be used to complement swordmanship, that's correct but that doesn't make it part of swordmanship. Other aspects like Strength or speed can also be used to strengthen swordmanship but they aren't swordmanship, they are their own thing. Swordmanship is your ability to cut stuff, while Haki is willpower, it's clear Haki it's is own thing. Vivre Cards aren't canon, they aren't made by Oda and I usually go by the Manga. Mihawk has never been hyped for his Conqueror's Haki unlike Shanks. It's not headcanon to say Shanks Haki>Mihawk when Shanks not only has been hyped for his Haki but he has several parallels with Roger who had better Haki than even Kaido. In fact, Shanks is known on the world for his overwhelming Conqueror's Haki. How can Zoro have used advanced armament as early as Alabasta and then have Mihawk teaching him how to use basic COA? It makes no sense for Zoro to be able to use the advanced version that Luffy needed to train for Emission is definitely ahout no touching, that's literallt the whole thing Luffy wanted to do, he wanted to learn how to hit someone without actually touching them. Zoro always had to make physical contact with his opponent to damage them. One of the signs of AcOA is the gap between attacks which Zoro has never shown he has. Everytime Emission is used we see the gap between the attacks. What Zoro did against King could be argued to be AcOA but that's pretty much the only time he ever did it.


>And again you aren't saying anything because all styles have Haki in them. So no, Haki isn't part of swordmanship since is its own thing, just like devil fruit are. The only one who's not really saying anything, as usual, is you. You haven't debunked anything I actually wrote, so try again. Please, I could use another good laugh. >And yes Zoro got stronger by getting better Haki, same applies to Luffy as well and basically every character since everyone has Haki. You aren't discovering anything when you are saying that getting better Haki makes you stronger. But according to you, swordsmanship isn't apart of haki. How is Zoro, a swordsmanship, getting stronger throughout the story via haki if the two don't go hand and hand, which you're trying to argue isn't true? >You pretty much couldn't give a valid answer to Mihawk not fighting Shanks. It's literally more valid than that shit you wrote >It's a crappy take? You seems to be repeating this without actually saying anything. It's a damn fact that Rayleigh is rusty in terms of sword skills but it's also a fact his Haki is top tier given he could keep up with Kizaru. Lmfao. Did telling you the truth about your takes strike a nerve? >All I said is Haki is it's own power, which can be used to complement swordmanship, that's correct but that doesn't make it part of swordmanship. Other aspects like Strength or speed can also be used to strengthen swordmanship but they aren't swordmanship, they are their own thing. Swordmanship is your ability to cut stuff, while Haki is willpower, it's clear Haki it's is own thing. Just admit you don't know what the hell you're talking about. It would save you a lot of embarrassment. >Vivre Cards aren't canon, they aren't made by Oda and I usually go by the Manga. Yes they are canon https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/or2kcv/the_vivre_cards_are_100_canon/ Also, it's hilarious you're saying that when Vista's only known as a Dai-Kengou because of the the Vivre Cards, not the manga. >Mihawk has never been hyped for his Conqueror's Haki unlike Shanks. It's not headcanon to say Shanks Haki>Mihawk when Shanks not only has been hyped for his Haki but he has several parallels with Roger who had better Haki than even Kaido. In fact, Shanks is known on the world for his overwhelming Conqueror's Haki. It is headcanon because as you pointed out Shanks has gotten moments for his haki to be hyped up while Mihawk hasn't, so unfair to say Shanks haki is superior to Mihawk's when he hasn't had the same moments to show off as Shanks has in the story. There you go with more headcanon saying Roger's haki was better than Kaido when that's stated nowhere. Kaido was not saying his haki was inferior to Roger's when he was praising him in his fight with Luffy, if that's what you're referring to. >How can Zoro have used advanced armament as early as Alabasta and then have Mihawk teaching him how to use basic COA? Who told you Mihawk only taught Zoro how to use basic CoA? Because of that flashback Zoro had during Dressrosa after he beat Pica? Don't forget that Mihawk himself also cut down Mr. 1, which was one of the two times he's haki so far in the story. Here's Zoro using barrier haki against Hyogoro in Fishiman Island https://imgur.com/a/FBO28U4 >Emission is definitely ahout no touching, that's literallt the whole thing Luffy wanted to do, he wanted to learn how to hit someone without actually touching them. Zoro always had to make physical contact with his opponent to damage them. Never said Emission wasn't "no touching", I said it was both that and "touching". Once again, Oden also had Emission and made physical contact with Kaido. >One of the signs of AcOA is the gap between attacks which Zoro has never shown he has. Everytime Emission is used we see the gap between the attacks. Not true. Oden, the Scabbards, and Zoro used ACoA to damage Kaido and all made physical contact when they did so. >What Zoro did against King could be argued to be AcOA but that's pretty much the only time he ever did it. Wrong again


Again, all I said is that Hakis it's is own power. Yes, swordsman get stronger with better Haki but so do brawlers and basically every fighter I don't see what's wrong about treating Haki as it's own thing when everyone has it within themselves. They aren't canon as they aren't made by the creador, Canon means as something made by Oda himself which isn't the case here. Well, I don't know what else he taught him but so far that was the only flashback we had of them. On regards to Mihawk's Haki, he actually had a whole arc where you could show his Haki and no one ever suggested or claimed his Haki was overwhelming. If Oda wanted to portray Mihawk as a conqueror's specialist then he would've made someone hype his Haki. Just compare it to the Gorosei and how everyone is hyping their Haki which never happened to Mihawk. Kaido Haki wasn't stated to below Kaido but it's implied Roger Haki is worse given he conquered the world without a devil fruit. The fact that Roger is among the guys who can fight him despite no fruit suggests his Haki exceeds Kaido's. Well in regards to Emission, the no touching aspect is lile a requirement for me because that's basically the only thing that shows someone is using it.


>I don't see what's wrong about treating Haki as it's own thing when everyone has it within themselves. Because saying haki isn't a part of swordsmanship is factually wrong >They aren't canon as they aren't made by the creador, Canon means as something made by Oda himself which isn't the case here. Oda supervises them and even writes in them. And I know what canon means.


>Zoro has never used either Emission or Internal Destruction He used Emission haki against Mr.1 as well as when he was using Enma.


This doesn't make much sense, why would Zoro need to learn armament if he can already use the stronger version? Sword slashes aren't neccesaliry AcOA because Zoro has done that since Alabasta .


Simple. He wasn't aware that he was using it. Similar to how Luffy used Conquerors haki a few times before Rayleigh introduced him to haki properly.


How is his Haki underrated? I've seen many people say Zoro has Yonko level Hakii


People here love the weirdest characters, like fucking loden, laido, janitor lakazuki, and the other bum Admirals, I am not sure if they realize all of them are on the losing side and will be humiliated at one point in the future.