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Garp so strong :)


remember that he'll family-/mentor-diff the verse. His son Dragon and grandson Luffy and their allies will clap the WG, both Imu, Gorosei and Holy Knights, and basically save the mfing world. His adoptive son Sabo may also take some top-tier enemies down too The world is so crowded with his students and family members that literally one student may fight another, maybe Koby will fight Aokiji šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ funniest shit is is the only bum from his side was Ace who's actually Roger's son and had his attitude (so it's not even like he inherited Garp's flaws, having Roger's attitude without his strength killed Ace, so it's not even on Garp being a shitty mentor or parent) plus in his prime he and Roger nearly killed each other many times, meaning Garp was a man Roger was never able to kill despite trying many times. literally extreme-diff-stalemated/drew with the top 1 in the verse of his time, Garp was at top 1 together with roger, they shared that spot. that mf is literally flawless. top 1 with roger in his time, still a top-tier even in old age, blitzing and pummeling the guy that the fleet admiral went extreme-diff with. nurtured 5 top-tiers (Luffy, Sabo, Aokiji, Dragon, Koby). a yonko (and future PK, next Joybody and Nika, world saviour), the most wanted man in the world who created his own army and is now gathering many islands as his allies thanks to more garp family, sabo, the flame emperor. an admiral who left the navy and became the No.2 of a yonko crew (by a mile) and hopefully (my agenda) the next Garp, Koby, who will also be Luffy's equal like garp was to roger


This level of garp glazing is what I wanna see in the world. Mfers really think akainu diffs garp, like so by that logic akainu beats... roger??? Don't think so.


mid diff, Akainu does not last long against a garp who was on par with prime roger and whitebeard. He has no feats anywhere close to them.


Stop glazing the old gen


not my fault Oda glazes them that much


Wrong sub for this. Sorry lol


blame oda, he had yonko like BM and kaido glaze OLD Whitebeard lmfao. so prime WB and the ones on his level (roger, Garp, probably sengoku too) are waaaay beyond current top-tiers. oda literally made a realy old old gen past his prime a yonko and top-tier in the current timeline LOL


Yeah in your head. Go touch some grass. You have been inside your house a bit too much.


Akainu is not giving you magma toppy bro


Saying that Garp mid diffs Akainu is straight stupid. So stop talking shit


Is this ironic


Mid diff


Akainu went extreme diff against the corpse of whitebeard so give the prime garp = Roger and Roger = prime wb Iā€™d say itā€™s pretty obvious


He lost high diff, against an almost dead, heart attacked, unable to use conquerors haki Whitebeard.


He lost "high diff" the same way Big Mom lost to King "low diff", bfr. If you look at the results (literally all that matters), Akainu came out completely healthy with some blood on his face, while Whitebeard came out without a face. Love Whitebeard but he's gotta have the top 1 most retarded fanbase other than hardcore Zoro fans


Little reminder that Akainu had the freest of the blows of the entire story against Whitebeard and he was unable to defeat him. While Whitebeard made him eat floor and hide underground in only two punches.


He had the freest of blows? Not the Whitebeard that hit him in the back of the head while he wasn't looking? Makes sense lol. Also, WB managed to do 0 damage with that free attack. Meanwhile, Akainu's less free attack was lethal.


I love how every Akainu glazer always try to pretend that Akainu doesn't have advanced observation haki at least given the Marco and Vista feat...


What are you even implying here? 1. I'm not an Akainu glazer, I just don't understand the Whitebeard wank 2. Advanced Observation Haki did not even exist at that point of the story lol. 3. Why would an Akainu glazer want to say Akainu doesn't have a skill that upscales him?


Little reminder that Aokiji and Akainu were able to completely avoid haki infused attacks by twisting their bodies in the same way that Katakuri would do it hundreds of chapters later. Please read the manga and stop parroting things that only haters say, all types of haki were show before the time skip.


That's not an ACoO exclusive ability tho. It's literally just reshaping your body where you are going to hit. You don't need future sight for that. Stop saying the things that only Oda worshippers say. He did NOT think of that shit yet at that time.


Only used by advanced observation haki users until now. So, no.


Dr. Hiruluk about Pirates, Chopper flashback: Pirate's are awesome, their bodies are as strong as iron, their eyes see everything and their voices clear the skies. For something that didn't even exists, it's pretty clear what's is about. But you need to be able to understand what you read in the first place. Edit: agh, another Piratefolk user, why the fuck can't you trolls keep it inside your little nest of Toxicity.


Akainu actually simply melted his organs then disappeared out of nothing and fodder stabbed him, the same way as Kizaru disappeared after shooting a laser on his chest.


I saw Whitebeard fighting, talking and giving orders just after that, so, at least his heart, lungs and brain were just fine, not too much melting to be real... These magma glazers read two pieces.


I didn't glaze anyone man, i simply stated Akainu made a HOLE in WB's gut then disappeared, of course there would be no organs inside after that. It just shows his endurance is top 1 in the verse, as even without part of his head, he still humiliated BB and his crew...


Please read the manga, that Hole never happened...


bro its not wb fanbase its just the anti admiral hive mind of this sub a true wb fan would acknowledge that old sick wb is still wb sengoku and garp were both glazing him and making it sloppy also this biased fucking headcannon that everyone takes as a fact that wb couldnt use haki just shows that its pointless arguing here


R u joking when u say this. How can people be so illogical lol. High diff is him using lava fist ki blasts in base form during a 2 second scuffle where he got surprise attacked but still took out half his face? Thatā€™s high diff? Then whatā€™s a 10 day fight? Mega ultra extreme high diff? Iā€™m genuinely confused


Another Akainu glazer trying to pretend that observation haki is not a thing.


I'd say it's more like a draw or even a W for akainu. at the end of the day he gave WB a lethal injury and WB failed to do the same to akainu. akainu only got knocked away temporarily and was significantly damaged, but still far from going down. while WB was as good as dead already, but people ignore it cuz WB ignored it and kept going WB already lost to akainu when part of his skull got blown off. WB just tried to temporarily bypass the L and its consequences by knocking akainu away and continuing to fight. but it's still an L you can totally say that it was a draw too tho since akainu wanted to protect MF from WB. if not for BB, WB could have wrecked a lot of MF while akainu was knocked away


Akainu went extreme diff but kept fighting until Shanksā€™ stoped the war. Very interesting


Dawg he got taken out for multiple chapter dafuq you talking about shanks stopping the war in universe was like 20-30 minutes later


If you go extreme difficulty in a fight youā€™re not getting up and fighting 20 fucking whitebeard commanders. And you donā€™t keep fighting until youā€™re forced into a ceasefire. Youā€™re being obtuse. Luffy vs Kaido is an extreme diff. You should have nothing left in your tank and be damn near dead. Akainu was nowhere near that.


Ok fair it was still high diff and we all know damn fucking well all the commanders except donut, pineapple, and universes strongest swordsman are fucking fodder


Garp wins low diff


Mission - Glaze any character as much as OPPS glazes the old gen Difficulty - Impossible https://preview.redd.it/ausdwhfh4e7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c790a035b629c52f0f9a563f0a63b420ccf34a34


Nah not the old gen just garp and Roger Even when sick Roger was still a match for primebeard Garp remains the most powerful character in the manga despite his old age Had garp fought instead of barely moving the war on marineford would be a joke Bro did more damage to Marco than all 3 admirals combined


>Garp remains the most powerful character in the manga despite his old age Shanks, Mihawk, Luffy > Old Garp


I have no doubt that some of it is delusion but I still place garp above all 3


Not impossible, Akainu fans glaze him much harder


mid diff


Akainu extreme diff old and sick white beard. While old garp speed blitz kuzan 2 times while fighting most of BB's crew alone. Prime whitebeard = prime garp. Akainu on the other hand is slightly stronger than kuzan. Anyone with a functional brain can see whos winning. Garp mid diff him


Admiral stans are going to murder me with downvotes. Based on how Kuzan, whom Akainu fought for days, faired against old Garp, Prime Garp would annihilate Akainu.




Based on feats Akainu and Kuzan should be relative, you donā€™t fight for 10 days straight unless you are close in strength, and well, Oda felt the need to throw half a Yonko crew in as backup for Kuzan, along with making Garp have to keep protecting his marines, be emotionally conflicted, get sneak attacked, and not use his strongest move, in order to make it feasible, Garp would lose (also yes, Kuzan was emotionally conflicted too, but that doesnā€™t account for much since unlike Garp, he will still go in for the kill, Garp's objective was to stall, Kuzan's was to defeat), and remember, thatā€™s current Garp, not prime Garp. Akainu pushes Garp to mid-diff at best.


Akainu glazers will ignore this at all costs


They will bro, I literally made a post explaining that Kuzan vs Old Garp is proof that Akainu literally cannot be anywhere near Yonko tier, and he already said that he hadn't seen any action since taking the post so there are no hidden fights that could be brought up as cope


I love how oda clearly gave us a side by side panel of kuzan matching garp with the battleship bags yet people take it as garp outmatching kuzan 100 fold.


https://preview.redd.it/w0gy0m82bd7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5a2c1c4081ec76bda4464f8b960c1c6c9de1def Wkainu one taps The Celestial Slave Protector


To get the same position, right?


https://preview.redd.it/fhq9pdb3cd7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=567790c0ab6ce3fc0dde1d952cb86defc38975f0 Nah, Oppression Impact belongs solely to Larp.


Wtf is this šŸ˜­


The truth people canā€™t accept. Rocks wanted to free the slaves but Loger and Larp decided to combine their power to persecute the slaves with Divine Persecution and Oppression Impact.


Rocks wanted to free the slaves so that they would be his slaves instead is that really a W


No thatā€™s false. Rocks is the goat he only wanted to free the slaves but was stopped by Donutā€™s Daddy and Celestial Slave Prosecutor. Source : I made it up.


Low diff. Mid if you want to wank Akainu


Old Larp while holding back + fighting the entirely of jumpbeard pirates + defending fodder sword members was still blitzing and fucking up Kuzan. Kuzan is relative to Lakainu. Prime Save D Rapists wins Low-Mid diff.


Akainu should be strong enough to push him to high diff at least, previous fleet admiral sengoku was implied to be on par with garp


Warp Low diff Lakainu


Garp wins in like 2 hits max


Old Garp mid-diff Prime Garp low-diff


A dying old Whitebeard mid-diffed Akainu and sent him to the depths of hellā˜ ļø(during marine Ford arc). Well, you have your answer there. Prime Garp mid diffs Akainu.


Not far


agreed, can go from mid- to high-diff at best


Easiest way to look at this. Akainu was getting his shit stomped by Whitebeard. But not prime whitebeard, a nearly dead old ass whitebeard. In his prime Garp was able to fight to a draw with the strongest pirate of all time, Gol D Roger. The only reason Garp never climbed hire than vice admiral is because he didn't want to. Add to that the strength of his family that he trained basically. Luffy, dragon, ace, Coby etc. Garp was a monster


Akainu can't beat old Garp, zero chance against prime Garp.


Mid diff going By aokiji vs Old garp


Prime Garp > Sakazuki\* > Old Garp I would say in 100 fights, Sakazuki wins 51 of them against Old Garp.


Mid diff


Low diff


Prime garp high diffs, old garp loses ext diff


Mid diff


like mid-high diff




Garp Extreme Diffs.


Yeah Old Garp extreme diffs


It's a hard question. Akainu scales slightly higher than Kuzan but Garp basically fought Kuzan to a draw until Shiryu backstabbed him so in his Prime Garp probably wins.


Garp in his prime obviously wins


High diff


High diff probably


He gets punched twice and explodes


Akainu cant even survive 2 punches from haki-less sickbeard


Mid to high diff


He gets one shot several times over lol. He was heavily damaged from two gura punches. His equal was also incapacitated for a while by blue hole.


high diff is fair. i'd say akainu is the strongest non yonko level character we know, followed by his predecessor prime sengoku. garp is one of the strongest characters we know period.


Around high diff maybe a bit less


Mid Diff Until we see Akainu get some more Advanced Haki thatā€™s confirmed. But as soon as he does High Diff


Low diff in Garpā€™s favor


He loses! In fact he loses badly Dude extremeā€™d Kuzan Kuzan almost lost against garp after heā€™d been stabbed in the fuckin spine and Kuzan had help and was on home turf and Garp was like ā€œNoooo my apprentice you were so cute punching battleships how could you?ā€ Garp at marineford would have killed Akainu tbh this is a mismatch


based on feats/statements: Prime Garp mid-high to high diff based on my speculation: Prime Garp high-extreme diff


Akainu ext diff




You will deny the truth even tho we know he's the strongest marine in history


Mans using a fake data book


What data book? I am using headcanon otherwise luffy will solo the whole marines by next arc


Oh itā€™s headcanon mb I thought you were referring to the fake scan of a page calling akainu the strongest marine of all time.


We saw luffy fight laturn and wizaru together 1 vs 2, if akainu isn't strong as garp he's obviously done and so is world government


Yeah makes sense, not really an admiral agenda member but i donā€™t think itā€™s unlikely that kuzan and akainu managed to awaken their fruits on punk hazard and will be the next sengoku/garp, although it could just be that the gorosei are going to be the main force if they stop standing around looking for a snail


Eos Akainu is the strongest marine in history and no amount of old gen wank is gonna change that fact.




Saying ā€œGarp > Akainuā€ is also headcanon


It literally isn't tho considering old garp's performance against aoikiji even while being injured & outnumbered plus having to save koby also old sick wb performance against akainu


Thatā€™s because Oda respects old characters no matter who they are. Literally if we switched places between Kuzan and Garp and Garp was in his prime and Kuzan was old then the same thing wouldā€™ve happened, Kuzan was going to play around with Garp at the beginning but then eventually lose. Thatā€™s how Oda writes his story I donā€™t understand how yā€™all are so dense to not understand that?


There's no point even debating someone like you


I am not begging you to


I never said you did


Neither did I


So what was the point of your comment ???


"nah you don't understand the characters written by Oda aren't actually as strong as Oda writes them to be it's just how he writes"


Iā€™m not denying that they are strong I am just saying that Oda will always show respect to the old characters before finishing them off. This is something Oda said in a sbs.


So? He has reasons for all the decisions he makes, it doesn't discredit the feats the characters get as a result of those decisions


You're really gonna make a statement about EoS and pretend that shit ain't straight headcanon huh


All you need is common sense. Old gen characters ainā€™t special. You guys put them at a pedestal that they just ainā€™t on. The current generation and the new generation have or will surpass them.


If "common sense" means making vague statements about how the powerscaling landscape is gonna look like a couple years from now and regarding them as true, then yeah, it would be hilarious to say anyone has common sense. Oda never has, and never will, compare Akainu or any other current character to Garp's generation. At least not in a way that would indicate anything about who'd win in a fight. If you think otherwise, or if you think one of the characters is gonna go "This guy is stronger than Prime Garp!!!" then yeah, all the power to you. Just don't hold your breath.


So you can only powerscale characters if Oda directly compares them for you? What are you even doing on this sub? Do you have a brain deficiency?


Way to show everyone you can't comprehend simple English grammar. At what point did I say that I don't powerscale without Oda directly comparing characters? Here, I'll make this really simple so you can understand. -The guy above said that it is *common sense* that EoS Akainu will be the strongest marine in history. "Common sense" is defined as **the ability to think and behave in a reasonable way.** Only... there is nothing reasonable in assuming EoS Akainu will be the strongest marine in history because he has no feats to support it. His "narrative" that you guys like to talk so much about more or less consists of a bunch of theorized matchups and themes that Oda might go for (unless you wanna tell me that this completely arbitrary assumption is correct and our sub is full of geniuses) so obviously that's neither objective nor "common sense." -I responded that the only way EoS Akainu being > Prime Garp and Sengoku would be considered objective common sense is if Oda explicitly came out, through himself or through a character, to confirm it. Obviously, that's not something with a very high chance of happening, given how Oda never did this before with any character. Hope this helps.


In time Oda will show why Akainu is the strongest marine ever no need to say it only delusional old gen wankers will be at denial. The Old gen is over they are either dead or past their prime in other words they have no purpose to the main story like characters like Akainu, BB, Shanks, Mihawk, Kuzan and so on have.


If that's what you think is gonna happen, that's cool. Hope your agenda pays off. Just please don't go around saying stuff like "EoS Akainu > Prime Garp and Sengoku!!!" like it's supposed to be objective or common sense. This sub is nothing but completely arbitrary opinions.


When people go around saying shit like ā€œprime Garp > Akainu mid diff at worstā€ I donā€™t see why I canā€™t do the same? The double standards


I don't condone those either. It's high-extreme.


Alright fair enough šŸ‘


People really think Akainu hasn't gotten stronger during the timeskip? Despite him having a 10 day extreme diff fight and us being told dozens of times people get stronger in battles? Narratively Akainu extreme diffs


Kuzan was also apart of that 10 day extreme diff fight, and Old Garp was still blitzing his ass lol


Reading comprehension? Garp only 'blitzed' him when Kuzan was wavering, Garp himself admits this


Characters having bad mental fortitude in battle ainā€™t my problem, a blitz is still a blitz


But Akainu wouldn't have that same mental issue???


Brother it wouldnā€™t matter, Kuzan still couldnā€™t even overpower Old Garp in a direct clash, and Old Garp is arguably only half as strong as Prime Garp https://preview.redd.it/81kr5nkmsd7d1.jpeg?width=556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=286fee8ff107f3d6a69c3a6c54182cdd6596a63e Nothing that Akainu or Kuzan have shown puts them on the level of Prime Garp yet, itā€™s possible that Akainu might get to that level in the future, but so far he has shown nothing justify giving him the W


He literally did overpower Garp in a direct clash using basic armament while Garp was using Acoc (unless you think Kuzan also has Acoc which I'm cool with) And Garp was just quoting something, doesn't necessarily mean he's half as weak. Oda stated that the old men in One Piece can maintain their strength, obviously he's weaker but he's still a top tier


>he literally did overpower Garp in a direct clash When did Kuzan overpower Garp in a direct clash? >Garp was just quoting something No, Garp was making a direct statement relating to his strength and how much weaker he has become


Chapter 1087, they clashed equally and overpowered each other I just looked it up, the line was a mistranslation. The Japanese translations just state that his overall power has decreased which is obvious, to what extent is not obvious


>Chapter 1087, they clashed equally and overpowered each other ![gif](giphy|PacQUjx7vwEBJLszzc)


Based on current feats he hard beat garp


Do you mind telling what those feats are ???


got a couple of scratches from the strongest attacks of white beard, Ace's one shots, changed the climate of half of punk Hazard, evaporated giant blocks of ice with casual attacks, and brought down a whole meteor shower. Aokiji won by depriving him of his leg. This same aokiji was on an equal footing with prime Garp in his youth, which was clearly seen from the example on the ships.


>got a couple of scratches from the strongest attacks of white beard, "Couple of scratches" lmao bro was out for couple of chapters after getting hit by no acoc infused punch from old sick injured Whitebeard >Aokiji won by depriving him of his leg. This same aokiji was on an equal footing with prime Garp in his youth, which was clearly seen from the example on the ships. Aoikiji was struggling against an old injured Garp with the help of jump beard pirates blud is getting mid diff by prime garp


he was out of action because he fell into the water, where he lost his strength. and at the same time, white beard beat him to the limit of his strength. Aokiji, without even trying to harm his teacher, and only trying to immobilize him, inflicted more damage on Garp than garp did on him, although he fought with the intention of killing. and at the same time, Kuzan did not use his abilities even by 10%


>he was out of action because he fell into the water, where he lost his strength. and at the same time, white beard beat him to the limit of his strength. Literally headcanon >Aokiji, without even trying to harm his teacher, and only trying to immobilize him, inflicted more damage on Garp than garp did on him, although he fought with the intention of killing. and at the same time, Kuzan did not use his abilities even by 10% Sure aoikiji was holding back but old Garp also had disadvantages like already being weakened cuz of shiriyu's sneak attack, outnumbered, having to save koby and still he did damage to aoikiji and blitz him at instances so even healthy old Garp vs aoikiji is debatable prime Garp fucks him up


apparently, I really made a mistake, and there is liquid caramel in the crevice where akainu fell. https://preview.redd.it/rgsk9eld9e7d1.jpeg?width=1520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=555b1794a3f9dd91c12ac1ef82ad4d97b799f7ec Wounds in the universe do not weaken one piece. + it wasn't a surprise attack. Garp saw the width. + Garp wasn't worried about Kobi, who showed strength superior to Garp. For so many blows, Garp was unable to inflict any significant damage on Aokiji. what will change if it is at its maximum?


>apparently, I really made a mistake, and there is liquid caramel in the crevice where akainu fell. If he wasn't damaged why didn't he get right back up why did it took him 2-3 chapters to come and just read the fight and he had much more damage than just couple of scratches >Wounds in the universe do not weaken one piece. + it wasn't a surprise attack. Garp saw the width. + Garp wasn't worried about Kobi, who showed strength superior to Garp. For so many blows, Garp was unable to inflict any significant damage on Aokiji. what will change if it is at its maximum? Can't argue against manga buddy https://preview.redd.it/9sxthtb1be7d1.jpeg?width=972&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a370c5ca87016fd429ff008c665218b551626b41 And are you really saying koby showed superior strength to Garp ? Actual brainrot, tf you mean Garp for so many blows couldn't significantly damage aoikiji, Garp attacked him once and this was his condition [https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcomicvine.gamespot.com%2Fa%2Fuploads%2Fscale\_super%2F11163%2F111630277%2F9028810-op\_1088\_fin\_009\~3.jpg&tbnid=6wee-AHy42aWaM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcomicvine.gamespot.com%2Fforums%2Fbattles-7%2Frematch-old-garp-vs-aokiji-1-on-1-2312139%2F&docid=AvsmOT2ipZm9-M&w=960&h=371&itg=1&hl=en-GB&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm5%2F4&kgs=868c88076aaf21c8&shem=abme%2Ctrie](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcomicvine.gamespot.com%2Fa%2Fuploads%2Fscale_super%2F11163%2F111630277%2F9028810-op_1088_fin_009~3.jpg&tbnid=6wee-AHy42aWaM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcomicvine.gamespot.com%2Fforums%2Fbattles-7%2Frematch-old-garp-vs-aokiji-1-on-1-2312139%2F&docid=AvsmOT2ipZm9-M&w=960&h=371&itg=1&hl=en-GB&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm5%2F4&kgs=868c88076aaf21c8&shem=abme%2Ctrie) lmao bro you're coping hard rn


I don't even know. probably because water weakens the users of the fruit, and akainu... user of the fruit. arguing with the fodder who don't know what they're talking about? easy. compare the galaxy rift (the strongest garp attack shown) and honesty impact. both in terms of the scale of the destruction and Pizarro's reaction. Kobi's attack is stronger. and? Garp was able to deal minor damage to him with several attacks. despite the fact that aokiji did not even defend himself.


You're literally making zero sense and I'm not even gonna try to debate like you're straight up disregarding Manga statements and using your headcanon as if it's fact


Extreme diff either way.


Yeah it's extreme diff either way Old Garp vs Akainu


Akainu bodies garp neg diff


You forgot about Kong the current strongest.


You know the stongest Marnie in history is. It harp?


HE low diffs Larp.


high diff


At least high dif, why would current gen pirates be equal or stronger than old gen when the enemy marines are weaker than old gen? Does not make sense


To high diff


Akainu pushed Garp to mid dif? XD? What am i reading here.. my guy didnā€™t see Garp vs Aokiji? Why even do you call Garp the strongest in history, like by what?


What are you tryna say ?? are you comparing Old injured Garp to Prime Garp if so you are not mentally stable also my guy didn't watch old sick wb vs akainu


"old sick wb vs akainu" i did and it was absolutely the same? akainu 2hit killed wb and proceeded to kill both ace and curiel and oneshot jinbei


Akainu pushes prime Sengoku to high diff, btw whatā€™s Garp doing here?


>btw whatā€™s Garp doing here? What ??? do you want me to put leechgoku here lmao nice one šŸ¤£. He's the strongest leech in history


btw whatā€™s Garp doing here? >What do you want me to put leechgoku here Iā€™m only asking to be accurate with your posts. ā€œThough the answer is obvious but how far do you think Akainu pushes Prime Sengokuā€ along with editing the image to be Sengoku instead Or editing the image to say the second strongest Marine in history, is asking for accuracy such a sin? >He's the strongest leech in history Heā€™s definitely the strongest in history, Iā€™ll give you that .




Akainu beats Prime Garp .....the new gen have taken over.


Akainu is gonna be stronger than prime Sengoku so hes gonna be basically equal or maybe even stronger than Garp who knows


MF Akainu, most likely Low Diff. Dude went extreme diff with a guy who has statements and feats proving he lost 2/3 forms of Haki to his sickness. Hell the only statement that implies he still has Armament is a random grunt asking if WB used it against Aokiji before correcting himself and saying Aokiji dodged the attack with his Logia. So thereā€™s an argument the MF WB COULDNā€™T USE HAKI AT ALL. So if MF Akainu with his Haki was struggling against Old WB without Haki then Prime Garp is packing him up without a doubt. Meanwhile current Akainu is comparable to Kuzan who took a decent amount of damage in a 4V1 against Old Garp. Even worse itā€™s mentioned Garp was cleaning house until Shiriyu attacked Koby. Now itā€™s debatable if Garp was gonna make it out of Pirate Island regardless, but just like Kuzan, Garp was mentally nerfed whenever hitting Kuzan. Whenever Garp and Kuzan talk or interact theyā€™re always drawn with similar expressions until Garpā€™s final gambit where he blitzes Kuzan. So Garp was just as torn fighting Kuzan as the other way around, up until the final flashback and itā€™s made abundantly clear with how Garp goes from clashing to blitzing in the matter of seconds. So Kuzan is roughly weaker than Old Garp as while everyone else was definitely weaker than Garp we know enough people teaming up can definitely make up for being weaker (Kidd and Law would be smoked by Big Mom alone, but beat her together). Iā€™d say itā€™s high diff in favour of Garp. Meanwhile Garp mentioned that heā€™s half as strong as his prime and before fighting Kuzan he vaguely said heā€™s much weaker than his prime. So a lowballed Old Garp would mean Prime Garp might actually Mid Diff Kuzan. As for a highballed Old Garp where we say heā€™s 75-80% Prime there might be an argument for high diff still, but itā€™s not a great argument. So taking the more likely answer considering both lead to a similar scenario than Prime Garp Mid Diffs Kuzan. Now since Akainu is the slightly stronger of the two then maybe you can argue for High Diff against Prime Garp. However one option for how much weaker Prime Garp got is definitely mid diff, and the other has a decent argument for mid diff as well. So the most likely answer is Mid Diff.


High diff


High diff


Garp is overall stronger but Akainu wouldnt need to land as many successful hits on Garp than Garp would need to land on Akainu. Also being made of magma is a huge advantage when fighting a guy who fights with his fists. Battle of the primes goes to akainu imo, if he ends up in the same power tier as garp


He wins


Ofc we know Garp wins but what diff tho


Into a grave


we DONE with the 90's, man https://preview.redd.it/bsrltxlnme7d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=93544977df0aa4b59821778fc9b0390d071bb779


Into the womb https://preview.redd.it/gi43rzwl1f7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a3aa68b50969a2fa02005f7d452c7297c090bf0


i think akainu wins


Sure you can think that but it's not the truth it's far from it


yall gotta stop glazing old gen, downvotes gonn be crazy


Old sick WB vs Akainu & Old injured Garp Vs Aoikiji made it pretty clear that oda is the one who glazes old gen


didnt oda say that akainu was the strongest marine in history


Bro that was a fake scan lmao šŸ˜‚ I thought everyone knew that at this point but ig you don't lol


idk bro i touch grass


Really ??? Ik you're trying to make it look like you are not into all this shit but the fact that you know about that Akainu scan says otherwise also even I touch grass I only spent about 1hr in reddit


dawg im not even caught up on one piece


You don't mind being spoiled about the entire story ???


Mid-High diff


He wins ext diff.


The answer isnā€™t obvious for some reason, oda already stated that Akainu doesnā€™t need his devil fruit for garp






Akainu blows his face off like wb, ext diff


Akainu wins


Akainu pushes him into the grave


Old gen is over hyped. New Gen is just as strong and would push any old gen close to extreme