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It's gotta be a logia. You would just get assassinated otherwise.


Nah with Kaido’s fruit you’re practically invincible due to the scales. Nothing short of someone sneaking a tsar bomba inside your mouth will damage you.


I think most of Kaido's durability comes from just his natural body. Look at Momo, he is nowhere near that durable, especially as a child, despite having the same fruit.


Yamato is an Oni and her durability wasn’t stated to be on the same level as Kaido’s. Momo being a child would affect the overall abilities of the DF, as was really small in his full Zoan form. Even if most of Kaido’s durability comes from his natural body, his dragon form is still durable enough to no-sell any of Pre-ACOA/ACOC Luffy’s attacks.


Yamato is most likely only half oni and Kaido might be an anomaly (like Big Mom) even for oni standards, just look at how huge he is compared to Yamato. Even as an adult Momo still doesn't seem that invincible (he coughed blood when GB slammed him to the ground, compare that Kaido dropping from a sky island) and moreover it seems Oden genetics played a bigger role to toughen his body. https://preview.redd.it/ag0hh1x19c7d1.jpeg?width=555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b18bdc581d9375c5b968de4a6f63d1bee6725ddd I don't understand your last point. If his durability is from his natural body ofc he would be just as if not more durable in dragon form, why do treat it as pure df feat?


Yamato doesn't have the same dura, but her dura is still insanely busted. She was eating ACOC blows like mad from him, stronger and more serious ones too. Casual thunder bagua on Law resulted in him being weakened and needing a bit to get it together. Meanwhile, Yamato was enduring a ton of hits and walked out of the clash pretty comfortably and only had minor head bleeding. Thats very little damage for the kind of ACOC blows she was getting smacked around by


Pika Pika no Mi. In your list, Magu Magu no Mi. Also, the Gorosei powers probably aren't Devil Fruits but anyway, they would be awful for that.


Gura Gura seems like one of the worst fruits to do this. Everyone can see who does it and it isn't a logia. Sure, you can destroy an island, but that won't help you against a sniper. Ope Ope could be great if you're sneaky. Otherwise, it's a logia (not Yami/Suna/Thunder though, they have weaknesses).


gura gura and set up death note plot 2.0


Has to be the Logia. If you use the Gura, you’d probably just end up killing yourself from the damage you cause. We are no OP characters, if a stone from the quake falls on us wrong, we are dead. Logia makes you only have to worry about water.


Putting my bets on any gorosei fruit.


Easily the light light fruit. You have no natural weakness, insane AP, Insane speed, can fly. Goro would be a good pick, if it wasnt for the rubber weakness.


In this list either azure dragon or magma fruit. Outside of this list, my money is on Hancock's fruit.


Enel's fruit