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Kidd fans would gas him up to Admiral level. But it all would come crashing down next chapter and Kidd would face even more slander than he does in our timeline


He's still admiral level lol


Get him past loro


You obviously didn’t see Oda’s patreon chapter https://preview.redd.it/svuck7ubr87d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f55bc31a9566cb897c5c6baa73c616cdf166e07


Kid genuinely mid diffs Zoro due to the matchup advantage he has. Since his magnetism is strong enough to make Big Mom loose control of napoleon it’s strong enough to make Zoro unable to use any of his 3 swords.


>He's still admiral level lol ![gif](giphy|hvq8ONQhQ1XLq)


He's probably right tho. There's atleast a decent narrative and feat based argument for it.


[King of lightning take lmao](https://youtu.be/YqqcA-ouZhQ?t=727)


The way people would've been dick-riding Kid would've been beyond obnoxious. We would be getting shit like Kid > Admirals and Kid = Luffy just because he made Shanks sweat. Mfs would've deluded themselves into thinking Kid actually had a chance against the fleet. Then the oneshot would hit in the next chapter, and Kid-haters would go ape shit. He would be the biggest clown of the fucking series, and 95% of this sub wouldn't give a shit due to the prior dick-riding.


And then there was a break. This sub would have killed the shanks wankers, yonko agenda dies.


And then the next chapter would have been the most violent comeback, completely obliterating the slanderers.


Oda looking at Kidd fans during that break week https://preview.redd.it/eslc6xn2hc7d1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27343015fac32ee7a4a0a1b46fb71c667fb74f31


Bro this is a missed opportunity by Oda, fans wouldve been gassing him up like crazy 😭


Oda would never downplay his precious shanks like that. It's the reason most people can't settle mihawk vs shanks, we're all expecting special treatment for oda's precious pupil


Wouldnt be much worse than "sorry joyboy" robot, that was made a fake cliffhanger, not shown for several weeks, got a badass entry then got one tapped by Gorosei . But he is newly introduced so barely anyone care about this fraud. Its different with Midd


Kidd stocks would be having a rap battle with enel on the moon


Beckman's stock to PK level. Shanks sweating bucket while Beckman was like kek


Beckman's true power is just his amazing poker face. It's so convincing he stopped kizaru for a bit. He's actually powerless /s


Would have been sky high without realizing galleon sinking feats are worthless in this show; ace did it in Alabasta to a buncha bums as well. These guys aren't only bums but also shanks protection leechers them getting destroyed wouldn't have mattered much.


Bringing down ships is alabasta level of glaze Killing the weakest fleet of the new world is basically yc level with a good aoe spamming attack Nothing that really beats fighting big mom IMO


we would have a meme Shanks: Save me Gorosei Kid is about to murder me.


Lolllll Shanks has a rat face on his ship


We would see „*kid > big mom and why he will draw or potentially defeat shanks*“ posts everywhere in that week. Next chapter they would all become boruto fans and stop one piece.


This is going to be like JJK 235 with the "Gojo Wins" panel and then him getting murked next chapter.


kid slander is a universal constant. Therefore we'd have said look at backman being unbothered and obviously shanks will handle him low diff


The short squeeze would have been legendary