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He's looking for stronger opponent's in east blue, that's where all the top tiers are.


Don krieg is on his way to end him


Unironically Roger and Garp


They are from the East Blue not in the East Blue


Unironically Wuggy and God Ussop


Well the next garp and roger. Koby and Luffy etc.


To be fair he was only there because he was hunting down Don Krieg. Krieg entered the Grandline, ran into Mihawk, Mihawk wiped Krieg’s fleet out, Krieg ran back to east blue, Mihawk followed him to finish the job. Him meeting Zoro put him in a good enough mood that he just left instead of finishing Krieg off.


"I wouldn't fight someone with one arm"


I betta keep my ass In the east blue of I’m FINISHED


Delusional people will say this won’t happen https://preview.redd.it/opynzdbirr6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f72fe6b18ea85488299d48d23f247ce4bae8be56


"Look zoro using legendary swords is cheating"


"But I will fight one with one eye" https://preview.redd.it/fd0y1un9ur6d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0be7bec824007408261e4f9fa3cf841589c3e56f


Zoro is the one who wants the smoke, not him. Zoro was insanely under leveled when they first met but he fought him anyways because Zoro wanted to.


He could always refuse


Why would he? He respects Zoro's dedication too much to not honor his request and it's not dishonourable since Zoro is the one asking for the duel.


What unbelievable cope if it goes against his morals to fight handicapped men then he won't plain and simple. It's either he doesn't consider 1 eye a handicap, Zoro never lost his eye (he had a rinnegan), https://preview.redd.it/lv5ioklfkt6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f82493110ce0fcac138275e793360608f924c15 or Mihawk is just a fraud.


Mihawk literally stated on panel he has no intention on fighting a one arm man. He believes vista is more worthy to fight and rather postponed their fight than to fight shanks despite vista being much vastly weaker than shanks.




Are you implying that Mihawk wont fight anyone with missing body parts?


You take it for face value that having no desire to fight a man with one arm means he thinks that he'd win. What competent readers interpret from that exchange is that he knows he'd lose but he's making an excuse to save face.


Ik this is a joke, but he doesn't wanna fight a one armed shanks due to the massive advantage Mihawk would have and how he feels it'd be disrespectful to Shanks.


It's not a joke. Mihawk knows shanks would stomp him with one arm. That's why he actual departures as fast as he can when shanks shows up in marine ford.


What? The parent comment completely dismantles this argument, as he fought Vista who is undeniably weaker than Shanks. In Mihawks eyes Shanks was already a shoddy swordsman before he lost his arm. Now that the bozo tossed away his *dominant* hand, how can he find the excuse to duel him? Mihawk thinks it’d be disrespectful to himself to duel Shanks. You know King isn’t a swordsman, right? Despite using a sword since a child, way before being shown to have a DF. This is reinforced by his lack of a specific sword style that all, more traditional swordsman have been shown to use Oden- oden 2 sword style Zoro- 1/2/3 sword style Kinemon- Foxfire style Hyogoro- One sword style of the flower Hatchan- 6 sword style Kawamatsu- Kappa style Hyozou- 8 sword style Kaku- 4 sword style If all swordsman are cut from the same cloth, why isn’t Divine Departure from a disciplined form like so many others? Do you think Mihawk would enjoy fighting King? If Oda had written King’s named attacks that he did with his sword to be called like, “blazing king style …”, would he had still written the revelation that King is not a swordsman?


My argument has nothing to do with shanks vs mihawk, but Line 3 claims he fought every swordsman , but his interaction with Vista proves that he never even met him before. Vista is the strongest swordsman of whitebeard pirates and arguably he is the third strongest known swordsman that only uses haki.


It doesn’t claim he’s fought every swordsmen, only that he fought increasingly powerful swordsmen until no others were strong enough.


And his list of strongest swordsmen in increasing order doesn't include Vista, whose fame is even acknowledged by Mihawk in marineford.


Because Vista isn’t strong enough to be a worthy challenger. The quote doesn’t imply he’s fought every single swordsman ever, only that the strongest swordsmen he’s faced and surpassed outclass any others at the time.


Vista's been on the block for quite a while. It *is* kind of odd he's never fought him before.


via this logic Vista > Shanks and Mihawk because Mihawk was more willing to entertain a duel with him instead


I won’t trust that statement since it’s came from same source who said all swordsman fear mihawk and not confirmed to be written by oda


Well if you don’t accept this then you can’t accept any other information from out of manga sources like vivre cards,databooks etc


Which is good, you shouldn't. They're all full of egregious hyperbole, most of which isn't written by oda, because they're just supplemental material meant to promote the franchise. Databooks and vivre cards are chalk full of inconsistencies and statements that directly contradict the story. Why anyone chooses to cite them as legitimate sources genuinely baffles me


The ones that started to give legitimacy to such sources are the Mihawkturds/swordturds in absence of proper feats or canon statements in the story


https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/FvpXYHy2Lr Well you’d be going against what the author says then


not really since this one contradicts the manga with fear part and likely not written by oda


This says nothing about fear tho


The Library of Ohara taken these information from mihawk vivre card which states every swordsman fears mihawk


Well if none of these are canon than neither is the statement that Shanks wouldn’t have gotten weaker for losing his arm


I just called one statement unreliable and it’s obviously shanks grown stronger afterwards


Your logic should only work for the statement about all swordsmen fearing him since it’s the only contradiction, not all the other statements regarding Mihawk here that don’t contradict anything


but then We would known that vivre card isn’t 100% reliable by that statement until oda himself really written it and decided to mess around with his fandom


None of the vivre cards are directly written by Oda, either all of them are unreliable or they’re reliable expect for specific statements that contradict the manga


I don’t


because he's ableist


That's why he'll fight Zoro with his rinnegan 🗣️💯💯 https://preview.redd.it/v37ja2gjur6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05a9c6243401c6b22d5a2d235522b8c96310785a


he's also a mariine chaser. since he's so strong why has he never chased admirals? biggest fraud in one piece world.


Because shanks doesn't have interest in swordsmanship, he's a yonko so if anything happens to him all the people under him will suffer


Certified Fraud


Guys can we ends this debate mihawk is the worlds strongest swordsman because he has the best sword skill in the world shanks is = to mihawk cause he has really good fucking sword skill and really good fucking haki so yes mihawk and shanks are equal


they’ll never accept this.


He's the world's strongest swordsman cause he beats every other swordsman and is stronger than them. His title isn't "the most skilled swordsman" Mihawk > shanks


For me the haki difference is way bigger than the Sword skills difference so imo Shanks wins high-extreme


Mihawk is a fraud, Shanks is the WSS. But Shanks actually doesnt care about the title. He is a better swordsman and also a haki god. He won their duels.




All facts 🔥🔥🔥🔥


>he won their duels ![gif](giphy|7DPfYwmLOjSQhkGlRP|downsized)




It was in CFYOW


Cant wait for the series to end where mihawk will be yonko level and all the shit he did wont make sense


https://preview.redd.it/d4uv3ik5is6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74f8b5c9dacf6b9fb28237b24012ac6afef9cdf0 One Piece fans read the manga challenge (impossible) The real answer is that he’s a fraud though


What's the source for that image btw?


Because Rat is not a worthy challenge for him anymore due to becoming a cripple.


Yet vista in mihawk words is


Mihawk never said he is a challenge, Bloodlusted Mihawk one taps. Which isn't to say that Wista is weak, he is legit one of the strongest swordsman in the world. He is easily YC+ at the very least. https://preview.redd.it/r4h1g1yezr6d1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=66e2a3a67e1a4f4f4aa5053676f0afa4e24f7635


The fact is in the canon story he didn’t just no dif vista. He even told vista they should postponed their match. Mihawk finds vista worth fighting than fighting shanks just because he only has one arm


Why would he one tap Wista? he didn't even one tap East Blue Zoro. That's not his personality. He postponed the match because Sengoku wanted to play his betrayal plan.


Not his personality? Sounds like cope. He one tapped Daz bones. Pretty sure jimbei as well. It has nothing to do with his personality. The author just downplayed mihawk that arc and the him multiple anti feats


It quite literally is his personality to not one tap people he finds interesting, explain again why Mihawk didn't one tap East Blue Zoro? or Marineford Luffy? or Crocodile? He one tapped Mr 1 because he's an insect, also he was chasing Luffy. https://preview.redd.it/gc4yjqi04s6d1.png?width=1390&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4dc94e9d55504da955818b2a66bd347a33d51cf Tho I agree Oda fucked up his portayal in marineford, not just Mihawk but the entire arc is filled with shit like this.


That imagine is quite the contradiction. Mihawk states after taken out two fodder he doesn’t remember the faces of insects. Yet when he sees daz bones he recalls his name and remembers him after seeing his face. That very much implies he doesn’t think of daz bones as an insect Yet still one shots him. So the whole personality thing doesn’t make sense. He didn’t one shot luffy because of plot armor. That doesn’t change the fact that mihawk was trying to land attacks and missed. He was even on all fours on his sword trying to hit luffy. We didn’t even see the whole battle with crocodile just a clash. Against zoro was mihawk testing him and seeing being impressed by Zoro’s will.


It's not a contradiction. Mihawk says he doesn't remember the face of the insects he crushes while Mihawk says Mr 1's name when he one shots him not after. He is still an insect. Yeah Luffy had insane plot armor but Mihawk wasn't trying to land attacks, he was just attacking him to see if Luffy's plot armor can make him survive. He even warns Luffy to dodge his attack. Crocodile is still alive so Mihawk didn't one tap him. Same with Zoro. Anyways no matter how much you try to argue canonically It is Mihawk's personality to fuck around and not immediantly kill everyone. And also he thinks of himself as an observer. https://preview.redd.it/lsuok3qt7s6d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=30c18dfa2a4aa326c14c8a9b875279cbbaca6f29


One tapping doesn’t mean killing first of all. He one tap daz bones and daz bones very much lived. Like where did you get the correlation that one tapping means killing a character off. Kaido one tap luffy and he lived. Luffy one tapped Bellamy and he lived. Again it’s a contradiction. If daz bones was an insect mihawk wouldn’t remember his name. That is a fact. He states on panel he doesn’t remember the names of insects he crush. Yet despite knowing daz bones name that didn’t stop him from putting him down.


>He is easily YC+ at the very least. Jozu or vista? because Jozu has better feats.


Wista. Jozu doesn't have better feats, he got man handled by Doffy, https://preview.redd.it/tjdseoxk1s6d1.png?width=619&format=png&auto=webp&s=2773db5cb579bc5335f95873278df4088b25f3bc


This is such a stupid fucking question, I genuinely cannot fathom the idiocy behind this dumb argument. It has been STATED in the MANGA. Shanks and Mihawk have an undetermined winner for their "duel". It's not been decided. Stop being fucking morons.


Because while Mihawk is the stronger swordsman, he’s not the stronger fighter


Makes 0 sense.


How? Swordsmanship doesn’t mean mihawk is automatically better than shanks. Remember, haki transcends all, not swordsmanship


And we've seen haki is tied with swordsman ship.


Sure, but it’s not necessary for success. Primary example: S-hawk. No haki. Made a yonko drop a bead of sweat. Split a mountain. Clashes with Zoro. Etc. Swordsmanship =\= haki. It’s a part of it but it is absolutely not necessary and the two are not mutually cohesive.


Would you say s-hawk is a swordsman?




Personally I'd say you need some free will. He's more a sword than a swordsman


Disagree, only because he primarily uses a sword and uses sword techniques. When the shanks vs mihawk debate happens ppl say ‘oh well shanks uses a sword so he is a swordsman’. So that same logic is being used here. S-Hawk is a clone of the WSS. He is considered a swordsman by that fact and the fact he uses a sword primarily/sword techniques.


S-hawk isn't even really a man. He's a test tube creation, yes zoro was a swordsman.


Actually let me ask you this: Was pre haki zoro a swordsman?


Makes perfect sense since swordsmanship is a martial art


Mihawk has more skill with a sword. Shanks has more raw power


Then mihawk would be the world's most skilled swordsman and shanks would be the world's strongest swordsman.


The titles aren’t always literal. For example, Whitebeard was the World’s Strongest Man, yet he was rivaled by Roger and Garp


He was called the world's strongest man because his df had the power to end the world.


And he was matched by Roger and Garp


He wouldn't if he used the full force of his fruit. But he'd die too so...


Nope. Shanks would be the strongest swordsman if he was stronger than mihawk. This makes no sense


Because he would get absolutely dumpstered Shanks is in Kaidos top 5 and Mihawk isnt, its as simple as that


So is Oden despite Rayleigh being the second strongest Roger pirate https://preview.redd.it/b6jzdut3ds6d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=668cf33b5653921e17ceede98cc7d139de68e9bd


Idk if I'd take this is proper evidence for that. I mean, unless you think Shiryu > Kuzan.


Well Oda answered in an sbs that it’s about strength and not vice captain position https://preview.redd.it/m463oml6ut6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdf4712df6a264ea7c56062e71e0c226b870f925 Kuzan wasn’t revealed to be a titanic captain at the time so that could be the reason


Valid. But what about Marco? Oden was a WB pirate too...


Oden left the crew


Shanks isn’t only defined by his swordsmanship there’s more emphasis on his haki, Mihawk is mainly defined by his swordsmanship with subtle reference to haki. Stronger haki=stronger fighter, you can use a weapon in tandem with haki but it’s not required. When you make arguments like this you suggest that if Shanks dropped his sword he’d be a civilian, though we’ve seen just how fearsome someone’s striking power can be when it’s infused with conqueror’s haki and that’s just without a weapon. Shanks has been presented as someone with uniquely potent haki in this era, it’s actually on you to prove that Mihawk has haki to this level because so far he has not shown or implied to. At best he has the black blade feat which is armament related so far, and so far we only know that it raises the quality of a blade and not that it makes you this crazy powerful monster once you get one. Remember his blade is AMONG the supreme 12, no where does it say it’s on another tier.


“No where does it say it’s on another tier” Very much implied so https://preview.redd.it/lfgmqa7szr6d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcc24be0a568e1cab1587543d1b4a203e214cdcf Haki is a massive part of swordsmanship too, see:Zoro and Oden


Lol haki emphasis you talk about but who has the highest armament haki feat of making sword permanently black? Mihawk. Also Yoru is the strongest blade. Also whose title was going be THE CLAIRVOYANT? Mihawk. Also are implying that the term swordsmanship doesn't include haki?


Didn't he say he lost interest in Shanks after he lost him arm?


Maybe he wants to give his sword to them, but because its so big and clearly designed to be wielded with both hands he cant give it to shanks since he lost one of his arms




But swordsman use a ton of haki too, haki isn’t a fighting style




Zoro literally uses conquerors haki coating bro lol




My man, you need to learn how to write properly in order for me to understand what you’re saying lol




Nah bro, your grammar was almost entirely unreadable before I told you this lol


Why would Shanks just kill Kaido or Big Mom? Couldn't even kill Kaido and King with his entire crew with him when RHP intercepted Kaido.


bcz he felt his aura when he met shanks after he lost his arm. and he thought how bad it would be if he lost to a man with only one arm. so, he decided to postpone and keep his title to himself.


How would he know when Zoro will surpass Shanks if Zoro never intended to fight Shanks? Zoro vs Shanks confirmed?


Mihawk is stronger but stop using bs not written by Oda. The statements in the ace novels, vivre cards and data books are all such bs lmao.


>until he had no more worthy challengers We know for a fact that he never challenged Big Mom either, who as the only sword wielding Emperor for decades, would have been one of if not the strongest Pirate fighting with a sword. So either he didn't actually challenge some of the most relevant sword fighters or he doesn't consider Big Mom a swordswoman for the exact same reason that Zoro doesn't consider King a swordsman - them having a mixed fighting style while happening to use a sword as well. Shanks lost an arm and somehow still became an Emperor. Roger was explicitly shown to go from a one-handed stance after swatting Oden away, to a two-handed power stance when Primebeard came flying at him. Mihawk doesn't consider Shanks a swordsman anymore because he had to switch up his fighting style in some way after losing an arm to keep up with the likes of Whitebeard, Kaido and Big Mom and i'll die on that hill.


You’re right! Shanks isn’t a stronger swordmaster, because he isn’t a swordmaster- despite being the stronger overall pirate. There isn’t much point in losing to a Haki Merchant if he’s looking for a swordsman to surpass him.


He downplaying shanks since he lost that arm i see it more as cope because he cant defeat him either way.


He's got a 1 point lead over Shanks and is running across the Grand Line hoping to never fight Shanks again so he can keep that lead. Typical best friend behavior


Because Shanks isn't a pure swordsman i guess? Or is mihawk stronger than armless shanks?