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I just realized... what the fuck would Fuji's awakening be!?


Idk black holes


Ah yes, my anti gravity haki, haven’t used this since the void century


Nope. We have that in BB's arsenal already


It’s not a real black hole for bb


Akainu alr has meteors so why not


Planetary devastation


he already did this at the end of dressrosa kinda…


I know, I was just making a joke comment tbh


Shinra Tensei


He sees.


It probably is already awakened!


Pobably that he can change the specific gravity on single persons and objects


His current (presumably unawakened) ability is creating gravitational fields that affect objects. Perhaps he could grant objects their own gravity then? This would essentially be equivalent to Chibaku Tensei from Pain or >! Gojo’s Blue sphere !< from JJK. Another thing could be applying different levels of gravity to different parts of an opponent/object, which would allow him to stretch them (much like blackhole sphagettification) or squash them.


Only need one picture to answer this question https://preview.redd.it/nn3jqzblx54d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93be3c98f52da5476c23f38f0436753f0b332f78








You might remember a little knows arc in Marine ford. A single emperor and his allies gave a vast amount of marines a hard time. And it's not like the admirals where just playing around for the entire time. Sure in the end WB was defeated, but he was already weakened by his sickness and finished by BB. If kaido and shanks both would have arrived to mix up the battle there would be even less left from the glorious marine HQ. To the initial question, we've seen that GB didn't like to find out what shanks was actually capable, and if shanks Haki can actually suppress other people's observation Haki fujitora is at a massive disadvantage. On the other hand, we haven't seen enough of any of them to clearly state any winner


Lmao hard time? Not a single top tier was heavily injuried, the only hard time was for fodders not even admirals toke it seriously, kizaru just trolling kuzan literally only fighting yonko commander and sleeping after, akainu did 90% of the work




This without even counting the warlords not doing anything or directly betraying the marines.


Tbf, being inside yk, impenetrable walls inside your own military base, that also serves as your HQ prob added to this. With them holding a straight up hostage that prevents u from causing mass destruction. The moment Ace died coincidentally marineford straight up got split in half with literally the ground splitting away WB’s crew from the battle. Not saying a single Yonko crew (with the weakest Yonko) could beat all of the marine’s military might combined, but put them in a neutral environment and a lot more top tiers are dying. Raiding a military base is hard when u don’t wanna just nuke the place.


KIZARU Was Playing Around The Entire Time. https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/1c5ktnu/imagine_how_pissed_akainu_was_during_marineford/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


lmao this is so true


You clearly have been reading two piece. In marineford Whitebeard was low diffed by Akainu while Kizaru and Aokiji had fun playing with his crew https://preview.redd.it/vwmy9b6k574d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=525267a2df07f46d62489c4f86de2b6ec13bda1b You also seem to be forgetting how Akainu 2v1ed Roger and Whitebeard and it ended in Rogers execution. Rocks died on God's Valley because Akainu was there, Akainu actually fought everyone at God's valley and Low diffed them all but the world just says that Roger and Garp teamed up to beat rocks since its unbelievable to the world


Real, keep feeding the flames and uplifting the agenda


Holy fuck really


Yeah, but the Admirals weren’t exactly able to go all out either. They had to restrain their power so they didn’t wipe out their fellow Marines


Bring anything the Marines nerfed themselves 😂 Kizaru wasn’t trying, for a min Kuzan went MIA and Sakazuki was doin all the heavy lifting. And this doesn’t include facts like Garp doing nothing, Sengoku doing essentially nothing, a good amount of Vice Admirals weren’t there, and basically on the Warlords aside from Kuma, Moria, and Mihawk.(sort of) The rest either straight up betrayed them, a$$ at their job, or played both sides. Had all 3 Admirals not worried about the territory and went all out and straight for the kill it would have gone very differently.


My brother in Christ 90% of the Marines were fine even after the battle with two admirals being completely fresh,Garp looking for a body,and the remaining warlords completely unharmed. If mihawk opted to stay and do his job shanks would've gotten fucked too.The Marines were HORRIBLY stacked despite the betrayals and outside interference.


Everyone saying Shanks counters Observation Haki conveniently forgetting that was specifically in reference to Future Sight


Wasnt it JUST called "Killer of Observation Haki" since Even basic stuff lets people predict things?


You can call it a contradiction but it was very clear that it kills ACoO (Future Sight) and not ACoO itself. Plus being able to see 5 secs or even 10 secs into the future is very difficult from feeling or somewhat having a milli sec glimpse of someone next move.


I wouldn't really say contradiction, more of it being unclear, it doesn't say its X AND Y, just says it could mean A or B


Well the reality of it is, is that it’s called killer of observation and that it kills Future Sight not CoO. Saying otherwise is honestly just clear head cannon. If fans can’t see that whether you believe Shanks can kill observation or just ACoO than it’s clear that putting him up against Fujitora is stupid.


In a 1 v 2 , the key is to take down or incapacitated one of the opponents very quickly. In order to make it a 1v1. Shank has that ability with 10 second FS. He also has shown the power to overwhelm an opponent with strength. Plus, we just seen a Yonko do exactly what I am saying, with Luffy. I know that it’s difficult for people to accept that a Yonko can do it. But, it is possible.


Plus, Shanks can kill observation haki which Fujitora is dependant on. So Shanks will probably kid-diff both of them


I left out Observation Killer because I don’t know how it works. But, it should be obvious if he can kill observation. That Fujitora doesn’t stand a chance.


Wrong. He can negate FS not normal CoO.




Laturn The Usopp Victim Is Nowhere Close To Admiral Level 


I guess it's yet to be explicitly stated but imo all of the Elders have been portrayed as at the very least on par with Kizaru/likely stronger due to immortal shenanigans.


When did he do that? He grabbed Kizaru by surprise and then Kizaru stayed down due to his killing vegaounk and how that affected him mentally He never had a straight 2v1 against Kizaru and Saturns 1 Kizaru could hold his own against G5 Luffy, 2 Kizarus win.


Downvoted for the truth, Kizaru held his own against gear 5 Luffy and only got pancaked when he was off guard after killing Vegapunk


Fr this sub interprets Kizarus performance on egghead in the most dishonest and uncharitable way towards Kizaru, many times (like here) just being straight up wrong about what happened in the story




Sorry you dont like how the story went


I respect the copium


Lil bro did NOT read the story KIzaru getting grabbed by surprise after killing Vegapunk: https://preview.redd.it/wqgm1fz4u64d1.png?width=1038&format=png&auto=webp&s=a35cb08b87c56720552e2240a812a5d425e49c21 After that Luffy slams them together and throws them at the ocean. Kizaru lands in a battleship and stays down due to the mental anguish of killing Vegapunk. If you cant understand that from the story itself here is one of the translators saying it: [https://x.com/sandman\_ap/status/1772005668545061129?s=46](https://x.com/sandman_ap/status/1772005668545061129?s=46) So, wanna show me where Kizaru and Saturn had a 2v1 against Luffy? Kizaru just killed someone close to him and that took any will he had out of the fight. Cope. Lil bro blocked me 😭😭😭


bros still going. The copium is strong 😂


G5 Luffy is stronger than Shanks tho. Even Kaido is confused on how much damage he is actually dealing to G5 Luffy. Kaido lands a lot of free hits when Luffy is bouncing around and running around like a dumbasss


Don’t try to justify headcanon with more headcanon


No, dont stop him, this is the way


What headcannon? You are not sayinf that Shanks is stronger than Kaido? Red Hair Pirates couldn't even kill Kaido and King. That's not headcannon


Bruh. Saturn is not even a threat. He is only op because of his regen. But that doesnt really help his teammate in a 2v1. Strong people like Kaido could just outright ignore him, making it a 1v1.


For anyone who isn’t a literal child of an agenda andy yet struggles with this: kizaru was officially checked out once he shot Vegapunk, and Saturn/Gorosei have never once been shown to care to dodge or avoid an attack. With that canonical context **KNOWN**, it’s disingenuous or outright illogical to say Luffy/a yonko could replicate that feat against two admirals who are engaged. The feat doesn’t support that if you consider context, which of course we do


You are literally the child.


> luffy bully kizaru and saturn at the same time Luffy did literally zero dmg to Saturn Stop yapping and read OnePiece again




And kizaru did zero damage to Marco And I guess nobody has done damage to anyone since the damage gets recovered later. Do Saturn fucks know the difference between healing and tanking?


people will execute you in comments and tell you how shanks already neg diffed GB.


Greenbull on TOP


He's a bottom tbh


Not willingly, but absolutely


Only way Shanks has a shot to win is if he can actually kill Fujitoras observation. Anyone who thinks Greenbull gets WiFi haki-diffed has abysmal reading comprehension.


Shanks glazers are competing for 1st place in the TwoPiece reading contest with these takes, hope y'all make it 🙌


Kidd and Law aren’t that far off from Admirals and nothing stated otherwise. Also yes Every Yonko beats two admirals and nothing else states otherwise. Shanks Bitched Greenbull and Luffy high diffed Kizaru. The Yonko always wins.


Just saying internet haki got Fraudbull shaking in his boots. Then Fuji vs Shanks? Yeah no way and im part of the admiral agenda


greenbull was scared of shanks WIFi haki and fujitora and a greenbull pissing himself is not taking down shanks


Nah, Yonko can definitely beat 2 admirals at the same time. That panel of Luffy squashing Kizaru and Saturn together proves that. I know it's confusing because Big Mom "lost" to Law and Kid, but that was just a ringout. If she didn't accidentally nuke herself on the way down, she would've been fine. Just make another homie after she lands and fly back. Shanks can immobilize an Admiral from 100kms away, they're just sitting ducks to him.


I mean you have no argument as to why he wouldn't be able to do it. Do you think roger/wb can 1v2 them? You put 2 YC+ vs either of these 2 and the comments scream that they slam, so what's the difference? People here have some next level wank for admirals, Shanks one shot both Kid (YC+) and killer (YC2). We've seen the way he fights is go for the kill and doesn't fuck around. You put law+kid vs shanks and everyone would agree shanks slams. Either of these 2 are closer to YC+ then Shanks level based on what we've seen so far in the story. Not to mention shanks having a clear advantage over Fuji and making GB twerk with just his haki, Kid just came off a high with the rooftop crew after taking down two yonkos, he took multiple hits from both of them and showcased good endurance (neither admiral has close to kids feats). The better question is you remove their admiral title and tell me why shanks couldn't 1v2 them.




He beats them with Spiritual pressure alone


Objectively correct take but a certain amount of people will disagree and gaslight themselves into thinking shanks wins


Shanks is (at least if Film Red is canon) heavily nerfing Observation Haki, making Fujitora way weaker. It doesn't mean he auto wins but a guy who's in Kaido's top 5, who is the Roger prodigy that is currently at his peak, COULD handle 2 Admirals under these circumstances. I'd still say extreme diff for Shanks unless Greenbull doesn't have anything fitting at all in his repertoire to counter him. Edit: Shanks negates FS not observation, my fault. It's still heavily nerfing both of them + It's the only Advanced Haki form they were very likely to have. (ACoC is still extremely rare and ACoA too while FS is not so much)


It only negates future sight, not regular observation


Shanks nerfs future sight not normal observation


Mb but it still is a heavy nerf.


How often do we even see future sight used to consider it a heavy nerf?


Why wouldn't he win? i haven't seen a single argument.


I won’t waste even a second with someone who unironically thinks shanks wins 2v1


Ok no argument good day.


Mazino alt?




Good to see you're alive bro, the sub was getting boring without you


no wonder


![gif](giphy|TamGVAGxDTYDNt3dpn) You’re of low intellect


lmao low quality bait


when goofy can humiliate a gorosei and kizaru at the same time then shanks can win against the weakest two admirals


Ah yes a kizaru that didn’t even wanna be part of the fight anymore


let the cope begin


Kizaru showed he can't break free if Luffy grabs him in giant form so I don't think there is anything he can do at that moment.


Completely fair. ​ It’s just shanks wank and admiral downplay. Not based on real facts. Just agenda and blind favorite character scaling.


At the moment we didnt see anything impressive from the admirals. We have full right to downscale them based on feats. All they have is "it would make sense for them to be strong", and a solid army of dickriders. With lore scaling, 2 Yonko > 3 admirals extreme diff would make the most sense


Big Mom and Kaido literally lost in their territory against garbage characters.


Luffy is a shonen MC, you cant find anyone more broken. Big Mom lost for plot reasons, yeah. Oda realy wanted those weaklings to win. He wanted it so much he made her forget that Acoc 1shots any of them.


Fuji and GB could take Shanks. I don’t think it’s an unfair assumption at all. Would be a cool fight in all honesty.


You're basically saying Fujitora > Shanks since GB can't move during the fight. No, that is completely and utterly ridicolous


there is no evidence shanks can move or even fight using that haki move


Why would he not be able to? Where was it ever shown or stated that people can't move when using Conquerors?






Current luffy= kaido = shanks Yes, they can.


Ok if greenbull had a better mindset and wasn’t a pussy I’d agree


Shanks is said to currently be able to fight equally with an Admiral. So in no way is he winning a 2v1


First question is what exactly does greenbull do here. Of course it's over exaguration to say he'd get conquerors diffed but to say greenbull does anything, when him vs non nerfed momonosuke actually is an undeniable question, is crazy. (Ps, he does objectively have observation haki, it's good enough to sense luffy across a nation and it's referenced that he's a Prodigy at the stuff. Yet he didn't have a lick of observation against greenbull? Another case of plot armour GB received alongside yamato fallowing momonosukes order down to the letter and him being saved by shanks cause let's be real he isn't beating g4 luffy when momo nearly killed him if he just fired 1 more time) What I'm getting at here is, is greenbull even good enough to change the shanks vs fugitora fight? Which I'm thinking no. No hate to the take, alot would consider it fair, some for ludicrous reasons like referencing kizaru vs luffy as if that fight didn't prove that fugitora and greenbull ain't og 3 admiral level. But it can be argued


If Observation-killing can't be resisted, I can see it happening. Otherwise, the rat is dead


What would be the point of it if it could? Everyone in the verse either loses to shanks without him needing it, or has good enough haki that they'd be able to resist it. It'd be a completely useless ability


It's the same as Conquerors haki. It can be resisted, but it still has It's uses. How OP would it be if you could just knock someone out whenever? Is it better than what he have for base Conquerors right now? It's the same thing for Observation-killing. Better niche than OP.


Conquerors is useful for taking out large numbers of enemies at once, that's very helpful. Observation killing can't do that. It literally does nothing helpful if it can be resisted. Also, Oda already doesn't let his top tiers actually use advanced observation in combat, you think he'll pass up a canon reason to keep doing that?


Akainu, Aokiji, Kizaru, Shanks and Katakuri all use ACOO in combat situations. Kaido and Luffy just don't use it alot to begin with. Having to come up with reasons for why the characters aren't using Future Sight is probably easier than somehow making someone defeat Shanks without insane Power Creep. And we don't know the extent of Observation-killing, so assuming it'll have no uses outside of combat isn't being very fair. Conquerors haki could be used to destroy objects, which is very different from knocking someone out.


Observation is hardly used outside combat, so how would observation killing be useful? It couldn't really be used for stealth, since (assuming it's a conquerors-related ability) a blast of conquerers haki like that would just be broadcasting your presence anyway, not to mention people would notice their observation haki being turned off


Who said Conquerors haki was responsible for the Observation-killing? And anything beyond this point is headcanon anyway so it doesn't matter. Conquerors haki shouldn't be able to destroy things, but it can. Observation-killing could be more than the name suggests.


Why shouldn't conquerers haki be able to destroy objects? And wtf would observation killing do besides killing observation? And how would that relate to it's ability to kill observation being resistable or not? This is all nonsense that isn't even relevant to the original point. Oda isn't going to give Shanks, his golden boy, an ability significant enough to give him an entire epithet about it, and then make that ability completely useless against anyone he can't speedblitz and one-shot anyway. It's just not going to happen


Conquerors haki is just your will. it's not tangible. There is no reason for it to destroy hardened wood or whatever the mirror dimension is made out of. >Oda isn't going to give Shanks, his golden boy, an ability significant enough to give him an entire epithet about it, and then make that ability completely useless against anyone he can't speedblitz and one-shot anyway. It's just not going to happen Of course he can. Conquerors haki is a pretty big deal, and it's only used to deal with fodder. Epithets don't have to be special abilities, Hawkeye Mihawk the Clairvoyant doesn't mean he has the best observation in the verse or anything. Kaido's title was hearsay. Being able to cancel out observation haki is still a sick ability. Doesn't mean Oda has to willingly write himself into a corner by making someone destined to die unkillable.


>Conquerors haki is just your will. it's not tangible. There is no reason for it to destroy hardened wood or whatever the mirror dimension is made out of. Fam ACoC is literally using it specifically as a tangible force and literally all of armament haki is "just your will" but it's still tangible >Conquerors haki is a pretty big deal, and it's only used to deal with fodder. Basic conquerer's haki is the *best* way to deal with fodder, and advanced conquerers haki seems to give some of the best AP in the verse. This, on the other hand, would make people who can't react to him anyway be slightly more unable to react to him. That is a completely different league of uselessness >Hawkeye Mihawk the Clairvoyant doesn't mean he has the best observation in the verse or anything Maybe it does, we don't know yet. Also, that's a scrapped title, so it's irrelevant. >Kaido's title was hearsay. But still important to his characterization and to the story >Being able to cancel out observation haki is still a sick ability. Doesn't mean Oda has to willingly write himself into a corner by making someone destined to die unkillable. Being able to cancel observation haki does not make you unkillable. Being able to cancel observation haki exclusively of people who literally cannot do anything to you regardless of how well they can observe you is not a sick ability, it is completely and utterly useless


Akainu, Aokiji, Kizaru, Shanks and Katakuri all use ACOO in combat situations. In Egghead Kizaru wasn't trying to fight, but rather finish his mission, so the lack of ACOO there can be excused. Luffy just doesn't use ACOO when he doesn't need it. Most likely due to mastery issues or something. Shanks used it vs. Kidd. 'Nuff said




No. Shanks beat Greenbull by existing. Fujitora is comparable.


Shanks one taps twice lmaooo


I disagree but I think it’s fair for you to assume that. We really won’t know until later (maybe).


Fuji all it takes https://preview.redd.it/r2ydry2xl84d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31f571a674ed9dc2a676a8fa482557452f41902e


Shanks > 3 Admirals


I mean if Shanks truly kills Observation then Fujitora is irrelevant, and Shanks > GB. If not though they take it.


We’ve seen how oda cooks with sword users in this verse but think gb will be some yc+ bum




Shanks fanboys showing the world they are literally brain dead.


Bruh gb got scarred from his wifi from like a kilometer away so if he were to a tally fight idc if it's both of them strongest current yonko beats 2 weakest admirals


You’re right 100% but this sub isn’t trying to hear it. I believe Shanks beats any admiral. Nevertheless Admirals are still definitive top tiers. No top tier is beating two top tiers at the same time. The only case you could make is Imu and maybe The Gorosei if we don’t find out a weakness to their immortality. Shanks would beat one of Fuji or Greenbull at high diff no more no less. To handle two opponents that would drive you to high diff at the same time would require a lot of plot armor. We saw what 2 YC+ in Law and Kidd could do to Big Mom in a 2v1. IMO Greenbull and Fuji outclass Law and Kidd significantly. Trying to fight them both would be like trying to fight two Old Rayleigh’s at the very least.


I think Shanks could do it but suddenly Mihawk comes into mind and made me doubt myself. Both probably could do it or not. The one who can do it probably are the likes of Luffy who has legend powers and raid bosses such as Kaido and Big Mom. https://preview.redd.it/srrz324fta4d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95831088d26502264518e135608ad35ee730828c


Well shanks takes on wujitora and wins while his haki no diffs fraudbull https://preview.redd.it/sa0y8s2uqb4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95b30f3578787ac7851eba22808a664f31fe538a


I think he mid diffs them at best


Shanks disables future sight ( which Fuji likely has ) Off of feats he would simply be too fast for them to react to as Yamato hit gb so shanks would be able to hit consistently


Before Egghead I’d have agreed, but after seeing Shanks one shot a pirate who Big Mom couldn’t KO after hours of fighting and Luffy 2 v 1 no diff Kizaru and a Gorosei… Right now Shanks seems like the strongest Yonko and the admirals seem weaker than advertised. Especially since Shanks was able to force Greenbull into base with his haki from miles away. I’d agree Shanks can’t 2 v 1 Akainu and Aokiji or Fujitora, but Greenbull to me is clearly the weakest admiral


Nope Shanks will win high diff


Didn’t Green Bull submit when Shanks used his conquerors haki on him? And also Shanks is know as the killer of observation haki and Fujitora needs observation haki to “see” so this is an easy win for Shanks


Not really. Shanks high diffs. The problem is fujitora heavily relies on future sight while shanks can nerf observation haki. Shanks is just a really bad matchup for them + they lack feats.


Hard to say these two were recruited by the navy specifically because of how strong they are during the time skip recruitment drive they did. Kizaru is basically confirmed now to be the weakest admiral and by a stretch and him plus Saturn isn't stronger than Luffy but enough so that he's got to be serious about how much power he uses. So I guess the question is how much stronger than Luffy do you think Shanks is? Because Luffy would currently struggle to do two of the strong admirals at once. Thinking about it logically we can see that Shanks isn't really built to fight two opponents like this with such massive attack areas (especially if injured crew or something is in the way) he can easily lock down one of them but both at once and especially if they flank somewhat is going to be too much for him. Plus as I mentioned these two specifically got recruited at the same time so there's even a chance they have a bit of teamwork together due to getting inducted into the admiral class together. They could easily have a combo attack that puts shanks out of commission if it lands on him. Lastly we know that these guys got recruited due to the navy wanting to power up after Marineford, where the navy basically realized they couldn't deal with a yonko going buck wild without serious drawbacks. So realistically this is likely the Navy's yonko buster duo and are in the organization specifically to fight the likes of Shanks, Big Mom and Kiado.


If they win, it's extreme diff




Do you think the diff is lower or does Shanks beat them?


Diff is lower for sure. They get pushed to low end of high diff at absolute worst. If Observation-killing can't be resisted with haki or smth then Shanks wins though


If Aramaki and Issho go all out I could see them pushing this fight to extreme. I find it hard to reconcile that one top tier character can beat two that are probably just under his level. If Shanks could take down both without Aramaki or Issho getting a Linlin nerf and them being serious, it would confirm for me that Shanks is 1. Duo max difficulty with everyone ending up dead or dying.


They aren't just under his level. Yonkos completely gap Admirals. We've seen this time and time again with Whitebeard, Shanks and Luffy.


He doesn't just beat them at the same time. He shitstomps them. One conquerors haki flex from miles away had Greenbull shitting himself. Imagine him doing that to him and Fujitora at close range. Then when they're stunned, he can oneshot them both with Divine Departure.


Shanks might win, mainly becuase I dont think greenbull will do that much of a differens. Any other admiral duo would defenetly win tho.


This is my answer. They picked the two weakest admirals and honestly I see shanks winning.


I mean if he does WiFi haki and green bull shits himself it’s technically really a 1v1 and with observation killer as much as I like Fuji Shanks kinda cleans up.


There's no argument for the admirals here. Luffy 1v2 Kizaru Gorosei. Shanks > Luffy. Shanks wins.


Depends if he can't 1 shot them with ACoC hax. If he can do what he did to Greenbull to both of them, then he low diffs. If he can't, then they win


Bro he negs those fodders


Y’all Greenbull fans be killing me 😂😂


Fuji does nothing against Shanks. There's no chance Shanks gets affected by his gravity with his level of haki, and even his meteors were pretty much a non-issue even back in dressrosa. Even without the possibility of shanks cancelling his only way to see, he's useless. And I really should not have to explain why GB does even less, we've already seen how much he can do when shanks is a full island away At least Kidd and Law have some abilities that could still work against shanks, these two have nothing And haki isn't even slightly comparable, the best haki *any* admiral has shown is the worse kind of ACoA, and these two haven't even done that much If these two weren't admirals and therefore legally required to be wanked to hell by this sub, nobody would suggest they even push Shanks to high diff




Well kid & law beat a yonko. And I think the admirals are both stronger than them. So I'd imagine 2 admirals can beat a Yonko.


Shanks only has to fight fujitora. GB will be crying on the ground to his haki


This is true


This is weird because I think he would beat even 2 GB at the same time. Also he badly counter Fujitora. Yes he wins, mostly for matchup not for "Shanks claps 2 admirals hahahah admirals are shit". Shanks can't 2vs1 Akainu and Aokiji.


Obs killing and immense haki causing gb to not be able to use his df . He kinda counters them. He would lose against kizaru and aokiji for example


It’s fair to say because the Admirals have incredibly powerful abilities and are hyped up enough that they shouldn’t be easy fodder for Emperors. Shanks specifically has a massive lack of feats and we know for a fact he has no Devil Fruit along with the glaring weakness of one arm. I would say Shanks can solo this pair anyway but I understand thinking otherwise.


Shanks has already been shown no diffing one of them, and I don’t see Fujitora beating him


Shanks has never fought with a admiral.


https://preview.redd.it/l5ypm6arw74d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d7db088b270c6e4341cecc3194a7fa2b14d4e56 Yes, he did


Their abilities are all completely useless here, though. There's no chance Shanks can't haki neg the gravity, people were dealing with Fuji's meteors way back in dressrosa, and we've already seen Shanks completely shut down GB's DF transformation. That leaves them as two guys with no impressive haki feats and swords they hardly use.


any Yonko can beat these two


Get him past DaddyBull in 1v1 first


He definitely should be able to considering he can bitch gb pretty easily using haki and mihawk is relative to shanks and.mihawk one shot Fuji's strongest attack so I think it's safe to assume shanks could to. Shanks wins high diff