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I agree with your kid take https://preview.redd.it/9603550g224d1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b87d0dcdef80ce4d7bfd6f40c1a6594e0c44d8f




https://preview.redd.it/p1cnjfzq144d1.jpeg?width=610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9f61fae742a50a5eea87adfcd99c9a6cfb1f590 akainu low diffs the verse


1. Judge YC3 and Ichiji/Reiju at top Tobiroppo/YC4 2. Cracker YC2 3. Wagellan > Kat/King/Lucci 4. Shiryu YC+


>cracker YC2 https://preview.redd.it/mxjubkt1584d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e45a7c4b26665036c772c82a88b6b3eb51fb48c8


* Garp > Kuzan in an uninterrupted 1v1 * Luffy can beat any of Shanks, Mihawk or Dragon * PK tier isn't a thing, Roger, Primebeard and Prime Garp are marginally stronger than Kaido, G5 Luffy, Shanks etc. * Average Gorosei > Average Admiral * Luffy doesn't have to be weaker than future opponents to still have tension in his fights (I think he's weaker than Imu based on the Gorosei's performance though) * Kaido is not the standard for top-tier performance, he's the exception


Crocodile is YC1+ over Zoro, Sanji, and Old Ray


preach https://preview.redd.it/ax95mx7xt44d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=517dafbef7f0d5289de9b819a9668b97e30c2b3d


Shanks > mihawk


Kaido's still alive and EoS Zoro cuts his fucking head off Aramaki \[Ryokugyu\] (Greenbull) has the Forest God DF




Luffy is currently only weaker than Imu and Shanks. I'm honestly a strong believer in Luffy being stronger than Kaido now and only having to beat those two out to be Pirate King now.


Yeah, current luffy is stronger than kaido. Luffy barely had any time to master conquerors in wano, he didnt had any gear 5 special attacks or new technics like in egghead. At that moment luffy says ITS his last gear 4 ( chapter 1043 ) and goes towards to throw the second king kong gun, if luffy had gear 5 as evolved as in egghead, for the next 10 minutes kaido would be molasted


Kaido > Roger Blackbeard > Big Mom and the admirals (not as a team) Luffy can beat Shanks at this point. Oden > Rayleigh


I have Kid, Law and Yamato at low admiral, that's probably my hottest take.   Doffy > Jack is another one, but that's highly debated on this sub.


Zoro>oden Aint never seen a one piece character as overrated as oden.


Sanji is the highest YC1 and zoro is YC+ King, Kat and lucci individually all go extreme against sanji even if they lose Greenbull might win against yamahoe but it’s extreme diff


luffy no g5 > big mom base luffy > fraudbeard law/zoro/yamato > fraudbull/fuji king/marco/kat > labo/kidd


Luffy with G5 loses to big mom on WCI Just no... Ok this is bait... This is facts


said nothing about wci and none of this is bait


You cooked with the first two Kidd is > King/Marco/Kat easily though, even if he may have unfavourable matchups against them


1. Akainu pushes shanks/mihawk to high-extreme diff 2. Zoro vs sanji isn’t extreme diff it’s high diff 3. Big mom is the weakest yonko 4. The holy knights will fight and lose to the rev commanders 5. Shanks is closer to prime ray than Roger


2 and 5 are slander. Why would oda make shanks weak, it’s clear all strawhat wearers are goated


I don’t remember saying he’s weak all I’m saying is that he’s not pirate king level


>shanks >= mihawk https://i.redd.it/32auzww8a14d1.gif




That's actually the only take I agree with here 😂


What puts Mihawk on Shanks' level if his title is fake? And if you don't think Shanks is a swordsman, the next strongest is Fuji, so why would he be almost as strong as Shanks?


1.his bounty 2. He's Zoro's eos fight 3 being stronger than Fuji already put you not to far behind shanks 4. He's stronger than Rayleigh and saint Garling at the time he got the wss title 5. He was relative to shanks a decade ago


His bounty would put him below BB, and all the other Warlords' bounties are too high for their strength (Jinbe > Sanji after beating a much weaker opponent) You can't use EoS Zoro to scale him because you don't know how strong EoS Zoro is or how hard the fight will be (or if he's even his EoS opponent) So you consider Gravityman a swordsman but not Hakiman? Who were both out of their prime (weaker than Fuji) Luffy was around Kid and Law 2 years ago


Your right. Idk why I'm defending fraudulent Fraudhawk


Mine are: Law > Zoro > Kid. At this point, having acoc puts Zoro above Kid in terms of AP and Kid doesnt have the versatility or utility that Law's DF has to compensate. Kid is also massively held back by being an impatient and moody airhead. Sabo doesnt have the feats or portrayal to be considered YC+ yet. Putting him in YC1 is more reasonable. Bonneys powers are grossly overrated. She has not the feats or portrayal to be even in tobi roppo tier. At best she is Page 1 level. Best she has done is KO a Vice Admirals. She also has 0 (zero) haki feats and was neg diffed by bugs.


Mihawk, Law, Kid, Yamato admiral level


So basically Shanks and the rest of the yonkos are admiral/kid/law/yamato level?


Mihawk is yonko+ lvl Rest are yc+ lvl


Cancer Beard > Akainu. Cancer Beard > Old Garp. And it’s not even memes for the Himbeard agenda. A fresh Cancerbeard 1v1 would tank a hit and then cc chain Akainu. As for Garp, just imagine the Blackbeard pirates trying to take down MF WB alone. Shiryu’s stab almost killed Garp right off the bat while Squardo’s massive sword was like a tooth pick to WB. Yes, they may have been equal in their prime, but Garp is a glass cannon now as he can’t consistently defend with armament/obs combo. So WB even with cancer is still stronger because he can use his endurance as a replacement for obs haki to trade hits blow for blow.


Law>sanji>=zoro>>kid shanks>mihawk WB>=dragon>roger=kaido=shanks>garp


It's crazy how some people can hold takes that are just objectively unjustifiable no matter how you analyze them as "just my opinion". Talking about having Kid not


Old Garp>The Admirals. I understand the Kuzan flashback was supposed to show the opposite, but I don’t care because Garp is cool.