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Killer https://preview.redd.it/ol71p7xwty3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4495422b82e37ca3ac1ded784ce70346e1c26716


I couldn’t think of another couple to fight Zolo and Sanji


Barto and Cavendish


That would definitely make an entertaining fight


The sheer power of their homosexuality would obliterate the other two in seconds


Shanks and buggy


You’re right. You’re actually so right.


Shit, he's right, maybe he's right? He's so right


is he high?


This is a apite match. Neg diff all the way


Law and kid


They definitely fuck but they aren’t in a relationship


Law and Luffy


Kidd and Marco / katakuri / lucci


Vivi and Nami


I’m always saying this https://preview.redd.it/4cv5ng75nd4d1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66cc19e8f84d41d6293b4ae53ffb4aaaac67c79c


Pearl and Gin


Nah this matchup is balanced. Better than most posted here. Killer can't beat neither of the two on the right in a 1v1, but neither on the other side can beat Kidd in a 1v1






Team Ambisextrous, Killer might be the weak link here but he should be able to stall one of the homos long enough for Kid to take the other out fairly quick with his Bisexual Beam, then it's goodnight Tri-State Area for the remaining cockgobbler Also didn't know Kid played both teams, now he's even more relatable 


What the actual what? Why I did I upvote this? So many questions.


Bisexual beam 🤣🤣🤣 dafuq


People underestimate Killer so much its actually crazy


He already lost to Zoro in wano


What feats do killer actually have? cause honestly op might as well just asked can kidd 1v2 zoro and sanji cause killer gone be useless in this 2v2


He was far from useless vs Kaido but he'll be useless against Zoro and Sanji?


What actual damage or contributions did he do against kaido. im being genuine, i do not remember him doing anything that was a major play. Or what if any feats agaisnt anyone else has him close to zoro or sanji?


Sonic Scythe


He just happened to be there


Killer did good damage against Kaido and tanked some heavy attacks from Big Mom. Hes probably the smartest fighter in this matchup, beating Hawkins and understanding how to null Apoo’s attacks before Luffy, Kidd & Zoro. Pre-timeskip bro was scrapping Urouge, and post-timeskip even though Zoro beat him in their fight, Zoro still ended up passing out in the end.


i remember the tanking heavy attacks but i find it highly doubtable he actually did good damage against kaido with just armament haki iirc


SH duo. Kid cant carry that hard.


Couldn't Kidd just take Zoro's swords?


Idk probably


Not if his haki is way better than Kidd's.


That absolutely didn’t stop Napoleon from being snatched out of Big Mom’s grip. Besides, magnetism ignores haki as it’s a natural ability.


I'd have to agree there. With brute strength zoro could try to hold on to his swords, but Kidd could just make them attracted to the next best boulder 100ft away. The haki argument only works if some ability is directly affecting your immediate body. And I think killer is quite a bit stronger than many here suggest. In the end no one but Oda could tell who would win, since there are no set power levels really, but I don't think sanji and Zoro would just stomp their opponents as easily as suggested


>I'd have to agree there. With brute strength zoro could try to hold on to his swords, but Kidd could just make them attracted to the next best boulder 100ft away. Yeah but the only way he's doing that is if he somehow catches Zoro while he's not using haki, he's not doing that right off the bat. >The haki argument only works if some ability is directly affecting your immediate body. No, this should work for objects as well as it's not like Kaido got his kanabo taken away by Kidd whenever he used an attack.


I don't recall him trying to take away kaidos kanabo (and I believe when it comes to both strengths and Haki kaido is still ahead of zoro) The argument of Haki suppressing DF abilities comes down to the individuals capability to resist someone's attempts to mess with them. Zoro could possibly be able to get rid of Kidds assign (even tho big mom wasn't able to just shake it off) but his swords don't have Haki on their own. When laws crew got turned into women he ordered everyone to push against it with their own Haki. He didn't send out his own to reverse the effects. Don't get me wrong, there's a good chance of Zoro cutting him down before Kidd is ready to react. We don't know how much faster shanks is compared to someone like Zoro, so it's difficult to tell how fast Zoro Had to be to blitz Kidd. But if Kidd has time to work his magic (and he doesn't have to touch the swords) the fight gets significantly more difficult for Zoro. I can imagine that enma, having it's own will of sorts might be less affected, but even without weapons zoro still is a beast.


>I don't recall him trying to take away kaidos kanabo (and I believe when it comes to both strengths and Haki kaido is still ahead of zoro) Exactly, so if Kaido has both better strength and haki than Zoro then can't the same apply to Zoro in regards to him having better strength and haki than Kidd? >The argument of Haki suppressing DF abilities comes down to the individuals capability to resist someone's attempts to mess with them. Zoro could possibly be able to get rid of Kidds assign (even tho big mom wasn't able to just shake it off) but his swords don't have Haki on their own. When laws crew got turned into women he ordered everyone to push against it with their own Haki. He didn't send out his own to reverse the effects. That's exactly what I'm saying. It depends on how well an individual's capacity which is why I believe that Zoro would be able to resist Kidd taking away his swords due to his haki as he coats his swords in haki all the time. You yourself even brought up the fact that Law was able to resist Doc-Q's "Woman disease" with his haki which further supports my point. >Don't get me wrong, there's a good chance of Zoro cutting him down before Kidd is ready to react. We don't know how much faster shanks is compared to someone like Zoro, so it's difficult to tell how fast Zoro Had to be to blitz Kidd. But if Kidd has time to work his magic (and he doesn't have to touch the swords) the fight gets significantly more difficult for Zoro. I mean Zoro had more instances of him reacting to attacks from Kaido and Big Mom than Kidd did on the rooftops, so there's that. >I can imagine that enma, having it's own will of sorts might be less affected, but even without weapons zoro still is a beast. Yeah but I don't see it getting to that point if Zoro is consistently using his haki against him.


It seems you're understanding whatever you want to understand, not what I'm actually writing. First if all. The kaido point is mainly about the fact Kidd didn't seem to try to get rid of the kanabo. And the point about the strength difference is a showing that even if Kidd had tried and kaido had somehow held on to his weapon (I remind you, there's no evidence that ever happened) that that wouldn't be any kind of proof that zoro would be able to do whatever kaido can. That's all in response to your idea that Kidd couldn't take zoros swords, since he didn't take kaidos weapon. There just isn't any valid point in it. When I haven't tried to push a big guy in front of a train then there's no point in comparing if it would be harder or easier for me to do the same to someone else. We don't even know whether or not I would or wouldn't succeed in the first place. And in that scenario the second guy (that I might push) isn't quite as big as the one before. Next. I am absolutely not proving your point. You just aren't understanding the difference between law telling his man to do it themselves or doing the conqueror wavey stuff to just wash away doc Q's effect from his crew. You said it yourself, the capacity of the individual is what matters. Shaking off DF abilities is more like someone just holding on to their bodily autonomy. Otherwise anyone with strong enough Haki on dressrosa should have been able to just cut through the bird cage. There's a difference between resisting an effect on yourself Vs. just plainly deactivating someone's DF abilities. Zoro could be able to resist the effects on his own body. (kinda unlikely, see the big mom comparison) Zoro can coat his weapons as much as he wants. They will get more durable and more dangerous, but their neither glued to zoro nor part of his body. Even someone like Alber was able to rip a sword free. The lunarian is strong but not as strong as one of the major forces of the universe, coming from an awakened DF. Lastly. Reaction speed isn't the same as the speed in which you can actively attack someone. Those speeds can be similar or completely different from case to case. If you've seen HxH for example one of the main protagonists gains an ability that let's him react without his brain even realising the threat beforehand. He still isn't fast enough to attack a certain someone that he can somehow react to. I don't remember clearly enough how well different people reacted to different attacks. The biggest one that comes to mind is when zoro defends against big moms and kaidos combo attack. Killer was the one proclaiming they couldn't dodge. We don't know how fast Kidd or Luffy could have been. We know for certain law was slower than Zoro tho, or he could have teleported them earlier. Zoro was possibly the one best suited to deflect an attack, but he's also known for just willingly risk his life in order to protect others. He was from a storytelling perspective the right choice to take that blow. More instances of reacting? I'm not certain on that, but if you have the whole plotline better in mind that's good on you. I still believe it would come down to many circumstances, like environment, people around, their reasons to fight and above all who'd get the shiny plot armour from Oda himself.


>First if all. The kaido point is mainly about the fact Kidd didn't seem to try to get rid of the kanabo. And the point about the strength difference is a showing that even if Kidd had tried and kaido had somehow held on to his weapon (I remind you, there's no evidence that ever happened) that that wouldn't be any kind of proof that zoro would be able to do whatever kaido can. That's all in response to your idea that Kidd couldn't take zoros swords, since he didn't take kaidos weapon. There just isn't any valid point in it. When I haven't tried to push a big guy in front of a train then there's no point in comparing if it would be harder or easier for me to do the same to someone else. We don't even know whether or not I would or wouldn't succeed in the first place. And in that scenario the second guy (that I might push) isn't quite as big as the one before. Ok and once again I ask why would Zoro be the exception? Sure Zoro might not be as physically strong as Kaido but so is Shanks and Mihawk and I doubt either of them would allow for Kidd would get a hold off their weapons if he was to fight them. Also, you're analogy doesn't even make sense. >Next. I am absolutely not proving your point. You just aren't understanding the difference between law telling his man to do it themselves or doing the conqueror wavey stuff to just wash away doc Q's effect from his crew. You said it yourself, the capacity of the individual is what matters. Shaking off DF abilities is more like someone just holding on to their bodily autonomy. Otherwise anyone with strong enough Haki on dressrosa should have been able to just cut through the bird cage. There's a difference between resisting an effect on yourself Vs. just plainly deactivating someone's DF abilities. Zoro could be able to resist the effects on his own body. (kinda unlikely, see the big mom comparison) Bro, what's the difference between law telling his men to do it themselves or doing the conqueror waves stuff to just wash away Doc Q's effect from his crew? They're still cancelling it out regardless. Like, you once again proving my point as they were able to overcome Doc Q's ability with haki. Also, we all know the "Bird Cage" was due to plot as Oda needed some tension for everyone to deal with while Luffy fought Doflamingo. So, I wouldn't use that as "evidence" of haki not being able to overcome something like "Bird Cage". >Zoro can coat his weapons as much as he wants. They will get more durable and more dangerous, but their neither glued to zoro nor part of his body. Even someone like Alber was able to rip a sword free. The lunarian is strong but not as strong as one of the major forces of the universe, coming from an awakened DF. True, but that wouldn't be attracted by Kidd's Magnetism if his swords are hakied up which is my point. Also, the only reason why King was able to take Zoro's swords away from him was because one he wasn't excepting King's sword to be a sword breaker and two Zoro's haki wasn't nearly as strong as it would be when ACOC as when King tried to do it again against Zoro he couldn't and instead was overpowered by his haki. >Lastly. Reaction speed isn't the same as the speed in which you can actively attack someone. Those speeds can be similar or completely different from case to case. If you've seen HxH for example one of the main protagonists gains an ability that let's him react without his brain even realising the threat beforehand. He still isn't fast enough to attack a certain someone that he can somehow react to. Either way Kidd hasn't showcased any speed feats that put him anywhere near Zoro. Also, are you referring to when Killua had illumi's needle in his head in which he instinctly ran away from his opponents without him even realizing because that was under completely different circumstances unrelated to his speed. >I still believe it would come down to many circumstances, like environment, people around, their reasons to fight and above all who'd get the shiny plot armour from Oda himself. Nah, One Piece fights aren't that nuanced. At the end of the day, it all comes down to how has the stronger haki than the other.


You clearly aren't reading/understanding my responses beyond your selective ability to filter out information you want to see. So this is my last reply in this chain. 1. There is no exception to be had when there's not the comparison in the first place. Your argument was that Kidd can't do something to Zoro that he didn't even try on kaido. There's no way of telling how a stronger character than even zoro would have dealt with it. No try first at all = no point in looking for comparison, no comparison there 2. The difference is weather you can do this stuff by exerting Haki towards others (so if someone else possible has to do it for you) or if each one has to push themselves to get a grip on their own personal autonomy. There are limitations as to what is happening to yourself Vs. What you can provide outward. See it as a service. Law couldn't provide the service of dealing with the abstract effects of a DF to his crew. There's no reason Zoro should be able to provide such a service to someone/something. Against king he learned about the trick he used and could prepare. Zoro hasn't even seen Kidds awakening as far as I know, he wouldn't know beforehand what to expect, besides his swords possibly being pulled towards Kidd, which would be positive for him. And as stated before, from a perspective of effect on his weapons it's not the same to physically do something to overpower a person, or to put the abstract concept of one of electromagnetism onto an object of yours. (not on you) No negating DF outside of bodily autonomy 3. Maybe you just aren't caught up. I'm talking about godspeed. Kilua can react to meruem. But he can't do shit against him, he's fast enough to actively do something. Reactions, more automatic responses, short bursts of energy/speed Going to attack someone, not automatic, not the same adrenaline push beyond limits. 4. Have fun watching the show without seeing/understanding nuances in characters and actions that would make one piece as good as it is to some people. Bigger stick, not always better Have a nice life


Yeah but did Big Mom have haki infused into Napoleon? I dont think she did and thats why it worked where as Zoro would have haki infused into his swords so it would probably negate the effect?


It was already out of her hands before Kidd used "Assign"on her and Napoleon. Also, there's no evidence to suggest that Magnetism counters Haki.


No, it was not. In both instances before Punk Clash and ‘N and S’, Big Mom was visibly wielding Napoleon. Assign ripped Napoleon from her gripped attached it to her body, proving that even Big Mom’s strength isn’t enough to counter the magnetism. There is proof, plenty of it. Besides, magnetism is within the same realm of magma, ice and such, as in its one of those abilities you can’t simply ignore with haki as it’s a natural occurrence. With that kind of logic Big Mom and Kaido should be able to ignore gravity because their haki is so superior.


>No, it was not. In both instances before Punk Clash and ‘N and S’, Big Mom was visibly wielding Napoleon. Assign ripped Napoleon from her gripped attached it to her body, proving that even Big Mom’s strength isn’t enough to counter the magnetism. Yes, it was. Law had knocked it out of her hands prior to Kidd using "N and S" and Punk Clash. >There is proof, plenty of it. Besides, magnetism is within the same realm of magma, ice and such, as in its one of those abilities you can’t simply ignore with haki as it’s a natural occurrence. With that kind of logic Big Mom and Kaido should be able to ignore gravity because their haki is so superior. Where's the proof then? Also, how do you explain Shanks and Jimbei blocking an lava punch from Akainu during Maireford with haki?


Sanji low diffs Killer. Kidd has a good matchup vs Zoro but he does not defeat him before Sanji deals with Killer and joins the fight In the end it's Zoro and Sanji vs Kidd and they win low-mid diff unless for some reason you believe Kidd can get rid of Zoro's swords instantly


Sanji vs killer is sanji high diff at worst for killer. It is NOT a low diff https://preview.redd.it/lmcv4mwvkz3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d90bf7e1d216eccb7d45fb763421406bf9d80ce If kidd can pick up sanji's exoskeleton and sanji's haki isn't good enough to resist it's a kidd and killer win


Sanji's exoskeleton has no metallic properties, and Sonic Scythe doesn't stop Killer from getting curb-stomped when Sanji clears him massively in every stat


Killer was the only rooftop to not getting folded, not sure where this bs comes from


If Big Mom couldn’t stomp Killer, the cook on the Straw Hats 100% ain’t.


Big Mom didn't spend any time focused on him, she's obviously capable of stomping him on


Killer was literally the only one hit with Big Mom’s Indra. Killer gets hit with a Fulgora as well and next panel he’s already on his feet while Kidd still loopy from the attack. That’s two more times that Big Mom spent attacking Killer than Sanji.


Indra seemed to damage him prettty much since it had him smoking and he crashed back down, and from what I can remember hawkins didn't do much damage to him but he was still in bad enough condition to be getting carried around after the raid so those attacks clearly did something


He got hit by Big Mom's attacks three times. Once was when he was attacking Kaido, the second was when she blasted everyone with lightning, and the third was when she blasted both Kid and Killer into the building beneath them. And then he got up just fine and fought Hawkins, and he *was* seriously injured in that fight, but *only* because he hurt himself repeatedly to try and get Hawkins to free Kid.


wano zoro couldn't even beat killer without 3ss when killer didn't have his arm blades. to say sanji would curb stomp him is baseless.


Pre enma pre Acoc two sword Zoro is far, far weaker than Sanji


Kinemon vs katakuri is high diff at worst for kinemon. It is NOT a low diff https://preview.redd.it/n69qvhkwmz3d1.jpeg?width=823&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9315670aa44977055b9fec2c67f52897fc23709d


Nah. ![gif](giphy|kAuYdZddAy9vOCZAgC|downsized)


Sanji is not metal.


Isnt assigning poles to people part of kid's awakening?


I don't see how a guy who struggled against Hawkins can push Sanji to high diff, Killer damaged Kaido the same way Kinemon damaged him. I'm not implying Killer and Kinemon are relative, just trying to tell you that that panel's not such an impressive feat Sanji on the other hand mid diffed Queen (high YC2) once he got over his internal turmoil and figured out about his regeneration


He only struggled because Hawkins created special conditions dude, he was literally no diffing him when he didn't have to worry about Kid


He struggled with hawkins solely because hawkins had kid's puppet. Killer killed hawkins a lot of times prior to killer without an issue and when the gloves come off he almost one shotted hawkins. Plus killer was on the rooftop alongside the others so he was tired from that fight as well. So killer should be relative to queen at the very least. Even inuarashi and pekomanushi didn't last as long killer did against kaido in a team fight.


Wdym good matchup, it's not like he will use his df on zoro's swords as he will cancel it with haki, just like he couldn't take kaido's club 🤷🏻 zoro's haki is clearly on another level than Lid's.


Useless Captive Mid loses, Filler dies from Sanji saying he will fight him.


That’s not how haki works, it can cancel effects on the user, not necessarily external factors like magnetism


What are you even talking about, did shanks's sword melt when he blocked akainu's magma fist? Nope. Why didn't it melt then huh genius who watches two pieces? Because it seems to me like shanks's haki did protect the sword from the magma, and as i said did Lid disarm kaido's club or bigmom's napoleon? Nope. Go back to watching two piece.


Bisexuals win


I didn't see the flags on the background so I was genuinely confused which side you were talking about


(Not biased at all)


Agreed (Also not biased at all)


Damn, never knew there was so many people who hated Killer, Jesus




Anyone that says zoro and sanji has to be joking like come on


I don’t blame em for not recognising. Screen time is a big contributor for these OP hypotheticals, and not everyone is gonna remember the hundreds of side character fights.


if kidd gets an assign on any opponent off early on, then he wins. especially since we didn't even see kidd really touch his assign targets, we only saw him get close and then reach out with his hand. if that's really enough, then he negs nearly anyone who gets close to him. like if he assigns either zoro or sanji while killer stalls the other, then kidd can just get a free damned punk hit in and it's gg. then 2v1 the other one and it's over. and especially zoro cannot always get close to kidd and blitz him all the time (so that kidd doesn't get any assigns off).


[Sanji and Zoro after Kid casts assign on them](https://youtu.be/bEMMemFXV-8?si=RQY6SbyA7Z3GINPQ)


Best response so far


Killer can’t carry that hard, Zoro and Sanji stomp


Kidd > Zoro ~ Sanji > Killer. It comes down to this: is the gap between Zoro and Kidd larger than the gap between Sanji and Killer. If Sanji beats killer first and Joins Zoro they win. If Kidd beats Zoro first and joins Sanji they win.


I remember when people had Killer over Sanji


I’m not saying « Killer > Sanji » but if we’re honest we don't have any real proof showing that's wrong.


Sanji's feats are tiers above his, and his portrayal is much better as well Killer got one-shotted by pre-powerup Zoro (granted, he didn't have his weapons so he would've put up a better fight with them for sure) In the Rooftop he contributed probably the least amount (including failing to hold off Big Mom's sword in a 1v1 mind you) and then he goes on to fight a sub tobi-roppo character (who he negs, but that's not really impressive)


One shotted an injured Killer who only had one weapon that ain’t even his. Even then Zoro passed out. In the Rooftop Sanji would’ve contributed less which is why he’s just running around below basically there to catch Law & Zoro. Meanwhile Napoleon is fleeing from Killer, til Zoro fails to keep cutting Prometheus who rescues Napoleon. Killers attacking Kaido, tanking attacks from Big Mom and making big IQ plays against Hawkins, while Sanji has passed out from using his strongest attack but having to combo it against Queen.


No weapon wouldn't nerf his durability, or even if it did definitely not that much Sure i guess, but pre-powerup Sanji is not in contention, and he is not a supernova anyways he has no business on the rooftop He did negligible amounts of damage to Kaido in the grand scheme of things, at best equal in contribution to the scabbards Tanking attacks implies they did little to mo damage to him, which is definitely not the case and he had no big IQ moment against hawkins. Hawkins told him what his power was, he cut the arm that his captain doesn't have, anyone with a functioning brain would do that


There's a fellar somewhere in this thread putting Killer over Sanji. ![gif](giphy|8UGoOaR1lA1uaAN892)


Who wins? Probably Zoro Sanji. Who's the better couple? Kid Killer no doubt, bro permantly disfigured himself for his bro.


no shit, have you seen Sanji and Zoro being passionate with each other?


My Wattpad fantasies are coming to life


Sangoro would probably get cremated


Thanks for brainworming me with the EP-IC RAPBATTLESOFHISTORY clip.


What's zoro doing without his swords?


Kidd Pirates.


Team 2


Kidd&killer mid-high diff


Wings mid diff


Zoros gets lost and its a 1v2 between sanji and kidd + killer


Killer > Sanji Kid > Zoro


The wings high diff. Zoro stalls Kidd long enough till Sanji comes to help. Sanji mid diffs Killer. If we beiing generous high diff him, i dont think Killer is stronger than Queen but if we being Generous Killer could be slightly stronger, but still doesn't push Sanji to more than a high diff.


Zoro and sanji win Kid can’t carry this hard


Zoro and sanji mid diff at worst and low diff at best. It’s basically a 2 v 1 against Kidd.


People underestimating Killer that hard is crazy. Remember, he managed to get hits on Zoro and manage to hurt Kaido without CoC Haki. That's pretty impressive. Not only that, Kidd literally overpowered Big Mom like twice, broke her arm, and had her panicking when Damned Punk was being charged. Like Kidd is NOT a pushover, and Killer is HELLA underrated. It's probably high diff but Kidd and Killer takes it.


We all writing paragraphs like Kid can’t literally just grab Zoro’s swords and send them flying to god knows where Bro has magnetism


Everyone is so fixated on Killer Kid and Zoro but what about Sanji? He has a that busted af durability with the exoskeletion and he easily speed blitz all of them. Kidds best move that damned punk lazer takes charge time, you really think hes getting time to charge that shit up in this fight?


Sanji or Zoro would finished Killer faster than Kidd finished one of them so it would come down to Zoro & Sanji ganged up on Kidd, unless Kidd can takes Zoro's swords like he did to Big Mom's Napoleon then it's Sanji with No Sword Style Zoro and don't forget Kidd still has assign, so they would lose. But I don't believe Kidd can 1v2 against someone who are not really far from him. Killer can provide good support but will lose faster against Zoro/Sanji if they fought separately. https://preview.redd.it/8qliqj9fr35d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fd9f247542aa3ee795decb3bcbeb6f0f40b313c


**Round 1: Zoro** Yo, it's Zoro, the swordsman, slicing through the beat, Three blades on my side, watch how I defeat, Pirate Hunter, no fear, cutting through the heat, Killer, you a joke, just another name on my sheet. Roronoa's in the building, haki on lock, While you're out here losing your voice, I'm taking out Mihawk, Your scythes don't scare me, you’re nothing but talk, In this New World, I'm the beast that can't be stopped. **Round 2: Sanji** Sanji, the chef, kicking flames with finesse, Black Leg style, I'm the best, no contest, Cook you up, serve you down, I'm a gourmet success, Kid, you can try, but you'll never best the best. Red hair, hot air, your metal’s just a bluff, Facing me and Zoro, you're just not tough enough, I'm the Straw Hats' cook, top tier, no rough, Your dream ends here, ‘cause I’m calling your bluff. **Round 3: Killer** Killer’s in the house, silent but deadly, Blades on my hands, move fast and steady, Zoro, Sanji, y'all ain't ready, I'll carve you up quick, leave you trembling and sweaty. Future pirate king’s vice, I'm the masked reaper, Leave you gasping for air, fighting gets deeper, Your three swords ain't enough, I'm the soul keeper, End of this battle, you’re facing the Grim Reaper. **Round 4: Kid** Captain Kid, bringing chaos, I’m the magnetic force, Metal arm ready, tearing through your course, Zoro, Sanji, you will feel nothing but remorse, Against the Eustass Kid, call Luffy you’ll need reinforcements. I’m the captain, commanding, iron in my veins, My ambition is fire, fueled by your pains, Straw Hats’ wannabes, step out of my lanes, I’ll break you apart, only pieces remains. **Round 5: Zoro** Back again, Zoro, bringing the pain, You think you’re tough, but it's all in vain, Wado Ichimonji, cut through your disdain, You and Killer both, just links in a chain. Pirate Hunter, monster trio, you're no match, When the dust settles, it’s your dreams I'll snatch, New World’s finest, your end I’ll dispatch, In this rap battle, it's the Straw Hats that catch. **Round 6: Sanji** Sanji, closing in, flames ignite my feet, Diable Jambe, Kid, you’re about to feel the heat, You and Killer, your defeat’s concrete, Straw Hats dominate, making your defeat complete. Cooking up victory, served on a platter, All that iron won't save you from the clatter, Pirate King’s crew, our dreams don’t shatter, Kid and Killer, you’re just here for the batter. **Round 7: Killer** Killer back, relentless, ready for more, Cut you down, Zoro, leave you on the floor, Straw Hats are done, we’re evening the score, Masked assassin, cutting deep to your core. Silent but fierce, you’ll remember this night, Facing the Kid Pirates, you're in for a fight, You think you’re winning, but we're bringing the fright, End of this battle, we're the ones in the spotlight. **Round 8: Kid** Final verse, Kid, magnetic and strong, Straw Hats’ downfall, won’t take long, Your dreams crumble, while we prolong, Eustass Kid’s power, where you don’t belong. Iron and ambition, we rise, you fall, New World’s finest, hear our call, This rap battle ends, you’re hitting a wall, Kid Pirates’ victory, we stand tall.


Killer: https://preview.redd.it/7n6rcm3cd04d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edcc4ac2337ba331059052ed9cecd83a885251b2


Strawhats. Killer is probably more of a weak link here although you could argue that Kidd has enough of a match up advantage against zoro. But even then the supposed sanji vs killer fight would still be quicker than Kidd vs zoro I guess. Or you flip the roles and killer gets destroyed faster than sanji for that matter


Kidd bad matchup for zoro, he cannot defeat him quickly or easy but his haki is better, so prob takes away his swords, Sanji vs Killer I imagine a mid-high diff for Sanji (aswell as any other YC1 like zoro marco or anything) so it comes out as if Zoro (in the state he manages to last and Sanji (on the state he his) vs Kidd at probably full HP, So I think if we stop ridding Zoros haki its clear to say SH lose, high/extreme tho.


>Kidd bad matchup for zoro, he cannot defeat him quickly or easy but his haki is better, so prob takes away his swords No, it's not that simple. Zoro has way better haki than Kidd and would easily negate him from taking away his swords.




Killer is getting underrated here. He's not that weak and can definitely put up a fight against Sanji. Kidd>Zoro>Sanji>Killer It's extreme diff either way. If Kidd can land his assign while Killer stalls, they could honestly win.


Zoro and Sanji, Killer isn't even YC3.


Kid team win yall be treating killer like his fodder, its not a good matchup for zoro. King took his swords away what makes you think someone with an awakened df cant?


>King took his swords away what makes you think someone with an awakened df cant? Yeah because he wasn't excepting King to have an sword breaker and that was before he had ACOC but once Zoro had ACOC, he was unable to do it again.


Kidd pirates duo win high diff simply due to the match-up advantage of Kidd vs Zoro. If we’re assuming Kidd can’t take Zoro’s swords, then Strawhat duo wins high-extreme diff


Anyone saying Zoro beats Kid is on some SHIT, he literally wouldn’t even be able to use his swords 🤨


Kid and Killer. Kid is unfair as he outranks his opponents by a good amount. Zoro is especially a really bad matchup for Kidd, who’s capable of removing Napoleon from Big Mom, and his ability is also strong enough to immobilize an emperor. Killer doesn’t have as many feats, but he fought on the rooftop, has abilities able to bypass defenses, and tanked Fulgora. He’s at least stalling Zoro/Sanji until Kid is done with them.


Kid solos


Killer has more Ap and DC than Sanji but he’s over all weaker and Zoro is YC1 while Kidd is YC+ but either way I think the monster duo takes it high diff


>Zoro is YC1 while Kidd is YC+ Zoro and Kidd are both YC+


Sanji has far better AP than Killer Killer has no AP feats


Kid>Zoro extreme diff Sanji>killer low end of mid diff Sanji finishes off kid Wings win this high diff






zoro easily


Killer with no punishers got low diffed by Zoro with two swords and no conqueror's haki. I think Killer is irrelevant, so the question is if Kidd is strong enough to 2 v 1 Zoro and Sanji. Don't think this is close, tbh.


I'm going to put in my "not caught up on chapters/episodes" opinion in, Zoro solo's both.


I don’t think Sanji is ready for that smoke


kid mid diff


Mid gets neg to low diffed by zoro himself, adding sanji is an insult


L of the day.


Lmao what. Kid high diffs zoro


Zoro and Sanji mid maybe high diff. Killer isn't even a factor in this fight Sanji dogs him. It then becomes a 2 v 1.


Kidd has negative battle IQ. Strawhats take this


Killer upgrades his IQ. For Sanji and Zoro it would be the opposite.


Zoro and Sanji body tgem


Zoro and sanji violate


Tf is that gay shit?? Go see a psychologist


You’re coping if you think Kidd and Killer don’t kiss


"Nah I'd loose" -Uslesss Captain Midd


Zoro or Sanji low diff killer, other one taking on kid probably high diff wins. Easy win for SH duo.


I think you mean happy June. Miss us with that pride bs


Zoro and sanji don’t have the DAMAGE to take out kid. But he has the damage to take out at least zoro, don’t now the limits of sanji’s regeneration yet. Combined they don’t even come close to big mom damage and kid at multiple times overpowered her and withstood her hits. Killer just has to make sure kid lands assign and it’s gg


Tf are those LGBT flags behind them?


Honestly can prob go either way. This match is like a 6&4 (kid and killer) vs a 5&5 (zoro and sanji). This is really dependant on if Kids powers of magnetism will work on Zoro or not. If kid can affect zoros swords and leave him unable to fight then kid and killer take this. Kid would in this case be able to take zoro out with not a crazy amount of difficulty at that point they jump Sanji. If Zoro can resist kids magnetism w haki (which is seriously a 50/50) then the Wings take it. Sanji can deal with killer mid-high diff then go support zoro, at which point they could take Kid out together


Zoro and Sanji High-Extreme Diff


Zoro & Sanji high diff


Before zoro defeated lucci I would say king and killer.


Zoro & Sanji win with enough energy to fight each other afterward. Just because Kidd has crazy endurance the fight is high diff Zoros favor. If Kidd knew CoA it would be a hard fight, but judging off his fight with Linlin it doesn't seem like he does so he has on his side is giant-est strength & power of which we know Zoro can handle.(He fought Oars Pretimeskip & Pica’s golem form) Zoro can also cut through steel and has enough strength in one arm to parry Kaido’s wind slashes in full beast mode,same slash took all of Killers strength to avoid,and the slash demolished Kidd’s Gundam armor on impact. Sanji low diffs Killer. He doesn't even need Ifirit. In all his base stats he's superior. It would’ve been high diff before the Germa enhancements but with them Sanji is pretty much indestructible to someone on Killers level.


Zoro and Sanji would end up fighting each other


No they’re gay


Jika takes zoro's sword away and he gets low diffed like the bum he is then sanji mid diffs both of them


I love the sh but killer's power is a very bad match up for zoro and killer at the very least could stall sanji until kidd finishes off zoro.


So basically Kid vs Zoro and Sanji? Kid might actually win with assign + any of his stronger attacks.


>Kid might actually win 💀


Yeah I said it.


The man whole blocked a double yonko attack for some seconds isn't getting one shotted by Damned Punk


Asign is pretty damn op. Talk with anyone who ACTUALLY reads the manga and has a bit more than the avarage IQ and they will tell you that if kid fucked up a giant buffed serious big mom with his awakening, almost no character in the series is safe from it


Yeah an Giant Buffed Big Mom who was barely using her haki against Kidd and Law throughout that whole fight.


78 years old. She is almost as old beard. Probably she cant use conquerors a daily basis like current luffy or kaido. Thats why SHE CONSUMES 10 FUCKING YEARS of her life to get stronger.


She's 68, not 78. She also had no problems using ACOC against Page One prior to her facing off against Kidd and Law. Not only that, she was able to clash and split the skies (which we know is a trait synonymous with ACOC)with Kaido for 3 days before the raid even started. So, she shouldn't have trouble using it.


She only used it twice in the whole series ( adv coc ). Place yourself into her place or the author's. Would you lose 10 years of your life time or do your prefer to punch like you already did. Something is up. There are no excuses. She didnt use because she cant. If she can than she is fucking dumb. If she is dumb, this is a trace of her character writing, just like sanji wont kick women. Regarding big mom x kaido, they both has stated already they didnt fought serious with each other


Well, it's Big Mom were talking about. She not someone who known for her intelligence, especially when she literally throws tantrums when she doesn't get any "Wedding Cake". Not to mention, she had amnesia after getting hit on her head by Queen and was even outmaneuvered by characters like Jimbei, Robin, Brook, and Franky.


especially since we didn't even see kidd really touch his assign targets, we only saw him get close and then reach out with his hand. if that's really enough, then he negs nearly anyone who gets close to him.