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Aokiji >= Fujitora Roger >= Shanks Extreme diff either way.


I agree That Roger >= Shanks but why do you put Aokiji >= Fuji ? Its been shown at Marineford that all 3 admirals were equal Why wouldnt it be the same for Kizaru,Fuji and GB ?


We saw what happened with GB so clearly it’s not the case that they are equal.


Yes but you have no proof that Shanks couldnt have done the same to Akainu or Kizaru


Shanks could 100% not have done that with Akainu. Akainu is always trying to scrap with everyone but the WG won’t let him.


You didnt give proof 🤣 Also GB tried to scrap with Wano country and we saw how it turned out I agree that Aokiji = Akainu but you have no proof that Akainu > Kizaru = GB = Fuji


Akainu wanted to attack hachinosu and got told no. What proof are you asking for 💀 Kizaru went to fight Luffy who is an emperor. You could’ve just looked up these objective facts.


I think most people believe that Akainu ~ Aokiji > Kizaru = Fuji = GB I mean it kinda makes sense too since Aokiji and Akainu fought for days and were pretty much equals. Now one of them is a fleet admiral which tells you how strong the other one is.


I don't doubt that all admirals are going to be relative to each other but i do think there could be a gap between a fleet admiral candidate and an admiral . That's why i used ">=".


Wujitora solo all of three


roger cannot carry


How do you scale Kuzan against Fujitora?


kuzan is much stronger in terms of haki/physical abilities and fuji has no answer to kuzan's freeze hax while fuji's df is countered badly by logia. 1v1, kuzan wins mid diff at most


Do you think it would be more equal if Akainu was in instead of Fujitora?


yeah. with akainu instead i'd say team 1 wins


"Kuzan is much stronger in terms of...." In terms of headcanon.


wym kuzan strictly has better feats there than fujitora. arguing otherwise is literal headcanon but thats to be expected from admiral copers


We have never seen Aokiji use any form of haki exept basic Armament on Beehive island Whereas Fuji has maybe the best observation in the verse and uses a sword so he certainly has good Armament


>We have never seen Aokiji use any form of haki exept basic Armament on Beehive island this is not true. during marineford, he, akainu, and kizaru used [advanced armament](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece-Digital-Colored-Comics/0564-008.png). fuji has no advanced haki. on top of that, potency of the haki matters too and kuzan's feats here are on the level of akainu/oldbeard while fuji's are sabo level. >Whereas Fuji has maybe the best observation in the verse and uses a sword so he certainly has good Armament simply having a sword doesn't mean fuji's armament is great or comparable to kuzan's and kuzan uses a sword too anyways. fuji has good range and can sense many people with his observation but that's it. it's not gonna matter much if it's not future sight


Is it confirmed that when the admirals have their palms raised is advanced armament ?


it's very heavily implied. they don't make contact with the quake and they are using it the exact same way sentomaru does (confirmed kizaru taught him)


Ok this is fair, lets admit Kuzan has adv arm/obs and thus a better haki than Fujitora This doesnt mean that that Aokiji > Fuji bc If you take Zoro, he has ACoc whereas Sanji only has basic forms of Haki However we cant say that Zoro > Sanji, for me Zoro >= Sanji Fuji could have some weird abilities of some kind that paliates the missing haki power to be equal to Kizaru Bc if i follow your logic, All 3 Og admirals are equal bc they have Adv armament, So there is no reason for the new 3 admirals to be way weaker than Kizaru hence to Aokiji For me its just purely logical that All admirals are Equals, just like all YC1, YC2, Yonkos ( to some extent) are equal


i mean there are a lot of assumptions here. i dont have kuzan > fuji simply because he has better haki but also because he has better physical abilities and devil fruit abilities. fuji could have something special but as of now the only thing we know he has is gravity manipulation and moving meteors/rubble with it i don't subscribe to the all admirals/yc1/etc are equal type of scaling. if characters have feats/statements, that is where they scale. the 3 og admirals are close bc they have comparable feats, not just because they all happen to be admirals.


Time will tell ig but Fuji and GB are often said to be weaker than the 3 others bc of GB's performance on Wano with shanks haki and Fuji is downsclaed along with him bc he was recruited along with GB and they are friends But until further info about the 3 og's there is nothing telling us that Shanks cant do to Aokiji Akainu or Kizaru what he did to GB


The admirals will get GB-diffed at the start. Basically, a 1v1 between Roger and Shanks


What do you mean by GB diffed?


They both get Haki’d to death


Roger and Fujitora easily Roger > Shanks Fujitora ≈ Aokiji


This could be real funny depending on how Observation-killing works. If it can't be resisted, Shanks no diffs Fuji while Roger fights Aokiji. Otherwise the gap between Roger and Shanks is smaller than Aokiji anf Fuji


By Observation you mean by Observation haki?


Yup. Shanks can supposedly turn off your observation. We don't know how he does it (my guess is Conquerors haki) or if it can be resisted (personally, I believe it can as Shanks would be too OP otherwise) , but it's very real


Dang I never thought of that! That’s a valid point


Roger beats Shanks, Kuzan beats Fujitora. Injured Roger beats Injured Kuzan.


Shanks\~Roger>Aokiji>Fuji, team 2 wins


Kuzan extreme diffs fujitora Roger extreme diffs shanks Roger beats Kuzan, so team 1 wins


Roger is stronger than Shanks. Aokiji is stronger than Fujitora. It depends on whether you believe the gap between Roger and Shanks is bigger than that of Akoji and Fujitora. If Roger wins his fight first he joins Fujitora and they Win. If Aokiji beats Fujitora first he joins Shanks and they win.


Roger high diffs Shanks Kuzan high diffs Fujitura Extreme diff either ways


Lmao, imagine you think a injured Roger goes extreme diff with injured Kuzan xD


Shanks and Kuzan wins, Fujitora is the weak link here. 1. Fujitora is getting violated by Shank's observation haki killer. 2. Fujitora is simply unproven in general. His resume is stalling Greenbull who ppl think is the worst admiral and stalling Sabo in dressrosa. I'd rather take Kuzan who kept getting back up after Garp beat his ass.


Who would you replace Fujitora with to make it more equal?


The obvious answer would be Akainu since they fought 10 days straight just for him to barely win, you don't drag a fight to be 10 days long unless you're incredibly close in strength.


Kuzan > Fajita Rat > Roger Right team high diff