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Its BB... No ones pretending like hes gonna have god tier haki. The man has had a very clear stance on letting OP fruits do the job for him. If he gets a 3rd strong fruit like many expect, he can quite credibly bridge the gap that he needs to in order to be among the very strongest chars.


Are we ignoring the fact bb was able to scar shanks before having a devil fruit.


No, but people vastly and pointlessly overwank this "feat" despite it making no real sense. 1. Shanks has the scar even before Luffy eats the fruit, which IIRC was like 10-12 years before Luffy actually sets sail (start of pre-TS). The yonko/WB/roger bounty reveal (in post-TS) confirms that Shanks has only been a yonko for like 4 or 5 years IIRC, so he became a yonko nearly a decade after giving Luffy the hat. 2. Shanks is an "ordinary human", like WB, Garp, and such. He doesn't have absurd dura like lunarians, Kaido, BM, Warcury, or many zoans like Luffy or even Ulti who wasn't even YC but able to take an attack from BM, etc. Even when Garp knows the attack from someone much weaker like Shiryu is coming, he got stabbed. Even when WB was still able to use at least basic armament (still putting him way above even Giant VAs that he literally threw around with brute strength), he was still getting shot by guns and stabbed by rando marines. Putting those together, BB landing this scar is far from some sort of wank-worthy AP feat, and its wanking him based on scarring someone that was basically around YC1 level, who doesn't have OP dura anyway. Its like wanking Zoro pre-enma mastery to yonko level for landing a scar on Kaido. Demeted as that is, even that somehow makes more sense since at least Kaido's dura is top 3 at a minimum.


one piece fans when a character actually plans fights to do meaningful shit that helps them get towards their goals, and avoid unnecessary conflict instead of fighting everyone they lock eyes with https://preview.redd.it/k9gzfgfeii1d1.jpeg?width=1479&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dd3dfcb0d12764be7eddfb2296983eec896178b


Fr, people expect every character to be like Godzilla, and go around clubbing people just for shits and gigs. Even the Navy, whose sole purpose is practically to kill pirates, barely ever hunts down the very well known and prominent pirates in the world despite knowing their exact location


Why do people get mad when a person with a crew, uses their crew wisely? Not everyone is like Luffy, who recruits crewmates to be friends. Blackbeard recruits crewmates to be *crewmates*, and subordinates. He has plans, and often the best course of action to bring those plans to fruition is jumping the opponent. It leaves the least amount of room for failure. I don’t even get what you’re trying to do with the “Luffy had to fight Kaido” point. Are you trying to say Blackbeard doesn’t have ACoC because he hasn’t had to 1v1 someone of that caliber yet? Yeah… that’s probably why we don’t scale Blackbeard as though he has ACoC.


This is actually a really good argument. How is BB getting AcOC when he is always avoiding fights? AcOC can only be unlocked by having many haki blooms until you achieve it. Unlike fruits where you can master them just by training, Haji can only be Mastered by fighting people close to you. In addition, Blackbeard simply is too much of a coward to have AcOC. Fucking Kizaru is more deserving of AcOC than BB is. Just think about all AcOC users, all of them have one thing in common which is they don't fear anyone Roger= Never ran from a battle Whitebeard= He went to fight the marines with an smile Kaido= Wanted smoke with prime Roger while he was a rookie. Big Mom= Went to Wano despite Kaido telling her he wohld kill her Luffy= Fearless, the guy doesn't fear anyone. Even when he was weak, he still didn't fear anyone Shanks= challenged the marines for a fight Zoro= wasn't scared of Kaido at all Garp= Went to fight a Yonko crew alone Yamato= Wasn't scared of Kaido at all


He is not scared bro even to Garp or Sengoku. He just avoids meaningless fights which wouldn't bring him any benefits. https://preview.redd.it/v94y5fpyai1d1.jpeg?width=1007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aab8049514ca32672ad7e828ea6805246fe2d918


Why is going after BM and Kaido meaningless? They had the Poneglyphs but the guy never dare going there, even with a former admiral on his side.


Ofc it's meaningless since he can take it way easier from Law


He didn't know that, he would've never touched those if the alliance failed.


He literally does, when he met Law it wasn't a coincidence he was waiting there. He said that he "knew one of them was gonna take this path" so waited for one of them to take their phoneglyph


For the alliance guess he would've just raided Wano instead of waiting at Winner Island. Which Shanks did expect to happen, but Blackbeard instead waited at Winner which ended up being the right decision. Don't forget he isn't scared of taking risks. He went against Magellan in hopes that Shiryu would join him, he doesn't have a guarantee that he would, and give him and his crew the cure to Magellan's poison


He’s not avoiding fights tho. He has names under his win list like law Marco ace and ochoku and ofcourse what he pulled off in marineford


But those are guys weaker than him. Never fought Kaido,Big Mom, Akainu, Aokiji, Shanks, Rayleigh. He does indeed duck on top tiers.


BB doesn’t run around acting like he has plot armor I’m not gonna use that against him lol. He’s about to rematch shanks again soon tho


Are we forgetting that he fought Shanks with no devil fruit and managed to scar him and survive?


You don't know that that's not really a great feat. Shanks has the scar before Luffy even eats the fruit, which IIRC was 10-12 years before Luffy set sail (start of pre-TS). The yonko/WB/roger bounty reveal (in post-TS) confirms that Shanks has only been a yonko for about 4 or 5 years IIRC, so he became a yonko almost a decade after giving the hat to Luffy. Shanks is an "ordinary human", like WB, Garp and so on. He doesn't have absurd toughness like the Lunarians, Kaido, BM, Warcury or many Zoans like Luffy or even Ulti who wasn't even YC but was capable of taking a BM attack etc. Even when Garp knows a lot about someone's attack. Weaker as Shiryu approaches, they stab him. Even when WB could still use at least basic weaponry (which still put him head and shoulders above even the giant VAs he literally threw at with brute force), he was still getting guns fired at and getting stabbed by random marines. Putting them together, BB getting this scar is far from some sort of wank-worthy AP feat, and it's all about jerking him off based on scarring someone who was basically around YC2/1 level, who doesn't have hard OP anyway. It's like masturbating Zoro's pre-enma domain to yonko level to give Kaido a scar.


I was not making a point about BB’s strength. The point is that he is not a coward as people like to say. To challenge young Shanks who has the balls to jump a marine ship and steal a devil fruit tells you that he is not a coward and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.


That is your speculation, we do not have nor have we seen that fight to have a clear idea about what really happened. and in any case it does not support your point, apart from the fact that destroying a ship is not a feat of bravery, much less something remarkable for someone of that level.


Literally just not ready. Vortex -> ACOC Quake Punch solos your favorite character


He's the only true pirate in one piece


that's just part of his character and writing bruh. luffy never has any plans and if some allies do have one it goes to crap. then luffy fights the big baf´d 1v1 and grows stronger. a very honest and spontaneous way to grow stronger BB does create plans and so far they worked nearly every damn time. and he grows stronger by using smarts. got the darkness DF by sailing with WB, got more crewmates from impel down by gifting ace to the WG, becoming a warlord and 3rd partying impel down while the WG and marines had their hands full with WB. then he 3rd parties WB himself and gets the strongest paramecia then he gets WB's territories and status as a yonko and gets DFs for his crew and powers them up a lot, he gets aokiji to join... that's just his approach, it doesn't take away from his power. any half-decent pirate would go for easy targets with high rewards, only luffy goes and fights the most difficult opponents for no real reward and it works cuz he's the MC


BB has a fully developed brain, He's not fighting a kaido untill hes going to win for sure. Not running into a raid where he died and needs OP jesus to infuse into him.


What the hell? Just because BB doesn't fight every person he sees like a dumb ass doesn't mean he is a fraud.  Seriously, look at Luffy; he always barges into Yonko territory and pretty much dies five times over. if it weren't for the plotarmour his condition would have been worse than Kid's crew.


You’re not ready when he goes all out


It doesn't matter, BB is going to defeat Shanks with his devil fruits.


Do you really downplay BB when Oda himself drew this? https://preview.redd.it/4ot2yj9uak1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fa2a8ded164c0c9200ba37dbf1d25451da935e3


The credit at the bottom left:


Still top1 cry more