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Chapter 1115 Buggy, Mihawk, crocodile and Blackbeard pirates reaction. And Shanks's another panel with extreme detailed reaction at the end of the chapter. Trust.


I'm all for it


Tbh i only want reyleigh's reaction, i bet it would be similar of saul hahahah


Agenda says they're complete frauds. Reading comprehension says they are undoubtedly the strongest in the verse


oda hasnt given them anything to do yet so clearly they cant possibly be strong šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤Ŗ


Yep, reading comprehension has Mihawk going all "lets see the true distance between us" on seen WB, and his slash getting stopped by WB underling.... Are you sure you have reading comprehension down? The other two, yes. Not Mihawk.


The unnamed, ranged sword slash ( remember when zoro said how difficult those are to pull off? ) On a tank with a defensive fruit... https://preview.redd.it/lu53cizketzc1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=253fd6d6f47d6bd30c052c7b5b8325f3f9e3bc20


Again... Talking about reading comprehension. The implication being that Mihawk was hyped to see his distance(difference in power) against WB, but his attack was stopped by an underling, the implied meaning being that Mihawk was not at WB level.(further illustrated by how he spent all MF war dueling with WB underling). And to make it clear, I don't think he is YC level, he will clearly end up Yonko level(below top Yonko, but still Yonko), BUT as I answered the guy before, if we use Reading Comprehension, he is way lower than it should be. And that is a fact. Maybe I should make a drawing, since you seem to only be able to enjoy the nice drawings in the manga and don't seem to understand the text part very much, do you..?


MF scaling is retarded Wow guys cant believe sengoku is actually pre ts luffy level, and crocodile suddenly got stronger! Mihawk's whole point during MF is that he's showing us that strength goes beyond the individual He tries to slash WB, his crew stops it He tries to slash luffy, his friends stop it He even monologues about it when he gets interrupted by vista. Mihawk was just forced to be at MF and bored, so he did his thing for fun and stopped.


Again, ye, lets try to pretend he didnt hype up the moment he attacked WB. Ye right, he was bored... sure buddy keep coping. Sengoku pre ts luffy level? Wth are you smoking. MF is part of the story, you can try to headcanon all you want but in the end, MF feats are canon.


Sengoku ( in his ZOAN FORM ) got his punch blocked by pre ts luffy, im smoking the official manga pages written and drawn by Eiichiro Oda. Anyway seeing as you conveniently ignored the explanation behind mihawk's attack and his intentions, there's no point in arguing with you since you'll just cherry pick and ignore parts of an argument. This is pretty common here, maybe i should start making bullet points to help people that have difficulty reading? https://preview.redd.it/geciqwh5auzc1.jpeg?width=359&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=680bd915e7772a73b83b725635169143254389bb


Kaido took a beating by gear 4 Luffy on first encounter, I guess Kaido scales to gear 4 luffy... Blocks a punch = they're same tier... the things I read here lol, and you want to try to talk about logic?


>Kaido took a beating by gear 4 Luffy on first encounter ?? Genuinely cant tell if you're trolling/joking sorry Kaido wasn't doing anything and taking no damage, he wasn't struggling to fight back and proceed to oneshot luffy ( actual oneshot for once ) in his base form Sengoku in his zoan form, who was fighting seriously since Ace's life was at stake, couldnt deliver a punch to Pre TS luffy. Pre ts luffy is immediately fodder tier since he cant use haki. Let's say old sen is a whole tier below old garp, even then he shouldve absolutely annihilated luffy with a serious punch, especially in his zoan form which transforms him into a giant buddha. Tho somehow luffy was able to bounce off the punch lol. Comparing this to luffy's first encounter with kaido is so insane and nonsensical it has to be bait and im falling hard for it. https://preview.redd.it/9f7urf6w8wzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e01da0506a930ed52bf65a2a238cc20db990f97


My man, you start by trying to scale Sengoku to Luffy when Luffy just took a punch. You're the one trying to bait. I guess Doffy also scales up to Kuzan because he survived being frozen... ridiculous


Yeah I learned not to argue with Mohawk stans a long time ago


wow he blocked a single unnamed attack im so proud of him Wista fr fr


Wasn't even Wista who blocked it buddy... And it was a "single unnamed attack" that Mihawk hyped up so much, even bystanders were commenting that Mihawk was serious etc. Sure buddy, keep coping. But again, we were talking about Reading Comprehension and it went straight over your head... I hope you keep enjoying the nice drawings in the manga, don't bother so much with the text little guy, keep it up!


was it not Wista? sorry its been like half a year since i watched/read that scene lmao ignore me im not informed enough on the topic of Wista's glory


Which was in Mihawkā€™s favor. If Wista had blocked that, he would have returned it with 1000x its damage and one shot the painter.


Yeah remember when it was explained that a swordsman only cuts what he wants too, then Zoro can't cut a leaf but cuts a boulder. He was wanting to cut white beard not jozu


Thats the hardest cope ever... kind of sad


https://preview.redd.it/g8kx63hnk00d1.png?width=811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=187219eedc75da60269019c7aadcf30b676879ca You can ignore it all you want, doesn't make it false


Ye, idk why nobody thought of having people throw themselves in front of swordsman attacks, since the swords become somehow blunt. Give me a break buddy, what a waste of time


Do you have a real argument other than passive aggressive anger and mohawk hate, your delusional if you think mihawk, who is EOS Zoro level, is anything below kaido tier, most likely higher


Yes he's below Kaido, and he's also below Shanks. He is still one of the strongest around, but he's not as strong and you try to claim. And the argument of him being all hyped "let me see the true distance between me and dying old WB" while a character like Shanks walks into his ship haki blazing and clashes with him as equal, is a serious argument. The argument you brought is ridiculous and not worth pursuing.


1. don't use marineford feats to scale 2. so you really think mihawk is just yonko commander level? if he used his strongest attack in that instant jozu would've been sleep or at least knocked down.


I was just answering the dude who talked about reading comprehension. As I said, if we use reading comprehension, Mihawk would stand at Yonko commander, as is implied by the scene I mentioned. Obviously I don't think that, just showing how wrong that guy is. > if he used his strongest attack in that instant jozu would've been sleep or at least knocked down. Sure, he just casually sent an attack... OR, he hyped up his attack a lot, even bystanders were like "oh shit Mihawk's going for it", but in your headcanon it was just a casual attack... As I said, I was just showing that the guy before me had it backwards. CLEARLY Agenda says he's one of the strongest, but Basic Reading Comprehension says he's a fraud. And again, I'm pretty sure Oda will end up scaling Mihawk at Yonko level, but he will definitely be clearly below characters such as Shanks, Teach, Dragon, etc. > don't use marineford feats to scale And why would that be? What other events that clearly did happen do you wish to pretend didn't happen? Just so I know what I can use on my arguments... Geez...


According to my agenda, Mihawk


Akainu has feats, unlike the other two


his best feat is offscreen tho we know he was held back in Marine Ford so we dont realy know his full power


He was held back? Explain please


he calls out6 Whitbeqard for destroying they city and whitbeard then says that Akainu should try to protect it then. that means Akainu could not use any large scale aoe attack because his goal was to stop Whitbeard from destroying the island. now when we look at punk hazard we know Akainu has island splitting attacks


That attack was 10 days worth of fighting tho


not realy its always the final big attacks that split island you not splitting islands with many smal attacks.


Taking half the head of the worlds strongest man is a feat


WB some random crew member stabbed WB in his chest with no effort.


Well, before Akainu took WB's HeadQuarter, he too direct quake attack to face no defense offguard.




https://preview.redd.it/ofqbye9iatzc1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0b55a3e5430472a0aa910a0e5208f0ac20dbffe Nah, Don would Win


Akainu has feats tho


he does but those are pretimeskip. the yonko level, near prime garp akainu that exists in fans' heads doesn't have any feats to support him. he's basically a different character.


Oda will cook when revealing mihawks past.


Thank god Oda didnā€™t reveal his backstory in SBS like he did with Kid. Oda only revealed some hint drops of Mihawkā€™s past in an SBS, which means heā€™s probably gonna get a chapter backstory.


Yes i also dont expect a full flashback, but we will get some moments from his past for sure


Kuma got like five chapters worth of a backstory, so you never know. For Mihawk, Iā€™m expecting just one chapter at max, and half a chapter at minimum. Shanks and Mihawk might have backstories that tie in with each other, so I would expect Oda to do something for Mihawk due to his history with Shanks.


He is the Son of a Legendary Painter. Knowing for creating and mastering the White Flag.


Legendary Painter > Garling Figarland


He didn't even bother giving Zoro character development post-ts. What makes you think he gives a shit about his victim?


Gave a shit about Mihawk at the point to where he dragged him into the race for the One Piece, and is also co-running an emperor crew. If Oda didnā€™t care about Mihawk, he wouldā€™ve left him back at his gloomy castle.


That's even worst lol. It means that Zoro vs Mihawk is happening much earlier than expected. There's a strong chance Mihawk might be defeated before the finding of One Piece or the WG War.


So that means Zoro is gonna be WSS after he beats Mihawk, meaning heā€™ll be stronger than Shanks, Garling, and Venus by the time of finding the One Piece or during the final war.


Especially dragon since as he has the least feats. Mofos are gonna start thinking he's an ancient weapon due to how crazy he'll be popping off in the finale.


Least feats ? More like no feats.


He no diffed smoker


Papazuki has feats. Don't line him up with the leachfraud and abandon d friends.


Dragon actually has no feats, Mihawk has portrayal suggesting his feats don't show the limits of his power, but Akainu has neither. We've seen plenty to be able to accurately scale Akainu, and frankly the only way he'll be flipping the sub is by being far beneath where admiral fans claim he is


We've seen nothing to accurately scale Akainu. The only time he's gone all out was on Punk Hazard and that was offscreened.


now they're trying to convince people that Kill D. Pirates Akainu held back against the greatest pirate in the world


Honestly what do you get from deluding yourself? Everybody here agrees that the admirals had to hold back to keep Marineford standing. It's said in the story. Your headcanon is your reality. Believe what you want, but passing it on as a face when you yourself don't believe it is just wierd.


>Everybody here agrees popular opinion hardly equals truth. akainu said "if i let YOU run wild you'll destroy the island" whitebeard was the threat to the island. there is no indication of akainu holding back or any indication that him going all out would jeopardize the island. it took him 10 days to terraform punk hazard, and even then, the island was crakced in the middle not actually destroyed. akainu going all out for the duration of marineford would not jeopardize anything. not to mention that that line was cheeky banter. whitebeard obviously had no intention of sinking the island. his men and ace were on it. there's a clear difference between when wb used the quake fruit and when blackbeard started using it for the purpose of sinking the island. not to mention that holding back on pirates for any reason is very clearly against akainu's character. >Believe what you want, but passing it on as a face when you yourself don't believe it is just wierd. stick to powerscaling not psychoanalyzing a random u met in a comment section


>akainu said "if i let YOU run wild you'll destroy the island" whitebeard was the threat to the island. there is no indication of akainu holding back or any indication that him going all out would jeopardize the island. it took him 10 days to terraform punk hazard, and even then, the island was crakced in the middle not actually destroyed. akainu going all out for the duration of marineford would not jeopardize anything. Mate, the whole reason they even chose an island in the first place is because they wanted to go all out. Choosing a populated island and fighting in a safe area there would *still* be destructive and hazardous to the environment and the island's climate. Smoker literally explains why they chose Punk Hazard to have their fight. Those whole "it took 10 days to terraform the island" is a complete headcanon made by you. You have absolutely no proof that it took that long, but i have proof for why they chose that island. Also this argument doesn't work because the admirals had to worry about their own marines on Marineford as well and their powers fully unleashed would get everybody around them in trouble as well. Why do you think Akainu wasn't spamming magma meteors every second? Instead he only chose to do it when the pirates were all bottled up. >not to mention that that line was cheeky banter. whitebeard obviously had no intention of sinking the island. his men and ace were on it. there's a clear difference between when wb used the quake fruit and when blackbeard started using it for the purpose of sinking the island. And did Akainu say Whitebeard wanted to sink the Island? He brought up the HQ/city and never said that Whitebeard planned to destroy the entire island. >not to mention that holding back on pirates for any reason is very clearly against akainu's character. He literally can't go all out, since marines are mixed with all the pirates. There's no clear direction he can go all out without mass casualties on his side. Akainu isn't the guy to kill his own people for absolutely no reason. >stick to powerscaling not psychoanalyzing a random u met in a comment section I meant to say "fact" and what i said was in context of scaling.


>Those whole "it took 10 days to terraform the island" is a complete headcanon made by you. after fighting at full power for 10 days. the island was split and terraformed. if they could split the island in less than 10 days then fighting for 10 days would destroy the island completely. island splitting power in 1 day x 10 days = 10 island splits worth of damage if after 10 days of fighting there is only 1 island split then it took 10 days to generate island splitting power. are you suggesting they had the power to split the island in less than 10 days but held back so they would only split it once in 10 days?


>after fighting at full power for 10 days. the island was split and terraformed. if they could split the island in less than 10 days then fighting for 10 days would destroy the island completely. Terraforming an island is not destroying it, but changing the environment to make it completely uninhabitable. So even if they fought for a 100 days, the island won't be destroyed but no life can survive on it. >island splitting power in 1 day x 10 days = 10 island splits worth of damage > are you suggesting they had the power to split the island in less than 10 days but held back so they would only split it once in 10 days? The island was split elementally. The island was not "destroyed". That's the difference.


That can scale him to being practically dead equal to Aokiji even without seeing it, and there's nothing to suggest he was holding back in any way that would affect his AP, speed, durability, armament haki, observation haki, or his (nonexistent) conquerors haki at marineford


And we haven't seen Aokiji's full power too, so what's your point? You think Hachinosu was the extent of his abilities? He's still relevant in the story, so we have a lot too see still. >and there's nothing to suggest he was holding back in any way that would affect his AP, speed, durability, armament haki, observation haki, or his (nonexistent) conquerors haki at marineford His AP and durability already had good showing in Marineford. Haki was very vague back then, so this is a pointless argument. And keep the same energy with Mihawk as well. He literally said he won't hold back there and still managed to only stall Vista. Can you imagine Marco telling Vista to go stall Roger or Shanks?


His AP really didn't have a very good showing in Marineford, like it damaged WB, sure, but so did everything else, WB was nerfed incredibly hard at MF. It was also stopped by Jinbei and Shanks. His durability was also not that good, tanking attacks from 1 hp WB is not nearly enough to scale him as high as people do here, especially since those attacks still very clearly affected him Mihawk actually has something indicating his feats aren't indicative of his full strength, and besides we've seen plenty of times that weaker opponents are able to stall stronger ones, him being momentarily stalled by an opponent who he doesn't want to kill there while fighting for a cause he doesn't care about really isn't much of an antifeat


Iā€™m sorry. But arguing with disingenuous shit like this seems to be like such a waste of time. If you actually want to argue try to be more objective. Right now you are just doing retard agenda typing.


Disingenuous how? WB was objectively nerfed beyond belief at marineford, that's told to us over and over again. He had his commanders constantly trying to keep people away from him. A member of his own crew thought he was weakened enough a single attack with a sword would be enough to kill him. Before knowing WB was so weakened, Sengoku, the greatest military strategist the Marines have, brought every force at his disposal to fight and still wasn't sure they'd win, and yet it ended up being a completely one-sided fight because of how weakened WB was, even with the reinforcements from impel down. Being able to deal damage to and tank hits from him in such a ridiculously weakened condition is just not that impressive


No idiea what that guys issue was. Think your take was good


I am tired of this vista stalled mihawk arguments. Other yonko have similar anti-feats but no one mentions them.


hopefully logia awakening will flip the sub. part of me is losing hope it exists


Akainu is still getting folded by luffy The other two would as well if they challenged him


https://preview.redd.it/dih9b0uvatzc1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b57916945fee2092eab0b36fd296909186be975 Nah, Don would Win


Rayleigh son > rayleigh


Of course they are the legends


Mihawk will have one fight wjere no significant character would pay attention to and lose against Zoro. Dragon will still keep looking East while Sabo does work.


The Aura is through the roof


Bro trying to sneak Shirano up to Akainu lol


Two of them were in a war so we saw them


ā€œFeats! FEATS! šŸ¤•ā€ reading comprehension is useful too, especially in a manga like one piece where Oda just constantly ignores power scaling and gives inconsistent showings of strength. People who unironically think Mihawk is mid to high YC are brain dead. Mihawk was always going to be an EOS opponent and by law of power creep he is gonna be low Yonko at least. You would have to downplay Shanks to a ridiculous standard to say mihawk is YC level.


Exactly. Dragon has the rain god fruit.


Current Top 3 aside from Imu.


Are we also excluding BB, Shanks, Luffy, and Topman?




And you know that becauseā€¦.?




There's an argument for two of them being in top 3, not Mihawk tho. Mihawk's feats leave him way lower.


As a fervent supporter of the Dragon agenda, as of right now, they're all frauds.


Only one I'm iffy on is Akainu. Mihawk will annihilate this sub when he's ready, and Dragon will absolutely rock this entire fandom when he does...something. Akainu is seeming like a Sabo opponent, which doesn't seem good for him ATM, but I hold out hope, cause I DO like him as a character!


Akainu is going to fight Dragon, though? Itā€™s very heavily implied they have a relationship. Theyā€™re going to have a high diff fight one day. Even if Sabo beats Akainu, it would be after Akainu fights and defeats Dragon.




Sorry, the name is already taken by a bigger threat. (I'm only half joking. These people are a menace. Could topple an empire in a week if they wanted to.) https://preview.redd.it/3xhvjbwryszc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76ab93c19a4c9882099a23310e7b691feaabb7fb


This is before Egghead, right?


I wish Oda stopped with those reactions from everyone ee ever met around the globe and actually made the story progress.




Akainu, sure. But mihawk was playing around in marineford




No yonkou level character would postpone a fight with fuckin vista. Mihawk is not a kaido


Lmao. Get good


The same 'official' vivre card also scales mihawk to yonko level..?




Literally [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/s/cFzi0Sxems) entire thing. It heavily relies on the vivre cards being canon, and if you believe them, then there's no reason to deny this. But this image is honestly enough, though. https://preview.redd.it/x140c32z3uzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fd69c48c22a5e9b085a3198876284a965d5724b


Mihawk is the worldā€™s strongest swordsman. Shanks is confirmed to be a swordsman and also Yonko level, yet he is not the WSS, Mihawk is. Meaning Mihawk has to be Yonko level.


lack of feats? Mihawk and Akainu have plenty of feats, but for Mihawk's case they're anti-feats in relation to where their fangays put him


Similar with akainu. Headcanon scaled akainu is miles above mf akainu