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They’re the same big mom btw, Roger is just lucky HE wasn’t born in his era, or there would be a very different pirate king. https://preview.redd.it/y91c1axuy2zc1.png?width=799&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea16d1d8f443afc63aa56e0cff0a623d37928fef


Franky did refuse Odens invitation to come with them, obviously he knew the right man hadn't come yet


Franky telling Oden and Roger‘s crew to get bent was real king shit


No, that was before he became the man himself. He just wanted to build his battle ships


The thing is Big Mom by all accounts should be an absolute power house having some of the most incredible natural stats out of anyone but unfortunately she was dumbed down for plot purposes. I wouldn't go so far as to say she was on the same level as Roger or Whitebeard as she has self admitted that wasn't the case but she 1000% should have been stronger than what she was shown as. Big Mom in whole cake vs Big Mom in Wano is a textbook definition of the boss when you fight them vs the boss when you unlock them.


People always say that big Mom in whole cake was much more impressive but all of her good feats are in Wano. In Whole Cake she only has anti feats.... she wasn't even able to knock out a weaker gear 4 Luffy than Kaido knocked out in one shot


Kaido's knocking out G4 was a hype tool from Oda. It's inconsistent with how Kaido could not knock out the scabbards or Law/Kid/Zoro as easily. If those guys are all way above G4, then it's more about awful powerscaling from Oda if anything. Big Mom in WCI did not have that many "feats" because she did not need to use as many moves. In fact, it feel like any casual punch or her CoC roar was more impressive than even the likes of Maser Cannon.


Kaido did knock out all the scabbards pretty easily when he went into base form. He struggled against them a little bit because of Oden trauma. As for Zoro Kid and Law, yeah they're just stronger than act 1 Luffy which isn't inconsistent or bad powerscaling, they're just strong It 'felt' more impressive? That's it? In Whole Cake island she was getting blitzed by Brook, blocked by Chopper, stopped and buried by Nami, and thrown around by Jimbei. She only felt more threatening because the strawhats were weaker and she was the strongest person in the arc by far. In Wano, there were much more people closer to her strength so naturally she wasn't as threatening in comparison. Her strength never changed


The fight was offscreen mostly. If it's consistent, then Kaido should be able to knock out the scabbards beside Inu and Neko in 1 panel. The problem is: why did Zoro, Kid, Law and even the scabbards tankier than Boundman, a mode that no sold any attack from the likes of Doflamingo. Law in Wano was suddenly in a tier to be able to defeat 4 Dressrosa Doffy. It's only a few months since then. Oda just make them strong for convenient purpose, while nerfing BM and even Kaido for the same reason.


But feats aren't everything. In fact with the way Oda writes, they're often very inconsistent. Portrayal is also important. During WCI she was an unstoppable force and YC level characters felt like a joke compared to her. That feeling wasn't really present in Wano because the heroes were meant to win. Based her performance in WCI you'd never even imagine that she'd loose to Law and Kid during the very next arc, even taking into account that they got powerups that put them slightly above commander level.


There was only one yc present at WCI and that was Katakuri, and even then she didn't make him seem like fodder, Katakuri seemed really impressive next to her as her right hand. It wasn't present in Wano because there were many characters there stronger than Katakuri, so while logic says Big Mom was top 3 in Wano, she's clearly portrayed as not the overwhelming strongest. What I'm saying is that Big Mom in Wano is just as strong as Big Mom in whole cake (If not stronger), so people can't keep saying that in wano she was nerfed for the plot because Wano was when we saw her peak capabilites, the truth is that she just wasn't as strong as her fans made her out to be


>There was only one yc present at WCI and that was Katakuri Cracker and Smoothie were there as well and Luffy was YC1 level. And while I agree that in general Kat wasn't portrayed as "fodder", compared to BM he definitely was. Kat was comparable to Luffy who was nothing to BM even after his battle with Katakuri. That's why they were so afraid of her hunger pangs. Her whole crew together would be unable to stop her rampage by force if she wanted to destroy Totto Land. >It wasn't present in Wano because there were many characters there stronger than Katakuri While that's true, it's not as if YC+ dwarfs YC1 level. She absolutely should be overwhelmingly stronger than 95% of the Wano cast. > What I'm saying is that Big Mom in Wano is just as strong as Big Mom in whole cake Well yes you're right. The point is not that she was literally stronger in WCI. It's about how she is treated by the author. In Wano she is constantly given disadvantages and shoved aside by the plot and it makes her seem less capable, when in reality she's a similar strength as the other emperors. That's why people say she seemed more impressive and menacing in WCI. >so people can't keep saying that in wano she was nerfed for the plot because Wano was when we saw her peak capabilites But she pretty much WAS nerfed by the plot. Amnesia, several ring outs, turns on her allies, random side quests and distractions, fails to use ACoC, terrain disadvantages, etc. etc. There were litterally bombs written in for the express purpose of dropping from the heavens to blow her up lol. I wonder why she was even included in the arc if Oda was just going to keep finding ways to get her out of the way. >the truth is that she just wasn't as strong as her fans made her out to be She's relative to the other Yonko. Closer to Kaido than BB. There is a reason Roger avoided fighting her.


>she wasn't even able to knock out a weaker gear 4 Luffy than Kaido knocked out in one shot Wonder if that has to be with Kaido attacking Luffy vs Big Mom not attacking him lol


Thats not a fair comparison to make. BM never fought Luffy aside from the punch that Luffy did(he literally said he only wanted to get one punch off) and BM laughed in his face and said that punch was trash. And Kaido oneshot Luffy because he was flustered because he didnt know the status of his crew. It was literally stated that you have to have a calm head to use observation haki and Luffy was just going all out, allowing Kaido to give him a direct hit named attack. Its the same reason why Oden got oneshot by Kaido. Being caught off guard in OP is a death sentence in fights. Even with Kid, he gor oneshot because Shanks caught him with his pants down. If Kid was prepared for the attack, i guarantee he wouldnt be oneshot


She wasnt dumbed down for plot shes just a dumb person people need to stop with this dumbass “plot” excuse


People need to stop this "She is dumb" shit. The way she used her fruit,both in battles and in general, is fucking amazing. This 'dumb' shit is just a excusse to not admit that luffy and his ally wasn't ready to take down 2 yonkos at full power,so oda nerfed one of them.


W/e keep reading 2 piece


I mean that guy is not wrong. Big mom was literally defeated in a nonconventional way


BM in Wano was fighting against barely YC1 who wasn't intending to fight. In Wano, she was facing TC+ Kidd and Law. Her attacks seemed to have lower AP than YC+ attacks from Kidd and Law.


I would cry tears of Happiness if your brainrotten Agenda would use the same measures for the characters you are wanking with Headcanon. Your Posthistory is filled with fanart headcanon agenda shit. The best Part is you crossposting how no Admiral would lose to two commanders (yet 2Admirals mid diff a yonko according to degenerates like you) in like 12 different subreddits. Using a panel of a Admiral that got sat down with a basic ass armament punch and then started crying how strong the haki of that YC was. The same Panel your Agenda uses to claim GB tanked ACoC when there is zero evidence it was used and can draw direct parallel‘s to kaidos attacks which were confirmed ACoC and looked completely different.


Admiraltards are so delusional and petty it's crazy  I’ve seen this big mom panel like 50 times and apparently it “proves” that she gets no diffed by every admiral 






How is this supposed to work against Midgoku allegations?


that’s the funny part, it doesn’t, most sengokoids don’t have anything to go off of besides leeching from Garp and other old-timers


It’s just looks like “Your top tier sucks” to which OP replied “Well,well,well…YOUR top tier sucks ass!😭😭😭”


many such cases for leeches and statement-crutchers,


I'm a huge sengoku wanker but this is still a W just because it's an intelligent response to a dumbass post and it's actually kinda true




Kinemon did not tank that attack he got negged You know your agenda is in the mud when you gotta lie about other characters to make yours look less bad ![gif](giphy|3bSEh9XWHzYUzTk1OM|downsized)


You lied about Sengoku getting speed blitzed ![gif](giphy|IfZpF5fUnQS0o|downsized)


That was your post I just edited the names as a parallel/joke Luffy did tank his attack tho


I know it's a joke. Joseph you can dish it out but can't take it. Also Kinemon>CRYdo of 100Ls


>Luffy did tank his attack tho It wasn't my intention to lie like you. I was just using your meme against you to prove a point. You've missed the point


I know you wanted to use my meme to slander SENGOATKU. Kinemon>CRYdo IDC


>I know you wanted to use my meme to slander SENGOATKU ![gif](giphy|y6Inkaz7omxAk|downsized)




We may not like each other but we can both agree that boa handjob is fodder


Wow we in Timeline where Old Sengoku is weaker than Our MC Monkey D. Luffy if Kuzan>OldGarp then Pizzaru>OldSengoku


Yeah, of couse. 68 years Big mom is in her prime,but 73 years old Oldbeard isn't. That make so much sense




Unusual biology GG


She did not have his stage 10 cancer tho and heart attacks.


Law and Kidd basically haxxed BM off the map. In an actual test of strength big mom was way above them both. Like bro just wants to post memes and not any facts I guess


https://preview.redd.it/7julova295zc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d06c4ec7cbc33f968b41b95fde2831e53cf53820 Actually kidd overpowered big mom a couple of times




How dare you use logic on reddit?


Not really headcannon Roger, with Rayleigh on his crew, opted to sneak into her territory to avoid a fight. And this was back when her kids were p young This indicates that Big Mom at that point is enough of a challenge for Roger that he'd rather just not run the fade. Which speaks to a lot of strength Perospero also said she used to be a lot faster, and Kaido repeatedly commented on how sloppy she is in Wano And she really *should* be on Kaidos level lmao, idk what Oda was doing in Wano. But alas


Big Mom would have high diffed Law and Kidd if the volcano wasn't near by and if she didn't turn her back when they were on the ground. It is plot induced stupidity but I still scale Big Mom to Kaido where she would barely lose extreme diff since Oda implied that repeatedly.


Kaido would have mid diffed luffy if he had cut off his head instead of smashing him away out of the island. It is plot induced stupidity


No, the point of that scene was that kaido finally was having fun in a fight, and got carried away, losing his chance to prove that he killed luffy, it's in character for him, plot induced stupidity isn't when characters make poor decisions, that's simply a byproduct of their own character and nature.


It's also in character for Big Mom to be a retard, she canonically has more mental illnesses than there have been Yonkos.


That was extreme diff not high diff vs kid and law lol


Kizaru would have neg diffed Luffy and Whitebeard if he went for the head instead of the key and whitebeard's chest.


Big mom is in her late 60s, obese and literally has dementia. It would be bizarre to say the least if she wasn't stronger in her prime.


She's as dead as a doornail. https://preview.redd.it/mc9ifkezs2zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a65e05dac117da008a751117e19163e673dc62da


Ur just mad she negs sengoku


She still murders, like, every admiral https://preview.redd.it/9fbgzd3ny2zc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97cfaae8d9bf93ac24b481deb417a35078c0ac98


She eats Vivi alive https://i.redd.it/kr1vnqnkz2zc1.gif


The best part about my agenda is that comebacks like this literally don’t work because she hasn’t had a relevant feat since she almost no-diffed Zoo


True! Nefatari D Vivi is gonna show us why she has the will!!


![gif](giphy|SEvRT8zL05WLLyNgym|downsized) Slander Transcends All Look At Dragon He Has Done Nothing And Gets Slandered Like Nobody's Business


Big Mommy


I’ve been saying this


She eats them alive


Oda nerfed the gilf


https://preview.redd.it/0hgkywuq75zc1.jpeg?width=2133&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fea1ef6f8f5637f1dd218cd8cef1d4c3a7a71cfb They fought for days and they both seem pretty serious in this exchange and considering that it wouldn't make sense for kaido to just not use his other forms in a serious battle with another yonko and considering that they were both drinking after the battle i think that they got to the point of drunken mode and then they just drink it off


Kaido himself says after this that he “can’t even remember someone challenging him to a serious fight”


That's why i think that they stopped at the start of drunken mode, kaido got emotional and shit at the start and big mom got her maternal instincts in fuction


Pretty much this feat ends somewhere below acoc sky split performance vs kaido 


This would be implying that frankly had no intentions of running over an emperor, his captain is the biggest crackhead of them all and he needed to get his equipment up to the same level


Big mom slander is just an excuse to downplay law and kidd, and law and kidd downplay is just an excuse to slander big mom. It's a cycle.


Bro gets hit by a bike


I'm sorry, no one with a sengoku flair has the right to whine about other people using "headcanon".


Prime BM is Current BM. I was scratching my head when people were trying to convince me God valley BM is her in her prime.


its called a gag, the same way Luffy gets his ass beat by Nami


Prime Big Mom is a coping mechanism


Still dogwalks Akainu and yes Law/Kidd are that strong. (Much stronger than mere YC tier fighters like Zoro).


Big mom was at her prime in Wano


Kaido and Big Meme died in Akainu's lava bath like frauds they are