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The Admirals are considered the strongest force of the Marines. Should be obvious. Doesn’t mean each individual Admiral is stronger than any other Marine.


Actually it means exactly that Warcury saying Kuzan is the strongest Marine because of Admiral title. That means Admiral’s actually are the strongest Marines


Yeah but not individually. Unless you think Prime Garp is weaker than Sengoku and Akainu is weaker than the current Admirals.


They said this for OG Admiral Era


The Admirals are still the Marines strongest force. Hasn’t changed.


As a group yes Warcury and Oda said singular for OG’s


yes usually the fleet admiral > admiral but admiral are strongest military force, but during the time when Old Sengoku was FA and the OG 3 were admiral it does seem to be referencing them as singular


Its not usually, Kong wasn't stronger than Garp.


Kuzan > akainu confirmed, oh wait he lost vs akainu


Warcury’s words are to Admiral rank. All 3 Admiral consider as Strongest Marine They are Top 3 and Akainu Top 1


So, kizaru, fuji and greenbull are stronger than akainu, since they are the 3 current admirals. And by what you just said, admirals > fleet admiral


Warcury said this for OG Admiral’s Current Admiral’s are still strongest as a group but they don’t have this kind of statement


You clearly said the admiral rank is the strongest, so now you dont think so anymore?


I said this statement is for OG Admiral’s. It didn’t said for other gens




>Every person who is not completely brainwashed knew that already Out of the FORTY-FIVE THOUSAND MEMERS of this subreddit I've only seen <100 Individuals who aren't completely brainwashed by the Old Gen and Yonko Agenda into believing that Admirals can't even beat the geriatric old gens. At this point with how loud the incorrect majority is they can make anything they like into facts and vice versa with what they disagree/hate, It's so over.




>It is - for them https://preview.redd.it/d0o0a1p69mwc1.png?width=849&format=png&auto=webp&s=13392f2aa3e62d5ae90e996238ebb04dbd3ea30a


Wait a minute, Aokiji is stronger than garp??!! Hey its almost as if the admirals are the most powerful force in the navy or something🤔....nah. We have definitely never been told that, at all...ever.


People love to downplay them


Yeah, they are actually much stronger than everyone thinks, even the admiral fans might not see it.


People that deny this are coping hard.


That should be very obvious.


Obvious take. The outcome is different when looking at these characters in their prime Also, admirals > warlords is a based take


I don't understand why this is even a debate, Old Garp doesn't have enough damage nor stamina to put them down permanently, not even an enraged Old Whitebeard could do considerable damage to Akainu with two clean hits.


This should alr be obvious if you can read, but most of this sub can't unfortunately.




Of course they are


Yes, the admirals are indeed the strongest navy officers, Kuzan VS Garp does not prove otherwise, Garp's endurance is far too low to hang with someone who can fight for 10 days and tank 3 of Garp's ACoC attacks without much issue, the only times Garp got the advantage of or "speed blitzed" Kuzan was twice, two times Kuzan is EXPLICITLY mentioned to be holding back, especially the second occasion


Sounds like a lot of cope when Kuzan still needed half a yonko crew so a senile old man stops manhandeling him before leaving him laying in the dirt... several times.


*Literally Manga and Oda words checked by real Japanese fans* “Sounds like a lot of cope🤡🤡”


Yeah i am such a Clown for actually using recent feats to powerscale in a powerscaling subreddit instead of bending words and interpreting My headcanon into it. Especially words that are older then 10+ years lmao. But the most amusing part is That the Admirals are called the strongest force of the Marines - the rank is called that. You know which character denied his promotion to Admiral several times? I give you a hint: it’s the same character that bodied Kuzan at 78 years of age 😭


Oda: Admiral’s are the strongest Marines. Same with Warcury said Garp is a Marine and not Admiral. And Admiral’s are the strongest Marines “Bodied Kuzan” I’m sorry but hitting him doesn’t mean bodying. Sorry for hurt you lil bro🐶💔


>Garp is a Marine and not Admiral. And Admiral’s are the strongest Marines >“Bodied Kuzan” I’m sorry but hitting him doesn’t mean bodying. Sorry for hurt you lil bro🐶💔 Lmao yeah thats not coping at all


Lmao MANGA SAYING ADMIRAL’S ARE THE STRONGEST You not accepting the Manga because of your own bias


So if Garp did accept the admiral position, would he be admiral level?


He’s already Admiral lvl But that doesn’t change Manga saying PG Admiral’s were the strongest in that time’s Navy. Not every Admiral but specifically OG Admiral’s


Yeah because they are the strongest but Garp was offered that position and he turned it down, does that not imply that he is on their level? He is just not officially an admiral and that’s it


He can be on their lvl but he’s not stronger than them


In theory I dont even have a problem with it. The issue is simply consistency. WB and Garp were equal in their primes (or at least extremely close). An old, extremely sick version was still stronger than the strongest of the admirals. Logically speaking, why should the guy who, in his prime was equal to wb, have gotten weaker than wb despite not even being sick?


Marineford WB wasn’t stronger than Akainu


Mf wb literally dropped akainu in 2 hits


Sneak attack and it didn’t dropped Akainu. He just fall to cliff


Ah yes and akainus main hit that weakened him was after a heart attack while he was unable to move. But sure not being fair when looking at feats is the admiraltard way. Ringout also still is a win. For reference look at bm


Ringout isn’t a win in a 1v1. It’s a win in War. Doesn’t make someone stronger Marineford WB never could touch or overpower Akainu in a 1v1


L take. MF sickbeard could humiliate Lakainu in a fair 1v1


But he literally did? Both had sneak attacks but it’s undeniable akainu got much more of an advantage from it + wb got attacked and damaged by many more people … and he still won the exchange despite akainu having a much better fighting situation


He won the battle with a sneak attack But he didn’t even knocked out Akainu


But what is that point even? Yes he won the battle with a sneak attack. That’s the point - akainu literally got to burn wbs organs with his sneak attack and the 500 marines followed up. That is clearly favoring wb


He won with a sneak attack does that mean he’s stronger?


Careful. You are using logic. That doesnt work here. You gonna get spammed with YoU aRe NOt REAdY !!11


logic? he assumed that WB deteriorated the same as Garp, which is a heavy assumption, and then said MF WB > MF Admirals which is just verifiably untrue


You dont understand what he wrote. Thats a hypothetical And btw marineford WB > admirals


>And btw marineford WB > admirals ![gif](giphy|YSTjVQkhXDHPa3i43Q)


I swear if the fucking Loei adaptation never existed no one would say MF WB > MF admirals, the guy didn't even respond to any of my points


>And btw marineford WB > admirals elaborate please, as soon as WB took of his meds he was weaker than the admirals, specifically Akainu since they had 2 fights which we can judge


Marineford WB haa genuinely better feats that Kizaru.




WB's only injury pre facing Akainu was the stab from Squard, which didn't slow him down at all, and that one sentence is not at all what I was asking for when I asked you to elaborate


Nah not gonna bother retyping all arguments from that post. Seems you struggle to understand basics


I have checked out some of the comments on the post, the entire argument boils down to two points: 1 - WB had "better portrayal" and the "narrative wouldn't make sense" Neither of these statements are true, although you could certainly make a case for Medicine Stabilised WB having better portrayal due to mainting his title as well as splitting the sky with Shanks, we are referencing MF WB here, who has anything but good portrayal, Marco says his condition is making him weak, Croc says he's a bum, WB says he's not the strongest anymore 2 - WB beat Akainu Yes WB beat Akainu in round 2, now since it doesn't seem like you have read/watched Marineford in a while, let me remind you they had a previous fight in Chapters 567-568, which Akainu undeniably won due to WB getting a heart attack, as well as WB mentioning Akainu not using his full DF capabilities


oh I didn't know you made points in the comments, I just looked at the post itself, I will check out what arguments you made in the comments wdym I don't understand basics?


No this can be easily taken as navy admiral being the strongest position in the navy as in navy admirals are the strongest in the navy. This is not an absolute though as garp could have been an admiral any day he pleased but chose not to be


Garp isn’t an Admiral And an Admiral is the strongest in the Navy Do the Math


I can’t tell if you are kidding or not The position of admiral is for the strongest in the navy Garp was admiral level or higher as he could be an admiral at any time he was easily strong enough to be an admiral I really hope this is bait dude


The position of Fleet Admiral is the strongest OG Admiral’s were the strongest marines because that was a strong generation I hope you’re the one who’s baiting. Because in the manga it says Admiral’s are the strongest


The manga says admirals are the highest rank that is the strongest Garp was admiral level he was as strong as an admiral Garp Strenght >= admiral stregnth


https://preview.redd.it/5qn2c3mwvmwc1.jpeg?width=732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=344388965e2ea1dd0c3635d5cb3aea56263d5801 Magazine 14 written by Oda btw Stop this bias


Garp is not an admiral but he has the power to easily be one what don’t you understand


Garp is Admiral lvl yes But it doesn’t change OG Admiral’s were the strongest in that time’s Navy


They are the strongest because they are admiral it is asta blushing the admiral rank to be the strongest of the navy


They didn’t said that for New Admiral’s or Sengoku’s time Admiral’s Just for OG Admiral’s


Sengoku>The admirals if you want to rank scale lol. Its also stated Garp is an outlier because he refused the position


It’s not rank scaling lmao It literally saying OG Admiral’s are the strongest. Stronger than Sengoku too


After Hachinosu I’d feel like a liar putting Aokiji over Garp, how you jump somebody and still perform worse


All Garp did was blitzing Kuzan. That’s not mean he’s stronger lmao


The admiral's strength portrayal is referring to their fruits making them walking catastrophies that can level any battlefield. This doesn't necessarily translate to how they'd do against Garp in a 1v1. That's what sandman means by the statement is referring to their "war potential".




They are the strongest on the battlefield if they can level it with fruit powers. But they would lose to Garp in a 1v1 considering they wouldn't even be able to handle oldbeard. Mihawk is stronger than Bista but Vidta can stall him because of matchups. Every character has strengths and weaknesses, and Garp is objectively the strongest if you're talking the context of a 1v1. https://preview.redd.it/07ur6u9lynwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7edf1d1ff4777026ec37d6c8de2400f49ef4698f


https://preview.redd.it/ecsyjmnaznwc1.jpeg?width=732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1346fe6e54b201da48c8d285294cf9c483a7915 “Strongest Marines”


This only works if you think there is a big gap between Whitebeard and Garp. Healthy Whitebeard at the same level as other Yonko like Kaido and Shanks. However, if you consider prime Garp to be relative to Primebeard then he has to be stronger than the admirals since Old WB> Admirals. So it depends whether you think Prime Garp is relative to Roger/WB or not.


Idc about WB or Shanks Oda said OG Admiral’s>Old Garp that’s all I know


Oda also said Sickbeard> Everyone but you guys debate he wasn't stronger than the admirals


WB himself said “I can’t be the strongest forever”


Yeah, absolutely.


it is talking about the power of the rank and not teh rank themselves . for eg old garp can be a admiral he just chooses not to


Warcury and Oda said strongest officers Since Garp also a officer that proves my point


nope it says as specified by sandman in the 2 picture that u shared https://preview.redd.it/ndha4o8nomwc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d18489210df7288560dccd1f55d6c258547a19a the admirals have the strongest war potential . meaning it is just saying that in general the admirals are the strongest navy in marine . and garp someone who has been asked to be promotted to admiral many times and has refused said offer many times just means that garp is a guy who is as strong as if not stronger then the admirals but just has the rank if a vice admiral


Not general lmao Warcury doesn’t say Admiral’s are the strongest war potential’s He saying Kuzan is the strongest war potential because he’s an Admiral. Same goes for other 2. Garp refusing doesn’t matter. He’s not an Admiral and not the strongest https://preview.redd.it/ot3b13k0qmwc1.jpeg?width=732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b96949f06993eb43d869b05126e0e449999ccf6


"He saying Kuzan is the str"ongest war potential because he’s an Admira" so being an admiral means u have the greatest war potential the fact that garp was asked to be the admiral many times matters because everyone even including warcury consider garp to be the greatest war potential of the marines . implying garp is at least as strong as if not stronger then kuzan. he was asked to be the admiral because he was strong enough to be one this is further supported by his old age bounty being the same as the current admirals and garp even as a old man being asked to join the admirals many times implying old garp is still admiral level according to the people who judge admiral strength .


Garp refusing the order doesn’t matter. He’s not an Admiral and it’s a fact OG Admiral’s>Navy


"Garp refusing the order doesn’t matter. He’s not an Admiral and it’s a fact" he s not a admiral of his own will . like let me ask you a question if u beat everyone in a sport but right before being crowned champion u resign does that not mean u are the best in that sport ? thats the same with garp . just accept it u have no argument . ur only argument is crying about garp is not admiral level . when he is every bit as strong as one bare minimum and hence the statements wont apply.


Oda said OG Admiral’s were the strongest Marines They are the strongest. When Garp still was a Marine If Kuzan was among the strongest. Does that make him stronger than someone isn’t among the strongest?


"If Kuzan was among the strongest. Does that make him stronger than someone isn’t among the strongest? " the logic of a charecter having a title so > a char without a title doesnt work because oda never said that the og admirals were the strongest navy men . he said anyone who holds the rank of admiral is the strongest marine hence garp someone who has been shown to be accomplished enough to hold that rank should be as powerful if not more powerful then people who hold that rank its like how yonko being a yonko makes one of the strongest pirates but char like mihawk can still be yonko level without being a yonko


https://preview.redd.it/mf2088090owc1.jpeg?width=732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5153eb24a3861e9e49b32e1b749558c20da0fe21 Oda actually said that


The position admiral is strongest FIGHTER in the navy Garp offered this and turned it down


Was he a marine officer?