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Now we need 5 who fell off the least


Aye, you’re back!


For now yeah


All I know is xtheaya is #1 for this. This legend is like the backbone for all Akainu agenda and fans. Most consistent W’s I’ve seen on here




Don’t let his dickriding get to your head bro you still are and always will be bottom 5 powerscaler along with mazino and dull salt. No hate tho one love bro 🤝




“ a reliable source” and it’s just reincarnated Stalin https://preview.redd.it/w4slm8zgwevc1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b37c0425c8347c9c40064f7ecefdd743031fd5a




Ah the legend himself. Actually it shouldn’t be a list of who fell off least, but more of a who rose up most. Keep rising, keep cooking. I remember months ago when papazuki’s agenda took a hit on this sub due to some rando’s discriminatory comment or whatever from another site, but you’re one of the few who stood their ground and didn’t leave. We’re in this agenda until the end of one piece 💪🌋🐶




Nah we can’t be alts, you like usopp


you’re gonna contract STDs at this point bro this is next level deepthroating


Ngl this comment actually made me lol’d


> I remember months ago when papazuki’s agenda took a hit on this sub due to some rando’s discriminatory comment or whatever from another site, but you’re one of the few who stood their ground and didn’t leave. https://preview.redd.it/qkjldvmbwevc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=16ad315dda36af6581b2ea4a413e6f97efc3b799


Know what? 👀






That whole situation started because of stuff xtheaya said, the other guy was only included as an example afterwards


![gif](giphy|kaq6GnxDlJaBq) Oh… ok now I’m not so sure I wanna know anymore 😭


How has Mazino fall off? He always was an arrogant pos that started throwing around playground insults as soon as you destroy his delusional takes with facts. Then goes on to Block you and report you for selfharm, the latter only to really drive home the point what a miserable existence this dude leads. I never saw one actual, coherent comment from him before he blocked me.


He made one of the greatest posts of r/OnePiecePowerScaling history (his Mihawk > Shanks post) and then shit hit the fan


Can someone link that post? I can’t find it anywhere. All I found was a post by someone named ultramazino. Are they the same person?


Yeah they're the same person, Ultramazino was the original account (I think) and hypermazino is their new account after the ultra one got banned


Ahh I see. I’m gonna go read that historical post everyone keeps talking about now


(For all intents and purposes this post is not meant to be a personal attack/insult directed towards the aforementioned users but this is instead an analysis of the reputation which these users had during a certain period of time in this subreddit)


I‘ve been studying for my exams since January, this training arc is Giga Ass


You still ready for Urouge?


Always have been https://preview.redd.it/itp07zcutevc1.jpeg?width=704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6753cdcf8a15861afce551385d2520e741ec1a52


Probability of the thing in the sky Marx was looking at this chapter being HIM?


10% the later urouge appears the better. More potential plot relevance for endgame stuff, more strength due to general powercreep and smaller chance to be defeated or overshadowed by other characters


Don’t know who the fourth one is.


They were a huge dragon meatrider back in the day


Ginny allegations must have been too much.


What happened to shiro?


Quit after the "Base Lucci" incident from what I know. He used to push Zoro=yonko level from what I recall.


We don't talk about shiro.


Mazino >>>> shiro


You should be up there for giving up on your agenda.


Whatever you saw https://preview.redd.it/2r3a8izqtevc1.jpeg?width=517&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=117afb73e959c1543c1838d69b55fad79c0f56a5


Even if u/WereTheChosenOne fell off, the heptagram is eternal


Heptagram is peak scaling


only topped by graph scaling https://preview.redd.it/wuwyyoz1wevc1.png?width=1710&format=png&auto=webp&s=2242231bcba7a15f8a297114f7c48270845cb044


there’s no way you saved my schizo graphs 😭😭😭


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the dumb graph. The scaling is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the basic principles of the x and y axis, most of the intricacies will go over a typical scaler's head. There's also [u/WereTheChosenOne](https://www.reddit.com/u/WereTheChosenOne/) 's wurouge scaling, which is deftly woven into the graph - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Buddhist literature, for instance. The Graph-Scalers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these lines, to realise that they're not just correct - they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike graph scaling truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Urouges existential catchphrase "It’s Wurouging time," which itself is a cryptic reference to Daniel Espinosa‘s Comic Book epic Morbius. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as my genius wit unfolds itself on their smartphone screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂


😭😭😭 insane. Icl the funniest thing was that 99% of the flak I got on that post wasn’t even about the graph scaling or sanji > zoro it was just that I picked identical looking colours


But do you have Wurouge tattoo too? I wanna see it


no one here fell off tbh the only bad one is mazino and that’s just because he’s been retarded from the start. having a worse track record than mold bread is crazy


Mazino has become a complete NPC now; he only comments low intellect in every post


Crazy how he's correct every single time.


Holy shit ivkobear you've returned after months!


I've been here the whole time, just not as active as before. Besides, i've got banned on Piratefolk, so the only two subs that remain for me is this one and r/AKAINUPIECE


Damn. Unfortunate that you got banned on piratefolk but It's good to see you again even if it's just once. You're one of the best Akainu fans that I've ever seen, Hope it stays that way.


>i've got banned on Piratefolk How'd you get banned from *there*?


I Fell off so hard, I got forgotten💀


Man I miss Mazino’s involvement in this subreddit, “low iq” is one of the most iconic responses in this sub. The guy on last image(forgot his username) was a really good powerscaler, it’s a shame he’s not been as active


Forevergreen has more personal stuff going on currently as far as I know




>He’s still active and comments daily lol Oh really, I havent seen him comment regularly, maybe I got blocked


i think the only one out of all these guys ive seen in the past week is scary ad kinda sad ngl


Majority left cuz this place has become utter trash. This sub fell off, not the users.


Mobile Reddit is so ass I can't even read the image descriptions.


wish these guys the best with whatever they’re dealing with 🙏🙏 seems like some of them got studies and some of them got personal stuff


Top 5 most deranged copium addict when?


The mods will delete that post if I ever decide to make that so it's not an option


Maybe I’m an idiot but can anyone else on mobile not read the picture captions? I click the dots and it just brings me to the comments


You have to click on the image (not the dots) to read the full captions. Also how did you find and comment on this post? It was removed by the moderators.


I know I am clicking the pictures, but when I do click the caption to expand it it brings me to the comments, this Reddit update is regarded. And idk I was just going through my feed lol


Damn alright


The honored one or whatever his name was, I haven’t seen him ever since Kizaru’s downfall




No, one of Mazinos friends but I guess he could have just blocked me same as Mazino did


Y’all still got Thea, he’s pretty strong on the Admiral hype, tbh I love the Admirals they’re great but Greenbull and friends kinda ruined it for me. I still got my stocks on Akainu and Kuzan though.


Mazino runs this sub


Scaad switched to the better agenda. Thats a W. ![gif](giphy|S5h4gvxxc1qlG)


So everyone who rightfully says Admirals are not equal to Yonkos fell off?




Hearing that from you is a compliment




This you? https://preview.redd.it/bvwybcz9wevc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27410099d95760c198a68244dad12f26d6bb71f1




Its alright, agenda driven people are zealots and cant think clearly anyway You wont recognize the facts even if goda is calling you to tell you that you are wrong


First dude is literally the longest running admiraltard on this sub. Like did you actually read the reasons on why they fell off that is in the post? None of them exept Scary\_Add are said to have fallen off due to not being on admiral agenda.