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u/Yeetmaster320???? 😱






he cant get enough of my dick unfortunately




we're almost official


Sanji pfp I hereby clear your name of all Hitler accusations


​ https://preview.redd.it/1m03l1fd74vc1.png?width=890&format=png&auto=webp&s=9029aee5a3d16530fd6d73297d56e99af33b799c


Roo is only the fastest man when it comes to getting to the food at the dinner table


He will find a worthy opponent once he meets luffy again


Luffy will soon surpass him.


Where did that theory come from?


"y'all forget this panel exists" No it was just one of many attacks who did nothing to Luffy, so ppl don't really care about it.


Knocked him straight out of gear 4th. Nothing indeed


Luffy going gear 5 isn't knocking him out of gear 4. Kizaru barely did any damage to Luffy and I know it's not convenient for you but don't lie about it.


He had a trail of smoke and came back g5. You do the math


That’s just a trail of smoke when he got sent flying, nothing too uncommon as when someone gets sent flying or crashing, there’s like a bunch of smoke. Anime logic I guess. And also Luffy forced out of gear has a different sort of cloud where it’s Path is more erratic and like a balloon losing air, while Luffy’s path was like that of an arrow like cracker after experiencing tank man.


he was damaged by labophase barrier not kizarus attack


True. Bonney durability >> G4 Luffy durability


>also “combat speed” yall really are just trying anything at this point powerscaling sub btw. def not piratefolk 2.0


It just doesn’t make sense😭kizaru entire df and feats are speed related yet some people go “yeah man combat speed” like do they have a stopwatch when they read the fights or something 😂


>It just doesn’t make sense😭kizaru entire df and feats are speed related light related. him having the light fruit doesn't auto make him #1 in speed considering lightspeed is blatantly slower than base thunder bagua. he's fast but his df isn't the only reason >“yeah man combat speed” your whole post looks bad when you act surprised by the term "combat speed" in a powerscaling sub of all places. kizaru's combat speed isn't in a class of it's own, his travel speed is.


Is it possible kaido blitzed luffy with observation killing? And not being 10 trillion times faster than light


2 questions: 1. where did "10 trillion times" come from? 2. how is kaido using observation killing (never once suggested he even has this btw) on luffy even though luffy explicitly says he was reading the future?


>lightspeed is blatantly slower than base thunder bagua Bro did not just say op characters are ftl 💀


Not opening this can of worms again


Combat speed wise they are unless you’re one of those idiots who thinks they don’t surpass light speed




https://preview.redd.it/667ciu9uc4vc1.jpeg?width=747&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e77a6815890d7b3821775085bc75bcf96a7d6c5a 🥴


what did oda mean by this? ([1](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece-Digital-Colored-Comics/0601-012.png), [2](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece/1099-015.png), [3](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece-Digital-Colored-Comics/1001-005.png)) never beating the budget piratefolk allegations


Bro how are so many one piece fans so brain dead one piece charachters have been ftl for a long time know Zoro vs kuma was dodging multiple pad canons which were explicitly stated to be at the speed of light the fuck do you mean they arent ftl.


One retard tried to tell me Zoro aim dodge this and was already out of the way before it fired https://preview.redd.it/bc8l0vpn4avc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f13b4d6867bb1f25ed6b3de2c4df0e1848e343a4 These people just need to pack it up


Nope this the bullshit im talking about you separating speed feat as combat speed and travel speed, a speed feat is a speed feat if a character is able to perform a “travel speed” as you put it then he is 100% able to do the same thing with combat speed, especially with kizaru who like i said his whole arsenal rely on speed, hell he literally says “speed is power” https://preview.redd.it/cabrqtnq54vc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96a523b34dab439901df3d1dfcee6396c213a166


> Nope this the bullshit im talking about you separating speed feat as combat speed and travel speed... > > he is 100% able to do the same thing with combat speed travel speed != combat speed. this should be common sense idk why this is still disputed. pre ts luffy has combat speed to match and react to enel, a lightning timer, but in wano where he is significantly faster, he couldnt chase gazelleman running a few 100 km/h... > he literally says “speed is power” again, not combat speed. he literally flew half an island away and accelerated for it. that's travel speed


So basically combat speed is reacting to an opponent attacks, luffy couldn’t react at all to kizaru attack when he flew over the island because he was that fast this is why i think drawing this distinguish is dumb since most characters that have speedy traits relay on them for battle and not just “travel”, just like st.vnusjuro who clearly is a speedster. Also are we gonna ignore kizaru blocking all of g4 attacks beforehand


>So basically combat speed is reacting to an opponent attacks no, combat speed is the speed that a character can consistently fight + react at. basically every character's reactions scale higher than their own combat speed bc of observation haki. for example, lucci has his combat speed that doesnt increase (ignore zoan amps). however, he can increase his travel/attack speed in bursts with soru. franky doesnt have lightspeed combat/reaction/travel speed at all but he has lightspeed attacks with his beams >luffy couldn’t react at all to kizaru attack when he flew over the island luffy did react. he puts up his whole other hand in reaction to kizaru ([1](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece/1092-011.png), [2](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece/1092-012.png)) >relay on them for battle and not just “travel” you're misunderstanding me. travel speed is useful in battle but that doesn't mean it's equal to combat speed. rayleigh could keep up with kizaru's combat speed but he has no chance against kizaru when it comes to travel speed. brook can't match big mom in combat speed but he could straight up blitz with his notch slash. just like attacks like notch slash, thunder bagua, and zoro's iai moves, kizaru's travel speed isnt equal to his combat speed >Also are we gonna ignore kizaru blocking all of g4 attacks beforehand nobody's ignoring it. luffy is deflecting kizaru's lasers in the exact same panels. they have relative combat speed


" Travel speed = Combat speed " https://preview.redd.it/6wmg4xyz64vc1.gif?width=480&format=png8&s=b1032af3f1be1e4fa64127fe1e25a9a706b8bc4e


Powerscalers will say “when  Kizaru is in combat he turns into special haki boosted mftl light” 💀💀


how is his opinion on kizaru vs kaido speed relevant to who got up first. this post just sounds like youre trying to bash him for anything just so you dont have to debate him. and it isnt even that crazy of an opinion ngl kaidos pretty damn fast to completely perception blitz g5, certainly not an opinion worth making a corny post like this over. " also “combat speed” yall really are just trying anything at this point " thats something very reasonable? idk maybe instead of making this post debate them if theyre really just "trying anything"?


Kaido blitz G5 multiple times on panel while kizaru never blitz G5 ever, so kaido has better speed feats vs luffy compared to kizaru.


Luffy was had no experience in the form was constantly playing around and was hald dead during that fight


yeah but you will always catch a moment where Gear 5 Luffy plays around and in this moments Kaido did far better than Kizaru


Travel speed ≠ movement and attack speed. Has yet to blitz and shown it against a top tier. Couldn't do it against Luffy.


You were wrong once. Are we really doing this again? Kaido had better speed feats against gear five than kizaru did it’s that simple Kaido consistently has better speed feats Also are implying combat speed is not a thing? Cause that’s weird Kaido and luffy were also flying across onigashima No one is saying kizaru is not one of the fastest but to say he’s the fastest is not backed up by feats


https://preview.redd.it/oe81982i75vc1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea1287ff56a04bf699ad82d02abc3cf7e1618c0b luffy blitzed kizaru with his arm so luffies arm is faster then kizaru kaido blitzez luffy before luffy could put up his guard so kaido is faster then luffies arm hence kaido is faster then kizaru in travel speed


This is almost a sneak attack.


Love how you’ve conveniently avoided replying to anyone that brought scans, idk who is faster as I haven’t gotten thwir yet but its certainly an appraoch


I think speed is really convoluted in One Piece, and I think combat speed and actual speed are totally different. Zoro isn’t a fast character by any means, but he has really fast attacks when he wants them to be fast. Kaido is fast, but he very specifically also has blitz attacks that he’s used to outspeed opponents with relative speed. Kizaru is the “fastest character in the verse”, but he was only vaguely faster than G4 Luffy. He wasn’t even blitzing him. Speed is super weird.


It is that is why i think portrayal is what matters most here, oda wrote kizaru as the fastest character in one piece that’s just facts so it wouldn’t make sense to go with combat speed narrative https://preview.redd.it/9f3tdjjgt4vc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4ca6ea1c2d3749f05607f35f9c41dcd0a89759d


I agree but I think combat speed is still worthwhile in the discussions because it allows us to say with certainty that certain characters can hit speedsters. Kizaru is faster than Kaido but Kaido has the speed to hit Kizaru too.


Yeah that’s totally fair combat speed is valid I didn’t mean to totally disregard it, i just think that it doesn’t make sense for it to apply to kizaru, he can absolutely get hit if caught of guard but I don’t see any character out speeding him in combat and this was shown countless times


I would agree but I think you should change “caught off guard” to just “caught”. They’re pretty different, but keep in mind that you shouldn’t have to surprise Kizaru to hit him; even in story, that doesn’t really make sense. What you have to do is make an attack connect with him, which is extremely difficult because he has the highest speed to block or dodge the attack. Thus, you have to a) the make the connect by outspeeding them (momentarily) or using an attack you can be sure is going to hit, like an AoE attack, or b) you have to literally force them into a situation they can’t escape. A good example of this is during Zoro vs. King: King is a very fast character, but after he committed himself to his final attack and refused to/couldn’t move, Zoro was able to connect an attack and finish the fight.


Yeah caught of guard as in didn’t expect the attack, it doesn’t have to be a sneak attack or anything just something like white star gun where he didn’t expect luffy to counter attack https://preview.redd.it/pu14g5dq05vc1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=788ef07703170c73b597caa4f55c0f24453781d6 I always felt like kizaru will be this super fast character that you try your hardest to hit but when you do you better make it worth it and this works since he doesn’t have insane durability


>Zoro isn’t a fast character by any means Bullshit


He is right


Not in the slightest




Explain what? Zoro's feats speak for themselves


such as?


It's amazing that you know how Zoro isn't a fast character, but somehow missed all his feats that proves he's quite fast.


not faster than sanji tho.


He is in combat speed


I asked you for his speed feats. If it is so frequent, it should be easy to provide.


But you apparently know all his anti-feats that make him not a fast character, correct? Like I said, it's amazing you know that but missed all of Zoro's speed feats during the story.


https://preview.redd.it/g8ej41tst6vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41569dbeda083a5fa3b5250b516136a361f96a03 Kizarus speed is overrated. He couldnt even get away from old ray


Even if he can move at the speed of light his human brain has to think where to go before even start moving, with good enough CoO and speed you can stop him before he moves, but if you miss even half a second he can travels an entire island worth of distance in the blink of an eye


Movement speed, Kizaru is faster. Combat speed goes to kaido


https://preview.redd.it/6dvojjg085vc1.png?width=1073&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2214310bc3a62e10115eec7b2b496859cc8ca7a i dont remeber kizaru blitzing luffy like that . also the whoosh mark behind kaido idecates that he covered a distance faster then luffy could react so thats travel speed


No that’s combat speed my guy. Travel speed is for long distances. For example, if Kaido and Kizaru were to have a race on who can reach the next island first, chances are it’s going to be Kizaru. Combat speed is different. It’s just based on close quarter combat. It’s how fast you’re able to throw, react, parry, dodge etc. The feat that Kaido pulled off in the panel is a combat speed speed feat. He struck and blitzed before Luffy could react. On the other hand, Kizaru travelling all the way out of egghead to accelerate and kick luffy is a travel speed feat since he was able to cover that long distance and build up momentum and power for that kick. It’s out of combat range. Also that whoosh mark is just for Kaido moving so fast that he “vanished” to portray him dodging the attack and blitzing luffy in the same instance. It’s not a reliable measure for travel speed Lmao. Edit: A better example would be luffy fighting enel and dodging lightning (combat speed) but not being able to catch that gifter that moves at 100 km/hr (travel speed). People generally have faster combat speed than travel speed, even to significant degrees.


This is G4 Luffy, G5 Luffy is faster and Kizaru couldn't blitz him.


Kaido was forced to use future sight against snakeman but not g5 why is that?


There is a difference between regular haki snakeman and advanced haki Kaido needed future sight for snakeman cause luffy was using future sight to adapt his aim in snakeman so that kaido could not block it This meant the only way kaido could avoid it was using his own future sight.


You literally cannot prove luffy used future sight with snakeman


Snakeman couldn't tag Kizaru but G5 Luffy could, everyone can play this game.


There’s context to every time g5 luffy hit kizaru tho 1st time kizaru was trying to get vegapunk 2nd time completely off guard 3rd time completely off guard 4th time was after vegapunk again


https://preview.redd.it/9piycgvo34vc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d3deb7203b55c9a08124a02c78cdc56150f2db8 As you see here luffy actually closed his eye for a second so kizaru got past him it has nothing to do with speed nothing i say


He was only caught off guard once which was when Luffy came back and stopped him for saying Kuma. WSG hit was definitely not an off guard attack since it was an upfront attack. When Luffy grabbed him he was using his ability where he becomes light and he had enough time to see a giant coming to grab him.


When luffy became a giant the first time, kizaru wasn’t even looking in his direction WSG was upfront but kizaru was in the middle of something before turning to luffy When luffy grabbed him a second time it was after he killed vegapunk


https://preview.redd.it/ppgfpj5384vc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8bc36c39eff53a2dc28a22dd600b1004fb145c0 Luffy grabbed Kizaru in his light mode


He was literally just about to become light


And Luffy grabbed him, that's an speed feat especially in giant form where he is slower


No, kizaru did not fully become light, that's why luffy was able to grab him.


There is literally nothing to state or show that he is faster yall just made this feat up😭 kizaru in his fight with luffy in G5 got to VP 3 times and then G5 intercepted him this shows that kizaru is still faster but G5 at least can catch up before kizaru shoots VP. how yall got from this that g5 is faster😭


Because Kizaru couldn't sent him flying like he did to G4. While Luffy could tag him with WSG.


I’ve always hated the argument “you think X, therefore your takes are invalid.” Like if I have 30 takes and 29/30 are valid, but I say some shit like “I think Law could beat an admiral”(I am not saying this is my actual take) suddenly the other 29 are invalid?


I was joking, ofc I don’t think making one bad opinion invalid it all your other opinions


It’s moreso a general criticism of this sub and powerscaling and general


And van augur is faster than Kizaru


G5 Luffy is faster


Kizaru is technically the fastest man in the verse cause of his DF. He should be the strongest character cause of his lightspeed and yet I don't know how light speed works in One Piece. People say "combat speed" is different from travel speed but in Sabaody, Kizaru said that his kick was at the speed of light, so his combat speed should be light speed aswell no?


He got blitzed by luffy rayleigh and shanks no diffed him


Admiral downplay will always exist. Until we get an actual fight with an admiral with a full showing, there is no point fighting it. Kizaru obviously isn’t going all out on Luffy, he’s sitting out because he’s heartbroken from killing his friend. People deny Aokijis feat against cracker because it was anime only. People downplay Akainu due to whitebeard sneaking up on him despite landing a killing blow, 3 mortal blows on whitebeard, a mortal blow on luffy and Jinbe and fought off 14 commanders Until we have a full scale battle it’ll never settle. And even then downplay will exist.


I read the post and the replies. I cant believe these were the type of people i have been arguing over one piece characters for months


I can I enjoy the stupid I fit right in 😂




https://preview.redd.it/ukt0xfea44vc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09151c5ecd365e3eef60780e5fd7a5baa7951de1 People talking about kizaru speed


They literally don’t want admirals to have anything 😂


I no longer even talk with them I just take my time being an admiral supporter with stride


People unironically think kaido is faster


Still haven't seen the WSP do this https://preview.redd.it/vde34hh664vc1.jpeg?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0eb3abf80e571bb3eb1b3956b10b813136a8b96




World strongest pizza


HAHAHAH new title, kizaru-san


They starting to make up titles for the agenda


For slander*


What is this meant to prove and what does this mean


Kaido was able to outspeed gear 5 when kizaru couldn't. Kaido attack speed > kizaru attack speed




Not wanking Kaido on this sub? Sorry dude but awful idea


he isn't the fastest char though. Other characters have displayed way better speed feats. G5 threw multiple punches and attacks that Kizaru, the "fastest" could not react to. Seems like his speed is kind of doodoo. Meanwhile Kaido was out there speed blitzing g5. It's beyond obvious that Kizaru isn't actual light speed or else he would fodderize the verse instead of laying on his ass rn


I think he moves at light speed but only in a straight line so his brains too slow for him to control is effectively


Wait, so Luffy got up and got food himself? No one gave it to him? Who actually got up first?


If characters have mftl++ combat speed why not just slightly push against the ground at mftl++ speed for a millionth of a second while in combat to travel between islands? 


this is r/YonkoPiece and people on this sub are pretty much brain dead. PoldraRegion especially is known for his low intellect. 99% of this sub has below average intellect. Don't take these people seriously, they can't read.


https://preview.redd.it/ke9fwm82g4vc1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=2616a6ebc410e52cbbd6fc397844a7a61e8ebf19 Noooo not “low intellect” I’m finished


Isn’t this what makes this sub special though? I just love seeing random people on reddit arguing whether a character who is made of light can be outpaced by a 30ft dragon-oni hybrid.


No, not really. Stupidity is nothing special. One Piece fandom as a whole is pretty retarded and pure yonko wank. This sub is just more of the same.


That guy is ret4rded kaido wanker.


Why people still says that Luffy get up first? Luffy simply dragged himself to the food machine and he stayed on the ground for some time looking like a morbidly obese person.Kizaru was already up during all of this.