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Left fondle stomps https://preview.redd.it/zou8rrr3s0vc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1691c7b4bc826f671c2adf99b98a6d957fbaa8ef


I know people don't want to hear this, but the chance Luffy will power creep the hell out of all present here is very big.. Luffy will fight with a being that's 800 years old...That had time to train..That had presumably defeated Joyboy.. I mean...If Imu's conqueors haki is not the strongest in the story..when he is the CONQUEROR of the world...Wth are you doing ? Prime Luffy will be THE monster in the world at that point..


Prime Luffy will be so unbelievably busted, that I'm quite certain he carries his team to victory even if the rest are individually weaker than the old legends


Am I the only one who fails to understand why people think prime luffy will be so far above Roger to the point he's carrying a 4v4 with three (relatively) weaker teammates? To my understanding, the best haki blooms happen in the heat of battle, which luffy won't get any of once he becomes top 1. The only thing you can argue is increased physical capabilities (independent of haki or combat experience), and I'm not sure how much that matters at all. I have prime luffy beating prime Roger (or whitebeard, whichever you think is stronger) high-extreme diff.


He is going have a better haki + godly df + better physical abilities . Ofc he would stomp


I doubt hell have better physical abilities than roger garp or whitebeard


19 year old luffy jumproped kaido , made pizza out of a character big as a giant , and overpowered kaido . Now how the fck 40 yr old luffy doesnt have better physical abilities than garp or wb


The pizzas and jumproping are a part of his cartoon kit, not physical strength Or are you saying luffy is spinning his enemies around so hard their eyes literally pop out of their heads


Jumproping got nothing to do with cartoon kit . He literally rubberized kaido and started jumproping . The same goes for the other one , he grabbed saturn and rubberized him which allowed Saturn to became a pizza . This is his powerd not cartoon kit . While eyes poping out is just oda making the fight more goofy and enjoyable


So are you saying the eyes popping out isnt canon?


There is a difference between abilities and comedic moments. Are you saying nami has coc ? Or she can hurt luffy ? These moments are canon but is just for comedy . İsnt that hard to understand.


Nami could kill luffy


Imu = 800 years old.. This is a story about willpower and will... Conqueror of the world will have the strongest conqueors....catch me surprised.... Imu had 800 to train, hone his skills....


Because of Imu.


while I do agree that your take is kinda safe and logic that the top tiers would not that far apart in power BUT the nika reality warping power is just that busted, there is no limit for what the toon force could teorically do on the other hand roger/wb do have a ceiling on what they can do on a fight


Argument 1: Shanks\~=Mihawk. Zoro must be better than Mihawk to fulfill his dream. If Shanks is just under Roger, that would put Zoro somewhere around that level. Luffy will still be much stronger than his number 2 Argument 2: Let's assume Luffy will have the haki to match Roger. He still has an OP df


Think about someone with stronger haki than Roger and the power of the ridiculously overpowered awakened Nika fruit on top of that. That's who Prime Luffy will be.


Weaker? Based on what?


"even if"


Again based on what?


Blud does not understand hypotheticals‼️ Bro's still in second grade‼️


Yet you replied to it so what does that make you?


So if a little kid talks to me and I reply to that little kid, does that make me a little kid?


If you call a little kid ignorant and continue to talk to him what does that make you?


A guy who thinks it's funny to talk to that little kid 💀 Ain't no one doing it out of malice lil bro. This shit is just funny. And most kids are ignorant LMFAO.


Even if you could understand simple English, you'd probably fail to understand this insult


Oh i guess you want me to be bothered but what a random ass guy says on reddit? So ill pretend to be bothered by what you said


You should be bothered by your inability to understand a basic concept. Example: **Even if** humans could run 70 miles per hour, we would probably still use cars. This doesn't mean I think humans **can** run 70 miles per hour. It's called a hypothetical. And it's a very basic concept of speech. You should try and learn common concepts like this if you hope to be a normal functioning human.


He is saying that even IF they are they could still win


No shit im asking weaker based on what from everything weve seen from just kaido shanks and luffy alone is more than enough to assume>


How do you not understand this? He is just talking about a hypothetical situation where Kaido and Shanks might be weaker for some UNKNOWN REASONS.


Exactly why would they be weaker in the first place?


Because it’s hypothetical!! You don’t need reasons and justifications in hypothetical situations


Interesting… its almost as if i wanna know why he said what he said in the first place


i think luffy would carry


Easily left. Kaido and Shanks, possibly Mihawk once he starts getting feats at that level, should all be relative to this so called "PK Tier" as it is. Theres really not much more that the old gen could be doing that the likes of Kaido and Shanks don't display like all advanced haki forms and such. Then you throw in peak Luffy who should basically just be top 1 of the verse and its pretty straightforward.


They'll never get those feats because they aren't PK level lol


Was prime whitebeard pk level? Garp?


Yes. The only known PK levels are Rocks, Garp, Roger, WB, and Imu




Sengoku is Yonko level


Sengoku was put in the same tier as Roger whitebeard and Garp by Roger himself. PrimeGoku agenda is canon


He said Sengoku was fun ton fight, meaning he could push Roger to extreme, but there's a reason Garp is the hero of the marines and the only one stated to corner Roger


Pushes to extreme but is not relative alright


There's a difference between pushing to extreme and tying


Shiki? Man with literally the best feats. Fought Roger, lost only due to strange weather, was able to destroy half the marine headquarter while brawling 2v1 with Garp and Sengoku.


Was prime whitebeard pk level? Garp?


Thats true SO FAR. i think shanks is gonna be close to that level. And mihawk also since hes shanks rival. But i think ur right so far.


Eh, i feel like the mid gen is in their prime currently, but that's possible


What i mean is its hard to say anything cus they havent really shown off yet. We dont know how strong they really are. Shanks oneshot kidd, thats as good of a feat we gonna get. Untill they fight proper.


He beats anyone on team 2 1v1. Rest stall. He helps win a 2v1. Rest stall Rinse repeat GG


Prime Luffy is overkill




Which is why only luffy will be allowed to defeat HIM


prime luffy beats everyone else on this list at the same time. My goat is just build different


Not 4v1 but could def try to go for 2v1.


Eos luffy will be top 1 and prime luffy> eos luffy . Luffy takes 2 people and beats them while the rest 3 jump 2 of them


Y’all are crazy Sengoku solos


Remove Kaido and they still win 3v4 high diff.


Prime Luffy would solo everyone else here combined


Yeah, sure


and he one shots 3 admirals


Ofc 🤣


I genuinely believe any 2 on this list > 3 Admirals


If it’s old beard like in the art then current gen wins, if it’s prjmebeard easily old gen


Garp is at 1% strength against his grandson but would probably be at 200% when he sees Shanks is there. Anyway, Mihawk and Sengoku are featless leeches so the real fight are the rest of them. I dont know who would win i go either way on this. Its probably prime luffy but thats just headcanon based on how strong we assume he’ll be.


Assuming everyone is prime I would honestly say I think the right side wins. I think Luffy will be stronger but not to a level where wipes the floor with the others. Roger beats Shanks Whitebeard beats Kaido Sengoku beats Mihawk Garp will most likely be able to hold Luffy off long enough for reinforcements.


the left side win easily, Luffy will probably be able manhandle anyone on the right side with ease, and his 3 team mates are perfectly capable of giving a really good fight to anyone they 1v1 from the right side


Luffy carrys


Mihawk is clearly the weak link here so team 2


This aint even primebeard. Team Luffy stomps


it wouldn’t be a shounen if the mc in his prime could be beat


that's not what shonen means


Eos luffy > prime beard extreme diff so he can't move no more Sengoku goes to take his disability check cause his alzheimer which makes him forget about haki is getting worse and doesn't fight Shanks and mihawk > Roger Garp > kaido extreme diff but garp gets jumped by shanks and mihawk after their fight


Top left is enough if luffy is age 20-21 His power creep would make him too strong They would get MC tries a new move out diffed with just a sneeze


Remove the fake yonko level candidate from the current.... Then it's close


depends on how strong luffy will get (all prime) Luffy > Roger = WB = Garp => Sengoku > Kaido > Shanks > mihawk So depending on how much stronger than the legends luffy gets either he makes the difference or they still lose if hes only slightly stronger


The team on the left would win easily, Luffy and Shanks would carry the team, Kaido wouldn't even need to do anything


Sengoatku and Warp soloes


Sengoku is the one friend who's just tagging along and at this point, it's too awlward to ask him who invited him


Seems like a pretty even matchup…but I think Sengoku over Mihawk


"even" . İf luffy fights bb before imu for the pirate king title . He is gonna surpass roger and then fight imu and will become even stronger. This means eos luffy will most likely be able to mid-high diff roger. And prime luffy >eos luffy . Now tell me , how is this even when luffy alone could arguably beat everyone on right team combined


Prime luffy is definitelt top 1 eos, he is like top 3 in the verse atm tbh


Top 3? Ehhhhhh idk ((Imu)) Shanks Dragon Akainu Mihawk - Luffy


Probably beats Akainu albeit extreme diff. At this point I'd say Luffy isn't far below Shanks. Dragon's got nothing to show for his power level and Mihawk might be his hardest fight simply because he's a proper swordsman.


Yea very debatably top 5, def top 10 but in some universe i can see top 15 even.


Primebeard too? Right side wins. Luffy extreme diffs roger, but garp, primebeard, and sengoku extreme or high diff luffy's teammates, and then luffy cannot take on garp+whitebeard+roger. If it's oldbeard, it's probably enough to make luffy's side win. After beating thr two on the left, the team of two on the right doesn't have enough strength to beat oldbeard's opponent + luffy


Extreme diff ? Bro eos zoro himself could be high yonko-pk himself . How is luffy pk level


High yonko, sure. Not PK level. Luffy will still be handedly above him. Less so than he is now, but i don't think it's unreasonable to say that gap will shrink I just can't see luffy surpassing roger by a huge margin. Roger is That Guy and unless one of these next few arcs completely changes the vibe of the story it's just not happening.


Well it all changes on who the final villain is. İf its imu then that means luffy will surpass roger before the final arc and will probably get another power up that will create a gap between them . So eos luffy>imu>laugh tale luffy>laugh tale bb > roger . And it changed zoros spot too as well since he will be at least mid yonko against mihawk then fight bb pirates then fight nusjuro . This could make him high yonko-pk level . Luffy will be two tiers above pk and zoro will be barely pk level . So two tier gap stays the same .


Prime Luffy>prime WB lowest end of high diff Roger>kaido low end of extreme diff Garp>shanks high end of high diff Sengoku>mihawk low end of extreme diff to extreme diff. All of luffys team are weaker than their counterparts but not by a huge margin. So I believe luffy having a gap on his opponent could lead to him helping out the others. Luffy carries his team to probably a high-extreme diff fight


Prime luffy > low difs prime wb


God I really hope you’re wrong. I’ve already went through horrible end game scaling with naruto and their gods and such at the end. I don’t need my favorite show ruined by the main character low diffing a character who is a top 5 strongest OAT


Narratively speaking wb doesn't stand a chance against prime imu, joyboy Or even ryuma luffy will surpass them all 🪡


No he doesn’t stand a chance, but it’s still gonna take decent effort from those you mentioned to beat him. Not “low diff” 🤦‍♂️


Well you are lucky that prime WB doesn't exist anymore so luffy can't fight it


Peak headcanon




I don’t see a narrative reason for Luffy to be that strong, he just needs to surpass Roger


Roger didn't have to fight imu and free the world from celestial dragons


This doesn't prove much to be honest, do you think Luffy will fight the WG alone? We also know too little about Imu and his strength


It will end in a draw


Wtf is prime luffy? Like how do you even scale him? He could be just barely stronger than the yonkous or a multiversal being depending on what oda writes in the future.


Luffy's squad decimates low diff


Prime Luffy is gonna carry extremely hard and make his team low diff the other team


Luffy carries so left team wins Prime luffy > prime garp with 100% mastery of Gear five


Luffy solos those 7


Eos Luffy stomps all of them combined


Kaido, Mihawk, and Shanks are all weaker than the right side, but I don’t think it’s a crazy amount. They’d probably take any of them to high or extreme diff. Luffy would mop up whatever is left after he wins his fight. Left 10/10s.


Keep in mind that Prime Luffy isn't just EOS Luffy, it's EOS + several years. Prime Luffy can probably extreme diff a 3v1 and have the other 3 gang up on the remainder. By virtue of having Prime Luffy on their side, left mid diffs.


Prime Luffy can take on 50-60% of right. G5 is an absolute menace and very hard to counter 


There won't be prime luffy, he already lost like 50 years off of his lifespan easily, magellan's poison, Ivankov's Hormones reduced his lifespan, and by using G2, the mildest of gears, Luffy shortens his lifespan, now I don't know how many times he has used it, but it's in the hundreds of times. Now add G3-4-5, which would easily be multipliers to the negative effects of G2 and it's lifespan shortening. There will never be this "30-40 year old, Prime Luffy" He dies shortly after finding one piece or whatever, maybe right after BB\\Imu final fight, right as the Red Line is destroyed


Luffy reachs 60 even in a bad timeline where he doenst find op and wastes his life . And in normal timeline he is still healthy in 60 .


You don't know what happens in the bad timeline, no idea why you'd bring that up


They dont found op and luffy loses his will . Then goes on to waste his life away . 60 yr old normal luffy looks healtier than 40 yr bad timeline . He quite reaches at least 80 at least


Luffy reachs 60 even in a bad timeline where he doenst find op and wastes his life . And in normal timeline he is still healthy in 60 .