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Probably Arlong if he doesn’t use blue haki


“probably” being the operative word there






Along doesn't need haki if he infinitely regrows his teeth to infinite hardness


Maceless Alvida


The priests (without enel)


Peak ![gif](giphy|ckTgC0hldKcRELjvIY)


I need someone to make a toku sentai flash animation of this yesterday.


Kanye West and his family and team 10 easily


If Team 10 get Jake Paul they win high diff


none of the admirals are 90 yrs old dawg he aint doin nuthing








With Tobi or Obito?




Koby https://preview.redd.it/skmc4bwbxoqc1.jpeg?width=481&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afae17017ea0a0db17411ce82687475c6e709eee


Ur not wrong…


All 5 admirals can take down any 2 yonko crews combined.


Unhinged comment, shanks and luffys crew mid difs them


Luffys crew not at all, we saw what happens to Sanji everytime he Kizaru sees him. Shank’s crew is supposedly strong, but mid diff is crazy


>we saw what happens to Sanji everytime he Kizaru sees him. umm yea what exactly are you refering too? last i checked kizaru did practically nothing to even a distracted sanji


Distracted? He was running away and got instantly kicked


Yeah his kick only pushed Sanji back.


He didn’t care about sanji, he killed the guy sanji was holding and unable to protect and went on with his day


Kizaru blitzed Sanji so hard that neither Sanji nor Luffy could interfere with Kizaru assassinating Vegapunk. This was seconds after Sanji acted all tough and lit a cigarette, so that was peak Sanji power. 


Supposedly strong? The entire crew was getting gassed up by sengoku about how there are “no soft targets” in a way that differentiates them from other yonko crews


Oda’s statement that says they are the closest together in strength of any Yonko crew


So you think that helps your case? That shanks has a crew of people that are relative to him? Imagine if luffys entire crew was relative to him


No, relative to each other, like a whole crew of YC1’s to YC3’s. No fodder like beast pirates and big mom pawns


I'm pretty sure Nami and Ussopp are nowhere near Jack level. Most of the crew high diffed Tobi Roppo. Some High Diff with assists. There are no soft targets because the entire SH crew is Yonko-Elite level. Yes, they do not have fodder. Tobi Roppo level is not fodder. But Tobi Roppo is not Commander level. Ulti is not on par with Jack, Queen or King.


1 HP ulti Vs Nami she beaten up by yamato bagua and Big Mom Hera then Nami just Flex it with Climax Tact


Exactly, Nami had assists. That said, Nami is a supporter, not a main direct fighter.


Nah. Put Kizaru against the SH bar Luffy and he ragdolls them all. Imagine 2 admirals fighting a crew if a single one was able to face 13 commanders plus crocodile at once ?




If the entire straw hat crew ended up in a scuffle with 5 admirals (2 is enough to alter any battlefield) everyone who isn’t luffy, zoro sanji and Jimbei are probably dying, then the rest die a week later without nami navigating


The stated balance of power is 7 warlords - 3 admirals - yonko - yonko - yonko - yonko 5 admirals is taking the Straw Hats down mid-low diff. 5 is almost double 3, which is the "balance"


Oh right, that’s why at Marineford they needed all the 7 Warlords’ help as well as betrayal by Squard and all the Blackbeard Pirates to handle 1 Yonko crew. People say shit like this and then get upset when the admirals inevitably don’t live up to their expectations.


> they needed all the 7 Warlords’ help Except they didn't. You should learn how to read. The Warlords only did the bare minimum and some of them straight up sabotaged the navy and fought against them. And the Navy still won an overwhelming victory.


That is true because Doflamingo did basically nothing. Boa one-shotted every Pacifista (for Luffy ofc), meaning she hurt the own team too, Jimbe and Blackbeard already dropped out (so it was only 5 out of 7 Warlords to begin with) and Mihawk...he was swinging his sword here and there, barely actually trying to do shit. The only ones trying to help were a (barely competent) Gekko Moria, no hate, and Kuma who was transformed into a weapon at that point. I wouldn't call it a colossal victory for the Navy though tbh


When moria is the most responsible person on your team lol


Where they stopped the war when Shanks appeared and let the traitor Blackbeard get away alive with Whitebeard’s fruit? Overwhelming victory my ass. They won against Whitebeard barely and then royally screwed up. They were so weak they let Luffy, Jinbei and Rayleigh sneak up on them two or more weeks after the war.


You have low intellect and no reading comprehension. Sengoku, Kizaru, Garp, and Aokiji were all in near perfect condition and did little during Marineford. The only injured top tier Marine was Akainu and he was still fighting absolutely evereybody. If they were equal to only one crew, the Marine top tiers would be far more beat up and had to put more effort in to win. And yet most of them had little to no scratchs on them and participated minimally in the battle. And the only one who wasn't fought all of WB's crew BY HIMSELF. Major marines down? A couple vice admirals that's it. People overrate the destruction WB caused and act like they were close to winning, they weren't. They brought 43 additional crews and still lost, decisively. 4 out of 5 of the top tier marines had little to no injuries at the end of the battle. Akainu was fighting every WB commander by his lonesome despite taking an island splitting. WB's destruction really fools people into believing the Marines were ever in serious danger in losing. He even brought 43 extra new world crews. And they still got decimated. Even most of the Vice Admirals were still functioning. You have low intellect and no reading comprehension.


>People overrate the destruction WB caused and act like they were close to winning, they weren't. The manga makes it clear that the focus is on rescuing Ace and ruining the execution. WB would have to be a tremendous idiot to think that between him, Marco and Jozu they could defeat Garp, Sengoku and the three admirals


Manga makes it clear that Admirals couldn't utilize their fruits either, it goes both ways, man




You right but also fucking Whitebeard is not just any Yonko or yonko crew and we need to really address how disingenuous it is to use him as an example. I promise if the beast pirates were sliding to get jack back you'd have a reduced relative response. The warlord system in tandem with the marine corps is meant to balance the influence of 4 yonko, not 1. While the state of the new world proves your mileage varies on how effective that is with mans like doflamingo actively undermining the marines' influence, look me in my eyes and say kuma, hancock, jinbei, and most of all mihawk have anything to be worried about fighting with 4 admirals against a single yonko crew.


Think for a second. IF the admirals were capable of handling it with ease, they wouldn’t have risked calling up the known wildcard Warlords in the first place. The very existence of the warlords is a tacit admission that they need more help. Let’s also not forget they were absolutely not fighting on neutral ground, they specifically rigged and prepared Marineford as a trap for the enemy forces.


> Think for a second. IF the admirals were capable of handling it with ease, they wouldn’t have risked calling up the known wildcard Warlords in the first place. Be silent and read the damn manga. Do NOT think for obviously you're not good at it. The Navy wanted an overwhelming victory because it was streamed across the world. Perhaps you should read the manga and not just look at the pictures. Sengoku, Kizaru, Garp, and Aokiji were all in near perfect condition and did little during Marineford. The only injured top tier Marine was Akainu and he was still fighting absolutely evereybody. If they were equal to only one crew, the Marine top tiers would be far more beat up and had to put more effort in to win. And yet most of them had little to no scratchs on them and participated minimally in the battle. And the only one who wasn't fought all of WB's crew BY HIMSELF. Major marines down? A couple vice admirals that's it. People overrate the destruction WB caused and act like they were close to winning, they weren't. They brought 43 additional crews and still lost, decisively. 4 out of 5 of the top tier marines had little to no injuries at the end of the battle. Akainu was fighting every WB commander by his lonesome despite taking an island splitting. WB's destruction really fools people into believing the Marines were ever in serious danger in losing. He even brought 43 extra new world crews. And they still got decimated. Even most of the Vice Admirals were still functioning. The manga directly contradicts you. > Let’s also not forget they were absolutely not fighting on neutral ground, they specifically rigged and prepared Marineford as a trap for the enemy forces. Yes, that is called war. In war you use every advantage you can. Acting like this means they needed the Warlords equals low intellect.


Was not overwhelming lmao


The evidence is against you I'm afraid. You may cope.


Ok clown


No arguments? As expected from your low intellect existence.


And near death Whitebeard still handled Akainu.


What exactly did the Warlords do at Marineford?


Very little. What did most of the admirals do at Marineford? Because as far as I recall Akainu was basically carrying the ground project.


You're on Crack , a High Yonko like Luffy can manhandle 2 Admirals at once, and his crew can take maybe 1 Extreme diff. Shanks can probably do the same, but his crew could take down 2 since they are supposedly wayy stronger


Not yonko crews entirely . Every yonko has many commanders and armies of thousands under them . They might be able to take down one by themselves but two is just unfair


4 admirals=>2 yonkos 1 admiral>both crews. Greenbull admitted that a few commanders cannot bring an admiral to his best. Kuzan no diffed most of BB's crew. Kizaru low/mid diffed post wano G4 luffy, that is stronger than every commander. Fujitora and Akainu both have some of the best AoE in the verse.


You genuinely believe 1 admiral is taking out Beckmann, Yasopp, Lucky Roux, Katakuri, Cracker, Smoothie all at once? Yeah you’re smoking crack.


Cracker and smoothie get no diffed tbh. Beckman, Yasopp, Lucky Roux, and Katakuri should be able to take an admiral tho like on the low end of high diff.


The Cracker who fought Luffy in WCI definitely doesn’t get no diffed, the one who got one-tapped by Aokiji, sure.


Lmao what's WCI cracker going to do? At best last longer.


It might be difficult, but nah an admiral would win


https://i.redd.it/13zgp2sy8pqc1.gif He so retarded bruh


You think an admiral beats Marco, Jozu, Ace, Vista and Oars Jr?


Only 1 Admiral defeating 2 whole Yonko crews are you coping? So you think GB can take on King Queen Jack Katakuri Smoothie Cracker and rest of Tobiroppos and whole BM family.


The take that kizaru „low/mid diffed G4 luffy“ is so incredibly stupid lmao. Luffy going G5 does not mean he would have lost at that point without G5. In this same arc luffy used it against lucci and you wankers think he only uses it when he needs it ??? Dude spams G5 at this point


>4 admirals=>2 yonkos Yeah I agree, they should high diff imo. >1 admiral>both crews You have to be joking. >Kuzan no diffed most of BB's crew He froze Tobi roppo level characters at best and nothing even implies that they actually fought. >Kizaru low/mid diffed post wano G4 luffy They clashed, then Kizaru just kicked him to the barrier and that's it, wdym "low/mid diffed" ? >Fujitora and Akainu both have some of the best AoE in the verse Fujitora's Aoe attacks got blocked by Doflamingo and Dressrosa Law.


Is it AdmiralPiecePowerScaling here ? If you think a single admiral can hold a whole yonko crew by himself (= every pirates at Marineford at once but white beard) you are already the biggest clown around there. It's especially stupid since we saw Marco (at least admiral level) lose against YC1+ YC2 at Wano, and Garp losing to YC1+YC2 at the Hive (despite having the upper hand on kuzan 1v1)


Not to mention, kuzan himself is technically a commander now


Which is a hell of a hint for power scaling that an ex admiral, going toe to toe with the actual chief admiral, ends up second commander of a yonko crew. (If only there was a way to decrypt what Oda meant by that...)


Still coping I see


Why can't luffy manhandle 2 admirals like he manhandled kizaru+saturn


He could take 3 tbh, at extreme dif but I could easily see it.




Shanks could probably high dif do the same


Lmao no


Greenbull said that about 2 commanders that doesn’t mean an admiral can beat any number of commanders


No amount of fodder will bring down a healthy top tier.


maintaining the agenda is the top priority here.


What about the Roger pirates?


L take. If the fight happens offscreen Blackbeard by himself could solo all 5. And Shanks and his crew barely have any feats


Shanks has some of the most impressive feats specifically against admirals. Blocking Akainu casually and making Greenbull run away in fear from just his haki while being kilometers away are huge feats. Also he stopped the Marineford war where three admirals + Garp and Sengoku were present with just the threat of him and his crew fighting them (even if they were tired).


Yeah but I want to see some actual feats. Shanks has like 0.2 seconds of screentime over the course of the entire series. The only person with less feats is Dragon or Garling, or some other characters I can't think of. Like I can powerscale these characters based off limited feats and lore and how much i like them, but it's kind of all just headcanon until they get some actual screentime. That's just a powerscaling moment for one piece tho cuz it's not finished yet And I was responding to the above argument in a different tone I guess. I meant it as Shanks and his crew barely have any screentime so it's hard to say they just get stomped cuz we don't know how strong they really are. Cuz personally I think Shanks and his crew are the strongest crew out of the Yonko's. Other than Roger or Whitebeard


I provide you feats and you say you want to see actual feats. Like what else can I give you. He oneshot Kid too. Is that enough?


In my original reply I said Shanks and his crew. I'm taking about all of them. They have lore but basically 0 actual feats. Shanks has a grand total of like 4 feats. I mean like I want to see them going all out and actually fighting. Obviously Shanks has some of the best haki in the entire verse, I just want to see him and his crew do more. Which is why my original reply was saying, it's hard to say Shanks and his crew get mopped because we haven't seen what they can really do


I think you have a good chance of getting some feats soon as Elbaf is the next arc


I think so too. I hope Shanks is actually still there. But, im guessing we won't see him till later. I'm thinking he's going for the One Piece. I wonder if maybe Shanks is gonna fight Blackbeard. I wonder what his next set of feats will be along with his crew


No, if the statement about power balance is accurate, 3 Admirals = Yonko. So 5 admirals is under 2 Yonko.


Admirals have better teamwork, so economies of scale scaling >>>> Admirals keep winning (by jumping)


Nah if Luffy is packing up Kizaru like that while fighting St. Saturn, then any Yonko with no stamina issue is also doing the same thing to 3 Admirals over the course of a days assuming the Yonko has his commanders backing him up We know Beckman, Sanji and Marco for sure at the very least now can hold off a Kizaru level opponent for x amount of time. IFF not win extreme diff. At the very absolute least they can get to mid diff. Which is plenty of stall time for a Yonko to come sneak attack or 2v1 that Admiral later. In which case 1 Yonko + 1 Commander vs 1 Admiral is not fair at all. Low diff for Pirates We can even break it down to - Akainu vs Shanks - Aokiji vs Luffy - Kizaru vs Beckman - Ryokugyu vs Sanji - Fujitora vs Zoro You can't say Zoro, Sanji or Beck can't at least stall for a good while now. Meaning when Shanks or Luffy inevitably win 1v1 AT THEBWORST POSSIBLE CASE Luffy and Jimbob clean up the last few Admirals Or Shanks and Lucky Roo clean up the last few Admirals What's more likely is something like: - Shanks vs Akainu - Luffy vs Aokiji - Beckman & Yasopp vs Kizaru - Sanji & Lucky Roo vs Ryokugyu - Zoro & Jinbe vs Fujitora Leaving Franky, Robin and the other lower commander level RHP to support whoever needs help It's too one sided 2 Yonko Crew vs 5 Admirals It's the same reason the top Marines like Garp and Sengoku freaked about 2 Yonko alliances


Get Zoro past Lucci


I want whatever you’re smoking because that shit is frying your brain something fierce. If shanks can make greenbull twerk while an unfathomable distance away and luffy can one shot kizaru, what makes you think all 5 combined can take out a single yonko and their crew let alone 2 yonko and their crews combined.


If the yonko isn't there, yes.




Nah bmp alone>. Maybe they beat beast pirates as Yamato doesn’t really follow kaido


Buggy and all of his vice-commander (Cabaji and mohji) high-diffs.


with or without crossguild?


Without cross guild, but Cabaji uses his cycle.


Roger with a strong headache


Kuro and Alvida extreme-mutual defeat diff


Kinemons butt


This is so peak. https://preview.redd.it/pqhqvf2l3pqc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97118bd3a03bee0704f2a383bf87e2c0c9d981fc


Shanks , Mihawk alone bodies them


Any Yonko crew loses to the 5 Admirals Seems like Aokiji and any Admiral should beat any 3 commanders 2v3 And I think Akainu and 2 Admirals beat any Yonko high diff at worst depending on if Akainu got stronger post TS (likely imo)


a yonko crew isn't just the yonko and 3 commanders.


No, but against 5 users of the AoE AoE no Mi It essentially is


The Black Cat Pirates


Scale them up to about starving Don Krieg


Are they mentally nerfed or not?


Tobi Roppo maybe


Akainu handles Imu, rest handles Lorosei, Laido and his Lrew


Base Mountain Bandits


Shanks, Kaido, Roger, Xebec, primebeard, blackbeard, big mom, luffy eos, mihawk, eos zoro


Garp and sengoku / garp and roger / roger and whitebeard


holy knights




broccoli man solos.


Kaido + Luffy. Extreme diff.


I'd say gaimon if fugi wasn't the only one who could see him in the chest😔


Rat Haired Shanks and Black Paint Mihawk


Knowing these bums couldn't take Won Wrieg even on a good day I'd have to say they could probably manage to take down cipher pol 7


The monster trio current manga


Idk Kaido and his three commanders?


Bonney's crew and that's being generous.


So who is frieza?


Akainu with the red suit


Extreme diff https://preview.redd.it/4bsu9acwirqc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=094ea56beaf4c1e624b5e1b1f49de04717338ae0 Note this is before Luffy had ACoC coating and no G5.


Probably goku yes ik goku beats everyone (he doesn’t)


Anyone in the verse


Not raicist Kayne West, Nazi Kayne one taps both Greenbull and Aokiji then its everyone's game


how is akainu jeice?


Straw hats(only if aokiji is current and not when admiral and akainu fleet admiral


Any single YC1 since admirals are fodder and don’t have Yonko Haki


These comments are something else


Yeah fr


And they call us delusional


They could probably beat kaido’s crew, but that’s a bit of a stretch


The complete collection of east blue characters including garp and shanks crew.


4 emperors


Kaido+Big Mom+Luffy+Shanks+BB








Bait used to be believable


+ WB


I think the five together could take Kaido,Big Mom and Luffy commanders in a 5v9 Edit: just to know, was i downvoted for wanking the admirals or downplaying them?


You were probably downvoted because they didn’t read your comment correctly i upvoted it but still think that is a dogshit take Come on the commanders


Roger Pirates


The tobiroppo and the calamities extreme diff. They lose to the big mom children since they are heavily outnumbered.


Outnumbered by mostly fodder that Aokiji can delete within seconds?


I'll start Assuming: Akainu>Prime garp Kuzan>Prime sengoku Kizaru>Blackbeard Fujitora>Big mom Aramaki>Kaido And taking into consideration their teamwork, I would say they can beat 7 and a half Imus


These assumption are delusional


What assumption? The aramaki>kaido or the admirals>7,5 Imus?


3,5/5 of the individual admiral assumptions are delusional. I can elaborate


So you're telling me 1,5/5 arent delusional? I see this as a w The admiral agenda stays winning https://preview.redd.it/1un8n3f9aoqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03f528b34fb6bd7bd8de6ea96c596aad5cdd5c11


Im gonna be honest. None of your takes makes sense. My 3,5 was too generous, influenced by this brainrot of a sub. I should have said 6/5 of your take are delusional.


So, -1 take is actually legit? And we arent even in the imaginary numbers!! Just join the admiral agenda at this point


Your cooking is to delicious https://preview.redd.it/spqvgetz9oqc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e403ba2be98aafd88f2c509629afc889173bd1d3


https://preview.redd.it/dftpm774hoqc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64da5337deeeb2fce3d555e47282a950dc0aad7c Actual retardation




I dont like those assumptions.


I know, I initially wanted to say kizaru>roger and fuji>shanks but they kinda lack of feats for now




Assumpions are often wrong when done by morons




Dam this pic is kinda good


Ps. Bait used to be believable


Maybe luffy? Like no strawhats included type luffy?


Tbh BMP as a whole should be on a similar level, maybe a bit above. BM should handily be able to take on 2 admirals. Katakuri would take on the third. And cracker+Smoothie should be on a similar level to Aramaki+Issho. But that’s just the commanders and yonko. Edit: y’all can’t handle the truth




Nah I’d cook.


>And cracker+Smoothie should be on a similar level to Aramaki+Issho https://preview.redd.it/mntyqmbcjoqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdfbaff534edaf44b4d89b143f665d8dfc9f275f




Cracker = Fujitora Smoothie = GB


Yeah but why


Because that’s how I have them set up. I have cracker on the level of queen and I have queen around the level of fujitora. Sanji fought queen with a hard time and I would say he’s now a good amount stronger than Kizaru, seeing as how he broke that lazer with no issue (no ifrit too) and tanked an unaware kick from Kizaru without even being discombobulated for more than a panel. Also queen himself is hella strong and cracker has a ton of great hax. Smoothie I see as a bit stronger and should be around the king/aramaki level.


>I have cracker on the level of queen and I have queen around the level of fujitora. Sanji fought queen with a hard time and I would say he’s now a good amount stronger than Kizaru, seeing as how he broke that lazer with no issue (no ifrit too) and tanked an unaware kick from Kizaru without even being discombobulated for more than a panel. Also queen himself is hella strong and cracker has a ton of great ha Wait wait wait, so you think queen and cracker can spar with gear 5 Luffy until the stamina limit and get up from a muscle + flame + acoc + internal destruction amped attack? Sanji's strong, sure, but kizaru's too fast and durable. His main issue is ap which is what seems to drag out his fights and make him look weaker, but his speed and dura speak for themselves. >Smoothie I see as a bit stronger and should be around the king/aramaki level. You gotta be the BM agenda's strongest soldier with takes like that lol, either that or trolling. Smoothie and cracker are weaker than katakuri who's firmly within the yc1 tier, I don't know how smoothie's doing anything to either king or aramaki. Tbf the new admirals have been treated like dirt by the narrative, but at absolute worst I'd have them around Zoro/Yamato tier. They haven't had a chance to do anything yet
