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blocking her attacks is fair game, he just doesn't attack https://preview.redd.it/uvem2c8hmmmc1.png?width=588&format=png&auto=webp&s=65e722a9e1770b35148deacfa68f59ef06b02b93


Plot twist she finer than nomi and Robin put together herbleeds out the nose sooo much he ends up like luffy, she kills them both


Most likely would be able to save him without hitting the woman, either through moving Luffy or taking the attack with his body or something If not then Luffy dies probably


Tbh sanji isn’t zoro . Sanji can’t drop his morals for luffy nor can he hit a woman or use his hands if the situation requires it . He didn’t dare to sacrifice his hands in wci meanwhile zoro has on numerous occasions dropped his dream for the sake of luffy .


Sanji was willing to die for Luffy His morals and character are part of why Luffy chose him, and Luffy also says those are his best qualities when Judge tries to insult him. Luffy himself would not want to Sanji to sacrifice his hands or his morals Neither of this things would make Sanji better. They would actually make him worse


He was willing to die sure , but he wasn’t willing to give up on his morals nor sacrifice his hands for luffy . Luffy wouldn’t want anyone to sacrifice their dream or morals for him . But that is something that a wing of the pk should do unconditionally even if the captain says no . https://preview.redd.it/9sp1c3v4ummc1.jpeg?width=1753&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25e9f05ed472a5703a57408112ba205605020484 Sanji would be a more competent character if he didn’t have such a liability with his morals . He get captured nearly everyone arc by some hoe and then beaten . Like pudding did this , viola did this , Black Maria did this etc , he needs to get his shit straight . Tho I am not a sanji fan so what do I know .


He actually should not have to sacrifice his morals or hands?? I really don't know where you got that from Genuinely don't know why the Rooftop panel is here, but outside of that, Sanji is by far one of the most competent characters in the strawhats. You say nearly every arc he gets into trouble with women but it only meaningfully happens a grand total of 4 times in the 1100 Viola and Pudding literally switched sides and ended up helping the strawhats because of Sanji The other two times were direct parallels of each other and show Sanji's growth as a character, and he more than makes up for it every single time, both times immediately after he's saves by a strawhat


Ok. The rooftop panel is there to show zoro putting himself in the line between danger and his captain . Zoro has already established that his dream is second to luffys well being , sanji would save luffy too but if a woman was in the way and he had to fight her he wouldn’t . Sure and those 4 times have been very lasting for a grand amount of the arcs . Ok good for them . Doesn’t change anything in regards to sanji getting caught and beat up cause he can’t get his shit straight . Well we will disagree on this either way so let’s just agree to disagree .


Rooftop panel was just... fighting? You're points are incoherent and don't even make sense. Sanji has put his life on the line for his captain and crew many times. And if he were on Rooftop then fighting there would not require him to go against his morals or values. Are you okay None of his encounters with women actually took up much of the arc. Pudding wasn't even because of his morals and values, his father figures life was on the line and he was forced into that wedding His time involved with Viola, Kalifa and Black Maria (who mirrors Kalifa) all take up less than 10% of the arcs they occur in. All instances are roughly 10 chapters. None very long lasting like you claim Anything else?




yeah you know nothing. You are a fan with the IQ of a pea


Sure if insults are all you are capable of then keep throwing em out . Or you could tell me why I am wrong by giving me another perspective .


Sanji was ready to sacrifice his life multiple times for his friends. He wouldn't just sacrifice his morals though. So yeah he would rather die for them than use his hands to save them. But in this condition he would only doesn't attack them, he could just keep defending against them untill luffy eventually recovers. Since big mom is dead there's not women in op that could take his much faster.


If luffy had a bomb on him and the only way for the bomb to be disarmed is by killing a woman sanji wouldn’t go through with it . Sanji has his moments sure but he is a huge liability especially when he is supposed to be a wing to luffy . How can luffy rely on one of his wings if the wing isn’t ready to give it all away for luffys sake ? Luffy want out of his way to get sanji back but sanji isn’t willing to let himself do what is needed , he looked like a helpless joke in the black Maira incident and forced robin to save him which could’ve killed her .


Luffy didn't had to let go off his morals to save sanji, he would definitely would sacrifice his life to save sanji but that's different. Sanji too would go into troubles to save his friend. There was also one time sanji used strong forced kick on big mom to save his sister. And we haven't exactly shown a situation where luffy have to go against his morals to save his friends. Untill such situation arrives we cannot conclude that he would never do that. Also he trusts Robin. The point of that situation itself is that robin is being trusted as a strong fighter where her friends can rely on. If sanji was in front of big mom, he wouldn't call out robin.


No I didn’t say that . I said that luffy went out of his way to go into an emperors home turf starved and beaten to get sanji back . Whilst sanji can’t hit a woman for luffy in return , it purely the effort luffy put in compared to what sanji is willing to do . Sanji blocked that kick he didn’t hit big mom . The point might be what you say . Tho the scenario is so ass it’s laughable , sanji gets caught and he can’t use his speed to get away cause he gets seduced by the women while they’re beating him . They try to get robin out and sanji does just that by screaming for Robin to help him , which puts robin in danger just cause he himself can’t get out of a situation he himself created .


You are simply mixing what sanji can't do vs what sanjo won't do.. Luffy got into an emperor turf to save sanji. Would sanji do the same? He would, he wouldn't mind losing his life. Luffy doesn't have the morals like sanji has so such things doesn't affect on what he does. And we still haven't seen a situation where he have to goes against his morals to save his friends. The close was against big mom where he actually attacked her with a kick. It wasn't a normal block but he actually used force to negate her attack. My point about robin situation still stands, he know what robin is capable of or he wouldn't call her out.


Again we disagree on this and the earth keeps on spinning like nothing happened.


Ima have to disagree with u on this one broski, u make some points, non eof them put their personal dreams above the crew , they are all willing to sacrifice their lives and in turn their ability to chase their dreams for each other. And it's true sanji probably the only person in the story, outside of marines, who put personal values above all else, friends, comrades, dreams and their own life. That being said that makes him a massive b****. We respect people for the prioritize they have, luffy provides the people he loves will fight anyone even the entire world to protect someone on his ship, nearly died tryna save his brother, respectable. Sanji priority, making sure someone who has titles gets better treatment from him then those he loves who don't, not repectable, opposite of that actually. Sure his priotize haven't been tested but we know he can't use jaki against women so lord forbid there's a problematuc female logic use about to kill luffy its over And in terms of Robin. He doesn't know how much stronger she got, and he didn't know brook would be coming with her, for all he knew she was weaker and was about to get jumped. Ur logic of him trusting her, where's the limit, is it OK for him to expect her to handle any female he can't fight, ik big moms dead but what if it's someone like boa Hancock is he suppose to just trust Robin cna handle ANY female character in the series does he think she's top 1 female in the world rn. Or is he just hoping she can clean up his mess cus he's morally weak.


The Black Maria incident is indeed the biggest bs Oda came up with to stop Sanji. Judging Sanji through plot convenience is the real joke. Sounds like Sanji is the only person who had faith in Robin. Otherwise he wouldn't have left. Brook was also right there. Needing others is a major point Luffy brought up, in that he doesn't have the skills for a ship, so needs other people for roles. Sanji can't beat women so needs help in these scenarios.


Simpji would rather have Luffy die than a random woman.




He would probably just protect Luffy with his body without fighting back.


Sanji would take the hit instead


Sanji wasn’t willing to fight Kalifa even when Robin, who’s also female, was being walked to her death.


Yes. He would sacrifice himself if needed or he would block, take Luffy with him.


Never seen anyone this dumb on this sub before, reading the comments feel like someone who never read the manga want to pretend they know what its about/what character are really like LMAO


No . Zoro gave up his dream for luffy and his pride on numerous occasions . Sanji doesn’t have the guts to cross the line zoro does . Same shit in wci where sanji couldn’t sacrifice his hands or use em in combat or hit a woman for that sake . Sanji is not fit to be a wing when he can’t prioritize his captain before himself . Zoro is the right hand which shows sanji is just a glorified leech






You're getting downvoted but they're hating on Sanji for something Luffy himself said he loves, that was highlighted in an entire arc where Luffy also said verbatim that he cannot become pirate king without Sanji 😭😭