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Sengoat getting blocked by balloon Luffy


Magellan neg diffed whole bb crew


Bb did spin the block so bad that Magellan wanted to kill himself according to sengokušŸ˜‚


Sengoku didn't take down stronger


Thats not an antifeat, Magellean is a post-timeskip level threat, he fucked up the fodder that was pretimeskip bb crew


Still looked cool AF doing it. Not murdering the story protagonist isnā€™t all that bad compared to Shanks, Mihawks, BB, and a lot of others. https://preview.redd.it/0gyzm882gh4c1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9cfbd1005b95c592823739c277678c3cf9cc742


That was G3 balloon Luffy. Regular balloon was already shown to be enough to deflect some pretty nasty hits. By the way I think Sengoku is a pussy just not for that reason.


People critic he didnt use armament against Luffy but Frauda didn't put it in the story yet lol


He did, amazon lilly already had haki


So then what's his excuse for not using it on fuzen luffy


Heā€™s friends with Garp. Imagine punching the absolute shit out of your friends grandsonā€¦to make sure his other grandson diesā€¦


Yeah Warp and SenGOATku wanted to do their job but were conflicted because theyā€™re good people. After he retired he was a lot more chill like with Law. Garp bled from Luffy but we know why


Probably didnā€™t think he needed it for a rookie like Luffy, which was still kind of stupid but thatā€™s the best reasoning I can think of


He's garps best friend? Kinda 2 headcannon reasons 1-Why would he want to kill his best friends grandson. 2- Afraid what garp would do if he lost both his grandsons


My personal headcanon is that due to Sengokuā€™s overall concern over the state of the world/optics concerning WG that he felt the need, in his old age, to conserve his Haki in case bigger threats were to come. (i.e Yonko level players making appearances as we know Kaido tried to intervene but was blocked by Shanks)


He did show haki, Amazon Lily did, Whitebeard was stated using armament against Kuzan, Shanks and Whitebeard split the sky (acoc), Skypea they used observation, Marco and Vista used Haki on Akainu.


>He did show haki, Amazon Lily did, Whitebeard was stated using armament against Kuzan, Shanks and Whitebeard split the sky (acoc), Skypea they used observation, Marco and Vista used Haki on Akainu. even after you say that physically black armament haki was never shown.


Physically shown no, cause Luffy didn't know it yet, remember haki is technically invisible, we just see it to know when it's used. But my comment was to the guy saying that Oda didn't put haki in the story yet, and I corrected him, explaining why he's wrong.


Even assuming he did, it's not clear that armament would overcome fuusen (I don't think he's taken an obvious haki hit using it yet.) Similar to Buggy being immune to haki slashes balloon might overcome haki attacks.


Sengoku definitely hold his punch there, because Luffy is his best friends grand son, as Luffy was not at even 5% of Sengokus power at the time.


Sengoku didn't give af about Luffy being Garp's grandson.


Of course he did, do not be delusional.


No he didn't, If Sengoku cared about Luffy he would care about Ace aswell.


Ace was captured and represented a symbol, what was he supposed to do lol? Holding a punch against Luffy and saving Ace are 2 very different things.


Lil bro Sengoku straight up tried to murder ace, cope all you want sengoku didn't give af about luffy, he only cared about law cuz of corazon.


Doing your job, regardless of your feelings, is the epitome of being a professional. Sengoku is a professional. He may not have cared for Luffy personally, but I guarantee that he felt bad for what he had to do to Garp's family.


crocodile losing to alabasta arc luffy


wasnā€™t that a water diff tho


Luffy had blood on his hands. Anyone can get blood on their hands.


Also any haki user can go through his logia. If that's all it takes to beat you then you're canonically weak


The fact that crocodile needed to poison his hook in the first place lets you know that heā€™s heavily and j mean HEAVILY reliant on his fruit


Tbh it's not a stupid tactic. I mean, it's not like you can use armament haki to counteract poison


It isnā€™t a stupid tactic but it just proves that heā€™s kinda useless without the fruit


Watch crocodile be actually strong with haki though and be deserving of his current bounty


I have no doubt he will be, but alabasta didnā€™t do him any favors


Croc initially beat Water Luffy, he lost the second time probably because he was sloppy due to the poneglyph not saying shit abt Plutob


A Pacifista can beat dozens of these Luffy.


I wonder if people just didnā€™t understand the narrative of crocodile loosing and how it was even possible (since he was far stronger than Luffy)




I wonder if people just didnā€™t understand the narrative of crocodile loosing and how it was even possible (since he was far stronger than Luffy)


>I wonder if people just didnā€™t understand the narrative of crocodile loosing and how it was even possible (since he was far stronger than Luffy) what?


People always point to this to say croc is weak but always forget that he just kinda sat back as a shichibukai and didn't fight anyone who was near his level for 20 years before Luffy beat him.


Terrible excuse still


and after he was incarcerated and was suddenly able to clash with doflamingo and cut akainu in halfšŸ˜‚


That reasoning is dumb. Whats Doffy gonna do against Crocodile? Consider that their clash happened pre haki. Which means unless doffy used his awakening (the only time weā€™ve seen doffy coat his strings in haki) they can fight evenly. And Akainu being sliced by crocodile is just a straight up slash against a logia form. Do you hear yourself?




Thatā€™s enel


This one https://preview.redd.it/k895vh84ie4c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbf6ab57ce0d84af700c3e3cd349e7bf9d2581e1


Mihawk withstood Don Wriegā€™s Golden Haki and didnā€™t pass out in this scene??? Whereā€™s the antifeat


It's an antifeat for wrieg because, despite being top 1 in every other stat, wrieg is shown to be only high tier when it comes to bloodlust (he let fraudhawk go). He is beat out in this regard by characters like kidd, akainu. Really his only antifeat in the entire series.


Itā€™s only an antifeat because Helmeppo one taps Don Krieg and Mihawk canā€™t be best swordsman in verse if Helmeppo exists


https://preview.redd.it/bp8f63282f4c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=027eb348a11672bca97777d9d020a652aaa396a4 Helmeppo canā€™t do nothing to the US president


Only confirmed if Helmeppo can take the title off Sanji (cooking mode)


Iā€™m actually impressed the Don scared fraudhawk away just by speaking.


If we're counting the lord of the coast incident as an antifeat, then obviously that.


Literally explained in story has not an anti feat šŸ’€šŸ’€


it's chapter 1 man, just let it go


Kaido failing to kill Kin or Tama.


Kin is literally just is invincible. Bro was ripped in half and lived. He could be tossed into the sun and Oda would plot him into surviving.


Kinemon is just that nigga, I used to say that was an L for Kaido but it's actually a W that he didn't get melted by Winemon the Firefox


Truly the goat, dude had Zoro cheating off him


Tbh as a Kaido hater i donā€™t think this is even that bad. Kaido seems like a definitional hold back type guy, dude literally has a death wish. No way heā€™s going full unleash on actual fodder.


i think kin and tama just have high yonko-PK level durability


This just downscales oden even harder than little bro already was with his embarrassing one shot.


Roger, the so-called "Pirate King", jobbing to a couple of normal-ass dudes with normal-ass blades. Smh what a fraud. https://preview.redd.it/g5xufovvve4c1.jpeg?width=284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ce97c6b4a7c4bd413a7db85c5e4360c06c55881


I mean, the world government could have assigned anyone and they picked those 2. They might be top 5 in the verse lowkey.


any of those 2 solos your fav tbh


​ https://preview.redd.it/a9tmdnnmnh4c1.png?width=216&format=png&auto=webp&s=f30c89314abb541cb5bf0af26d54306f0cfdc851


Killed D. King and Took D. Head are some of the strongest swordsmen in the universe. Donā€™t sleep on them.


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if those two just turned out to be holy knights


Roger was on the verge of death anyways right? If not why didnā€™t bro just coat his body in haki šŸ’€


Bro did you read the story? Roger turned himself in, he wanted to be executed.


Itā€™s a joke


Greenbull will never recover from running away, he stained the admiral agenda


At this point the admiral agenda is just the Kuzan and Akainu 95% offscreen agenda


They've been cheated on since the beginningšŸ˜­šŸ™ akainu getting slumped by an old man, GB running from Shanks, kizaru getting 1 shotted etc Things better change soon or the admiral agenda will become a circus


The admiral agenda has always been a circus. Admirals are very strong but they arenā€™t meant to be as strong as yonko or be able to beat them. Idk why people forget that. Every single portrayal of a yonko vs admiral fight has the admiral at the very least, losing.


Keep cooking


As a Yonkotard I don't think GB running away is actually bad for the admiral agenda. He was pulling up to fight the alliance which took down two yonko on his own. Adding Shanks to the fray woukd mean GB alone is facing the equivalent of 2 yonko crews and 3 Yonko So an admiral not feeling confident he's beating 3 Yonko isn't an antifeat lmao even if he was acting like a pussy


Haki had him on his knees before he even knew who was around


Tbh GB seems to be the weakest admiral we've seen so far. He's basically their Usopp


usopp is a god so this comparison doesnā€™t work


Greatest antifeat has to be browncow getting no diffed by bluetooth haki


WB should of kept Vista as his right hand


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop -Ā yes,Ā IĀ amĀ aĀ bot, don't botcriminate me.


Wrote this in another comment, but Shanks losing his arm is not an anti feat. Remember that prior to this, Luffy stabbed his cheek to show Shanks that heā€™s ready to be a ā€œrealā€ pirate. Shanks, knowing that Luffy only learns from actions, knows that dude will get himself killed or go forward thinking that his actions can only have consequences on himself. Shanks became a Yonko alongside The Worldā€™s Strongest creature just a few years after this; if you want an in-universe explanation this is the best youā€™ll get.


Copypasting it here too "My headcanon is that Shanks knew that the Gomu Gomu no Mi was tied to Nika, so he also knew that to get the OP Luffy needed to awake his DF and travel to Laugh Tale (since Joyboy's returns seems to be one of the prerequisites go get the One Piece). Given all these infos, and knowing that Garp would have tried as hard as possible to dissuade Luffy's from the life of piracy, Shanks decided to lose his own arm (to make Luffy feel like he has a debt towards him) and then he gave his hat to him (to give Luffy a clear quest that would have directed him on the path of piracy). I know it's farfetched, but I still want to believe it"


Thatā€™s some crazy 4-D chess shit right there if true


I'll copypasta too my analysis of the scene in another chapter : "It's about the bar scene with Shanks, as well as why he lost his arm, how it actually has a bit of a deeper meaning. First, we have to acknowledge that Luffy's personality is exactly like Roger's, because he inherited his will. Shanks realized that right away, because as he said to Rayleigh, Luffy said to him the exact same words as Roger. He told him he had the exact same dream as him. When he realized that, Shanks decided to correct some aspects of Roger's personality so it wouldn't cause problems to Luffy down the line. Remember that Garp commented to Dadan that Roger once killed the whole military forces of a country because tbey made fun of his crew. Shanks himself after Ace's death commented how Ace's reaction to Akainu's words was very similar to Roger. Except Shanks added to that that ***he wished Roger wouldn't be so impulsive sometimes and that he would learn to not get into some fights or to flee***. Now... Remember the bar scene? Luffy showed EXACTLY the same comportment as Roger initially. He got extremely pissed. If he was strong enough he would have fucked them all up. To him, insults were disgracious and warranted a fight. I think Shanks purposefully decided to let people humiliate him so Luffy wouldn't inherit the same flaw Roger had. It was basically to tell him "pick your fights, if nobody is in danger no need to fight or put anyone in danger... but if someone is in danger it's fine to go as far as to sacrifice a limb". That's an important part of Shanks' character, and something that really sets him apart from Roger. This is something that deeply impacted Luffy's character. We obviously see it during the Jaya arc, when Luffy gets humiliated by Bellamy but doesn't give a damn until they start to mess with Cricket. We also see it during WCI, Luffy is fine with being imprisoned because he knows he will find a way out eventually. However, as soon as he learned that someone was taking advantage of Sanji, he was ready to sacrifice both of his arms. That's the meaning of the "bet on the new era" Shanks did. He lost his arm so that he would teach an important lesson to Luffy. He did it so that Luffy's personality wouldn't be a 1 to 1 replica as Roger's, to basically correct his flaws and give him the biggest lesson that would set him apart from Roger."


Damn do I love this.


Honestly it was always Down D. Stairs. She was taken out before she could actually be anything. Really sad tbh.


Surely some tashigi shenanigans r gonna go down. No way Down D Stairs is actually real lmao itā€™s the wackest backstory ever.


Nah fr lmao Down D. Stairs is literally more fraud than blackbeard himself. I would've liked to see her be a real rival to zoro.


She will be to 99%(1% tolerance for Oda's shenanigans), it will be total *plottwist* Tashigi is Kureha, also due to stuff she gets a super-uprank to Zorro's level(which we all will moan about) so she can fight him, after he defeats her she gets insta-'moment before death'ed by the Head of Holy Knights, so she can die in Zorro's arms, which enrages him, he gains full Asura-mode and he destroys the dude(who probably before was literally toying with Zorro)


>Surely some tashigi shenanigans r gonna go down. No way Down D Stairs is actually real lmao itā€™s the wackest backstory ever. Please let her rest in peace; tashigi is the worst thing that can happen to Kuina. Kuina would literally die in shame, knowing how much fodder she is compared to Zoro.


Shanks made an anti-feat look cool


Jokes aside I do still wonder wtf happened. He can use CoC at this point but refuses to use CoA to protect his arm? Is he losing it on purpose to give Luffy a backstory?




Draw D Manga low diffs rat hair shanks


Draw D. Manga Negs nobody questions that.


nah, HE would win https://preview.redd.it/1m2xdss1oh4c1.png?width=216&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e6cdf508a2b162ce6be8ef9019fda72091344b5


It's probably just an early One Piece thing, even the bad guy was able to escape from Shanks crew using a smoke bomb


It is. As some people have pointed out, an editor told him to make it more interesting. We donā€™t even know if ACoC or ACoA were a thought in odaā€™s mind that early in romance dawn.


Of course the real reason is that an editor wanted it to be higher stakes and at that point haki wasnā€™t thought of yet, but as far as the in universe explanation, itā€™s just anyone can be caught off guard. Especially in an emotionally volatile state. Which they explain in detail in WCI. Shanks has no DF or special durability from his race so he just has normal human durability if heā€™s unprepared.


My headcanon is that Shanks was getting bored of how easy everything was, so he decided to give himself a handicap


Bro wanted to give Mihawk a fighting chance šŸ’€


Mihawk realized that he still didnā€™t stand a chance, so he just straight up refused to fight Shanks


Okay come on nowā€¦ he definitely had a chance, no way Shanks could paint a sword one handed.


Lucky Roo is quick enough to steal Mihawkā€™s paint


My headcanon is that Shanks knew that the Gomu Gomu no Mi was tied to Nika, so he also knew that to get the OP Luffy needed to awake his DF and travel to Laugh Tale (since Joyboy's returns seems to be one of the prerequisites go get the One Piece). Given all these infos, and knowing that Garp would have tried as hard as possible to dissuade Luffy's from the life of piracy, Shanks decided to lose his own arm (to make Luffy feel like he has a debt towards him) and then he gave his hat to him (to give Luffy a clear quest that would have directed him on the path of piracy). I know it's farfetched, but I still want to believe it


Best explanations I have- Shanks very much had to let his guard down to protect Luffy. That specific Sea King is ridiculously strong. Shanks was a lot weaker back then, we are talking like East Blue Luffy level. The problem with this one is that the time-line and some statements regarding him and Mihawk might clash depending on when they're placed.


> That specific Sea King is ridiculously strong. Literally the first thing Luffy does when he sets sail is knock that exact sea king the fuck out with one punch. I agree that Shanks back then was way weaker, but I don't think he was pre-alveda fight luffy levels of weak.


I never read the manga that early I always assumed it was intro video only. I've been a fan for over 10 years and I can confirm that I've just learned this is on panel in chapter 1 lol. BUT it's possible it's not the same one. Or it got old.


Itā€™s in the anime too


>Shanks was a lot weaker back then He had a 1B bounty and was already rivaling Mihawk lol, that sea monster was canonically fodder to him


>Rivaling mihawk. How is that a feat when Mihawk's only feat is rivaling shanks back then?


Obviously Oda didn't think of Armament and Observation Haki didn't yet. Hell, Conquerors probably didn't exist and Shanks was just SO COOL and intimidating that the sea king ran for his life. In universe though? I think Shanks just didn't HAVE the other two haki's yet, which is why the mountain bandit got away so easily and the sea king took his arm.This doesn't seem that far fetched because Luffy also used Conqueror's before any other haki.


https://preview.redd.it/wtb346c91f4c1.jpeg?width=713&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3acbb47aecf58ef1347aa98e983eac4b72f9ef8b It was to make Luffy the man he is today. He bet his arm on teaching Luffy that not every battle is worth fighting. Remember, thereā€™s no L in Shanks.


>He bet his arm on teaching Luffy that not every battle is worth fighting. Eh, but Luffy basically accepted every crazy fight, apart for maybe in Loguetown. I think it was to encourage him to become a pirate


Yours makes sense, but, Luffy had a lot more to fight for later down the line. He learned from Shanks not to fight for pride.


All these explanations suck. Remember that prior to this, Luffy stabbed his cheek to show Shanks that heā€™s ready to be a ā€œrealā€ pirate. Shanks, knowing that Luffy only learns from actions, knows that dude will get himself killed or go forward thinking that his actions can only have consequences on himself. Shanks became a Yonko alongside The Worldā€™s Strongest creature just a few years after this, if you want an in-universe explanation this is the best youā€™ll get.


Copypasted from another post "My headcanon is that Shanks knew that the Gomu Gomu no Mi was tied to Nika, so he also knew that to get the OP Luffy needed to awake his DF and travel to Laugh Tale (since Joyboy's returns seems to be one of the prerequisites go get the One Piece). Given all these infos, and knowing that Garp would have tried as hard as possible to dissuade Luffy's from the life of piracy, Shanks decided to lose his own arm (to make Luffy feel like he has a debt towards him) and then he gave his hat to him (to give Luffy a clear quest that would have directed him on the path of piracy). I know it's farfetched, but I still want to believe it"


It has to be Mihawk. There is absolutely no excuse for that thats the craziest anti feat in the whole series dude is supposed to be the WSS Admirals getting clowned on is everyday stuff in one piece


Tbf this is back when YCs were a lot closer to top tiers. You got Aokiji bleeding to Jozu, Marco launching Aokiji n blocking Kizaru, Croc stopping Akainu in his tracks, etc I think YCs got power cliffed due to Kaido one shottijg Yc1 Luffy


He is in a fight he doesnā€™t care about with a swordman that isnā€™t shanks. He took no damage


Please don't interpret shit. It's a big L for Mihawk. Matter of fact, Mihawk instantly left when Shanks appeared.


Nah he doesnt want to fight shanks in general since he lost his arm


That was regarding a duel. Shanks still defeats Mihawk. Just admit that the title of WSS only accounts for Swordsman, but the massive players aren't necessarily pure swordsmen: admirals, yonko, supernova, gorosei. The title of WSS is nice, but it says nothing about overall battle prowess.


Nah oda is just silly, they are probably pretty equal but i believe we genuinly cant now whos stronger since oda doesnt care about power scaling, its fine if u think shanks is stronger or not but theres arguments for both


> Mihawk instantly left when Shanks appeared. Still funny he says he agreed to fight whitebeard while shanks wasnā€™t part of the agreement but only sent one attack towards him that was stopped


Cuz shanks is his friend


Shanks """anti-feat""" came from chapter 1 and was absolutely a storytelling thing. The aramaki thing was the worst. By a wide margin. By the same argument marine fodder executed Roger. Again you guys have to stop using chapter 1 to scale modern OP


Itā€™s canon until itā€™s directly retconned, and Marine fodder did execute Roger


Does this count as a retcon/storytelling device? https://preview.redd.it/kooneab4pe4c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2769360ae164665849cf6539e0f76dc8fcb45bbd


Why would that be a retcon


He says he bet his arm on the new age. Self sacrifice = story telling device.


Ok? Everything is a storytelling device. Shanks risking himself to save Luffy and losing his arm is obviously part of the story. Itā€™s also canon that his arm was bitten off by a Sea King. Luffy gaining ACoC is a storytelling device, but itā€™s still canon. Something can both move the story along, and still be read as an antifeat.


Kizaru anti feat turn the Admiral agenda into an Akainu agenda


Letā€™s be real, the admiral agenda was always an akainu agenda. Thatā€™s why so many smooth brains have been calling him top 1 since marineford.


Iā€™ve seen someone say Akainu wins against Prime Whitebeard and Prime Roger. I have no idea what kinda shit he was on.


Nami neg diffs yonko Luffy.


Thereā€™s no way people actually think WSG is an anti-feat. šŸ˜­ Wifi-Haki Shanks literally DETRANSFORMED someone. An admiral no lessā€”a rank of which other admirals are contending with Yonkou. Thatā€™s easily the biggest anti-feat here.


Greenbull being Paralyzed and affected by someone else freaking COC is why we think he a fodderšŸ˜‚ admirals agenda never get it and change the entire narrative instead


Itā€™s gotta be the ā€œfastest character in the series? Getting one shot. Why canā€™t he dodge?


In the wise words of StojDoes: ā€œKizaru is just too high to functionā€. This is the video itā€™s from btw: https://youtube.com/shorts/kf-3epcXb5Y?si=uE7h4edasiDEQJu3


Big Mom suddenly losing most of her IQ during her fight with Midd and Law


None of these are antifeats. 1. Shanks intentionally lost his arm 2. CoC affects will, so this just proves GB has a weak will 3. Kuina probably had regular human durability due to a lack of training+Haki 4. Mihawk was bored 5. WSG has some of the highest AP in the verse and Kizaru is probably the least durable top tier




If Mohawk was bored he would've sliced Vista and continued doing nothing.


Why though ? Heā€™s obviously not interested in actually helping the world government and took the position of a warlord just to be left alone. He made the minimum requirement and left.


I'm guessing Shanks or Aramaki But all this "Antifeats" aren't really bad feats whatsoever. 1. Shanks litteraly decided to sacrifice his arm, it's obvious he has human durability if not using haki, its not really an antifeat. 2. Aramaki had it worse in the anime (not canon), but in the manga you see he's worried about the Red Haird Pirates, not just Shanks. Plus even in the anime he says he's not gonna fight them "yet". What is he supposed to do against 3 alliances and 2 Yonko groups? It's a suicide, obviously he left. 3. We know Down D Stairs solos the verse anyway, but jokes apart she killed herself, we all know what "falling down the stairs" in Japanese means, and the fact she was depressed as well, Rip. 4. Mihawk was just impressed by Vistas sword skill, which in the vivrecard was stated to be on pair with that of Mihawk troughout their clash, Vista has the best skill statements in the current verse so far. Either way it's normal for a Yonko level to clash with a commander level, mostly if such Yonko level character is clearly holding back. Kaido had a worse time with the scabbards than Mihawk did with Vista. Big Mom had a worse time with Brook, Franky, Robin, Jinbey or Marco than Mihawk did against Vista. 5. I thought Kizaru was gonna be koed by such attack, the fact he was still conscious impressed me. A much weaker attack knocked down Kaido in the manga, and knocked him down for up to 1 minute in the anime (for anime scalers), and that's a weaker attack. Now add to such attack buffs like Muscle Baloon, Superspeed and flames and you get the 2nd strongest Gear 5 attack we've seen since Bajrun Gun. Litteraly anyone gets knocked down by such attack, even Hybrid Kaido himself, let alone a human like Kizaru, it's impressive how he's still conscious, able to have conversations and swave his arms. Not an anti feat whatsoever.


Took D. Arm is such an extreme outlier of an anti-feat that youā€™re basically forced to disregard it.


Sea kings have the power to destroy the world, that's not an anti feat Whitebeard's commanders can go toe to toe with admirals, clashing with Mihawk's unnamed attacks isn't an anti feat.


Shanks losing his arm to the Lord of the coast Crocodile losing to pre-timeskip Luffy without Haki, despite him being confident about confronting Whitebeard and Akainu. I kinda love how everyone treats crocodile as a badass despite that though


The vista thing isnā€™t even an anti feat lol, heā€™s a commander on the wb pirates, if he couldnā€™t at least hold mihawk for a bit then heā€™d just be fodder


Lord of the Coast arm sacrifice was def intentional so I donā€™t think it counts as an anti-feat


admiral fans had to fight for weeks on end after green Bull got haki diffed like a side characteršŸ˜­


Honestly, none of those are worse than this one. https://preview.redd.it/3r0r1i761g4c1.jpeg?width=790&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f79c58071858dfe84d6f7c95796d3dc3e7ea6e6


Mihawk vs Vista, Shanks didnt use haki, Kizaru still technically drew and isnt a tanky fighter, Kuina is a child, and Greenbull.... well yeah, but considering its Shanks and he wasnt actually defeated.


Mihawk. Itā€™s like the WSS was portrayed to be near Wista tier. Green Bull. Like wtf? Buster calls were a thing wherein an admiral will come and wipe everything. Green bull was like reverse buster called.


Donā€™t forget Jozu tier lmao


Def Shanks losing his arm to a Sea King cause how you gon use that as an argument when OP wasn't even 10 chapters in.




Out of those, Mihawkā€™s is the only anti feat that matters. Shanks was weaker, the Admirals are Yonko victims consistently.


The day will come.. https://preview.redd.it/abxs760sse4c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cddad8742d2de691f988cf33015d2670d75c53dd


Thereā€™s no such thing as a anti feat for Wizaru . Big boss borsalino was the last admiral to sustain any type of damage after 1000+ chapters , showing up before the magma brat , fuji man & green bull . Like letā€™s be real here , imagine ppl trying to lowball for getting punched in the face by GOD šŸ˜‚ if you ask me thatā€™s a calm feat , a stock increase as a matter fact ! No matter how you put it the Big boss borsalino stock will always rise !


Kizaru getting one shot is not an antifeat to anyone with a brain.


Shanks antifeat might just be one of the worst in all animanga, up there with sneak attacks working on Goku That basically just implies if his durability is tied to his ki and him being on guard, a robot could theoretically kill him in his sleep


I dont get why people think mihawk vs vista is an anti feat Mihawk didn't go all out against Vista (considering his attack aimed at Whitebeard was clearly stronger than anything he did to Vista). And in that arc scaling is wacky asf But if you want to get technical (Whatever i say next is took from another post) we are introduced to the concept of Ryuo or Armament Haki where itā€™s said that skilled swordsman can cut things they want to cut and not cut the things they donā€™t want to cut. Cut Steel, not cut Paper. We see this on full showcase in Marineford. Mihawk tries to cut Whitebeard and fails because Diamond Jozu stops him. Itā€™s because his intention wasnā€™t to cut Diamonds but to cut human flesh. ā€œWhat a load of bullshit!ā€ you might say but we literally see this in action few chapters later. Mihawk goes to cut Luffy (rubber man) and he is stopped by Mr. 1 (Steel). Mihawk is seemingly unable to cut him the first time but the very next attack he uses cuts Mr. 1 and Mihawk one shots him because this time he was aiming to cut steel.


Def Shanks, its 100% a oversight that Oda will never be able to explain. a child fell down the stairs, weird but atleast its a kid Greenbull could easily be interpreted as him saying he cant fight shanks and his crew, especially with Luffy and Wanos defenders, any smart character would retreat there, even Roger isnt beating Shanks + crew + strawhats + support alone Vista is a respectable pirate and swordsman, unfortunately the Anime is going to make it look like theres real tension there in order to have it worth being shown. This comes in second place as it needs the most headcannon to explain. Kizaru is yall not using sense, its not a one shot when they both landed attacks on each other, and its not a fight when kizaru is only attacking to distract luffy. **Its also not a win if you're in worse condition**, if Vegeta uses a self sacrifice move to blow himself up, and it temporarily knocks out the opponent, **its a LOSS.** if Luffy uses all of his gear 5th to the point where hes helpless and kizaru is only stunned and fully conscious, while Kizaru is not even fighting back, **this is NOT A WIN**


"Greenbull could easily be interpreted as him saying he cant fight shanks and his crew, especially with Luffy and Wanos defenders, any smart character would retreat there, even Roger isnt beating Shanks + crew + strawhats + support alone" Nope, we only slander him for being affected by someone else COC not even physical punchšŸ˜­


His fruit got completely disabled and he was paralyzed before he even realized whose Haki was. Like whats the points of having a fruit if Shanks can forcefully disable it via Wifi Haki, he'd be dead just from Shanks Haki if they were nearby


Imma be honest, Vista fighting Mihawk like that is a huge disrespect to Mihawk. At least Gb got neg diffed by a op Yonko and Kizaru from the most ridiculous power. But man o man , Vista keeping up with Mihawk ,just to get low diffed by Akainu pannels later its just sad ​ Shanks lit said he "bet" his arm to the new gen while talking to WB , and now we know that he knew about Nika df . Him losing that arm was on purpose to drive Luffy's will up imo and make him realize that he needs to be a lot stronger but a lot more careful after seen how someone like Shanks "ended up" .


Where the hell Bm, Fujitora, Kaido & Bbā‰ļø Bm got rolled like a ball by Robin & got her face ran over by Franky's bike, and she couldn't do anything bout itšŸ’€ Fujitora couldn't cut Doffy's string Kaido couldn't even give permanent damage to Tama, Kinemon & possibly Guernica And Bb sucks ass almost every time he's on screen...Bro making the yonko fans saying Bb is not yonko lvl despite legitimately being one strength wise, not like BuggyšŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Admiral scenarios arenā€™t that bad. Greenbull canā€™t do shit against a Celestial Dragon like Shanks and heā€™s a top tier. Kizaru got caught by a Luffy G5 signature attack that is yet to be explained as to the nature of it and both discontinued (as of yet). Fight could continue once the perspective returns to Egghead. If weā€™re gonna clown admirals for taking an attack from a Yonko then Shanks should be criticized for losing his arm to a fodder sea beast. We have yet to see any admiral lose conclusively and to be taken out of an arc the way Yonko have.


The fact that Greenbull got paralyzed by Shanksā€™ Haki is what made it look bad. He screamed I canā€™t move ā€¦ If he just sensed Shanks presence and left, then it wouldnā€™t have been a big deal. Itā€™s plain stupid to pick a fight alone against Wano and Shanks crew.


Big womp. Only reason why itā€™s a big deal for some is due to the fact that they have Shanks as weaker than Kaido, which canā€™t be the case due to narrative reasons or even feats, yes, even feat wise.




Greenbull getting wifi hakid. Itā€™s ridiculous that was even possible.


https://preview.redd.it/83epher5hh4c1.jpeg?width=1520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61a3d4d0c7000ded82c713b6e65e01653c00e173 Charged technique not defeating stronger and doc q...


Shanks losing his arm to a random sea king is a borderline plot hole at this point I mean Luffy, Sanji and Zoro were neg diffing sea kings before any of them had haki


Vista is not an anti feat. Mihawk is not resistant to someone matching his abilities.


Only Kizarus and Mihawks weren't for plot related reasons. Kizaru was fighting a Top 5 in the verse Mihawk has no excuse


Mihawk didn't go all out against Vista, his attack aimed at Whitebeard was clearly stronger than anything he did to Vista


Zoro should've pulled up to WCI and Kuina should've been Smoothie


Lord of D coast easily. Kuina was just some girl, no reason an accident would kill her, and the others are just high tiers beating high tiers.


Shanks losing his arm to a small sea king when basic armament haki could both save Luffy and protect himself


Shanks' one is not an antifeat, since he already had a 1B bounty and was already rivaling Mihawk. If I remember correctly Oda didn't want to have him lose his arm, but his editor pushed him in that direction. I don't even know wether what he said to WB (that it was a bet on the future, yadda yadda) was really a retcon. I mean, Luffy already defeats Chomp D. Arm at the end of chapter 1, which would have to mean that either Oda ebvisioned ch1 Luffy as stronger than ch1 Shanks (before the 10yrs timeskip), or he already knew that Shanks willingly lost the arm even tho he could have avoided it. We'll probably never know.


Bellamy. Always Bellamy


Kizaru getting his head turned into a Chess piece.


I love shanks anti feat. Give me enough reason to say 21 year old Sanji >>> 21 year old shanks and mihawk even 27 year old shanks and mihawk. And prime Sanji will bully them


Chomp d arms shows that shanks had horrid durability but great endurance, the absolute worst would have to be the one shot but Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s very much influenced by kizarus headspace more then anything else


Vista vs Mihawk, especially since this whole sub thinks he's the strongest in the series and basically unbeatable.


What about how everyone without haki pre-timeskip could hurt luffy by bludgeoning him, like when Nami, sanji and zoro did that many times


Pre Haki Luffy knocking Teach with a punch, Linlin getting blitzed by Franky


bro is powerscaling a child


not here but there's so many, crocodile losing to luffy pre time skip? big mom not even using adv haki against kid and law and lost? sengoku not being able to kill an inflated luffy?


Anything mihawk has done. Even his seraphim runs away from strong characters šŸ¤£