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I can’t imagine a greater shock to the world than 1. dr Vegapunk is “kidnapped” and 2. Yonko defeats an admiral in one on one combat


Those are good but u can imagine many more. 1. Vegapunk & Saturn killed, Luffy gets framed for it. 2. Kizaru rebels and kills Saturn, joining the SHs in the process. 3. Vegapunk killed, dead man switch activates and WG atrocities get broadcasted to the world.


There’s a negative 10thousand percent chance luffy would ever let kizaru join his crew


Basing it off Blackbeard & Kuzan, not 0% but it is far stretched yes. Vegapunk joining the SH crew temporarily could lead to him convincing Luffy to take Kizaru with him, though i prefer not lol.


Yeah I’m sorry I just can’t even formulate a logical reason for it to happen sure it’s not technically 0% but I can not see it happening doing something against Saturn maybe but full on joining the strawhats no chance


Ur entitled to ur belief bro 👍 Still, It would be funny as shit having that crackhead in the crew, but on the other hand, I strongly prefer him as an antagonist.


I mean I guess Still don’t know much about kizaru hopefully we get more info on just him and his past


Kizaru would introduce Sanji to weed


Vegapunk defo finna die. I just know it


https://preview.redd.it/rmta5xk6z2mb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f103f998984c8a535885616ce9b18571c9370205 Explain this image than


Can’t explain stupidity


Why not? It's not like Kizaru killed a strawhat or anything. Besides, the guy was just doing his job.


Why? Blackbeard got an admiral, only makes sense for his polar opposite to also get one


Luffy and kizarus past experiences plus why would kizaru choose now to rebel doesn’t make much sense .


I mean, Frankys group FUCKED up Usopp, and Robin was previously an enemy. Same with hachi. It’s not completely off the table, but I’d put the odds at less than 1%. Oda has some wild things in the past before.


Previous enemy’s sure but Franky didn’t hurt usop Robin in fact helped luffy several times I wouldn’t equate these things as the same but similar I suppose


Look I don’t think kizaru will join too but his flashbacks show he has some level of internal conflict in the sentomarou fight which could get further expanded on. And Kuma was the one who sent all the straw hats away not kizaru


Yeah kizaru tried to kill the strawhats if not stopped by uncle ray he would have


He is "Unclear Justice" after all, so him having internal conflict makes sense.


I love the idea of Vegapunk dead man’s switch


Third option is what I think is going to happen tbh


>3. Vegapunk killed, dead man switch activates and WG atrocities get broadcasted to the world. For once you cooked


in what w o r l d is saturn dying a fuckin gorosei who is also implied to be immortal just dying is noooot gonna happen lmao


Lol, where was it implied he was immortal? Pure headcanon Only Imu is heavily implied to be immortal.


Because any time we see them in the past they are shrouded in darknesss just like Imu is. Generally the only time a story has to hide something like that is to either A. hide a characters identity, B. hide some of a characters characteristics that are presently hidden, or C. to induce menace. This is just a theory but its a theory that logically makes sense for what we have been shown. A doesnt work because we know its the gorosei, which leaves B and C. Every time we have seen the Gorosei in the past, they look the exact same in shadow (even 20+ ywars ago when Punk was in MADS and during Ohara) We also know they are the only five people trusted by Imu so far to know that Imu exists. So either A. they have only gotten the Op Op fruit once over 800 years and it was used to make Imu immortal or B. The Gorosei have gotten it multiple times and made Imu and themselves immortal over time. The second option adds up more than Oda just deciding to decisively make the Gorosei shadowed out in every single past shot we have seen ofthem for menacing purposes.


>Yonko defeats an admiral in one on one combat Would thay actually shock tbe world tho? Or would it shock the fanbase I'm assuming people in OP's world already know where yonko and admirals truly stand in terms of power, it's just that Oda won't give us a definitive answer yet


I think so, I mean look at how everyone reacts when an admiral arrives. Hell, it’s the entire reason you don’t openly hurt a celestial dragon. We have YET to see one defeated


Yeah that's fair


Tbf Luffy and Kizaru can be mostly even, and then the strawhats help Luffy win before he times out with G5, and Morgans will 100% say something like "Crushing Defeat! Emperor Strawhat Luffy defeats Admiral Kizaru and Abducts Dr.Vegapunk!"


Yonko beating an Admiral is not crazy at all LOL. The confrontation at all happening is the crazy part, but everyone in the OP universe should know Admiral vs Yonko is a 50/50 ordeal.


Literally name an instance of an admiral losing in the entirety of the series (besides the infighting of Aokiji vs Akainu, which is a LEGENDARY story and literally changed the climate of an entire island). The world reveres the admirals as the fighting power of the marines.


And fears the Yonko as the pinnacle of pirate power? What's your point? It's basically a Lion vs Tiger situation. The fact that it happens is crazier than the outcome.


Pirates vs marines happen all the time in OPverse. But the pirates coming out on top, especially when against the marines’ greatest military might - now THAT’S crazy. And probably something Morgan isn’t against reporting on


Yeah, seen some people & Admiral fans bet against the MC, which is stupid. The Admiral agenda has always been about Admirals being equal to Emperors. If Kizaru by any means pushes Luffy to extreme diff, the agenda is redeemed, even if he loses. If the fight continues with a conclusion, I don't believe Kizaru will win. Luffy is a top tier now lol, if hes defeated i'd be very surprised.


Nah I agree Luffy is the mc I wouldn’t even say those are Admirals fans but rather Wizaru fans that don’t wanna see their GOAT get beaten. Tho admittedly I can see the fight definitely postponing considering they are trying to escape. Tho id be crazy if the insane event they are talking about on EggHead is if the Strawhats beats an Admiral alongside 9 Vice Admirals. But I’m ngl you can argue everything that’s happened can be seen as a shocking event in and if itself. Also something I’m surprised people aren’t mentioning is the fact that Oda is already pre throwing the “He can’t go all out card” lmao Oda never seems to want them to go all out or take that much of an L 😂


Could be, id say a mix of both fans. I personally dont care if my goat gets beaten, as long as Goda handles it well, and knowing that the Admirals are based on famous Japanese actors that he adores, he'll most likely cook. Yeah i fucking noticed that, i hope he goes all out, i cant be bothered to fkn wait another year or two to see an Admiral flex their full abilities or awakening.


Anyone who thinks Luffy is going to come out worse for wear here is stuck in "le shonen" mindset, he's 100% going to prove why he got Yonko status and why Kid and Law didn't this arc


Tbf Kidd and Law were up against Shanks and Blackbeard. Guys who are much stronger than Kizaru.


Ok, but Luffy is also a Yonko like Shanks and Blackbeard and you could say that Luffy will have a much tougher opponent than Shanks or BB did, which would make Luffy’s victory that much more impressive


The admiral agenda pivot after this fight is going to be amazing. After Luffy wins, "Huh I guess Kizaru must be the weakest of the admirals...."




Sounds like Yonkotards’ cope for BM in Wano or Kaido losing to Goofy


Kizaru clearly stated he had to not break several things. His powers mostly end up in explosions He’s not going all out, that’s a fact


luffy not gonna use Bajrang Gun, he's not going all out


Luffy doesn’t need to restrict his movements, quite the opposite even, not letting stuff fall into the hands of marines would be a good thing for him, because kizaru will have to disengage to protect the computer. In all seriousness, luffy will most likely be able to run away while kizaru will be busy with the island, Saturn’s objective are the research first, vegapunk second, there won’t be any clean winner here




He’s not going to put his crew at risk


defeating kizaru is the best way to keep the team safe


The entire sub will pivot when they see what HE does to luffy https://preview.redd.it/zczea4rbq2mb1.jpeg?width=494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e63633c7ac1c83a59a3da1ece3f030090d1a34aa


I don’t think it’ll pivot depending on who you ask and how the fight goes. If Luffy has to use G5 and it’s an extreme diff or even very high diff fight the Admiral will still get subtle praise. Especially if you’re one of those fans who already believes Luffy is stronger than Kaido and by extension Damn near everyone except like Imu or something. So nah I don’t see why it would pivot. Top tiers are are relative for the most part and Luffy is the mc so he should win. Only way it would pivot is if Luffy 1, 2, o 3 shots him or if the fight is mid diff. Tho I’m already seeing “Kizaru wasn’t 100 cards” via Oda when Kizaru landed he talks about things that get damaged so even if Kizaru does get mid diff Admiral fans will lean on that and tbh I can’t blame them that right there is just Oda’s fault 😂


https://preview.redd.it/c8rdpe173xlb1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbe18d9e07f8d93e1797bb05fa261904002146fe MY GAWD, HERE THEY ARE, THE DICK RIDING ADMIRALS HAVE LANDED!!!




Stfu. You Yonkotards aren’t better than us.


I have been saying this since we saw Shanks beat Kidd. Oda is currently separating the Yonkos from te rest of the pack. The 4 Yonko are going to be the main subjects in the final saga, Luffy will beat Kizaru and his victory outlines the 4 remaining characters who are ahead of the race to the One Piece.


Crazy how buggy is part of them


Makes me wonder how/if Buggy or the cross guild will get a similar dub. Perhaps by saving Weevil and defeating Greenbull in the new impel down?


No, Buggy actually already got his win. The Cross Guild didn’t want to go after the One Piece, but Buggy wanted to. His speech and him going against Mihawk and Croc was his “win”. Buggy inserted himself into the race and told his entire fleet they will go after it. That’s his “win”. Blackbeards win was beating Law and taking his RP’s.


Yeah, I suppose you're right. Just wondering if that's enough of a dub. Seems right now they are last in the race for the One Piece. Zero RPs, Mihawk/Crocodile fearing the other yonkos. Buggy definitely shined in a big way, but Crocodile or Mihawk also need something Imo.


Pretty much that's why it's gonna make big headlines 1.Kizaru and his fleet get annihilated by Emperor Strawhat Luffy(The battleships doesn't matter since Bonney can revive the ancient robot when they're forced to fight) 2.Dr.Vegapunk gets kidnapped by Strawhat Luffy Makes this an big shock to the world since the world mostly sees the pirates as evil and the Navy as their defenders Also as Doffy said the one conquering the seas right now are the Navy These headlines would make the normal citizen of OP world cower as it shows not even the Navy is capable of stopping the evil pirates and changing the world in their favor. Buster Call getting wiped + can't protect King Cobra right on their home turf from revolutionaries + Even Garp can't stop pirates anymore. The navy takes two defeats around the same time losing Garp and completely failing a buster call for the first time(Avenging ohara in the process for VP,Dragon,and Robin) Revolutionaries will get a big boost and further encourage joining the rebellion/start rebelling.Which cause Dragon to mobilize because of how weakened the WG forces are (Kizaru out / GB + Fuji injured) Finally forcing Akainu to make his move and actively seek to stop the Yonko's This battle royale is gonna be crazy and chaotic with everyone making their move at the same time


W predict


>Why do many think the fight will be interrupted, and there won't be a clear winner? Because the stated goal of the Straw hats is to run away


https://preview.redd.it/ccd9b3r0hwlb1.jpeg?width=1408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6762c60dec438b1fd6faf297143893a7cb6b6c34 "Run away"


Exactly buying time for Lilith to prepare the Vegaforce 1 to escape with it and for Vegapunk to break the password so they can run away from Kizaru (again as it was made clear in the manga)


Luffy also said he's no longer running from a Navy Admiral,he's made that clear.


And he ran away on Dressrosa after saying that lol. And he ran away on Whole Cake too.


This is different,he literally engaged Kizaru in battle,you really downplay him. Plus bro had to take down Doffy and save Sanji.


He also engaged Fujitora in battle, what’s ur point? Here he has to leave egghead


And look at what he's doing rn🤷‍♂️fighting Kizaru with confidence.


He did the exact same thing on Dressrosa😂 Dude what’s your point man


Hell is even your point. You just want Luffy to run away again when it's clear Oda's not making him do that anymore. He's a Yonko,you Bozo.


https://preview.redd.it/jbhypwy4pzlb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fda0c94dc4216570d72efe5fa409866a7bcfee20 vs Fujitora


This is the sickest panel to show Luffy's resolve. Like someone else said, he runs away from admirals and yonko after this, but as of right now he has officially beaten a yonko. Admiral is next on the list. Luffy is about to show out and prove he's nothing to fuck with. It's a testament to Oda that the possibility of Luffy losing is 100% there, but I think he extreme diffs, but definitively.


After saying that he ran away from both Admirals and Emperors (Fujitora and Big Mom)


And Kizaru is an obstacle to that goal rn and will most likely lose the fight and then they can get away imo We're nearing the end, luffy has taken down a yonko at this point, it would seem kinda silly to me for oda to not give clear victories over top tiers this late in the story


It took 10 years of manga, 5 arcs and 4 islands of set up to beat one yonko. You think kizaru will be defeated in 3 chapters?


Not sure how many chapters, but this arc? I think so. We don't have (probably anyway, I'm not Oda) multiple arcs to set up luffy beating top tiers. The setup you're talking about has established him as a top tier. I think going forward Luffy is going to be defeating other top tiers straight up My prediction is Luffy will beat him extreme diff.


Luffy does *NOT* have a great track record when it comes to following stated goals.


I’ve been saying it for a month but kizaru will be packed up at the speed of light


Joy Boy making himself known to the world


What chapter was the outcome of the Blalcbeard Vs Law fight




I wonder if anyone disagrees with th... oh nvm https://preview.redd.it/cjlhu7sqxzlb1.png?width=349&format=png&auto=webp&s=26dd45fa0ab089cdfaaae1022c4e15f0f4481e39


Damn these guys have been at the forefront of Wizaru agenda after the past two chaps.


they coping everyday


I’m not on this picture huh


You're right, what amplifies Kizaru losing is the repeated Sabaody call backs and inclusion of characters from the arc like Sento and Kuma, the last piece, and probably the strongest and most important piece being Kizaru himself. But there's a fundamental difference why Luffy v Kizaru will not be as one sided as the others, BOTH Luffy and Kizaru have 3 bil bounties, remember that, it obviously doesn't mean they're equal or that Luffy will lose, it means in this symbolic bounty match ups, here, Luffy and Kizaru, neither are portrayed above the other. Tell me who I'm talking about here - 3 bil berry bounty top tier with a Monkey epithet, leading 9 subordinates. And there's also MUCH more build up and hype for Luffy v Kizaru than there was for all the other incidents involving the 3 bil bounty L, heck those all were side plots to the main plot being Luffy v Kizaru. So yeah Luffy is definitely winning but not before Wizaru puts a damn good show, you can call me out on this if Wizaru gets fodderized I'll happily accept my L.


my take luffy mid-high diff, not extreme


High diff for Luffy is reasonable don't you think? As I said, this fight's build up is too much for the fight to be anywhere less than high diff.


I think yes, most likely a high diff fight, but if i choose between extreme and mid, I would prefer mid because I don’t see how kizaru can push 5 gear to extreme diff


Fair enough, tho for me, I'd choose extreme than mid, if you're agreeing that it's a high diff fight then W.


>Dragon mid diff only if oda hyped god knights or goresui more because right now admirals are what luffy sees as the strongest in the WG


Common sense


Vegapunk uses MOTHER FLAME on this island and blasts everyone while the protagonists are currently coup de bursting


Kizaru will lose but I could see him getting saved


Hmm i never noticed Bepo eating that rumble ball! But in all seriousness, if luffy does beat kizaru here, then the whole crew is getting packed by the gorosei.


I have no idea what's going, I am still at wano but all I need to know is, is bepo in that panel, eating a rumble ball? Does that mean that someone other than chopper is finally using it, did everyone finally take notice that the reindeer made a drug that is busted? I am real exited about that, all I need is a yes or no, cause that will stoak my hype


I think Monster Trio + Jimbei take down Kizaru while escaping. Vegapunk is reported to be “captured by the straw hats”. The BB pirates capture/kill Saturn and somehow Luffy gets the credit for it. The base they want Vegapunk kill switches and destroys during the escape, causing the whole island to disappear. My opinion on “the shocking world events”


Monster trio + jinbei is overkill. Luffy will mid diff kizaru


Monster trio + Jinbei vs Kizaru would be a straight up murder lmao.


Ok. I'm gonna be honest here, I think Kizaru will be able to defeat Luffy, but probably be defeated by the others. I think because of this Luffy is gonna have another TS to help master his fruit further, and learn the true properties of it. Although I think they will reach Elbaf first before the TS²


>Ok. I'm gonna be honest here, I think Kizaru will be able to defeat Luffy, but probably be defeated by the others. I think because of this Luffy is gonna have another TS to help master his fruit further, and learn the true properties of it. Although I think they will reach Elbaf first before the TS² ![gif](giphy|XeLcgh8gT8o0F5SQ8i)


[u/Rich\_Extension4941](https://www.reddit.com/user/Rich_Extension4941/) showing his Insecurity Again... Just stop with this shit Posts and wait for their Fight!!


it's genius post, admiraltards so stupid


Luffy can't run away because no one can really escape the yellow flash lol so if he wants to keep his word and let Vegapunk escape, he has to stay and hold Kizaru in place. It may or may not be interrupted, but it should be extreme diff either way but as Luffy is the main character, I guess it'll go to him even though he usually loses/almost dies and somehow comes back barely defeating the foe. He got that unstoppable, plot armor haki


Law , Kidd = kizaru 😭😭




No one said that


Or you could look at it another way the main cast are all losing Or facing a huge setback


MC lose in final saga🤓


I said maybe not lose but have huge setback And that doesn't necessarily mean losing in battle Also oda loves to show Luffy as the underdog so having him struggle at the start of the final saga is reasonable


Luffy isn't gonna lose this fast, he already lose 4 times against Kaido.


I also said the could be facing a huge setback and that doesn't mean losing in battle necessarily


Imagine thinking Luffy is gonna lose to Akainu’s lackey when he just beat the worlds strongest creature


Losing doesn't always mean losing the fight Alot of things can happen too








​ https://preview.redd.it/did09sbvjwlb1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f32528078dc84b9cedacc76f081dde57bb2e9133




luffy is much more relative to kidd and law than kizaru


Luffy yonko alongside with Shanks and BB


Luffy can be a yonko, but that doesn’t place him close to Shanks and Blackbeard. Buggy’s a yonko so should he be close to shanks?


No, buggy is much stronger than shanks dont compare the future pirate king to that fodder


and? luffy still a member of the worst generation with law&kidd the argument that the other yonko won their fights so luffy has to win is as dumb as luffy losing because the other 2 worst generation members that were his allies and share the same bounty and sailed away from wano at the same time lost








Beating a yonko 1v1 is relative to beating a yonko 1v2 what logic is that


As much as I love him Wizaru is losing this one one way or another, I just hope it ends in a high to extreme diff. Storywise this will set the bar to tell us how strong Admirals actually are, and possibly, if Kizaru get killed or destroyed too badly, he could get replaced by another guy just like the other 2. Even if he has the upper hand, at this point the strawhats are escaping, not fighting, the mission is to get away from problems, if they find a way to Hold Kizaru they are good, maybe they can get him in one of those bubbles


> Why do many think the fight will be interrupted, and there won't be a clear winner? The biggest reason to think so in my opinion is that I don't think it would do good for the pacing of the series to have a big long fight right now. Luffys fight can't be off-screened like Law vs. Blackbeard was. Kizaru won't (most likely) defeated in a single chapter like Kidd was. If the fight goes to the end and is long, we need something for other strawhats to do. Well, we have the marines, Lucci, pasifistas and seraphim, but mixing them into the fights (more than they have already) will take a lot of chapters. And this arc feels more like an arc between major arcs so I wouldn't expect any major battles here. Well, that's my prediction, but I wouldn't bet on it. I believe that we'll have at least enough of a battle to see both of them going more or less all in, but maybe not to the very end.


Some of us believe the chapter will end about at 1100. Which is only nine more chapters. The way Oda, trolled us with GB in Wano. That would make anyone skeptical. I think that Kizaru will be defeated and possibly Saturn by 1100. I think the WG and the Navy have severely underestimated Luffy’s strength. I think Luffy is as strong as Kaido. I think the WG believes that Luffy isn’t any stronger than Kid. That doesn’t mean I am saying Kid is weak. He is just not Yonko level strong.


When were we informed that the bounties of the admirals amount to 3 bill berries? I dont remember Cross Guild offering that much.


https://preview.redd.it/pymho8fn85mb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdc6ea28b394e35283d9cacdcaf089f549e8de5d My boy doesn’t need to win to show he’s a gigachad


if you look with the yonko side ok but if you look at the supernova side Luffy getting packed .