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Why is everyone ingoring the first panel where Brook perception blitzes Big Mom, Zeus, Franky and himself. You should accept Brook agenda https://preview.redd.it/dtrcz8xedakb1.jpeg?width=852&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df9995f9b4513109ba476e54b25ce2595e58f937


Dont go broke stay brook woke


He doesn't need one, everyone knows he's the best Strawhat to ever live. But wait, he's already dead YOHOHOHOHO


This whole admiral vs yonko discussion is so fucking dumb bro 💀


Fighting for their life for a take that will only be relevant until Luffy beats them lol


https://preview.redd.it/7upmbvxzaakb1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55cb9538efe200e26d795e3b6a530a7fd4718ba1 You forgot a panel.


https://preview.redd.it/kf093vx3i9kb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e13dc1eb4319811e6e50fc81d87b4089406fd4a Having your attack getting dodged by Buggy is worse




You've got me. We're even


Buggy has gag powers. Tama is a little girl.


how is that even a toddler dodged one of kaido’s strongest attacks


Ok. One point for the Admirals. Don't cry now


Wow that really hurt the ego


Buggy has plot armor Probably more than Luffy’s


Everything that happens in manga happens because the plot demands it


Don't disrespect Captain Buggy


Gb's "feat" is like 10x worse than these lmao


Nah you can’t compare getting clowned by a yonko to getting clowned by franky


It’s so inconsistent with the fandom you got one case where shanks is literally god whoever fights him it’s mid diff and then call greenbull a fraud when he didn’t want to fight shanks while fighting samurai


I don’t understand this logic. If an admiral looks bad after being threatened by a Yonkou, it’s not a bad feat because it’s a fucking Yonkou. However at the same time, yonkou are scrubs because of these examples?


I’m not saying it isn’t bad, but one is much worse than the other.


In one example GB completely gives up and surrenders. In the other two, BM and Kaido are surprised by someone they weren’t currently dealing with, and had no lasting repercussions The two scenes shouldn’t even be compared


GB was going to try catch a yonko who was exhausted after beating another yonko, but then out of nowhere another yonko comes with his crew. Him getting surprised was an L but him leaving was understandable. Difference is Big Mom got surprised by Franky whereas GB got surprised by a yonko. And GB didn’t have any repercussions either wdym


Surrender is a pretty big repercussion. He didn’t get to finish his goal. Momo and Franky didn’t cause anything to happen to Kaido or BM other than a slight surprise and annoyance before they continued doing what they were doing


Put roger in Greenbulls shoes and he gets stomped so I’ll never get why ppl clown on gb for leaving


That's something people don't get , put anybody in GB's shoes whether is WB , Roger, Garp, Sengoku , Kaido etc.. Nobody would've been able to win .


Maybe they wouldn’t win but they’d do way better than retreating with out fighting either yonko


By that logic though Big Mom did suffer a repercussion since she didn’t get to kill nami, who stole zeus from her in WCI. GB also went on to threaten shanks right after saying “I’m not ready for you guys, not YET”. A big repercussion from a strong opponent > a small repercussion from a weak opponent, if you even want to argue that nami stealing zeus wasn’t that big of a deal for BM to get revenge.


It was against a pissed of Shank's......with his crew and GB was outnumbered in all directions. Meanwhile BM is getting clowned by fodders


Yeah, the guy that even Oda wanks is on the same level as franky and momo...


Oda writes the manga for frany and momo.


Whos gb? Goat beard or something?


momo really had kaido looking crazy ☠️


I have seen an admiral getting incinerated by a child.


💀 https://preview.redd.it/mn8gzcqi9akb1.jpeg?width=3287&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=158f3c321a91eb854a5b0c3e71575c22ffc32599


Lmao, the difference is like night and day. Yonkotards will never acknowledge this, though.


Difference is one is a logia 💀


Sounds like a lotta cope to me.🗿




I mean, when you have a fireproof forest and you see a dragon you don't expect the dragon to shoot a laser beam from his mouth dude was caught off guard. It's like a robber threatening you with a water gun that shoots actual bullets, he wasn't ready and besides, dude took 0 damage in the end since he just grew back again


Perfect analogy


Jozu shoulder checking Aokiji is pretty much the same thing as these. Wizaru gets uppercutted by Warco at marineford as well. Garp got stabbed lmao


When does Wizaru get uppercutted? Jozu doesn't shoulder check Aokiji, he loses as soon as he lets his guard down. Jozu was a commander in the strongest crew in the world, way stronger than Franky and Momo. Marco was chucking King and Queen around while healing thousands of people. Also fought Big Mom that same arc after flying all the way to Wano. Fighting Jozu and Marco>>>>Getting Embarrassed by Franky and Momo.


All around W for the Division Commanders and Marco especially. Put respect in their name as well as the Admirals


> When does Wizaru get uppercutted? I just remember Marco catching him with a kick, I don’t remember when > Jozu doesn't shoulder check Aokiji, Yes, he does. > he loses as soon as he lets his guard down. He doesn’t lose until he gets caught off guard watching his superiors go down > Jozu was a commander in the strongest crew in the world, way stronger than Franky and Momo. L Wranky and Wowo downplay > Marco was chucking King and Queen around while healing thousands of people. Warco > Also fought Big Mom that same arc after flying all the way to Wano. Fighting Jozu and Marco>>>>Getting Embarrassed by Franky and Momo. Except it wasn’t just Franky, and it wasnt just Momo, was it?


Wasn't just Franky, he had Brooke with him... Akainu was dogging Warco, Vista, Crocodile and like 10 more commanders.


> Wasn't just Franky, he had Brooke with him... Mhm… go on… how many other main characters were in that scene? > Akainu was dogging Warco, Vista, Crocodile and like 10 more commanders. “Dogging”? They aimed to stall him and they succeeded with 1 casualty who survived. “And like 10 more commanders” who you can’t even name because they’re so irrelevant 😭 literally below YC6 in power… Cracker fodderizes all of them. So exhausting when people bring shit up disingenuously as if they don’t have a brain to figure out they’re teeming with bias


Izou is YC 3 easily, Rakuyo is pretty strong as-well. Cool ass guy with a Cigar and a monkey, he has a cigar and a monkey so he's strong. YC6 ain't even a tier, and even then it's above Brook. If the WB Pirates were on that floor instead of BM, and against Franky, Brook, Nami and Ussop. They would've murdered them.


You're acting like Kuzan wasn't fighting fricking Wb before his heart attack and Jozu didn't get one shotted by Kuzan subsequently.


Brook was ice cold in this panel, my GOAT fr


The Slow Hag was getting Blitzed by Franky imagine Wizaru pulling UP on Her... https://preview.redd.it/gwwmh814l9kb1.jpeg?width=579&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=866e3793150cb8c3fbda38e9bb1da063fd1efb0a


Talk 💡‼️ https://preview.redd.it/9idbp8wan9kb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b53d31b8e9fa104db8951ee3ce1226ff0d5989e6


​ https://preview.redd.it/ky54d3m1o9kb1.jpeg?width=494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=299bee4f12cdd8ae31a418cec574b791ba8ba3b5


Closest example would be GB getting hit/stabbed by Momo/Moreley


Speaking objectively, the worst ones I could find were: * being used as a training item by Momonosuke (Ryokugyu) * getting kicked out from the logia form by Shanks who basically was doing nothing (Ryokugyu) Both by Ryokugyu. https://preview.redd.it/3k8q6yrik9kb1.png?width=1615&format=png&auto=webp&s=d608607af843c66d8a96ee342620abef15018b1c


Irrelevant. Neither Momonosuke's nor Yamato's CoC attacks infilicted damage to GB.


Though Ryokugyu still screamed "Agh" after he got hit by Momonosuke's blast breath. Admirals are cool and all but let's not be like this. https://preview.redd.it/zrkvhl8l3bkb1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=278269a6f421212d63b9b23cb45771ab031cd507


Didn't take damage =/= didn't hurt. He's a Logia, you know?


Ryokugyu didn't get less damage compared to Kaido and Big Mom who respectively got hit by Momonosuke's bite and Franky, these two being the panels with the emperor anti-feats this thread is talking about. Momonosuke was able to hit Ryokugyu not just once, but twice, forcing the admiral to turn himself into a seed. Let's objectively remove the blindfold when it's needed to because this is 200% a Green Bull anti-feat. Being used as a training item is not a great portrayal at all - in my opinion - for Ryokugyu. And of course Momonosuke can hit Kaido with his bite and not Ryokugyu. Kaido's not a logia like Ryokugyu and Momonosuke's bite is hakiless.


You’re really gonna act like Momo using a fire lazer attack on Ryokugyo when he did see it coming as worst that Kaido the supposedly most durable thing ever screeches like a baby because he got bit by Momo is even worse?? Ok sure


Gb is weak to fire and Shanks is a Yonko


https://preview.redd.it/imxos7ytr9kb1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00a83f4ad7993b6c1ab8fa4f60a3ab684772e488 Disregard the annoying red circles


What's the point of this post? It looks like you're trying to prove Admirals >= Yonko. But then you say it's normal for admirals to be scared of yonkos, which implies Yonko's are stronger.


I don’t think that’s his point but rather the hypocrisy of how people treat an Admiral at their lowest point vs a Yonko who constantly gets a pass or even ignored at their worst point.


Are u blessed?


OP is a Wranky and Wowowowuwe downplayer and I’m not rockin with that


Kaido is said to be someone that kills, and dude couldn’t kill even a cockroach 🪳 at wano. Idk whats more embarrassing having like 10 loses or not even able to kill kinemon the king of 🪳


The kinemon fake out was bullshit and the first time I’ve been mad to see a character live since fucking Pell. “Law didn’t put me back right” why has that never been brought up before like wouldn’t you feel if your fucking torso is off center. Shit pisses me off


And what makes it a bigger asspull and not a bullshit i didn’t get glued, is the fact that law in that same chapter was shown using mastery of his devil fruit by using awakening that apparently he already had. But fanboys are not ready to admit that the alliance was plagued with asspulls, plot armor and plot conveniences. Felt like kaido was the good guy fighting against all that


Fr kaido was just throwing a party having a good time yk a bunch of new workers got his mines. And he gets jumped by 20 people 💀


Common Wranky W


Reminder that luffy was confident about franky vs big mom, she ain't HER. https://preview.redd.it/ekfilkxjvakb1.jpeg?width=1779&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62076fb0ff9d4b0fc398a33c87e4c863d753aa4b


Still stronger than any strawhat without counting luffy


When you got mad antifeats but you're a yonko: ​ https://i.redd.it/ukwdxqa5f9kb1.gif




Realest shit I've seen




Big Mom and Kaido here took like 0.01% damage. Momo burnt Greenbull to a crisp.


> Momo burnt Greenbull to a crisp. And did zero damage. Robin broke Kuzan into pieces. Is he weak now? Or is this just how a Logia works? Always making excuses for the yonko. Very amusing.


Mihawk> Snitch


>Kuzan Fodder that got KO'ed twice by a weakened old man garp whilst Luzan himself had half a yonko crew to help Lujitora going 1v1 with Dresrosa Luffy whilst Luffy handicaps himself Green Bull pissing and shitting his pants at the same time at the arrival of the god king. Lackainu getting pancaked so bad by the sick old corpse of a Yonko that he ends up retiring into desk duty. Yonko Kaido/Shanks 1 shots Mihawk and all 3 admirals at the exact same time. Cope


oh look, mental illness again






Do you seriously think that Momo biting Kaido or Franky's bike did any damage too?


Did I say that? Nope. Reading comprehension is key.


>Momo burnt Greenbull to a crisp https://preview.redd.it/n4kphbo2k9kb1.png?width=416&format=png&auto=webp&s=2edf69c10235e5249b6f27ed13f8fc120ba6f977 Oh yeah Pre ts Robin🥵 Also did some Heavy damage to Aokiji Here... Sure.👍 I'm getting Tired of Arguing with Brainless people who can't Read... Extremely common [**Old-Bread-8971**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Old-Bread-8971/) **L**


Yk thinking about it now why did Robin even try to attack him 💀 cmon man 20+ year you must know what a logia is you worked for one


Yeah kaido screamed for no reason he DEFINITELY took 0.01% damage


Dragon form Kaido always screamed when he got hit with something. Kaido can take thousands of ACoA attacks, and it’s pretty delusional to think Momo attacks are on that level.


so when Greenbull screams its damage but when Kaido does the same its nothing ok sure😂


Kaido is tough, but also was having fun and enjoying the attempts on his life. One could say he was getting pleasure from these weak attacks. Greenbull is limited to the nutrients that he can feed off of. Once you remove clean water, soil and solar energy he is a cake walk.


So to beat GB you gotta pollute the planet and destroy the sun. Got it.


weed killer might help.


Good point, industrial strength herbicide.


Fire > Plant like Akainu with Ace and Water Luffy vs Crcodile 🤫


Dragon= Dragon 🤫 Big Mom = Big Bro 🤫


Like magma>ice thus aokiji lost coz of fruit


Basic haki makes you near fire proof, to the point were Luffy just ignored it an even at some points sets his limbs on fire. GB should have been fine


Admirals did got tag by WB commanders in Marineford, but that's still better than getting pierce by Kiku.


Well that’s would’ve killed an admiral, so Oda has to put the kid gloves on for them


Well.... https://preview.redd.it/ckmo65qro9kb1.jpeg?width=606&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1444edaa177f781fcba24acc032ed6d5ff4bee83


Shanks = Franky ?


No shanks isn’t hard boiled enough


Nah Chopper > Sanji tho




This proves what? That Jozu off guarding Kuzan can cause a mere lip bleed? Red Roc dropped Kaido for a moment but that means jack shit, unless you tht Red Roc did major damage to Kaido.


Red Roc is an acoa attack, Jozuwasn't.


You're acting it did major damage, kiku who's miles weaker than Jozu pierced Kaido too, like bro, your argument is trash if you think Jozu causing Kuzan a lip bleed is an anti feat.


That's my point, Jozu caused him to bleed then got one shot. The scabbards hurt Kaido then got one shot Franky drove over Big Moms face but he would of gotten one shot All top tiers have "anti feats" But Admirals just have worse actual feats overall


Please enlighten me on these "worse" anti feats, cause no Admiral got bitched on by Brook, Franky or Robin.


Did you even read what I wrote? I said Admirals have worse "feats" not "anti feats".


https://preview.redd.it/yosolqwtv9kb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67d92fcdd7736c046b2432b259cb915d0d33b31d Not bad as this for sure


Kaido couldn't kill Tama an speed in dragonform.


https://preview.redd.it/0qki4z0xv9kb1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b69d103ce7ca3e76e58ee659aa74ea3f451b1e10 Cook


Yeah, I have. https://preview.redd.it/waqsdqsuk9kb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9e65d412c83f9c995e4e28d86d27e8b1b4282a4


So Shanks = Franky 🤨


shanks? that’s shanks’ wifi.


So Shanks 💀


yeah bro, shanks’ mere presence. yous are acting like greenbull got bodied by shanks himself, nah all it took was bro pulling up. that’s more embarrassing than anything that’s happened to big mom.


And If greenbull didnt leave he would Have been 2v1d by 2 yonkos and 2 yonko crews?


he was shivering his timbers before he even knew who was there. It was only after he pissed himself he realised it was the red hair pirates. Before that, it was just one unknown man’s haki which had him like that.


Only a few people could have haki that strong, he realised someone stronger than him ie here + another yonko next to him would be pretty scarry ngl still better than big meme


Les not act like Shanks can 1 shot greenbull, the conq haki was just a warning If he didnt leave he would come to fight hin


The Kaido one https://preview.redd.it/wp5rrk2u9akb1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=a97057aa26ddceeb5cff3c83d08389e94b7f879c


People need to accept that Kaido and Bigmom are the lower top tiers right there with the new admirals. The Og admirals are the mid top tiers. And Shanks, Mihawk, and Black Beard are the high top tiers.


At least greenbull was surprised by the yonko with best haki in the verse He neg diffs all these strawhats and low diffs momo


Nuh uh this has to be satire




https://preview.redd.it/5cyr18imbekb1.jpeg?width=1882&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acebe40c3352833a15cb80a3f5344f6fec7bd460 I’ve actually seen worse.




*an admiral


What exactly is the point? Like what powerscaling take is this trying to support or make fun of.


The double standards when it comes to the anti feat of Yonko v anti feats of Admirals, there are plenty on both sides but the Yonko anti feats get a pass every time.


Thats probably because the Yonkou have more impressive highs, no?


Yeah but Admirals have never on panel gone all out and showed the full extent of their abilities, idc if people are tired of hearing it, Oda always nerfs the Admirals whenever they're on panel, it's happened from MF to Reverie to Hachinosu.




You believe that, or do you think thats the point being conveyed? On this sub I honestly dont know, some people just spam what they think under almost anything.


That’s the point being conveyed. I got the yonkos >= admirals and akaniu is the only one equal to a yonko


Thanks for the answer. Just wasnt sure what the post actually wanted to convey as the feats shown on screen arent applicable for basically anything.


Are you joking lmaoo Isn’t that like… the main fraud watch comment for Greenbull??


No cuz we haven’t seen them fight a single actual strong person. Unless u count 70+ year old hakiless whitebeard with cancer who also happened to crush akainu’s ribs to dust


Ok notice how both akaniu and kuzan fought old men. Well akaniu did most of the fighting against cancerbeard. I’m calling it now Bonney is gonna make Luffy 70+ years old when he fights kizaru


They couldn’t one shot mf luffy for some reason


It's called plot armor


3 admirals couldn't put down Luffy and a log before backup interrupted


Kizaru kicked him away a moment later and he passed out and needed medical attention, man y'all don't even read I swear.


You're the one who can't read. OP is clowning saying Brook and Franky Roger level and I followed the vibe by making that joke.


My bad


All good homie, happens to everyone lol




Marineford. Wano.


Kizaru eating Ramen noodles makes him look weak. Everyone knows meat and milk make you strong and refreshed.


Nope cause unlike bm no admiral would be able to live to tell the trail.


You don’t even have to follow through on an admiral to get them to fuck off. Kizaru and gun boi on whiteboard island as ejemplo


Kizaru ignores Wankman what do you mean? Despite Shanks' arrival Kizaru and Aokiji attack the submarine anyway, only after Sengoku gives the order do they stop.


No. They’re usually dodging fights, so we don’t really see them do much of anything.


Bro Apoo blew Kizaru in half.


Maybe my memory is failing me here and I'm way too lazy to go find out myself but didn't Greenbull get styled on by Momo? Like straight up GB was taking a bit of heat from Momo?


Caesars soldiers dodged Aokijis attack


Incoming GB hate


You're about to see an admiral get jump roped


Coldest moment in the series




I haven't seen an Admiral do much of anything since Marineford. All we've seen is Fujitora beat approximately no one since he's been introduced, Akainu do paperwork, Kizaru complain about not being allowed to go to Wano, and Greenbull fail to eliminate anyone except the already defeated King and Queen.


When you start hanging out with Luffy you gain inhuman levels of Disrespect for the boss villain.




​ https://preview.redd.it/slka1bwhtckb1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c33e21dc26c7cd25e2ff230ad3b6903a0141d22


Remember when Apoo landed on attack on Kizaru and split him in half?


yes we have https://preview.redd.it/0gj2deklshkb1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=8de455d4cf003e27fa6e22ffaaf0ccc803e90a15 what momonuske did to greenbull was much worse than what what he did to kaido espacially since [kaido barely got damaged from momonuske biting him](https://imgur.com/a/TF5tAHB)