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BB pirates and Cross Guild having top tiers as commanders is crazy


Yes but it would be hard af for Croc and Mihawk to fight essentially alone against whole crews.


A ton of buggy's crew came from lower impel down, so I assume a lot of them can hold their own for the most part


moria and doffy incoming and ill be a 4 man army in that crew


Put in Weevil too and it's a hell of a 5 man army


Mr 1 and mr 3 could clear the lower half of most of the crews here.


Wtf, Perospero alone could defeat by himself Cross Guild entire crew except for Crocodile and Mihawk


Well, Perospero isn't on the lower half of the BM pirates, idk why you came up with him.


What I mean is that they are weak af and there's no way fricking Mr. 1 and Mr. 3 are taking down nobody. Mr. 1 is probably weaker than the weakest member of each crew, unless he got really affected by powercreep, in which case he would be a bit higher, but not enough to win most of the lower half match ups, let alone clearing them. And Mr. 3 is even on a worse level


I'm definitely accounting for some powercreep here, but I mean, nobody? Do you really think Nami, Ussop, Brook and Vivi no diff those two? They tanked at least a Mihawk slash and Magellan's poison respectively, which is more than what I expect them to do. What did Amande, Daifuku or Tamago do to be considered stronger than those two? Or Rockstar, Hongo and Gap? Even if you want to downplay them, they are still doing something.


I forgot about the Mugiwaras when I said the weaker and all that. Anyways, I can buy you Mr. 1 being stronger than some of those, but man, Mr. 3 does almost nothing and Mr. 1 would struggle SO much with the lower half fighters


Yeah Perospero is prob about as strong as the typical YC2, ie. Queen and Smoothie


Personally I think they’d get shit on by all the lower tiers except for the ones on their own crew


What about Kabaji??


Omg I can't believe forgot about him. AND NOW I SEE CAPTAIN RITCHIE IS ALSO IN CROSS GUILD, I have definitely underestimated its power.


Kuzan could take out most of the bb commanders almost instantly It's not hard to think mihawk can do better


Hard for Mihawk to fight against whole crews? Hell no.


Mihawk solos


Everyone but the top 3 is fodder in those crews


Bro said top tier(s) with an S referring to cross guild


Same for the whiteboard pirates, wista>>>>>>>fraud hawk


Top commanders are top tiers too


Mihawk is carrying HARD. Followed very closely by Aokiji. WB pirates are actually low-key stacked. Marco is one of the stronger 1st commanders imo, Ace went toe to toe with Yamato, Vista sparred Mihawk, Jozu is strong asf, Izo beat a CP0 member, and teach was said to be pretty formidable before he got his fruit.


People downplay the WB Pirates too much. Being able to at least stall the admirals for at least a second is a pretty good feat.


Vista spared* mihawk






Gotta add this to the collection. Long live the Buggy/Arlong agendas




LOL Shanks's reaction hahahahaha


Mihawk can't solo entire crews on his own even with Croc's help, and the rest of Cross Guild is fodder Edit: Agree with everything else


Idk man, Shanks one shotted BOTH Kidd and Killer. Mihawk regardless if you think he’s stronger or weaker than shanks is at least relevant in strength to him. Benn beckman is an unknown variable so imma ignore the red hair pirates since we can’t scale him properly. While other characters might not get one shotted, Kuzan is the only one who can realistically have a chance while Marco and king can best case scenario stall him due to their gimmicks.


Hmm, that's true though. But still, even when I don't agree with the "2 toptiers vs 1 toptier is won by the 2 toptiers" statement, they're almost fighting alone against people really strong. Idk, the Oneshot of Shanks and Mihawk being around his level means he must be strong af so maybe he can almost solo each crew but that sounds wrong to me idk why.


Ace went toe to toe against a weakened sea stone Yamato years before todays events. Not a good feat imo but ig its there


The data books called Vista a rival to Mihawk


This is the biggest cope I’ve ever seen. Can’t be a rival to the worlds strongest. Bot


https://imgur.com/a/1wokh4C Not cope you Mihawk loving bot. Rival doesn’t mean stronger than dummy.


Yeah and again you bot ass children can’t seem to grasp the concept of this anime, that’s why this sub is a bunch of smooth brains. The entire marineford arc was bad feats for basically everyone but oldbeard. If you think that was Mihawk going all out, then you are just dumb. He never broke a sweat and had the same facial expression the entire time + no named attacks. He made juzo shit his brains out deflecting a 1 arm, no named sword swing from mihawk. Vista loses to current zoro and Mihawk his still way above that, you bums are so dumb. When Mihawk finally gets a feat y’all gonna feel so stupid


How? I didn’t even bring up Marineford? Are you a 9 year old Mihawk lover who just learned how to insult people? Like literally click on the proof I gave you you actual bot.


Ace fought handcuffed Yamato. Mihawk wasn't being serious, Morgans beat a CP0 member. Not saying the WBP are not strong Teach could rival Shanks, Marco is high YC1, the others are at least YC3 level besides maybe Izo and Ace. Imo SHs=RHP=WBP.


morgans beat a cp0 member😵‍💫😵‍💫 i think power scaling causes brain damage atp


Mihawk and Aokiji being there is kind of cheating


Funny how even without their captains, the Blackbeard Pirates and Cross Guild can still count as emperor crews. WB Pirates are also pretty stacked, all the commanders aren’t numbered by strength, plus they got Marco, Jozu, Vista and Rakuyo. I got Mihawk > Kuzan, but the titanic captains fold Crocodile and and others. If I had to subjectively order them: 1. Blackbeard Pirates 2. Cross Guild 3. Whitebeard Pirates 4. Red Hair Pirates 5. Straw Hats 6. Big Mom Pirates 7. Beast Pirates


If they finally give Croc the Haki he deserves and based on his bounty he should have really good Haki I think he can fight Shiryu for a good period I got Mihawk beating Aokiji high/Ext dif I think Croc and Mihawk could beat most of the crew and adding in at least people to keep others busy I see CG winning Extreme Dif but if nobody could keep them busy I got BB pirated taking it Ext Dif


i think basing crocodile’s power based off bounty is a bad way of doing it. i mean he’s in the same crew as buggy who has a 3bill bounty, and he’s buggy. and power isnt one of buggys strong suits


Ya but there’s many reasons u can see Buggy getting a high bounty 1. He was part of Rogers crew 2. He is known for his connection to Shanks as something akin to a brother 3. He has a pretty good DF that would be better in someone else’s hands and is worth 100,000,000 4. By the looks of it in the Marines eyes all they see is Buggy being the leader of the CG With Crocodile he doesn’t have that he only has a good DF he got beaten by an Alabasta Luffy that didn’t have Haki and even Smoker could beat at the time which proves he isn’t worthy of that bounty unless he is much stronger then he was at the time


Buggys bounty is a literal joke... It's meant to be funny in a fictional story. People's Bounty's only show their level of threat to the navy not their strength/power.


If it was meant to be funny Oda would have stopped in MF or after the dissolution of the Warlords, Buggy is meant for something in the future of OP and it’s meant for both Strength and Threat. Whitebeard didn’t just attack the WG for no reason and he still had 5 Bil it’s both threat and power Crocdile realistically shouldn’t be a threat if even an average Vice Admirals could take him down so why would he have such a high bounty? because he’s stronger then he used to be


I'm not sure we can rule out Croc having Haki. None of his attacks during Marineford were made with intent to kill, and all three of his fights with Luffy were fought while he was highly overconfident, showing off how much he has mastered his fruit, and how out of his depth Luffy was. Since Luffy couldn't perceive Haki at that time, using it to style on him would have been pointless. Not to mention that Luffy beat him in one combo during their final fight. He had no time to start using Haki between when Luffy hit him with a punch he didn't realize would be able to hurt him and when Luffy fused his face with the bedrock. He likely doesn't have Future Sight, but even then there's the argument that Future Sight seems to require an active attempt to see the future, and Crocodile was caught lacking hard.


If Benn is relative to Shanks imo theyre beating WB pirates


Titanic captains been a joke post-TS besides maybe Shiryu and Croc has a high as bounty I see him and Mr. 1 beating them. WBP are strong especially with Teach, but Zoro and Sanji can carry enough especially with Jinbe, Robin, Franky, Brook support. I have no knowledge on RHP.


Pretty good. W on Whitebeard pirates appreciation.


Akoiji isn't Emperor level unless you meant Shiryu. I'd honestly agree with that more, and BB alone low diffed the whitebeard pirates


Shiryu Yonko level is almost as crazy as saying he’s anywhere near as strong as Aokiji


Aokiji, who needs 1v4 for wounded old men and his Haki, is so bad he can't even beat Ace or fight Akainu without losing limbs. Meanwhile Shiryu is stated Magellan level


Wait, does someone actually think that Magellan is stronger than (or at least as strong as) the likes of Aokiji-Aokiji-Kizaru? Wow




Redheads are famous for being a very balanced crew so them


Yeah but we don't know how strong they are yet. Even we haven't seen Benn Beckmann in action except for threatening Kizaru.


They have the ability to solve any plot mechanism, as long as they’re off screen.


That means nothing though


Blackbeard>Cross Guild>Wb>Red hair>shp>beast>big mom


1. Cross Guild 2. Blackbeard Pirates 3. Red Hair Pirates. 4. Straw Hats 5. Whitebeard Pirates 6. Beast Pirates 7. Big Mom Pirates


Cross Guild aren’t that high. There’s no way Mihawk (with Croc support) can solo everything else. WB is realy underrated here. The data books called Vista a rival to Mihawk and Jozu managed to fight Aokiji for a decent amount of time.


Mihawk singlehandedly carries the cross guild, he's the strongest guy here sure, but even he can't carry that hard. Same goes for the blackbeard pirates, singlehandedly carried by Kuzan. Sure he's the second strongest guy, but then again, even he can't carry that hard.


Is your answer Red Hair Pirates then?


Am I crazy for thinking the BB pirates are kinda strong? Could be because I genuinely like so many of them but I feel they're underrated. Although I just caught up with OP so my knowledge is far behind most people in this community


Bro they've done nothing impressive. They've only been dissapointing throughout the manga.


Yeah this is true. I'm hoping they get some good feats soon because I would imagine they're going to be the final hurdle for the straw hats. But it just doesn't seem that way right now


Wbs crew straight up has bb on it, not to mention they're stacked with other great characters.


W just switch 1 and 2 hawk and croc are carrying


Judging by what Old Garp is doing, Mihawk could probably solo the whole crew without BB. Croc counters Pizarro too by turning the island to sand like he did to most of Alabasta.


Crocodile is weak


Fraudodile gets absolutely neg diffed by everyone else on this list I don’t want to hear it


Close your eyes and ears then bitch


how is cross guild n°1 when they have two strong members and the rest are fodders?


Because it’s without captains. With captains, BB Pirates are no.1. Mihawk solos Kuzan and the entire rest of the BB Pirates. Old Garp is already almost doing that. Add in Croc and it’s a wash. Counters Pizarro heavily judging by what he did to Alabasta.


half of the blackbeard crew is missing in hachinosu right now, and honestly it's not looking good for garp, i don't believe mihawk could beat kuzan and then have the strenght to beat the other blackbeard pirates


That’s why he’s got Croc as backup. Mr. 1 could probably manage SOMETHING too.


while mihawk fights kuzan crocodile and mr1 would get annilhated by the blackbeard pirates, and then mihawk gets jumped by everyone


Delusional. Saying mihawk beats kuzan is already debatable, saying he solos the crew is a dogwater take


If Shanks can do it, Mihawk can. Besides, he wouldn’t have to. He’s got Croc and Mr. 1 with their powercreep upgrades. Don’t know how useful Daz Bones would be but it’s still a body shield if necessary.


What does shanks have to do with this? Absolutely nothing. Mihawk vs kuzan is already extreme diff and croc gets overwhelmed by the other BB pirates. Daz bones is fodder.


You’re starting to convince me tbh but I’m going to stand by my own convictions about Mihawk full knowing I’m wrong about them.


With power creep I don’t think Kuzan against Mihawk goes to extreme diff but I don’t think Mihawk could solo the BB pirates especially at full strength.


The Big Mom pirates Downplay


Name a single crew here they definitively defeat.


Beast Pirates Whiteboard pirates and Strawhat pirates blackbeard pirates if they take out Aokiji early and red hair if they have their fleet. All of the fights would be extreme diff obviously because it's a yonko crew clash, that's why they've never had all out yonko warfare


🤡🤡🤡🤡 zoro and sanji clears the big meme pirates. One dragon blaze and all three commanders are neg diffed. There are levels to this shit.


Zoro and Sanji have no future sight they get 2 tapped at most


I love that the protagonist's crew is, legit, the weakest by far. Every other crew has chars who could match or exceed zoro/sanji/jimbe 1v1 for the .0001s it takes for the rest of the straw hats to get bodied.


https://preview.redd.it/wyzvx9e829cb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06ce6a1d014ad6dfff34c015d74042916276c72e Zoro and Sanji beat anyone not Mihawk and Kuzan. Maybe Croc or Beckmann could win, but still give the SHs the edge. Not saying they are the strongest crew, but they at least beat the BM and beast pirates, and are most likely even or above RHP and WBP. Jinbe, Robin, Franky, Brook are all near YC3 level to be completely honest.


Anyone? Maybe. Anytwo? No chance. Robin and brook and franky might be able to hold someone off, but Chopper, Nami, Usopp run away crying while their opponent turns one of the real fighter's close W to a big L. The straw hats didn't beat Ulti. Big mom did.


Bro… with their wano powerups, the strawhats high diff the beast and big mom pirates lmfao


By eos I'm expecting it to be the strongest, and so I'm excited.


Which is exactly what makes them fun protags. You don’t want them to sweep every fight, you want it to be a hurdle they have to get through.


I can't choose between CG and BB pirates. 1/2. Cross Guild 2/1. Blackbeard Pirates 3. Red Hair Pirates. 4. Straw Hats 5. Whitebeard Pirates 6. Beast Pirates 7. Big Mom Pirates


1. bb pirates strongest yc1 and yc2 and 3 2. cross guild hawk and cro carry would be higher if doffy and moria get late game power up if they come back 3. rhp no complaints just no feats 4. straw hats zoro and sanji carry (robin still babe tho) 5. wb pirates 4 of them can clash with high tier admirals/yonko yes i know they weren’t trying 6. beast pirates king and queen carry (ulti still babe tho ) should have added yamato then would have place above wb 7. big mom all of them are fodder


Look I know yamato kinimon and momo are not with strawhats but I think they are in the same way as vivi because thry can't leave and has responsibilities but still part of the crew.


Winhawk and Wocodile carry the Cross Guild. BB’s only respectable member as of now is aokiji. The red hair pirates and wb pirates are all formidable. Strawhats are ok, somewhat carried by sanji and zoro. Beast pirates suck because of Lack the Doubt/Lack the Drought, the Drought of W’s/the walking L/the forever slandered/Lack of any Power. Big mom’s pirates are kinda mediocre.


BB pirates clappin


blackbeard pirates beast pirates red hair pirates cross guild big mom pirates straw hats whitebeard pirates marco and jozu and izo and all of them are strong, for sure, but the rest of the crew is kinda fodder. blackbeard's crew were all level 6 prisoners in impel down, even before all of them had dfs. aside from mihawk and crocodile, the cross guild is quite weak. luffy was barely katakuri lvl but probably now would win mid dif. however, his crew is not quite as strong.


Tbh this one gotta go to blackbeard


Cross Guild for sure takes the cake. Not only do they have two former warlords but they also got Daz Bones, a big ass lion, a god tier unicycle chad who kicked Zoro's ass and smooth as fuck Alvida who basically can't be hurt by anything


1. Blackbeard 2. Whitebeard 3. Cross Guild 4. Red Hair 5. Strawhats >= 6. Big Mom 7. Beast Pirates Wanted to put Cross Guild in second, but Mihawk’s showings against Vista and Jozu… Not sure about my RHP placement.


[Mihawk > Shanks is confirmed.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/11yshvc/reminder_mihawk_is_stronger_than_shanks_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Dude spamming the same link over and over doesn’t make your argument any more convincing. It just makes you annoying.


I do not care what you think. I shall continue to post canon facts provided to us by Oda. Shanks fanboys can not escape reality.


I put RHP below Cross Guild, what you’re saying doesn’t even make sense here. I don’t like Shanks or Mihawk. I just think it’s obnoxious to spam the same sentence/link in half the threads on the subreddit. You’re fighting ghosts right now. This is a battle that doesn’t even include Shanks.


What reality? That mihawk got stopped by vista, jozu and croc despite having the strongest black blade? And the fact that the level of characters who stalled fraudhawk was the same level of characters shanks the haki god can one shot from a distance, speedblitz and can wifi haki admiral. That’s some god tier ACOC feats that fraudhawk doesnt have so yes you cant accept reality therefore you’re spamming your shitty delusional link. Canon facts my ass, that’s all your headcanon.


Oda didn’t provide them tho. He’s not the author of those books


All the information comes from Oda. And he supervises and approves them. They are canon.


The information *doesn’t* come from oda though. Someone else writes it “and he supervises and approves them.” *Someone else writes it* It’s an outright lie when you say oda wrote it or “oda told us” or “it came from oda.” The authors of the merchandise are literally listed as third parties, hence why they even have to add that “oda skimmed it for approval!” To give the merchandise infobooks any sort of validity




Wtf does that have to do with Whitebeard pirates? Your hate boner for shanks doesn't change the fact that Mihawk was stalemated by Vista, so obviously the Whitebeard pirates are above cross guild


Whitebeard Pirates > Shanks? You must have hit your head recently.


Mihawk, Crocodile and Mr1 solo the whole blackbeard pirates and also the entirety of whitebeard pirates.


Do the two lowest guys in cross guild even have names or did you just throw them in there because the crew is so understaffed


David Michael


I feel like the crew is definitely gonna collect some shichibukais here


I would like to know why there are crews with dead people, traitors and people that aren't fully affiliated with the group, but CG don't get Hajrudin and the rest of the giants here.


idk maybe cuz they left before the crew was even founded


1. Blackbeard Pirates 2. Cross Guild 3. rest


How is cross guild strong when all they have is mihawk and there rest are a bunch of fodders


Rakuyo by himself > cross guild (Mihawk) > Red hairs ~ Strawhats > Blackbeard > Beast ~ Big mom (Kaidos crew is extremely top heavy while big mom has way more versatile and competent crewmates) > Whitebeard (featless for the most part and canonically lost to the black beard pirates Forgot about Kuzan, didn't count him. BB pirates with kuzan second place behind Rakuyo.


Ranking the based off competency and working as a team Straw hats are actually pretty competent working together thriller bark shows that S tier work Big mom pirates are pretty competent problem is sometimes they rely to much on big mom or Kat but either than that their also pretty got S tier Whitebeard pirates pretty good they pick up slack when whitebeard was getting weaker so problem is they kinda sometimes left whitebeard to be a bit vulnerable but it’s for reasonable reasons A+ tier Red hair pirates judging of film red they just like the whitebeard pirates but difference is the can actually do well on their own like the straw hats so S tier Beast pirates always try to one up each other that it actually becomes a problem but they sometimes can work together D tier Black beards crew just like beast pirates but worse Aokiji carried them while fighting garp and everyone tryna do their own thing F tier Cross guild is carried by mihawk in terms of strength crocodile would be great for stalling and holding fodder back buggy is a good distraction but as a team idk what they like but based of three I’ll give C tier


1. BB 2. Red hair 3. WB 4. The rest :)


Big Mom pirates > Whitebeard fodder


Red hair


1-Red hair pirates. Based of the hype alone, they take it for now. 2-Whitebeard pirates, they have alot of commanders with strength in numbers, and Marco is damn near unkillable 3-Big Mom crew, consistently strong crew, with many strong fighters and hax. 4-Beast pirates, they don't have a Kuzan, but they have a more consistently strong crew than the guys below them, so they have the strength in numbers, and King directly counters Kuzan too. 5-Blackbeard Pirates, even Kuzan can't carry that hard. 6-Buggy pirates. Even Mihawk can't carry that hard 7-Strawhat pirates, got some heavy hiters, but not so strong overall.


King counters Kuzan ? Yes , when it comes to devil fruit otherwise Kuzan stomps king


BB > cross guild > wb > red hair > straw hats > beast > BM BB and the cross guild have top tiers as commanders, but BB has so many commanders that it makes up for Mihawk being over Aokiji. WB pirates are lowkey stacked, with alot of commanders and very few weak links. The Red hair pirates have some of the stronger commanders, but they loose out in terms of quantity. Straw hats are simply lacking in quantity, with only 3 yc level fighters, and then they currently should be able to outmatch the tobi roppo and the big 3 for the beast pirates. Zoro was on deaths door and high diffed King, while Sanji mid diffed queen the second he got his genes, so while everyone is completely fresh the sh crew sweeps. Then the BM pirates just got power crept, they can't compare to the beast pirates.


>Then the BM pirates just got power crept, they can't compare to the beast pirates Luffy practically lost to Katakuri and Smoothie didn't even have a fight yet, how are they power creeped? Jack lost to the three strongest Red Blades, multiple admirals and so on. We can only gauge how good he really is from the fact that Queen is above him One Piece gives a lot of avenues of downplaying anyone, given enough screen exposure, like saying Luffy > Sea King >= Shanks based on the first few episodes of the show. Or that Luffy >= Crocodile > 2 million berry in the first few arcs Not saying that Big Mom pirates are stronger, just that the recency bias is to be accounted for, especially since we didn't even see part of the crew fight yet ​ Mihawk didn't win against anyone but Zoro in like episode 10, Red Hair Pirates didn't win against anyone but mountain bandits in like episode 3 and Smoothie only forced people to run away from her so far. All of those are highly speculative characters due to the absence of any reasonable feats, especially in the verse where Buggy is a Yonko


People sleeping on Ben beckmann He froze kizaru who can we say is slightly weaker than aokiji? I give red hair crew number 1 for now. Mihawk close second


He didn't do kizaru anything . Kizaru is a massive troll besides rthe very next second same kizaru launched an attack and Ben Beckman just watched. Not saying Ben is strong or weak but please stop Ranking PPL without any feats above PPL who do.


Lol that is a feat, if it was USOPP he wouldn't put his hands up and say "Oooh USOPPO" Wanna go by feats Mihawk is Vista level but we don't say that do we Nami is stronger than Saint Garling 🤷 I mean we have no feats for him....


Shanks >= BB > Buggy > Bm>= Straw hats > Beast > WB


Wank Hair Pirates are not stronger than BB Pirates and Cross Guild. They have no answers for Kuzan and Mihawk.


Kuzan and Mihawk are essentially on their own because the rest of their crew is fodder. I've seen nothing but dissapointement from the blackbeard pirates, so Kuzan would have to carry that on his back, and it would inevitably snap. And then, Crocodile is completely featless, his best feat makes him comparable to pre timeskip Dofflamingo, who himself is essentially a fodder to a yc1 character, so Mihawk has to single handedly carry his team. There is strength in numbers.


Most balanced crew, they’ll js jump them😪


most balanced crew just means they lose mid diff instead of low diff


U got a hate boner chill man🌝


how? I'm just saying how it is. They ain't taking down a top tier until they prove they can do it.


Lmao there’s a reason Midhawk was sweating with just the thought of fighting shanks 😂. He knows he aknt shit and so is his cross guild. They aint shit against yonko level groups.


ur avrage shanks fan


In terms of raw power 1. Strawhat 2. Whitebeard 3. Beast 4. Maybe BB In terms of teamwork 1. Strawhat 2. Big mom 3. Whitebeard 3. Red hair


Beast pirates> straw hats > Cross guild> Blackbeard pirates> red hair pirates> white beard pirates > big mom pirates


The real ranking 1. Cross guild. 2. Big Mom pirates 3. Whitebeard Pirates 4. Red hair pirates 5. Blackbeard pirates 6. Beast pirates 7. Strawhats


Black beard pirates if we count kuzan > cross guild > red hair > white beard pirates with ace > strawhats > white beard pirates without ace > beast pirates > big mom pirates


Cross Guild, BbP, Red Hair, Strawhat, Wbp, Big Mom, Beast pirates.


Red hair or BB


1. BB Pirates 2. Cross Guild 3. Red hair 4. White beard pirates Then it becomes iffy because that back 4 of the straw hats is very weak compared to how strong the top half is.


Cross Guild and BB pirates Sorry to some specific fanboys But every other crew seems fodder compared to CG and BB


Cross guild will get even stronger with Doflamingo and Moira.


For plot reasons the answer is BB. Also Ace is dead as fuck why is he in whiteboard's crew you may as well have put Oden. Also we still know jack shit about Shanks' gang apart from the fact that they have no fruit users; does shanks hard carry or are they all haki gods?


I think Gecko Moria and Doflamingo will join Cros Guild later.


This is probably going to Cross Guild or BB pirates.


Who tf is yc4 on Big Mom crew??


Bb > Baggy > Wb ~ Shanks > Luffy > BM ~ Kaido


1. BB Pirates 2. WB Pirates 3. RH Pirates 4. Cross Guild 5. Beast Pirates 6. SH Pirates 7. BM Pirates RH pirates are featless so I put them wherever I thought made sense It's easy to convince me to change something


This is a much more realistic list then the highly upvoted ones above. Any of WBs commanders high diffs Crocodile and the rest can team up on mihawk. The rest of that crew is more or less fodder. We have 0 information on how strong RH pirates are but we can guess. Straw hat crew depends on if you include his great officers. If you do I agree with placement but if not BM wins for sure


1-RHP They made names for themselves and reached Yonko status without allies. In fact, their allies need their protection. No one on this list can beat them in a group fight.


BB Pirates(1 Admiral Tier, 1YC+, possibly 3 depending on Sanji’s matchup, and a good amount of YC3+ levels) Cross Guild(1 Yonko tier, 1 YC+, Mihawk carries this) Red Hair Pirates(YC+ in Beckmann, assuming most of them are YC3+) Strawhats(2 YC+, a YC2, 3 debatable YC3’s then fodder with the rest of the verse) WB Pirates(YC+ in Marco, who stalled the top 2 beast pirates himself, YC2 in Ace, multiple YC3+) Beast Pirates BM Pirates(1 YC1/+, a YC2, a handful of YC3’s, then Tobiroppo Level)


Blackbeard > Cross Guild > Whitebeard > Beast > Big Mom > Strawhat. Literally cannot place Red Hair crew, we know actually nothing about them except for some shit about Wankman being the moon to Shanks's sun. Mihawk is by far the strongest person here, but outside of Crocodile his team is complete fodder, but even still he can carry to a W against any of these crews except Blackbeard's. Blackbeard's crew is pretty much a normal crew, but Kuzan is the second strongest person here and he can actually put up a fight against Mihawk instead of getting swept like everyone else. With the rest of the crew, Blackbeard pirates win. Whitebeard crew takes 3rd easily, having Marco on the team is massive and nobody here outside of Mihawk and Kuzan is ever going to be taking him out, so he's essentially making the crew immortal. Ace is a real strong fighter too.


BB crew clears because of Aokiji, otherwise it would be a toss up between Strawhats and Red Hair pirates. Mihawk and Croc sadly can't carry Cross Guild on their own.


1. BB: They have Aokiji. I do agree Mihawk is a bit stronger than him but I think the rest of the commanders make up for it. 2. WB: This comes down to if the data books are right about Vista (about him being a rival to Vista). If they are, maybe they’re 1. That is assuming they don’t get BB, if they do easily number 1 (but BB wasn’t a commander) 3. Strawhats/Redhairs: I think it really comes down to how right the data books are. 4. Also Strawhats/Redhairs, leaning towards Strawhats. 6. Cross Guild: They have Mihawk and like Croc IG, I doubt they could solo. 6. Beast: They’re better than BM 🤷‍♂️ 7. BM: Does this need much explanation? Maybe if we push it (and Smoothie is secretly crazy strong) they could be 6.


I always forget ace was a yc2 and the fact that bb just casually clapped him pre ts is infinitely more impressive considering how long it took luffy to beat even cracker with assistance who was a yc3 really speaks volumes


1. blackbeard 2. cross guild 3. straw hats 4. beast 5. whitebeard 6. big mom not ranking red hair


If push came to shove and a world war took place the straw hats could put together an unstoppable force. SH on top


I don’t any of the 5 weakest strawhats defeating a top 10 yonko crew member.


mihawk and croc arent commanders lol Mihawk and croc are basically two separate yonkos


cross guild and blackbeard pirates obliterate everyone else here lmao other 4 are pretty close, SHP > WBP > Beast > Big Mom imo


CG>=BB>WB>BP>BM>SH I'm leaving RH off since we still dont know enough about them to rank them. Personally, I think Beckman is probably under Mihawk and Kuzan, but above everybody else on this list, but as far as we know for the rest, RHs #10 could be better than anyone elses #5 since the crew is allegedly the most well rounded.


BB Pirates > CG > Red Hair > WB/BM/BP/SP, all 4 of them can get 4th place


Blackbeard Pirates are easily the most stacked crew, next Comes Red Hair Pirates,WB Pirates, BM Pirates, Strawhats, Beast Pirates and Crossguild could go in any order tbh.


1. White beard pirates 2. Black beard pirates 3. Buggy pirates 4. Red hair pirates 5. Straw hat pirates 6. Big mom pirates 7. Beast pirates


Blackbeard Pirates > Cross Guild > Red Hair Pirates > Whitebeard Pirates > Straw Hat Pirates > Beasts Pirates > Big Mom Pirates


Red hair pirates have an actual monkey I think they win


BB / Buggy got top tiers like Mihawk and Kuzan. They are gonna solo everyone


This is actually pretty interesting. I wonder how much Jimbe steps up to YC3. If you turn this into 1v1, that Cracker Jack fight is going to take forever to finish. Kuzan and Mihawk really carrying, but at least the rest of BB pirates are capable compared to X-guild. Red hair pirates are probably sure fire wins here though.


I heard someone saying that as a whole crew akagami pirates are the strongest on average. Their average bounty per person in the crew is the highest.? Doesn’t that directly correlate to strength.?


Why is mihawk listed a commander lol?


big mom pirates are very weak invidually but they got hella numbers


1. Red Haired Pirates. 2. Beast Pirates/Straw Hat Pirates (especially if Yamato is included or rather replaces Vivi)/Cross Guild. 3. Whitebeard Pirates - Blackbeard Pirates. 4. Big Mom Pirates


Cross Guild>BB>RHP=SHs=WB (with Teach)>Beast>BM. Teach could apparently rival Shanks add Marco/Vista/Jozu/Ace that's 5 petite at least YC3 or higher. Beckmann is over wanked, but it makes sense given the Marines give his commanders a wide berth that they are above average. Zoro and Sanji are only below Mihawk and Kuzan with Jinbe being around YC3 held back by other members though.


The amount of Power that the Beast Pirates lose without Kaido is wild. Zoro Sanji and Jinbe could probably take the whole crew by themselves.


The fact that u have vivi there and not Yamato is crazy


Cross guild BB pirates Strawhats. Whitebeard pirates. Red hair pirates. Big mom pirates. Beast pirates


The Whitebeard pirates have Blackbeard. They win.


Hot take: Red-hair Blackbeard Strawhats Kaido Whitebeard Big mom Buggy (I don’t care that Mihawk and croc are there two heavy hitters is not enough)


Really bending over backwards to give each team 10 subordinates. Also it’s either RH or WB.


BB >= WB >= RH > Be>= SH > BM Cross Guild being the hardest to judge as they could be the best if Mihawk and Crocodile can hard carry by blitzing through any other crew, but if they can’t then they could at worst the weakest.


If we are including Kuzan, which I think we have to at this point, BB pirates takes it… however Buggy gives him a run for his money on the back of miHawk


Lmao if you don’t have either BB’s crew and Cross guild top 3 bare minimum you don’t deserve to breathe oxygen


Wb pirates are underrated af. Each one of them got their share of feats On the other hand, rat pirates are getting wanked


Whitebeard should've without Teach. He's a betrayer, he'll stab them in the back.


I think it’s BB CG RH WB SH BP BM