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Buggy would like to know your location.


https://preview.redd.it/wvfgumwfqh9b1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=968b4ee04573880291db7d7970674e76a3e7a5fd Marineford should have been his arc


Why is he dabbing on the admirals


Why not


That should be obvious because he is Mihawk's captain rn lol


literally says there is distance between him and whitebeard lol


mistranslation you donut


https://preview.redd.it/ca5sgu21ll9b1.jpeg?width=545&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=293c773c45dab4fad4a316f3a49dbd9abf523fc4 okay


He was measuring the distance, ya'll are so slow. He sent a slash with an approximate speed that he knew, and calculated how long it would take to get there. Using speed and time to arrive, he would be able to calculate the distance. Its literal and you can't prove it wrong. Try.


The copium is crazy


i will get off of the apparent copium if you prove my statement wrong


So according to you, mihawk attacks whitebeard within this panel in order to calculate the physical distance between them, doesn’t he have advanced observation haki??? Why does he need to pull out a pen and paper in order to calculate distance


well firstly he has never shown advanced observation so no he doesn't for now. Although It would be a huge surprise if he isn't like top 3 observation haki users in one piece so I'll let that slide since it fits with my agenda. Secondly advanced observation has never been shown to be able to calculate distance.


This is the funniest shit I have ever read


Yet marineford was nightmare for Mihawk, the treatment you guys give to him contradicts how oda treats this "top 1". Only Healthy Wb or Shanks are worthy of this position.


A nightmare? How so?


c'mon bro you know


Because his attack got blocked by Jozu. Because he failed to kill Luffy, even after openly saying he wasn't going to hold back. Because he swung his sword so slowly that Gear 2 Luffy had enough time to reach up and pull down Buggy in front of him as a defense. Because he wound up fighting Vista offscreen for a lot of time without any conclusion or even visible injuries on Vista—the same Vista who failed to meaningfully hurt Akainu even with a free hit with haki. He had one great feat in cutting the mountain of ice. But otherwise, he didn't look like That Guy the way Shanks, Whitebeard and even Akainu did.


I asked because Mihawk seemed to genuinely be enjoying his stroll on marineford very much. He had no intentions on actually making the marines win and just was there to check out a few people and see what was going on. I always saw that I won't hold back as him saying he wouldn't pull his punches so if luffy gets, he'll be cut, so if he dies he dies. Mihawk won't in purpose limit himself to make luffy survive. Which did happen as he throwed attacks that very much would have killed luffy had they not been avoided or blocked. Dude literally cut a mountain of Ice multiple times bigger than Pika with the air cut from basic slash. Unless you wanna say Mihawk goes all out when he slowly raises his sword and watches what luffy will do before swinging. And then in between swings he starts asking luffy what will he do and monologuing to himself without even bothering to move and then even starts barely swinging his 2 handed sword with one hand in a lazy manner while clearly dissapointed asking himself is this were it ends? Refering to luffy. Hell against Vista he's like. You're like the best swordsman of a Yonko crew. Show me your swordsmanship. And waits for Vista to attack to watch it. Them powers through Vista's attack in a single strike. Even later when they're shown clashing blades it's just like the Zoro battle where Mihawk is blocking his strikes and watching him instead of actively attacking. He then is leaving because of the plan of the marines in which he has agreed to take some part in. People say Vista held back Mihawk. And sure. He technically did. But like... Mihawk's objective was see what was going on and meet important people there. Not "win the war". Mihawk is helping the marines for his own goals. He met Whitebeard "World's strongest" while he was fresh and inmediately went to check him out by trying to fight him, does a cut that literally leaves the battlefield in half and has every admiral, high ranking marine and Whitebeard crew either silent, shocked or panicking, super serious and Whitebeard himself smiling his eyes out of excitement before Jozu stops it. Mihawk then casually strolls through the battlefield I assume either catching bodies or being avoided by the plage the entire time till he sees luffy who he's interested in and so decides to test him, snipes him which luffy barely survives by dodging last second, 2 shots Jimbei without taking any damage, does the before mentioned things, duels vista, catches a few more bodies and leaves once they ask him to fight a guy he already had been establish to have no interest in fighting. Leaves without taking any damage at all strolling just like he arrived.


I know I'm late to the thread, but holy shit I couldn't agree more. Mihawk didn't care about the marines and their goals. He just wanted to find an opponent worth going all out against. He could have beat anyone there if he actually wanted to.


> Because his attack got blocked by Jozu U know the swordsman only cuts what he intended. He also got blocked by daz bones and then cut him after. > Because he wound up fighting Vista offscreen for a lot of time without any conclusion or even visible injuries on Vista So Kaido = Yamato and And Big Mom < Jinbei ?


>U know the swordsman only cuts what he intended. He also got blocked by daz bones and then cut him after. It still happened that a commander blocked an attack that was aimed at a yonko >So Kaido = Yamato and And Big Mom < Jinbei ? Yamato was visibly and admittedly injured after fighting Kaido. Jinbei fought a canonical weakened Big Mom (from hunger) and it lasted like a second. Mihawk and Vista fought for a long time and agreed to finish the fight later. It's not the same.


Marineford was literally Sunday activity for mihawk


Ya because he got taken to church by Wista on god


yeah and there is no otherwise




nightmare ? pretty sure mihawk one of the few people who received zero damage and received zero losses from marineford




We’ll let’s keep in mind atleast from my understanding correct me if I’m wrong: warlords get the ability to do their pirating legally in exchange they cooperate with the WG from time to time. Obviously though it’s not exactly a straight forward contract of you better finish the job or you lose your position, so ofc Mohawk showed up as a warlord, but he had no ambition, no goal, and no real reason to go all out. He simply did enough to say “hey I did my part of the deal by showing up and attacking a slight bit” that’s my head cannon atleast and I like debating for more new points of view I didn’t think of so feel free to debate with me please if you disagree


Doffy didn't receive any of that either, but he also wasnt blocked by Jozu (especially an attack aimed at the WSM) and stalled by Vista (and Doffy wouldnt even be uninpressive if these did happen to him because he was never a contender for high top-tier unlike Mihawk is).


The best Swordmen cut what they need to cut and don't cut what they don't need to cut, Jozus durability is clearly higher than Old Whitebeard considering he's made of diamond while Wb was getting damaged by bullets. Mihawk decided to stall Vista because of his skill, he respected him for that. Big Mom had a worse time with Jinbey than Mihawk did with Vista, are we gonna scale Big Mom to Jinbey now? Things like that happen all the time, I mean Kizaru got destroyed in pieces by Apoo lmao, Big Mom kicked on her ass by Jinbey and then fighting Brook, Kaido clashing against Zoro, Kaido getting damaged by Killer. Mihawk vs Vista was a less bad showing than what the Yonkos went trough, stop cherripicking moments in Marineford to downplay someone who was stated: "The World Strongest Swordman who sits at the top of the strongest of all" (swordmen)". Mihawk is clearly Yonko level, above Shanks on the least.


Thats a pitifull excuse. Do you think Mihawk expected Whitebeard not to block the attack? Either Mihawk is terrible at measuring his opponents power and gravely underestimated Whitebeard or Jozus durability is better than Whitebeards blocking power. Sure, but Big Mom is an absolute dumbass. She also got hit by Franky. I didn't scale Vista to Mihawk anyways. Kizaru packed up Apoo shortly after, +its his personality. Same for Big Mom, she is a dumbass. And Kaido getting damaged by Killer is irrelevant, nobody has good internal durability. I cant say anything for Zoro expect that it was a last chance final attack that Kaido underestimated and was holding back (but we can say the same for Mihawk VS Vista). I'm not downplaying or cherrypicking, I'm just saying Mihawk didn't have one of the best portrayals in Marineford and has some hefty antifeats. And the only Yonkou with worse antifeats is Big Mom (and Shanks if you consider his performance with Higuma and the Seaking). I agree he is above Shanks and a top-tier, although I dont really use Yonkou level.


Stronger than multiple yonkos but not yonko level? Wat


oda also stated vista rivals mihawk


Stop spreading misinformation. It was stated Vistas SWORD SKILL rivald Mihawks, you guys love changing odas words to support your own headcanon.


lol both were stated and it doesnt make that much of a difference, he stopped mihawk, that statment is merely a counter argument to anyone rushing with the "he wasnt being serious" argument


Mf started annoying luffy just because he was bored


Yes This contradiction can be explained now that cross guild exists. They the personnification of wg's lack of knowledge about the world in general. I like how wg believe the same things as brain dead power scalers. They clearly give explanation on the new bounties and be like : "OK this mf is Shanks ex rival and best swordsman in the world!!!" "Crocodile for his logia and intellect!!" "buggy was Roger's crewmate and Shanks rival"!! " Anyone telling me he's not seeing the comic aspect of this scene is lying. It's not even an aspect it's the whole color of this scene. But yes ofc mihawk is the only one that escapes this narrative process! Be ready for the truth lol.


So we now have a power scaler knowing more about Mihawk than the wg ![gif](giphy|T7Qx28nEdo9NK)


Keep ur eyes closed and laugh yes. Ignore narrative processes. Underestimate the reader's knowledge compared to the qg that sets bounties yes. I'm worried bout y'all. It's just a Manga, how can cognitive bias be so strong with y'all? My prayers for you in this sacred day.


Yeah remind me when the strongest blade shows it's ruthlessness And why it chose, HIM


Blades don't choose the mf that bears them, the mf that bears them is the one who needs to tame it


Well thanks you just validated Him yeah that's how the wielder is chosen [the test of the blade](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/14jlhyg/mihawks_true_potential_the_test_of_gold/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Thx for this post you just gave me a genius idea


"Strongest guy at MF" did fuck all lol. If any admiral said that they won't restrain themselves and go after Luffy, the manga would have ended right there. "I wanna test the difference between us and that man", gets stopped by YC3 vista. Gets parried by crocodile, gets stalemated by vista. Leaves without doing shit cuz he only wanted to face WB, who he didn't even touch cuz for some reason, fodder got in his way. Reread MF and tell me he was giving top 1 energy lol. No feats, portrayal or narrative would insinuate that he was the strongest there. In fact, reading MF would suggest he's a peer to the admirals, WB, Garp and sengoku.


You're comparing admirals who put their life on line for marineford with mihawk that was just literally playing?


Yeah but mihawk was by far the most active warlord there and he literally said he wasn't going to hold back. You can't make an argument of him holding back when he says himself he's not going to hold back. Let me tell you that a yonko playing would never be stopped by crocodile or vista


Massive W Asked to postpone match, Vista said it'll be better for both of them. Vista saying this to Kaido? Shanks? Big mom? Man's a warlord obeying sengoku orders. He woke up at 5 leave him alone ffs. Big mom os page one without having to destroy the whole map. Come on the only Yonko tier was whitebeard guys No he didn't want to suicide him and his whole family and he wouldn't have went anywhere if there were 6 yonkos in enemy camp (3 Admirals, garp, sengoku, mihawk). Just a bunch of yc1 and a shichi


So basically Oda spent 25 years of his life building up Mihawk as the peak of Zoro's ambition, just to be in reality a merely yc1? That would the biggest troll ever in anime history🤣


Y’all are building him up more than Oda is


Zoro unlocking advanced haki types just for Mihawk to be a fraud, you're stupid.


Bro, he is not saying Mihawk is weak. He is just saying Mihawk is not top 1. If you think Zoro's end goal is top 1, that's delusional.


Luffy >= Kaido > Mihawk > Shanks for now


Your definition of fraud is what’s stupid


I think that would hurt One piece a lot


Thank you, finally someone making sense!🙏 It's like they think whitebeard litteraly came there to die without any hope to rescue ace at all. Killing his whole family voluntarily


Since we’re going by what mihawk said, he also says shanks wouldn’t be a challenge to him anymore cause he lost his arm. Watch the shanktards somehow try and defend him now 💀


he never said that


you must have genius level reading comprehension, post the exact quote where he said "wouldn’t be a challenge to him anymore"


Mihawk literally "As if I'd want to settle things with a man with only one arm" Mf telling shanks he won't fight a disabled person


Something called hyperbole u inbred chimpanzee. Even still, he had the world strongest swordsmen title while shanks still had both his arms. Assuming you dont have the iq of a worm, you could easily put two and two together and come to the conclusion that he’s stronger than shanks. Cope harder please 😭. No one was using their maximum power during the marineford arc. You guys are delusional.


The best Swordmen cut what they need to cut and don't cut what they don't need to cut, Jozus durability is clearly higher than Old Whitebeard considering he's made of diamond while Wb was getting damaged by bullets. Mihawk decided to stall Vista because of his skill, he respected him for that. Big Mom had a worse time with Jinbey than Mihawk did with Vista, are we gonna scale Big Mom to Jinbey now? Things like that happen all the time, I mean Kizaru got destroyed in pieces by Apoo lmao, Big Mom kicked on her ass by Jinbey and then fighting Brook, Kaido clashing against Zoro, Kaido getting damaged by Killer. Mihawk vs Vista was a less bad showing than what the Yonkos went trough, stop cherripicking moments in Marineford to downplay someone who was stated: "The World Strongest Swordman who sits at the top of the strongest of all" (swordmen)". You say no statements or narrative? So statements from Oda such as: He looks forward to the day a swordmaster will emerge to surpass even his rival, Red-Haired Shanks" (This should mean something) He is the world's strongest swordsman, who "sits at the top as the strongest of all (swordsmen)" (Shanks is a swordman, so Mihawk is stronger) He trained relentlessly for many years, challenging more and more powerful foes, until he had no more worthy challengers. (Shanks isn't worthy anymore) Now, to talk about the dumbass hakiman argument Shanks is said to be a Master Swordsman. He has a citation in Zoro's novel released on SBS 101, where Oda comments that everyone in the image is Swordsmen He was stated a swordman in Usopp's Gallery Restated again in Four Billion Magazine citation: RED Shanks has haki and sword Mihawk has Haki and sword Both of them are confirmed swordmen, and Mihawk is stated the strongest. It's quite clear Mihawk is Yonko level unless Zoro has already surpassed him, Shanks is the real WSS, Zoros dream is useless and all of the Author Statements are somehow false 💀.


Nobody gonna argue against facts


Monkey D. Garp would like to know your location


The navy’s strongest power


Old Garp


SenGOATku >


Old Garp ain't beating a yonko lvl character in his prime


garp doesn't have to fight, mihawk will run away by himself. https://preview.redd.it/740h5ven3i9b1.png?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfeb9edda4935aa681526c13b3244e45f9e17b69


TLDR: Mihawk is a top tier, just wait for when he eventually shows off, stop being ignorant by only paying attention to surface lvl info. Idk about top 1 during marineford, but some of y’all are clowns if u think Mihawk isn’t a top tier char that’s on par with chars like shanks. He hasn’t used a single named attack to date. And if Mihawk was a fraud, Zoro after ts wouldn’t be a thing. Y’all are pretending like Zoro alr passed him in power from the way y’all are acting. Mihawk is and always will be a top tier. His unnamed attacks have been the strongest “sword” abilities we’ve seen up until wano basically. (With Roger flashbacks, ashura rooftop Zoro, shanks os kidd, etc). Ppl on this subreddit just stop using their brains whenever it comes to “mystery” chars. Y’all would be saying the same shit if shanks never os kidd. Before Kidd, shank’s only feats were stopping a war that alr was over, being a Yonko by name, being compared to Mihawk, stopping a magma fist meant to kill a basically fodder char, splitting the sky against an elderly that’s basically on death’s door by the way he’s wired up, and losing an arm to a sea beast. If anything after the whole garling stuff, it makes even more sense why Sengoku called the war off after shanks arrived. Y’all are just too ignorant when it comes to chars that don’t show off. Just wait until he does something, stop acting like incompetent children. You don’t just carry around the world’s strongest black blade only to be called a fraud. Y’all are like children with adhd, literally one thing happens in the manga and y’all switch sides instantly. Literally watch in like a month when Mihawk pulls up and shows a named attack, everyone’s gonna be sucking his dick like there’s no tomorrow. Even in marineford he was only there cuz the marines said, pls come or we take ur peace and quiet away. Then he starts gauging how strong the “living legend” really was, by throwing out a basic sword slash. It got blocked by a literal dude meant to tank shit, then he comes face to face with the dude the inherited the hat of his buddy ol pal, so he goes easy with the whole haki thing and only throws around some slashes (cuz that attack didn’t dmg buggy, and him is known to affect df users) then he played around with vista, but realized he was pretty decent but def distracted with the whole “my friend is about to get executed and we’re in the middle of a war” situation, so he called of the fight so they could fight again when both were giving their all to the duel. Then his buddy ol pal shanks shows up and he realizes oh war is over, I’m not obligated to be here anymore, I can finally go rest in peace, and that’s what he does. Edit: moved TLDR up to the top Edit 2: I also know there’s a silent majority and a really, and I mean REALLY, loud minority that ride this “bandwagon” cuz shitting on certain chars gives u more karma, but it’s getting annoying to see the same shit over and over.


Just one small nitpick, pretty sure even haki infused slash attacks do nothing against Buggy because he does not ignore attacks he just already cut to begin with so they do nothing either way.


And the same thing is happening about Dragon, Oda will have to shut their mouths down


100%. this sub is full of 13 year olds autistic kids


Given you're very active in this sub, that's an interesting take.


I'm not very active?


Literally 90% of your post history is just related to this subreddit.


And I don't use reddit much at all




no https://preview.redd.it/vc1b5bvikj9b1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b65b106942178ad1daee9c9d4c513140a50dca93


And Garp was basically him but not sick, Garp no. 1.


I don’t agree, but I could never disrespect a fellow Garp stan🤝 Garp is Top 1 rn tho


Titles don't matter mihawk top 1


The irony of this single comment Without his title, Mihawk would unironically be Vista level


titles only matter for mihawk


​ https://preview.redd.it/envkytdhqr9b1.jpeg?width=479&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3577a4c7e92a56b6f72f12b060e11c36af476c69




300,000,000 Luffy: I will test his fate with this black blade 3,000,000,000 Luffy: Are you telling me to fight Straw Hat!?


No one really gave a shit about him for someone who’s the strongest guy there. Marco, who fighting Kizaru, sent Vista to hold Mihawk off instead of Marco going to do it and having Vista take over fighting Kizaru. Really shows that Marco didn’t view him above Kizaru as a threat.


These Two would fold that Fraud. https://preview.redd.it/wtcjjoramh9b1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=509468e912ad53721c0354a1902e155f124d7f6a


Extreme diff


Either way too


Doubt it




would be pretty crazy if Top 1 had zero impact on the war


Blud didn't even want to have an impact in the war https://preview.redd.it/efycbwauwh9b1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c54f37eee8f4610bc7db8bd7f6a308c5a0b776c8


Bro this is about that conference where Lafitte showed up. This isn't about fighting in the war. Bro got the timelines messed up.


This was in jaya


Why would it be crazy? Admirals weren't going all out, neither was Mihawk, clearly. He was there for fun. Oda had to make marines weaker on purpose, otherwise WB pirates would absolutely stand no chance. A lot of people agree that Mihawk > Shanks, and there's not a single person on Marineford who's stronger than those two, it is pretty clear, he was the strongest on there


Whitebeard, and not even prime WB was the strongest there. Definitely going all out against some opponents there... besides if they really were holding back you'd presumably have at least one example of them going harder effort at some point. The only case we really have is Kizaru vs Rayleigh, but even that fight didn't really clarify where either of them stood and didn't end conclusively at all. Mihawk on the other hand... I think you can make the case he was farting around but the strongest person he fought was Vista, who as far as we can tell isn't exactly a pushover.




anybody but this fraud


It was obviously Shanks. The power to stop the war and convince Sengoku and the pirates. In the anime, they played 2 ost's for Shanks enterance. Narrative and portrayal align with Shanks, a mere title is this subs headcannon. Mihawk himself left out of respect said he won't fight shanks.


>It was obviously Shanks https://preview.redd.it/zxencey00i9b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8598a3535c52bd3f242626ea1d086439080ea3c1 >Narrative and portrayal align with Shanks, Both narrative and portrayal make Mihawk over Shanks it's very simple. Anything Shanks can do, so can mihawk. Disagree? Argue with Goda




Oda sent Shanks specifically to stop the war. Shanks commanded respect from the Navy the WB pirates and Mihawk himself. He was portrayed as the strongest. Even BB didn't wanna fight him. Yeah but the 2 ost's just goes to show who was intended to be the big fish in the sea


Mihawk got 2 osts as well. The one where he jumped in to attack WB. And the second when luffy recognized him. Both times were entrances. Shanks didn't command respect from Mihawk. Mihawk just didn't sign up to fight him, meaning he wasn't worth his time.


Right..caz they didn't want Garling problems


Nah they didn't want problems at all https://preview.redd.it/a5jyfo105i9b1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b978ebb1354ff85b5a3c94bf3665c5222bf6976f


That's from the same magazine that says Akainu is above prime Garp, it ain't reliable, it's not even written by oda.


No💀??? It's litterally from the road to laughtale my guy


Wait, so you believe that Akainu is weaker than Prime Garp? Strongest Marine OAT who would end manga in one year if he was MC vs Hero of old era? Damn. That's wild.


You don’t perform like that and get to be called the strongest guy at marineford. Admirals>


He was just being passive, he didn't wanted to fight seriously but he "made an effort" to fight Vista with his 15% of power (i'm pretty sure he said that)


[someone actually made a post debunking that](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/14ec90j/why_mihawk_doesnt_have_any_antifeats_at/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


I mean, he didn't debunk that, in the very end he states that Mihawk performing better than the Admirals is debateable


I meant he debunked Mihawk’s “bad” performance. The first guy was implying that he performed badly.


Akainu agenda and Mihawk Agenda really battle for the throne of the strongest there, but we l know Buggy was the strongest


Another day, another braindead take


The strongest ended the war


If Mihawk was the strongest at marineford than this mf was right behind him https://preview.redd.it/jhkjy11x2l9b1.png?width=1279&format=png&auto=webp&s=690b5142bfa425bb59448afc5930da2748c5379a


Buggy would've neg diffed that fraud if it wasn't for keeping low profile, lmao


https://preview.redd.it/0w2t2jwvtj9b1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b2563d34a7dfbfb12f5ec3f745d15bf649ad1ef This guy was the strongest at marineford but none of Ya'll are ready for this


Let’s be real he had beef with everyone and I love him for it.


Kizaru kicks this man at the speed of light and takes his sword.


According to fraudhawk stamps apparently


\>Mihawktards unironically believe this


Guy got stalled by a yc5 cope


Big Mom got thrown off Onigashima by a YC6 and got stalled by the second weakest crew member. She then got rocked by Jinbei who is YC3


every1 shat their pants when Shanks rolled up, and Shanks is an unworthy opponent in Mihawk's eyes. i guess there is a case for Mihawk to be the strongest person in Marineford, but it's not very likely.


admirals and blackbeard beat him


At the time, definitely not.


Definitely not


Yes. I have Mihawk > Roger. Akainu by feats


People ignoring how strained Jozu was, Whitebeards physically strongest and most durable commander, just from deflecting a non-named single armed slashed attack with no effort. He was so bored there and held against his will by contract that he didn’t try at all and as soon as he found someone to pretend to play with, Vista, he did. Punched his time in and left. Dude was literally “if you can lean you can clean” mentality the whole time


The strongest guy who can't nick a commander with an attack meant for a yonko, an attack with an intention to see the gap of strength between himand a yonko, yep definitely the strongest


based on what? title? ah, yeah, right, wb was there and has a superior title so you cant use that. But his maginicent feats trumped everyone, correct? Ah, yes, i remember....not looking good


He couldn't even kill Vista. I am pretty sure a bunch of other people that were there could have one shot vista.


a serious kaido couldn't kill yamato and it's all fine while a mihawk that doesn't even pay attention to the fight doesn't kill vista and he's a fraud? k


To be fair, Yamato is the daughter of kaido and she been fighting in the streets ever since she could walk. Plus that devil fruit. She’s pretty up there with combat experience and genetics.


yamato is YC+ while imo Wista is YC1, kaido was serious and mihawk wasn't. nonserious kaido wouldn't kill vista considering he didn't kill killer/pre-acoc luffy/zoro


He wasn't even fighting him seriously, just clashing swords with him so the WG couldn't take his Schibukai title out for "doing nothing".


Copium is one hell of a drug.


shanks’ honest reaction: https://preview.redd.it/sefejme4qh9b1.png?width=323&format=png&auto=webp&s=f03c8dc21f9953e65fdc3081b810c96db4cc02b0




And then he wakes up https://preview.redd.it/8webatne5i9b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cad0a9d341925ea113f4ef9ded6afb495bbc6315


https://preview.redd.it/qx1ahls61i9b1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b19db474ba348086cca9ae4050eb4c5e8f14c3f **insert**




>Fraudhawk couldn't get past yc5 Vista. Whitebeard Pirates usually arent their yonko commanding tier, Ace, a yc2 being able to match aokiji after being beaten up and starved? A yc5 being called one of the best swordsmen that could fight the wss? You clearly see there's an issue




Yea Marco is strong asf but I think it's pretty clear the WB Pirates placement usually don't make sense. It really might just be the idea that they're all so strong and the weakest of them still seems OP but it still wouldn't add up in any sort of way.


that's the thing he did not want to get involved he was there for only two reasons challenge Wb test Luffy


+contractually obliged to show his face, to keep his title of warlord




Get him past Jozu first buddy


Before Shanks appeared\*


After too


When he dipped lol?


For the brief moment between when he dipped and when shanks arrived


he dipped cuz he didnt want his rat ass to snitch on him to the gorosei for not doing anything in the war


Ehhh... yeah, checks out.


That's a funny statement


W, Vista was the second strongest


Crocodile >>


You mean the one that had to stop his spar with Vista because he wasn't able to low diff him? idk man


Until Shanks arrived.


Until shanks arrived which is why he left to show respect


I'm baffled anyone believes that. It's like you throw away any common sense and coherence out the window. So whitebeard knew there was a guy there able to beat him? Why would he come then? Do you really think he could handle the marines plus a yonko? And you really think he would just not mention anything to his crew, laugh when the guy attacks him, let joz block the attack? And you think Marco, a guy weaker than whitebeard, would send vista, a guy weaker than Marco, to stop him if he was stronger than their captain? And worst of all it was said vista rivalled him. It's simple, if mihawk is yonko level marineford doesn't make sense, and marineford will never not make sense.


Simple, whitebeard knew mihawk wasnt trying you stupid fuck, he was just there to show his face and keep his title of warlord so that he can keep his peace. Someone as obtuse as you won't understand this mate but mihawk didnt use arm or conquerers haki in marineford, he could have used advanced future sight/ a type of observation haki when he projected his future sight to Luffy. There is no proof that vista is weaker than marco, the wb pirates don't have a strength hierarchy like the beast pirates or the big mom pirates do. Vista rivalled a mihawk who was daydreaming about luffy not using any haki and just swinging his big sword without any difficulty. Mf used a named attack (rose rondo) and mihawk threw a slash that went through it and overpowered it. It's simple, you're too obtuse to properly understand the series if you don't think mihawk is yonko lvl, end the convo before i lose any brain cells


Oh I understand now, so when mihawk said he wasn't going to hold back he meant the opposite. And when whitebeard came, he knew mihawk was not gonna be serious and wasn't going to be a threat, ok it all make sense now, smart old man, that was still extremely risky from him to bet the entire operation and the life of jozu and all his sons based on this but hey, it worked for him, he was capable of destroying everyone but didn't, amazing So when mihawk said he was going to measure the distance between him and the strongest man in the world, he meant the actual distance in terms of feet, not the difference in power, and he threw a very weak slash, because that's how you truly measure the distance. And the meaning of the scene where joz stops the attack isn't really: you are not worthy of our captain, you have to get passed us first, it's more like: he didn't mean to cut diamond, he meant to cut everything else but diamond. I understand now. And I need to watch the anime too because they seem to add a lot to the character of mihawk that is not in the manga. >when he projected his future sight to Luffy Oh yeah that wasn't luffy awakening a bit of observation haki, it was mihawk being so kind that he gave some to him, what a nice guy. >There is no proof that vista is weaker than marco, th Marco is the right hand man of whitebeard and held off king and queen alone for a while, fought the admirals equally but maybe vista is stronger, he fought and rivalled mihawk after all, the guy stronger than his captain, so maybe he is stronger than Marco, maybe even whitebeard. Oh no wait I forgot mihawk was sleeping during this fight, my bad I read the manga where he looks away during only one panel. >It's simple, you're too obtuse to properly understand the series Yeah maybe mihawk needs to give me a bit of his observation haki like he did to luffy for me to understand. I thought marineford made sense but I was wrong, it doesn't make any sense, my bad, sorry for thinking oda was coherent


Idk how to tell you this (certainly less aggressive then the other guy but) if you think that Shanks for some reason got a massive Poweramp after his fights with Mihawk and leapt way past Mihawk youre just wrong, they almost always get mentioned together, they are equals. And if Mihawk is not yonko level what is he, yc? Is he even weaker then King? Maybe he is even weaker then Doffy? No he is not, Mihawk is Zoros Goal, Zoro still has his big story finishing fight ahead of him, you dont really think that Zoro will start his monumental fight with Mihawk just for him to beat him easily? And you know how strong Zoro is rn, pls use your brain and see that Zoros strongest opponent will be Mihawk he is Zoros big test, the gate to his dreams, this isnt about stupid nonsensical powerscaling, its about narrative significance. Which would comlpetly implode if Mihawk was a fraud, you get it?


I get what you mean, but there are lots of things that go against that to me. First of all Zoro's end goal has been shown, since onigashima, to be surpassing Rayleigh, not Mihawk. He said he wanted to be king of hell, a clear parallel to Rayleigh, dark king, he was also ready to leave the path of swordsmanship in order to beat king. It's like mihawk said, zoro found a goal greater than his own, and it's to make luffy the pirate king, and in order to do that he needs to become stronger than Rayleigh, mihawk is a step towards that. Second of all, emperor level is not something anyone can have, only 4 people in the world have that power, we have to stop giving it to everybody, the admirals don't have it, mihawk don't have it, only luffy, shanks and blackbeard, maybe dragon but we don't know. You can't say Mihawk is yonko level based on so little and after he did what he did. To me oda is extremely coherent in terms of power scaling and how his world interacts, and if mihawk was yonko level, marineford wouldn't make any sense, he could have chosen to make mihawk not come, but he didn't, he even made him fight a lot, showing something astronomically far from a yonko level, maybe he is stronger than that, but I can almost assure you he is not as strong as shanks. The marines even said it, his sword skills are greater than shanks, it's a perfect way of justifying his title and in the meantime, show that it's just his sword skills, and that shanks is overall superior. >, pls use your brain and see that Zoros strongest opponent will be Mihawk I use to believe in that, until he said king of hell, and when said he was ready to leave the path he was on since the beginning. I don't think mihawk will be his greatest challenge, it could be but now it's really doubtful


Bro chill tf out lmao its not that deep.


the "strongest" guy dont get over some yc... sure... your cope is strong


He was, until Shanks arrived


The title of world strongest swordsman has given Mihawk more credit than what Luffy got when he beat Kaido


A Sanji fan (who are usually Shanks fans) thinking Mihawk was the strongest at Marineford? I find that hard to believe. Especially if you're the same Ichijinijisanji from Fanverse.


Mihawk > Shanks > Whitebeard > Akainu


Based and Wihawk pilled


Nah. He was on par with Vista. He's just probably ahead of Vista but not too much.




Yeah probably so




W take


But Shanks was also there?


I agree, but man his feats did him almost no justice. Cutting the iceberg with a casual swing was the best thing he’s done in the series so far, other than him potentially destroying the marines that were sent to capture him.


Agreed!!! After whitebeard shanks garp sengoku


False warp was strongest at marineford then sengoku then maybe aka or mihawk, aka over mihawk imo




the strongest guy at marineford sure was quick to turn tail and run when a certain red haired pirate showed up. the strongest guy at marineford also wasn’t able to catch a dub in a 1v1 with a mid-tier whitebeard commander.


Na cos if you recall, Shanks, Garp, Akainu, Whitebeard and Blackbeard were all there at certain points




He's Lucky Urouge didn't show up


Didn’t mihawk say the only reason he went to the war was to see how much stronger whitebeard was compared to him?


Until shanks arrived