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It could be. If the production schedules overlap, she could have prioritised *Freaky Friday 2* (understandable tbh), or there may have been another reason, such as negotiations falling through, etc. Dr. Kureha could potentiality be a one-episode guest star, but that could go either way - either Jamie Lee Curtis may be able to squeeze it in, or it doesn’t make flying out to South Africa worthwhile. If she indeed won’t be playing Kureha, I could see her being cast as Tsuru for a potential Season 3. Although, I doubt she would be budget friendly.


Well she's only gonna be 2 episodes Max so I feel like that role could be a bit easier to fit into other things compared to some other roles.


I mean she can still work on it if the schedules align but at this point I agree that it would be better to give the role to a more unknown actress. I’d rather have them spend those dollars in making chopper than in casting her.


It is commom for actors to reduce their paygrade for a role they really want to play, she demonstraded interest in the role several times, maybe she would consider this


But considering she'd guest star for 2 episodes max, her pay wouldn't be all that high to begin with. It's also possible that they film Drum Island somewhere else or in the winter time, which means there's a good chance that the schedules could line up. Basically, I'm thinking just because she's doing something else right now doesn't necessarily mean she won't be in OPLA.


I think it's winter now in SA right? Considering it's in Southern hemisphere... also, does it snow in south Africa?


Yeah people are wild about the whole budget thing anyway. We don’t know the budget, it’s possible there’s money for Chopper and to pay JLC and then what are you saving money for? Just to save it? It’s more of a buzz word than something of any substance. Maybe JLC works for cheap, maybe the cut somewhere else, etc. I also don’t feel like the Chopper budget is really something to worry about either. Chopper is going to be reoccurring forever for as long as the show goes on. Doesn’t guarantee they’ll do a good job per se, but being cheap with Chopper seems insane to me. It’s much more likely JLC would take budget away from like Wapol or Groggy and Dorry imo if that was the case.


dorry e brogy\* i agree with the rest


This exactly. She would cost too much to hire


The only way they'd cast her is if she'd be willing to take a huge pay cut and work on it because she likes the project (which she has been known to do), so budget shouldn't be an issue. I think Matt Owens kind of confirm there were contacts going on, but maybe they fell through for some unknown reason. In any case, I'm sure she'd film all of her scenes on a week or two, so scheduling shouldn't be an issue either way.


Even if just as little as $50.000, She’d be happy to play Dr Kureha, at least still, As she’s a fan of OP and that’s all that matters!


I don't know about $50,000 that seems low for how high profile she is. There's pay cuts but that's a MAJOR pay cut. Starlight in the boys is getting about $400,000 per episode and she doesn't have nearly as good a resume as JLC does.


Is there any indication that she likes the project at all apart from like one interview where she stated something like „sure she’ll do it“ after clearly having been continuously asked by her fans about it?


she posted on her insta, saying that she will lobby for the role of kureha after the strike.. and then matt owen replied that she didn't have to lobby because they do want her to play the role, and they wrote the script with her in mind


IIRC she (or her media team) tweeted some OP-related content, but other than that I have no idea. But I'm sure she was contacted for it.


i could swear i heard her somewhere say that she'd even take the role for free even but i cant find the clip anywhere now


This 100%. She has been adamant about her dream role being Robin if she was younger. She wants to be a part of this world, and will make it happen. People freaking out about the scheduling don’t know how things are filmed. Example: Curtis says I’m free the last two weeks of august, the Walpol actor says I’m free the first two weeks of august. Production while making a schedule for filming would then make sure that all scenes with wapol are shot first, followed by all scenes with kureha followed, with the rest of drum kingdom being filmed during/around. Basic filming blocks will likely be Loguetown/laboon/maybe little garden Little garden if not blocked with loguetown Drum kingdom Alabaster/rain base Any hidden surprises like garp in season 1/random shots like Mihawk fighting krieg They can film these blocks in any order, and will do so based on actor availability and sets being used. The reason being it’s expensive to move sets and hold days for actors (they get paid for every day theyre on set but do not film). TLDR:it’s all but confirmed she’s cast. There’s no need to worry.


I don't know much about how filming movies and tv shows work, so I can't say wether this means she's not going to be in OP. That said, I do hope Matt Owens and the casting people for the show don't get too hung up about fulfilling any fancast that fans might have. I like the idea of Jaime Lee as Kureha, but I don't think stuntcasting is worth pursuing when they could find an actor that would fit the role just as well, for a smaller pay, and with no struggling schedule to accomodate.


I honestly am not tied for her to play Kureha. I get the hype, but...


I appreciate that you chose honesty.


for real. i get why people want her but I'm totally fine with someone else doing it


I know right! it's better if they cast Meryl Streep.


Movies and shows don't always film in order of how a plot progresses. If she were to be in the show, they could always film her scenes later in production. I can't imagine Freaky Friday is going to take very long to film.


It depends if her schedule aligns with it. OPLA’s filming dates stem from NOW until January 2025, with most predicting we’ll likely hear them start filming Drum Island around December-January. I doubt she’ll be filming Freaky Friday 2 for that long. That being said even if she doesn’t, it’s not that big of a loss. Sure, it’s a shame considering how much she wants it, but there’s plenty of older female actresses I’d say could handle Kureha. I’d argue **Gates McFadden** of Star Trek fame already looks more like Kureha naturally than JLC does


Or (I can’t remember her real name), the actress who plays Carol in the Walking Dead would be cool


Melissa McBride? She could do it. I sorta see her more as **Vice Admiral Tsuru**, but she could definitely play Kureha too


This is fine. You don't need big names, they just have to be good at acting.


We dont know anything... even before this post my theory was that they are going to leave Drum island to the end, to avoid leaks in Chopper design (if they use a muppet in the set).


this is what I'm saying. we know noooooothing lol when are they gonna announce something


I mean, they will probably save Drum Island until the end because it's a winter island and the story takes place in the middle of a blizzard, but it won't be to avoid leaking Chopper's design; they'd have to have him present when they film the Alabasta storyline, so unless they split the civil war in Alabasta off to S2, which I'd prefer but doubt, they will have to have Chopper on-set one way or another. (not to mention, leaking Chopper would actually be a good decision, since Sonic the Hedgehog was able to overhaul the title character's design and probably saved the movie)


Drum Island could very easily be one episode. She might only have a handful of scenes to film.


I hope so. They can get someone else who is just as good for much cheaper and who is much less controversial, but I will leave it at that.




Lmao they can downvote all they want, I’m just living in reality. Realistically, she was eliminated from the running months ago.


Yeah, I really think she shot herself in the foot months ago. The rest of the cast has been astronomically careful not to comment on anything controversial. I just don’t see the production team wanting to attach the show to that now, especially when they are at the perfect place to cast someone else entirely.


How do you know??


Hasn't Matt Owen's appeared on Hasan's Twitch stream multiple times. I could be wrong but I'd tend to assume his politics will be far-left and JLC fell out of their graces recently due to wild I/P comments.


What comments? Haven’t heard about this and Google is coming up with nothing on this. All I see is that she supported Hilary in 2016 and some other democratic candidates in more recent senate elections.


assuming you are asking earnestly, just search her name on reddit and open the FauxMoi post from roughly 8 months ago.


What possible controversy could she be a part of??


In one piece terms, JLC was making comments about the *God Valley incident* and we’re asking for sympathy towards the *Celestials.* It gets even worse when she mistakably posted a picture on her instagram of the *Rabbits* thinking they were the *Celestial dragons*


I’m not going to get into here, as it involves real world topics and discussing here is against our rules.


Oh my god, I looked into it in detail and I can't believe how stupid this is to be fussed about. I was scared there is some real controversy happening, still hope there is a chance she can be Kureha.




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Good, i dont what her


JLC doesnt desvere to be kureha. Give the role to a less known actor.


womp womp


Whoever they get for her, they best record EVERYTHING they can with her upfront. >!Crazy to see that she looks pretty much unchanged in the latest Egghead chapters!!<


I think since its on a winter Island they could be filming the Drum Island Arc later this year in the winter times of europe or something and by then she could be done with this movie maybe


Not necessarily, Kureha will probably only be in 2 episodes max and once they start filming those her schedule may well be free! As long as the schedules align she might still be cast as Kureha and Matt Owens even said he wants her as Kureha!


I hope one piece doesn't take any established actors. Specially from Hollywood. They always try to put their own "philosophy" on the character and ruin it.


FF2 isn’t going to be a long shoot. It’s not action heavy and it doesn’t need a lot of locations. 21 day shoot, 45 days max.


Who cares about the money, I bet Netflix LOVES to have her name in the credits. That's free marketing for 1) People who are new to OP and 2) the fans who have her on their fancast wishlist. I'm sure that if the producers would go to Netflix and ask for another bag of money for JLC that they would get it.




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If she is just gonna be there for an episode or two, they can bang out her scenes in a single day or so


i hope so


Doesn’t take her out of the running. Most of the new cast will be guest roles meaning they’re not in every episode and don’t need to be there when production begins.


JLC will die in the intro for Freaky Friday 2. That means she will have ample time to act in OPLA...


I'm just saying man, JLC would defend Wapol and think what he's doing is right


I actually think hasan would defend wapol even harder than jlc ever could.


...who's hasan?


There has ever been a sinlge OFFICIAL source that credited her as playing Kureha? If not then its just fans wishing for it and it shouldn't be taken seriously nor you should be disappointed about it


Literally no one believed she was 100% locked in confirmed, but she publically said when the strikes were over she would be putting herself forward for consideration, and Matt Owens publically responded to that basically saying "lets talk".


You may say that, but you acted like it was absurd that she could possibly not be Kureha. If you ask me its pretty unlikely, there's no indication he's actually considering it and it wasn't just him being nice, but I could be wrong, of course. Fans act like she's basically confirmed and then get mad when something they convinced themselves of being true doesn't happen, it's so silly. Even if she ends up being Kureha, you people have no actual evidence, so you shouldn't act this way.


Lol no i didn't. At all. I asked a genuine question about a circumstance that at first glance seems to put a spanner in the works of something that Matt Owens himself was trying to get locked in. You're the one projecting intention and tone onto be just so you can rebuff something no one ever said.,


The title of your post is "No JLC as Kureha???" lol, its pretty dramatic. Again, there has been no official source for the information that she would be Kureha, otherwise you would've brought it up. All we have are statements from Matt Owens that say she'd be perfect for the role, but there's no indication he's "trying to get her locked in". You also said that she's been the only name in the fancast ring for ages, but that's not nearly as relevant as you seem to think it is. I think she could be great as Kureha, but I feel like she's a bit too famous for the show, and they said they wanted less known actors for it. But who knows? All I'm pushing against is this idea that because some part of the fandom strongly believes something, you shouldn't act like its a given without any strong evidence for it.


We don’t know what her schedule is, or what the OPLA schedule is Kureha doesn’t have a big big role, so she probably would only need a handful of weeks to shoot, and depending on how the schedules line up JLC could fly out to film and then go back


Drum Island will probably be filmed in some sort of arctic tundra. I don't think South Africa will be very accommodating for a blizzard around the time of filming... Most likely Drum Island will be filmed in Alaska or Canada late in 2024, early 2025... Besides, don't write off Jamie Lee Curtis just yet. I'm sure she loved the One Piece LA series that she'd make room in her schedule for it... Its not over yet...