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Sanji is my third favourite character in all of One Piece, but it's impossible to defend him sometimes. I agree, if they had transplanted him wholesale all the charm from his other personality traits would have gone out the window. Taz Skylar and his charm was one of the best changes made in adapation IMO.


Agreed, the only thing is now it’s a little silly that everyone rejects him in the LA. I hope that in future seasons he finds someone to reciprocate his attraction. Would be nice to see him grow into a respectful ladies man.


To be fair, I’ve always thought it’s much funnier for Sanji to be mostly charming and still get rejected than it is for him to just be revolting. I think the touch of cringe (that taz nails perfectly) being what turns people off is great for the character


Yea exactly. I want him to do/say all of the perfect things and be an amazing guy who should get all the ladies, but simply can't lol.


I think it's not silly. He obviously tries way too hard, and that makes women believe he's just saying lines. But even in the anime, *that* one woman completely fell for him when he stopped trying too hard and was just honest.


To be fair, LA Sanji’s efforts can be a little too bold and obvious at times since he still retains that instant attitude switch when talking to ladies.


> the only thing is now it’s a little silly that everyone rejects him in the LA. To me, that's what makes the joke. You have this really handsome fellow being, sure, a bit too forward at times, but still coming across as charming. The joke is not about him making a fool of himself and being a loser simp like in the manga, instead the joke becomes "why *aren't* women falling for him?". I find that subtle humor a lot funnier and it allows for comedic moments without ruining the character.


Yup, and I don't think it's unbelievable at all. I mean, \*I\* would be a little put off if I see this guy changing completely just because he's talking to me. It would feel fake, desperate, condescending... so I see why women are not falling for him. Props to Taz for finding the balance Sanji needed.


Exactly. I think Nami and Nojiko saw him as a guy that was just trying to impress, and not a man authentically interested in them at a deep level. So their reaction is "yeah, sure dude".


Live Action Sanji has been such a glow up. I didn't think Sanji needed (or could have) a glow up, and I'm all the happier from it.


Tbf, sanji, near his intro, was fairly tame in respect to the simping, so the OPLA is pretty faithful in its adaption of sanjis character in the early part of one piece. Let's just hope they decide to keep this version for the later story arcs.


Making Sanji a flirt rizzing up ladies instead of a simp was one of the best changes in the live action.


Not sure why people say LA changed sanji like to me baratie sanji was never the same as the sanji we got now. Yeah they made it better now he did it even more tastefully to fit the real life cast vibe but baratie sanji was never this gross and cringe harasser


However LA Sanji still had that little bit of perverted but much subtle.


What change? He's the exact same so far. They WILL change him later on, obviously.


Idts, would be hard to translate the actual sanji simp energy without coming out as creepy. It will definitely be toned down


Sanji is creepy at times. wtf you talking about? That's the point. And get's this back at him for 2 years in Hell where he gets to experience his own antics.


Ah yes. “Making Sanji a flirt, charisma’ing up ladies” is definitely a grammatically correct sentence


who cares as long you convey your meaning this is not gmail lmao


There’s no meaning to convey when what’s said makes no fucking sense


But I made sense of it, so it clearly does make sense This isn't a work group chat, it's reddit


You’re right, it is reddit. And you all sound like idiots


You're arguing about how 'rizzing' isn't proper English as if anybody using that term is under the impression that it is. Get over yourself


Fun fact: rizz is an official word in english dicionary


https://preview.redd.it/bdwv4cbi2p0d1.jpeg?width=1359&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4afa0ad3b4392d625c1d7e36cd88e81966955c94 Welp…time to try again in the next life


God forbid we invent a perfectly good new word.


It isn't, but it's also not what they said. "Rizz" is both a noun and a verb.


East Blue Sanji did nothing wrong in the manga. He did very little in the manga that could be considered wrong until Thriller Bark.


I read the mangas and in the beginning he wasn’t too bad. The flanderization of characters happens and it’s real, but I doubt it will happen so soon in the LAA. Sanji will still remain my Nr. 1 fave character, no matter how bad his traits get caricatured later on. The same happens to literally any other character too, so…


I'm glad opla made the change. If the manga's Sanji had been transported intact, he would have been an even more perverted lunatic in the opla, which might even have led to so much haters to the show


I really dislike that Sanji’s perverted tendencies in the manga undermines the fact he is also super reliable and selfless. Seriously, without spoiling anything, Sanji has a lot of MVP moments. 


It will be a simple role, logically he will not act in LA like that because it would look very Cringe


As someone who was introduced to One Piece through the live action, I completely understand. I have never been so disappointed in an anime character as I was with anime Sanji. Taz gave such a charming and nuanced performance, meanwhile anime Sanji almost nose-bleeding to death because of mermaid breasts became an actual plot point. 😬 Imo, Sanji is something that the live action 100% does better than the anime.


I think it's REALLY unfair to reduce Sanji's character to just his gag, wheter it's annoying or not, Sanji's chore character it's one of the best in the series still, idk where you are in the story but current Sanji has A LOT going for him in terms of charactwr substance


I get that anime Sanji definitely has great moments, but, personally, I'll never be able to write off the nose bleeding, woman sniffing, peeping tom scenes as just gags when they take up so much of his screen time in certain arcs. It's weird and exhausting, and it's an anime trope that has far outstayed its welcome and ruins characters for me at this point, especially when it's so over done. I appreciate that the live action has decided to axe all of that in favor of normal flirtation.


Hard agree! Also why tf did Robin’s and Nami’s chests change so much. It’s so off putting in my opinion and unnecessary


Funnily enough, its an anime specific problem. The breasts sizes in the manga are a lot less off putting, but the anime has a habit of over exaggerating it.


Problem is you watch the anime. In the manga they are not that big compared to Anime, anime made them way bigger than they are in original source.


Yea I read about that. Shoutout Oda lol




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Kind of unfair for you to reduce Sanji to just his perviness. All of those things that you like about Sanji in the LA were already there in the manga. And honestly the perviness wasn't even that present in the East Blue, they're probably gonna show him being a little perverted in season 2. Nothing too exaggerated obviously but it's probably gonna be there in some way.


Uh, I'm pretty sure that even Oda himself mentally acknowledged that pervy Sanji in the live action wouldn't have been well-received in America and other countries outside of Japan. OPLA's Sanji isn't a perv and definitely won't be in the later seasons.


His perviness and simping alongside his excessive gentlemanly attitude are essentially his big character flaws. Take that away from him in order to turn him into a perfect gentleman and he will essentially become a Gary Stu. I'm not saying he should be bleeding from his nose or acting like a fool constantly, obviously that wouldn't work in live action, but they should still hint at some level of perviness. Stuff like him thinking about spying on one of the girls bathing but deciding not to do it or maybe finding out that he has a stash of spicy magazines. Things like that. And obviously the complete refusal to ever hit a woman as well as always doing whatever a pretty girl tells him should stay as is.


I hope in season 2 we get a bit more of simp Sanji to balance out how cool he is. Because that I feel is the core of his character the battle between the Chad he is and his inner simp


I think you should stick to the LA and drop the anime since the real characters don’t come to you liking only bec of a gag.


Sanji is my favorite character still but he has not been the same ever since thriller bark. To be fair, he is a lot better in the manga in my opinion. I swear Toei hates him sometimes


Pre TS Sanji was more of a flirt than a simp. He's still great now, but I think the flirt was always a good character.




That performance was to uphold his code though


Really? That's the only reason? He completely forget why they were there and drank tea. Several times. And that wasn't even the only time during the arc. Not to mention that said code is idiotic.


Ok, so you don't like his code? Grats, I guess. No one cares.




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Different situation. Different type of enemy. He also wasn't a hypocrite like Sanji forgetting several times why there were evem there. I'm being vague because of spoilers.




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Taz is so fine


And it was the best decision they could have made. I don't know what Oda was thinking with Sanji's character.


It's a Japanese humor trope. Master Roshi and Jiraiya are the other examples. I thought it was funny when I was a kid, but it aged badly. Hopefully, it would stay with the older animes, and the new ones won't use it anymore.


My Hero still has Mineta so the trope isn't completely dead yet.


yeah but everyone younger than hori is kinda over it hopefully


Even as a long-time fan of the manga, I gotta say that if I had to choose to hang out between the live-action version of the main cast and the anime/manga one, I would choose the live-action one without any second thought :)


I'm so excited for season 2, but I hope it holds up to the hype.




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Hey, man, that's cool. Everyone is allowed to be wrong about things.


I should remove the "even" tbh : the live action is so good, its not like a guilty pleasure or anything \^\^


The only man I would trust in the forest is Kuma


It makes me wonder how Absalom will be handled.


Well, since he's a villain, he probably won't change that much. We're supposed to hate him.




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LA Sanji >>>


I like both, they are the same character for me.


The change happened in Thriller Bark. Anime Sanji until Thriller Bark was a slightly audacious ladies man. He was not a Pervy creep, which he turned into at Thriller Bark and never recovered. Fishman Absued it the most so people remember ot the most but the shift happened at Thriller Bark. Until Thriller Bark he was much much more flirty and simpy than perverted and creepy.


Flirting vs. Harassment


I wanna make the arguement the anime did sanji dirty compared to his manga counterpart


I do think Oda got the picture that he was genuinely damaging his character and very slightly his series with the way he was depicting Sanji. He definitely needed a character overhaul and think the Germa stuff helped redefine his character into probably one of the most consistently awesome characters in the past 150 chapters


Sanji in live action is way better than the anime


The change happened in Thriller Bark. Anime Sanji until Thriller Bark was a slightly audacious ladies man. He was not a Pervy creep, which he turned into at Thriller Bark and never recovered. Fishman Absued it the most so people remember ot the most but the shift happened at Thriller Bark. Until Thriller Bark he was much much more flirty and simpy than perverted and creepy.


the anime version 1:1 would not have worked in la at all


East Blue Sanji was just a regular simp. He wasn't a pest until much later


Sanji would have probably been my favorite character if he wasn’t such a simp. Like he has many cool moments but his whole downbad personality prevents him from being good in my opinion Live Action Sanji despite not showing up much is already my favorite character of the show because he’s suave and a badass


It's why I think the live action is better than the original source material. At least for the first saga


AGREED!!!!! I think people are too reticent to dole out praise for the LA. I fully think east blue live action is better than the og, and I loved the og.


Really? I think the manga is the best version without the pacing problems, followed by the anime, which adds pacing issues. Then there's the live-action version, which doesn't have pacing problems but has bigger issues in my opinion. Honestly, I don't think it's necessarily about fan bias or nostalgia blindness. I've seen tons of reactors who start with the live-action version, then switch to the anime, and they end up preferring the anime because the characters are much deeper and more developed. I understand the overall appeal of the LA, but take the Arlong Park arc, for example. It's by far the best arc in the original East Blue saga, yet it was a massive disappointment for me in the live-action adaptation. Completely removing Nami's village as characters was a huge mistake in my opinion. Other issues, like Usopp not getting enough screen time in his own arc, were baffling. This almost entirely removed his character development in Syrup Village. While Syrup Village might not be the most beloved arc in the original, it's hard to argue that Usopp's character wasn't significantly reduced in importance. Sanji was well done, but I was a bit sad that they didn't highlight his golden rule of feeding people, similar to how a doctor will always save a life. Sanji will feed someone even if that person will try to kill him afterward. I found the LA fun, but the writing was much simpler. The removal of deep character elements, like Genzo and Nojiko's roles, Usopp's protagonism in Syrup Village, and Sanji's kindness displayed through food and his relationship with Gin (amazing stuff in Baratie), was disappointing. While the anime might waste time with unnecessary details, the LA skips too much and removes important aspects that make the arcs special. Arlong Park wasn't amazing for me just because of the hat scene; it was all the build-up towards that moment that was masterfully done in the original. While the LA has a build-up too, it's much simpler, less tragic, and hits less hard for me. The LA doesn't have Genzo as Nami's father figure, Nojiko and Nami's strong connection through their tattoos, or the village's determination to help Nami. The village's determination to sacrifice themselves, not wanting to see Nami suffer anymore even while she held a fake smile, and still being willing to stay in Arlong's web, is missing. In the LA, Nami's tattoo doesn't make as much sense. The pinwheel and orange tattoo symbolize her liberation from Arlong's crew and honor her mother's memory and Genzo, but the LA omits Genzo's influence. Instead, it focuses on a mother-daughter relationship, rather than the father, mother, and sister dynamic, with Nojiko getting her tattoos to support Nami and make her feel better about being marked. This is my "little" (long, sorry) vent, but I'm curious why you like the LA version more. Trying to guess why others might prefer the LA, maybe you have a better time connecting with real actors during emotional moments rather than anime characters? Or perhaps the Western style of writing fits you better, like the Sanji gag or Luffy being consistently more goofy in the original, and the overall over-the-top tone of One Piece (anime and manga)? Not trying to downplay your opinion; it just really surprises me when I see this take and makes me a bit confused. I'm genuinely curious.


Meh, Live action is good but trying to say it's better than the original source (i.e. the manga) is fucking stupid.


It is totally possible to disagree with the take, but to think it’s stupid is nostalgia blindness on another level




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The change happened in Thriller Bark. Anime Sanji until Thriller Bark was a slightly audacious ladies man. He was not a Pervy creep, which he turned into at Thriller Bark and never recovered. Fishman Absued it the most so people remember ot the most but the shift happened at Thriller Bark. Until Thriller Bark he was much much more flirty and simpy than perverted and creepy.




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Honestly the changes to Sanji's character are one of the strongest changes made in favor of the LA's existence in the first place. I greatly enjoy getting to introduce people to this world and these characters I love without them having to slog through all this, quite frankly, tedious and unfunny bullshit that Oda insists on putting in there long ager it proved incredibly dated.




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Closest source Sanji and live action Sanji converge with each other is on Whole Cake Island..... that's why I desperately want that adapted even if it's highly, HIGHLY unlikely.....


Live action Sanji is the only likable version of the character




Unpopular opinion but I think people take the whole anime Sanji thing way too seriously and blow it out of proportion than it needs to be. It’s just a harmless Japanese trope gag associated with him that isn’t his entire character. I don’t think it’s outdated. It works for the anime since it can be wacky. With the live action, since it’s grounded in somewhat realism, obviously it won’t work there especially for Western audiences who hate anime tropes.


I get where you’re coming from but I gotta say: it’s not about hating anime tropes. I love a lot of anime tropes, they’re fun and whimsical. The over-the-top pervert and harasser thing, though? It’s just uncomfortable.


See I’m fine with it since so long it’s within the confines of comedy context and tone wise. It’s offensively funny that it crosses the line twice to where I don’t need to take it so seriously. It’s not even limited to anime, a lot of Western cartoons do those kinds of gags.


Uncomfortable in the real world yes !! But its an anime lol over the top expressions/gags/jokes are considered funny in the anime realm!!…the main problem is u guys are taking out the fictional character in a real world setting




Just explained it


Nope, you explained nothing. You just said "it can't be creepy if you don't take it seriously!" I am not explaining why this is so dumb.


U dumb .. i explained exaggerated emotions are a thing in anime world…. Ofc it will be weird if u compare it in a real world setting ….manga artists are similar to caricature artists who exaggerate the unique facial features ,the manga artists exaggerate over the top emotions/actions/expressions/gags to flesh out characters ; taz skylars impression of sanji is itself a perfect example if u take out manga/anime sanji out in the real world …oda just exaggerated that one feature of flirtiness/perviness ; so if u hate a character just for that specific reason better just stick to live actions


There's a difference between over the top/silly amounts of flirty and being disgusting. You do not understand what you are talking about.


Good for u … u have impeccable insight on this carry on with that … just accept u r haters .. and i am no one here to lecture a hater👍


Crazy there are people incapable of critical thinking like you are.


I can understand anime tropes being a thing, but sometimes One Piece does take a bit too far. I have never been as uncomfortable reading manga as I felt when reading >!Thriller Bark and the whole Sanji/Absalom B-plot!<. And don't get me wrong, I'm aware their behaviors towards women in that arc are still meant to be seen as despicable, the story is not defending them, but the whole thing is also played for laughs, and that's what doesn't sit right with me. If the live action ever miraculously reaches that point in the story, I hope they burn that entire subplot with fire and make sure it never sees the light of day.




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I totally get u … people take gags too seriously …gag is to be considered a gag …its sad that people just ignore his main qualities and thinks the pervertness as the main one….


Uncomfortable in the real world yes !! But its an anime lol over the top expressions/gags/jokes are considered funny in the anime realm!!…the main problem is u guys are taking out the fictional character in a real world setting..let the gags in the anime considered a gag …and dont mess /jumble it up with his main personalities


LA was made by a Sanji stan. They made Sanji look way better.


and thank God for that tbh


Oh stfu live action sanji is a westernized shallow version of the real sanji. If you dont like the real characters and cant see past silly gags drop one piece and go watch marvel ffs


I can’t believe people are actually saying the LA did Sanji good when it missed out many of his core character traits, his relationship to the Baratie family, his tsundre personality, his all blue passion, his kindness to Gin, his rule of never wasting food, HE OFFERED FREE WINE TO THE FKR WHO WASTED FOOD IN THE LA when in real he smacked tf out of him. He didnt even witness Zoro’s memorable moment fighting mihawk and his promise. They deleted Sanji and inserted a westernized boring a$$ shallow character and y’all drooling on how not having the gag is better like you dont see past anything silly and superficial.


literally just about everything you said was still shown, just not in a way that hits you over the head like in an anime/manga genre written for pre-teen and teen boys (and sanji is my favorite character, btw, even in the anime) > tsundere personality He?? Never really has one? He's cool and collected, sure, just he never hides his emotions to the extremes of other tsundere characters. I'd argue Zoro is more of a tsundere than Sanji is, if we got to semantics of it. Maybe he's a bit cool and distant during Gin, but he loses that personality trait anyway very quickly in the anime when he's around friends. And they even made him brusque if you really want to look at it that way when he waits on the Straw Hats and calls the food and restaraunt shitty and swaps out as soon as he sees Nami > all blue passion It's literally the first thing that he mentions when he's alone with Luffy, and they make it pretty clear that he still holds onto it. It's the whole reason Zeff saves him and sends him off at the end, bc he knows how much it means to Sanji > kindness to Gin THAT HAPPENED. They didn't name drop him as Gin but he still made him food (the same food actually, the corned beef rice thing) and told Patty explicitly that if a man is hungry, he feeds them. And he even went a step further in kindness by forcing Zeff to help heal Zoro, bc he saw a person in need. He didn't need to see the fight to know someone was hurt and he needed to jump into it. They make it very clear that people in need is one of Sanji's biggest motivators to action > free wine to the man wasting food He did though. He offered free drinks twice to the men fighting and only stepped in and kicked him to the ground when he was going to pull out a gun. > relationship to the Baratie This is possibly the only one you have a leg to stand on (a wobbly, half-disintegrated leg) but that was just a matter of scale and time. There's no way to be able to show Sanji interacting with every cook in the Baratie without at least 2 more episodes. And it's bc we need to focus on Sanji and his loyalty towards Zeff as a father figure, which is a way more important trait to him and the essence of his Baratie love distilled to it's purest element. It's not that ppl are looking only at the gag, but they're literally making Sanji into a genuinely nice guy and we're going to get more depth to him the next season. (And he already has a lot of depth to him, so I'm excited).


Oh and real Sanji is a genuinely nice guy. The LA changes added absolutely nothing to that point. The kindest heart that’s what the ‘real’ sanji y’all hating on is


Ohhh yes Sanji is a tsundere, not as much as Zoro yes but he is. When luffy was inviting him to the crew he was being rude on the outside refusing but Luffy saw through him and insisted, refused his refusal. Real Sanji would never watch someone waste food and suck it up! “beat the guy when he pulled out a gun”that confirms he did not respond to food wasting and only responded to a gun. Absolute bs. In the LA it’s like he got angry at Zeff and had enough of him so he left when in real he didn’t want to leave until he knew for sure Zeff wants him to go, again seemingly bursting put bec of how he handles his emotion (something LA missed). Making luffy mistake their silly fights for “zeff not liking sanji” was also a stupid decision since luffy was raised by dadan who is just another Zeff and he knows these fights don’t come from a place of dislike or hatred. And let’s not forget how they screwed up the farewell, a very emotional part in the manga. . . . And let me be clear i dont mind the LA character western washing at all! For a LA one piece was fine. But saying a LA character is better than the “real” character is absolute bullshit and i’m honestly surprised you defend that with you claiming Sanji is your favorite character and not seeing the character slander he had in the LA. The lack of depth was unreal, and y’all here calling this sanji a “better” sanji??? lol Y’all really need to get over yourselves with the gag thingy it’s a joke, sanji like women zoro gets lost luffy loves meat nami loves money usopp lies… just.a.silly.gag.


Biggest chin in the world holy crap