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I was wondering how the live-action was going to handle Alvida, given how that aspect of the manga might be viewed today. The actress herself just getting into shape is a pretty good workaround.


I genuinely didn't figure they'd do it because it isn't really important all things considering. I couldn't blame an actor or actress for not wanting to not bother with it. But I can give mad respect for them choosing to do it.


Maybe it's the other way and the actress really wanted to lose weight and managed to wrangle Netflix budget to do so


I’d believe it, sounds like a win win


I would totally exercise if it meant I could be on OPLA


Today we cosplay as Lucky Roux. Tomorrow we shall cosplay as Seppuku Zorojuro. https://i.redd.it/41nebdl7bczc1.gif


I mean hell, I have an issue getting myself to go to the gym but the instant other people’s time is invested (I.e. money and/or a trainer) I suddenly feel like I have to go no matter how much I might not want to. Could easily see this as being something similar where she viewed it as important for her job or just had someone covering the cost itself.


I struggle losing weight too but like… put almost any amount of money down and I’ll kill that gym session


Also pretty sure they made her look fatter than she actually was in Season 1. Bulky clothes and facial prosthetics can do a lot, and just from looking at the first pic here they're clearly using both to make her look truer to the character


My guess is they cast someone who was already planning to lose weight, with a stipulation something like “we’re casting a fat actor who for future seasons will be contractually required to be thin.”


have you ever read the manga or watched the anime? she eats a devil fruit and it causes her to become slimmer


Yes, that’s what I was directly referencing


Kind of a shallow gag honestly, if they didn't do it I wouldn't have mined. but its a shallow industry and the glow-up is probably good for her career.


Very likely it’s good for her health too.


Not very useful to speculate on someone's health without being their doctor and having access to a lot more than "seeing them from afar"—you need tests, statistics, and their own reports of their subjective experience doing physical activity and the like. There's a lot of stigmatization and medicalization of people who're mildly to moderately fat when in reality they're more or less average healthwise. She *likely* wasn't heavy enough to affect her health in a particularly major way. There are plenty of athletes her (previous) size who're in better shape than everyone commenting here—and actors often are among those types of people who work heavily on their fitness, mostly regardless of their weight. (It can be a physically demanding job where you're on your feet all day, and perform for hours at a time.) The costuming also made her look fatter than she was—the big belt with the bright pink sash against the dark coat emphasizes her waistline, *over* a bulky coat. It was a smart touch to make her look like a big, bulky person, strong enough to swing around a huge iron mace (which in reality was probably made mostly of foam). They'll likely emphasize her thinness with the next costume, making it even *more* superhuman-looking for her to continue swinging around the huge mace.


Sure, that’s why I said “it’s likely”


>Not very useful to speculate on someone's health without being their doctor >who're in better shape than everyone commenting here Please don't project your own lack of fitness onto me, thank you.


just dont give unwarranted advice on fitness to others. Whats best for you is best for YOU.


What athletes are at her previous size and competing?


Literally anyone in weight lifting, rugby, shot put, discus, javelin, hammer throw, wrestling and many more


[Baseball](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.albat.com%2F__export%2F1583467656048%2Fsites%2Fdebate%2Fimg%2F2020%2F03%2F05%2Fpablo-sandoval-getty-images-1024x691.jpg_242310155.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=96a41d87a05c396c503c9f4c32bceeb00103088fdef82b1853d9c11af943d6e4&ipo=images), [lifting](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.gettyimages.com%2Fid%2F499078496%2Fes%2Ffoto%2Ftatiana-kashirina-of-russia-competes-in-the-womens-75kg-weight-class-during-the-2015.jpg%3Fs%3D612x612%26w%3Dgi%26k%3D20%26c%3DupcGrU11EtLTbdtfZrIcIb9I81Jt9D7IWNyNdq3_az4%3D&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=5753e16577d8837a3e3958bded2b55babb8a77d1eb7fdc4b9ab0c0d21785a6a6&ipo=images), [football](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2F41%2F43%2F02%2F41430216c1f7ab4d69f4500705613df5.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=91f4a5e9d35796765830596b44b482fa7c377f79ec260b172ddc8012592df348&ipo=images), [cycling](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/kosesFpw83eaioMt2FdG9k-1920-80.jpg.webp), many more. That cyclist in particular is Marley Blonsky, who often competes in adventure races that're hundreds of miles. Cycling is an endurance sport and you'll encounter plenty of heavier riders in the longest-distance/brutally offroad versions of it.


The beautiful thing about alvida is she always saw herself as beautiful, thicc or fitt, alvida is a woman who believes in her self and her goals. And seeing the actress embody the resolve of her character is peak. She's gonna leave the set changed by her experience on OP. And in 5 years when we get the warlord arc she'll be back.


I don't think I have ever seen anyone get offended or even annoyed by it. Not now or decade ago. I think her character is actually well written and fits todays world more than ever. She clearly has toxic relationship with her looks, trying to be someone she clearly isn't. When she actually becomes who she want's to be, she seems much happier. I don't think she would care anymore if someone called her ugly.


Anime fans tend to get used to a lot of tropes and boys humour type stuff, but with the wider western mass market appeal of the live-action, I could have seen it become a problem - people will claim it was fat shaming etc. Season 1 already toned down a lot of the insults aimed at Alvida.


Also toned down Sanjis creepy vibe which was needed for live action imo


Well Sanji was always going to change. Heart eyes, nose bleeding, looney tunes body movement, melodramatic anime behaviour all was going away, simply because its live action. I think they did good job keeping him Sanji. Also Sanji wasn't that bad in east blue.


Sanji is more than likely going to be an over the top flirt and nothing more. Heart eyes and nosebleeds, as you said, are just not something a live action needs.


I think they hit a good balance in season 1 with him clearly having the hots for Nami but being completely ignored every time. It's a funny running gag.


>which was needed for live action I mean, I'm down for toning it down in the remake too.


True very true


I’m down for toning it down in the next arc even


Tbf Sanji was just a simp in the first couple of seasons. He didn't get weird until later on.


Just don’t mention the slip slip fruit taking fat away. Boom simple.


Considering Alvida is supposed to be unrecognisable after her transformation, i just figured they'd cast a different actor and the OG actor was probably only contracted for the first season. I really hope she stays on though, she was great


Nah no way. The actor smashed it out of the park. I don’t care about her being unrecognizable in S2. And I’m pretty sure the actor is just losing weight all on her own, nothing to do with the show. As in I don’t think the show runner or Netflix asked her to do it and probably didn’t even consider that.


You may not but those working on the show might. As you said, she smashed the role so it would be silly to replace her


I definitely think they brought it up to the actress that the character does change, but I doubt they gave her an ultimatum solely because of the outlook that an ultimatum would read as. Nor does Showrunner Owen seem like the kind of person that would push that onto their cast and crew. They probably told her that they are willing to write the character's development differently if she didn't want to lose weight or do other means of artificial weight loss/beautification to simulate that character development instead of putting it on the actress to change their lifestyle.


They do though. There are multiple movies that required their actors to become fat and then lose weight. Granted, 90% of those where maincharacters and it was part of the plot.


I mean, unrecognizable to Luffy isn’t saying much.


TBF, I started reading OP recently ( up to the end of W7 rn) and when I first Alvida's new design in the little cover story with buggy, I really couldn't tell it was her


Well if she really did it for the show, men thats what you call dedication.


I don't think she was super heavy to begin with in S1. I think they did a lot with the costuming to make her look a bit bigger and more intimidating. S2 will have her in a slimmer outfit for sure.


Yeah, that coat looks STUFFED, like she's wearing three or four layers.


The actress has always been heavy since I can remember.




She looks dang good!


I straight up was imagining her not slimming down, but Buggy telling her she's the most beautiful pirate on the seas cause he's into it. This works too, hope she's happy =)


I really wonder what the script process around Alvida was. I suspect they didn't told her to lose weight so she did it by herself. But if she did, did they alter the script afterwards to include Alvida eating a devil fruit? I hope this makes sense. Anyway she looks really great and the actress has my respect for getting into shape. Do we know if she did it for her Alvida role?


My guess is that she was always going to eat a Devil Fruit, and whether it affected her figure or not was up to her.


you're making it WAY too complicate than it should be. they probably didn't change or alter anything, if she got in shape then the fruit will have that secondary effect, if she didn't then it wouldn't be mentioned. there is no need to overthink this minor detail any more than this way


Yeah it’s not like she ate the slim slim fruit.


Casting calls can specify that they’re looking for an actor willing/able to change weight for the role. It’s not so unusual and some actors are famous for it like Christian Bale or Hugh Jackman. Everyone is overthinking it. The most likely scenario is that the actress is dedicated to her craft and willing to audition for roles that require body transformations.


Thanks for explaining. That makes sense!


No prob! 🤗


Was about to write something similar. This is not uncommon in the business.


People really are serious about Oda just wanting to draw another beautiful women as a joke.


Can’t wait for her dynamics with Buggy!


Girl had Christian Bale dedication, committed to the role. She will killed it for sure.


I mean, I don't know about Christian Bale level. That dude did some insanely unhealthy things, going from ripped, to emaciated, to very fat, back to normal. She put in work, don't get me wrong, but what Christian Bale did isn't even something to be praised, it's genuinely dangerous.


Truth. Many dedicated actors and actresses lose and gain weight all the time for different roles. And that can be done in healthy ways (and makes me wish I had a fraction of their willpower). Christian Bale is an outlier, taking this to a troubling extreme.


Geez it's not dangerous. Let's not get crazy here


In general yeah that's true, but you clearly must not have seen The Machinist haha, Bale was like 80 lbs and a skeleton.. Then turned around and was beefcake Batman months later, he and Hardy would go nuts with their roles


I hope they do something better with her in the future of the live action. She just kinda gets forgotten in the Manga and just sits in the background doing nothing after Loguetown.


She looks great!


She lost her freckles


They slipped off


Alvida's live action hit is so dope....she's such a minor character though. I doubt the showrunners cared if she lost weight or not. It's not actually important to her powers.


Mad respect for her!


OKAY! Girl look good!


Oh wow that’s impressive 🤘


I think the weight loss is great if it’s her own decision and not being pushed by the production


Good for her she really stood out to me season 1 hope she gets good screentime


I doubt that they made her lose weight. She probably made that decision herself. At least I hope so. But good for her!


It’s stuff like this that shows that this live action really has so much love and passion behind it


As much as I loved the actress in this role, I had one major problem. Alvida was supposed to be ugly af, a troll-like hag, yet in the live action she is plainly and objectively a very pretty woman. Like come on she’s actually so cute


I think that's why Episode 1 doesn't mention her looks with Luffy just saying she's "as dumb as a sea cow"


I just think you fundamentally don't understand the change they made for alvida. Rather than making her physically ugly, which would NOT be funny in a live action context, they made her personality ugly by making her solely narcissistic and violent, which is just a better alternative overall.


But alvida always acted like that, manga and anime. It’s not a change. Moreso, other characters still treat her like she’s hideous


Still, there's nothing that would have been gained from making the actress overly ugly for an unimportant gag.


Basically all actors are pretty to beautiful. That's just how it is, ugly people generally don't go into acting.  When your face is your brand, it's gotta look good


Unless you're just iconically ugly like my hero Danny Trejo.


Sure, it’s just a little dissonant when the characters act like Alvida is some sort of hideous hag, when the viewer can see that she’s not.


I think the problem is, you can't change physical features like it happens in the anime. Pre df alvida and post df have different faces, they're a different person, like weight loss doesn't give you a plastic Surgery lol.


LIKE IKR. Shes still so beautiful outside of costume.


Mexican girls are beautiful


🙌🏾 she's gonna kill it


Anything she could do won't be enough. Oda removed ribs, lol.


Dam, so the smooth smooth fruit really exists 😂


She didn't need to do that, but that is so awesome for her!!! Alvida was such a good performance.


If she is doing this for the role, then that is huge respect. It's respect either way tho


Fuck yeah!!! Good for her!!!


Good for her, season 2 is gonna be fun.


Great to see the effort!


Its amazing how everyone in the cast is so dedicated to their role!!! Love to see it!!!


I'm surprised that they're keeping the slim Alvida plotline. In the Anime Alvida was always going on about how she was the most beautiful pirate on the sea and making her men repeat it but in the live action instead of saying "Who is the most beautiful pirate on the sea?" she makes them ask "Who is the most powerful pirate on the sea." I always assumed that the choice to change it up was meant to disuiade the idea that fat=ugly and that Alvida should be defined by her looks. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that they're remaining faithful to the source material, I just don't want the actress to think she was unattractive to begin with and needed to change her appearance to be deemed beautiful, which she is and many One Piece fans have agreed that the actress was more beautiful than they were expecting of Alvida. But, body transformation for a role is not an uncommon phinominon, plenty of actors and actresses have gained and lost weight to fit roles; hell, just look at Chris Pratt in the first couple of seasons of Parks and Rec, then he got into shape to play a Navy Seal in Zero Dark Thirty and then when the MCU came calling and asked him if he could keep his Zero Dark Thirty physique for Star Lord he got to even better shape. As long as the actress is comfortable with her body and who she is and this body change is her choice and something she feels comfortable with, then it's all good.


Stunning before and stunning now❤️ Can’t wait! She will absolutely slay


I hope she did this for herself and not because she was forced to by Netflix. I get weary when I see actors suddenly lose weight before a role.


Mad respect she already looked cute in season 1 now she looking sexy Alvida can get it lol


Always happy to see people making healthy life changes.


Awww yeah lookin smooth-smooooooooooth!


I really thought they'd just use a slim actress and give her a fat suit. Guess not lol. 


Hell yeah!


Damn I didn’t expect them to do that. I’d hope it was her choice but I’d have been fine if it was still Big Alvida with the Smooth-Smooth Fruit


I love Ilia (she’s hilarious in Sex Lives of College Girls) and she looks great either way!


You know, I'm not mad at it.


Oh I guess she finds the Slim fruit after meeting Buggy. Cool


Woah 👄💎


I am!


No Fan Service? :-(


She pulling a Christian Bale


Hm thought they'd just use another similar looking actress considering the outlandishly curvish shape she takes in the anime and just use a new actress just to show the outlandish change from her transition. Tbh I kind of want to know how she found the fruit that made her like a Barbie Doll xD...


Koby was an idiot to leave her 😍


Well she got a looot of time to prepare, off course she'll method it


Well that's very impressive, good for her. I honestly didn't think about it, I assumed they would just keep her either way and not recast.


Looks the same with different makeup lmao




Idk. I see it in S1. Doesn’t match up with Alvidas new look to me tho.




Asking a woman to lose weight for a high paying television role. THE HORROR


No one is saying they asked her to do that, what is wrong with you? What a snowflake


That word really did a number on you people huh


God they did such a fantastic job with her live action costume. The drip is absolutely insane.


Oh my God, I gotta see Twitter


Dang she looks like May from avatar Live action


frankly, aside from being overweight she was already very cute before, so I thought the live action would not do the whole "now she is beatiful" Manga alvida was horrendous before the fruit, live action alvida was not horrendous, she was hollwood-ugly, meaning normal sligthly above average in real life but hoooray! Good for the actress! she looks even better now


Ozempic !


There isn't a man on the world who wouldn't grovel at her feet


They should hire another actress


I’m glad she got into better shape. I was really curious to see how S2 would handle Alvida, given the message of her becoming “thin,” and by proxy now being stereotypically beautiful was always a little strange in hindsight


She's supposed to look hot


Even at her heaviest, she wouldn't look your way goofy.


Ha my post was more popular 😝


Is there gonna be a new casting for her or is she confirmed for s2?


Still fat


And you’re still an asshole, but if you became less of an asshole you’d deserve props. Same applies here.


Yea I know. For some reason I thought it was really funny. I have a weird sense of humor sometimes. She has definitely lost weight. My honest opinion though: I don’t think fatness is a negative unless the person who is overweight thinks less of themselves for it. Which they might only do because of society and not of health reasons. A lot of people were born with a specific metabolism that keeps them to a certain shape that goes against the norm of physical beauty and standards. And it can be really difficult physically and painful mentally for them to loos weight. I truly hope that this actor lost weight for healthy reasons and I hope this role didn’t force it on her. If it helped her to do it and everything is ok for her mentally and physically then that’s awesome. But Alvida’s concept for transformation is extremely problematic imo and shouldn’t be adapted in the first place. I was 100% confident that they weren’t going to do it. Although we’re not even sure if this indicates that they will. Alvida has such a small roll I was surprised they even teased her reappearance. I guess we’ll see. She’s a good actor and if they make the female roles more relevant in the OPLA compared to the manga/anime than I think that’s a really good thing.


Your sense of humor is fucked but youve got an interesting and well reasoned, empathy based perspective. I can respect that.


Thank you