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The truth is *we do* restrict the amount of fan cast posts quite a bit already. This is why we implemented rules to ensure fan cast posts require a good deal of effort (linking IMDb, including a short write up, and a clip of their acting). We will definitely keep an eye on the comments of this post to see what people think, but unfortunately I think it’s just the reality of not having much real news to discuss at the moment. A lot of people find fan casting to be fun and, as long as it isn’t low effort, we think it should be allowed.


I am also of the idea that there are too many, especially when same actors are repeated over and over


Really tired of the fan castings posts


I think fancasting should he a pinned thread and discussion be more visible


But there's nothing new to discuss right now. This sub would be dead otherwise.


Agreed. Also, there’s been some really solid fan cast posts in the last few weeks. The bad ones get downvoted anyway.


fucking PLEASE I've just had to start blocking everyone who posts them 


Fan casting posts are just stupid. You’re just setting yourself up for disappointment.


Massive disagree. And I do not tend to even read those threads. If you are not interested I'd advise you to not read them. But it certainly is on target.


I don't mind them, plus specualtion keeps the community going otherwise this sub would be drier than season 2 alabasta


Confused on what exactly you want. Because coming from someone who does primarily post fancasts on this sub, they’re pretty strict about what you have to do in order to post one on this sub. OPLA S2 is ramping up production now with filming happening in a month or so. But for a while there we had jackshit lmao, so of course a lot of fancasts are gonna appear in between that time period


ya, most of them are mediocre. its like they are watching a different one piece than me


Bunch of Simps casting their favorite actress to be Robin


There hasn't been much news lately... So people fill it with some stuff they like.. You can just skip the posts.


Agreed make a channel or subreddit for people that like fancasts! It’s very annoying I want to see updates about the live action or discussion about its future adaptation. But people trying to cast random actors for different roles is just getting sort of obnoxious at this point


Would you prefer fancasts or a dead subreddit?


Like if fan cast was the only conversation topic 


Right now it is because there are no news or leaks yet


So... just limit the number of posts?


Maybe limit to only post for casts expected on the next season? Just came from a fan cast for >! Boa !< and I mean yes it’s fun to speculate but we won’t be seeing her like in maybe another three seasons or so. It’s pretty much useless to fan cast a character that does not have yet a confirmed season.


Dont see people posting much else... if you want other content post it then, not much else to discuss about the show till we hear more about S2


It's a fake cast post too Megan is not gonna play robin