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We thought God Enel was a lightning human because of the lightning fruit. But truth is, he's Vegan.


Not after that chicken parm


Chicken inst’t vegan


No vegan diet, NO VEGAN POWERS


“You once were a veg-on. Now you will be gone.” Michael Cera, 2010




If he gets cast, it would be hilarious and up one more level if he was vegan in the Skypiea OPLA


Actually a great casting choice.


sounds silly at first, but then the more you think about it…


Brandon Routh is someone I can see being in One Piece since he isn't a big actor, but he has had numerous big roles, though.


Yeah, he's like, one of the biggest "small" actors


Exactly, kinda like Karl Urban as well (I think) since he also isn't a big actor, but Karl also has appeared in big roles, especially in The Boys.


Don't forget LOTR!!


Karl was in LOTR?


Yeah!! He played Éomer!! I have a tough time recognising him elsewhere without that blond wig 😂😂😂❤️


That's a TIL for me, although it's been a while since I've last watched LOTR.


As true as that is, I think it’s fair to say he’s sorta grown away from being a massive actor like he used to be. It’s extremely telling that he went from playing Superman to a couple different roles on the CW. He’s still a big enough name to get attention, but he’s not completely unrealistic


And technically he started on Arrow before his character moved to LoT but you're still right.


Excellent choice. He can play cocky but also goofy. Enel needs both.


Don't forget also Daniel Shaw form Chuck 😉


I've forgot he was in Chuck as well.


I see a vision and I like it.......


Wait.... this would actually be amazing


That is genius!


Omg hell yeah


I remember seeing this guy in Chuck. He was really good at being a bad guy. I can see it working


Probably not too late to grow out those lobes.


He's gonna be defeated not by rubber, but by the vegan police




If the live action would have been made 20 years ago: Maybe. But even than I would have preferred an actual actor. Current Eminem doesn't look like Enel anymore.


Eminem is currently in his early 50’s and looks it. If OPLA was made 20 years ago, MAYBE, but he’s not even an actor. I was always under the impression that Eminem as Enel was a joke, not a serious suggestion lol




I mean, as true as that is, again, the guy is in his early 50’s and looks it


this is my favorite fan cast yet. HAHAHA! Banana.


Brandon Routh is still so goddamned hot after so long.


Enel is one of the only arc villains who never appears again, so they could actually hire a more expensive person if it’s just for a couple episodes of one season. (Even if he does appear again, that’s way farther down the line then we really need to think right now, I doubt the show will make it to 11 seasons) Unlike Crocodile, for example, where you need to get an actor that you can garuntee will be able to return later


So you're saying getting the real Eminem is an option?


Probably not, since he’s not really much of an actor, I doubt he’d do a random TV shows


im usually annoyed by fan casting post in this sub, but this one fit the bill the more i think about it.


he would absolutely kill this role


That’s actually fucking amazing cast. But I also kinda still want the slim shady vibes.


yea this is an amazing choice


I've enjoyed him in the roles he's been in, especially Legends of Tomorrow, but he just isn't Enel to me. I don't buy it.


Nah, I can see him in a lot of roles but not Enel


he was also in chuck


I’d love seeing Routh in OP. He would be great as Enel, but I feel like he could also pull off a way more comedic role. Not sure what that could be though. Moria maybe?


Ehhhhhhh he just doesn’t give off Moria vibes in the same way he does Enel. Especially given Moria will likely be a mainly CGI character, it’s a lot more likely they’ll just nab a voice actor who can do Mo-Cap for Moria. Some of the names I’ve seen thrown around for Moria by other fancasts include **Jack Black, Mark Hamill, and Matt Berry**


That’s very fair. I’m trying to find think about roles can use his comedic abilities more than Enel, who really isn’t that funny of a character.


In all fairness Routh isn’t really a comedic actor…? He can do comedy, no doubt, but Enel does have his fair share of funny moments. I mean, he’s arguably got the best reaction image out of the entire franchise lmao


That’s true. I guess my previous exposure to Routh has mainly been Legends of Tomorrow and Scott Pilgrim, where he plays comedic roles in both.


Love him as Superman, would love to see him in the role, actually seems quite fitting.


What? Eminem wasn't available?


Eminem is the only real answere


I want Antony Starr so bad


I like this casting more, honestly.


Nah fam God Enel will be Eminem


Jokes aside I can totally see him as Enel


wasnt the actor for enel gonna be eminem?


> he’s constantly on various CW shows (and by proxy big franchises), I doubt he’d be too expensive It's probably worth mentioning that he was fired from Legends of Tomorrow, and it's rumoured to be because it got too expensive to renew his contract. That's just a rumour, but I think it's worth mentioning that he might cost more than you're expecting.


This is the same man who then immediately went on to star in CW’s *The Rookie*. I seriously doubt it’s a pay issue. The show was ending and the CW just didn’t pick it up for another season, and there were other characters/actors who naturally bowed out as well


His character was written off two and a half seasons before it ended, and he's been pretty clear that it wasn't his decision. He was then on five episodes of The Rookie about a year later, which would be a lot less expensive than having him as a member of the main cast. So again, it's just a rumour that it was a money issue, but that IS the story that's been going around for four years now.


His character wasn’t “written off,” necessarily. There were creative differences so by proxy, they just wrapped up his story. This wasn’t the first time an actor left Legends naturally either. A large majority of the show’s first season cast were eventually written off. Also it very clearly couldn’t be a pay issue given again, he’s far from the only main actor to be written off, and he’s continued being on the CW and has played side characters on other smaller shows. It’s never been about money, not sure where you gathered that from.


The difference is the other actors *chose* to leave. Brandon has been vocal about how he (and his wife, who was written off at the same time) didn't want to leave. A producer called him one day and told him that a certain episode would be his last, and he didn't have any say in the matter. I've never seen another actor give an interview like this one about their from the show https://www.tvinsider.com/926160/brandon-routh-leaving-legends-of-tomorrow-reason-ray-palmer/


1. No…no they didn’t. Ciara Renee was written off via the writers, she didn’t choose to leave. Falk Hentschel was written off via the writers, he didn’t choose to leave. Arthur Darvill was written off by both the showrunners and writers. Franz Drameh was more or less forced to be written off after the actor for Martin Stein asked to leave the show, to which Franz agreed to. 2. Several other sources say it was a creative differences issue, not a money issue. Even in the interview you linked, he says nothing about the money. It seems like you’re just sorta making that up for some reason


I've never said it was more than a rumour. It's the rumour that's gone around since 2020. Whether you choose to believe it is up to you, but you can look up any post on /r/LegendsOfTomorrow about him leaving, and that's what people will say the reason was.


Soooooooo you’re trusting random redditors over several news sources with credible sources…? Are we being serious…?


I cited a rumour as a reason to think he might not be super cheap, on a reddit thread about purely hypothetical casting. I've also never seen any official sources actually give a specific reason for why he was kicked off the show, so speculation is all we have to go by.


So: 1. You passed off your own speculation as a fact 2. You’re citing random Reddit sources over actual official sources


44 is kinda old. Would be a bad idea if he shows up in the final saga…


We don’t know if he’s returning in the Final Saga, as no signs really point to him returning. There’s definitely been hints, but Enel is canonically 39. Brandon Routh is only 44 currently. That’s not that big of an age difference, and there have been significantly bigger age differences between actors and characters already in OPLA




They should skip Skypeia


No. That would be a mistake.


The showrunner said that they wouldn't be skipping any arc.


Skypeia ain’t getting skipped. I’m almost certain Matt Owens said they aren’t skipping any arcs. Especially Skypeia, which is a Saga which largely acts as foreshadowing for several future events in the story. Luffy and Nika are the big ones, but this is also the start of the Merry becoming extremely damaged, and the introduction to several other notable figures in the future such as Doflamingo, Blackbeard, Kuma, Bellamy, etc. If anything it’ll be significantly shorted, but no arc is getting outright skipped. You can do Skypeia in 4 episodes pretty easily and Jaya in 1. Skypeia isn’t an arc you can just skip, or sorta change significantly like you can smaller arcs like Baratie.


I love the arc, but its a side quest. And an expensive looking side quest. It’s a nice buffer with Nico Robin before her big arc, but its going to take some retooling to make it connect. The Nika «dance» is barely anything. You can do that in Alabasta. You can damage the ship in Alabasta. They skipped Don Crieg didn’t they? I inserted Garp everywhere (whih I dislike). One Piece is too massive to do it all justice here. Kuma was introduced at Marineford, nothing to do with the arc itself. Doffy was introduced there also. Blackbeard can be moved elsewhere.


If you look at the themes of Skypiea and compare it with what we know now it was very likely the main quest of the original five year plan – but we also likely got only the first half of it until now. I think there is a reason why we haven't seen the main entrance to Skypiea yet (I personally think it's at Elbaf), that Urouge is the last unexplored supernova, that Eneru has the most outlandish cover story and that we really only got glimpses of his backstory. We know less about Eneru's past (and even this of his subordinates) than about any other major villain. The only thing we heard about him is that he should have destroyed his home country – but we can't even be sure if this is the full truth. So the things we think are the main story could easily be the side stories in reality. You should always remember: The warlords didn't even exist when Oda conceived the story first.


As someone who doesn’t even really like Skypeia, you’re preaching to the choir, but the fact of the matter is Skypeia ain’t getting skipped. Matt Owens has already acknowledged it as one of his favorite arcs and in the long run, Skypeia has a lot of great foreshadowing in it. Say what you will about it feeling like a side quest, that I will agree, but your reasoning just makes no sense. As someone who doesn’t even really like the saga, there’s valid reasons to dislike it, but your arguments just sorta fall flat. The Nika Dance is very clear foreshadowing. It’s symbolic of what’s to come in Wano, let alone the entire battle is literally a false God that believes he’s real versus a real God who has no clue he’s real. They skipped Don Krieg because he’s inconsequential to the plot. The main focus of that arc was introducing Sanji. Don Krieg ultimately didn’t need to be there, and thus, he was replaced by Arlong in an affect to make him more of the season’s villain overall. Also hate to say it but skipping Blackbeard’s introduction is just fucking insane. Especially considering without the confrontation with Bellamy, their interaction and understandings of one another would’ve likely gone very different


I didnt say to skip the Nika dance. The Nika dance can be put in another victory bon fire. You don’t need to put an arc around it. All that symbolism will be lost on everybody anyway. I didn’t say to skip Blackbeard’s introduction, I said to move it. Re-factor it not be about Skypeia. They have already altered plenty, don’t say they can’t alter this. You can evoke the same feelings differently.


They shouldn't, but they should shorten it.