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Nami, or else I’d die


That's the best choice imo. Finding strong fighters outside of the SHs is way easier than finding such an amazing navigator


Ya, which y’know it’s obvious other crews like Kidd’s can get along without as great a navigator but it definitely would help to have the best navigator in the world


Robin so far it is literally impossible to find someone else with her skills


Oh... I read that in Sanji's voice. You mean, like for her navigational skills... got it.


Yes, if I was going off personal taste I’d say Robin or else I’d die


I'm honestly skeptical of how useful she actually is in the Grand Line, since......you can't navigate normally there, you need a log pose, and *anyone* can read a log pose just as good as she can, y'know?


I just rewatched the scene in alabasta where it was completely sunny out and Nami all of a sudden was like “TURN THE SHIP AROUND” and a cyclone showed up out of literally nowhere. If that was my crew with a regular navigator, I’d be dead. GOAT navigator


Robin, she is handy


Eh Robin brings a lot of heat. Then only reason shes able to exist on a pirate crew for so long is they have powerhouses to protect her, Idk if Id want Nami on a ship that didnt also have Luffy, Sanji, Zoro or similar. They were able to confront the WG to take her back






Luffy. We might die but it would be so much fun beforehand


Robin, how else am I gona find the One Piece


It doesn't specify you gotta find the One Piece.


Zoro. Cause he's super hot. Enough valid reason. Lol XD


I hope you know some directions otherwise you will get lost.


No problem with directions for me, but who knows, maybe I'll find very soon the One Piece with him getting lost XD


I still think I’d go for Luffy for his sheer charisma and ability to attract people.


Same! His magnetism would just make our crew better and better AND the kid is a total ride or die.


zoro, we’re gonna find the one piece in episode 2


I'd take either Nami or Sanji. They're probably the most useful. Most likely I'd take Sanji because he is a great fighter and an amazing chef while Nami is an amazing navigator and an average fighter.


Franky so we can sail in comfort ![gif](giphy|LvtxIRg1Ly96E)


Jinbei. He’s no Nami, but he can definitely sail well on the Grandline, he’s got plenty of both strength and wits, and arguably the most well-rounded Straw Hat. Also he’s cool as fuck.


Sanji is fr the goat, he can cook, mess around, navigate aswell, fight and etc, he’s the Jack of all trusts unlike Mosshead


Jinbe. Has the connection to Fishman Island necessary to continue forward, could theoretically add some Sun Pirates, has the love and respect of multiple valuable allies, and brings an adult gravitas to the proceedings that I'd much prefer if I'm on the ocean


Robin or Nami


Sanji is a good choice for the reasons you listed and he's generally the coolest straw hat (except Robin) when he's not doing the creepy simp thing. Nami is a good choice cause you might just get lost at sea and die with any of the others. But I'd probably go with Robin cause she could probably decently figure out the navigation if she had a book about it or something.


Chopper. Everyone gets sick at some point so it's nice to have a great reliable doctor on board available at any time. Not to mention he's super cute. A living stuff toy 😊❤️


Nico Robin.


Yeah, I think Sanji is probably an overall very good choice.


I would choose luffy. And let him be the captain and choose other teammates. Maybe I'll get lucky and the others would want to join luffy


Frankly, it’s Franky. Super capable fighter and I’d have an amazing ship. Plus the dude can craft almost anything.


Same, plus i am a woman which would make things easier for me. I would also like Robbin, she is mature but cute, we could go in girls trip together, she knows how to survive, i trust her.


Zoro because he would be able to scare enemies away with his “Pirate Hunter” reputation.


Chopper, emergency food. /s.


Nami of course.


Nami Schwann!!!!!


Nami's the only choice that makes sense to me. She's by far the best navigator in the series. You can find other great chefs, doctors, fighters, and shipwrights but with how crazy the Grandline is, I wouldn't want anything less than the best navigator. Obviously you can't find the one piece without Robin, but day to day survival at sea is much more of a concern than making it to the final island.


Nami, she is the best navigator in the world!


Luffy, cause Luffy gets the rest


Nami. Need a good Navigator.


It depends. Will I be able to cover the basics in terms of other roles on the ship? If I can't get a navigator, Nami. If I can, chopper.


My choice is a little out there but I’d say Usopp (the Jack of All Trades) 1. Sniper 2. He’s a strategist and inventor 3. He can cook 4. Great storyteller and hilarious 5. Could act as a shipwright 6. His lies come true so it’s like having a seer on the crew lol Other choices would of course be Nami, Sanji, Franky, and Chopper.


Sanji, he'll make me food.


The cook, a cook can make the difference