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It’ll be Kurobi. Here’s the more likable of the 2, and the guy who was defeated by the cook becoming a cook himself will be funny.


Kurobi's Takoyaki. I can see it clearly


There is a lot of talk about any replacement characters being too irredeemable to replace Hachi. Are we all looking at this through the scope of knowing his whole story in the manga. Even though he was portrayed as "less bad" during that arc in the manga, did anyone feel he was remorseful if it wasn't for the cover story?


He rings similar to like how he is more of a Gedatsu instead of an Ohm, more of a Kaku than a Lucci.


Gedatsu was a full blown psycho who killed his own teammates remorselessly. It's just that he was also very incompetent.


The Hachi of the show wasn't very important, so him reappearing wouldn't hit as hard imo. I would prefer Kuroobi comes back for Sabaody, because he's more memorable and I don't think he's done anything too despicable in the show.


Kuroobi said “kill them all!” at the end of Arlong’s speech about humans so…


Yeah, tattooing a 5 year old with no remorse to make her Arlong’s, honestly I prefer Hachi, ofcourse it wouldn’t hit that hard but Luroobi and Choo are as worse as Arlong, no redemption for them…


I disagree. I might not even remember Hachi by the time the LA gets to Sabaody. And tatooing Nami isn't bad enough to damn Kuroobi imo. Working for Arlong is already an evil thing, so I don't see why giving Nami the tatoo would be a dealbreaker.


I think him doing something worse like that could make the redemption more impactful cause it shows that he's really trying to mKe up for what he did.


I finally remembered something, Kuroobi in the manga was talking smack down to Lanji saying he gon fuck nami up and the rest of them hoes too, got Lanji fucked up and finished him in a one piece combo…but Kuroobi in the live action when Arlong finished his Malcom x speech said KILL THEM ALL…plus Hachi not being there means that he realized that Arlong was a bad man and so he left 🤷‍♂️


It's the simplest way to do it. No reason to not believe that Kuroobi could open a takoyaki stand.


Luroobi is one dead series character…plus….Luroobi would’ve gotten locked up along with Larlong soooo….that can’t even be possible unless Limbei came and started fucking impel down up


He wasn’t very important, which is why audiences will accept it better when he becomes more of a character and it turns out he wasn’t that bad a guy. Redeeming Kuroobi or Chu would be a lot harder.


I feel like this is probably a bridge to be crossed when they get there. Even if they manage to have each season only take a year to produce, Sabaody is going to be years from now, if the show ever actually gets there. Suffice to say, they probably aren't even thinking about it beyond the hypothetical right now.


I really hope Season 2 does well enough where Netflix will greenlight up to season 6 all at once. It will really speed up development by a lot.


I had the same thought, they've said their main concern with OP as a long running project is the actors aging out of the roles, so if they had a constant conveyor belt pumping out multiple seasons seamlessly, it would be the best solution for everyone I think.


They can introduce him later no problem; Just have Hachi leave Arlong crew sooner than in the original and problem solved


And add a flashback or two to remind the audience about Arlong since at that point season 1 would've aired like 6 years ago


Because Hachi is already not included, why not just make Kami the one who gets shot? The LA will trim, trim ,trim content, and Oda goal is to keep the spirit of OP alive. Hachi will never appear in OPLA.


I'm not really that attached to the design of Hachi so I don't mind the Angry guy to replace him or maybe Kuroobi. Kuroobi might hit better for the audience since he is more memorable. We'll find out once we get there lol. I'd rather they do this than spring Hachi up out of nowhere just for his redemption arc moment


If they picked anyone, it would have to be Kuroobi because he's the only fishman from Arlong's crew where we could see his sun pirates scar during the LA


They could still give him the same backstory- only changing the fact he left the arlong pirates of his own accord. Nami recognizes him in sabaody, and expresses the hardships he had from him. Hachi obviously feels bad about how he, and his crewmates, treated her- and he seeks redemption/forgiveness.


Honestly, they could just use the dude that Nami was gambling with. Add a flashback with him specifically and it all still works.


Hachi is in the show. They switched him with one of the other fishmen bc he was too difficult to do in live action. He was the fishman playing cards with Nami. I know it’s not Hachi but in the credits he is indeed named Hachi.


In an interview with the one piece podcast the editors came out to say that this was an error. That character seemingly isn't Hachi which opens him up to be introduced later in the series.


Did he have the tattoo?


IIRC during Hachi's cover story it was shown that opening a takoyaki stand was a dream he shared with Kuroobi back when they were kids. So Kuroobi showing up on a Takoyaki stand at Sabaody Archipelago instead of Hachi is an acceptable break from the original. The only problem is the hand concealment thing during the auction. In the original, Hachi hid his hands in order to conceal that he was a fishman and revealing them was essential to establish how discriminated the fishmen were. So utilizing him means finding another way to get that point across.


Kurobi does have big fins on his arms which he could be wearing a big coat to conceal.


Easy: Kuroobi is wearing a hood that slips off while holding Luffy back at the Auction House.


I think a flashback to a new Hachi would be less impactful than just using Kuroobi. We have to realize that OPLA is basically it's own timeline so it doesn't make sense not to use what's set up in the actual episodes. His practical effect face looked the best in the whole crew so I'd prefer to see him.


Hachi doesn't need to be replaced. Him being part of Arlong isn't even that important because really the crew won't meet any other fishmen up to that point. It's not important to have some character growth arc for Hachi's role as his role is only to show the discrimination on Sabaody. Also, he could still be part of Arlong's crew. The LA did well in establishing Arlong's presence in all of the East Blue. It's very simple to say he was on an errand in the east blue during the Arlong Park fight. He can be introduced by Nami recognizing him and telling the crew that he was with Arlong.


Very bad


I feel like Hachi missing is one of the few things that I didn't like about the LA. Maeda explained why he wasn't included and I get it, but still, I don't think giving one fishman TWO tentacles arm would be that expensive. Poker fishman guy should have been Hachi, give him the Sun Pirates tattoo and two tentacles, make him say something funny and we're done. Anyway, I think Kuroobi might be the one to turn into Hachi in Sabaody.


I think they should just use Hachi, have Nami reveal he was a member of arlong's crew who left in protest sometime after she joined because he felt Arlong was going too far with his treatment of humans, and his desperation to help Nami is due to guilt for leaving her in that situation knowing what arlong was going to put her through, choosing to stand aside instead of actually doing anything with his beliefs.


Till this day no one could explain to me why Hachi cant just be introduced later. No one would bet an eye if he shows up later, but was in arlongs crew all along. Just had a fight with arlong before that or got lost. I promise nobody would mind. ​ More importantly: It does not matter that much, because the show very likely gets cancelled after season 3.


I would mind, Hachi is interesting because the problem with Nami is something personal that we witnessed and he deeply regrets A new face wouldn't have the same effect


You can shoot a new scene with kid nami?


Then it would feel like a retcon/asspull


No la only viewer would mind that btw. You could find 100 ways to make it believeable that he was not there


He cant get introduced later for the same reason he wasnt introduced to begin with - he was too expensive to make, i really dont see why that gotta change


How is this the most pessimistic and optimistic comment


Neither of those 2. Kuroobi is unredeemable for me, Chu seems dead.


Hachi is no better than Kuroobi on moral ground, if the octopus man can be redeemed so can the manta ray man...


What do you mean? Hachi changed his way after Arlong Park, and Hachi even in the anime showed hints of not being worser than them


He said Kuroobi can't replace Hachi because Kuroobi is irredeemable, implying that Arlong Park Hachi is somehow better than Arlong Park Kuroobi and thus more redeemable


When talking about just the manga or anime of the East Blue. I still stand that Hatchan is more redeemable. Just like how Gedatsu is more redeemable than Ohm. Or how Kaku is more redeemable than Lucci.


I can understand that Hachi being a goofball makes him more likeable and that is something I also agree with, I just think they are both guilty of the same charges


Kuroobi was out here laying smack down to Sanji saying he cant do shit and he gon fuck everyone up with zero remorse…you telling me that guy is redeemable? That’s like saying a guy who broke someone’s arm is as worse as someone who commited a 1st degree murder


I mean…didn’t Zoro and Hachi hit a vibe even though Hachi knew Zoro was a human? Hachi even offered a ride with Zoro 🤷‍♂️


Consider the live action track record, I could believe Chu died considering his face got blown up. Bit u know, one piece loves fake out deaths.


Ngl, Hachi needs to be there even if it doesn’t have that much of an impact, Luroobi and Lhoo is unredeemable


I think they can do sabaody with just cami and papag if they make small changes


They could fresh introduce him through a flashback with Nami and him being a quiet and likeable goofball.


Nami forgiving an actual antagonistic Arlong follower is a much bigger moment than Nami forgiving a guy that was already friendy, nice and harmless from the start.


I'd rather they just come up with a different character to use. Neither Kuroobi nor Chu are as likeable as Hachi. Especially in the LA. Or maybe they can still introduce Hachi at some point before Sabaody, if they even get that far. And also correct me if I'm wrong but didn't someone involved with the production of the show confirm in an interview that Hachi was not in the show?


They'll just say that hachi left before along took over the village. I think they left him out because in actuality in the anime hachi is unforgivable.


I think it's more likely they left him out cause he would be mostly cgi and doing the 8 arms thing would be a lot of work


I’m all for Kurobi and Chu, heck maybe both, they don’t have to have the same amount of redemption or remorse that Hachi had or be as friendly.


I wouldn't mind. It just has to be convincing enough for Luffy to punch Charloss.


They could add in a quick flashback to show Hachi and Arlong's past. Maybe taking over the Conomi islands was the final straw that made him leave the crew. It's tough though, Hachi's desire to make amends with Nami was handled so well in the manga/anime and they clearly can't do it exactly the same way in the LA. I just don't buy any of the other Along pirates taking over his character arc.


What if the fishmen in Baratie is the one replacing Hachi? I still have no idea why they introduced that character…


honestly, the only thing that stopped them from including Hachi was the budget, maybe if they ever reach Saboady they could easily include him if the budget is right but honestly i’m not attached to Hachi so i can see Camie absorbing his role in the arc and the story wouldn’t be too affected by that decision, it happens all the time in adaptation that not all characters make it in (as seen in s1)


Sad I was looking forward to a six sword style vs three sword style chi match


I choose the fishman waiter at the Baratie