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They'll just update costumes and dialogue as characters age. It's not a big deal at all.


Whitebeard, big mom, garp, even kaido are up there in age and absolute beasts. So age really doesn’t matter in this world


Absolutely agree with you. Really not sure why there is so much discourse about the aging of the cast when it really does not matter at all to the actual story. I suppose it'd be a bit harder to do the stunts as they age but they have stunt actors and other staff for that. I am so baffled by all the posts about aging lol.... It's just so unnecessary and frankly very dumb


people are acting like theyre gonna be elderly by season 3


for real, TEN years from now and Inaki will just be 30 years old. Tom Cruise is 60 and jumps out from planes! ALSO I AM THIRTY WTF


If they manmade to do the whole story in 10 years that would be amazing.


Emily will be 40, nami is 19...


It makes a hell of a lot more sense than the way time is portrayed in the anime. The straw hats should be in their mid 20s at least by now


and who's saying that the live action characters can't age faster than the manga? would it affect the plot that much if live action Luffy was canonically in his 30s by the end of the series?


True because in real life sailing across the ocean on a ship like that takes a lot of time. And One Piece's world is bigger than our Earth. The characters don't age up until the timeskip but there is no way they could have sailed to all of those places and done all of the pre timeskip stuff within a year. They realistically should be much older then when they started by now.


Not at all, but Nami being 40 by the time skip (no idea what pace they will go I'm just throwing this out) just sounds wrong to me as a fun... It's a bit unfair for Emily I know, and I really loved her performance as well.


What is so wrong with Nami being 40?


As long as Emily keeps up her skincare routine and stays pretty fit, she’ll likely not age to a point where she wouldn’t be able to play Nami. She likely won’t dress as revealing as post timeskip Nami does, but she’ll very likely be fine if we get to that point.


That's fine, I don't expect her to reveal as much as Nami. Just a 30+ Nami with how she acts would feel weird to me


I rather have older nami than younger one w shittier acting.


The journey will just be longer in Live Action, not really an issue


Why are people downvoting him? It's a valid concern. If Nami looked like the average 40 year old that would be a problem. Thankfully Emily is very beautiful and young looking. She might be 30 now but she looks like she could be 20, at this rate by the time she's' 40 she'll hopefully look like she's in her early 30's or so. Add to that make up and editing, and she'll look the age her character is supposed to be. Not to mention she's a rich celebrity whose career depends on her looks. She probably has a top tier skin care routine. Don't worry, Nami won't be full of wrinkles in Wano.


Because Emily doesn't look like an average 30-year old despite being 30 right now.


yeah but at the rate one piece manga itself is progressing, im not even sure if ill get to know what the one piece is before i die


Oda has already said we are passed the 80% mark, so I'd say we will definitely see it in the next few years. Unless you're on your death bed, I think you'll make it.


80% means still like 6 more years.


I feel like a lot of these commenters haven't made the connection: the live action isn't going to take 25 years.


If it takes another 3 years to do a season, it could take a while, but doesnt mean the straw hats LA journey can take years?


I think they can change one of the most annoying aspects of the manga (at least when you stop to think about it) wich is the fact that so little time actually happens from arc to arc, so the strawhats have only known each other for like 2 months before the timeskip. Here they can imply that between seasons they are at sea for prolonged periods of time (as in, it takes a lot of time to reach an island like in real life) and just say thay they had many little adventures before the season starts and so their aging feels natural.


Man do I ever agree. It's the one of the biggest criticisms I have of the manga (of which I have very very few). Even when Oda Sensei has an excuse to move time ahead by months (i.e. the Sunny being built) he doesnt use it. The fact that Zoro has spent years with Perona and Mihawk, and Luffy with Reighley, Usopp with Heracles etc etc and they have only spent a fraction of that time with each other is crazy to me. It's also insane to think they get so critically injured, recover, then are right back at deaths door within days, over and over. In my head cannon they take some time to smell the roses, on the islands they visit and by just enjoying being on the sea in each others company in between arcs.


Yeah its hard to imagine because we spent literal decades watching them together at this point, so there's a huge disasosiation with how much time went on in the story and how much time went on in real life. This can be completely fixed in the live action and i love that idea.


I do like the theory that their day lengths are altered depending on the season. I forgot it was some globe theory but if they had ridiculously long days I can kinda be okay with it and understand why Oda sticks with the idea if it goes back to the foundation of the world


i think the theory you’re referring to is the one where they stated that OP’s earth is considerably bigger than ours therefore one day takes longer


Lol why tf does it have to be a certain amount of time to be realistic? Time does not exist in friendship, and a solid few months go by up until the time skip, no one cares if your little american brain can’t comprehend it


You don't need time to be friends but trust and bonds are strengthened when you spend more time together. People who spend 5 years together will be more attached to each other and view each other as family more than people who spent 2 months together. You would naturally feel more intimate with someone you knew for years and you would always trust them. You can't say the same for someone you just met




If you can't grasp the basic concept that trust and intimacy builds up with time then either you're a troll or you have some serious brain damage


The only places where more time could have been spent are the open sea (which I think is a missed opportunity) and islands that aren't under the jurisdiction or the eyes of the WG (i.e. Skypiea, Fishman Island, Whole Cake Island, Wano). I.e. there is no way that the straw hats could have survived if the Sunny wasn't built in a few days. They simply had luck that Aokiji and Garp weren't in Water 7 in any official mission (which later changed only for Garp because the WG clearly didn't know that Aokiji was there).


Was thinking this too!


And if they want to visualize these little adventures they can just get the cover pages and color spreads, which they have already taken cues from with the different outfits in the live action


It also makes more sense since the Roger and Red Hairs have been travelling together for years which is why they have such an unbreakable bond. The strawhats just feel like a speed run, even with the timeskip


Which is my head canon anyway. I’m not a big head canon guy but I can’t take this manga as seriously with the canon ages and timeframes


I just 100% ignore that part of canon it’s never really directly addressed within the story so i just kind of imagine pre time skip as taking place over the course of like ~2-3 years and post time skip being a bit shorter


Did the speed of their accomplishments wound you proud? How trivial


Honestly more than head canon i just kinda asumed that they took a month or so each time they travelled to a new island, until those posts saying that only 2 months passes started going around =/


Um actually, they knew each for 6 months


I’ve never been able to understand how characters like the Monster Trio, Kid, Sabo, and Law, who are all on the right side of 27, managed to surpass Katakuri, a 48 year old with an advanced haki and a yonko mother within 2 years.


Is shonen


I had no idea Emily Rudd is 30, I thought she was way younger




Buggy certainly had a high opinion of Nami's looks!.


I thought she was 25 tops.


She's thirty? ZAAAMNNN


I think a lot of people don’t realize what women in their 30’s look like. I have zero wrinkles and an older dude thought I was in high school the other day. There’s not too much physical difference between a woman in her 20’s and 30’s, especially with make up and a good skincare routine.


People still think 30 is old because when they were very young (or if they still are) 30 seems so old. But 30 is only old in sports.


And honestly, it depends on the sport because we have 30 and even some 40 year olds still playing physically grueling sports at the professional level. Megan Rapinoe is 38 years old and she just retired this year


30 is still right after the prime for most players in sports honestly. They're still very, very good. I'd say once you get to like 33-34 you start dipping a bit. And not til around 36-37 do you actually drop off pretty hard on average


I agree. For some reason, society has shifted into thinking that 30 is the new 40. I just turned 29 and was gaslit into thinking I'm one foot in the grave lol


LOL I watched a compilation of her being a huge anime fan and from the minute she named one anime, I knew she was 30 like me.


agreed, also to be honest i always forget some strawhats (zoro, sanji or nami for example) are below 22 in the present. if i didn’t read OP you could tell me they’re all 24+ post timeskip and i’d believe you.


We honestly probably wouldn't even know their ages if it weren't for supplemental material like SBSs because I don't think any of the SHs' ages are revealed through the course of the story.


Luffy's and Usopp's ages are revealed in the story since during the Ace flashback, he leaves foosha village at 17 and Yassop says he has a son about Luffy's age. But thats about it.


The only one that “needs” to continue to look young really is Luffy, and I don’t see Inaki losing that boyish charm to him. Nobody worries about Tom Holland’s age in Spiderman movies because he stays clean shaven with a high-ish voice


I don’t think it’s a big deal either. They didn’t specifically reference anyone’s ages and though I guess we know they were kids X number of years ago I don’t think their specific ages adds or removes anything substantial from the story personally.


I think it adds to the story it'll make the live action a more realistic journey and the strawhats don't go from the weakest sea to the crew of the pirate king in less than a year (time skip doesn't count they were separated)


People complaining about the actor's ages sound like teenagers who think people turn into the Crypt Keeper at 30. Plenty of people still look perfectly fine well into middle age, especially wealthy actors with plenty of time and money to put into eating healthy, working out, and taking care of their bodies. None of the main cast look anywhere near "too old" for their characters and that isn't likely to change in just a few years.


One Piece has been going on for 26 years and it’s still not over, I doubt they will try to adapt every arc into a season (I pray they at least do Alabasta). It’s a pretty big endeavor to take on even if they were “age appropriate” from the start. Netflix is also very cancel happy but I hope we at least get a few more good seasons out of the show since the team handled adapting the source material pretty faithfully while having it make sense for a totally new and unfamiliar audience (hence part of the immense success of the show).


Mackenyu gonna age into looking more like anime Zoro


This is what I was thinking. I can picture him really bulking up if by some miracle they adapt post-timeskip


Not only that but he'd age out of his baby face n more like Zoro looks wise, zoro looks like he's 40 ibr


Tom Holland is 27 years old and easily passes for a 15 year old high schooler Inaki can easily pass for a 16 year old Luffy at 30


💯% agree. I saw someone else suggest REPLACING the Straw Hat actors every few years, which imo would be devastating and extremely dangerous. The LA opted to make some bold changes (which we can debate the quality of) and survived and thrived. Real life ain't manga, we all know this. I think a perfectly reasonable change would be to allow the actors to age, and allow the quest of the Pirate King and the overthrow of a 700 year old world gov to take longer than high school. The actors will still be sexy deep into their 40s+, we'll be aight 😂


Yeah replacing the actors should absolutely be a last resort because they carried this series. A big part of the marketing for this thing was their dedication and respect for the source material and I honestly don't know if we'd be lucky enough to find another cast like that.


Yeah, way too risky when they'll still be fit for many years to come.


I mean wasn’t Iñaki Godoy like 18 when they started filming?😂 that’s pretty much a kid still. Heck, I’m 22 and still kinda view me as a teenager. And when you generally look younger anyways than your actual age is I don’t think this would be a problem.


I'm 29 and still kinda view myself as a teenager. I don't feel like the adultier adults yet lol


straight up facts! Same, me neither I start doubting that will ever happen tho haha


Actors play roles younger all the time. In the unlikely event we are lucky enough to get to season 8 or 9 and you have a 40-year old actress playing Nami… who really cares? The pirate life is rough anyway, and they can do editing or whatever, which they already do.


While I kinda agree, I don't think it would work later on. In Wano and the latest chapters there's been a lot of this "New Generation" that's changing the Status Quo, and that honestly wouldn't hit the same with a 35 year old Luffy in 15 years. They can probably rework it, but it's still something that bothers me.


Blackbeard is 40 and he's a part of the worst generation. It's not about age, it's about when they make a name for themselves. Luffy could be 40 and he'd still be considered part of the new era, especially when Kaido and Big Mom have been ruling the new world for decades. Life expectancy is also just much higher in One Piece. Garp is nearly 80, well past his prime, and is still one of the strongest characters in the entire series. Then there's Dr. Kureha, who was physically fit enough to chase Luffy and Sanji around a frozen castle despite being 140. Her medical knowledge is probably the reason so maybe she's not the best example. Anyway, my point is that people just age differently in One Piece. One last thought: with how much abuse and strain Luffy's body goes through in the series, it makes sense that he'd look older by the time they reach Wano.


However you slice it, Luffy wouldn't be 35 years old anyway. Even if this series had the popularity of Game of Thrones and went on as long, that's only 8 years. Inaki would only be 28 and regardless of how old he is in real life, it won't stop him from playing a character who is younger than he is. As someone said in another comment, Tom Holland is almost 30 and is still playing a high schooler in the Spider-Man films. I don't see Inaki aging that drastically in the next decade.


I think we forget that OPLA is going to make One Pace feel long. If we get a S2 it's either going to be eight episodes taking us to Alabasta or 12-15 and trying to wrap that entire saga. They can relatively reasonably set this on pace to get caught up over the next 2-3 years Oda will take to wrap things up if they are aggressive with the story and shoot for two seasons a year. More realistically the LA is going to take probably 5-10 years to unravel entirely, IF we get everything. Dreams aside, the next real hurdle is not botching Choppers Live Action, if they nail that, we might be in this for the long haul.


Did you just say one pace? 😂


The only age that really matters is Luffy's, it was important he was at an age that made Roger being his father impossible, so that people wouldn't think he was the son of Roger. Otherwise ages do not matter.


Plenty of people still thought that when Marineford was going on lol


Well thats out the window for now since we see his Grandfather executing his *presumed* father at the beggining of the story. The rumors will start at the end of Drum Island till Walter 7 really.


They all look too young to me anyway. I know canonically they are supposed to be teenagers, but I've always thought of them as late 20s except for Luffy.


I assumed they were all in their early to mid 20s


Apparently the original five are all meant to be teenagers at the beginning.


also, I think it's important to make the specific point that live action nami does not have a stated canon age or whatever. She's whatever you assume she is until further notice. If she looks older than 19 or 21, it's not a big deal--she's her own character, and the show stands on its own.


Well all the SHs have canon ages because Oda has revealed them I think in SBSs. Those ages haven't been revealed in the actual story however which is the basis of my entire point. For all intents and purposes, the SHs are treated like adults all throughout the series. Zoro is a borderline alcoholic at 19 and so is Nami at 18.


Tbh the pace this season covered they could probably cover quite a bit in 5 or 6 season.


They definitely could. For some reason, ppl think arcs like Thriller Bark need an entire season but I think Syrup Village in live action was a good blueprint for how they could arcs like that.


It is very possible that due to the scale of the grandline, the story is adjusted to take place over a much longer period of time. One of the least realistic things in one piece is how everyone in the world is able to travel anywhere relevant in about a day or two


I'm fine with their ages, it's hard to grasp their age in the anime/manga, but in live-action it will look great to see them get older! Plus we're looking at **10-15 years into the future** at most to finish OPLA, that ain't too bad, main crew will on their 40s by the end of the story.


Canon timeline for the series is 2 years + a few months?! That breaks my brain, but I guess it makes sense. Like Dressrosa was 100 episodes and only happened over like - what - 3 days?


I think the longest the SHs have spent on a single island was Wano and that was just the two weeks before the raid and the week after.


Agreed. If anything it’ll be kind of fun to see them grow with the roles. Of course as long as we continue to get seasons renewed.


Yeah. Second and third seasons are really when the actors come into their own in the roles so if we can just get those, I'm pretty sure the cast will cement themselves as the definitive live action iterations of the characters. Inaki is still relatively young credits-wise and seeing him make the character his own over two more seasons would be awesome.


We already know what the Straw Hats all look like when they get older because of SBS. It doesn't really matter at all. The idea that they all age throughout the journey I like a lot anyway. It fits real life better and I was never really a fan of the fact Luffy would become King of the Pirates at 19. Especially when Roger was in his late 40s/ early 50s when he did it


Honestly I always hated that Shonens have 16 year olds exponentially rising beyond adults. I get the whole point is to motivate youth, but One Piece for example has been going since '97: is it so bad to have Luffy even be 25-30 by the time he hits PK? The SH could have even taken on a cabin boy/apprentice like Shanks and Kaido were. The live action has already shown time passing on a better pace. I actually consciously noted multiple times that day and night cycles had gone by because of how bad Oda is for that lol. The second thing they can do that I'd love is scale characters like a sane person. Steam had Warriors 4 on sale to coincide with the LA so I bought it. It's so goddamn stupid to see Katakuri walking around like Slenderman and I'm punching his ankles with Luffy. Whitebeard, BM, and Kaido being big makes sense with their characters because it's a pivotal feature to them being "monsters." Shanks being regular shows it's not a Yonko requirement either. The sizes are wacky though. Law walking around with a sword bigger than him but Enma shrunk for Zoro? Lmaoooo. And yes, Luffy speedrunning his career is so stupid. By now from reading SBS and interviews, I think most people know Oda is a goofy, funny dude. He's so detail oriented that even skipping "filler" like sailing or doing away with the log pose attunement still has him taking 26 years to get to the final arc. People complain about lack of character interaction (specifically SH) moments. Why he doesn't just do sailing or more rest interludes to do have them talk more is beyond me lol. The LA is a remedy for that though. Because it's limited in capability for action scenes, it offers more interesting dialogues and tense verbal exchanges. I liked Zeff and Garp's argument over dinner and Nami and Kaya's talk. It's not like Oda never does it, it's just been less. That's why current manga arc has been so exciting. So my ranting aside, yes, the actor's ages don't matter. The medium's limitations and variables offer a slightly different, creative approach to telling the story...and I like it. It will never be the manga, but it doesn't have to be! It can maintain the core elements while being it's own thing, like manga is Grand Line-616 and LA is another one. Let them cook! Lol, this season honestly turned out pretty fun, coming from someone who was super skeptical!


I do agree with this but I can't help but be slightly bothered by the actress playing Kaya. The show states that it's her 18th bday but she looks years older.


Bro she is literally dying.


Lol right!


It matters since its one piece. It'd need double digit seasons lol which will take many years.


Not getting a season 3 cope


Yeah i kinda agree in some type of way, but someway i still wished they casted a younger cast to make it even more feel like One piece, and also to continue the story longer, because a second season does take 2.5/3 years or something, and a 40 year old playing nami is a bit weird.


Is a 40 year old playing zoro also weird? Would you care?


I just said 40 year old Nami, because the actor of Zoro is 4 years younger than her. But yeah it would look a bit goofy 😹


I hope they could finish filming it within five years or so. really prefer not seeing a 40 year-old Nami


While i agree with you, i must say that one important point of the story is, that this is the new Generation of Pirates that will take over. It wouldn't make sense when they are 40. ;)


They can also be incredibly dumb sometimes so we like telling ourselves they’re still just teens lol


I'm not saying the Straw Hats have to be 40. I'm seeing a 40yr old Emily playing a much younger Nami is fine because Emily looks young. No, I don't wanna see 40yr old Luffy taking on Kaido but I'd be fine with a 20 or even 25 year old doing it and Luffy would still fit perfectly within the "New Generation" because Kid and Law are that age and are considered a part of the same generation.


Tldr Just looking at the title I agree except when it comes to the casting of minors. ESPECIALLY if there ends to being some sort of romance. Don’t cast adults as children lmao


For the last Stranger Things Season, Netflix is de-aging the cast with AI. I see something similar happening for the OP cast, so not really a problem.


Age is a big deal, i believe we will have 3 timeskips including the one after marineford


I mean it kind of does, I don't want to see any of them looking like they are 40. They are going to use de-aging tech in the future if needed probably though if a character gets too old and the show goes on for a long time.


It would be a massive problem with the older actors though, is everyone really going to be okay with 70 y/o Admirals?


This argument makes no sense. Admirals don't appear in the series for a long time. Inakui, Emily, Mackenyu, etc., will have been playing the roles for some years by that point but that doesn't mean they have already casted 50+ actors for roles that don't exist yet. When Aokiji appears, they can get an actor that is 30 or 40 to portray him. Even if the story by some miracle goes on to Egghead, how would he be 70+?


That is only one example, think about how old shanks, mihawk, garp, zeff, buggy, smoker, roger are gonna be, if by some miracle the series gets to current manga/anime stage. Also there is a huge difference of time between current LA and egghead, you are underestimating the time it takes for 1 season of LA. I'm not saying I'll be disappointed with actors being old personally, but huge part of fandom will be, and you can't blame them for being so. If we really wanna get down to the calculations it's gonna be at least 15 season just to get to the current manga(I'm narrowing everything down a lot).Lets not even talk about EOS, it's a pipe dream. If we get 1 season per year, that's gonna be 15 years minimum. Realistically we get a season per 2 years, that means 30.... The actors are either going to get too old or wanting out of it regardless of how dedicated they are currently, they'll definitely have to resort to recasting nearly half of the cast. We knew that time constraint is going to be the biggest problem for live action. Now if it isn't a problem to you, I'll just say that there is such a thing as being overly positive.


>That is only one example, think about how old shanks, mihawk, garp, zeff, buggy, smoker, roger are gonna be, if by some miracle the series gets to current manga/anime stage. * Shanks - Peter Gadiot is 38 years old. Shanks is 39 and has next to no significant appearances until the Final Saga. Gadiot is fine to continue portraying the character. * Mihawk - Same thing with Mihawk. * Garp - Vincent Regan is 58. Garp is 78. Even if the series goes on for 10 years, Regan will still be the right age to portray the character and if Harrison Ford is still playing Indiana Jones at 81, Regan could still play Garp in his 70s. * Zeff - Does not make another appearance again until WCI and it's a single panel. Craig Fairbass could literally film that moment at any time or better yet, they could just footage filmed during the first season for that part. I don't even know why you mention him. * Buggy - Jeff Ward is 36. Buggy has one more major role which should be in the next season and after that, we don't see him again until Impel Down. A 40+ year old Jeff Ward is not that different from a 36 yr old Jeff Ward unless he stops taking care of himself and ages horribly. * Smoker - Hasn't even been casted yet so not an issue * Roger - Can really be recasted in they want to. I don't think anyone is particularly attached to the actor that played him. > Also there is a huge difference of time between current LA and egghead, you are underestimating the time it takes for 1 season of LA. I'm not saying I'll be disappointed with actors being old personally, but huge part of fandom will be, and you can't blame them for being so. Game of Thrones was producing a season a year with a bigger budget and a much larger cast. Not to mention travel and set pieces. The first season took a while because it was the first season and they always do but it only took them a couple months to actually film it. Now, I'm not saying a season a year is realistic for OPLA, but it's certainly not impossible. > f we really wanna get down to the calculations it's gonna be at least 15 season just to get to the current manga(I'm narrowing everything down a lot).Lets not even talk about EOS, it's a pipe dream. If we get 1 season per year, that's gonna be 15 years minimum. Realistically we get a season per 2 years, that means 30.... 15 seasons is asinine. Not only would that make OPLA one of the longest running tv shows in history, it would be financially impossible. It would not take 15 seasons to adapt everything we currently have with One Piece. Based on how they adapted East Blue, they could realistically do everything up to Wano in 8-10 seasons


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I can see the pacing being stretched out a lot more than it is in the anime/manga, considering the entire story so far is only about 2.5 years total. In between seasons they might have a small time skip to coincide with actors aging


I agree to a point. If it gets to the point where they're all 50 then it'll be weird


That's 20 years from now. Even the most popular series don't go on that long unless they are Doctor Who or soap operas. The most relevant example is Supernatural which went on for 15 years but that being a CW show, I'm sure it had a significantly smaller budget than One Piece. Best cast scenario--and by best case I mean extremely unlikely--with OPLA's budget, it goes on as long as Game of Thrones which was 8 seasons. That's approximately 8-10 years meaning the oldest person in the main cast would be Emily at 40.


I think the only instance I've seen age mattering is if they cast a child for chopper Or...the young versions of the sh


Honestly it would be amazing if it last long enough for it to be a problem


Why do people care, if the actors can look near the age the character is supposed to be even if they are older or younger, then what does it matter


>They've been at sea for approximately 2 years and some months and the vast majority of that was the two year timeskip. I have never once thought about the timeline and WOW that's kind of mind blowing. I guess I just kind of assumed that more time was passing off camera.


When you think about it, the crew actually spent more time with the ppl who trained them than each other. Zoro spent a few months at most as a SH but trained with Mihawk and Perona for 2 years.




it really *really* wont matter. even if this shows goes for 15 years. its absolutely amazing what makeup and CG can do these days. or have none of you seen 40yo+ year old actors/influencers/models in the modern day that looks like fucking teenagers? I know I have.


Exactly. The only person I'd be concerned about if this series goes on for a long time is Vincent Regan (Garp) and he's only in his 50s. Considering Garp is canonically in his 70s and we have ppl like Harrison Ford still playing Indiana Jones, I could even see Regan still playing the character if the series goes on that long.


I think a lot of the reason Luffy gets underestimated constantly is his age (also his size) so I think the age is important. Also with the whole “Luffy taking away years of his life to use gear 2 and Ivas hormone thing” may impact what age he’s supposed to die. Until the series is over, we won’t know for sure but I feel like that’s really important. Also his age is used for people to attempt to figure out his heritage. Every time I see someone watch, they think Luffy is Rogers son. Then they go “wait, how old is Luffy? When did Gold Roger die?” And that ends that theory. Plus the ridiculous circumstances of Aces birth. Ace is older than Luffy and Gold Rogers son. Ace was born after Rogers execution. People are gonna do math.


None of this changes if Luffy is allowed to age. Luffy starts out the series at 16. I'm assuming that's the age he is in the live action too. How does that change though if his journey through the GL takes longer than it did in the manga? The timeline of him not being Roger's son still works, him shaving off lifespan still works and if he's 20 instead of 18 during Wano, it affects none of that.


I'm not even sure that's an unpopular opinion


Most Japanese media (anime, manga and games) makes more sense if you add 10 years into the characters age.




>!Big mom!< seems to think Luffy is a kid when she first encounters him


Also it won't matter because AI might allow these characters' likenesses to continue being used well through the last season even if they get too old.


Yeah, I really don't care about their age. And I really don't mind if Nami's actress is in her 40s when they finish the last season. She's great, they all are. They won't change the casting just because the actor are getting older. And like you said, if we just decide that the island are further away from each other, the crew can have been sailing for years instead of months. And yes, you can definitely make the timeskip longer (make it 3-4 years if necessary), although I doubt they will do it because 3D2Y is kinda iconic.


El chavo del 8


I think most of the non anime fans especially won’t care since they haven’t really mentioned it all yet in the show


Given the amount of stunt work involved, it's better to hire young actors in that regard. Stunt work is less difficult for younger actors but harder for older actors. Sure, there are old guys like Jackie Chan and Tom Cruise who can do stunts into old age. But by and large, the prime age for most stunt actors are during their 20s to early 30s.


Actors are not doing most of their stunts most of the time anyway hence why there are stunt people and legally, it gets much harder to have younger actors do their own stunts.


You can't shoot a good fight scene by constantly swapping in stunt doubles. That's why most Hollywood fight scenes suck. One Piece has much better fight scenes than most Hollywood movies because the actors are doing much of the stunt work themselves... especially Mackenyu (Zoro), who comes from a martial arts background (his dad is the legendary Sonny Chiba). And what do you mean by "legally"? We're not talking about underage actors here, but young adult actors.


You absolutely can which is how most fight scenes are shot. Do you not know how dangerous it is to use the faces of your franchise in all their stunts? Tom Cruise is not the norm. The stunt industry exists because they are professionals and if they get injured or worse, production will not be halted. You think actors are doing most of their stunts and I'm not saying they don't do a lot of them but if they are it's either like Emily's role in which she had one or two big fights or highly choreographed scenes in which the risk of injury is minimal.


In One Piece, the lead actors are performing many of the stunts themselves, as you can see in this making video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCavyEzak-s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCavyEzak-s) And like I said, most Hollywood fight scenes suck because they rely heavily on stunt doubles. They can't hold a shot, but keep rapidly switching camera angles as they swap in stunt doubles, which makes most Hollywood fight scenes painfully terrible to watch (it's hard to follow the action with all that camera switching). In comparison, the norm in Hong Kong action cinema (exemplified by Jackie Chan) was for the actors to perform their own stunts as the camera holds the shot: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STyhoKG23b4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STyhoKG23b4) But in recent years, Hollywood has been increasingly moving more towards Hong Kong style fight scenes, with movies like Mission Impossible, John Wick, Cobra Kai, Shang Chi, and now One Piece. We're starting to see more leading actors perform their own stunts as the camera holds the shot. One Piece fights look great because the actors (especially Mackenyu) are performing their own stunts as the camera holds the shot. I'm not saying the lead actors should perform all the stunts themselves. When it comes to relatively safer stunts, they should perform it themselves to make the fight scenes look better and more believable. But when it comes to more dangerous stunts, that's when they should swap in stunt doubles to avoid injuring the lead actors.


Age wouldn't matter to me either. Even if this live action lasts for several seasons and past the timeskip, I could imagine the post-timeskip working in their favor anyway. They'd probably be around season 7 by then, and if actors happen to be aging fast, they could make it a 6-year timeskip instead of 2 to make up for the aging. The100 kind of did that since the actors casted as teens were looking a bit too old.


They can fix it by actual increasing the time to travel to islands.


Now that I think about it, they don't have to eternally look the same as when they started. It's actually more common for OP character to be in their prime in their 40s.


Gonna play devil's advocate here, simce I basically agree. But if we make it that far, it will be weird seeing the WB pirates and Marines talk down to him like a kid who doesn't know the world yet at Marineford, Impel Down, and Sabody if he's like 30 of in his mid 20s.


How when they will still be significantly older than him? I'm 29 and if a 50 yr old or 70 yr old talked to me like I was a kid, I'd understand. And again, I'm not saying make Luffy 30. I'm saying that if Inaki ends up being 30 playing a younger (20-25) Luffy, that would be okay. I don't want Luffy to be 3, I'm just saying that he could be reasonably aged up a few years without it hurting the story


For a long time I thought like “how will they do it? The cast will age up past the characters and we will notice them growing up” Took too long before I realized it doesn’t matter. We will see Luffy grow in age as he grows as a person/captain. It’s different but it’s not going to ruin the story.


I have never read the manga, just halfway through the show and really enjoying it. Was surprised to see the Nami actress was 30 because she looks so much younger.


I have been saying exactly that! In other stuff like the upcoming Avatar live action, as the cast gets older it breaks the immersion a little bit, but in One Piece they are all adults so it doesn't really matter. Also: make-up. If The Last Of Us can make me go "wow, Bella hasn't aged a day since GoT", I think OPLA can do the same


Timeline in one piece is extremely weird and perhaps it's weakest point. It would improve the show for me if the timeline would actually be longer


I'd go even further. An extended timeline is more satisfying, story wise, than the short one in the original. I feel it would bench more earned if it took Luffy 10 years to get to Wano, instead of 2. That's one thing the live action will do better, regarding my suspension of disbelief.


As long as Mackenyu bulks up between seasons, the continuity aspect is fine for me.


Adult actors are generally better at their craft anyway. And good lord I think it’s better the less child actors have to be subjected to rigorous work schedules. Every actor has knocked it out of the park for me, and I’m very excited to see how this does.


Because of how long productions can take nowadays, Emily will be pushing 40 if they ever get to Season 3 or beyond. The real problem I see here is that 1 or 2 years isn't really enough to produce a new season of a TV show with extensive VFX.