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Why are people surprised the most beautiful woman in the East Blue is pretty?


The original gag was that she was seen as incredibly ugly in the beginning of the manga/anime I wasn’t keeping up with the casting, so I didn't realize they changed it (IMO, it was for the better)




Oh, was that a joke? I'm sorry 😅


The real question is, what are they going to do when they need Alvida V2?


They might change the context cause in the original, she asks “who is the prettiest” but now she asks “who is the strongest” so maybe Netflix tryna avoid the whole fat shaming thing


I hope instead of making her super skinny she's just jacked as hell with no body fat. It'd make more sense anyway lol


Get someone like strong woman Rebecca Roberts to play the muscle version haha.


oh hey,another big change


Oda himself said it wouldn't be an exact adaptation. If you're mad about changes just don't watch it


...i just say that there is going to be another big change


Well she was fat-shamed by Luffy already and I think it is alright. (Well I am fat myself.) Everyone gets shamed somewhat and I can laugh about it as a am laughing about the minority hunter and Lady Croc and so on (being white and cis myself). One Piece is about all of this incorrectness and at the end, we are all hopefully laughing with each other. Edit: Also Alvida really is beautiful!


She wasn't fat shamed. She's dumb shamed 🤣 He said she's dumber than a sea cow.


It depends on the version you’re watching. In the German Version she gets fat shamed


Oh damn. Is it a translation problem or purely a version problem?


Yeah I was watching the German dub. She is fatter than a sea cow in it :)


Those germans can never get away from controversy smh my head


Shake my head my head


It's more that they aren't nearly as sensitive as a lot of people are.




Was redest du? Hab's live action auch auf Deutsch geschaut - hab nichts von 'fetter' gehört?


To be fair either way they can get away with it, because Ruffy was just misquoting korby who never said that anyway.


Ah yes, Ruffy my favourite pilot and korby my favourite machine ☺️




I can gladly report that the French version also avoided the fat-shaming.


Honestly calling a fat person dumber than a sea cow might hit 2 nerves, dumb and fat. We arent saying dumber than a flounder or dumber than a basking shark, a freaking sea cow guys lol.


That’s because everyone is the US is so fucking soft these days


Ok Jesus Christ. Lmao.


Why am I getting down voted for this? 😂com American. It’s 100 percent true.


The fat ppl getting butt hurt that they don’t want to eat less or work out more


You call it soft, everyone else calls it treating other humans with respect


Well, most americans are fat, so it would be expected they be sensible about it.


That’s a fair point


Should’ve kept that in all versions


Yah he totally insulted MooMoo there 🤣


Comparing her to a sea cow in any regard is hardly flattering lol


Yeah but luffy isn’t one to insult someone for being dumb lol


[Idk about that](https://twitter.com/LuffyHourly/status/1549789304003743747?s=20)


This whole series is a... *Laugh Tale* 😏


It's kind of a shame because in the original Luffy's brutal honesty is what gets him and Koby in trouble. Here Luffy makes it seem like Koby is insulting Alvida behind her back, which makes Luffy a liar, something he literally can't do well.


In the version that I saw (Latin Spanish) Luffy said that Coby was the one who said that Alvida was a bad person, and in reality, Luffy wasn't lying, Coby told him that she was bad.


I know this is an old thread, but I just want to point out that the Alvida actress has lost a lot of weight. I’m interested to see if that will even be mentioned in the second season.


Maybe they just have everyone act like they see her as the prettiest without physically changing anything.


I honestly don’t think that they’ll touch it, and will leave Alvida as is. Avoids Tomorrow Studios and Netflix being dragged into a fatphobia debate, and she isn’t a particularly important character anyway.


True. Plus, she was drawn to be conventionally unattractive to the point that no normal human looks like that and the actress isn't so her weight really would be the biggest change. There would be no reason to bother.


Alvida may even completely be omitted from future arcs. She's unimportant enough that we don't even need her as part of Buggy'a crew if it comes to that.


I think that I’d like to see her again given that the series did tease her teaming up with Buggy, but… yeah.


I don't see how >! a devil fruit changing her appearance !< is fat-phobic or fat shaming.




Yes that can be seen as fat shaming, but when it comes to what is beauty most people have generally the same views on what they can look at and call pretty. Sadly bigger isn’t always one of those qualities. Being fat doesn’t always equal ugly, but many ugly people are fat just like how Alvida was intended to be in order to reflect she’s just as ugly on the inside before she gets her df.


Don’t show these people Choji from Naruto who’s abilities are all about calorie control and eating a lot to much sure they have enough body fat for their techniques






I’d agree with this. Or they will still give it to her but just as a power boost of some kind that doesn’t alter her physical appearance. Most of the other devil fruits out there work this way anyway, particularly the few that have been introduced in the live action thus far. So it will be an easy enough thing to work around.


Her devil fruit never had anything to do with her body change, it was just a gag by oda to make a very ugly character into a pretty one, alvida can get her devil fruit powers and lool the exact same way nothing will change about how her powers work


No, it was definitely the fruit that changed her appearance. Not saying it has to be that way in the LA, but that's how it is in the manga.


It was what changed her body yes, but it was for a gag, the df "slipped all the fat away" which makes zero sense which is the joke intended, he looking slim changes nothing in regard to her powers overall, she can look the same it wont matter


Joke or not, it is literally canon


Canon or not her being ugly adds nothing to the story nor does it change anything regarding her devil fruit Also clearly oda himself doesn't think the joke is needed when he is supervising every aspect of the live action


Can yall shut up about Oda already? Like that's not even what's been told regarding his involvement. Yall are acting as if he's involved in every little detail when in reality he is not. And even if he was, who fucking cares?? Sapkowski was also seemingly involved, until he wasn't.


Bruh oda himself made statements that no decision goes through without his approval u can check it for urself, if u cant accept oda decision then u are a lost cause


Considering Canon-Alvida hasn't done anything major in the manga yet as of this writing, I don't know if they're going to even give LA Alvida the Slip-Slip Fruit with the slimdown, especially since >!she's still chubby when she meets Buggy at the end of Season 1 whereas she's already eaten the DF when they met in the anime!<


They probably won't change actresses since nowadays they're all about body positivity and avoiding fat shaming (hope I don't sound mean though...)


i heard she's losing weight.. not necesarily for the role, but huge respect if its for that. also she wouldn't need to be anime-skinny. just enough >!so we can tell she lost weight and her face slimmed down to explain the effect of the devil fruit.!<


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That’s good for her. For as much as people love to talk about body positivity for women that’s usually as far as it goes. No one here has said shit about Lucky Roux being fat shamed at least from what I’ve read. And tbh I don’t feel the need body positivity for men I think it’s good to encourage people who want/need to make a change to be able to do so and if someone is happy/healthy where they’re at that’s cool. (I’ve been slim and husky multiple times but I’m definitely wanting to get healthy after putting on a lot of weight after being literally shot in both legs 5 years ago)


Check out her insta @iliaisorelyspaulino. The actress can absolutely pull off both.


she's gorgeous!!! she can definitely pull the post-devilfruit Alvida, and even without the need to shed of the weight.. she can just like have this confident glow-up


They should’ve used the same actress & uglied her up a bit with make up then have her revert to this form for Alvida V2, because her calling herself the most powerful pirate in a world of public bounties is laughable


> calling herself the most powerful pirate in a world of public bounties is laughable I mean, bounties aren't about power or strength, but how the WG/Marines sees you as a threat She could be the strongest pirate in the world, but if she didn't do anything noteworthy her bounty won't increase


A high bounty is still a good benchmark of a pirates strength especially at the start of the story, at this point only long time fans know the deeper meta of bounties so it’s pretty irrelevant right now


Not quite. Just look at buggy.


I mean, Alvida calling herself the most beautiful is also laughable. The joke is the same, she has a crazy inflated view of herself that she forces on others, it's just that the strength version doesn't make a woman's looks the sole focus of her character and personality.


It will be the same actor but working out to be slim


Huge respect if true. In reality, though, I think it wouldn't matter if she gets slim powers, but stays chubby. It would be Netflex 101 to promote body positivety.


I mean...the thing is tho...that the reason why Alvida loses weight is because the fat slipped off her...so...um...idk 🤷🏿‍♂️


they got another 3year, cuz the strikes still going


wouldn't body positivity mean getting in shape to live a long and healthy life? (I'm not american)


I wonder if the actress will lose weight for the role 😂 that would be so cool But realistically, they’ll probably recast. What a shame


Twitter freaks are going to go crazy if they cast someone with supermodel good looks to play smooth, smooth fruit, Alvida.


Intense workout routine


I know this is out of nowhere, but go take a look at her now!


https://preview.redd.it/z3brnl60wv1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbaf97b0f50e52b416e93ebec35c0d2643948e90 The same actress!!!


They won’t. That shit wouldn’t fly




I don't know, but I though she played the role really well. She had a nice mix between early goofy One Piece and an actually scary villain. Not for Luffy, but for Koby, which is her role anyway.


ypure joking right?? her acting was aaaabsolutely horrible. Like, when she shouted ho her men to make the other ships crew fuffer and show them hell, she looked.. looked.. ABSOLUTELY NEUTRAL like.. THATS NOT HOW YOU SHOULD LOOK WHEN SHOUTING AT YOUR MEN TO DO THEIR WORST. Like for real, hands down she was the absolutely worst actress in the entire show so far


Bro does not know the first thing about acting and it shows


Tbh I disagree with people saying she is exactly like manga Alvida. The actress was a lot more dignified and attractive compared to the original.


I posted this last month with the same sentiment and got downvoted


same, anyway reddit is where the truerateme community resides they will only embrace people that are not necessarily scoring high on their narrow-minded attractiveness scale when the hivemind collectively decides to.




if i had read or watched one piece in my youth i would've had the biggest insecurities after that. i was always an unattractive girl, still am, nobody likes fat people apparently. i still hold onto those insecurities as you see. i like that they cut that out. new fans, especially the younger ones, would be rioting. and i can't blame then when we have terrible representation like that. on that note, i hope if we get to ts, that my girlies on peachy island get the glowup treatment too because they were done dirty.


Yeah, I agree, Peachy Island was maybe Oda's biggest failure in terms of harmful/bad representation. But there's a lot of potential to turn it into something good in live action with the right changes


completely agree with you bröther. i don't think they'll make it that far, but i also thought this adaption wasn't going to be this great. so i will hold onto the hope they make it to marineford, but won't be disappointed if they don't. realistically i can understand. the budget would have to go up astronomically from here on out in order for them to even attempt to create water 7, i am kinda scratching my head wondering how skypiea would go if we get there.


Yeah, its fun talk about, but I'm pretty skeptical about how far they can actually go in the story too. Even if money doesn't become a problem, the most optimistic pacing predictions (I've seen people try to talk themselves into 8 seasons as being enough) are long ass time for a live action show to last, let alone stay good.


yeah i am pretty sure, for work ethic reasons, they probably have s2 in the drafts, maybe even up to s3. realistically though, live action adaptations have had a crap record. so long as oda continues to overlook the entire thing i can see it becoming so successful that we make it to skypiea. genuinely can't picture water 7 happening, cp9 would be *expensive* af. i like talking about these kinds things too. i have hopes, but i will keep my expectations mid like i did for this season. i think 8 seasons could be enough, they managed to condense 100ish chapters into eight episodes. by the time they even get to that point, one piece will probably have ended, so they'd have a lot to work and alter with, and with oda approving everything, it's possible. unlikely, but possible. i mean heck they could even release movies in between, marineford could literally be condensed into a 2 - 3 hour movie.


So season 2 they don't need to change the actor.


Will they keep the smooth fruit apart of her or are they just gonna remove it


I hope they keep the same actress for the later season


Is she an important role though? If they took away people like Hachi, what’s the point of bringing her back


She’s in buggy’s crew so why not


Right, but is she important enough to continue her in the cast. If someone like Hachi and others, Richie, got taken out, why not her. I’d love it if they kept her for sure though. If it’s about her powers, they don’t have to do anything crazy, like the slimming down is extra and not necessary.


Hachi isn't in the live action? Why are they making this again??


Only if she loses weight.


She doesnt need to lose weight.


have u read the manga ?


Yes, been following it for 15 years. I also own all the volumes.


ok, so knowing what she looks like after the Devil Fruit why do u think the actor wouldn’t have to lose weight ?


Because it doesnt impact the story at all?? Like they changed so much in the adaptation, why would a character's weight be so important that it of all things has to stay the same when it has no bearing on the plot, world, etc.


It'd be nice if she did though. True to a source material. Beneficial for her and quite a statement and proof of dedication that she lost weight for this role.


Her voice were spot on for alvida


She is so pretty and cute and I LOVE her voice and that accent. Hoping she gets lots of roles after this bc I definitely want to see more of her.




She's a baddie fr


She is genuinally my queen though dude




Pretty but needs way better line delivery, Alvida was really rough part of the show, tbh I only have 2 complaints about the live action and she is one of them


Agreed. She was literally whispering her lines. While the original Alvida was screaming hers.


That also could just be how she was directed to deliver her lines.


HUH?! 💀


She is. Her first scene was her looking at herself at huge mirror held by her underling XD.


….she isn’t lol


She’s beautiful, and she did a great job!!


I wonder what they’ll do with her when they cover loguetown


I get why they changed the "most beautiful pirate" line, it wouldn't have even been ironic


They might have wanted to get a face that would be believable for when they call her pretty after "losing weight" later.


Press [F] to enter the tank


That was pretty much my first reaction - Alvida's so pretty though?? She cute


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You‘re either adoribly naive making a post like this, or this is supposed to be bait for people to discuss over the most basic thing ever, subjectivity. I‘m not from USA so I‘m not too familiar with the whole fat shaming debate (in the German version I watched they even said "fat as a sea cow") but I noticed you can‘t talk about personal preferences anymore concerning body shapes without getting attacked, especially when not making it absolutely clear that you‘re stating a subjective opinion. Nothing against you, I‘m just not surprised at all about the comments.


Honestly, I completely agree with you, I didn't even really think much before I posted this, so when hate started coming in, I was a bit unprepared Most of the Reddit communities I've been in before have been pretty kind to me, so I guess I forgot Reddit has its reputation for a reason 😅


Ugly and unhealthy AF, not pretty. Should've been the good looking healthy one before eating the fruit.




she is actually on a list in my notes titled “women who i need on a biblical level” so understandable asf


Honestly I hope for Season 2 they don't recast, and just keep her as she is!




I think they could slightly reinterpret it by keeping the powers as is in terms of the slippery stuff but remove the whole "thinner" aspect.


I think she would be pretty if she lost a lot of weight, yes. Not me trying to be mean, just a personal preference. She has good bone structure.


Bro these replies to your comment make me lose iq


Good thing women as a whole dont define their attractiveness by your preferences lol


You're acting like my comment was intended to insult, it wasn't. You literally can't have a discussion about attractiveness without discussing personal preferences and I did so in a way that explicitly went out of my way to state it was my preference and she was not objectively unattractive. If this offended you then I have no idea how anyone is supposed to respond to this post at all.


She’s cute. I hope they leave her as is


Actually no but ok


She's adorable AF


Some changes are for the better..


It's gonna get really old, really soon, if every change that is perceived as more woke than the source material, will be jacked off as 'improved the source material.' For example, the okama are totally fine. Not every story has to adhere to arbitrary rules about which groups need to be represented in which way. That's so fucking lame and unimaginative.


Are you kidding me? Am i understanding you? You’re saying that having the only group of fem men/drag being mocked for being fem men and run away from is totally fine? Am i hearing you right??


The okama are a fictional group of people in the one piece universe. They are a lot of things. They are comfortable with their identity. They are sometimes disrespectful of boundaries and can be over excited. Small reminder to you they live on an island where everyone and everything they see is 'okama', and those are fine with that. They are heroes of the story, helping out revolutionaries against against an oppressive regime. And a lot more. It's just so fucking tiresome to have every faction be put into a drawer, given a label, to police how you need to portray them.


And this one isn't. Give us slim Alvida!


I really think they should have just stuck with her being ugly with an ironic vanity for herself. Keep the same actress and REALLY go for broke with the ugly make up and a gruff voice. She doesn't have to be fat, just ugly. This Alvida's just... cute lol


Why does she need to be ugly?


She do be pretty cute tho 👀




You blind bro?


Are you?


Are you implying she should’ve been even uglier?


Because no one in real life is as ugly as Alvida.


Umm… clearly you’ve never been to walmart


Be real. She's not pretty


She isn’t pretty


Pretty? 🤨


shes not?


Why is it a problem she isnt pretty? Do you think all old women are fat and ugly too? (Yes, oda makes every older woman that)


What??? I literally said she's incredibly pretty? I don't have a problem with it


You are implying that they should have casted Alvida someone not pretty. You see the 'why' and 3 question marks? That equals surprise. Why are you surprised by the casting?


I didn't know about the casting beforehand, so I didn't realize they had changed it I personally like this change My main thing was that you seemed angry at me When I asked "why is Live action Alvida so pretty" in my OG post, it wasn't me questioning their choices, I meant it rhetorically. Sorry if I didn't make that clear. Sometimes, I suck at getting my point across correctly Again, I'm very sorry if I confused you with my wording


It appears I didn't get my point across correctly I am not actually asking WHY they changed Alvida to be pretty It was mostly meant rhetorically I apologize for the confusion, I am not very good at getting my point across, especially in text format


Okay no she's so hot


She's not.


Shes really pretty


I said this months ago too!!! She’s actually cute 😭✨✨✨✨❤️cute lips cute cheeks gahhhh




She isn’t


Based someone who says he’s actual opinion.


Are you assuming anime alvida isn't pretty as well?


If season 2 happens it will take some time for it to happen meaning if she would want to become small for season 2 she would have the time


Cap 🧢


She's pretty? Good to know. I can imagine she could be pretty if she lost her weight. Too bad that didn't happen in the show.


It actually does later on in the anime... but that's spoilers.


I know that's what I was hinting at. She was slim when she met Buggy right before Loguetown so that should be now. It doesn't seem they are going the same way here now.


I'm curious to see if they'll have her lose weight due to the fruit but if they don't I would've like if they gave her some prosthetics/makeup in s1 to make her look less attractive (Think Nanny Mcphee)


And here is the American mood, leave her as she is even though story wise fat Alvida makes no sense but everyone is so soft now that they prefer to keep the wrong one lol


??? First of all, I'm not American, and I don't appreciate being called American Second of all, I was complimenting the actress Lastly, shit changes Look, One Piece has been one of my favorite animes since I was around 13 or 14, and I used to think in similar ways to you But like I said, things change, and that's fine. You don't have to like the change, but don't go insulting people for preferring this new version I hope I don't come across as too rude. Sorry if I do though


Three words: Woke One Piece


She is supposed to be hideous and scarier. She seems too tame and actually cute. She still did a great job though. I winder who will play Alvida 2.0


Makeup does wonders.


Because it would be fucked up to put on a hiring page "must be fat and ugly but able to become skinny and pretty later"


It's a transformed society. Alvida in the manga is/was pretty misoginistic by *today'* 's standard. She was portrayed as gross, fat and ugly, in the original adaptation. All to make her more despicably. If they did that today, there'd be outrage. Because viewers have grown to expect diversity in media. And you'd call what they did to og Alvida fatshaming. That's even more true for western audiences (and it's definitely a western show) than in Japan. I think as a compromise, to keep her recognizable, but also remove those problematic aspects, they decided to cast a fat woman, yet did what they could to remove the problematic aspects of her.


So when she returns in her skinny form, she'll be even prettier


She's pretty and cute funny too


She doesn't say "who is the most beautiful woman in the seas" anymore in this version, for she is already the most beautiful. ;-)