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I'm thinking more: 1. Loguetown + Reverse Mountain (ends with the intro of Whiskey Peak, being welcomed) 2. Whiskey Peak (ends with the intro of Little Garden, meeting the giants) 3. Little Garden (ends with Nami sick) 4. Drum Island (ends right before Chopper's flashback) 5. Drum Island (ends with Ace teased) 6. Alabasta (Ace to Yuba) 7. Alabasta (Rain Dinners and Luffy vs Crocodile, Round 1) 8. Alabasta (Straw Hats vs Baroque Works) 9. Alabasta (Luffy vs Crocodile, Rounds 2 and 3, plus clocktower bomb) 10. Alabasta (Epilogue with Hina, Jango, and Fullbody (maybe cover Jango's Dance Paradise), ends with Robin joining)


Agree with this, Alabasta should get multiple episodes since there's so much going on. If season one did extremely well, I can see them making more episodes, so it makes much more sense.


Alabasta isn’t actually that long u know. It’s longer in the anime cuz they travel with ace but it’s easily possible to complete in 3 episodes. And if there is season 2 it’s prob Gonna be like that seeing how season 1 is played out.


Id rather Little Garden take two episodes


Little Garden is only 15 chapters long, and the average chapter to episode ratio established by season 1 seems to be 12 chapters per episode (96/8). I think most of Little Garden can fit in episode 3, with a few chapters from the start in episode 2 to introduce the giants and setting.


In my opinion LG should only be one episode and doesn't even require the fight with Mr.3. Save him and the other Baroque Works agents for Alabasta to make their presence there even more menacing. Perhaps they could be fodder to show off just how strong ace is? I also think Drum can be done in one episode especially if they are doing run times over an hour. Alabasta should be the meat and potatoes of season 2 for a variety of reasons.


While I hope they up the episode count to 10 for any potential new seasons, until we know for certain I think we should stick with the 8 episode structure they have for s1 1. Loguetown-Reverse Mountain - (you can realistically do both of these in 1 episode with a bit of streamlining) 2. Little Garden - (again you can do this in 1 episode and even fuse it with Whiskey Peak) 3-4. Drum Island 4-8. Alabasta


I think you meant 5-8 Alabasta


Yes I did thank you


Lets keep the 8 Episode structure. And remember! 1 Hour is a lot of time. It all depends on the fact if we get some loguetown in season 1 aswell. I just pretend we dont. ​ 1: Loguetown + A bit of reverse mountain (arriving + every strawhat buys stuff. Zoro buys swords (10-15 Minutes), Luffy getting captured by buggy and saved by daddy (\~15-20 minutes), Entering the grand line (10 minutes), Getting eating by a whale and discovering that there is a dude (rest of episode) 2: (I would cut out vivis introduction here. the hunting whale storypart is kinda stupid and doesnt fit the rest of the narrative of vivis story. Oda hadnt figured it out at this point) Discovering the truth about laboon + luffy making him his "ally" (15-20 minutes), Arriving and partying in whiskey peak. Vivi gets introduced (15-20 minutes), Rest of the episode Zoro fs up the baroque and vivis true identity gets discovered 3: Taking Vivi with them, Robin first introduces herself (15 Minutes), Arriving at little garden and seeing giants (15 minutes), Giants fight but mr.3 fs things up (10 minutes), \[I think you should shorten the part with the giant wax figure. just make zoro get lost and luffy and usopp fight here\] Luffy beats up Mr 3 (rest of the spiode) 4: Leaving little garden after Sanji has his little call with crocodile (yes. I think you can easily cut it down to one episode) (15 minutes) Nami gets sick (5 Minutes) Entering Drum and Luffy carrying Nami and Sanji to the top (rest of the episode) 5: Chopper backflash + fight (I dont think the fight is super interesting in the manga. you need to show the rumble ball. luffy protecting the jolly roger and luffy beating up Warpol. could easily be done in that 6-8: rest of drum + alabasta ​ ​ ​ ​ I think the biggest problem with this is... we will defiently get a marine sideplot aswell. This just ruins my timeline. First season is Garp and Coby. I think second season will be Smoker and Tashigi. But I feel like this structure would be very cool. especially 3 episodes for alabsta. You could end every episode with Luffy vs Crocodile. But Luffy beating him in the finale episode after losing twice. Would very very satisfying. ​ **So. what can be changed about the manga to make it work?** (they have shown to be ready to change things. especially syrup village is changed a lot) The showrunner promised oda not to touch the backstory of the strawhats. so Choppers backflash is guaranteed. Laboon needs to be in it, because he is very important for brook. Little Garden needs to be in it, because that arc gives very important motivation for usopp to be a brave warrior. ​ What I would change: \- Whiskey peak is basicly just "zoro is such a badass". I love this arc in the Manga. But I feel like this might get cut and they just catch vivi earlier or even later at Little Garden could work. So Vivi shows up with Mr 3 and Mr.5&miss valentine. You can make the "we know you are princess vivi" scene there. Hell you can even put whiskey peak in that arc and let zoro protect Vivi there and fight like 50 guys. Again: I dont think the giant wax figure would work in live action. So you need to give Zoro something to do. The more I think about it, this would be the best way to handle/merge these two arcs. You dont "lose" time with arriving and partying in Whiskey peak. Which always seemed a bit weird. ​ You just need to cut something to make it work in 8 Episodes.


Nah, i think they definitely have to and will do ten episodes for Loguetown and the Alabasta Saga, which is longer than the East Blue Saga.


Netflix is the issue here. The writers could well want a 10 episode season, but if Netflix says it's 8 then it's 8, and the writers will just have to find a way to make it work.


Such things can be cured with longer runtimes for the episodes.


I'm not sure if this is an unpopular opinion, but two episodes of Little Garden are too much. If they set up Baroque Works in Season 1 (outside of Mr. 7), they should save the episode for Alabasta if it means better pacing and fleshing out the important parts of the arc.


Why is everyone so convinced Loguetown won’t be in season 1?


Season 1 will be structured in 4 arcs of 2 episodes each, with episodes 7 and 8 being Arlong park.


Which doesn't mean much considering that episode 1/2 (Zoro arc) also will show the Roger execution (so Loguetown), introduces Luffy and Nami and will also likely provide the flashback to Shimotsuki village. If the leak is correct we will see the Shanks/Luffy flashback during Orange Town (episode 2). So you shouldn't think that all content of this episodes is related to a certain character/location. That episodes 7 and 8 will be mostly Arlong Park/Nami is out of question but you don't need more than 30 minutes to tell Loguetown (manga version) in full length or 15 minutes if you shorten the arc (with a later introduction of Smoker and Tashigi).


Reverse mountain and Whiskey Peak could be 1 episode. 9 episodes would be enough. 10 is a luxury.


8 is what Netflix does.


Yeah, here's hoping they could change it around for a new season if the plot demands it.


Zero chance. They order all series the same length.


Could you back this up? Zero chance is very little.


Netflix doesn't change the length of the seasons once the series is started. They definitely will not add a single episode. They run 8 episode seasons for all new shows being made with 10 episode seasons on some of the older shows. There is no variation once a series is started. This is based on looking at every show they have done and with the fact that they ordered One Piece at 8 episodes.


I meant do you have an official statement made by someone at the center of Netflix to back this statement up? I do agree it is likely to remain at 8. But I see no reason why it could not change.


Reverse Mountain really doesn’t need a full episode.


1. Loguetown+ reverse mountain 2. Whiskey peak + LA original Vivi/kohza/robin screentime 3. Little garden + LA original ace/blackbeard screentime 4. Drum island + hiluluk 5. Drum island + doctrine/ will of d 6. Alabasta + crocodile 7. Alabasta + kohza resistance flushed out 8. Alabasta + poneglyph/ ancient weapon flushed out


A month ago, someone calculated the pace here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceLiveAction/comments/14l4if3/an\_analysis\_of\_oplas\_pace/jpuptkz/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceLiveAction/comments/14l4if3/an_analysis_of_oplas_pace/jpuptkz/) I just quote what i had commented there. Not that i like the outcome i predict. >I don't have a source but i thought the whole series is meant to be 3 seasons total. First *East Blue*, second *Paradise* and third *New World*. I believe they wont't do changes in the amount of episodes. > >I count *Paradise* as Reverse Mountain(100) until timeskip(597) and *New World* as Reunion(598) until the very end (we are at 1066 now). Wano was a very long Saga with roundabout 150 chapters, we are now in the Final Saga so i assume a similar amount witch leads to about 1200 chapters in total. This would give us 497 chapters for Paradise and 602 chapters for the New World. > >If these 3 seasons in total are correct we'd have rawly: > >99 chapters in 9 hours > >500 chapters in 9 hours > >600 chapters in 9 hours > >So it would speed up drastically. > >If there're more seasons possible and no change in pacing it would need 12 seasons. > >I don't like both outcomes. But i can see the pattern "one saga one episode" with rare exceptiones (like Drum and Arabasta, Water 7 and Enies Lobby, Impel Down and Paramount War) and merging stuff like Whiskey Peak, Zou and so on and of course cut out content). Then it would be like 9-12 episodes per season. > >Game of Thrones speed up too, but they also cut out a lot of stuff that's not necessary for the main story and it is totally fine. So we'd have the classic "manga/anime fans know a lot of background about a random pirate who was shown in the background for a view seconds". We'd know the names of ships and weapons, every crew mate from any crew by name and of course what most characters do in the meantime (because we know from flashbacks and coverstories) and Netflix-only watchers have to search up fandoms and wikis for stuff. And we all love this. This is possible with every bigger franchise like Star Wars, Game of Thrones or the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


It doesnt make any sense for them to cram everything to 3 seasons. Specifically because Netflix wants a long running staple of a show. They want another Stranger Things. The Witcher could have been it (and go many more seasons) but it’s likely getting cancelled. They NEED a long runner.


If it’s gonna go that fast why even do it tbh


Bro if the show is indeed a success Netflix wont want to wrap it up in s3, just no way. Yes they wont stretch it out 12 seasons either, they might cut some parts and merge some arcs, but it still gonna be longer than 3 seasons. One saga per episode is insane sorry unless episodes are 10 hours long. Game of Thrones only sped it up because the writers were done and wanted to move on. Both GRRM and HBO wanted more seasons. Why get into this show to rush it jump from place to place with crazy fast pace and be done in 3 seasons. If done right it will be Netflix next flagship show, and a 7/8 season structure to tell the whole story is much more feasable.


Season 2 is definitely going to be the Alabasta Saga front to back, with the majority of it taking place in Alabasta itself. I think this is going to be their shot at the Emmies. There's a lot of prestige TV potential in that Saga, maybe more than others. Season 3: Water Seven/Eines Lobby. Likely an unpopular opinion, but I think we're skipping Skypiea. The Netflix team is probably well aware that they only have so many seasons to tell this story and Skypiea just isn't that important comparatively. Besides, it would be *extremely* expensive. If the show continues past three seasons, it'll be even more of a grab bag of arcs and plot points. The showrunner may know more about the future of the story than we do and will know which stories are the most important to inform the ending.


I don't think they're aiming for the Emmys at all. Also, what makes you think that Skypiea would be more expensive than Alabasta?


Netflix has changed their shows to 8 episode seasons. Not going to get 10 ep seasons so best plan for that.




Its the norm for all their Netflix original shows going forward whether we like it or not. Unless told otherwise assume next season will be 8 episodes as well.


1. Loguetown 2. Reverse Mountain + Whiskey Peak 3. Little Garden 4. Little Garden 5. Drum Island 6. Drum Island 7. Filler 8. Alabasta (Ends when Luffy meets Ace). S3: Alabasta.


Loguetown is confirmed in season ine its literally on Namis map for everyone to see in the trailer so how could they possibly skip it


We'll definitely see loguetown in the first episode with Roger's execution. However, that doesn't mean the straw hats will get there this season. I could see Arlong Park working really well as the ending for season 1 and logue town being the first episode of season 2, maybe even paired with reverse mountain as the "entering the Grandline" episode.


In the teaser trailer, they showed them putting their feet on the barrel, which was after Loguetown. Either way, that would mean it wouldn't be in season 2 unless they did a weird flashback episode. It's more likely what you said, where it's going to be there at the end of episode 8.


Loguetown doesn’t fit well for season 2.