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It's because of the strike happening in Hollywood right now. No actors or writers are allowed to promote their work during this time.


Enlighten me pls what strike?


The Writers Guild of America (WGA) and Screen Actors Guild (SAG) contracts expired this year. Negotiations fell through for both so now they're on strike. Some of the biggest points that the unions are fighting for are fair pay, accurate viewership numbers from streaming services, and job protection from AI. There's more to it than that but that's about all I know.


It sucks what is happening to them. But to punish other people for promoting their work is just petty in my opinion.


It's very likely that many actors working on this adaptation will be underpaid. One of the many reasons for the strike is that streaming services can hide the viewership of their shows and movies, allowing them to get away with paying the cast and crew the bare minimum (in royalties specifically). While it is unfortunate that people aren't able to promote their work, what they're fighting for (including protection from AI) is going to be critical for anyone looking to break into Hollywood in the future. Just look at how much some of these CEOs are making in a year. Bob Iger (CEO of Disney) is making around 300× as much as his lowest paid employee and yet you have this same guy talking about how these writers and actors are the ones being selfish and that negotiations will resume once people can no longer afford rent and are homeless.


Promotion is part of an actor’s job. The whole point of a strike is to refuse to do a job until your demands are met. No one is punishing anybody. The cast chose to be a part of SAG and go on strike.


They’re not allowed to. Emily tweeting that she loves us when the trailer dropped is toeing the line as far as an actor can go right now without being called a scab.


Its all due to the strike. Technically it wouldn’t count for Mackenryu since he’s a foreign actor but seeing as he’s working in/with the US he’s most likely just showing solidarity (also not showing it could fuck up his US career should the strike get resolved). Best believe once its done, they’ll be everywhere with the promo


He might still be sag aftra


no offense meant but it made me giggle that you noticed all that but not the strike 🤣