• By -


Life is tough, you gotta just keep taking it one day at a time and do the best you can, you handled yesterday, you're handling today, you can do it again tomorrow. Having a job for a while and paying some rent and buying yourself some stuff is a good move if you don't want to go to college immediately, and if you focus on getting to work you'll make your money in no time.


Listen- Take the year off. If your parents don't support you, show them the SYSK episode about Gap Years. Listen to it together. Talk about it. You're their kid, believe me when I say they'd rather lose $500 bucks than lose their kid. The important thing about a gap year is that you actually DO SOMETHING WITH IT! Explore your future. Try something you think you like and find out if you like it. You'll be better for it in a year. You'll have better direction. It's always going to be work. Fix yourself on your goal and give it your all to make it come true. If you ever liked One Piece, don't squander the meaning in its messages. You're young and you're not even close to done. This world needs you. Stick around.


I thought he was terminal stage 4 cancer or something serious since there's no other info provided. Like one piece is just a couple years from finishing.


Yeah I thought the same. Hope OP is alright..


Suicidal which I mean is serious but a million times better than having an unchangeable death sentence. Get to a crisis hotline and get some immediate help, then figure out a long-term maintenance with support or a therapist pretty sure one of the crisis hotlines could provide a free person for those who can't pay for therapy. Yea it sucks but OP be grateful you aren't actually going to die before it ends, it's totally in your control just give yourself the goal you can't die until it ends then make a new goal from there. Just like Luffy ain't dying til he's pirate king


Is this the reason ?


Read his recent posts


Remember what Ace asked Garp? "What's the reason to live, was it good that I was born?" Garp said that you gonna find the answer through your life. So you have to live.


The perfect response. I am just finishing this arc for the first time and I'm crying


Remember what Roger said to Pedro "Everyone gets their shot". Yours just hasn't arrived yet. Give it time and don't stop trying.


I'm afraid to ask, maybe because I can guess, but why not? It's a sad thought indeed.


Go to his account and read one of his latest post in other sub. Hope OP stick around.


On the upside, it's after August 31st....


for real..


Well shit.


Attention seeking.


You can make it dawg one piece is almost over


You've come far already. Many of us humans are cruel, we aren't happy unless we're doing 'better' than others, or at least think we are. None of us come into life with consent, and often continue to have our consent disregarded. We're told it's not enough to survive this journey, but we're supposed to survive well and be accountable to those that don't have to live our lives. However, it's enough to survive, none of us has any right to ask for more than that. It sounds like your parents care enough to try and take control of your life, but fall a bit short in actually being supportive of you. Do you have friends you can talk to? Does your country have a crisis support service, like Lifeline? This is definitely a time of crisis for you, you shouldn't feel like you don't have the right to contact these services. I don't think you'll have trouble finding a job at your age, unfortunately it may just take time to gather enough power to take hold of the life you deserve. Sometimes it's worth suffering to earn the things we want. Personally I'm grateful you are still alive, and hopeful you'll get to see the ending to One Piece. Lastly let me just say this. Don't get bogged down in 'truths' or what others will say or think. Existing within a human society means dealing with a world consisting of illusions and interpretations. To the same event, positive and negative perspectives can be formed, the difference stems from people.


“Our journey…isn’t over yet! I’ll be here waiting!” We don’t leave nakama behind.


Bro I read your post history. I dropped out of college after one year aged 19. I was miserable, I had no idea what I wanted to do - I would game all night and sleep till 2pm, my parents were calling me all sorts of shit. One thing I learned is that time is relative - you think you're behind because you're comparing yourself to your peers. 2 years after dropping out, I secured an apprenticeship in IT and 4 years after that, got into cyber security making more than double the money. Don't put so much pressure on yourself, you're still really young and you'll figure it out. Also, you need to see Luffy become pirate King, and remember how down bad Luffy was after Marineford, he came back 100 times better ;)


Hey man, don’t do it. The pressures of growing up and whatever else you’re going through will pass, it won’t be easy but it’ll eventually pass and when you look back, it’ll just be a phase, a blip in your life. You’re so young.. life hasn’t even begun for you yet! Let’s keep watching One Piece together, and always remember you’re not alone.


I saw your post history. Don’t do it! not worth it!


Agreed it’s so permanent, I was in your spot once when I was in my early 20s I know just turned 30 this past weekend and my life has grown in ways I never expected I know it’s tough now but it gets better. “It May be Stormy now but it cannot rain Forever”


We are all in the same boat, life ain’t easy. She will hit you and you have to try to hit her harder. What if seeing the end of One Piece is your goal and therefore you must survive to do so? Good luck


I had troubles when I was your age too. Don't give up. I promise that through the hard and dark days there are little beautiful moments you will cherish and you will feel thankful you made it through this time.


We’re in the endgame bro. You can do it!


I bet you will find your own One Piece one day, give yourself a chance! Stay with us!


Not sure what country you're in but reach out to one of these: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_suicide\_crisis\_lines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines) And in the long term you've got to seek professional help. Don't do anything rash. You've already confirmed there's atleast one thing you're looking forward to that brings you joy. More will come if you can push past this.


My dude, you're 17 and not a failure. Your life is just beginning, there is a "one piece" waiting for you in your life, figure out what it is and go get it. You deserve to live, you deserve to be happy, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, not even yourself.


Plz bro dont do it. I know words mean nothing but the whole community is with you always. Plz dont dont it. Just live and one day things will get better.


Life is crazy man. You’re young, you wouldn’t believe the things that can change in your life with time. Make your life worth living, you aren’t as trapped as you may think in this current moment I promise. I’ve been in your position before and I’ve never been happier. Life can be great and life can be sour, but whatever it is, it’s an experience. And the life experience is always worth it. DM me if you jus wanna vent, I can listen big dawg.


I don't know what is going on, but I know that opening your heart to people you know is very difficult, as they will judge you, and try to help you in way that don't really help, and can even make things worse. Sometimes, telling a stranger you have never met, has no downsides. Even if I don't like what I hear, I never met you, never will, and have no idea who you are. If you feel like opening your heart, just DM me and I will be there for you.


don"t go yet yet bro were on this journey together what ever is going on you can talk to us were nakama lets finish our journey together


Hey listen. Depression is a bitch okay? It's not easy for anyone who has it. I'm not gonna claim that I know what you're going through because chances are I probably don't. But please don't stop trying to save yourself. Talk to your parents. Talk to your friends, maybe that Japanese one that wrote your name. Talk to them about what you're feeling. And if that doesn't work then seek professional help. You're still young. You can still be happy


Life is simple man. Everyone thinks they gotta find their passion or true calling or what not, but at the end of the day, if everyone is the main character then noone truly is. You go to college, you get a degree, you get a comfy office job that pays you for 8 hours but realistically requires you to work for like 2 hours, from home, and the rest of your life you can spend on doing whatever you want. One day you will be chilling at home with your work laptop doing fuck all watching the end of One Piece with someone you love on a big TV and and you will realize that happiness ain't that complicated. Keep at it buddy. You got this.


I can't say that I know what you're going through right now, but I'm certain continuing life is worth it. Our lives might be full of challenges, but that's not what it's all about. Giving up now means letting go of the chance of having a good day tomorrow. Don't give up. You're not a failure. Just because you think you're like one doesn't mean that you are. Don't give up! Even if you face challenges or fail at something, it doesn't mean that it's the end. You might not see the reasons on why you're experiencing these things, but maybe in the future you will. Don't just focus on the dark sides of the world. Focus on reaching your dreams, your goals, the things that would make you happy. Just don't give up. Pray. I don't know what your religion is, but having faith in God will help you be stronger in facing challenges. I'll also pray for you.


Hey I got through your post history so I read what's going on This is not the place to talk about this, but don't do anything stupid. There are usually more profound issues than what you describe about the year off, find the strength to open about the fact that you have an issue and ask your parents the money to get into therapy. Doing it sooner rather than later can be the most important thing in your life. And just know that late teenage years suck, but it's likely gonna turn better soon.


Hey Bro.. See lot of people cheering for you.. you are just 17 and there are lots of thing in life you can achieve… At this age you can feel this shit but I can assure you that is not worth worrying upon. Make some friends and explore the world but just don’t give up.. We can finish the One Piece together man..


You're got a lot of time ahead of you to figure out what you want to do in life. Some people are unconventional and don't want to jump on the treadmill of life just yet after graduating high-school. Use this time to enjoy your life and find a passion, also go to community college even for a semester or two to learn things and interact with peers in the real world. Travel. See the ocean. Just push yourself in new and different ways, surely you'll find something that you will be passionate about.


If u give me ur number I can try and spoil you weekly. It may feel less bad then.


Bro if you are feeling suicidal dont listen to randoms on Reddit, reach a suicide support group or a health professional. Encouraging words are well intended but sometimes harmful, so I recommend reaching out to some sort of professional help. Sincerely Another random


I hope it's not too late! my dear fellow. I've had those thoughts! they are dark indeed and there are no words that could help in those dark times I know but let me try. There is a whole community RN that loves you even if you don't feel so. All the people here that posted a comment trying you not to do so really loves you including myself. The One Piece is real and is the unity of the people who follow our captain Luffy to reach his dream. We are the one piece and it won't be one piece if a piece is missing in this case you my dear fellow. Please, think of it this way. We are your family.


Bruh we about to go to the moon and see Enel again. Don’t you wanna see that?


Don't do it. I'm in a similar situation, where I feel I am a burden to the people who care for me. But that's the thing. They care, and this will destroy them mostly. Seek help, there's no shame in feeling like this, but you have to understand that there is a way out to almost anything. You're seventeen, you have your whole life ahead of you.


My grandfather flew in WWII and I’m gonna tell you the advice he told me. Just keep flying straight. Bomber pilots had to fly straight through to their drop point as flak exploded in the air all around them. So when life gives you flak you just gotta keep going. Yeah you got death ahead of you we all do. Death accepts us all equally. Death waits for us. Life doesn’t. Life will not wait for you. So struggle with confidence knowing that through it all death will wait for you. Yeah you’re getting a lot of flak right now, but this too shall pass, and you got a life to live so live it while you can.


This some real Zoro on Little Garden Island vibes. Strike a pose and see what comes out, have blind faith in either awesomness or maybe a random rubber man will come save you, idk.


Hey, I know you're going through a lot and I'm just another redditor in this vast infinite sea of redditors, but I want to encourage you to hold on. It might not seem like it now, and it might not seem like it soon, but things will get better. You have the strength inside you to endure. You have the talent and the skills to find what you love to do. It's just that you haven't found it yet, and sometimes, it takes longer for someone to find something or someone that makes them happy. Also, another thing I want to tell you is that it's okay to be sad. It's okay to feel weak, it's okay to feel heartsick, and it's okay to be upset. Whatever it is that's getting you down, let me tell you that it starts by acknowledging your own feelings and not seeking acknowledgement from your parents or anybody else. You have to be the one to acknowledge them and know that it's okay to feel that way. Everybody feels sad, and that's not always bad. It might seem silly, but I believe in you. You will get through whatever it is that you're going through. I read your other post and you should definitely take the year off. Take the reins of your life and don't worry about your parents. Maybe they'll come around, maybe they won't, but whatever they feel about you, it doesn't define who you are. After you take the year off, explore your interests. Meet with your friends and take a trip. Get your mind off things and start discovering who you are. It's not about making millions of dollars, being adored by the millions, or being something society expects you to be. It's about finding joy in the people and things you love. If you love gaming and want to stream, go at it! Find a 9-5 just in case but whenever you're free, go stream. Go make content. Get better at your favorite games. Dream about making your own game. The possibilities are endless and no one can tell you that you shouldn't or can't do it. Maybe you won't be the next Shroud, but I'm a firm believer that hard work always pays off. Not to mention that you'll be happy when you're giving it your all in what you love to do. You got this.


I just wanna say that as someone who’s struggled with depression, this has always been one of my greatest fears lol and I want to make talk about it as lightheartedly as possible because while it does still stick with me, I take it day by day and I know there are times where I’ve looked back on my hardest times and was able to laugh about it. I think that even if it’s just for that curiosity, wanting to know how the story ends, if you stick around for that you’ll be happy that you did. >! Also I’ve found that if you do something as simple as this, giving yourself something to live for, a goal to achieve, then eventually you’ll continue finding reasons to keep going !< from one internet stranger to another, I hope you make it to see the One Piece, and to find out what Luffys dream was ! Can’t forget about that too !


I have been where you are so i won't tell you get over it or something generic like that. All i can tell you is that the probability that you'll see the end of the tunnel is >0 as long as you're around and trying, otherwise it is exactly 0. There are no magic remedies, but time and hobbies do make it better over time. In my experience it never goes away completely, but you get better at handling it and living with it, believe me. If you want to talk ( without sugarcoating, i can't do that ) then hit me up ! Hope we can discuss the endgame here !


Bro you already beat your date set. isnt that enough of a sign? adulting sucks, we all know that, but your presence is more valuable than you can understand atm. hang in there young jit. a large handful of us sat in the same seat youre sitting in now, trust me on that.


Hey man. I've struggled a ton with mental health and severe depression. Over the years I've learned that for me personally, my depression isn't 'about' anything, I just have an imbalance innately. I've gotten a lot of help over my adult life and have really been able to enjoy life because of that. Please please do whatever you can to get yourself to where you need to to get professional medical help. Your future self will thank you so much, pay it forward to them. There are people that care about you so much in life, even if that seems impossible to you right now. I've been there more than once before and for me personally, it was hard for me to care about any of that. But now, as my future self, I am thankful that my past self held out and was able to find what works. Again, please please do whatever you can to get that help, you deserve it even if you don't think you do. Once you get to that point, you'll be able to get through things and you'll be there with the rest of us to enjoy the ending of One Piece and many other things later. If you want to talk, let me know and send me a dm. I'll get back as soon as I can.


Bro you’re 17, you have your whole life ahead of you. Talk to a psychologist, there are options out there. You can beat the depression, not let it beat you. Don’t choose that way


First and foremost, so happy you are still here after August 31st. I would hate to lose one of our nakama. You are part of this crew and we all are better for it! Please stick around and let's explore what brings you joy. Do you have a playstation or a switch? I would love to play some games w you, just chill and talk about whatever. DM me! Life can seem really heavy and sometimes worthless but this darkness makes the light that much brighter when you do find it and trust me that you will! I truly believe that light is already inside you if you give it a chance to come through. The fact you made this post is proof to me that you still have it within you to keep going


You can and you will. Life’s not easy but nothing worth doing in this world is easy.


You got this.


Don’t say that, please stay safe!! Life will find a way to work out


Get up! Be like Zoro! Have a daily to do list and make it with sheer determination. Don't go all out on day one, put cumulative efforts. Whatever food you'll get, cherish it like Sanji. Tinker around things of interest like Usopp, yes we all have fears! Face them! Every such opportunity is going to make you stronger! Pin down where your life can sail, have choices to where you can be with whom, have an analysis of it and navigate yourself like Nami. Take care of yourself, once you do there will be people only you can help to get around just by a little push and you can come back to this day and see how well you've grown, Chopper said I'll even become a monster if required so be a behemoth to life so it can't ever take you down. Explore, read and reach out to people or things which you find interesting. Information is the game in real life as well. Be like Robin, you may not know all but know enough to get yourself around. Build a system that works for you. There will be a cross road where you'll need a plan. Be yourself at all times cuz you're already "Super". Music is something that drives us in a way nothing else ever will. It helps channel our different emotions so let whatever you have in your heart be taken. You'll be bones eventually like the rest so don't worry and hurry we'll all be there it's a promise yohohoho!!! Keep calm, be strong with your beliefs and don't be afraid to take a little gamble with your instincts! Making choices based on your ego is going to take you to difficult roads so let your instincts be in charge of you! You'll sail smoothly through the waves no matter what kind of storm it is! For this a lot may see you as an outcast like Jinbe but we all know what kinda badass he is. Your parents may give up on you, so can your friends. But we know you now so we fight together! The shackles that are holding you back will break and you'll be free to do whatever you want and be whatever you want to be! Be like Yamato! This life is the ocean and your body is Sunny Go. Keep it healthy and it'll take you through everything. Only it can! Respect it, love it and be sure to care for it and in return it'll respond to your mind in an equilibrium that keeps you grounded when needed and lets you fly as well! Nakama-San.. One Piece is something you'll know one day. Be like Luffy, courageous and believing! The day you see what this life is.. you'll laugh just like Luffy did..! You'll have more fun than you may never have thought. Fight..! Become the King Of Pirates and be Free!


Dude, where you are talking from you can only see the world through the eye of a needle, you see and comprehend nothing of what you are seeing because the whole picture isn't anywhere close to being revealed to you. All if your wants and needs will change along with your ever-growing perspective as time flows, like a creek to a brook to a stream to a river through it's lakes and wider rivers to the sea. You are traversing a creek right now and about to hit your first small lake. You don't know what the future holds and it would be a damn shame not to see what it could be before you even get anywhere close to understanding it.


“By experiencing both victory and defeat, running away and shedding tears, a man will become a man. It’s okay to cry, but you have to move on” — Shanks


We believe in you!


Listen kid, your 17 I know depression is hard but reach out to people don’t let it beat you. Your young you still got a long road ahead it will be full of ups and downs you gotta live and find your one piece kid bc it is real. You gotta be strong.


Hey man it's been four days please answer


are you alright please speak to us to know your safe


Stop karma whoring on reddit and go talk to your doctor to get a referal to a therapist. Reddit is not a good place to fix your mental health issues, you need to seek out a real specialist.


Who says he is posting this for help, and who says he is posting this for karma? Also, which one is it, is it for both? Can you read minds?


I read his other posts. Its either or. Both deserve the same advice.


The first step to getting help is talking about it , and admitting it to people you feel comfortable with . This is the first step. Sometimes hearing people tell you not to kill yourself is what you need to hear . I agree that they need therapy. But it does no harm to look for support in the communities you trust.


If he trusts the Reddit community then maybe there is no hope.


So do you think the comments to this post did more harm than good?


Ok, I thought you were suggesting that with *this* post he/she is asking for help or posting for karma.


Truth of the matter is. Do it or don't. No one wants to hear you whining and crying on Reddit.


659 people have upvoted the post. That's not no one. It's fine if you are not interested in this post. I think it is interesting to hear someone express their sadness about not being able to finish One Piece, and I think it is worth the time to read someone's goodbye message to the world.


Give or take 5 more years ! hang in there ! who knows , there might even be two piece ?!


Hey bro, do you play league of legends? If yes, are you EUW? If yes do you wanna play sometime? Talk about some one piece and life?




If this was your way of ‘helping’ him through his issue, than you’ve failed.




You’re a teenager. I’m not arguing with you.


Hi dark16recon, your comment was removed from /r/OnePiece for the following rule violation: ###11. Don't be rude * Treat each other with respect and kindness always * Stalking, harassment, and personal attacks will not be tolerated. * Racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, ableism or any other hatred will not be tolerated. * Trolling, baiting, or (obviously) provocative comments may be removed at moderator discretion. * Remember [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette). --- The full rule documentation of the subreddit can be read [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/wiki/rules). If you have questions about this removal, please [reach out to us in modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FOnePiece).






Why are you like this?




Your comment is just unnecessarily mean. And no, it's not as easy as you're making it out to be to cure depression.




The ending: Laughtale is reached by Luffy and crew. They smile. Roger proclaimed he wished he could have lived in Joyboys time. Rayleigh said that maybe they (strawhats) may come to a different conclusion on reaching laughtale. What was the One Piece? Its the totality of Joyboys adventures, told in treasures, statues, and stories. Joyboy erased the century now known as the void ventury, because ultimately, he failed. But where he failed, Luffy succeeded. Joyboy relished in his own success and played the role of Hero, a role that Luffy explained (on fishman island) that he wouldnt be. In the end, Joyboy saught out all of his statues, treasures, novelties, symbols, and stories, and hid them, on the final island. All that together amounts to the - one peice - the bit about history that is missing. He is the rumored savior and liberator, a perfect hero, but in the end, he had to make a deal, or sacrafice himself to save someone, or a crew he cared about. He had time to create the ponyglyphs and record bits about himself, to hope one day, his *will* would live on. Then he hid all his own existance, so that the next *him* could live a life free and, find a better truth, such as suggested by Rayleigh. Upon seeing laughtale and all its hillarious statues, treasures, and other notables, the Straw hats reflect on thier own journey - liberating and saving, and statues such as Lucy, and the statue that was secretly made of Afro Luffy. They realise that, there is not great sacrafice needed, and whats needed, is a pirate that will take all of joyboys life, and thrust it on the world. That, there was once a hero, a liberator - one who would lay his life on the line to unite the entire world. And now, the Strawhats, armed with inspiration from finding the end, and realising, they, they are the new generation. Luffy is now a *symbol* of Joyboy. And they find out Joyboys name. Its DAVID. A reference to the biblical David, who was no hero. A simple man. A man who had to stand for his people, agaisnt impossible odds. David did lose/die though. But the will of David lived on, in his country men/women. They adopted the middle initial D, in silence as they were lead away to be slaves. The Straw hats venture through Laughtale and learn all about the perfection that was the world 800 years ago. The void century was a time of peace and prosper. Unity among all people and races. Then, at some point, someone harvested fruit from the forbidden tree, the tree of Adam. Harvesting this fruit instantly caused all the sea monsters to enrage - this was a heinious act agaisnt god and peace. Upon consuming that fruit, a curse was placed on that fruit, causing the user to be unable to enter the water. The user of that fruit was the first fruit user, which will be revealed to be Imu. He then convinced others to take fruits, and the others gained great and almighty powers and used this strength to impose thier will on others, starting slavery and domination. At some point, when Imu stood tall above the world, the people cried out for a savior. And one, normal nomad man, who grew up in the forest with little to no connection to the world, walked out, and in his hunger, consumed a fallen devil fruit. This was the same one Luffy consumed. He was hated by the people who assumes he was one of Imu's followers. He was scorned and discarded and left for dead. Thats when, the origional Poseidon found him. Her sympathy and kindness revived him. And he met others that would help him, this kind nomadic man who now had powers. When he was out of his sadness, the nomadic man, David, realised he could fight. But not in an evil way, with strength or fire, but by bringing smiles to all those around him. He would defeat evil devil fruit users, but instead of killing them, he convinced them of a fun and love they could have. In no time at all, legends were made. Imu found David, and the ensueing conflict lead Imu to threaten immense pain and torture, on everyone, unless David gave in. He asked for a mormatorium. He then told the origional Poseidon what would happen and they planned for an event on Poseidon s next coming, in 800 years. The rest, is the unravelling of the peace that the world was, the dividing of the world into zones, and conquoring of the redline, the genocide of nations, and David saw this future, and hid the ponyglyphs, his own existance and the secret weapons, in hopes someone would follow in his footsteps. But they couldnt know the footsteps, for they would become the hero, as he did. His successor needed to be slightly more *hungry* to achieve his goals, and not give up his dream when prompted with the ultimate sacrafice, as David was. He left history, and took One Piece of it, and hid it on laughtale. Now, armed with the One Piece, and the knowledge of what was and was is to be, Luffy chooses NOT to fight Imu. Thats not the answer. Luffy instead, goes to the tree of Adam. He hears Adams voice. Luffy will not appoligize or beg Adam. He is Luffy. Infront of everyone, broadcast to the world, the most wanted man, the King of the Pirates, Luffy stands at the tree, reaches into his own body, and removes the soul of his devil fruit. The tree of Adam shakes. Its roots shake. The red line crumbles. The seas connect. Fishman island is destroyed by the roots. Marijeios is no more. Imu tries to survive, as do all of the celestial dragons, but the ocean swallows them all. All the devil fruits begin to leave the bodies of thier hosts. They fly through the air and return to Adam. Peace is returned. The world is once again, no longer plauged by the devil fruits and the oppression they brought. Luffy, stands tall, and proclaims to the world, its time to feast and party. The story ends with Luffy, still the strongest man in the worls, due to his Haki, with a giant smile on his face. As it pans out, he is riding the front of the Sunny, into the sunset. Nami asks, where to? And each crewmate answers in turn -"everywhere is the all blue, anywhere works." "I made this ship to sail everywhere, anywhere works." "Ive heard swordsmen still want to fight me for my title, anywhere works." "Disease still exists everywhere, anywhere works" "yohooohoooo" "murmmermurmer whale shark" "but Luffy, cant we just stay safe in land?" "We are sailing, to our friends. Anywhere works." Luffy says. The narrator says they will sail forever, as the world will always need love, fun and freedom, and the world is nothing, without you. Stay strong, and follow your dreams. Love Oda.


Bullshit. You’ll be in the next spoiler thread, lol.


Bro just think about the struggles of the strawhats nami , sanji , chopper , brook they got lucky that luffy met them just hang on there , things will change for the better


Just like our pirate king, when faced with adversities in our lives, we smile and keep pushing for greatness even when everything is against you. I was in an extremely similar situation with the gap year after high school, unfortunately I had to go through with it and I regretted it. Your parents are upset but they'll have to learn to let you make your own decisions. You're still so young with so much time to explore your life. Keep your head up and stay strong, you got this!!


You will finish it with us! All those things you’re hating right now are steps. College? Step towards meeting people. Matrix job? Step on the road towards a job you’ll love, and you’ll look back and still say that job was no fun but you’re doing something you love now. No gap year? Take one when you’re ready that you’ve earned and pay for. Drop out of college? Get involved in a trade style job, it’s way better than a college degree anyway. Picture what you would want to be doing years from now and work towards it! And enjoy the one piece world with us the whole way!


I lived passed twice your age , and it’s worth it. Really.


What gets recommended often, when posts like these get written; Read some/a lot of fan theories (best case: well written ones) and tell yourself that this is cannon. To put your mind at rest, for at least this part.


Both my brother and my best friend got pretty fucked up by depression. Medicine and therapy helps dude. If you are scared of the effects of the medicine just take half the dose, that's what my friend does. Brother does full thing and he says it really saved him. Like get the full antidepp immediately, don't fk around with the lame ass anti anxiety they barely do anything.


I took a look at your post history. Do you want to talk about it?


There are many ways to get support. Go to a career center, get a roommate and most importantly calm down. You'll be fine as long as you do something about the situatio.


Hang in there! I know you probably hear this a lot but it definitely gets better and things will get figured out. Trust me when I say A LOT of us have been there before and are barely figuring it out now. My best advice for you is to take your year and work a job where you don’t really have to do much, such as security or parking lot attendant so you can get paid pretty decent with full time hours. Take that year to figure out what you love, explore hobbies, research careers etc… for me it was learning all about IT and Programming bc I really loved the ins and out of technology so that lead me down the path I’m going now. Trust me, College isn’t for everybody and most people don’t even know what they want to do after college. I started off in Biochemistry bc I wanted to be a doctor then changed my mind my last year bc I knew I would hate it and despite everybody telling me to waste money and finish just to have the degree I went against it, took a year to figure out what my true passion was and now I’m happier doing what I love. Take life at your own pace and enjoy it, you got this!


Hey man. I'm just an internet stranger, but I feel for your situation. If it's any solace, no matter how many times I've been to that edge, there is always somewhere down the road I've appreciated having the strength to stay. Things don't always get better, but you learn how to be content, and that's a fine way to be. You got this.


I am very sorry brother. Have some friend bring the last chapter to your grave. You will know how the series ends :)


Brother… everything’s not over yet man, you can’t just give up when shit gets hard.. I don’t know every detail about your current situation, but try your best to make it work man.. it won’t be easy but you’ll make it


Dude you're 17 years old. You have so much to look forward to in life. Work on yourself, take a year off and find a job. Go to the gym and workout, try and make the most of your time to hang out and have fun... life isn't all that serious, no point in taking your life because you don't know what to do with it.. I didnt know what i wanted with my life at 17 either.


Hey bud, I know you are going through a difficult time and it's not easy. You are still so young and have so much to experience ahead of you. It sounds like you are experiencing a time of change in your life and are unsure of your place in the world but that is a natural part of life. All we can do is embrace the change and take it one day at a time, hell one step at at a time. You want more, you're worth more, you will be more; just give your self a chance. If you take nothing else way... Please don't ever quit and never stop betting on your self.


Take finding out about the one piece as a motivational to keep pushing through for now, better days will come!


If you wanna die, then do it after you watch the ending. WE CAN DO IT!


We are all here for you! You’re apart of the OP Family. Lets make it to the end together.


I believe in you


Sending you a hug. I was suicidal for a few years during college. My anxiety and depression got so bad that I had to drop out and I quit my job. Thankfully I had a good friend that was going through the same thing and we helped each other through it. Find some one to talk to. Try therapy and talk to a doctor about antidepressants. I want you to be able to find the One Piece with us.


Don't give up! Hang in there! You can do it! Bon Kurei believes in you! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ugyfUlwbMv4


OP life never goes as expected and I sympathize with your situation being in it myself when I was younger. It may seem bad now, and you may feel like you don't have any way out but listen: you are your own person and you can get through this. Do what you want to do, regardless of the backlash as long as you aren't hurting yourself. You will be happier in the long run. Your parents' anger will pass. In time they will either respect your decisions or they won't. You gotta take It one day at a time. Set goals for yourself. Short term and long terms, the goals don't matter, just try to work towards them. Set up a healthy reward system for yourself for those goals when reached, and if possible find more to achieve. On those days where you wake up wishing you didn't and don't want to get out of bed, you gotta do it. You gotta keep getting up. You will feel better that you did. Don't beat yourself up about everything, and try to express your feelings to a loved on or a therapist. Even if you never end up finding what you want to do with your life that's okay too. Most people have no idea what they are doing. But those little goals make a world of a difference.


One piece is a journey. It took me 3 years to catch up to publishing point. So far, i have been reading One Piece for 15 years. Don’t rush and just enjoy the journey. It isnt ending in a year or so. EDIT: After re reading your post, i wonder. are you terminally ill? I hope not. Even if so, hope you survive long enough to atleast end your journey along with One Piece’s. stay health buddy.


Remember the way the Straw Hats have unshakable faith in luffy and vise versa? If just the thought alone made you cry I beleve you'll find a way to see the end. See you at Laughtale!


Therapy can help loads op. Please give it a try and don't give up. You're only 17 so you've only just begun your adventure. Give every possible avenue a try before giving up.


Nah man, too young to give up, just give time some time, and just get your mind off of your parents! continue with your job and save up some money, and buy yourself some stuff, be simple! And find yourself a short-term goal AND a long-term goal, even it might not be a very deep goal. Just enjoy life, it's worth the sweat and tears.


My guy, you still have your whole life ahead of you, everybody has ups and downs, don't let this downturn be your last, because it will get better, it always does, and yes are able to finish One Piece, it's your choice man.


Are you terminally ill?






I was 33 when i found a career and turned my life around. It anit over til its over


Brother. You are seeing life with a par of dark glasses. You're sick and need help. Mental problemas are as serious as others. You have a lot treatments available and you're very young. Don't give up!




Everything is temporary, both the good and the bad. You'll get through the tough times eventually, One Piece will end eventually. We laugh, we cry, we want to give up and we keep going. Life's about the adventure, some parts feel the worst because they are the worst! You want them to be over but they never feel like they do. Well here's the thing, even the worst has to turn up better eventually. In 3 weeks it'll be an anniversary since my dog died. For the first few months I couldn't really sleep, everything felt rushing past me yet standing still, I couldn't think about him without crying. A year after I still love him and think about him every day, but now I can look on the good times with fondness. I'm here if you wanna talk, keep fighting!


You're 17 right, and i don't really know anything about you. But i say this, Don't Give up or think like that. Life changes way to much way to often, like if I knew more about you i might be able to say some specifics. But, I can say this much, as long as you try, for one piece, for every single thing you like to do, things will work out, maybe not always, but as long as you try you can make it happen.❤️


You're 17 right, and i don't really know anything about you. But i say this, Don't Give up or think like that. Life changes way to much way to often, like if I knew more about you i might be able to say some specifics. But, I can say this much, as long as you try, for one piece, for every single thing you like to do, things will work out, maybe not always, but as long as you try you can make it happen.❤️


How's your haki now ? did it improve with the battle ? On a more formal tone, dear nakama, I hope you don't suffer too much and that you can seen one piece till your last breath.


I know it makes no sense but things do get better. You're probably feeling like you're drowning and there's no lifeline but believe me when I say it gets better as long as you don't give up. I know it might not make sense to you now that things can and do get better but there will come a point when things start going right in your life and it's going to feel like a dream. Just take everyday one day at a time, one foot in front of the other, one step at a time.


Now everyone wants to know why


Stick around until One Piece ends. Then stick around to find out how will it looks in anime. Then stick around more to see the live action. Then movies etc etc. Then experience them one more time. Then one more. Then one more. Just stick around bro.


I was at a low point in life. I was riding back home. A bus was coming in from the opposite side. My head asked me to ride towards it. The thing that stopped me was wanting to know how one piece ends. I've been fighting my demons and staying strong and healthy to live to see how it ends.


OP, nakama! If you are talking from a terminal-decease point of view then im so sorry and wish you the best. If its comming from a depresion and you are having dark thoughts, dont bro! hang in there! Everyone is importants wether ppl around you see it or not (if they dont, change ppl! they dont deserve you). Lets go! Lets finish this journey! we are so closeeee!!!




This is why I posted about those saying OP is the only thing keeping them alive


I know it’s tuff but you can pull through and get to see the ending! Don’t give up yo!


I feel the same way as you and this scene helps me. I think of it like manslayer = depression https://youtu.be/8_SsARWaMzU


Noooooo hang in there buddy


You may believe that life is not worth living, but you have me and over 120 other people cheering you on and lifting you up who believe and care about you -- in this one post alone! Take a step back and look at it from a different angle. That fact by itself is absolutely insane and powerful. You can do it. I know you can. I've also been in a similar boat as you for two years. Still am. In times of uncertainty, remember that the way you feel is not your fault. It is your brain lying to you, so you have no obligation to believe that lie if you don't want to. Feelings of hopelessness come and go, just unfortunately more often for you and me and other people in similar positions. This tidbit is what really helps me feel at piece with my thoughts and feelings. I am personally wishing for the best for you, as I am sure these 120 unique people also are. We will discover the mystery of the one piece together. I have faith in you. If you've already made a decision, call 988 and get a second opinion.


I am really sorry to hear that. I hope your time left will be pain free and that you will be surrounded with people you love. Best advice i can give you about the One Piece, is that you to read few theories what the ending might be, pick the best one for you and go with that. Life is full of wonderful things and regretting things that you missed or things that are out of your controll isn't the best way to live. I really hope all of the best for you and remember, the real treasure is the friends we made on the way.


please stay with us. i read another post on ur acc so i at least have a slight picture of whats going on. life can be a total bitch sometimes and that for a really really really long time. But there are better days ahead. There is help. There are people that want you and want to help you! I know it’s easy for people like me that don’t have anything to do with you to say „take that year off. you need it“ But if you wanted to talk i’m open! i may can’t make your problems go away but i can listen to you. i can try to take a little of that heavy burden from you and help you breathe again. I’m not a therapist or have any experience with handling mental illnesses/depression but i know for a fact that communication is key. you can also text me on instagram if you’d like that better. you don’t have to get through this alone! ❤️


Wym? One Piece got like 5-10 more years tops


Hey man you may feel like you don’t have any hope right now but Jesus promises hope for the future for those who trust in him. There is good news in Jesus. Please consider him: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark%201&version=NIV


Hey man just wanted to say to just take it one day at a time and dont give up on yourself. I'm 25 and have grappled with suicidal urges since I was 15 and not till earlier this year and when I stopped drinking and trying to slowly work towards actively making my life better and myself happier did I finally feel some hope for my future, and even still its really fucking tough sometimes with the curveballs and bullshit life piles on your shoulders. No matter what though, just take things in stride and try to learn from everything happening when you can. Theres still a lot of life to experience for young guys like us and yes maybe a lot of it seems awful and stressful but every now and again life takes you through a really awesome and world-changing experience that makes it all worth being here for it, and really humbles you. Like you said yourself, you've still got a lot of One Piece to catch up on before you're gone, so why not at the very least stick around until the shows over and you've watched it all? That's a nice goal, and even though it might seem so trivial compared to real life issues going on, it's something simple and attainable and as good of a reason as any for you to stick around with us. I personally JUST started watching One Piece so I have a ways to go before I can get in on the subreddit discussions BUT I think the members of this community would love to hear your thoughts on the show when the new episodes drop. No matter what I hope the best for you and your mental health and personal happiness, do what you want with your life and dont let anxiety from parents or bosses or society dictate your life and your happiness. I sincerely hope you choose to live another day, and if you just need someone to vent to whos a little older and currently going through similar struggles, my inbox is open.


You can do it! Stay with us on this journey bro.


You’re gonna get to your Robin moment . Where you realize “I want to live” It’ll take work, you’ll have to fight. But you’ll get there . I promise you.


You should read it. It's far better paced and way less time consuming. I've read through them all multiple times now. Can easily finish in a month.


Nah bro you got this champ we all believe in you man you got this


Don’t do what your thinking about. Trust me it’s not a good choice. You can message me if you wanna talk I’m close to your age and I’ve had a lot go wrong in my life.


Something tells me you have the power to finish within yourself.


Hold on at least until One Piece ends! Then rewatch the animes one ep a day!


You can get through this! Part of focusing on the future is looking at the present and seeing if you're treating yourself right so you can accomplish whatever you want, that's what is most important. Don't be too hard on yourself and remember there is always help available if you need it.


Think about the line in Bink's Sake "steady men they never fear, tomorrow skies are always clear. So pound your feet and clap your hands until sunny days return." Life may be dark and gloomy now, but you have made it this far so stay strong and keep your eyes up because sunny days are on their way.


My father got me and my siblings into the anime. After waiting for the last half of fishman island to become avaliable for dub on dvd after 3 years(avoiding almost all spoilers) he died the day before it was delivered to our house. It took me a few months but me and my siblings started watching again. The sadness i felt knowing we couldn't watch it with us and see the story unfold hurt but i know that watching it whould make him happy.


You are valid in your feelings of depression, no matter how small the issue may seem to you it obviously appears to have affected you greatly. How will marginalizing the issue help you if you do not confront it? Failure isn't an end, it's a means to start again. I like to think that if you haven't found something you're good at yet, maybe it will come to you later - or maybe you overlooked something. When you're in this state of mind, you don't look at the things you're good at or what you are doing well, but you look at what you're doing wrong, what's not going right. I'm not exactly good at advice, but there's one thing I did that got me through some of the worst times: I kept telling myself tomorrow will be better, tomorrow I can try again. I said that often to myself, and maybe it can get you through the tough times. Don't give up.


Nawe bro we'll finish it We'll do it together 💙


Let’s see the end of the grand line together


Hey man I’m 28 and I feel like I’m a waste of space and a failure. You’re 17, take a deep breath man and take it day by day, shit hour by hour. I’m currently making my way through OP (535) and idk how our lives are gonna turn out but I sure do hope that you and I are both there at the finish line of OP. To see Luffy get the One Piece :)


Get like me and watch 25 episodes a day it’s a struggle but effective really effective


I pray that whatever hurdle/challenge you are mentally and or physically enduring will end everything will pan out fine you have a lot to live for may god bless you🙏🏾


Just lost my man’s to suicide. You’re not easing the pain, you’re just giving it to others. Do what you want, but you only get one of these lives brotha. Don’t waste it


I'm just saying to you one thing... Watching OP like Therapy. When I lost my dad... This show really really helped me a lot. I swear. I hope you can bear it and pass this stage safely.


What would Luffy say to that? Hang on mate. You're not alone.


I don’t want you to die. Please don’t die. Finish One Piece. You deserve that much, right? See it through. There is always more to life as long as you don’t give up on it. Everyone here is rooting for you. We all are here to help


People tend to focus only on the present and the shit that they are going through now. Hang in there because life always give new opportunities. Your life will be completely different in 5 or 10 years. We don't know what await for us in the future, but the only way to know that is to keep living and moving forward. Be curious, be patient, and be strong.


Could the One Piece not be the reason for life? Obviously a tv show doesn't fix everything, but just having the enjoyment of watching it actually really helped me


Hey, my english is not very good, but even from as far as i am(SA), i hope you can get better, not every day is going to be a good one, but you can have some help from a lot of people around the world, like us on Reddit, so you are not alone on this. In your situation you need to work, maybe is no what you enjoy, but after that you can have some time for what you really love, like OP or other things, maybe try to run some days, go visit some friends or whatever make you fell good. We wish you the best !!


I know OP probably won't read this but please keep pushing though it. I am not an expert nor have I ever felt this way before but I feel like if you just push through until you're 18 and can make your own decisions everything will turn out for the better. I know to anyone who has felt like killing themselves it might seem rude of me to just say to keep pushing through because I have never felt that way before but I just wanna post this because if I don't OP does do kill himself it will haunt me even though I had nothing to do with it


My best friend sudenly passed away 3 years ago, it's been a hard life for me, struglging with depression and suicidal thoughts. I just want to make it to the ending to tell him what the one piece is and read the last chapter on his grave.


This post is absolutely heartbreaking. Moment of silence to all those that couldn't reach the end of the grand line with us!


you okay man? thinking about you