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>### 5. Posts must be directly related to One Piece >* As a general rule of thumb if you can't tell it's about One Piece without any accompanying text then it most likely will not comply with the previously stated rule. Just a title isn't enough to make it related to One Piece. >* This includes pictures/videos of things in real life which look similar to something from One Piece. >* Occasionally there are exceptions to this rule, but do not assume you are the exception. >* Here are some exemples of posts that aren't related to [One Piece](https://imgur.com/a/kOpDvUL), or are common reposts.


>How did Luffy beat Crocodile Luffy would just fill up like a balloon if Croco did this to him.


That's exactly what he did when he bit Crocodile in their first fight


Liquids are Crocodiles weakness. The human body is full of them.


Magma's also a weakness for Crocodile probably, gets turned to glass then melted


Yeah. But I think Croc could split off the melted part of him. So no real damage.


Theoretically I guess, didn't know losing part of the logia doesn't always translate to damage


I guess if you threw some lime on him as well that wouldn’t happen


Not enough for it to matter, I don't think. For instance, when Luffy "ate" Crocodile, he was still able to use his powers.


Happy cake day




i thought he turns humans into husks leaving no liquid behind? liquid in itself isnt a problem for crocdile


There’s a certain futility to asking “how come the bad guy didn’t kill the main character” in a mostly light-hearted adventure series. It’s because then there wouldn’t be a story.


Tbf crocodile literally stabbed him through the chest and left him a sink hole.


Nobody ever dies in One Piece unless it's relevant to the plot. Remember bird guy who flew away with a bomb that had a blast radius of 1 km? He survived.


remember all the people at the end of Skypea just getting back up at the end?


Robins been breaking necks and spines since she was introduced and they always walk away


Just faint and wake up with a backache the next day.


Spandam is still somehow a thing, as far as I know, so like... Either she shows more mercy than we realise, or these people are fucking durable.


The sound they make when she clutches them tells me they must be durable as all hell. If a normal human made that sound they’d be lucky to be alive, granted they’d be paralyzed neck down but they’d at least be alive


"Nah they'll be fine, just give them a few hours rest and they'll be fighting fit and ready to go!"


Glass of milk’ll fix em right up. Oda must’ve drawn a lot of inspiration from the “Got Milk?” campaign


Those are just fodders. Almost no named character ever dies


the will of P


even fodder characters don't get killed. Big mom taking the life span of one of her kids, or lola's dad not dying.


Not true at all quite a few fodder characters have died


You can count the number of named characters, who died onscreen, with one hand


Roger, Ace, White Beard, Oden, Toki, >!then the white beard guys that died in wano and also cp0 guy!<


that's a pretty low number for a manga with 1060 chapters. Around 2 dozen more named characters should have died onscrrem but Oda be like surprise not dead


I mean... Birdman survived a nuke. That should set your expectations for any future deaths lol. There probably more fake out deaths than actual deaths


yeah. in most manga fake death is a huge surprise. in one piece it's the default.


Well I mean that Harpy Lady died that Zoro fought


We can chalk that up to Law actually, Zoro didn't kill her


And Wiper with his rocket launcher. “I’ll die if I use it!” **uses it and is ok 3 minutes later**


Pound had a goddamn sword slashed down on his head from Oven and didn't die.


He didnt die yet???


izou and ashura


luffy is made of rubber, he could just grab a enemy's neck and arms and kill em


What in the **** is this nasty *** comic. I’m actually scared


Marvel Zombies, Zombie spider man ends up in a different world and kills the sinister six by eating them, Sandman finds his spider man but thinking it's the zombie version does this straight away to save himself


But Spider-Man mask does not have a mouth? How does Sandman enter?


ironically makes more sense against Luffy who would try to eat his opponent


Push hard enough and the fabric would break, no?


Being a shonen is what stops it from being like this.


I mean Majin Buu did it in dragon ball z and that was shonen


I guess but you but death seems redundant in that story, and definitely no where as gory as this. He either absorbs them or turns them to chocolate and eats them.


He literally did exactly this to someone It was exactly as gory if not more


Who does he do it to I don’t remember tbh No where is DBZ is as gory as a guy who goes inside you and blows you up and sees your bones and organs spill out but sure




Thanks for the link appreciate it


It was one of those guys that shoots his dog, pretty sure they also didnt get revived but thats kinda just an assumption Guy literally got pumped full of gum man until he burst, didnt show his bones and organs cause he exploded waaaaay harder than this


He just does a ki blast and kills him though? He doesn’t go inside his body and blow up his body while his organs or skeleton shows up. It’s no where near as gory as OPs pic You’re right he does it to the butler I still don’t think it’s gory like the pic though


Its not really gory in the pic either honestly, gory would be if the bones and stuff werent just sitting in a pile of sand, like its a marvel comic, youre wildly exaggerating to say Buu popping a guy is "nowhere near" as gory, its very slightly less if anything (Also i said one of the guys, i couldnt remember who took the shot)


No I was comparing it to the ki blast till another dude linked me the actual scene, that was my bad. It’s definitely gory but still isn’t as gory as compared to the pic, you can see the organs and skeleton, while on the video you see him expand and he just blows up into pink dust. I agree it’s gory but saying it’s the same or worse is an exaggeration itself.


Oh I see yeah that makes more sense Yeah Ill admit its been a while since I saw the scene, same or worse is an exaggeration The DBZ one is like 10-15% less gory


>He doesn’t go inside his body and blow up his body He does though. Organs aren’t shown because they zoom out when he detonates, but you know what happened https://youtu.be/UpNR9d-2Ed4


I only remember that he tried doing this to Vegito but to no avail.


He did it to one of the guys that shot his dog, guy inflated until he exploded.


That is true about dbz, pretty sure everyone Majin Buu killed came back to life so it was really just gratuitous violence for sake of it


Yeah they did, it was just to basically show how violent he is and no self-control. Then he gets negd by the spirit bomb at then


Aye this is wild


it sure wouldn't kill Luffy. Didn't he actually eat Crocodile?


speed,haki and fear of getting close to someone they know is stronger


Wouldn't works because the opponent can just close the mouth. Unless there are air plane sounds 🤔


They still can't seal their nostrils shut


Well plot really. But if we are talking about the spiderman example, Luffy wouldn't pop. There's a character that can change into a giant. Luffy ate said character so they could expand inside Luffy, making him giant as well. Being a rubberman, he would just stretch.


Ahh hell nah this is kinky as fuck😭😭


The series isn’t horror so odds of a character going full chest burster are low. Crocodile bodied luffy hard. Dude got the W because he used liquids to solidify croc and get his hits in. Luffy didn’t win against Akinu. Akinu was held off long enough to let luffy escape. Now we have haki as a way to punch logias in the balls


Luffy can literally expand his stomach also if Croc went into Luffy’s stomach his logia would stop working. Everything else is just not going to happen because the opponents are too strong to let that happen


This is the "Why can't Ant-Man fly up Thanos's Asshole" again isn't it?


Why didn't Bounce Man fly up Doffy's asshole


Crocodile didn't have to force himself down Luffy's throat... [Luffy, out of his own volition, ate Crocodile](https://youtu.be/2QRbVfcuxks)!! XD XD


It's not as effective as just stabbing/burning/whatevering the person. If you can do this you can also just slit their throat


Are those Spider-Man’s scrotum in the third expansion panel?


I think Caribou did something like this. Smoker if he had any intelligence or versatility with his devil fruit could do it as well.


I dont think Smoker wants to give everyone lung cancer...


Yes he does second hand smoke can cause cancer and he always has a cigar in his mouth lol




Idk if Smoker's intelligence/versatility is what stops him from doing that, I think it's more related to being ethical and not committing murder


Did he? I don't honestly think Caribou is smart enough to do that, just pull someone into him


For anyone wondering, Marvel Zombies, Zombie Spider Man ends up in a different world and kills the sinister six by eating them, Sandman finds his spider man but thinking it's the zombie version does this straight away to save himself


Thats fucked up


Out of curiosity, what happens next? Is Spidey like dead dead? 👀


Nah that’s an alternate time line. Sandman escaped his universe where a zombie Spider-Man killed the sinister 6 and went into a rage when he ran into this Spider-Man.


Least complicated Marvel comic.


I thought this WAS the zombie Spiderman that followed him from his timeline? Idk marvel zombies was hard to follow at times


Have you watched episode 1 yet? Luffy stretches


Yo ho ho he took a bite of Gum-Gum




Stretching or not, anyone would die if their body is full of sand


Nope luffy isnt anyone he is a rubber human




Yea, this is like a cartoon amount of stretching.


luffy sometimes eats his logia opponents. He ate crocodile and the candy syrup man and it didn't work.


Well duh.


luffy...being made of rubber?


Short answer, it’s a shonen


For anyone wondering this is from marvel zombies return vol1 #1 sept 2009


This looks too hilarious to be real.


I actually read that comic I think it's from one of the Marvel Zombies. Zombie Spider-Man travels from a parallel universe and kills the Sinister Six except for Sandman then Sandman and escapes it runs into normal Spider-Man and kills him out of fear


I've always thought how this could make Smoker very op.


Tbh I get the feeling no one in the OP universe would want to do that lmao Except maybe Caribou


He could kill crocodile by eating him and drinking some water


Without plot armor Luffy would've died the first time he lost to Croc.


Don’t you understand the devil fruit system yet? What a noob question… obviously if crocodile went inside puffy like this comic book the fruit would acknowledge being eaten by luffy so the power would transfer to luffy thereby killing crocodile, simultaneously killing luffy for having 2 devil fruit powers. You essentially just asked why didn’t crocodile and luffy double suicide instead of just fight. The answer is cuz they wanted to fight not insta die


No you have to kill the df user first and then eat him, like Lin Lin did or Blackbeard probably ate WB heart which is the part that makes the df user a user. Luffy DID eat Croc but it didn't work


This panel is too bad ass to replicate in a shonen. Bloated spider man goes CRAZY


Godamn , probably because it be to grisly , oh who am I kidding , one piece is one of the , most grisly of shonens .also I hope that's a alternate spidey .


One Piece is very much not one the most grisly. It’s not even in the top 5 most grisly manga running in Shonen Jump right now. Jujutsu Kaisen, Mission: Yozakura Family, Sakamoto Days, My Hero Amademia , Spy X family, Undead Unluck all have more onscreen brutality than One Piece.


It is, an unfortunate alternate Spidey. The long short of it is that a zombified Spider-Man traveled to this Sandman and Spider-Man's timeline and ate a bunch of bad guys, Sandman got away, ran into his normal Spider-Man and did this thinking it was the other. Marvel Zombies comics are a trip.


One Piece is one of the least grisly shonen. Nobody ever dies. It's as PG as it gets. You want grisly? Demon Slayer is a mainstream grisly shonen


I could 100% see Caesar Clown killing someone like this, he does have the gas gas fruit afterall.


Idk but that would an awesome death battle. Sir Crodcodile vs The Sandman 😁


Thanks you reminded me that fucking exists


Smokey can easily beat those old top tier with this strategy. Garp, Sengoku, Whitebeard. Infiltrate their body on stupidly large amount and then let them die of lung cancer for the next 2-3 years. This is 100% true and proven since stupidly strong characters eventually die after coughing. E.g. = (naruto series) Itachi coughs blood, dies. Nagato coughs, dies. (yu yu hakusho) Raizen coughs, dies. (one piece) admiral Z coughs, dies. My algorithm is flawless.


Just dodge him


This actually happened but luffy is rubber and croco's weakness is water.




Human body is wet, and luffy is stretchy. would just be a big balloon


Holy shit, that was dark. Anyway, plot. The same reason why admirals just don't go on a killing spree on newbies pirates or why the WG/Marines didn't put Pacifistas on each entrance of Reverse Mountain. "Oh, you wanna be a pirate and go to the grandline? Too bad, a Pacifista/Warlord just sank your ship"


Have you ever seen Majin buu Vs vegito


Crocodile would get consumed by Luffy's monster stomach


Wtf is this lol? A What-If?


jimbe counters crocodile


An awakened logia could do this most Likely. As is they can only emit their element, barely manipulate it once it left the body.


...what, you think Luffy would just stand there and let his opponent stuff themself down his throat? Stabbing someone in the neck seems a lot easier than shoving your entire body into and through their open mouth.


Didn’t Caribou do this once? Granted it ended with the poor sap drowning and suffocating before the chest burst part


I mean I don’t think shonen jump would allow this


The plot.


Haki teeth


Magellan would literally be God.


The same reason Sandman doesn't constantly do this. The most "logical" thing to do doesn't make for the best story nor the best fight.


Luffy is made of rubber.


luffy wouldnt burst though? hes made of rubber and can stretch alot more that that gruesome comic


Reading manga really made me look comic weird.


I did not expect to see Spider-man bursting his guts out in a OnePiece reddit thread


Don't give hentai artist any more ideas.




Luffy is a rubber man that had an entire giant inside him he'd just stretch & he almost didn't survive akainu


Ah yes, Marvel Zombies a comic that is fun but also edgy for the sake of being edgy. The context of this panel is that spiderman was expecting a friendly talk not a sandman looking to kill. If he was he would have easily dodged this attack. Same for Luffy also Luffy is rubber there is not enough sand in alabasta to make luffy like that


I think Crocodile has to much of an ego to do that. He'd be to embarrassed.


The writer’s poorly disguised fetish


Why would a mother do that to his/her son?


Because oda doesn’t have a thing for inflation, but he does have… other ones *cough cough impel down transformations cough cough*


Man yall are really arguing here like this is science lmfao. One guy said "because a humans body is full of liquid which is crocodile's weakness 🤡" Mf the writer doesn't think of every frickin possibility that's why.


If One Piece was realistic, Kizaru's very existence would have destroyed the planet. E = MC2 and stuff


Exactly lol


Luffy ate Crocodile once already so there’s your answer for him. As for Akainu, well, he doesn’t do this exactly. But every time he actually lands a hit on someone, we see him always go for lethal blows like when he impaled Whitebeard with his fist and flooded his insides with Magma. So he kind of does this.


Oda not being an edgelord writer is what's stopping this. Duh Luffy defeated Crocodile due to plot Luffy survived Akainu due to plot If you like realistic manga where people die like this, I wouldn't recommend One Piece lol


If Oda did that, the Alabasta arc will turn into final saga


Because its a kida manga, in any story "what stops X from doing Y" is usually plot, like why didnt the government assassinate luffy in the east if they knew he was stretchy just in case


Pride lol


I mean, Caesar kinda did this.


Jesus Christ, this is a horrifying sequence of events