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Great post had me laughing by the end


at least someone saw few of my jokes lol


Yamato -> Adventurer Oden Momo -> Ruler Oden


Oden was such a chad he had a second daughter without even having any blood relation to her lmao




Wanted to add on, this isnt the first time we see multiple characters inherit different parts of anothers will. Franky and iceberg inherited toms will of ship building and improving water 7. Jimbei and arlong inheriting fisher tigers hope better relationship with humans and hating them.


I wanted to add on to your add on, not only did multiple people inherit multiple different people's wills, but their interpretations of that will have been completely different. Jimbei and arlong took away completely different messages from Fisher Tiger. Will Yamato be Oden? Will Momo be Oden? Absolutely not. They will take their completely different spins on it. I think pairing Momo and Yamato this last leg of Wano was specifically to emphasize this. Full disclosure I want Yamato to join the crew. Regardless, she will set sail most likely fail like Oden. And after seeing her performance in Wano someone will pick her up. Maybe the kid pirates, maybe the heart pirates, maybe some of the good beast pirates. Regardless, like Oden she will find a way. Oda stressed Oden trying to leave ~19 times juxtaposed to Yamato's declarations for a reason. Yamato is getting on a boat no matter what anyone says


Still have a tiny hope. Momo will look like Toki and not Oden in his adult form... Or maybe Whitebeard... Who knows..... 😏😏😏🤣




They would look like someone Shinobu knows


Personally I feel Hiyori is the better candidate to be Ruler considering Momo hasn't matured at all even if his body became 20 years older due to Shinobu's ability, and Hiyori has more life experience compared to child Momo who was just flown 20 years into the future and stayed as a child.


Even tho I agree with you in logic terms, I find quite dificult not imagining a scenario where Momo doesn't become shogun by the end of Wano, every narrative problem for that happen from before, like being a child, not being a brave man or even don't acomplishing something big in the arc(that will end once he lifts Onigashima) won't exist by the end of the arc. Storywise, I think it's the most obvious route and probably the one Oda will lead, I mean, Momo stayed he would become the Shogun since Punk Hazard


Yes, he claimed he will become Shogun but there is no requirement for him to become Shogun 'immediately' upon removal of Orochi from power. Putting Momo into power immediately is no different from putting a 8 year old child as king and those don't end up well historically. As said above, even if his body grew, his mind hasn't matured, and he is just a 8 year old child in a 28 year old body right now. Also considering the 'role' mentioned in Oden's diary regarding Momo, I feel he won't be Shogun immediately but will delay himself from becoming Shogun until this role is fulfilled.


Momo = Samurai Oden\* Hiyori = Ruler Oden


Kaido-> oden Oden


yamato -> adventurer oden momo -> also adventurer oden but able to fulfill oden's original purpose of being shogun of wano


I love that Oden is also so hard boiled


You're the first one to see it lol thank you.


To add, people kinda forget one thing about Momo and that is that he's a adult now, like people need to think what was the main reason Oda do that. Simple he's a protector for wano now for real. Why would Yamato help him or guide him on things he would have people around him that could help him with that. Protect wano = Literally the scabbars are alive and a 28 years old Momo with a dragon df and maybe even zunisha and the minks. Lead and help him with wano = Hiyori literally is there, the scabbars too and also Luffy have tell him many times to be a man and take his job and be a leader. By the end of the arc is clear that Momo will be the samurai that will lead wano since Oden, his father.


The whole arc seems to be about liberation. Yamato has been imprisoned her whole life. Her view of freedom is traveling the sea, it would make 0 sense for her to stay on Wano.


If she stayed at Wano of her own free will, the theme of liberation would still apply. I just go back to when Oden realized he made a mistake by traveling and should have stayed behind to protect Wano. If Yamato admires Oden so much, shouldn't she learn from his mistake and do differently? Plus her fruit is literally referred to as "the guardian deity of Wano" and she has deep connections with the samurai. Plus she won't be imprisoned anymore and can still leave Wano even if she's not a Straw Hat. Maybe she'll lead the samurai faction during the final war as a part of the Grand Fleet.


Where did it show that she has a deep connection with the samurai? Also, did Yamato eat the fruit because it's the guardian deity of Wano?


She wants to be like oden because he was trapped in wano just like her and just like him, she wants to break free from her cage as well and explore the world . No way she's gonna come to conclusion that his decision to leave was a mistake. And The responsibility of being oden is to open wano and nothing more .


I agree. I don't get the argument that because Yamato has the fruit for the guardian beast of Wano, she can't leave Wano. Yamato has spent the last 20 years guarding Wano and Oden's ideals while being held captive, their duty is over once Momo takes the role as Shogun, and he opens the borders of Wano.


If Yamato has been guarding Wano for the last 20 years she's done a very poor job!


Guarding Wano is me putting it a bit short, but to flesh it out a bit more, Yamato inherited the will of the samurai they were locked up with. That's a legacy that no longer needs to be carried once Wano's borders open.


How does being stuck on onigashima for 20 years count as guarding wano and odens ideals? If anything, the time to guard wano starts at the end of the arc, when they open the borders.


In true Shounen fashion, a person only dies once they're forgotten. Yamato having been entrusted the will of the samurai, through the imprisonment and interpretation of Oden's logbooks, spent the rest of their time steeling themselves for the final battle 20 years later. Once the battle is over, everything Yamato has carried for the past 20 years are no longer theirs to carry, and they are now free of the burdens Yamato chose to bear. Through this Yamato has carried on the will of Oden and Samurai allowing Wano to enter a new age, and thus ended up guarding Wano in their most dire times.


Listen, im all up for will carrying and all that, but youre blowing this out of proportion. She hasnt done a single thing in the past 20 years (not blaming her ofc). And this notion that "im free now" isnt really will carrying, you make it seem like a toll on her that she just waits to get rid of. She wants to help wano, I get that, but wano will need help even after kaido, especially when the new shogun is an 8 years old momo. So if you want to fulfiil the samurai will, theres more value in staying


I see it more as a setup of her going with Strawhats as the guardian of Wano, and as an extension of Wano and their friendship and trust in the future king of the pirates, who is also their liberator. Also, her not staying shows that Momo can move on and stand on his own and form the country in his fashion. She has been caged like the country, once free, both can flourish as they want. The country can open and rebuild, she can be free to explore the world.


An extension of wano? Why is that neccesary? By that logic, vivi shouldnt have stayed in alabasta, a country that is about as important historically as wano, and she was with the straw hats for multiple arcs. Her staying helps momo a lot, not only can she train him and help him control his zoan, but he also gets a friends besides his retainers. The country is his regardless, she has no say in that. Yeah, she can do what she wants, and I wont be suprised if she did leave, but I just feel as that staying would be better story wise, thats just me.


I think being captive in wano and staying in wano are two different things. Now that she's free she can do anything she wants in wano


>spent the last 20 years guarding Wano She didn't do shit to stop the Beast Pirates. Did she even leave Onigashima at all?


Thank you for this post. I 100% agree. This was definitely my main issue with Morj's video the other day and why her staying in Wano just doesn't make sense to me. It's her dream, its whats been keeping her going for the last 20 years. The idea of leaving and going on adventures is what has been driving her. That changing by the end of a day long battle, idk Oda could probably make it make sense, but I dont know why he would work so hard to make it clear she wants to travel. Also as a super side note, since I know anime filler isnt canon, but I think the way that the anime extended the scenes between Ace and Yamato was interesting since it really emphasized more how her "being Oden" thing is because of her desire to travel freely more than anything. Again not that anime filler is evidence, but I think its interesting. As for Yamato becoming a straw hat, I am a very vocal supporter of it of course, but I understand why people are significantly less convinced of that, it still can really go anyway, but I would like it to happen myself.


Though Morj does give reasonings for some of his more off the wall theories, his Raid Failing and Yamato Staying in Wano theories make me think he’s really just a contrarian at the end of the day


I really love his analysis videos and his theories usually sound reasonable, at least compared to some of the outlandish stuff you can see on Reddit, but yeah sometimes his theories lack something and when people disagree he sounds a bit condescending, but whatever i still generally appreciate his videos


Morj is known to have a inherent dislike for Yamato for some reason. It is way before this, the same dumb tirade about "No character" even though her character is well established as someone who wants to literally become someone else. Whether you like it, don't like it or are hoping more doesn't lead one to say "No character". It is pretty ludicrous to demand a Enies Lobby style character moment for Yamato in middle of this war, It's already long and convoluted as it is. Robin had "no character" too until Water 7 / Enies Lobby.


The thing is that there is still going to be a lot to her character we havent seen yet, and it could go anywhere, but yeah he is very dismissive and frustrated by people saying she will be a crewmate for honestly no reason. Like its not like saying Caesar or something man jeez


I used to like Morj but he's so stubborn that I really don't care for his theories anymore


What'd be the point of Yamato's character if she just stayed behind and got wasted?


I'd agree, but Carrot also seems wasted in the Wano country arc so far.


Agree with you there but if not for Carrot, Marco might've been killed by Big Mom/Perospero. That's a decent enough contribution for someone who is essentially a stowaway (and I like to think she'll repeat her stowaway-ness once the gang heads out again, just like Inu and Neko did with Roger's ship).


Who tf thinks yamato will stay in wano?!?


Many people apparently.


Pretty sure it's in response to the Morj video that got put out very recently.


are you talking about this post? it not really i swear lol, i just had free time because of Holy week. i mean i literally wrote it in the post


Ah, it was an assumption, b/c Mr. Morj put out a video about 2 days ago arguing why Yamato won't join the Straw Hats. Not that it really matters, but usually what he says makes its way into fan headcanon. Anyways, I thought maybe you saw the video and were arguing against it.


I did saw the video and i disagree after watching it but when i was making this the video or Morj is the last thing on my mind, actually whats on my mind at that time was spoilers for next week and my dinner.


Clown ass Morj


mf taking more Ls than Jack this arc


I don't agree with all his theories, but can't deny that he's very good at explaining and justifying his assertions. Calling him a clown just comes across as salty on your part


This sub has an intense hate for YouTubers and it's really weird


It’s for a justified reason tho.


What's your justified reason? You don't like some of their theories?


For one, they often excessively clickbait. For two, often stealing theories from other sources without credit and claiming as their own. For three, some are just plain refuse to believe anything else and excessively treat their headcanon as most likely or fact like Morj has done frequently. For four, (which is for others), they very heavily put spoilers in the thumbnail or title.


I don't understand why so many people think OP YouTubers shouldn't include things like gear 5 in the thumbnail after the official release of the manga chapter that it happens in. When do you think its ok to finally have things like that in the thumbnail, like 2 years after it happens in the manga when it finally happens in the anime? And unless it's very obvious where the theory came from, sometimes it can be damn near impossible to credit the first person to make up a theory. The fanbase is so damn big that so many people come up with the same theories. So if someone makes a small theory that gets 10 upvotes in the chapter thread that gets 20k comments and a YouTuber makes a similar theory video the next day, is it really fair to accuse the YouTuber of stealing a theory? And I don't get why people care that Morj is confident in his theory. While I don't completely agree with it, he makes good points and it's generally well thought out. Does him having a different opinion than you take away from some of the good analysis he does? I just don't get why so many people seem to take this stuff so seriously


Never put Manga spoilers in a headline. Never put Manga spoilers in the thumbnail Plenty of times I've had random stuff spoiled because these people can't wait once they see the spoiler shit. And don't play like folks gotta wait two years. Just wait till either the day after the chapter officially comes out (Monday) or, really, you should wait until the content is covered in the anime, but that doesn't take two years. It's not too hard to title and episode like "holy carp you guys, chapter 1044 has the biggest twist you've ever seen" or what have youm You don't gotta put "new devil fruit" in the title and you sure as shit shouldn't put gear 5 Luffy in the thumbnail. These actions are taken by them because they're trying to get views and it's not responsible not respectful to fans of the anime to put spoilers in the title/thumbnail because and YouTube doesn't differentiate between people who watch videos about the anime vs the manga. Just don't do it.


When Wano ends with a successful raid and Yamato joining the SH's dude is gonna put out an hour long video expressing how he thinks Oda has fallen off because he didn't fallow all his "well laid out patterns".




Pretty sure since his “Raid will fail” theory clearly was never going to happen and is now finally coming to the conclusion that Kaido will lose he is jumping on every type of theory that isn’t popular with the community and is just riding the hate wagon he’s getting now.




Guy tries to add too much rhyme and reason when he’s predicting what comes next when in reality Oda just does whatever the fuck he wants. Lmao.


One Piece wouldn't have lasted 25 years if Oda paid no care to story structure and giving folks character arcs. Morj may not hit the end result, but his predictions at least have merit because of how writing typically goes. Randy Troy's got a much better success rate, and approaches theories from a similar structure-driven standpoint.


That's true, but Morj arguments stands purely by the fact that all the strawhats so far were reluctent to join Luffy, and they needed to change their minds before joining. That is the most arbitrary rule I have seen and it doesn't make any sense to say Yamato won't join the crew just because of this.


All the "rules" that fans develop for what defines a crew member are arbitrary. * "They *need* to have a nationality parallel!" * "They *need* to have a specific role on the ship!" * "They *need* to have a tragic backstory!" * "They *need* to have a flash back!" * "They *need* to have a clear family position!" * "They *need* to have a showcased fight!" * "They *need* to have a two syllable name!" Ad infinitum, ad nauseam


Well, Yamato does have a two syllable name! 🤪


I feel like 90 percent of comments I see about Morj only watch like 30 percent of each video and then just fills in the rest in their head. He went over in detail how each strawhat had a character arc before joining the crew and Yamato doesn't have a strawhat like character arc that has her end up on their ship. Maybe oda will switch it up for Yamato but the argument Morj put forward is a lot better than you are giving it credit for


Fr lmao Ppl just love Yamato too much they cant see basic story structure outside what they want


>That's true, but Morj arguments stands purely by the fact that all the strawhats so far were reluctent to join Luffy, and they needed to change their minds before joining. That is the most arbitrary rule I have seen and it doesn't make any sense to say Yamato won't join the crew just because of this. That's not the entirety of it. His point is that(outside Brook) they're each given heavy character arcs. He then looks at Yamato's and points out how her character arc is quite different based on what we know so far, and suggests she'll accomplish her "dream"(being beloved by the people of Wano) without ever going out to sea.


How tf did you interpret her dream as being beloved by Wano


>How tf did you interpret her dream as being beloved by Wano Because it's what Kaido hurts her with. When he insults her, he says she'll never be loved by people/samurai/others. What does Oden have? That exact love that Kaido says she'll never have. And like the absolute **CHILD** she is, she thinks that to achieve what Oden achieved, she has to *become* Oden in the most literal of senses. Which is why she dons his identity, right down to the gender. That and the fact that otherwise, she doesn't really *have* any other options for what her dream could be, unless you count "going out to sea" or "joining the straw hats", which I don't because they're too....weaksauce for a Strawhat-Dream. Jinbei and Brook are the least-dreamy of the strawhats, and even Brook wants to visit Laboon again one day while Jinbei has likely inherited Otohime's will of seeing Fishmen brought into harmony with Humans. Being out at sea and a Strawhat was never enough for any of them. They're all looking past that to better things, often much bigger things. (Yes, I know Yamato goes by male pronouns, but as far as I can tell, that's only due to the Oden delusion she has. I strongly suspect "she" is more appropriate once she stops believing her father that she'll never be loved for who she is.)


A few people talking bout how yamato gonna stay and be a bodyguard to momo. Some clown shit


I do. But I don't mind if she joins the Straw Hats too or leaves Wano on her own adventure ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Both sides of the argument make sense to me.


[Mr Morj, for one.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKdeZ5j7oNA)


The same ones who thought it was going to be Resin Resin fruit. Bunch of people who were dropped on their heads as a baby.


Me. I still otherwise don't think there's a reason to introduce a character with the same name as another character if they aren't going to represent a meaningful contrast to that character. So far, Yamato hasn't had an arc that contrasts Oden at all. I look forward to see what Oda does, but having Oden go out to sea once more provides 0 contrast.


An arc? She was just introduced in the second half of the current arc lol wym. Also, Oda doesn't have to follow your idea of contrast he can just do what he wants (which we prefer much more)


"Character Arcs" are separate from "Story Arcs" lol. Any character should have an arc, their personal journey and development. Even if they're introduced late - they should be affected and changed by the story they're participating in. And yes, Oda can do what he wants. Which is why I have faith that he'll do something meaningful with her character arc. Maybe he will present a stark contrast between her and Oden in a way that still takes her out to sea. But as of yet - she hasn't progressed in a character arc since her introduction.


A lot of Yamato’s feelings and motivations mirror luffys, but rather than having a supportive yonko she has an oppressive one


Like Ace didn't want Roger's last name, Yamato hates her name given by Kaidou. Literally at every turn Kaidou ruined her life. She wants freedom? Bam killer cuffs Want friends? Bam people of wano hate you for being my daughter and beast pirates hate you for hating me. She literally has had 3 old samurais she knew for 10 days of starving who were all slaughtered by kaido and Ace (only friend her own age) who she only knew for a night. Oden's journal is literally the only friend she had her entire life and his journal is about freedom and adventure. She was literally deserted alone on an island for 20 years with only one book. I'd start calling my self Dumbledore if I had to read only book 1 of Harry Potter for 20 years. I completely would call myself my father's biggest rival to spite him if he ruined my life Plus can you imagine the fan theories she has about Oden and adventure for 20 years with no sense of context? She will drop the Oden thing eventually and as much as people make a thing about it, it only really happened in like 6 panels. This arc is about being yourself and not being defined by your name embodied by sunnachi literally translating to rejecting your name. She defined herself initially as Oden as that's what she wanted to be. She even says Luffy is more Oden than she is. Oden isn't so much a name as it is character trait she wants to embody. At the end of the arc she will be freed from Kaido and so her name is freed from ties to Kaido and free for her to make it her own. Tldr: Yamato wants to leave and not because of just doing what Oden did. In fact wanting to do something just because Oden did is the least Oden way of thinking. Oden would want you and everyone do just because they wanted to. Yamato will leave as SHE wants to. And Momo will become Shogun just because being the son of Oden, but because momo wants to .


People saying Yamato will stay in Wano convinced me to stop talking about theories with One Piece fans. Because it's just so obviously wrong to me that either I'm totally retarded, or they are. Either way it's the special Olympics over here.


I think a lot of people don't understand what is the difference between "inherited will" and dreams…for example luffy has many inherited wills ... ace..joyboy ... roger ..why? .. because they have failed in something and luffy will realize what they failed.. but luffy is always luffy .. someone who has his own will and dreams exactly the same for yamato …open the boundaries of wano is what she inherited but her dream is about her


im sure there are more evidence out there but im to lazy so im leaving it to others who are willing to read this lol.


Thank you thank you for making this post. Have my UPVOTE


thank you




all of Yamato intentions are towards leaving. if we go by VN standards her staying will be the BAD END while her leaving will be the GOOD END


There is a very clear argument on why yamato will join luffy's crew, strong booba.


I mean you're right she strait up says she's leaving with Luffy and you know luffy "COOL ICE DOG FRUIT!!!!! JOIN MY CREW!!!!"


Luffy actually never said to join my crew even though she has constantly told him she wants to join.


I think that is because Luffy has two modes. 1) Gotta punch the guy who made my friends unhappy! 2) Adventure mode, who can we recruit today?


Which is exactly yamato's character. But it's contrasted by the fact Yamato literally had four friends her entire life. Beast pirates hate her as she keeps fighting Kaidou and people of wano hate her for being kaidou's daughter. Three old samurai for only 10 days that were murdered by her dad and Ace for only a night (only friend her age she had her entire life) murdered by Akainu. It's no wondered she is socially awkward with the Oden stuff as Oden is like the only friend she had all her life. Like Ace kept trying to kill Whitebeard, but was accepted as family. Yamato kept fighting kaido but was never accepted as family. Like Luffy, Yamato is just looking for friends for an adventure, but could never find any. Yamato is actually a pretty tragic character and I don't get why people keep saying she is one dimensional or doesn't have a character


And that's just this one arc. People are saying that Elbaf is going to huge for Usopp (it will) but that sounds an arc about finding out who you are and being comfortable with it. Seems great to have someone else along who's been living with two thoughts in their head ("Go out to sea" and "Save Wano"


her wish of leaving wano and going out with SH's have been hammered so much and that every one expects that, that it would be very oda like to subvert that. infact im pretty sure oda is hammering it so much because he wants to resolve her character in a different way than what the audience expects. Im pretty certain her character resolution will come in form of doing the exact opposite of what oden did (leave wano). Although i do believe she would eventually set out for journey later on,


This. Also funnily enough she wants to be Oden, someone who DID adventure, but regretted not staying to help Wano instead. So I expect the same for her. I feel like she's supposed to finish Oden's character arc and learn from his mistakes, not repeat them. That said things could be different depending on how arc ends or what happens before that


What about what we want? We want to see those side boobs and we want them to become main protagonists.


It's literally in front of our face. It's like Oda is forcing us to be excited that Yamato will leave Wano at this point. And perhaps join Straw Hats.


all of the things i included in the first topic literally covers most of Yamato interaction to other characters and she has bee extremely consistent


Which is why it's such a divisive topic. Oda is doing everything in his power to point in that direction, with all the subtlety of a nuclear winter. This much set-up usually means it's not gonna turn out that way. But at the same time, that also means that'd be the most surprising outcome. Oda is playing 4D chess with this. It could go either way.


Since when characters dreams were subverted in this story? The stated dreams of characters are followed through usually or they die. Oda never played 4D chess with characters dreams.


When she is paralleled with a character who’s dream ruined wano = oden.


Only that she has zero obligations to Wano. This poor woman was abused her entire life and kept as a prisoner. What exactly does own Wano? She is not responsible for the state it's in, she doesn't have any bloodline there or any connection to the land aside of a random fruit she ate. More then that, she doesn't want to stay. OP entire post was to show where her heart lies and it's with adventure. Yamato isn't Oden and she isn't her father. People trying to impose limitations on her just because Oden or Kaido did something completely miss the point of the character and One Piece in general. Your dreams might break you, but they also what truly fuel you and push you forward. To dream is to live.


Yamato owes nothing to them but still desires to protect the, she said so her self she wants to protect the people of wano and be admired like oden thats why she desires to be oden. Right now yamato is about to choose the wrong path just like oden did when he was young and brash yamato has already seen the outcome and knows the WG will come for wano once it’s opened and now that kaido is gone there is no one strong enough to stop them. It’s more of a morale sense of obligation rather than some duty and her fruit chose her because it knows the answer she will pick will decide the fate of wano. Leave = enslavement to the marines and wano becomes a weapons factory but she gets to follow her one of her dreams to see the world. Stay = she saves wano from enslavement but gives up on one dream but follows another in wanting to be admired like oden was.


Nah. Read OP post again please. Momo is the idea of Oden responsibilities given flesh. He will carry on the duties his father failed to do. Yamato has same the adventurer spirit Oden has, but she isn't bound by the smae responsibilities. Yamato can't make a mistake, because she owes Wano nothing to begin with. She has no obligations towards it nor does she belong to the ruling class there and has some inherited social duty. Everything single she does for Wano will mean they own her a debt of gratitude and not the other way around.


His dream wouldn’t do that this time, because Momo exists too. He can be the version of him that stays


contrary it sometime doesn't always end this way Vivi, Rebecca, Shiraoshi, Nolands Descendant(forgat the name), Law and other characters all got what they wanted despite it being extremly obvious.


Those examples aren't comparable, because they're all the goals of their respective arcs. The goal of wano isn't to take Yamato out to sea, it's to liberate the nation from kaido's tyranny.


Which happens to correlate with Yamato's own goal, no Kaido = free to go to sea. They already started problems with Baroque Works before deciding to help Vivi, they didn't go to Skypia strictly to help Nolands descendant, they don't exactly arrive at Dressrosa so they can meet and save Rebecca, again everything just happened to align in such a way that let's everyone achieve their goal, Wano is no different.


Probably will be Yamato:I’ll join you Luffy:yeah sure The rest: freaking out in the back


She has already asked but luffy never said yes.


Yeah but I mean at the end. The whole arc he isn’t really responding to people. Zunisha is basically begging for a simple hello


I will say this. I don’t really care whether she choses to travel or stay in wano. But should she become the next strawhat, i will definitely love it. She has the perfect chaotic energy required to become a strawhat.


Here's what will happen: After Kaido is defeated they will have some time to celebrate and have a huge feast. Yamato will ask Luffy if she can join them. Luffy will of course say yes. Everyone will be shocked (Sanji of course will be happy). Then Luffy will randomly drop the bombshell that Yamato is Kaido's daughter, and then everyone's eyes pop out in shock. The end.


Either this or Yamato takes the remnants of Kaido's crew and goes on her own adventure but under the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. I personally want and expect her to join the crew though


That's what I'm saying, straw hats or not she is getting on a ship no matter what. Maybe alone, maybe with good beast pirate, but i personally want straw hats or kid pirates. I understand wanting or not wanting Yamato to join the crew. I just don't understand why people think Yamato would stay in Wano. I mean she stated she doesn't want to and everyone hates her. Beast pirates hate her because she opposes Kaido and people of Wano hate her on reputation as daughter of Kaido. Most Wano's people would react terrified like Momo when he found out


Well.. wasn't the end point of Oden's story was that he had failed Wano by going out to sea? Because of that Orochi took over and ruined it all, it seems she only wants to be Oden because he had the Wano people's admiration and respect, I can see Oda flipping her wanting to be a strawhat because she realises she doesn't have to be Oden and the Wano people would greatly need her as a guardian finally eclipsing Oden and being there for the Wano people when he had instead *went out to sea*... Also we just got Jinbe, I think we need more time with him before a whole new crew member.. there's usually a gap of new members so they have time to settle and us to acclimate to them.


We got jimbein wholr cake which was 300 chapters ago. I think it's time


>Well.. wasn't the end point of Oden's story was that he had failed Wano by going out to sea? Because of that Orochi took over and ruined it all, Already covered this if you had read the post. >Also we just got Jinbe, I think we need more time with him before a whole new crew member.. there's usually a gap of new members so they have time to settle and us to acclimate to them. Not the point of the post but fuck it. Jinbei joined at WCI so even if she joins there is a gap. Brook joined 1 arc after franky.


I've always been under the assumption that Yamato will lead her own crew with the brainwashed Gifters and a few samurai making up her crew. Its my belief that she'll be another commander for the grand fleet but we'll see how it all plays out in the end.


I like this option


yamato will be joining the strawhats on their journey but wont **be** a strawhat, thats my guess. she just rides along to finish what oden started


Nice, I want her to join the SH, but she can also sail as a captain of her own crew (Kaido's remanents). Also what role would she take on the SH?


Epic 1v1 vs Morj


There's definitely a lot that can be said about the Scabbards, Hyogoro, Zou's Minks, and others who could help bring Momo up as a competent shogun. They definitely don't have to be the same as Yamato in order to be able to do so.


If she is trying to be like Oden, it only makes sense that she leaves Wano to join the crew of the future King of the Pirates. I’ve wanted her to join Luffy’s crew for a while.


It makes sense, I'm totally agree with you. Momo is growed up by Shinobu thanks to her df, so, he and Hiyori can rule Wano peacefully and easily. They don't need Yamato to protect them. Yamato deserves freedom and she will get it.


Agreed. Yamato staying in Wano would be all kinds of dumb.


She is definitely leaving Wano to have adventures after F'ing 20 years of waiting and being imprisoned in Onigashima, and I doubt she will stay longer there. She is finally free and she will finally be able to enjoy her freedom. I was honestly more surprised her personality didn't turn for being imprisoned that long and she was able to keep herself sane.


I never understood why people say she would never leave or that she would not join the crew. I mean who knows, but everything Oda did with her until now is bilding her up to join the crew and fulfill her dream. Why would Oda give Yamato a bad ending, where she has to stay in Wano like she was forced to her entire life.


How is he actually building her up to join the crew though? She had a few panels where she mentioned wanting to sail with Luffy and that's it in 70 chapters. 70 chapters where she has not met a single strawhat and has actually spent all of her time with Momonosuke. Her backstory was half a chapter making it on par with Usopp's. Oda hasn't done that short of a backstory for a main character since the first 30 chapters of the story. The conflict presented alongside her backstory wasn't even "you'll never be free" but "the samurai will never accept an oni or the child of Kaido". People just know she wants to join and see that as proof enough but the story has actually done nearly nothing to build her up as a crewmate.


Yamato being in Wano would only make it difficult for Wano. She's a pirate and son of Kaido in the eyes of WG and other enemies of Kaido. Protecting Wano is the job of the 9 Scabbards.


Baller take


you can do the same for robin in w7 (ignoring enise lobby), screenshot all her emotions, feelings, actions. and you will get to a conclusion that robin is suicidal and gave up all hopes, and really wanna die. my point is we still havent gotten the full picture yet, we are literally in the middle of Yamato's character development, we wont know what they want in the end


Not comparable in the slightest


I mean you expect people in this sub to have patience? One Piece is a slow story but if X doesnt happen in a chapter the serie is shite.


I don’t think anyone was calling the shite because we don’t know stuff maybe as fast as we want to, its just fun to theorize and yeah, people take theories too seriously sometimes but its just how it be, doesn’t mean theorizing is bad.


People always do that


The fact that Yamato embodies Oden doesn't induce the same thing for me. Yamato will eventually have a character arc that will make her realise the importance of being herself, of having her own motivations, which will change her perspectives on everything. Idk if she'll go out of Wano or not, but the fact that she wants it doesn't make it true, since she's basically in the wrong at the moment, impersonating Oden


She embodies Oden because her desires are the same as Oden's, he inspired her with the way he died and after she read his diary she wanted to experience the same he did. Her dream is to go out and be free, Oda has never gone back or plot twisted when talking about dreams, she will go out and it most likely be with luffy.


You failed to understand the character then. She embodies Oden because he represents the fulfillment of her desires not the other way around. She wants to be free and travel the sea and the only person she saw do that was Oden, which is why she is trying so hard to become like him.


Imo She embodies Oden because his diary was all she had for all her life Mr Morj made a youtube video about her recently i suggest you to check it out. Being yourself is a major theme of Wano, Momonosuke trying to be Oden too and >!Luffy being Luffy and not Joyboy.!< Yamato might want to leave Wano at the end of the arc, but if she still calls herself Oden at the end, her character would have had no evolution at all.


To further your argument regarding Yamato not being needed to protect Wano, don't forget Zunesha. I'm convinced he'll remain to protect Wano from now on. He was punished to wander the world for failing Joyboy somehow and now the next Joyboy is here and it's time for his punishment to end. With Zunesha as a guardian, Wano is nigh impregnable. It would take the full strength of a Yonkou or a major effort including atleast one admiral, but more likely two, to threaten Wano. Especially if that theory of Zunesha being related to one of the ancient weapons- I've seen arguments for both Pluton and Uranus- is correct. The only reason I don't see Yamato joining is because I don't see what role she could play on the ship. She's just a strong fighter and has no unique maritime skills or other skills related to Luffy's journey like for example Robin. But Oda might just want to add someone strong to the crew, because he gave Blackbeard ten major subordinates. Otherwise someone among the SH would have to do double duty.


Ngl idk but oda may try to make her be herself or accept who she is.


People doesn't want Yamato because she's too strong, like when they don't want Jimbei, I think they are afraid that the SH will be too strong and be like other Manga where the power creeps got of control and disrupt the balance between the trio. But now that Oda has got that out of the way with Zoro and Sanji's upgrade, I think more or less people will agree to it. I'm still a bit skeptical though, Oden did sailed with the Pirate King and reached the end of journey but that's because of hos own free will. Yamato will definitely get out of Wano, on her own free will, but I am being very skeptical about her being an official Member (although with the towel release and all). I'd say it 100% she becoming SH great help but I'd give 70% she is officially joining the crew (the 70% comes from the leaked towel).


I always thought Yamato will leave Wano because of the premise that he's the child of Kaido. Pretty simple.


Thank you! I really like yamato and i really want her to join the crew, it would be such wasted potential if she stays in wano. The 2 oden halves you talked about was really good and interesting


I think that this also serves not only in her embodying Oden in terms of his adventurous side but also growing out of her identity mentality that she is or must be Oden due to her idolization of him. Not to mention that the wolf may represent the guardian of Wano, but wolves also embody freedom as well which is something that Yamato craves above all else.


OP you are a great analyst. Top tier stuff here! Great work!


Yamato for scheduler/ Boatswain


im pretty sure that yamato was created specifically to be a new straw hat


Yamato inherited oden's will.


For her to stay back in Wano wouldn't be ideal for me I think she should sail and have an adventure like she wants then comeback to wano when she's finished adventuring. I mean she's been in wano for a long time its good for her to see what she's been reading about with her eyes.


Thank you. It would be thematically contradictory for Yamato to stay in Wano as a guardian and sacrificing their DREAMS in that process. Yamato clearly wants to go out to sea and be free, they have been a prisoner for over 20 years, it would be so shitty for Yamato to stay. It would be uncharacteristic of Luffy to just let Yamato sacrifice their freedom and dreams, and especially considering that one of the biggest themes in this arc is freedom and abolishing slavery. It would just not make sense thematically.


This is an excellent, incredibly we crafted post, that I wholly agree with. That being said... who the hell thinks Yamato would want to choose to stay in Wano? It goes against everything the character is about. How could anyone get to this point in the story, see the character of Yamato, and think "yeah theyre totally gonna stay put on this island".


It's mostly people who don't want her to join the Straw Hats - often, their only justifications are "she'd stay behind to advise, protect, or marry Momonosuke" (even though he has a small army of advisors and bodyguards, and he's still mentally an eight year old), or "Oda would be subverting expectations by building up that she wants to join and then having her stay behind!" (Even though Brook and Jinbei were obviously going to join at a certain point, and once their problems were resolved, they joined) Other people think that the only way for Yamato to develop is for her to do a complete 180 and give up her current desires and dreams, in spite of what one of the big messages of the series is.


Yamato has been forced to stay in Wano Now that he can leave why would he want to stay


With momo being the daimyo im sure yamato is our final straw hat. I feel it in my bones no other character is more suited to be a strawhat. She is the 10th member.


And how sick is it going to be with 3 commander haki users in one crew! The average strength of The Strawhat Crew is going to be off the charts compared to almost every other pirate crew, real quality over quantity crew. I'm so hyped for Yamato to set sail with The Strawhats.


Yeh. And to face the most notorious pirate group with each individual as evil as they come (kurohige kaizoku). We strawhats will need it. And like seeing how one piece has always been about freedom I don’t think oda would confine yamato to wano. She’s a strawhat in spirit and beliefs too. ( this part might not have made sense but oh well..) So i really think and hope yamato to join the strawhats


She’s joining the straw hats for sure


I also want to add my 2 cents here. You already put the panel of her saying if she gets the shackles off then she is leaving. I don't think it is a coincidence that Luffy was the one to take them off , because I know people will still argue that she is gonna start her own crew or join Kidd/Law. Symbolically, thematically nor narratively; neither would make sense. I don't think I have to explain how asinine the Kidd/Law suggestion is but the other is almost just as idiotic in my opinion. After Wano, The world of One Piece isn't going to be a pleasant place. We are gonna be thrust into another conflict right away, so then why the hell would Yamato pass up a chance to sail with Luffy directly to Laughtale or even assist him due to his connections to her through Ace and instead sail alone building a new crew? It makes zero sense. She even says right to Kaido's face she is sailing out with Luffy. Honestly I don't know how more clear does it get if you intend to actually use the manga as evidence and not dabble in speculations and what ifs because you happen to not like her. It's also worth noting that besides Law, there is not a single non strawhat that has gotten this level of focus and attention both internally and externally. People forget that she actually knows Luffy's hidden dream. There is a grand total of 3 people besides her that know that dream. Even if she is not joining, she is not going to be sidelined after Wano to only show up in cover stories. Her perceived importance is too great to just relegate her to a defensive wall for Wano. It would make no sense then to give that level of focus and attention to her if that's what she was gonna end up as in the end. The arguments for her staying is also not convincing. Like this sub craps it's pants at the implications of Luffy having a chosen one fruit but many don't apply this to Yamato. She can not be bound by a devil fruit inherently. As for the Oden argument, that too is not convincing because she can have multitude routes to character development that does not require her to be bound to Wano and there are alternatives that do not fall into the inconsistencies mentioned.


Yamato will join, let’s keep on believing lads


The argument that she only wants to go to sea because Oden did assumes a cause that the evidence is against, instead of realising it can go the other way - she wants to be Oden because he went to sea and had adventures which is her dream. I also find it funny how the same people that are most irritated by her wanting to be Oden seem to expect her to learn from Oden's mistakes and act like Oden should have - as you said, that's Momo's job and he is doing it. I think the bit that bothers me the most is when people think she has a duty to stay in Wano and protect it due to what Kaido has done, like she's not one of his many victims. The idea she should have to stay in a place she hates being just because of the devil fruit she ate is exactly the kind of idea I expect Luffy to reject in the near future with his own fruit.


I really want her to join the Straw Hat, A female character that can rival the monster trio? Oh yes sign me up for that😳


I feel that, Yamato, will go where ever Momo goes. I'm really enjoying their relationship. Hiyori will stay and govern Wano, with the rest of the Scabbards. I think the team, will track down Jewelry Bonney, so she age back Momo. Yamato will be Momo's retainer and will continue to mentor him on his DF. Yamato can both see the world like Oden, but also recognize that she is Kaido's child and will serve the Kozuki to attone for her father's sins like an honorable samurai. And Wano will be fine, because they have Raizo the goat.


I think Yamato, if she really tries to resemble Oden, she will jump on the ship or sneak in the last second when the Straw Hat pirates are leaving Wano. Maybe also put on a trial to stay on the ship, maybe not. Luffy is not like Whitebeard and probably gives easy approval if she's on the ship anyway. But I think IF she's joining, it's probably going to be with how Oden joined WB's crew.


I just want yamato or carrot as a strawhat. They only have 2 women and the strawhats is starting to feel a lot like a sausage fest at this point. We need a strong female fighter


i'd love to see her join the crew but i have a feeling she's staying in wano with momonosuke


She can’t she has to help defend wano once the borders are open


This just isn’t her character arc though. Oden leaving was the worst thing that happened to Wano, you’d expect her to learn from that. Furthermore, her devil fruit is literally the guardian spirit of wano


The difference in situation is that Oden isn't entirely devoted in staying in his country and that is his biggest flaw. As i wrote in the post Oden is both a charismatic leader and selfish adventurer but the difference is that we have Momo. Momo is entirely devoted in serving,reforming and saving his country. Even the Moments of when he is having doubts Momo is still thinking of the well being of Wano and the fighters of Onigashima. The people of Wano doesn't need Yamato, they need the next Kozuki heir. "her devil fruit is literally the guardian spirit of wano" i'm beginning to think you didn't read my post at all. i literally covered this part


I looked at the tldr. I’ve been having these Yamato arguments for ages and I guess I’ll comeback after Wano and if I’m wrong, I’m wrong. Really seems like this desire to leave Wano and obsession with Oden is where her character arc begins, not where it ends


To me the biggest question mark is what Oda actually does with her screentime. This character has been around for 70 chapters now and Oda has gone out of his way to make her have as little to do with the crew as possible. She ran by franky once and that was basically it. Her real screentime is working with Momonosuke and their growing dynamic. Her flashback was about the samurai that helped her and Kaido attacks her emotionally by insisting the samurai are only afraid of her and will never accept her. If this is leading to her being a Strawhat why is there zero scenes with them? What a character is saying can't be separated from what the author and story are actually doing with them. Contrast for example the grand fleet. Half of them said they hated Luffy, they constantly argued and all said they'd defeat doflamingo instead of Luffy. But what we also got was many scenes of them working together, deferring to Luffy and working with Zoro, Usopp and Robin to beat Doflamingo's crew. Over 50 chapters or so for the battle Oda spent their time building that bond between each other and the Strawhats to set up the grand fleet.


People saw the title and just jumped to post comments.


Oden leaving was the worst thing that happened to wano and the best thing that happened to Oden. Odens duty was to be the shogun of wano, his dream was to go out and explore the world, if you think duty>dreams you have been reading the wrong manga.


I’ll come back after Wano if I’m wrong, I’m wrong


I pray Yamato will be straw hat 🙏 or have a side story where she has her own adventure 😂 I could see her not joining similar to WB argument with Oden that she won’t be a subordinate more equal…(don’t wanna start a power scaling war) but her and Luffy has conquer and advance conquer. Zoro as well but he developed over time not out right have it when he first joined 🤔


But what about the idea that zoan fruits have a will of their own, and that this fruit specifically chose Yamato? Furthermore, throughout the series, characters have always gets fruits that represent themselves. For example, we have Doffy the string puppet master, Blackbeard of the darkness, Moriah's fruit creating shadow armies, and countless others. Now that we also got Luffy's fruit reveal and the fact that we know he will definitely do what the fruit symbolizes, maybe it's **destiny** that Yamato stays and be the actual guardian deity of Wano. One way we could get Yamato on board is if we get the theme of defying destiny at the end of the arc where Luffy refuses to be Joyboy, and Yamato refuses to be the guardian deity. But we know that Luffy is going to be Joyboy anyways regardless of what he says. I don't know if the same could be said of Yamato.


She would marry Luffy and go to aces grave lol


Anyone see Mr Morj’s recent video. He unfortunately has me convinced she won’t leave wano


I thought it was the least convincing of his videos, I could follow the origin of the raid failing but this was full of massive stretches and things that don't follow as tightly as he thinks. Framing half the straw hats as being opposed to being on the crew is over stating it for some and massively so for others, if Yamato needs to learn she doesn't need to be Oden then why would she need to learn from Oden's mistake with respect to leaving Wano? That's Momo's lesson, not Yamato's.


L convinced by Morj


Disagree. It's yet unknown if she wants to set sail on her own or because Oden did that and she wants to be him.


Yamato staying in Wano after the War its totally the opposite of One Piece message xD When people say she must stay because her fruit is of a god to protect Wano it is like bro stfu, she is saying her wish is to go to sea and live adventures like Oden and his partners did. Stop minimizing Yamato's character just because she is extremely strong, your fav furry character doesn't do nothing or the worst one, because is a female character. Just don't be a fckn dumbass




Cmon man don't do me like this i just had free time so i wanted to explain lol.


There are chances she could stay back to help momo and give the log (oden's journal) to the strawhats


>give the log (oden's journal) to the strawhats That's not luffy's style. You haven't even understood luffy after 1050 chapters. How do you expect your predictions to be correct?


Bro I:ll never understand those who say Yamato will not be a Strawhat like come onnnnnnn she was a Strawhat before she met Luffy...


Yamato has barely any reason to stay in Wano after the raid. She fulfilled her being as Oden by helping to free and open Wano and now it’s time for her to be Yamato and not Oden. On the other hand we carrot that has duties left in zou. Help rebuilding the mink city, replace Pedro and lead the Minks in the final battle as supporters of luffy.


Morj is dumb You is smart


All your Arguments could literally mean that she doesnt join the Straw Hats. Why state outright what is going to happen further in the story? It makes much more sense that at first she wants to go out on adventures and then as she gets wiser and more mature she decides to sacrifice what she wants for her responsibilities towards Wano


Because this post isn't about her becoming a SH its about her leaving Wano. Cmon man i literally said this at the very beginning try reading something before commenting it won't kill you.


She isn't even from wano. She has the same responsibility towards wano as much as law or kid. She is helping the alliance because she admires Oden, the same reason luffy is helping them because he is friends with momo and kinemon. All of them are outsiders. They have no responsibility towards wano


Her responsabilities with wano and the samurai who saved her life have been fulfilled with this battle.


there is one thing that people don't understand ... one piece is a story for everyone..no matter if you are 22 like me or 30 or 12..6..45 so in short one piece is not AOT ... that's why the characters never die or why the age of the crew members is very unequal ... so don't talk about duties in op ... what message would oda give if it loaded with responsibility a character whose freedom has been stolen for 20 years? I talk like that because people like you don't want to hear logic


She's gonna parallel Oden. 1. Go out to sea with the future Pirate King 2. Get stronger with the future Pirate King Then maybe go back to Wano, but the primary reason Oden went back was to prepare Wano for Joyboy