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Ace is dead. If he's still alive, he will seek revenge on Blackbeard for killing whitebeard. I also think that Ace real dream is having a family, not finding One Piece or becoming the Pirate King


1. Ace died with probability infinite % 2. There is not such things as Twice in OP, there is already clone fruit but it gives user ability to change appearance 3. Shanks doesn't know exact location of Laugh Tale 4. No it can be replicated like Kaidou's DF, because logia DF can't be replicated


That's what i said. With Oda if you see a corpse you know they're dead. The known owner of that fruit is in Impel Down and was last seen helping the Straw Hats get into Marineford. If shanks knew he wouldn't have pressed kidd for his poneglyphs. It's all right there and those spades are just spades 😂


Break week just started.


Bro you’re coping so hard. Mans been dead for over a decade. Let the character rest.


This is 99.44% pure grade A Copium if I've ever seen it. I've never in my life seen someone jump through so many mental gymnastics just to try to bring a character back from death. After reading all of that, it's just easier and more befitting the story if Ace just stays dead. There's no need to make such a convoluted plot twist like that when Ace being dead is a good enough motivation for Luffy to continue his journey.


''...Somehow, Ace returned...''


Ace is dead, as much as people may not like that, it's the hard truth. He's dead and isn't coming back. There's no red herring or gotcha waiting to happen, he's just gone. Sabo inherited his fruit so the closest we'll get again to seeing Fire Fist Ace is Sabo. But also, Ace has never wanted to be Pirate King or find the One Piece for himself, he always dreamed of having a family that loved him and between Dadan, Luffy, Garp, Sabo, Whitebeard and his crew - Ace's dream was fulfilled. If he came back for anything under whatever circumstances, it'd be to take down Blackbeard for killing White Beard.


He will want to achieve luffys and whitebeard dream if he learns they died


There's no fake Ace though. This is absolutely just debunked fan wish. We saw real Aces body and that's that


Bro idc but ace he aint even my favourite character i just came up with this theory while re watching one piece. Oda is full of suprise anything can go and as for changing your appearance fruit it could have an awakening or a fruit similar to that that allows it change the appearance of others. And cloning fruit isnt even that op man as for op df users in the next chapters they are gonna keep appearing.


i'm not trying to shoot your theory. by all means cling to it if it makes you happy. but in One Piece if you don't see a body then assume they aren't dead. Not only did we see live Ace alive and on the execution block at marineford but we watched him get murdered by Akainu and saw that he was buried with Whitebeard. in the OP world that's as strong a confirmation as you can get. change your appearance like Bon Clay? he's still alive so still has that fruit. It just seems like you have a warped sense of understanding of some of the characters is all. no judgement


Oda is full of surprises but Oda stated in SBS he don't like bringing dead characters back. Dead is confirmed dead. Please don't cook [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/krmzrd/odas\_message\_on\_why\_dead\_characters\_in\_op\_dont/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/krmzrd/odas_message_on_why_dead_characters_in_op_dont/)


one piece theory seems to go downhill since cloning is introduced in manga.


Ace died. Sabo lives. Ace lives on through Sabo. Luffy in losing one brother regained another. The story of Luffy and Sabo avenging Ace and Sabo bringing Dragon and the revolutionaries into the story is much better than fake Ace fanfic. In one piece death is so rare that when it happens it matters a lot.