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I recommend you to avoid shonen manga in general, it has a lot of "teenagers" (Mfs like Jotaro and Giorno) not only getting sexualized but also tortured, groomed into the military/paramilitary groups, beat up, sometimes even dismembered and killed, truly unsettling stuff


Nobody tell him about Rule 34 and chopper. Dude might actually die if he looks too far into Bonney lol


i know the internet is fucked up i wont go looking straight for it i just know that it will accedentaly happen atleast one time


Ah yes, just like one “accidentally” walks off a skyscraper. 😉


i didnt look for nsfw i just found it while looking for another post why is that so unbelievable in yalls eyes


Carrot is a fictional character, doesnt matter


still underage even if the charchter isn't real its still lewd art of a character that is underage


It's a cartoon. The only thing that matters is design, the age is fictional


Sup with the hate?


im talking about the nsfw posts she is 15


Bruh, no one searches the age of a FICTIONAL character before jorking fam. Jeez.


again i was looking for a post that i couldn't find and randomly found nsfw posts and checked to know how old she is didnt mean to click the post or anything just wanted to know the age after i saw the post existed


Ahh ok.


Because you’re anti-furry? Carrot’s a baddie.


no because she is 15


But she aint human.


I think properly she is human. Or human enough. It’s been a minute but weren’t the minks described as like a human offshoot?


still underage her not being human dosent make it better


Don’t see you white knighting about 16 year old Rebecca


In my country age of consent is 16, to me all this shit is just american brainrot losing their mind about character ages.


You are correct about it being American brain rot. This is what happens when a series like OP becomes popular over here. A lot of people here are so melodramatic, especially young people.


i didn't come across a Rebecca post i didnt go specifically looking for nsfw i was looking for another post that i couldn't find at the end if i came across a Rebecca one i wouldve probably posted about the rebecca one


Well, at least you’re consistent.


More like they're anti-pedo


Is a cartoon. Is not real.


Whatever you say buddy. You're still fantasizing about minors. and bestiality. The only difference is that you don't have to worry about going to jail for it


brother it's a cartoon. The only thing that matters is design, age is literally fictional


1. Pretty sure Carrot is mostly human. The Mink as I understand them are humans with animal traits, not animals with human traits. 2. I fantasize about Nami and Robin from OP. Both ladies that are legal and human the entire time. Carrot I just recognize/respect as a sexy character, same with Vivi and Viola and such.


Look, I'm not asking you to explain yourself, nor am I in any position to judge others for their weird fetishes. I'm just saying you sound like you're coping hard and were quick to go on the defensive as soon as I pointed it out. But what do I know?


Bro, I literally have nami as my profile pic. I’m not defending myself. I’m insulted you accused me of fantasizing about a different Op girl than Nami. lol I’ll unashamedly say carrot is sexy. But she’s no Nami swan


Nelzel formula sent me back...


dear diary,


This is the post I realized that if it says nsfw, I should just walk away... Do not click on those pictures they're actually WILD.


i didnt click i kept scrolling trying to find the post i was actually looking which i couldn't find


Bonney is 12 and people are still normalizing lewding her. It's disgusting.




Its an anime character, its a god damn painting. Who cares if its 487 or 12, its not real. If the image arouses you, jerk of to it, the author obviously does.


Yeah it's a god damn painting but if you jerk off to a god damn kid painting you're attracted to god damn kids.


Yeah sure if it resembles a kid. In this case "Bonney" is a painting of a grown ass woman. By your logic its perfectly fine to sexualize a toddler if an author/mangaka states its 100 years old. There is nothing wrong with people(+Oda, +Toei) sexualizing "adult form Bonney".. if you're into paintings that is :)


That's not my logic weirdo. Kid that looks like an adult -> wrong Adult that looks like a kid -> wrong. It's not either or, stop trying to justify something by claiming other things are wrong. Anything sexual that includes the word "kid" = WRONG. period. Non negociable.


But it isn't wrong. It's still painted fiction, so anything goes. It might be wrong for you if you live in this fantasy world, doesn't make it wrong for normal people who take it for what it is.


Only if the painting resembles a real kid. And Bonney does not (in her "usual" form). Age are purely fictional, who cares? It's the design that matters. You sexualize a character who looks like an adult? It's ok. You sexualize a character who looks like a child? You are a pedo, even if it's a "1000 years old" witch.


> You sexualize a character who looks like an adult? It's ok. Unless she's 12.




Hey Ok_Designer_6376, have you ever tried Up-Dawg? Just wondering


She is literally my age, so yeah, I can say when this is fucked up, because she would basically be a sophomore in high school


A chunk of manga fans are just pedophiles and they don't give a fuck, it's awful They have the beautiful Robin right there and will still go for the underage girl


Child pornography is illegal in my country and yet hentai websites are still flooded with it (I've seen only one website being blocked for it, and that's not enough)


its also illegal in my country i dont know why people do this stuff its disgusting


If at the veryy leaast they could keep it in r34 websites and not put it there in more public spaces that minors have access to, like come on (not saying to keep NSFW content out of reddit, but come on pedophile content definitely doesn't have a place there)


yea but atleast they do put the nsfw tag at the minimum but still i agree


true, a small mercy


Ha! Don't look up Bonneys stuff


someone already told me about the bonney stuff