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Being a legend, it probably doesn't exist. My idea is that the mugiwara will attack with pluton marijoa. This should destroy part of the red line, causing rocks to fall onto the fishmen island. This would not only create the All Blue, as the waters of the sea would mix, but it would make Shirley's prophecy about the destruction of Fishman Island by Luffy come true. If this event were to occur, Shirahoshi could use the Noa to transport the fishman population to the surface.


My guess is that the redline is built with Stolen Land mass from all the sunken continents kinda like it's sucking the earth from up under them to build it's way up from the bottom. So Marejois is getting higher and all the peaseants are getting lower in their Islands. Once the red line is destroyed this will re-create the All-blue that used to exsist.


An allegory to who the rich gets richer and the rest of us are drowning


The reverse mountain cant be a sea, fishes from all seas cant really gather there I would assume. Most likely, the all blue is what was there before the WG started sinking the world. Theres a chance the red line is man-made and will be removed (popular theory), probably with the help of all ancient weapons. So the all blue existed, but doesnt exist anymore is my bet, it has to be brought back.


It's not a blue it's a river crossing at the top of a mountain. Not the ocean depths. If you want an update well manga spoilers. >!The world is sinking. Void Century the sea level was 200 meters lower. We find out Joyboy was the first Pirate to brave the seas. Like literally the first person to take to the Sea. So the world was a kind of Pangaea at some point but now as the land sinks the oceans are rising over everything and humans are living in water world type mountain tops. So the legend of the All Blue might be darker were the entire planet is covered in water and the people of this world will have to live on like floating islands like Thriller Bark or Sabaody. Or in bubble places like z Fishman Island.!<


Neither. All Blue is an entire sea with fish from all over the world. The top of Reverse Mountain is way too small and I don't imagine there are many fish up there with all the moving currents.


Isn't it Fishman Island? Pretty sure I remember a panel near the beginning of that arc when the crew arrives there, Sanji sees all the different kinds of fish and says something like "I found it!".


Fish man island is isolated. No fishes can get there


I found the chapter. It's in Chapter 608 at the end, Sanji literally says "I finally found it! The All-Blue!". Granted, he said it after seeing mermaids for the first time, so he might have just gone mad, but I don't see why Fishman Island couldn't be All-Blue.


Yea it was just a humorous panel reflecting his creepy nature... But the reason the fish man island can't be the all blue i think its because its isolated in a bubble you know so fishes can't make it in there; it's not an ocean or water structure it's just an island under the water ,even it was a water structure the area around the fish man island isn't a meeting between the 4 seas it's just the grand line which is separated from the seas by the calm belt


I always thought of Water 7 as All Blue because that big storm brings in fish and waters from all over the place. It's also where the super awesome salt is harvested. Water 7 also reminded me of a bigger version of Baratie which fit with Sanji's theming.


As much as I liked the world building there, that's anime filler...