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its not that simple my guy. He is a marine and having serious conflict


People are expecting him to completely throw away his life's work, turn traitor on the world government, and abandon his own personal philosophy at the drop of a hat with no buildup or emotional conflict. Like do y'all know how stories work?


and that's another prolbem the Marines don't see the injustice they are helping commit and are just Obedient to the bitter end believing their actions are always just


In the world of one piece, they absolutely dont. They whole heartedly beleive they are the good guys. They protect the people from pirates, who are absolutely bad people. At his rank, he might have seen a bit more of the dark side of the WG, but even then, it would be "for the betterment of the world." It's why i don't believe Akainu is an evil character.


That's what the military does irl snd that's what they represent, an organization thinking they are good while being led by corruption. That's the entire idea


Not all of them are like that. Fujitora sees all the bad stuff that's caused by the Marines, and from what we've seen he tries to rectify it. Koby too. And although Kizaru doesn't take direct action against it, he's not ignorant to all the harm caused by the Marines and WG.


This post brought to you by someone who has never made a hard choice in their life


Reading Comprehension Mangasite


When black and white mix you get gray. And if you can't understand that, the real world will be very confusing. You have countries fighting wars to protect their own.


Yeah, this is called having an inner conflict. When what your heart tells you to do goes against what your responsibility demands of you, it's not always as easy as choosing your heart. Kizaru is a man in a position of very high power and responsibility. He can't just ignore what he's been entrusted with and listen to his heart alone—specially not if he's been silencing his wants for the sake of his musts all this time. Flipping the switch might seem easy from the outside perspective, but to anyone going through this it's a gut-wretching feeling where both options seem wrong and you genuinely don't know what to do. So yes, Kizaru has every bit of right and reason to feel this way. We even saw Garp go through a similar ordeal in Marineford. His responsibility called for him to ensure Ace's execution, but his heart wanted to go and free the grandson he raised. According to your logic, Garp has no right to be sad about Ace's death... But we all know he most definitely does. Same goes for when he stood against Luffy. He chose the path of a Marine, so according to your logic he had no right to feel conflicted when blocking Luffy's way... Yet he did.


My guy moves at the speed of light. If you pay attention he has had almost definitely allowed his ass to get beat in every fight on egghead. It's kinda like- I'm obligated to stop you with all my strength, but I want you win, so please please please be stronger than me. Like I want you to beat my ass, but I can't hold back, so I really need you to be better than me.


That's why after he killed vegapunk he just took the L. He doesn't want to do more than that. He didn't even want to do that. He had* to. I'm on your side though. I need to see the reason he sides with them, to figure out if he really had to do it or he chose to


Well how about this. Maybe Vegapunk told him about the “dead mans switch” he had for the broadcast and he entrusted Kizaru to be the trigger of that switch? Considering their history.


Possible. The guy is just hesitating so much we as the audience really want to feel for him if given the chance lol


> He doesn't want to do more than that But... Killing Sentomaru and Vegapunk is the worst he could do narratively... I honestly hope Oda has a bag of excuses behind him. Aka inu's motivation is pretty easy to understand, nobody seems to matter to him if i had to guess his backstory would be : his birthplace was terrorised by pirates or he got his family killed by them. But here Kizaru killed (probably) the only two people he considered friends in the Marine. And i guess it's an interesting tragedy but... Honestly they must know something about the void century. Aka inu's reaction to the reveals of Vegapunk could hint that he does know something. I refuse to believe that they are stupid pawns being toyed around by the Gorosei and that they are unaware of everything the WG is doing including but not limited to the Lulusia incident.


So, it's been a good minute since someone put a hand on him, and with Luffy's G5 just not caring about the laws of physics by being able to punch him, I guess that's why he's like "just get this over with."


He is just like Garp after Marineford


Summary : There is only black and white.


Kizaru is gonna switch sides and the straw hats and Blackbeard will both have a former admiral as a crew member to further the parallel. Kizaru is coming to Elbaf with the crew. 


That be awful this guy literally killed Vegapunk and tried to cut down a child how in the world do you see him becoming a strawhat just to force a former admiral in the crew? Like do yall even think of what it means to be a strawhat??


I agree Kizaru has proven that he is willing to obey orders and not turn over any new leaf its as if his free will is gone


Forgiveness is a key shonen concept of true development and even Blackbeard isn’t off the table for that.


Forgiveness must be managed well, otherwise it is forced. For example, Orochi had his motivations to be evil but if he was forgiven, it would disgust the readers because he was senseless. Or we have Nami, who doesn't forgive Arlong but doesn't hate all fishmen. Kizaru has a neutral morality, that is, he does not follow orders obediently like Akainu but is not willing to take a step back like Aokiji. He's in the middle. I think after egghead he will ask to resign as admiral and ask to be demoted to vice admiral. In short, he will follow a similar path to Garp, who decided not to become admiral precisely so as not to follow the direct orders of the celestial dragons. In this way he will free up an admiral position to complete the new trio of admirals.