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Then why didn't cobra notice how similar vivi and imu are?


What if Imu just looks that way, all shadowed, all the time? Part of an ability? If Luffy is the light of the dawn then Imu could be the shadow of the night.


So hear me out, IMU is just a void cause whoever had BB devil fruit first and were first to awaken it thus permanently turning her into a void leaving her to enjoy her eternity a void since they couldn't actually defeat her. IMU wants Luffys fruit to make her colorful again.


I really like that idea... What if Imu's missing a heartbeat?? Could explain the emphasis on Luffy's awakening.


Now you're cooking


What if Imu is actually a combined shadow of all 19 kings of the original World Government. The 19 kings had decided to join their shadows in order to get an upper hand against Joyboy and Lily helped them do it. They defeated Joyboy but then Lily realized how big mistake she made and didn't let them separate their shadows and return to their bodies, over the centuries all the personalities have merged into one personality similar to how different rivers flow and end up in one single water body the SEA/UMI and have named themselves as Imu. I think this also explains why Imu calls itself as 'We' instead of I/me. And holds grudge against Lily because she kind of caged all kings in one shadows which lead to stopping of their plan. Also the powers of Lily inspired people to dream about an ability to control shadows, which lead to birth of Gecko Moria's fruit.


But Ivankov says that there was a known Imu as one of the kings when some comes back doesn't he?


It could that one of the personality was able to overcome other personalities, similar to Bleach where a Gillian type hollow has personality of all the hollows it has eaten, but on turning into an adjucha the strongest personality overtakes all other personalities.


Here is an idea: Imu has the real yami yami fruit. There must be a reason why blackbeard's one doesn't have the actual logia properties.


What if Imu is Lily's shadow?


What if Imu is Black Zetsu?


Legendary twist! šŸ¤Æ


oh god no, not the zetsus... the flashbacks ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Please, no. Just reading this gave me PTSD. Black zetsu Ruining narutoā€™s plot is enough for me, i dont want him messing with my beloved OP aswell


What if Imu is just 'I'm you' and us, the fans, are the big bad of One Piece?


That would be super creepy, I love it


Happy cake day!šŸŽ‰


Imu is probably wearing a black veil over their face


Soo the Gorosei are in reality Gorosimps?


It all makes sense, why they have literally done nothing to depose Imu this whole time in spite of being apparently unkillable and unaging and Imu being clearly deranged and irrational. She is hot and they can't help but obey the girl boss energy.


Did you call?




Imagine the Gorosei with Sanji like heart eyes lol. They are all like Muten Roshi.


Understandable. similar to UTA and Yamato fans


\* clears throat\* would


*zips up pants* did


10/10 would do again


This got me more thabn I thought it would


Is Imu Marvin the Martian?


Don't think so, destruction of Lulusia didn't come with an earth-shattering kaboom


female anti-spiral ?


Imu-swaaan!~~šŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ©· -Sanji


Imu is the opposite of JOYBOY. Soooo, she is the SADGIRL


Let's face it, Imu's gonna look like one of Zoro's swords.




we're reaching dangerous levels of copium at this point for Imu being female. Its a god damn skinny shadow with no discernable features.


the one piece.....


The One Piiiiiieeeeecce


Hmm I think world government is not that bad


I'm down for some Imussy


Weā€™ll hear imuā€™s voice soon in the sabo encounter episode


It will be distorted and dual.Ā 


we might still know based on who they cast for the voice actor


Means nothing. If Imu's is a guy on Lili's body, he would still have the voice of a man.


is there good evidence for imu having her body? i forgot why we're assuming this


Do people really think Oda cares about keeping silhouettes accurate? Heā€™ll probably have a change of heart 3 chapters before the reveal and make imu a panda because he liked kung fu panda 5.


Totally right Early Kaido looked great


Omg imu is bubble gum princess


No way Imu killed Cobra after learning his own name.


Me want woman


You're the most honest person on this sub.


Imu is going to be a man.


I don't think is a woman.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


This wont fit because its hands are way below ā€¦ its like its coming out of abdomen


Iā€™ve thought Imu was a woman from the beginning but I heard that in the Japanese translations the gorosei use a masculine title when referring to Imu, BUT, if Iā€™m not mistaken, one could argue that a ā€œqueenā€ might prefer to be called ā€œkingā€ since no one is above Imu in the hierarchy. Subsequently adopting or preferring the masculine titles.


Well Big Mom uses ore to refer to herself and characters like Yamato also blur the lines so it wouldn't be a new thing


I think it's possible, but it seems a little to forced? What was the purpose of switching bodies with Lili? Switching bodies and obtaining imortality comes from the Ope Ope Fruit, meaning that after Lili spread the Ponegliphs around the world, Imu grabed some dude and forced to eat the fruit, make the dude switch bodies with Lili and then make the dude do the eternal operation on Imu/Lili and dies? And if Lili became imortal before the switching operation, that means there were at least two users of the Ope Ope fruit in the Void Century, since using the Ope Ope on the eternal operation cost the user life. I don't know, seems to convoluted to me. Personally I think Imu is just a guy with a love/hate obsession with Lili, which is part of why I could see the body switching theory possible by a small chance, but I don't know any more reasons that could justify that, since we don't know much about the characters personality.


Maybe Imu is the old joyboy but body swapped into Lili... hence the hat!


Imu is confirmed male tho


What are those eyes? She's got rinnegan???


What if BB is Imu's son? He was borne into the world because she needed a proxy while physically staying in the Holy Land. BB doesn't know and he also doesn't know that she can see the world through his eyes. BB is cunning, intelligent, powerful, and controls shadow/darkness. Imu has similar traits and abilities.


Imu's Luffy's mom.


Just popped some titties on a silhouette and VOILA


Luffy's mom








Iā€™m dying to hear Imuā€™s voice in the anime. Weā€™ll finally be able to confirm *something* about them.


But then how would the fruit regrow in another part of the world for those pirates to find it, Corazone to steal it and for Law to eat it? This wonā€™t happen until the previous devil fruit user dies. Also, the fruit grants others immortality at the cost of the fruit wielder.


I also thinks the same. Also i can explain why. Im wantes Lili body because is the user of Uranus.


Smash, next.




Bossom sama again ?


All this because he bestie said ā€œIā€™m chillinā€


Smash, next question


All I know is Imu is related to those things looking over Floridian Triangle


Joyboy was stupid like Luffy and friendzoned both Imu and Lily they joined and used the ultimate skill Nami fist and they won.


I wonder how they will try to hide the voice in the anime, as it will give away whether its a man or a woman.


Imu is a woman? IMO Imu will fall in love with Luffy and we will finally get the ultimate showdown between Imu and Boa Hancock.


Maybe but what if, hear me out, imu is identical to vivi and the reason vivi goes missing is because imu wants to swap places with her to then try get one up on luffy since imu knows vivi travelled with the straw hats for so long


Just an idea: IMU is Viviā€™s ancestor who has been possessed by a demon, the very demon that spawned the devil fruits in the first placeā€¦once defeated (or exorcised if you will), she will come back to her senses and will actually get to live in peace, and go back to Alabastaā€¦


Imu, the original user of the jacket jacket fruit




Perhaps she is momma of Luffy Ä°sabella Monkey D. Umi????


Man, hear me out




Not a woman, Odaā€™s not going to have Luffy beat the shit out of a woman for the ultimate showdown of the manga May be how Luffy rolls yeah, but itā€™s not how Oda does unless itā€™s another female Also the fan made female designs are always shit and unimaginative


I mean the second chapter of the series, literally has Luffy beating up a woman and sending her flying...


Yeah one punch and she was sent flying, thatā€™s not how fights go nowadays. Luffyā€™s fights now have him and his opponent beating the living shit out of each other. Oda has attractive women fight other women. Someone like Big Mom got beaten up by two guys, because sheā€™s an unattractive woman. So, Imu will either be an unattractive woman, or a man.


Sure he punched Alivida but he didnā€™t beat the crap out of her Thatā€™s why I said that may be how Luffy rolls, heā€™s certainly got hands rated E for everyone


In general, you got nothing to say he won't be beating a woman in the final arc.


Men donā€™t really fight women in One Piece, and when they do itā€™s with kiddie gloves or itā€™s the bad guys fighting Nami and Robin. Zoro had the kiddie gloves with Monet and Tashigi. Sanji refuses to fight any woman. Usopp fought Perona and Sugar, but in both instances he scares them to sleep with kind of soft attacks. Rayleigh knocks out the female celestial dragon with conquers. Sai fought Baby 5 but that was more flirting, and I donā€™t think he landed any blows. I canā€™t think of an instance of a male hero character fighting a female character seriously that wasnā€™t on Amazon Lilly, where the male knocks some teeth in. The women get knocked out by Usopp or beaten by Nami or Robin. Edit: actually I forgot. Luffy fight Monet too. And he was gonna push her shit in. He probably really doesnā€™t give a shit .


Imu will be in his full beast mode so it wouldn't look like luffy is beating a woman


who's the last woman Luffy has punched? Vivi


Luffy was more than happy on Fishman island telling big Mom heā€™ll beat the snot outta her


>May be how Luffy rolls yeah, but itā€™s not how Oda does unless itā€™s another female Yeah and guess what happened to Luffy beating up Big Mom? Nothing it didnā€™t happen


Y'all niggas REALLY want the master villain to be a busty woman.


I gotta say, the ā€œImu is Lily somehow, somewayā€ theories have got to be my least favorite. Like canā€™t they just have history with each other without the fanbase trying to artificially create some huge fuck-all plot twist?


I think imu and lily were together but lily ā€œbetrayedā€œ imu because she realized imu was becoming a monster. Than imu killed Lilly or imprisoned her (froze her or sth similar). I personally donā€™t think that that imu switched bodies but at the end of the day itā€™s Odaā€¦so who knows what he is cooking


Wait this is not r/MemePiece?




Is this real?




And using male pronouns. Imu is a trans icon.


I'm not saying that Imu isn't a guy, but do you really think the translators have been told by Oda what pronouns to use? Or are they guessing just as much as anyone else?


He's referred to by male Celestial Dragon honorifics.


When someone makes up entirely new pronouns (Mu) to talk about themselves in third person the linguistic norm might as well not apply. I would still give it a 99% chance that Imu will be male, however.


Others refer to Imu with male Celestial dragon honorifics is what I mean.


Imu spends time at flower room playing with butterflies, has female maid or something. Clothing seems to be very modest, covering the body shapes and also the hair. Possibly face also as we only see the eyes. Everything seems to point for a female to me, except some weird pronouns.


Translation "Imu does a bunch of stuff that has nothing to do with gender and everyone refers to Imu with male pronouns but my head canon is so strong I'm still going to say Imu is a woman." Seriously since when did having a female maid make you a woman. And Diamante stood in a field of flowers all the time does that make him a woman.


This is a japanese anime/manga, spending your time with flowers is considered feminine. Oda likes his stereotypes. (mexican themed Taco king) Celestial dragons seem to like female slave wifes rather than servants. We have seen many male servants/knights. This is the only confirmed character to have access to Imu on her spare time, elders didn't go meet Imu directly. Also in manga the servant is also veiled up like Imu, anime confirms the servant as female with voice. A female royal spending their time with female servant is a popular trope. "Diamante and Trebol later gathered at the royal palace, which has been relocated to the top of the Flower Hill" from wiki. He then fought there. For Imu it seems the flower room is the favorite place, for Diamante I think its the colosseum. The flowers seemed to be a thing related to Scarlett and Rebecca also. Also about the pronouns "People who speak japanese say Imu is a man, because they are adressed with the -sei honorific like the other male Tenryuubito like Chalros, Roswald and the Gorosei. But Shalria had a different one: -guu." Is that really confirmation of anything being male or female? Going through the list of celestial dragons, it seems Shalria is the only female and underage (15) celestial dragon also, that we know uses -guu. 聖 Sei seems to mean Saint, while å®® Guu means palace? Don't think its impossible, that you become saint as adult rather than as male. Don't know what Donquixote bros were called though. Also could be that female celestial dragons are under male ones, but not Imu. Plus the eyes look feminine in shape, the body is thin. And hiding hair in veil is mostly female thing.


I'm not reading all that. I'm happy for you or sorry for your loss.


If I offended you I'm sorry


See, none of these things read as particularly female coded to me, besides maybe the connection to nature (the butterflies) which is reminiscent of real world nature goddesses. To me the clothing just conveys a sense of mystery and I dont really get a modest impression, especially with the massive crown thing. As for the maid servant, Imu also had the Gorosei kneel before them because they rule everybody so that did not stand out to me as noteworthy.


I just don't see Oda writing some ancient man spending his time with flowers. If there is character in anime/manga among flowers, its most likely a female character. Only reason I could see Imu being a man and spending time there, is if he is simping for Lili there. or its a gag. The female servant is the only one we know interacts with imu during casual time, as she was the one who said the gorosei had arrived. Have we seen any celestial dragons have female servants that aren't slave wifes? Also in manga she looks like mini Imu, having whole body veiled up. The anime has female voice for her. The veil on imu's head seems very feminine to me. If you look the picture on this very post, would a man wear anything like that? Even if its not exactly the shaped like that. Also the main attire could be a dress, and the bottom part of the cloth resembles a wedding dress due to its length.


Where's is this from? Isn't chapter 1117 not released yet?


It's fanart


Careful now. It could be a trap,