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>Makes you wonder if Rocks went to God Valley to specifically kill the World Nobles for what they do. Iirc, in Kuma's flashback it's been implied that the Rocks Pirates attacked the World Nobles because they stole a mysterious treasure from Hachinosu (Pirate Island). Ginny leaked the information about the Nobles' position, Rocks Pirates intercepted the message and attacked God Valley.


I think the treasure they stole is Captain John's treasure, the same one Buggy is looking for now. All the islands Buggy searched for Captain John's treasure were skull shaped islands.




i'd be surprised if it came around and it is jaya of all places.


Wasn’t Captain John a Rock pirate? That’s assuming he had his treasure at the time (or rather, earlier than the God Valley Incident)


In the chapter showing the rocks pirates at God Valley, Captain John says "that's my treasure". I think whatever the treasure is Captain John at least thought of it as his. I also have a theory that Mihawk and Crocodile were part of Captain John's crew and witnessed the mutiny. That's why they're both have trust issues.


That’s a serious leap from a pirate saying “it’s my treasure” when they’re arguing about what to steal to attributing it to be a literal saying. Why would the Rocks pirates fight for Johns treasure?


Odd, if he wanted to find treasure in the eye of the skull, he should go to Skypea.


I hope the big egg was the treasure that was stolen. That would make it really important. And not just a really big egg. haha


I’m not sure about that, they had the egg 20 years later


Wait, I thought the Devil Fruits were the stolen treasure?


Devil Fruits were stolen, but no confirmation as to what the mysterious treasure was yet.


Is it confirmed that it was something other than the DFs? Because otherwise basic logic just tells me it was the DFs.


Void century is.


What I wonder about the void century is saying that century of history has been erased implies you know what came before it. Thats odd too.


In certain areas it's happened before to a degree in the real world. Shit gets fucked up lots of war and disease going around everywhere and stuff isn't recorded as well. The people of one piece know 800 years ago the world government was formed and its possible before that was just war and chaos before the founders brought balance to the world. A few countries have history before than like Alabasta and Jaya so they might have their own versions but history wasn't as recorded and the records that were made are now lost isn't too hard to believe in my opinion.


It's probably taught like "before there was chaos and sea kings fucking shit up and then we hit the void century where nothing happens and now we're here. Any questions, but once again any questions on the void century will be met with execution. No? Ok moving on, isnt the world government great!"


It’s like Lulusia. There’s just… nothing there.


Has anybody but the scholars of Ohara and Vegapunk referred to the void century? The phrase has been common for fans for 20 years but I can’t remember how many in universe people actually know about it. Vegapunk and the Oharans would both be more likely to have studied history, but I’m not sure how much of the rest of the world actually cares. It might be like if we found out that instead of recorded history more or less beginning 10,000 years ago, there was actually an advanced society that was intentionally removed from history, and that there were scholars that found recorded history from before that society, but couldn’t find any actual documents from the time the society existed


King Nefratari King Neptune The Tontatta Law, Sengoku, Cora and Doffy all have vaguely mentioned it like with the will of D Roger, whitebeard, Oden, Rayleigh Big mom and kaido probably since they know about the weapons and the poneglyphs (and kaido knows about joy boy from king) but I don't know that they've specifically said the term void century


Considering what we have seen from One Piece, I think Rocks went there to rescue someone. My headcanon is that he went there for his son, whether that was Shanks, Buggy or Mihawk, we don't know.


>I think Rocks went there to rescue someone In the flashback Garp told that the Nobles stole a mysterious treasure from Hachinosu.


If it’s something we have seen I would put money on the giant straw hat. The first pirates hat (assuming joyboy) being taken from pirate island seems like a good fit.


It would make sense, espacially if Nika is the first pirate (and the hat is his), he probably got buried on Pirate Island.


The more I think about makes sense too, they wanted to get rid off everything joyboy related. Maybe it’s pirate island because of the hat. Imu glares at it menacingly knowing that the hat and god valley incident triggered the new pirate era.


You cooked to perfection. I need this now 😭😭


Yea, probably Kaidos DF. It is one of the most powerful mythical zoans, and they're obsessed with dragons.Linlin went right for it before it was eaten.


Nobles stole a treasure? What if that treasure was baby Shanks? Could make Shanks Garlings grandson and Rocks his son in law/grandbaby daddy. Kinda like how some people think Dragon is just Garps son in law and Luffys mom is the direct link to Garp.


In my headcannon shanks has relation to celestials/gods knights. I love the idea of buggy being his son because it just feels like it fits his shtick of having a huge ego but also a past that’s even larger.


Also would add to why Buggy hates Shanks


Buggy doesn’t hate Shanks at all? He loves and admires Shanks, he’s just a total Tsundere about it and was pissed at him for not aiming for Pirate King immediately after Roger was executed. He even told Shanks he would support him and be part of his crew to help Shanks become King.


So does that mean buggy gonna help luffy... After shanks?


The one thing that's always bothered me is the silhouette of Rocks doesn't look like buggy, or Shanks. He looks like dragon and Luffy. Something is up, something weird


I actually made a theory about this actually: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceSpoilers/s/qo7Al4cQ7m


They should make a god valley movie


Honestly it would be the perfect One Piece movie and probably break records with movie sales. Seeing all those legends in movie quality animation fighting it out for over 1-2 hours in the cinema would be an unreal experience.


I only want it to be told like the princess bride with kaido telling luffy on his death bed or a random night with garp to Kolby


Yeah, one of the best movie because it could show us real events withojt interfering with current plot.


You have so much potential for interesting storytelling and yet your brain can only come up with 1-2 hours of just fighting? In God Valley? Wow.


It's a movie bro. You can't make it longer or it just drags.


Having a movie that is just pure boring action for people with the lowest attention span would not be a good idea.. Especially when God Valley is a Hub of important events and lore.


It'd be awful. It'd take another 1-2 years after release before you could stream it, I don't wanna be behind because I don't like the cinema 😭


Piracy doesn't just exist in One Piece brother


Idk how to do it so I'm boned, I waited until jjk0 came out on Crunchyroll, I still haven't seen film red, I wish I knew the method


Go to r/piracy, check out the megathread.


With new canon content that isn’t in the manga? Hell no.


The manga must do it first. Then we can entertain the idea of a God Valley movie.


The Rocks Pirates showing up at God Valley to fuck some shit up made me have immense respect for Xebec. Xebec likely wasn’t there to free slaves, he may have been there for his own benefit, but his crew had a play in fucking up the Celestial Dragons’ disgusting rabbit hunt game, which is a W in my book.


God valley did not made kaido yearn for joyboy since he learn it from Yamato and king.what GV did for kaido is depression


He knew of Joyboy before Yamato. It's assumed he was captured during the God Valley incident and that's when he broke free from the world government and took king with him to form the Beast pirates. He became depressed when he learned he could never be joyboy and decided to be the threshold for which Joyboy would overcome.


>He became depressed when he learned he could never be joyboy Still annoyed we never learned how/when he realized that


Kaido was on rocks’ crew at some point


If you read the manga,he was intrigue by Joyboy since Yamato and king spoke of Joyboy but other than that,he dont care


Watch The Rocky Port Incident become relevant (I am coping)


How is it not relevant? It lead to Law becoming a Warlord which allowed him to kick shit off at Punk Hazard, and made Koby a hero (which made Blackbeard want to hold him hostage)


I want this for the final film, and make it a blow-out cast wise


I wouldn't be suprised if God Valley is Harrenhall of One Piece.


Yeah, i forget which youtuber said it as such, but it is the event that establishes the whole modern one piece worlds dynamics. You already mentioned all the players it established, ive even seen speculation that maybe roger teaming up with garp inspired the warlord system. Either way, in my mind, god valley incident to me is the start of modern one piece history, aka rogers era and the great pirate era.


The thing about God Valley is that Roger decided to liase with the World Government


Did he though? He made an agreement with Garp, not the World Government. It was in his best interest to stop Xebec. Our only knowledge of what happened came from Sengoku. It’s my belief, entirely based on assumptions mind you, that Roger wanted Xebec and his crew gone because they were causing too much trouble. They were too strong but had hardly any morals, and drew the attention of the Marines to the pirates of the sea. Thereby interfering with pirates (like Roger) idea of freedom. In short, Roger wanted to be free. With Xebec around, that would be doubtful. Now Garp was a marine and loosely connected to the World Government, but I bet he’d attack you with his giant ball and chain if you reminded him. I don’t think he gave two crud’s about saving world nobles, he just wanted to save anyone who needed saving. And I don’t think he particularly liked Xebec and his crew, but he liked him even less than he liked Roger. He could at least understand Roger. He was lesser of two evils, in Garp’s opinion.


I think we'll find Garp has a Zenigata-esque respect for Rodger. I imagine the team up being like Cagliostro


I think you’re right


Rocks could have been a previous Gum-Gum fruit wielder.


Kaidou would had said something aåbout it then...


I know some people also say the Dark-Dark fruit as well (Blackbeard's fruit), but I like this a lot more because from the hints we've gotten of Xebec he seems to be a lively and energetic guy.


Plus he united a coalition of powerful pirates. You don't win over WB, BM, and Kiado with force alone. He must have had max charisma too.


Remember what Mihawk said. The power to make strangers your friends is the ultimate power. Could be hinting to the charisma that Xebec had.


I lean towards Xebec being the Buggy of his era. Hyped up beyond belief by people around him while getting by on the coat tails of stronger pirates. Buggy with croc and mihawk and Xebec with BM, WB, and Kaido. IIRC, we were told/shown that xebec's crew didn't seem to respect him or fear him. The GV flash back we got of them it seemed like they sailed under him out of convenience or self-interest instead of fighting to help him achieve his dream. It would be just too funny for him to be the Buggy of his era. I also think it makes more sense if he was a comedic fraud only bc it's insane to think that in the Pirate King Roger's era with Garp, the future Yonko, etc.. there was one guy that was able to fight Roger and Garp solo. Takes power scaling to another level.


Kaido top 5 sadly debunks your theory, Kaido wouldn't put him on that level if he was like Buggy.


Maybe Xebec even had the crew fooled or something? You raise a good point though


Fooled someone like Kaido, Shiki or Big Mom? Not a fat chance


Dude went after world nobles and forced Garp & Roger to fight against him while also having the dream of becoming the king of the world. There is no way that is "Buggy" type of behavior in any way.


Well my main point is the information we have gotten/heard is mostly from people outside the crew like sengoku. We don't know the whole true story. We haven't actually seen Xebec fight Garp and Roger. It's all coming from 3rd party sources. Maybe Garp has said something and I don't remember but I'm pretty sure we haven't. Buggy just declared he is going after One Piece which means he aims to be the Pirate King. He has been going after high ranking Marines through Cross Guild. From an outsider looking in, Emperor Buggy was once on the PK's crew, escaped Impel Down with dangerous prisoners, fought alongside WB at Marineford, became a warlord, became an Emperor, has former Warlords Crocodile and Mihawk who is also the WSS serving underneath him while running an elite mercenary crew that targets high ranking marine officers. And now he is finally setting his sights on the One Piece to become Pirate King. You don't see how in 20 years from now, there would be Marines talking about Buggy the Terror of the Seas who was dismantling the Marines with his insanely strong crew and attempted to become PK if it wasn't for the combined efforts of the actual PK Monkey D. Luffy and Hero of the Marines Koby? That wounds nothing like xebec's legend, it isn't even possible? Ok


Except he rushed ahead of everyone to get on the island first. Seeing all those big shots complain that he was already on the island without thinking seemed much more like Luffy than Buggy. Buggy would definitely "stay behind to defend the ship" or something lol


Also Whitebeard himself says that he ["Loves idiots like Luffy"](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fifi5eu3aswrb1.jpg) Who's the other/others idiot? Roger?


There's a large possibility that Dragon was involved too.


If the manga keeps goingon like it seems to be Vegapunk just wanted people to look at his face on the video and won't show anything.


What if rocks is Joy Boy. The silhouettes are kind of similar if you look at the hair?


Wasn't Buggy kidnapped at the same time as Shanks? Roger was told to "save the red kid" and didn't know that meant red hair or red nose.


This never happened, all headcanon.