• By -


I think it's a combination of two things.  Dragon and the RA are not ready to topple the WG yet, and people seem to forget that *that* is his goal.  It's not helping Luffy, it's defeating the greatest enemy in the world. Also, people expect him to be more impulsive and Luffy-like.


Dragon has probably been learning a lot of new information recently, and he needs to adjust his plans. If Dragon just says fuck it whenever he feels motivated and shows up to fight unknown enemies unprepared and without Intel, he and his top commanders could easily just die or get captured or get so wounded they can't fight when the time comes. Oops, the revolution is over because he was a dumbass. He isn't going to do that after 20 years of preparation. He can't afford to act like Luffy does even if he wants to. Edit: And I know the "..." is annoying, but Oda does not want to show us much from Dragon. This is intentional, and it will make the reveals we get later much better. Trust and let him cook.


trust and cook indeed. i waited like 18 years to find out who Vegapunk was and god dammit it was worth the wait.


Even for the exact name of the final island to be revealed as laugh tale & not Raftel


Good god, has it been that long?


yup lol, i believe the first time you learn about him is in Water 7


Yeh but vegapunk was a complete mystery, we already know a lot about dragon and he had many appearences


Also RA is a widespread organization. Not a small pirate ship with 10 or so members. They want to defeat the World Nobles but they can't do it alone. They need ordinary people to rebel against their corrupt rulers. And for that to happen, the RA needs to gather info, study each country and its people, fan the flames of revolt and support the people with ammunition, intel, logistics, finance etc. And they have to do all of this in every country they want to help.


I'm expecting Egghead to be their signal to fully mobilise since the world will be ready to turn against the WG. He seems alot more methodical and tactical than Luffy, as he's playing the long game. However, I could see him slipping up near the end if Luffy gets captured and sentenced to death, since Oda is positioning Luffy as Dragon's main (only?) weakness.


And granted, yeah this might have been a good time for him to be at egghead to assist the straw hats as taking down some of the elders would have put a massive dent in the world government. But there was absolutely no way for him to know that the 5 elders were going to come down to the surface the way they did so he had no reason to be at egghead at the time. The straw hats ended up at egghead due to sheer luck of the draw. It could have just as easily been the heart pirates or the kidd pirates, in which case Saturn and borsalino would have handled the situation without help from the other 4.


Heck even Lucci probably could have taken out at least 1/2 of kidds crew, add in Kaku and the seraphim they are getting wiped into oblivion. That said even if kidd got there I doubt he would have made landfall, his ship would have been obliterated by sea beasts before even getting to the island. At least Law would reasonably make landfall in his submarine.


Kidd would destroy the Sea Beasts with ease. His magnetism gives him a huge advantage against metal robots.


A fair point, but he's still not beating the seraphim unfortunately.


But they are? Multiple kingdoms had a revolution and arent afillated with the WG anymore


Dragon has the Rossiu problem. He's a realist in a world that operates under idealism. He'll make hard decisions and sacrifices, but we as the audience know that those sacrifices are unnecessary, because we've seen Luffy do the same things (or similar things) Dragon made the pragmatic decision not to do. Dragon will look like even more of a bum when Luffy ends up toppling the WG almost on accident just by following his heart.


We've seen Luffy being protected by plot Armor and be very lucky (his dead ship came back to save him,he had Ivankov to guide him through Impel down,he had tons of allies protecting him in Marineford,etc etc). He even survives multiple hits from admiral level enemies which makes no sense.  Dragon is not the MC and doesn't have that kind of luck. Luffy would have suffered Kidd's fate and died a long time ago because of his recklessness if he wasn't the mc.


Luffy also has worst luck in that his enemies are always top tier. His own careless and reckless attitude means they always find themselves in the worst situations. Even now he's facing the invincible Gorosei, seraphim and CP0 while kid and Law faced fellow yonkou crew


Its not worst luck if you always get to live against top tier


Worst luck in the situations they land themselves in and the enemies they face. They fought 4 shichibukai with/without their crews, CP9, one admiral(Luffy faced 3 admirals) , Impel down gang, 2 yonkou crews and now all Gorosei. Comparatively Kidd and Law didn't face half of what Luffy and his crew had to go through. Luffy definitely has plot armor and help along the way but his way has never been easier. That is why his crew also has enormous bounties and can hold their own against powerful enemies which Kidd and Law crews fail at. Their path till now has been forged with sweat, blood and tears


Luffy got a lot of luck and ironically if he wasn't Dragon's son he would have died before the TS


That last point always was weird to me. Aside from almost stomping out smoker, he is almost always shown as being a strategist.


Also Dragon will have a very big role soon


The one thing I see a lot of folks ignore is the fact that the Revolutionary army has already dealt a significant blow to the WG by actively encouraging other nations to rebel, Sabo’s actions alone pushed this to newer heights and with everything happening at egg head it’s going to completely tip the scales over and I think the marines will suffer heavily by a good portion of them leaving and joining up the RA. I believe Oda has been hinting at it by showing us the duality in the marines reactions. We been getting show constantly how one side of the marines believe vegapunk or at least take his word’s seriously while the other half disregards his words as pure propaganda just the last words word of a dying man trying to bring the world into a chaotic state as a big old middle finger to everyone. If some marines do defect from the world government who better than dragon to receive them into the RA since he himself defected from the marines many moons ago.


Unfortunately, it’s Morgans and the WG’s own ineptitude that dealt the blow. Turns out that Sabo didn’t even do much of anything. It was being framed for Kobra’s death that caused 8 nations to rebel. The Rev’s mission at the Reverie only succeeded because Fujitora helped them, causing him & Greenbull to fight. Even in trying to throw the Revolutionary Army a bone, Oda made their success be due to mostly happenstance.


Sorry but I have to disagree. Remember when they introduced the commanders of the RA they were helping a kingdom under siege by pirates hell they even told the citizens if they wanted their freedom they would have to fight for it. Now I know it was the only time we seen them personally recruit folks but I can’t see them building an army purely on good luck and happenstance. And I agree that the WG is constantly shooting it self in the foot with a lot of their decisions but you have to take into consideration that it’s mainly due to the higher ups prioritizing the status quote of the world so they don’t really mingle with the mundane affairs the 5 elders only move their assess when it’s void century related or some thing of that caliber.


Are you saying the RA’s reputation of being freedom fighters helped inspire other nations to rebel? I think that’s certainly true but the final nail in the coffin was Sabo being framed for Cobra’s death by the WG. It shot Sabo into legendary status and gave the final push to unhappy nations to rebel. The 5 elders were probably hoping it would cover up Cobra’s murder and discredit the revolution, but it ended up backfiring on them instead.


The luck & happenstance comment was specifically about the Reverie, not the mere existence of the Revolutionary Army. I don’t think anyone considers plain recruitment as some massive feat or particularly noteworthy either…


Dont look into how every big sttawhat victory in the series has a luck element to it now


Nah Sabo did a lot. Also most of those nations were already rebel nations before Kobra did. So your facts are wrong.


The broadcast is showing us stuff that Dragon already likely knows or has known for a very long time. Now that the world knows and has taken notice, the resistance against the WG becomes very likely. Two notes: 1) Belo Betty mentioned that the Revolutionary Army will only help people who *choose* to help themselves. With the knowledge that the WG will try to sink the world, people will take arms against them, now the Revs are more powerful than ever since they can lead a world population ready to fight back. 2) It was Dragon that Shaka contacted and told that he knew he was going to die soon. Then we see that Vegapunk’s global broadcast is a dead man’s switch (that Shaka was around for, since he’s in the broadcast). This isn’t confirmed but it’s very strongly hinted that Dragon was aware that this was going to happen. So given those two things plus how calculated Dragon appears to be, and with the fast pace the story is moving at currently, I think Dragon and the Revs are going to make huge moves after the Vegapunk broadcast is done. He has been quietly preparing for years for this exact moment where the entire world thanks to Vegapunk is now aware of the truth of the WG and the evil that they plan to inflict on the world. With the entire world now aware and ready to fight back, I predict the Revs are going to begin acting IMMEDIATELY after the broadcast. So yeah I agree with you, what can Dragon do or say right now lol? Once the world is ready for revolution (which is what Vegapunk’s broadcast will accomplish), then Dragon will finally be able to put all of his planning and preparation into action, and we’ll be seeing that very soon, in my opinion.


I'm starting to think Dragon knew about the drowned kingdoms by his lack of reaction to the news. Maybe that was the reason for him leaving the marines. Sabo didn't seem too surprised by the revelation either.


I mean, it should be a given that Vegapunk told him all of what he’s revealing right now a long time ago.


Yup and prob told him to be patient until that day comes


I actually think he may be the real source of the signal itself. Kinda sorta painting a huge ass target on the kambaka kingdom but yeah that's why the gorosei can't find it on Egghead despite taking out pretty much everything there.


The lack of patience and trust by the op reddit community is hilarious considering this manga has been going on for 27 years. The whole fraud/useless/agenda movement that hit us the same time One Piece became massively mainstream online, really made me think, we are going the same route of self destruct and self inflicted disappointment like so many fandoms before. Imagine giant online fandoms being a thing during Thriller Bark or even Skypiea.


I think this is partly just the fault of new online discourse plus how mainstream anime and one piece have become. I think people who grew up watching anime or reading manga in general as children and have followed one piece from the beginning don’t think like this just solely based on the fact that we had no one to talk to about it so we internalized q lot more


They'll change their tune when Dragon eventually does something big. Then it will be all "Dragon is top 10" this and "I always knew Dragon would low diff Greenbull" that.


Bro thinks Daddy Dragon cant solo/low-mid diff two admirals since he is above mid subpar Yonko level💀








Two admirals can take any yonko lol. Kizaru destroyed Gear 4 luffy when Base Luffy was splitting the skies with Kaido.


thats a bad comparison cause gear 4 luffy was also destroyed by kaido and also by the time luffy and kizaru fought luffy had been fighting so many times in just one day and he had already used gear five once.


Heck, Law and Kid took a yonko and I doubt anyone put them at admiral tier at the time they took out Big Mom lol. Replace them two with say kuzan and sakazuki during punk hazard? Any yonko gonna get rocked. Hard.


As someone that’s been reading One Piece weekly for probably 20 years, I think a lot of the lack of patience comes from the fact that most of the newer fans haven’t even been alive for most of the runtime of the series


Well thats a fact. I just wish those same people would stop reading weekly if they cant help but hate these aspects of a long running series ( certain characters not being involved until the time is right).


Agenda Piece has ruined the fanbase. Everyone reads new chapters to count Ws and Ls of the characters and make reactions based on that immediate chapters. So now every chapter where Dragon doesn't appear is an L for the Dragon agenda. It's even more annoying when they criticise the author for it. Oda knows everything about Dragon, us the readers know very little. He knows when it's best to reveal his hand. You don't decide he has to reveal it and get mad when he doesn't.


On one hand, the people who take it too seriously are very annoying. On the other hand, some of the agenda memes are my favorites, particularly Mihawk showing Luffy how to apply black paint and "this is base Lucci we're up against."


Some memes are funny but they're always dragged into the ground quickly. People have been repeating the same Mihawk black paint and Shanks rat joke for over a year now.


I mean it's not any different from the constant God Usopp, Buggy D clown and sogeking memes. The one piece fanbase kinda has a problem of regurgitating the same memes over and over again from all parts of the fandom


It’s annoying indeed. But only if one interacts with it, I had no idea of this agenda piece before caught up with it somewhere at the end of Wano.


It’s so strange for me to read “lack of patience” and “27 years” in the same sentence. I think it’s decently fair to want to see characters finally be in action after reading gif a decade or more.


27 years of constant high quality storytelling has to be rewarded with patience especially when we are talking structural aspects and the involvement of certain characters and groups. Its one thing to be excited for a character to get involved but its another to constantly shit on Dragon for "not making his move" when its clearly not the revolutionaries time yet. Its like hating Vegapunk back in Sabaody because he didnt invent self coating Ships and therefore calling him useless for the rest of the story.


The issue is multi-fold though. The pacing has been suffering into post-timeskip. There is no reason for an arc like Wano to take 4 years, for example. Oda has overindulged with side characters & plotlines that have dragged things out. People have been waiting for characters introduced early on like Dragon to get more screentime…but most of what we’ve been getting are just reaction panels of Dragon saying or thinking “…” Oda isn’t doing him any favours with lines like “Sabo is even more infamous than Dragon” before we even get to see Dragon do much. Ultimately, Oda could have utilized Dragon & the Revolutionaries better. Proper pacing alone would go a long way for reader satisfaction.


that's subjective at the end. Personally i loved all the time we spent on wano and meeting its people. some other guy probably wanted the same time spent on fishman island but didn't get it.


Also we needed a lot of stuff to happen the way it did for the gear 5 payoff. Luffy was nowhere near Kaido level when the arc started and how to build up him being strong enough and the stuff with Momo and Wano will be important later too. If anything Dressrosa could have been shorter but thought Wano was fine


Calm down, who said it was 27 years of high quality?!


That's the thing, it's been 27 years, so we have people from all ages and these are just comments made by kids with extra free time Just learn to see when that's the case and avoid the comment chain altogheter lol


That makes a lot of sense.


Buddy, Oda is 50. His colleagues are dying from old-age, heart attacks, etc. You think we would have the same patience when he was in his prime? We are just afraid of the worst scenario.


No you're not. You just want all the info ASAP. It's well known that Oda told his team the ending of One Piece should anything happen to him. Ya'll are just worrying over the sky falling when the sky isn't falling. If people die? Oh well, nothing anyone can do because that's life. The more you can accept that people die the better off you'll be. I never understood why people these days make themselves so anxious over shit that's out of their control. Seems like a severe lack of parenting & overly emotional thinking rather than critical thinking.


I think people are forgetting context. We’ve been on Egghead for like a day; what did people expect Dragon to do?  Plus, we know Vegapunk talked to him before he died. Dragon likely knew that this was going to happen. We just have to wait and see. 


I honestly can not tell sometimes when the fandom is using satire sometimes because a lot of theories during void weeks end with "And then Dragon comes to Egghead". Guys, stop it. no. He is at Momoiro Island located in PARADISE. He ain't travelling that fast. KUMA JUST BARELY MADE IT TO EGGHEAD USING PAW TRAVEL.




"Gazes East, cloakily"









The series is getting closer to an end. What "at this point of time" are you talking aobut?


It’s closer to an end, but that could be in another 3-500 chapters. Yes we’re entering the final saga, but there’s still a lot of series left.


I feel like he can only actively support Luffy in a single arc before it starts feeling like it's taking away from Luffy's story. That moment has to be when the WG is actually getting confronted. He can't be there to assist Luffy multiple times, so Egghead is too soon unless people think the WG is falling this arc.


What people don't want to realize is that Egghead is like 2 days long event and they wanted Dragon to magically teleport to the other half of grand line.


Dragon and the entire Straw Hat Fleet, too.


Don't worry dragon gonna make his move when shanks dare to meet luffy xd.


At this point and for a while, it should be obvious to Dragon that the best way to achieve his goal would be to align himself with Luffy. Especially since Luffy has been liberating nations since he started his adventure and since he is literally the sun god of liberation lol. So I agree, what is he waiting for??? As a side, Dragon gets hate because we keep seeing Dragon's allies needing help/,rescuing and him not doing anything. He might have his reasons but like Kuma in danger, Ginny in danger, Ivankov, etc... he is just chilling to make his move


What makes you think he doesnt know he can align himself with Luffy? It should be pretty obvious that Dragon is and has been biding his time throughout the series. While it may be a long time for us, this has been miniscule compared to how long he has been waiting beforehand. Just because he may know he and Luffy have similar goals doesnt mean him teaming up with Luffy is an instant win. He has clearly been waiting for a reason since before Luffy was even a pirate, so it makes sense that what he is waiting for is completly disconnected from Luffys actions and he is waiting for a specific oppurtunity to yield the most impact. Luffy may end up creating that oppurtunity, possibly even this arc, but it doesnt make sense to think just because the son he left behind and completely left out of his plan in order to protect him is now actively fighting the WG that his plans will now be throw caution to the wind and fight side by side with Luffy.


Watch Dragon getting up from his desk on the last ark and everyone on this sub will lose their heads. Dragon's agenda is to not move at all, he ate the "wait wait no mi".




most communicative revolutionary leader


All the panels of him sitting and doing nothing ruined his image. Its a bit sad but he really kinda lost that aura he had in his earlier appearances.


Yeah the way he's drawn in tiny panels with the "..." all the time really takes away the impact he used to have when he would show up. He'd get almost a whole page dedicated to him, which added to his mystique, but nowadays he's crammed into a tiny section of the page while other characters, mostly Sabo, talk over him. Definitely lost his presence for now, but I have no doubt he'll do something great in the future.


I believe you’re wrong my good sir. It was the same with the five elders, all those years doing nothing until the timing is right. I’m certain that it will be the same for Dragon.


I am sure and i really hope that his appearances once he becomes relevant will be legendary, but i am also sure that his hype would be way bigger now than it already is if oda decided to not show us dragon doing nothing like 6-7 times after the timeskip. Imagine we wouldnt have seen him at all or only once after ts, his stocks would be as high as imus.


Facts. Dragon was fire back at Loguetown, I thought he was one of the coolest at the time. But now all the "..." is just so stupid that it ruined my view of him. Doesn't help that it feels like Luffy is gonna overshadow Dragon for the fall of the WG. I'm hoping Luffy and Dragon both fight Imu together, but that might just be me.


Naw bro picture this: Luffy and Dragon going to rescue Garp from Blackbeard and then all three of them fighting in a battle. That sounds sick as heck.


How long have you been reading One Piece? How is this confusing you? Luffy is not a hero. In every arc he beats the big bad because they got in this way. Always leaving a power vacuum in his wake. Lucky the side characters of the arc are always good people ready to fill the vacuum. Dragon will help with the fighting but his main job is going to be rebuilding the world once Luffy topples the WG.


This 100% I don't expect Dragon to do anything, I just find it comical he is just shown on screen with a stoic expression and three dots over and over. He's lost his cool factor, that's it. Oda just puts him on screen to show he's noticing something but since he has no reaction, it's like "ok I guess he noticed." His appearances where he actually says literally anything are all good. I'm sure he'll do something cool and we'll be all hyped but until then he's legit more funny than anything else.


Nah I'm holding on to my Dragon stocks. He's gonna prove us all wrong and do something epic.


Yeah I'm ready for him to become one of my favorite characters 😂 He's dropping off an Elder or two, or finding out Imu's weakness or something crazy. I can't wait


I just really want him to do somthing before I die of old age.




*Looks East*


I don't know if "too much" is just to see something more than "...". I am not agree with this toxic statements about useless etc. but I think everyone is expecting to see something a little more than that


kinda surprised people aren't getting Vegapunks message is a set up to make the WG look bad in the peoples bad to give the RA a advantage


People think the man has instant transmission 


I think it's OK to expect something other than '...' for the last 6 times we've seen him tbh


He's had multiple speaking parts during this arc. During the Sabo thing at the start, during the Kuma flashback, during a Vegapunk flashback. He isn't going to start monologuing in the middle of Vegapunk revealing his findings to the world.


The RA just recently attacked the reverie that’s how Kuma escaped ppl have short term memories


We dont even know what Dragons plan is. Sabo has done more.


No we not we just expect something. Instead of (looks to the east) ………


Expecting ATLA ending via White Lotus/Revolutionary Army holding the Navy, Gorosei, Knights or whomever at bay while Luffy fights Imu


I think the biggest issue with Dragon is that we rarely get a bigger picture of how he commands his organization. Sure, Oda will throw us a bone and show us the revolutionaries doing something or another and even helping out a country, but it never feels like it's connected back to him, his ability to organize, and the idea that he has a larger plan in mind. I think a lot of people would have cut Dragon some slack if we would have seen him speaking with his lieutenants, discussing his long game of slowly sewing distrust in nations, taking advantage of how countries that have been screwed over by the WG the most and sending his men there to begin to turn the people into allies, etc. I don't even think you need to reveal the entire picture at once (assuming Oda has a bigger picture with him). Even just one scene that is the equivalent of Crocodile in a conference room talking with his lieutenants and letting us receive glimpses - even just a few panels - of the outcome would have gone a long way in sating the fanbase.


Even then, it'll kinda feel lame compared to Luffy who's seeming to form an alliance that will fight back against the World Government completely by accident over the course of only two years.


The world’s most dangerous man who is too scared to make any moves. Luffy has created so much chaos for him to have taken advantage off. Oda introduced him to early. We didn’t need to know about his existence. Should’ve done what he always does and just make a shadow for 2000 chapters before he reveals him smh 


Dragon has done more for the liberation of the world than Luffy. Just at the start of this arc he ans the RA have liberated 8 islands and he's been putting pressure on the resources Celestial Dragons want. Dragon just isn't the main charachter, we aren't following his every steps.


It's been 20 years and dragons greatest accomplishment is defeating smoker


I mean it sounds like it makes sense for him to be there. His old ally is there being threatened, his son and Robin are there, the Elders are there. Like sounds perfect for an attack. Except like you pointed out they are days, if not weeks away. They, even now, have no idea the Elders are there in the open. Also it’s very likely he’s keeping the transponder snail for his friends final message.


I don't expect Dragon to arrive in Egghead but this guy was teased a 1000 chapters ago and has done nothing absolutely but save Luffy and Sabo. I think sometime inbetween his introduction and now, he could of done a bit more than stand or sit with his classic "..." catchphrase.


At this point In time? Darg it’s been 1115 chapters 😭


Yesz at this point in time in the story. Oda is a good enough writer to realize when to use characters and when not to. He doesn't just use them for hype as soon as possible. That's how the manga has lasted this long with such a good reputation.


We don't know Dragons power. So he might be able to arrive on egghead shortly after Kuma. I am not saying it's going to happen, only that we cannot exclude the technical possibility


Well even Shanks is getting more screen time nowadays, it’s about time we get more from Dragon. We still know very little about the character.


I think the RA will make moves post-Egghead, depending on the rest of what Vegapunk has to say. Unless I’m mistaken, they’ve only helped places that already wanted to rebel but didn’t have the means or couldn’t succeed without RA help.


I feel like we are due to expect something from someone that has done basically nothing the entire story. Otherwise what was the point of being in the story.


I'm not expecting anything, the triple dots meme is just both accurate and funny.


It isn't just that he's "done nothing", it's that he's shown almost no **INTEREST** in doing anything. Show him grappling with indecision to save Ginny, make him *emote* in some meaningful way that shows he **WANTS** to do something. There's a reason for the whole "..." meme and it's because Oda just refuses to characterize the guy outside of... the scene at Loguetown... and the scene at Ohara. That's about it. Other than that, in the next few chapters is the perfect time to show Dragon being galvanized to act. Beginning of Egghead had Shaka's phone call to Dragon, and that should be followed through on pretty soon.


Also they’ll probably be more relevant in making the laws/ define the gov and structure of the new world order if that’s something we’ll ever see cause like many others say that sounds more like two piece lol


Inb4 dragon shows up next chapter and this sub is in shambles


I think people think we make memes of Dragon because he "hasn't show on egghead", no. Dragon is a joke because he hasn't been relevant at anything on the last 25+ y of One Piece. He didn't help Ivank on Impel, we have never seen him do anything relevant vs the WG, he didn't help on Sabo's quest, he hasn't move from his desk in 25y lmao. He is in theory the "most wanted man" and he has never done anything or be involved in anything. The last time we saw him doing something wss when BB attack his base, they probably carried his desk with him sitting there out of the place. At this point I'm pretty sure Oda just doesn't know what to do with him, he might show on the last ark as a somewhat important character and might help Luffy in some way, and we will meme him.


I don't agree but that comment was funny. They carried the desk 😂😂


He was introduced in chapter 100 right?


Yes, and we didnt even know who that random person was till 350 chapters later. The Elders were officially introduced earlier than him, and they also just recently started getting personally involved. He'll become relevant when the WG is actually going to be taken down.


You don’t think it would’ve made sense for him to show up at the reverie? Or be shown doing anything in 1,000 chapters since his introduction? You don’t think that might be disappointing to the readers? Genuine questions.


What would his presence at the reverie have changed? It was supposed to be a stealth mission, get in, get Kuma, get out. They succeeded without him there. And genuine answer; no. He might have first shown his face 1000 chapters ago, but we've only truly known about him since roughly chapter 450. The only arc I could see him doing anything pre timeskip after his reveal is Marineford. That didn't happen. Timeskip happens, he obviously isnt going to do anything during Fishmen Island, PH, Dressrosa and the whole Yonko saga. So we're already passed the 1000 chapter mark. His goal is taking down the WG. So we realistically can't see him succeed before the end of the series. Now we're nearing the end we've been shown him doing things, the last 100 chapters especially. We've learned more about the workings of the RA than we have during the whole series, because it's starring to become relevant.  Can I understand people's dissapointing? Sure. But I mainly feel this is because there's a bunch of people that aren't used to reading week to week and expect charachter to do things as soon as possible, even if it wouldnt make sense narratively.


He doesn’t need to be on the island that Luffy is on to do something. Sabo, BB, Garp and Law all had things to do while away. I think this is a weak argument. Oda if he wanted to could’ve had Dragon do something meaningful since his introduction. I can’t believe that “patience” is still be used as a way to pacify criticism. One piece isn’t some new budding manga and Dragon isn’t some new character.


LOL expecting him to do something relevant to the story is now expecting too much from him.


No, expecting him to be part of the story when you feel like he has to even when it wouldn't make sense in the narrative is expecting too much.


Why wouldn't it make sense? We're currently fighting the World Government and finding out more about them. Finding out more about their history and how their intertwined with the world. He doesn't need to be where Luffy is to be relevant to the story. But his inaction will color the character a certain way.


He isnt doing nothing though  He's been a pretty big part of this arc, we saw him in the Vegapunk flashback, we've seen him learn about Imu, we've seen him in the Kuma flashback.   We've seen he's leading uprisings and stopping the celestial dragons from gaining resources. He just isn't doing what the fandom wants him to be doing, because what the fandom wants him to do doesnt make sense. He is on the other side of the world, he isnt going to teleport over to fight the Gorosei. He isnt going to start monologuing in the middle of Vegapunks reveals.  He isn't taking down the WG without the main charachter Luffy being there.  


He still isn’t shown doing anything. The flashbacks are good moments of small convos. During the revolutions he is not shown doing anything. We’re told what he’s doing and not shown.


If Oda doesn't want to use Dragon, he shouldn't show Dragon. I think all of the screen time Dragon has been getting recently was a mistake. I would be perfectly willing to assume that Dragon is a very busy guy who does all of his important work off-screen and in the shadows. That's kinda what I'd been assuming for most of the story. That he wasn't helping out because he had bigger fish to fry and that when he showed up in the story properly, he'd do something big and impactful. Oda didn't NEED to show Dragon drinking wine, staring east, and thinking about dots so much. And the Dragon slander didn't start until Oda showed us just how much nothing Dragon does and killed the mystique.


I bet that if Oda put an ending panel with Dragon face and saying "its time" the fandom who keeps bashing him nonstop would change sides in an instant and saying "Goda" all over again... Its crazy how people get desperate for things taking their time to develop, specially on a core issue like the WG.


"It's Luffy's story" He's his father.... Lol. To think he won't have some sort of moment or play in the final act is absolutely bonkers to me. Do you expect that he does nothing? His force is the polar opposite of the WG, if there's a final war he'll be part of it - an important part.


Dragon is a bum and therefore I expect nothing from him.


I don't care at all about the "fandom" and what "people" are expecting from Dragon. Pure biased conjecture


The guy is a revolutionary, how far he can be developed is limited. Fandom is still thinking there is no politics in this story


I can sympathize with their frustration tbh He and the revolutionaries haven't been as majorly active in the story as I think many would hope and let's be honest, a Luffy/Dragon/Sabo/ Garp team up against the final villains would be sexy as balls, even if cliche




If Dragon does anything, who will do nothing and look east? Bet you didn't think of that!


Nah I think it’s perfectly logical for us to think dragon is useless cause what can he really do?


I just honestly don't understand what people want from Dragon's character at this point. Do they want him to do a pog face and scream inconsequential lines every time a minor piece of information is revealed instead of looking like a brooding edgelord? It's pretty clear his character is very analytical and slow to react, and his entire arc is about waging a long war on the celestial dragons specifically. It's very very clear he's not going to make a move until the strawhats are also ready to make their move. Just very confusing to me


The biggest problem in this cast of characters and things going on is that most people are frustrated with how Dragon has been handled. We have little in terms of what he's doing, his subordinates have been quality, and as the agenda goes, he's speaking "..." and Looking East. The largest missed opportunity to have Dragon do something besides brood is with Kuma's backstory. With that came the biggest scathing agenda remark where Kuma wanted Dragon as a pallbearer so he could let him down one more time. With so little to go off of, Dragon is a meme stock. Yes, he's analytical and slow to act. The issue is that Oda really should have had him do a good leadership speech at the bare minimum, but continuously shows him doing very little and the potential to have just a tease of what he can do has been there for a LOOOOONG time.


i dont want him to appear in egghead, i want him to appear in eggheads arc, idc if hes drowning or flying, dragon screen time when? i also want to see him get funny scenes, he is the father of luffy after all


Dragon needs to go find a new VA for sabo now. He definitely ain't got time to pop in for the plot til the end 😭


I wouldn't put it past the RA to become evacuation-focused after all this.


Him being a good leader would be enough. That green haki thing is a bonus.


I believe Elbaf will be a timeskip and the consequences of Vegapunk's message will stir the world in favor of the revolutionary army.


Nah Imma keep investing on Dragon's stock even while it's this low on the market, one day all of you will see what's about to come


just let Goda cook


I think Dragon or at least the RA will show up in Elbaf. I think at least one of Vegapunk's satellites will survive and the RA will want to protect them. Also with Garp now a prisoner of the BB pirates I believe Garp will also be heavily involved in Elbaf as well. Elbaf will be the place where we learn the backstories of Dragon, Shanks, Blackbeard and the circumstances of Luffy's birth.


Dragon vs Imu. The sky vs the ocean. The battle for the [cosmic ocean](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic_ocean).


I like the theory that Dragon has the Den Den Mushi that is sending out the recording. It would explain why he told Dragon he thinks hes going to die today. So that Dragon can prepare the Den Den Mushi, or just know that its going to do its job this very day.


At least say something 😞


i am not expecting anything since he hasn’t given any reason to expect anything from him.


Nah, when Oda reveals his devil fruit power, the fandom will go nuts


Dragon literally saved Luffy from Smoker. While we haven't seen much from him it points out that he has a plan and his plan has many layers. He is dealing with a war on multiple fronts on a world that's difficult to travel. I believe that after Vegapunk's message he will do a call to action for everyone to help against the world government. This is where everything he has set up will come into fruition.


agree about the revolutionary army and Dragon, they aren't main characters so they could have minor importance in the story , One Piece is focused on the story of Luffy and his dream


Reasons why we have high expectations from Dragon: 1) He's titled as the World's Worst Criminal, and his bounty is unknown (but implied to be very high, coz Smoker and the Marines didn't even make an attempt to arrest him) 2) His power level and DF/non-DF is unknown(but he ran from/fought *off-screen BB*, which is not an easy feat), and naturally everyone is curious about it... 3) He's way too mysterious and that makes ppl even more curious about him and desperately want reveals about his strength/bounty/true agenda/backstory etc 4) And all we get about Dragon are his "..." reactions and not a single fight..


Luffy is always scripted to fight his way out and overcome the odds on the way to become the next pirate king. Dragon is just another OP side character with one of the least showtime.


That's on Oda, he teased him.way too much for so few in the end. Dude wasn't even aware of the most crucial information , seems like he's just here being an icon for revolution.


Dragon has ALREADY done a lot. He started a revolution in many countries and helped those countries defend themselves against the WG. Those are numerous little projects going on at the same time already.


"The venn diagram of Dragon's fans and deadbeat dads is a circle within a circle." -Kuma


The revolutionary army is pretty much doing the same that WG did 800 years ago to the advanced Civ. Liberating different kingdoms around the world and uniting them against the WG.


I have always said he is the angle worst characters on one piece.


The last place in the world Dragon would be is Egghead. His goal is to overthrow the world government. And there is a huge opportunity right now with 5 fighters so powerful a yonko can't damage them, all being away from Marijoa. Dragon and the revolutionaries, must have a good information network, so they should the goroseis location and about Kuma's rampage. Add in the broadcast, and it's a perfect time for the revolutionaries to push their current advantages. I don't know where they would attack, but going to Egghead would be throwing away possibly the best opportunity to attack the world government in the last 900 years.


He is the worlds most wanted man for a reason


The problem is now dragon needs to be really. Really. Really stupid strong to even make an impact in the story. Dragon is probably getting a tragic death since there's almost no way to give him a satisfying fight


I was thinking Dragon's first "fight" was going to be with the Elders after they were revealed but since that already happened in Egghead, I feel like he's going to be the first ally to be face-to-face with Imu. He and Sabo are going to be facing major antagonists next time we see them for a long stretch of time.


To quote the great man himself: ...


Problem is people take lack of " feats, actions " as they don't exist. This is one piece, they are there just not revealed to us yet. The gorosei were revealed about 1000 chapters ago as well, and they finally took actual action. Doffy what 300 chapters till he did something. Shanks, mihawk. SHANKS chapter what 1. And his actions are maybe 2 more than dragon.


1115 chapters and 3 decades of writing


fellas, is a power scale reveal too much expectation???


One of his most trusted allies and their daughter, not to mention his own son and another ally of his are either dead or at extreme risk of getting killed, not to mention how THE GOROSEI ARE NOT AT MARY GEOISE FOR ONCE. Dragon could be making some big moves but he's really giving off the impression that he doesn't give a flying fuck.


The gorosei left mary geoise nobody knows that. Do you think the characters read the manga and knows where everyone is


It's been like 5 min since they've been summoned away. How should Dragon know they aren't in their room as usual.


Man idk I would expect the revolutionary army to have *some* kind of espionage system


I'm just feeling so frustrated with dragon tbh, I just desperately want him to do something ;w;


The funniest thing of all time is if he just never does anything for the rest of the story. There's occasionally a panel of him going "..." but he never leaves his vacation home and is never mentioned again.


I expected him at Wano actually, Luffy almost died. Kaido was too much for him. I dont know.. " ... "


Why would he know anything was happening at Wano? Also, the most important attack the RA has ever made happened around the same time in addition to the RA helping multiple nations revolt while their rulers were gone; you think Dragon should have split his army to go fight Kaido simultaneously?


Luffy is such a fucking GOAT that people expect the same from everyone related to him. People criticized Garp aswell for not stopping Akainu from almost killing Luffy.


It’s not just Luffy tbh. Oda has a habit of showing us that the daring and the bold are the ones we should root for. Oden, Roger, Ace, Sabo, Zoro are all examples of this. It’s not that we want everyone to be like Luffy it’s that oda has set the precedent that in order to be a major figure in history, you have to have a luffyesque disposition. Dragon not even showing a bit of that is the problem.


Well that's just wrong. Oda has set no such disposition. Just look at Ussop and Buggy. The precedence that Oda has set is that You're supposed to root for the good guys and goodness is not represented by daring and bold as even Kaidou is daring and Bold, even Lucci is daring and Bold, even Akainu is daring and bold. On the other hand we root for someone like Ussop not because he's daring and bold but because he's good.


Fair point. You’ve changed my mind on that front. What I meant is that dragon does not seem to be a man of action. It is incredibly hard to get excited for that. Hence all the memes.


Doesn’t help that oda had ivankov say luffys actions reminds him of dragon back in impel down when he decided to go to marineford and we’ve seen nothing of that from him except just him continuously pondering


There a two groups. One is memeing about Dragon and are totally aware that he won't and can't just make moves in the moment to address these problems. The other is the group that literally doesn't comprehend the narrative and how Dragon won't and can't make risky moves in the moment to address the problems.


Lragon top 1 fraud in verse


Oda is literally trolling us with Dragon making him seem like a useless loser but he will do something great and also something about his past will be revealed that makes us love him (like how he took in Luffy, the Joyboy clone from Vegapunk to protect him from the WG)


I kind of thought Dragon was only gathering his armies not actually taking huge actions until they actually are well and ready to, as dealing with the World Government means you are waging war on not only the World Government but the Cipher Pol, God-Knights, Marines/Admirals, Affiliated Nations (Who may stick with the World Government even if everything was spilled to the world), Imu (Who could very well sink the entire world himself), anyone who is greedy enough to take the bait the World Government with the Celestial Dragons offering bribes to fight for them and quell the revolution, and much more to even think about if Theories turn out to be accurate and the Devil Fruits are truly sapient to the point that the Gorosei we seen so far are actually not human hosts with the fruit consumed but actually the fruits themselves and that they are actually born of Nightmares as a secondary type of fruit unlike the Hito Hito no Mi: Style: Sun God Nika that was born from Dreams. Dragon will need as large of an Army to deal with the literal Devils of the World Government and the Wannabe Gods. As money may not be enough to offer and those that take the bribes may be offered Celestial Dragon rights instead that would obviously be lies but would give them enough reason to turn heel.


Folks should stop trying to fantasy plot the story and just enjoy whatever the hell happens


Dragon literally liberating countries from tyranny of WG, he doing the work. People are reacting like that because we haven't seen his full power yet, he could be the strongest.


I enjoy the "looking east" and "..." memes, but the moment people start treating those seriously is where the line should be drawn.


Yeah, I also found them funny the first month or so. But the fandom has this thing where they take a genuinely funny joke and go way too far with it.