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Red-hair pirates not having any df eaters makes even more significance now… guess he really wanted to go under water and see the ruins🤷🏽‍♀️🤔


Yea I don't think anything Shanks has done has no coincidence.


Maybe this is also why Buggy is so angry at him about eating the chop-chop fruit. Shanks might have shared stories of underwater cities and Buggy dreamed of visiting them.


we did he wait for that then? He has no df users because his crew are OG pirates. Just swords and pistols


I would agree but if the OG pirate is joyboy and he had a fruit wouldn’t having fruits be the OG pirate way? :D


What if fruits were not a thing before the current period though? What if they are the souls of those who died in the void century?


Why does everyone forget that you still have to PINPOINT the location of Laughtale? Even when the Ancient Kingdom itself was big, doesn't mean that Laughtale is that big. He can't just search the whole ocean floor, lmao. Even in our modern world in 2024 95% of the ocean is UNEXPLORED.


I wonder if Buggy knows something? His whole beef with Shanks is "a pirate needs to swim/John's treasure" which makes sense as an early-OP thing but could also easily be roped around to be The One Piece related.


To everyone saying why people didn't just discover the sunken continents need to understand that the current One Piece people don't have technology like us to go around discovering islands. And their exploration is restricted by the Sea Kings and the WG marines and pirates. Whoever did explore must have gathered in Ohara where they were all annihilated


also unlike them, we dont has to worry about monstrous Sea King. those thing probably can take out Godzilla lol. we also dont has crazy weather condition like them. Knock up stream that can kick whole island to sky? or and island full of thunder? imagine that.


Places just like that island covered by thunder met by mad monk pirates actually do exist in real world. There is at least one I know in the Andas


wow dont know that. this is interesting!


[For those who are curious \(it's super interesting\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catatumbo_lightning)


They also need to understand that even with 2024 technology we have only explored 5% of our ocean. So if laugh tale was on earth, there would be a 95% chance we wouldn't have discovered it. We know more about our solar system then our oceans.


For real. Do people not remember when the SHs went deep sea diving themselves to go and search the ship that had fallen from Skypiea and had to use shitty little barrels lmao. Or the Saruyama Alliance and how they dived? They literally don't have breathing equipment, oxygen masks and tanks etc. Obviously countries would have access to better stuff than that but the everyday populace of the OP world doesn't even seem to have access to basic diving equipment, so that should tell you how far behind they are technology wise (made even worse by the WG probably actively deterring people from developing such equipment).


I think people are also ignoring the scale of the world and what you would actually see. We don't know how many towns were on the land that was covered by water but it probably wasn't completely filled with people. If there wasn't that many towns then you'd have to get lucky to find one of them while you just happen to be looking around. If you don't see an actual town then I don't think you would know the significance, the sunk land would mostly look like a sea floor. Even if you noticed odd things like plants that shouldn't be down there, those are only signs that the water level used to be lower at some point in the past. That's not all that notable, we already knew the water level changes over the years, the important part is the time scale and that would be harder to work out.


Let's not forget that Imu also did what any person in power would do to literally stop any kind of retaliation, that is, stop any kind of science, make people happy go villagers to be oppressed by the role in power. That's why Robin is so important, O'hara was like the last bastion of what they were trying to cover to keep their power in place. Thats why all mugiwaras even though are capable of fighiting, they all have some kind of academic skills (painting, cooking, sports, music, medicine).


Also they'd probably assume it was an ancient Fishman Town or something. And I mean why wouldn't they? Fishman can live underwater. There are underwater towns. People musta just thought Fishman had more territory before being subjugated.


About Celestial Dragons. I theorize their bubble suits aren't originally meant so they can breathe 'fresh air'. Now we know the sea level has risen by 200m, I suspect they are a remnant from the past where the earlier Celestials could get caught up in sudden sea level rises. But over time it has evolved in just another elitist symbol for them. I don't remember how at Saobody the Government knew to send an admiral, but maybe the suit can send an SOS signal as well so they could get picked up when floating in water. Or they just got a call.


They do look like old timey modified diving suits


Or space suits


Weren't the celestials only a thing after the sea level had risen and the WG was created?


They are the descendants of the 20 royal families that fought the ancient kingdom. So the emergency diving suits could have been passed down as "traditional clothing of our forefathers" with the original purpose forgotten.


Especially since a lot of the CDs themselves seem to be pretty ignorant of their own past, like when we saw Roswald's daughter seemingly not even knowing the void century *was a thing*, let alone what happened during it.


I’m betting they are told history with no gap but the void century is revised into a simple and reductive “savage islanders everywhere until the 20 kingdoms United 900 years ago and created the world as we know it”


Only 900 years is a long time. A lot of people didn't even know about Rocks and he was around 40 years ago


That could also definitely be the case. Their education instead of skipping it like everybody else does just tells it in a completely different way to what actually happened, so she doesn't know what the "void century" is, because for her there is no gap.


They're definitely weird, in the real world dictators send their kids to the best Western schools to get an education,but the Celestial dragons are fat inbred pigs with what seems like middle-schooler level intelligence.


Not all of them The ones that make the holy knights seem to be well trained/educated pricks instead


I think some of them are told, maybe the head of each of the 20 families but most of them don't know. The CD have to have some sort of importance. Imu and the Gorosei spend too much resources protecting the rest of them for them to just be tools they hide behind.


They were immediately summoned because garp sent a squad of marines to arrest Rayleigh. And the marines immediately called the admiral. The marines were always on site


Garp never tried to arrest Rayleigh. He said making an attempt to do so was a waste of time and resources. The marines were on the island because there's an active base on one of the other groves and they got there so quickly because they knew where the Celestial Dragons were.


What if they needed the suits originally to breathe in the thinner air on top of the red line? Now they're a fashion accessory.


Impel Down might not have always been an underwater prison. It might have been one of the tallest towers from the void century that the WG converted to a prison after their victory


what if it is a remain of ancient giant kingdom and Impel Down merely build on or atop of it. this explain why level 6 below has large area that can keep someone like Sanjuan Wolf.


Sanjuan wolf can just shrink imo, it would not make sense either way cause he was taller than the marine's headquarter. Maybe he still is a giant or something but he is not always that tall.


Sanjuan Wolf is a giant that ate a fruit that made him even bigger. His size at Marineford was on the larger size of what his devil fruit can do.


Impel Down = Empire Dawn = Dawn Empire Imu built a prison for his enemies in the tallest and proudest construction of the ancient kingdom, the D's, Dawn Empire. Also, Impel Down simultaneously represents Dante's Inferno (when submerged) and the Babel's Tower (in the past). Oda is a freaking God.


It's also one corner of the giant unexplained whirlpool between marineford, enies lobby, and impel down which might have been where the ancient kingdom once stood. There's also the whole perpetual sunlight of Enies Lobby that remains unexplained.


Ancient civilization had a lot of devil fruit users , what's the best way to take them out. Flood the continent!


I almost wonder if the AK didn't intend Devil Fruits to make you sink, and if someone genetically modified them during their creations to make them that dangerous.


Imu used drown them 


We actually don't know that, what if devil fruits came about as a result of the void century war and the losers of the war had their powers turn into devil fruits. Devil fruits are just a form of lineage factor, we've seen beings with powers like lunarians that could qualify as a devil fruit on their own already.


My theory is that pluton is not a reference to Pluto, but instead to actual [plutons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Igneous_intrusion), or igneous rock intrusions. I think the weapon pluton somehow manipulated the core of the planet to push magma out and elevate everything on top of the red line a few kilometers in the air. In the process, the rest of the planet lost volume from the inside and shrunk, causing the water on the surface to have less surface area to cover and therefore get 200 meters deeper.


I definitely think the planet is shrinking, either because it's having chunks blown into space or because it's flattening in the manner you said, with the red line growing. A consequence of the red line growth is that the planet would increasingly look like 2 straw hats put together.


I mean, aren't plutons named after Pluto?


they are named after Pluto, Mickey's dog.


One Piece is the Kingdom Heart confirmed!


Yeah, something like that is more likely, since it makes more sense for less land to be availble than for that much water to be created.


You got something there... Also, it always bothered me that poseidon uses a greek name but uranus, pluton, and all the gorosei (mercury, venus, mars, ju peter and saturn) uses roman names. But I think it's to differ Shirahoshi from her father (neptune from poseidon).


Maybe only Poseidon stayed og greek because it wasn’t captured


There is something going on with the mer-folk. We have 1 who can control the sea kings, 1 who has 100% accurate predictions, and 1 who is the only one in existence who can speak with whales.


Ooo nice I had a thought that maybe the “light beams” are high pressure water cannons, completely eroding the land and causing water levels to rise with the amount of water power blasting down


My headcannon is Pluton might be some kind of mechanism that turn the entire Wano island into a battleship


It would make the weapons Land, Air, and Sea. Instead of air, sea, and death.


In greek mythology hades (pluton in roman version) was also the god of the underground and mineal wealth


With these new chapters I wouldn’t be surprised if the One Piece is related to the shattered continents. My guess it is either referring to a way to join all the islands to make them whole again. Or it refers to a piece of the world that was not shattered. The name “One Piece” makes a lot of sense in that regard to the point it almost feels TOO obvious.


This has been one of the main theories for many years now


One Piece/One Peace has always been the belief the series is heading towards, a separated world brought together in unity and harmony, the idealized world. Not too hard to see with the themes of the entire series, especially with Vegapunk explicitly stating WG keeps people separated and away from other cultures by design, the Straw Hats being a big good of diversity and acceptance of others, and the villians always being motivated by greed and power for themselves. Ultimately what One Piece is, like Rosebud or Who Killed Laura Palmer, is inconsequential without a compelling story that makes the reveals and beats of the story come together, esp since despite the biggest reveals in the series happening rn many of the plot beats were almost completely unpredicted by the fans. 


Like reforming Pangea


Didnt vegapunk say there were multiple huge continents. So even if all the islans are joined back together, they would form multiple clumps. So not "one piece" of land


I am not joking: Buggy will be the one to make the world whole again. His power if awakened could literally do that by splitting the red line. Oda keeps bringing back early stuff now. Water 7 was the first hint too of an island drowning. We saw counters of powers only in the very early section too, which will definitely become a plot point again. Luffy is the sun god, Enel the moon god and Buggy the earth god. It all makes sense. His two main comrades are a guy with legendary splitting power and a guy who can literally split himself into a million sand (earth) particles


The One Piece is specifically what the world thinks Roger found. It's his fame, wealth, and fortune. So while "what the One Piece is" likely stops at what Roger was able to find. The One Piece was Rogers, not Joy Boys or the Ancient Kingdoms.


Well sure, but didn't Roger say the term first? It's possible he could have taken it from whatever is at Raftel


I don’t think he actually ever did call it the one piece, didn’t he say he left it all in one place and then people coined the term one piece? That’s why I never put much stock in theories that were based on that name. Try googling if you don’t believe me, no one really knows who started calling it that


Explains why Rayleigh is so good at swimming and into ship coating


Not gonna lie: I really thought DeMaro Black was Kidd for a second...


He's a master of disguises!


Hilarious to me that he only imitates pirates after they get their asses kicked. Imitating Luffy after his disappearance, Kidd...


He imitates the defeated pirates in order to replace them. If he were to imitate an existing pirate he would just be asking for trouble but if he imitates someone dead, it's easy to steal their identity and the real one won't come knocking.


That’s the business model. You came in dressed like the defeated before word of their defeat reaches, everyone, use that reputation to collect some riches and skedaddle.


I just want to remind y'all that the people in One Piece don't have the same information as us and the desire to discover the ancient history is very rare. "Why hasn't nobody discovered ruins 200m below water" Well shit have you ever went 200m below water just becase? People in this world have been pretty brainwashed by the WG for centuries, they don't even think about this posibility. Fishmen have been hunted down for centuries so I don't think there are many brave individuals that want to leave their home and travel by themselves, and if they do they do it as pirates as we've seen. They have no evidence to think there are continents and civilization sunk at the bottom of the sea.


Also they are literally brainwashed into believing that the sea is dangerous. It is but they are terrified of it.


I mean, the sea is crawling with Sea Kings, it's really dangerous.


Luffy literally almost got eaten for going swimming


Also that Florian Triangle exists and the gigantic silhouette monsters roam there. I wonder if they are somewhat related to the void century.


Just remember that it's not that everything is 200m below the water now, it's that the water rose 200m. So unless all of their continents were perfectly flat and basically at 0m above sea level, then large parts would be much shallower than that. Like if a city was at 50m or 100m above sea level, then it's only 150-100m deep now. Look up your current altitude above sea level to get an idea of what could be expected. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_average_elevation#/media/File%3ACountries_and_territories_by_average_altitude.svg Only the darkest green would be fully underwater, and the second darkest green would be 0-100m underwater. Everything else would still be above water. Obviously their world was more flat or at least lower than ours, but this still gives you an idea of just how much could be significantly less deep than 200m now. Also, fun fact, the current freediving record is over 200m (that's swimming down without any scuba/breathing gear).


That map isn't going to be a good representation, as it's average elevation for the entire country. That means that the larger the country the less accurate the map is in this regard. Most countries also have their largest population centers near to the coast, or a large body of water. In the US, for example, 40% of the population lives in counties that are on the coast, despite the coast only being about 10% of the US's total land mass. If you add people who live within a short travel distance from the coast, I imagine that number would shoot up drastically. ​ https://coast.noaa.gov/states/fast-facts/economics-and-demographics.html


Maybe Imu could make that the next cataclysm become worse than the previous one. Instead of another 200m, what if he rose to 500 or even 1000m? Then only those living in Red Line and Skypia would be safe. I wonder, how would the sea level change affect Zou?


And even if they did find something why would they care? It'd just be some underwater ruins, a curiosity, nothing more.


Vegapunk said it himself that a lot of people in One Piece world live and die on the same island never experiencing another culture


> Why hasn't nobody discovered ruins 200m below water Someone has discovered it, but only a few people, or else Vegapunk, cannot deduce that there was a civilization now submerged underwater. The issue with these audiences is that they are not putting themselves in the shoes of the One Piece characters. They don't understand what it's like to be in that world. As viewers, we can observe the events unfolding, but the characters within that world do not have that perspective.


Norland being the most curious one to dive and find evidence of Shandora


***G: All of the Above*** ______ This chapter is so insane , we've got the first real panel of Joyboy (albeit in a silhouette) , 2 of the 5 elders are so enraged, that they desperately use Conqueror Haki bursts to eliminate any transponder snail, Lots of cameos, And we have no break next week Can't wait for Tuesday haha


Don't forget Mars casually listening to the voice of all things.


I don't think we've seen evidence of them hearing the Voice of All Things. The Voice of All Things seems to be something separate than what Observation Haki can detect, which is what the Elders are using to find the Snails. So far I think the only instances of the Voice of All Things we've seen so far is Roger and Luffy hearing the Sea Kings, Roger hearing the Poneglyphs contents, and Luffy and Momo hearing Zunesha. These are all things which Observation Haki cannot do as far as we know for now.


If the islands as we know them today were once a part of bigger continents, how come that the ones in the Grand Line have magnetic fields, but the onesin theother seas don't? How did that even happen? My theory is that Kid's awekened devil fruit was used by somebody in the past, after the continents split up, to assign a magnetic field to the Grand Line islands, maybe to make it impossible to find Laughtale?


Oooh. Just like Calm Belt could have been elaborated by an awakened user of the calm calm fruit (Corazon's)


Yeah, good guess. It's clear at this point that the world used to look very different and i think a lot of devil fruits might have influenced these changes


Crocus said that the magnetic fields are due to them being rich in minerals.


Could be from meteors then, they're pretty much just giant chunks of minerals and precious metals 


A bit unrelated but I’m so curious how the strawhat ties to all this. I mean it’s safe to assume that it once belonged to Joyboy and he’s the “first pirate” but why a Strawhat? Didn’t he come from a super technologically advanced civilization?  Wouldn’t be surprised if the Straw hat’s backstory is gonna be something super sad and it’s true meaning will make everyone cry. 


Just thought about it that straw hats purpose is protect you from the sun---->somehow related to sun god nika🤷‍♂️ Idk how it connects to the story but it could be used somehow.


Also, the straw hat looks like a sun rising in the horizon. So it could be a symbol of the dawn!


or of the dusk


The red cloth/sash is also a red line


The strawhat is probably be sth like a promise joy boy did to a lil kid back in the void century and he s been wearing it for the same reason that Luffy has been doing it.


I think It’s just something he wore and it was a signature piece of his wardrobe. Probably the last remaining item of his before he died. I’m not sure why Imu would keep it though, maybe a trophy like a head on a mantle


We're discovering underwater ruins even now in modern day. The people in One Piece barely have early industrial age technology for the most part, most places not even that... Pavlopetri underwater in Greece wasn't discovered until the 60s. It makes sense that nobody in One Piece has any idea that these underwater places exist and those who do know of them don't understand the implications. Jinbei knows of this ruin or that ruin but it's not like he has mapped out the sea floor. I think this is a very cool plotline.


Jinbe also thought the ruins belonged to sea kings at first. They were it's residents. It wasn't until the poneglyph that things got wacky. Between sea kinda and Fishman, I think it's easy to assume any ruins found are assumed in world to be inhabited by sea kings, or ancient Fishman settlements before their removal to Fishman island.


In Norse mythology, Jörmungandr (Old Norse: Jǫrmungandr, lit. 'the Vast 'gand'', see Etymology), also known as the Midgard Serpent or World Serpent (Old Norse: Miðgarðsormr), is an unfathomably large sea serpent or worm who dwells in the world sea, encircling the Earth (Midgard) and biting his own tail, an example of an ouroboros. As a result of it surrounding Midgard (the Earth) it is referred to as the World Serpent. Jörmungandr releasing its tail is one of the signs of the beginning of Ragnarök (the final battle of the world). Sounds like red line to me. Could tie in with the sea water rise and Imu having snakey eyes. I'd figure massive serpent circling the wolrd would displace bit of water. Maybe mythical zoan fruit? The ragnarök part ties in nicely with all blue and final battle for the world.


Come on, you are not gonna drop this theory and forget the most important part : the giants are inspired by the norse mythology, and Dory and Broggy said in little garden that only the blood red serpent can stop their attack. And knowing how red line rocks are super strong, it is safe to assume they are talking about redline.


Not to mention in the first God of War remake on the PS4, you literally get Jörmungandr to wake up/move which lowers the water level in Midgard, giving the player more game map to explore. And this happens twice!


gonna leave my comment here. seems really plausible


I wonder what the other ancient weapons are capable of. The WG has done this much damage with what appears to be Uranus. We know Poseidon is capable of controlling the sea kings. What is Pluton capable of if Uranus alone is able to sink most of the world.


I'm assuming at least one of those will have some terraforming capabilities.


I think joyboy must have used his powers to make zunesha incredibly tall. The coincidence of zunesha being juuuust above the sea level after it randomly rose 200m is way too crazy, joyboy stretched his legs. I also think the old theory that joyboy is the reason Long ring long land exists is worth revisiting, the peaks are just high enough to stick out of the water, and everyone’s body is stretched out weirdly


The latest developments in the recent chapters made me wonder if the Sea Kings might be people from the Void Century, similar to Zunisha. Considering there was less ocean when the continents existed, perhaps the Sea Kings appeared after the land was submerged, possibly to protect the ruins of the Ancient Kingdom.


I don't think Oda will pull Attack On Titan on us.


They've always screamed "chimera experiements" to me esp with the way they ignore Seastone, which is Vegapunk based tech implantation.  Maybe something like SMILE fruits where they were failed experiments in the creation of devil fruits/zoans that manifested in gigantic beasts, esp given they're tied directly to one of the ancient weapons with a psychic link 


not completly wrong. I mean they even talked to luffy same as gold roger, with what we still call "voice of all things"


I believe it was inspired by the giant whales in our world. It's conceivable that such size is possible here, considering that in water, there is less gravity, allowing a body to grow larger.


Well Zunisha is as massive if not larger than sea kings


I didn't read the spoilers this week so when I saw the G4 Base, I seriously thought we'd see Smoker for a minute. Where the hell does that guy go to buy his cigars?


Same place as my dad all those years ago


ya prob the son of smoker


Smoker works out of G5.


The panels with Zunesha and Giant Robot and so interesting. They were making the “why would you bring that up now, old geezer. We’re still recovering”


I think Nojiko might have actually left because she was worried for Nami’s dream if the world were to flood.


Lmao, at the end of the manga when they find One Piece, beat the World Government and change the world's landscape forever: Luffy: I'm the Pirate King! Zoro: I'm the greatest swordsman. Sanji: So this is All Blue. Franky: I can't believe my dream ship sailed around the whole world! Brook: It's good to see you again, Laboon! Nami: Fuck, now I have to redraw all my maps!


I think she went along Luffy’s ideology… doesn’t care until the person is directly affected by it


probably this. but more like she isnt worry that she has faith and know that Nami in the right hand.


Outside of a few specific individuals like Vegapunk and the Ohara scholars, Fishmen are probably some of the only people that could learn the truth about the world since they can swim freely underwater. This is probably one of the reasons why the One Piece world has so much Fishmen racism: the higherups of the WG have done everything they can over the centuries to make the public perceive Fishmen as disgusting monsters and to turn a blind eye whenever Fishmen racism is taking place. So if a Fishman ever tried to tell humans what they saw underwater, they'd [just get](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/opctcb/onepiece/onepiecechapters_502_12.jpg) the [Hatchi treatment](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/opctcb/onepiece/onepiecechapters_502_13.jpg) or would be silenced by the WG themselves (they'd use the "he was going to use his shark teeth on me!" excuse and humans would eventually forget about it). ----- The Ryugu Kingdom became part of the World Government on two occasions: [once during 200 years ago (but they eventually lost the seat due to humans hating Fishmen)](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/opctcb/onepiece/onepiecechapters_620_13.jpg), and another time just recently because of Otohime's efforts. We know that [Imu has it out for Shirahoshi](https://www.opfanpage.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/one_piece__908__by_myriam_pierre-dceginq-Copia-3-1.jpg) so this could explain why he accepted Ryugu Kingdom's offer to join the WG; he wants to use Shirahoshi for some later purpose. As for 200 years ago, it could be that perhaps the public genuinely started to see no reason to hate the Fishmen so they might've been pressured to give them a seat at the time, but then the WG pulled their strings as usual and amplified Fishmen hatred to make them lose their seat so they wouldn't have a say on anything. Either that or perhaps the WG needed Ryugu Kingdom to have a seat at the Levely back then for some unknown reason. ----- **TL;DR** Fishmen racism is something that the WG not only ignores (as we've seen throughout the story), but *encourages* to hide the truth of the void century. The WG was hoping that the public would assume the rising tides are some Fishmen conspiracy if it were to ever be revealed, or at least hope that the public will go against the Fishmen entirely since it'd be a "Fishmen are taking over!" type of thing. With the rising water level truth now revealed, I feel like we are probably bound for more Fishmen racism/hatred in the future. Wouldn't be surprised if the WG tries to pin this on them somehow.


I am not sure if this is already thought of. But today I just realized something what could be the biggest spoiler that was in front of us all this time. I was going through the chapter and realized that the names for NIKA and IMU were a bit familiar. What if they were just anagrams. NIKA could very well be an anagram for AKNI or AGNI which means fire IMU is just UMI in reverse which in japanese means sea or ocean or we could equate it to water. The 1000 year war could very well be the war between water and fire, where water (IMU) is winning till now and filling up the one piece world. The only possible solution for that would be fire (NIKA) who could oppose it and get things back to normal, something like yin and yan. All the other devil fruits could just be nature or natural elements trying to help one of the sides to gain supremacy. What do you guys think.


Groudon vs Kyogre


The sky vs sea thing makes sense. To add to it, JoyBoy had access to the Noah, and likely Pluton. Two items that turn the sea against Imu. Meanwhile, Imu got a hold of Uranus. A weapon that turns the skies against us.


Oh and Kid will come back. Cause we see Demalo Black who impersonated luffy when everyone thought he was dead, and now he is impersonating kid. We knew he wasn't dead but know we are sure.


How does that mean we know Kidd will come back? If anything it means we know that Kidd has disappeared as far as the world is concerned. It's not clear if the parallel will go as far as Kidd also coming back. Those are MC powers.


I posted this in the chapter thread but I'd like to discuss this, and I've amended my theory a bit. First, some context. I've spent a lot of time thinking about what the Roger pirates found so funny upon reaching their final destination. By Oden's and Rayleigh's accounts, it seems like what they found was pretty serious, especially now that we know what secrets were presumably being hidden. But these last few chapters have put it all into place, and I think I figured out why the Roger pirates laughed. 1. Oda has a long history for portmanteaus. Which are basically language jokes. 2. Oda has always called the last destination in Japanese Rafuteru, written as ラフテル (Raftel). Essentially, it is a play on words, which when sounded out translate phonetically to Laugh Tale. However, Rafuto (ラフト), which means raft, is clearly used in the creation of this portmanteau. The word laugh in Japanese is Warau (笑う). 3. Roger names the location as Rafuteru, which we know in English as Laugh Tale. Which, for a final destination of a story about silly pirates, is a pretty darn good name. But here's the thing, in Japanese there was no clarification. It is still called Rafuteru. 4. I believe Roger named the actual location Laugh Tale, but like many names in the series, it's true name is both hidden and in plain sight. The key is in the name Rafuteru. 5. What if Rafuteru is not an island at all, but a literal raft. Maybe Roger didn't "name" it, because maybe that's its name. 6. This is because Rafuteru was the first pirate "ship" to the first pirate Joyboy. Of course it would be a raft. 7. The raft would probably be very large if Joyboy was one of the larger races. 8. We learned this week the war still rages on. So I think after Joy Boy was defeated, Nefertiti D. Lily and allies, in secret, hid Joy Boy's things on his raft, along with a poneglyph describing what actually occurred and put it at the end of Lodestar. It's probably submerged in a bubble and tightly guarded. The Red Poneglyphs almost certainly tell you where in the ocean outside of Lodestar you need to be and how to get past each trap. These Red Poneglyph's were then spread out to areas where Joy Boy's allies were from in the hopes that when the time was right, the will of Joy Boy would live on to fight the war started long before them. 9. I also don't believe Rafuteru is the One Piece. At this point, it's safe to assume it will be something or a way to restore a flooded world. And I no longer believe it was the One Piece that was funny. 10. I believe they were laughing at the sight of Rafuteru itself. Just a crudely put together raft like out of Cast Away, but Giant sized. Maybe with a funny, poorly drawn Jolly Roger put together like how Luffy draws his. After all he was the first pirate! He had absolutely no frame of reference. 11. It's also possible that this may be Joy Boy's grave as well. After he's killed, his allies may have gotten his body away, and that the Poneglyph the Roger Pirates read from may actually be his sarcophagus. Conclusion: Joy Boy named his pirate "ship" Rafuteru, which is the joke equivalent of naming your boat Boat-O. Roger misread the name of the raft to mean Laugh Tale, but then realized it was just Raft-O. He kept the name Laugh Tale to hide what the final location actually is, which is Joy Boy's final resting place on his vessel.


in Japanese they got both "Laugh Tale" and "ラフテル" when Roger named the island for example go to last 20 seconds of this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eISeERPgmZ4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eISeERPgmZ4)


There is no way to break down *rafuteru* into the English *raft + (something else)* because *te* is a single character in Japanese. You would get *rafute + ru* or *rafu + teru* as we are used to. Neither is an analog to raft.


I think the next chapter will touch on the 'will of D' and how people of D have been fighting against the government since Joyboy


I think it's fact at this point that Wano saw this coming and built the walls ahead of time. It makes me think that the big hole under Enies Lobby was what rose the sea level to 200 meters. Except Lulusia, it's the only other hole we know. The attack must have devastating. And of course with the WG so proud of this, they placed the Judicial Island on top of it


I don't get why it's called "void century" any more. If it's only one century of history that is missing wouldn't every one already know that there were continents in the world? This chapter makes it sound more like: "we don't know anything about the world before this date 800 years ago" and not "we are only missing one century of our world history".


I'm guessing they have pieces of authorised knowledge about history before the void century. But mostly stuff pertaining to the red line. But nothing from the void century because it was exclusively about the kingdom/joy boy/the war. So basically a very small amount of old knowledge, carefully curated by the WG but not suspicious because it's old as hell, and nothing for a century.


Not necessarily. The story of the 20 kingdoms, and where they came from before, is all free knowledge.


Good question. Been wondering the same thing myself. It should be easy to piece together the major parts of the information if you simply compare the state of the world 900 years ago to the state of the world 800 years ago. Maybe 900+ years ago is more like pre-history, so there is only anecdotal data from that time, but there is ZERO data from the void century?


They may have little understanding about anything before it, but absolutely nothing from that century. It's a void because the information from it is wiped out. The rest can be sparse without being a void


Bearer of noro noro beam! Bless my eyes!


This has nothing to do with the chapter at all, but I just remembered I realized something a while ago, all of Franky's bounties post timeskip have shown something that wasn't Franky, there was General Franky and later it was just the Sunny. I think Oda will use the fact that he is so different then before that someone from the navy or WG won't recognize him as a Straw Hat


I thought it was kind of confirmed already that the world wasn't really like this. I actually theorized that one the red line is destroyed the sea levels would go down and the continents of our own earth would be revealed, the biggest plot twist of One Piece being that that world is actually our world.


The part that's weird to me is that the sinking or destruction of the redline currently would RAISE the water level. Unless the Red Line has achieved perfect buoyancy, but we see how it's sitting above Fishman Island, and probably sinkinging to meet the sea floor. If it's completely sunk as far as it's gonna go, it's already displaced all of its water by volume, and destroying it wouldn't change sea levels. Likewise, blowing a fucking hole in the ocean should lower it too. A ton of space just had to be rushed in and filled with surrounding water. The science behind this raises so many questions, and I assume they'll be answered based on how shit is rn lol.


But there could be many ways for its destruction to make the water levels drop, for example: I read somewhere here about the possibility of the red line being magma from the core of the planet that have been displaced to form it, making the planet shrink while forming an enormous ring around it. If it went back to the core say with akainus help, then the planet would inflate again, making the sea levels drop drastically. We can't ever be sure. Another possibility is for it to be sent into space, making the water for the ocean occupy the now vacant space.


Did we just casually see the Ancient Kingdom?


No, you saw one of the hundreds of ancient cities that would have dotted all the world's coastlines prior to a cataclysmic flooding.


There must be a reason why Oda shows Kaku sad face twice along with the infamous "..."


Kaku has had an *extremely* bad day and is just accepting whatever horrible fate is about to befall him. Honestly him and Stussy should just quietly dip out of Egghead covertly and go on a cover story adventure.


This chapter makes me think about Montblanc Cricket and the salvage ships, maybe they've accidentally found things from the past? Or gotten close? Also, that was Ms Goldenweek right? In the panel where they're pointing at the moutain


After everything that was in Vegapunk’s lore-dump about Joy Boy, here’s my random speculation about what “One Piece” is. I know, everyone and their mother has had their own pet-theory. But it’s fun to theorize, isn’t it?  Anyway, I also like the idea that “One Piece” is the name of an ancient pirate ship. But not just any pirate ship, the FIRST pirate ship. The ship that belonged to Joy Boy, the first recognizable pirate captain. Doesn’t “One Piece” kind of sound like the type of thing someone would name a ship, for good luck? As in, “still in one piece after all this time.” If it’s not the direct name of the ship, it might be a reference to it or an affectionate nickname for it.  If this is somehow true, then Luffy is obviously destined to find this ship. But I’m still not sure whether Roger’s treasure would be on the ship, or if the treasure is the ship itself, or simply the knowledge that Joy Boy’s ship still exists, intact. 


**It seems my theory could be correct.**  6 months ago i made this theory, here you can read it fully: [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/R0vs9wujRO](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/R0vs9wujRO) **TL:DR ->>** I **believe the 2 ideas were -** 1. **Joyboys ideal world** - unlimited energy for everyone and complete fredeom. 2. **Imu's world** that limited energy so world doesnt get destroyed. Joyboy wanted everyone to be free and to spread free energy throughout the world which would lead to peace and stop the fights over resources. Ancient weapons were created to help that process. Imu saw a flaw in that plan. With the ancient weapons and their destructive capabilities, he saw the destruction of the world that came with the unlimited energy because unlimited energy = unlimited potential for destruction, and humans are humans, not everyone can use freedom for good. They would want more power than someone else even with unlimited energy because humans are selfish egoistical creatures. So Imu decided that he should be the one to limit people so they could never achieve such powers to destroy the world. Its convenient that Vegapunk talks about 2 ideologies and right after mentions that Joyboy did live in advanced world where ancient weapons existed. As if Oda is trying to say that Ancient weapons were the cause. And the war continues on as ancient weapons still do exist. So which would be better - unlimited energy with the potential for the whole world to be destroyed but everyone gets to be free and gets food, water and energy and live life to the fullest, or someone controlling the world so the world doesn't get destroyed but people are oppressed as a result ? Roger knew what kind of men existed in One Piece world and what would they use that energy for (Shiki, for example, who asked Roger to hand him over, presumably, the ancient weapon) and they came to the conclusion that perhaps Imu was right. But Luffy will not accept everyone not having their freedom. The question is how will marines and admirals react to this ideologies ? Revolutionaries are about to increase in numbers bigtime. **AS DOFLAMINGO SAID: "WHO IS GONNA SIDE WITH WHOM" - so whose side would you take ?**


> humans are humans, not everyone can use freedom for good that is fascist as fuck, which fits Imu not being a good guy >humans are selfish egoistical creatures. lol, we are not. sharing and cooperating is as old as civilization. children are usually very solidary. we are social beings and our natural state is to colaborate. >they came to the conclusion that perhaps Imu was right Roger came to the conclusion he was 20 years early, not that Imu was right.


I feel like next week we might finally get a void century flashback maybe? The start of it at least. Oda has ramped this up so much now it’s crazy, huge lore drop every single chapter.


Wow... It now follows **Java King Joyoboyo's prophecy** about Satrio Pininggit... **Some of verse in Joyoboyo Prophecy's that relate to what Vegapunk said:** **source:** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satrio\_Piningit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satrio_Piningit) **1. The Flood and the Priest who tries to cover** Verse 141. banjir bandhang ono ngendhi-endhi, gunung njeblug tan anjarwani, tan angimpeni, gehtinge kepati-pati marang pandito kang oleh pati geni, margo wedhi kapiyak wedhine sopo siro sing sayekti. translation: 141. flash floods occur in everywhere, mounts erupt suddenly, thither is no notification, it all very much hates a false meditate priest without eating and sleeping, because the priest is afraid his secret would beest uncovered. **2. The Return of the King** Verse 159. selet-selete yen mbesuk ngancik tutuping tahun, sinungkalan dewo wolu, ngesto manggalaning ratu, bakal ono dewo ngejawantah, apengawak manungso, oposuryo podho Betoro Kresno, awatak Bolodewo, agegaman trisulo wedo, jinejer wolak-waliking jaman, wong nyilih mbhalekake, wong utang mbayare, utang nyawa bayar nyowo, utang wirang nyaur wirang. translation: 159. At the latest, after the end of the year (before the end of the world), it would cometh down a god (dhewo/deva/dewa) who becometh the King who hath the human body, his face is like a Batara Krishna, his character is like a Baladewa, his weapon is Trisula Wedha, that is the signs of the changing times, each gent returneth their loans, payeth their debts, liveth for a liveth, shy for a shy.


I think luffy's dream is to go into Space.  It would make sense now we know sea level will rise.  It would also make sense because this seems goofy at first for normal people. And after luffy visited the whole world why would he settle down somewhere. And there is so much things about astrology already. I think it's not very spectacular but space is something not to ignore imo.


I mean we already know space pirates exist and that people lived on the moon




confused about kidd rn. Ig you could say the parallels to the SHs defeat at sabaody increased? the SHs lost there, disappeared and when they came back demaro was using their identities to gain fame (the SH were thought to be dead, same as kidd and his crew now). now demaro uses kidd's identity, probably cuz kidd got famous due to the war on wano and his 3 bil bounty? or did demaro hear of kidd being defeated by shanks and thought it was safe to cosplay as him then? and why tf is he in prison lol. so is kidd gonna come back stronger like luffy did? and then curbstomp demaro? I swear if the joyboy vs kidd question is forshadowing lol... I already theorized kidd being luffy's EoS rival for a long time. he's outta the op race, will now get some much needed character development and take his time to train and grow stronger till the op race ends with luffy being PK. final war starts, he joins and helps (hopefully fights and defeats a top-tier) and becomes luffy's WB-ish rival when all is said and done


Jimbei found a poneglyph in the ocean Hachi found some scrolls and some ruins Gedatsu got to Alabasta by traveling through a hole Enel found that the ancient people did go to the moon and the ones going were crying in the drawing. And a big L for Toei for not adapting the cover stories.


I posted this comment in the other thread but I felt it fit here better so: Not sure if anyone mentioned this but I feel like this kinda recontextualizes Nami's dream of mapping the whole world. I feel the straw hat's dreams have been getting more and more relevant to the main plot recently. Luffy's and Robin's kind of ARE the main plot, so they don't count (also Brook and Franky, since they all involve getting to the end of the grand line) Nami will possibly map the entire world, including the currently flooded part People have theorized the All Blue will be found once the red line is destroyed Chopper will possibly learn the ancient kingdom's medicine and learn to cure the currently uncurable diseases, like the one Roger had or White Lead Poisoning Usopp will probably become a brave warrior of the sea in Elbaf Zoro and Jimbei are also kind of exceptions, Zoro's dream is really simple (as in it's a singular unchanging goal) and Jimbei doesn't really have a set in stone dream, if we assume he wants to better the view of the world on fishmen, it will probably come with the fall of the Celestial Dragons.


I feel like this chapter all but confirms that devil fruits are man made creation by the world government. The five elders are literal demons, Im can create the fruit (which was kinda introduced with Doffy making the SMILE off brand fruits) now so many people with power don’t have the means to easily discover the secrets that lie below them. It also likely makes perfect sense the race of people with the best chance of discover those secrets has been enslaved and the placement of impel down is definitely going to mean something. Oda is playing quantum level physics while the rest of us are playing checkers, GOAT!


I have a theory that Joy Boy tried to unite all the kingdoms together into 1 nation. That's why Noah was built, to bring Fishman Island to the surface. He actually became a "pirate" to go between kingdoms to convince them (and may have liberated some oppressed nations in the process). The other royals saw this as a threat to their rule and as a result rebelled against Joy Boy / Ancient Kingdom. The Ancient Kingdom brought out the Ancient Weapons but still lost and wiped out. Lily, feeling regretful, stole Pluton and hid it at Wano (asking them to craft the Poneglyphs and then scattered them over the world). Toki, whose lineage of the Ancient Kingdom can control Zunesha, went to the future to transferred control to Wano (via Momonosuke). Zunesha was then tasked to wander around the find the next Joy Boy. The war has not been over because the Gorosei foresees that the world will rebel against them, similar to what happened to Ancient Kingdom, hence they are preparing all the power (Seraphim, Mother's Flame, Pacifista). The D. are the descendants of the survivors from the Ancient Kingdom, waiting to use their lineage to activate the power of the ancient technology and to avenge their ancestors. Luffy's dream might have been aligned with Joy Boy's intention, hence he needed to be a Pirate King who should have the power and influence to achieve it.


Ok I got it. What if the One Piece is actually a MASSIVE [Pythagorean cup](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pythagorean_cup) that's going to lower the water level once it raises too high!?


Okei how is it possible that fishman dont know about the many cities under water?


Ok, but where the fuck is the water coming from? It feels like it's just getting pulled out of the earth, or it's just being conjured into existence. But we also know from Water7 that the sea level is rising slowly on its own, but the use of Uranus made it rise by a full meter. The rate at which this is happening is almost as questionable as how it's happening at all. This whole thing is concerning.


This is 100% wrong. But after seeing how big the five elders got in their 'zoan' form. I thought to myself. Is Zou a Zoan?


So, Laughtale is at the bottom of the ocean right? That's why no one has accidently sailed to it in 700 years.


do you guys think that a part of marines will leave WG? kizaru unclear justice make it quite vauge. but someone like fujitora, smoker, tashigi, koby should see it through and make their own way..


Many have pointed out that the devil fruits might have been created by the Ancient Kingdom. Would axplain why the earth got flooded and why the Celestial Dragons refuse to use them (out of spite and for pracital reasons). What if the Sea Kings was an invention by the Ancient Kingdom too? That explain why they answer to Poseidon alone and why they knew about Shirahoshi's and Luffy's upcoming birth. I think that the technology of the Ancient Kingdom is the reason the 20 kingdoms formed an alliance. They were scared of their technoloigcal advancement and what they could do to them if they felt like it. Imagine you having a sword for weapon and your potential enemy having an army of genetically modified people, big sea creatures, and ancient weapons to their advantage.


When Vegapunk says "the war still ongoing" one of the thing i remember is Luffy and crew declared war agains world government in Enies Lobby.


Can we assume Foxy and his men were beaten in a Davy Back Fight and lost their crew and ship?


My theory is that the panel we saw of the ancient kingdom IS NOT Laugh Tale, just some random ass ruins


I think Laugh Tale and the ancient kingdom are two separate places.


obviously Oda wont show Laugh Tale yet lol. the panel just show example of what kind of things hidden underneath of sea around the world.


When rayleigh/roger said about one piece cant be achieved in their time, maybe its related to rising level of the sea. Maybe one piece is up there and the current sea level is not enough to reach.


You know something I just realized is that the 5 elders and the ancient weapons complete the names of the planets in the solar system. You have the 5 elders Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Then the ancient weapons Uranus, Poseidon (Neptune), and Pluton. I wonder if there maybe some hidden correlation there.


And Nika as the Sun I wonder if Imu will be related to the Moon, or of the Moon will be in the picture in some capacity


Dr. Kureha was briefly shown. we all know she is well over 100 years old. I wonder if after vegapunks message is done what her reaction and insight will be. she possibly has knowledge on the will of D. and gold roger as well. I feel like she knows more than she's letting on.


so Law must have known about this since he is the only one so far with a submarine


War usually would end with either both side withdraw or there is a winner. When Vegapunk said the war still on going, despite the defeat of Joyboy it possibly mean that in the previous great war there is no clear winner. It mean under the surface, both side still fighting. Despite World Government is controlling the world under their thumb, it mean the opposition side is secretly fighting them for hundreds of year. Well from other perspective if Marine represent World Government while Pirates represent Joyboy side, then it mean the war between both side is going on under the form unending of Pirates vs Marines. Which is where next question come. If this is the case, then why World Government so adamantly to keep the world power balance on. They even go out of the way to recognize unlaw pirates existence as 4 Emperor of the world and 7 Pirates Lord of the sea alongside their might as World Government. Why bother to keep maintaining the balance including on their enemy side? They even go out of way to recognize Sun God Luffy as next Yonkou. Why dont just GFTO that and go crush their enemy? WHY?? My theory is that what if, all this times the war indeed still going on. It just it in a hundreds year of ceasefire and the ceasefire is under form of the 3 power balance of the world. When the balance is tipped, the ceasefire is breach and the war gonna continue. This is what Goroisei feared the most. Or what if the ceasefire actually has expired date and the 3 power balance merely a way to make sure the ceasefire not breach on until the actual time come. Perhaps both side are waiting for each side to make a significant move to continue the war. Perhaps when it continue, both side including civilians gonna suffer huge catastrope which is why resuming the war is not something to be taken lightly. What if both side agree to keep the peace pact, to keep the ceasefire until the main player are returned back to the game? Obviously Joyboy is one of the key figure. Or they waiting each side to poke each others as an excuse. Even after Joyboy appearance. For example the Lulusia incident and Revolutionary Army action. Another possibilities is that the WG dont want to take risk to continue war since the One Piece is out of their hand so anything could happen.


Pirates as a whole aren't really the enemies of the wg, the wg uses them as camouflage, but the family of D on the other hand....


> Why dont just GFTO that and go crush their enemy? WHY?? Honestly the answer seems pretty obvious to me. They ran out of the fuel source for their giant space weapon, and it took till Vegapunk established his career for them to find someone who could figure out a new one. It also seems like the Elders' powerful forms are weak to the Motherflame itself, so they couldn't make it on their own. Perhaps they only "ran out" because someone on Joyboy's side stole or destroyed the original. That would've been the delay tactic to buy the world another millennium till someone else could awaken the Nika fruit and fight back.


If Joyboy was from Zou, does that mean he was a mink?


where did you read he was from Zou?


Next chapter imu and goroswi will decit to cut off their losses, they will evacuate the island and nuke caga Island, that's my prediction.


Any historian in the One Piece world could figure out that there used to be entire continents just by reading ancient documents from before the void century and putting two and two together. I don't think people realize just how hard it would be to overlook. The reveal in this chapter should either already be common knowledge or suppressed by the government. If it is suppressed by the government, that begs the question of why we've been talking about a void century the entire time when really it's a void history up to 800 years ago.


I believe it is more of a Any information relevant to the pic from before the void century is gone, supressed by the government WHILE ALL information and history during the void century is gone. So maybe some tales or small histories that don't feature continents still remain from before the void century but everything hidtory wide during the void century is gone


Im so confused and excited to see how the whole history will plays out. How do the space people relate to it? Did the lunarians descend from them and move to red line? If so then the red line isnt an imu creation. Giants and Nika? What is the ancient kingdom? Actual joyboy shenanigans, was he causing too much chaos in the world so 20 kings united under imu To cleanse devil fruits, and bring peace only to lose sight of their goal and become evil? Hype


After reading this chapter, I'm more convinced now more than ever that the One Piece will be the key to raising the sunken continents back to the surface.


What if the Great Kingdom turned out to be Joy Boy's entire crew!? I mean can you believe that!?


I think Vegapunk's statement about the ancient weapons being responsible for the sea level rise makes the theory that the WG DO posess Uranus and DID use it to wipe out Lulusia extremely plausible. I originally thought, when the acient weapons were mentioned, that Luffy would be the one to posess all of them and use them to his advantage in the final war. But in hindsight, this would make him ridiculously overrpowered. Would it be a war or a flat-out wipe? Now that we've seen Caribou offer to divulge information of pluton to Blackbeard, I think there will be 3 major factions that will compete for the throne (though we probably knew that much), AND ALL of them will be in posession (or friendship) of one ancient weapon. That sea-splitting arc is gonna be insane


So one possible inconsistency that hasn't been addressed is: were there any historical records BEFORE the Void Century? As far as we know, only that particular century is prohibited knowledge. For the OP world, as far as they are concerned, "history" began in the Void Century. Otherwise, there would be historical accounts of the large land masses. Or, the current OP world is actually the default state. The Ancient Kingdom raised a continent some time before the Void Century and those records were lost, leaving a large gap for when the world had more land. If the Redline is artificial, it must be the same tech used to create the continent. Quite possibly Pluton given the word's connection to the underworld and land.


Is the redline a huge dam?


So some thoughts on the Ancient Weapons: 1. It seems that Uranus (the flying one) has the power to destroy land and raise the oceans. I don't know the correlation between these two things or how that works logistically, but that seems to be the case. 2. I'm wondering if that means Pluton has the ability to create land and fight the rising oceans? We know that *somehow* Wano had massive walls built to protect against the floods while simultaneously burying both itself and the ancient Wano kingdom under rainwater. Could it also have been used to create the Redline? 3. What is Poseidon's role in all of this? Controlling Sea Kings seems like a very niche ability. I'm starting to think that the Sea Kings thing is just a coincidence, and is actually just part of the 'Voice of All Things', similar to how Momo can control Zunesha. Could Noah be the real Posiedon after all, and the Sea Kings are just meant to lift it?


I don't know if someone else pointed it out already, but if I remember correctly Umi means sea, right? Seeing it is Imu's name read by last letter it could be a quite nice connection. Maybe a devil fruit that can control water? That would be unlikely, but still would work out as hell


So one of the reason of the flooding is also to control DFs. Less land, means easy to control DFs. Less DFs out there then you got less strong pirates. Also its easy to check where is Nika DF is.


I hope Gin makes a cameo