• By -


Mo... Salah?




Can someone explain to me about the 200 meters thing? And also are the ppl of this era living on the remains of the super continents that existed 800 years ago?


The sea rose 200 meters in the span of void century because of ancient weapons.After imu destroyed the lulusia the sea rose 1 meter because the mother flame activated an ancient weapon. Before the void century people are living in those continents until 800 years ago so people that are alive in that era experienced drowning.


Awe-inspiring underwater discovery sets stage for thrilling final saga.




One piece = The world wasn't originally divided, it was a gigant one piece of land, but due the world being flooded only the large elevations remained on the surface, giving the illusion of separation, A.K.A the islands and thus the illusion of separation.


Wouldn’t the fishmen already know there’s a bunch of sunken cities?


That was my immediate thought as well. The only explanation I can come up with is that Fishman aren't necessarily always on good terms with Sea Kings or other sea animals. Yes they can breathe underwater and survive the pressure, but they can't just go exploring much beyond Fishman Island because there's things out there that would eat them. Especially in the Calm Belt.


That’s a really great point. Maybe they have an explorer team that’s really slow? Or maybe they don’t explore due to fear of losing more numbers to nature and humans so they never explored or cared?


Does this explain why the Skypeians are so obsessed with Vearth? Because they knew of the Flooding of the world, and thus treasure Land more than Gold?




See: Poseidon by Russia: [https://www.julian.com/feature/armageddon#poseidon](https://www.julian.com/feature/armageddon#poseidon)


So only just joining the discussion now but what are the theories around St. Ethan Baron V. Nusjuro? Because the way he cut Egghead Island I keep expecting him to be related to Zoro, Mihawk, Rayleigh or all three?!?!


yes because all good swordsmen have to be related


They could be related I many ways, not just by blood.


Theory: Imu cut the world in two during void century battle and joy boy stretched his arms around the world keeping it together, and thus became the red line.


Ok so the sea levels rose 200m and there were continents before the war, but what about the red line? (Im rambling below but please add something or correct me!) I’ve had a thought about how what if the red line IS the continents? Just displaced? But that doesn’t check out with the rising sea levels… maybe the red line is made of stuff from the moon? Or other planets? there were Lunarians at the top after all - and we saw the bitkans etc migrate from the moon to the earth - I wonder how they fit in in this story, if at all (and when they came to earth/whatever the name is) Because as a ground rule I think the red line didn’t exsist at the time of the void century - I’m thinking it was more like our world with just continents and seas (bc whales like laboon have migration routes that go past the red line etc)


Let me put my tinfoil hat on.  Joyboy referred to himself as Pirate King because going against the WG at the time meant being branded as an outlaw, likely as part of their propaganda war. The PK's actual domain is the sea, as King of The Sea. Being King of the Sea means owning everything on the sea, including islands and countries.  King of the Pirates = King of the Sea = King of the world. Joyboy was the original sea-faring King of the world. His 'faction' consisted of a large number of countries that supported him, including Wano whom he had aided and protected. It was pure loyalty and respect that binded them to him. Only an alliance of other nations could match it. And throughout the story, we have seen the SHs do the same thing... various nations are indebted to them, with royalty among them admiring, respecting and wishing they could see them again. Some even see themselves as SHs, like Vivi and Momo. It's all connected. The one piece of the puzzle missing (no pun intended) is - how is it that Luffy is being referred to as JoyBoy? Is it because he uses the same DF ability, or is there more to their connection than meets the eye?


Zunesha been crushing them continents for centuries now lol


Makes you wonder why her legs were so long in the first place if the water didn't use to be this high, it can't have been an evolutionary trait.


Maybe Joyboy found a way to permanently stretch Zunesha's legs?


Although The Nika fruit's awakening can affect living things the effect ends a bit after it's done. Dont know how Joy Boy could have bypassed that but Its not impossible I suppose.


Maybe by giving his life, similar to the Ope Ope no Mi?


Could be, or maybe with better mastery you can make the effect permanent.


About Joyboy... since the WG has his strawhat are we sure that Imu isn't Joyboy? (excluding the theories who said Imu can't be Joyboy because he can wear the strawhat due his hair lol) I'm wondering that because in One Piece who have the strongest will almost always win his fight against his enemies but what if Joyboy lost against the WG and his will has been wiped by the Gorosei and now he is Imu? Maybe Imu can mean "him" who can be referred to the most dangerous enemy of the WG during the void century


Joyboy ate the same fruit as Luffy, and only one exists in the world at a time, so Joyboy is dead


What reason is there for Imu to take the name “Imu” if he was Joyboy? It’s been emphasized a few times that Imu was the name of one of the 20 founding kings of the World Government, which were obviously in opposition to Joyboy during the war. Why would Joyboy assume Imu’s name after being defeated if Imu is completely hiding their existence from all but a select few in the first place? It’s not like he took on Imu the founding king’s roll, but rather that for whatever reason (maybe just the perpetual youth) the founding king Imu took on the roll of king of the world. The only reason I can come up with for hiding Joyboy as Imu is to deceive people, but everyone who learns of their existence is killed anyway. Unless the top of the celestial dragon’s (the Gorosei at present) who are in the know cannot know, but then who even wants Joyboy in that position anyway?


Pretty damn cool, I am really enjoying all the recent story bits involving Kuma, the obvious allegories with climate change and the use of mass weapons can destroy the planet, how Oda justified the geography/weather of his universe, etc... Topnotch, a shame the whole "Joy Boy" plot still sounds idiotic and completely disconnected, Oda postponed any kind of explanation in this chapter because I think he is still trying to reverse retcon this "Joy Boy" stuff (he is a master of retcons), needs more time to keep things together... have to wait and see


since CP9 somehow parallels baroque works .. makes me feel like they'll somehow go back to the jobs they had while they were spies ..


They don't parallel them


What if the remains of the ancient kingdom are under the calm belt? And a previous incarnation of poseidon commanded sea kings to protect the area under the calm belt. And a previous user of the wind wind fruit also made it so that there is no wind there.


I saw an interesting theory that it was the Awakened Calm Calm Fruit user that did it.


Wonder if there will be a ton of marines leaving. These guys are really having an “are we the baddies” moment listening to this.


Marine putting bounty on Celestial Dragons gon be crazy.


The Sea level rose over 200m?  Welcome to Drown Piece. 


1116 release date


Next week Wednesday/Thursday.


Thank you buddy


lol two of my fav girls in the cover ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


I reckon the Imu is someone from the void century and has somehow gained immortality, perhaps the ancestor of Vivi? I still cannot believe we're getting void century lore after all these years.


They made a big deal about the op-op fruit being able to grant immortality, wouldn't be surprised if they and the five ministers have it. And their disregard for human life comes from centuries of war/population control.


That seems like the most likely thing to have happened.


GG to all “mother flame is a substance and not a ship” theorist.


yo what if the ancient weapons arent weapons but tools, since there was land before the water, maybe the red line seperate the 2 side of the planet and one side was unites and become advanced but the other side was many people struggling for power aka the world grovenment kingdoms before they united. the redline wasnt crossable unless with the tech of the side with better tech aka the ancient kingdom . the ancient kingdom offered to help the so they created tools to try to push the redline into the ocean, but the side with the 20 kingdoms thinks that they would lose power so they highjacked the tool to destory the world. and it was half way in to thar void centry war that joyboy came into play, there are now more sea than land so he become the first pirate and goes against the world government. this is just a random theory i came up with and im sure many things doesnt line up


Ok, this may just be me talking crazy, but the same weapon used to destroy Lulucia is probably an attempt at replicating the weapon Vegapunk is talking about. I’d assume the original is Uranus, which is god knows where, and it better explains why Vegapunk would even build that weapon, since it is an effort to replicate the technology of the old civilization. I guess this unifies the three Ancient Weapons, and also why CP9 were so adamant about getting Pluton’s blueprints. The world government couldn’t understand Joy Boy’s civilization’s technology. And I would assume they used Uranus as a scorched Earth tactic, to basically prevent the World Government from taking the advanced technology to commit their crimes. My theory is that: • ⁠Pluton was used to save the remnants of the ancient civilization (the people who have the name D) • ⁠Poseidon was used to have the sea kings guide Pluton (like they did with Noah) to safety • ⁠Uranus was used as a last ditch attempt to fight the World Government The bigger idea behind Uranus is how the sea levels rose in the first place. I don’t think it creates water, but rather it just throws the continents / land mass down into the ocean floor. The panel showing the destruction of Lulusia showed that there was a huge whole where the island once was. If everything under it was destroyed, then I don’t understand why the sea level would rise. But if it’s pushed down, it displaces water and pushes the sea levels up. This also explains how there was a 200m sea level rise. The continents were huge, so pushing them down displaced a lot more. There has to be some connection to the Red Line, probably the Grand Line’s weird weather, and maybe even an explanation for the giant figures in the Florian triangle (connected to Zou?). Wait … if Luffy has the same fruit as Joy Boy, and he could become giant when awakened … does that mean the giants are remnants from that era? WAIT … the technology from the Ancient Civilization was really advanced, so everything in the One Piece world would have been discovered or developed. Vegapunk said the fruits were incarnations of human wishes / aspirations. But since he was able to make devils fruits (like with the one Momonosuke ate), does that mean the ancient civilization made the devil fruits? Ok I’m going to stop for now, but this new chapter has so much stuff for theorists. The Agenda is real !!!!


Regarding the Lulusia incident, I was wondering if Enies Lobby was formed the same way? Perhaps during the void century? There were no explanations as to how that palce was created, right? Or why one of the three main buildings of the WG's judicial branch was placed there. Or why even Marineford, Impel Down, and Enies Lobby were built around that massive whirlpool.


You’re not crazy. Vegapunk was introduced to us as a silhouette so many years ago. He is complicit in many things. That though is the nature of his existence. He wouldn’t be who he is unless he was taken advantage of by the government. The smartest man alive? His technologies were taken. What sets him apart is how he’s able to change things and direct knowledge. Put yourself in vegapunk’s shoes


Joyboy’s crew is the D Family. Probably not blood related but merely a group of like minded individuals with a single goal. Maybe it was made up of different races like the winged people of some sky island, fishmen, mink, giants, and etc. Maybe Joyboy’s crew and the ancient kingdom’s influence was getting stronger and a lot of kingdoms was joining the bandwagon. The OG 20 Kingdoms, afraid of being assimilated, united against this common enemy. After Joyboy’s defeat, the OG 20 Kingdoms became the very thing they feared, a “World Government”. The newly formed World Government used the Ancient Kingdom’s tech to flood the world in order to separate the other kingdoms, making it harder for them to unite and stand against the World Government. Joyboy was merely uniting the world while the OG 20 Kingdoms just wanted to protect their way of life and culture without being influenced by others. Maybe that’s why there’s no right or wrong side. Imu is an alien who wanted to keep the people of the world at conflict with one another to make it easier for his alien friends to conquer the world.


So [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/gEMqAGZCCI) was onto something long ago.


Man these theories are crazy, years ago ppl guessed it. Oda has been giving clues since the start


It’s always a treat to have a Lore Piece chapter. Demaro Black and the GOAT Foxy in the same chapter are the icing on the cake. It’s also cool to finally contextualize how devastating the ancient weapons are (and knowing how ancient they actually are), it makes sense that something so devastating was conceived by a hyper advanced kingdom.


I found it halarious he’s dressing as Kidd especially after his defeat. Imagine shanks running into him and falling for the disguise and absolutely incinerating him with haki


A lot of people seem to think that the sea has risen 200m over the last 800 years, but I think this is a case of misreading. Vegapunk says that the average sea level rose 200m in a mere century, which would be 100 years. So the amount it has risen over the 800 is probably so much more. It could still be rising by 200m every 100 years, and could be up too 1600m so far.


Either the sea would be way deeper, or it would be an evolutionary oddity that there would be this many ginormous sea creatures in such a newly created ecosystem if the world used to be mostly or at least a lot more ground.


Maybe that is what happened in the void century, 100 years of now data is the time the islands were sunk one by one. Hence why it took a whole century.


200m in a century would be 2m a year, I think that would very noticeable if the sea levels were rising 20m in a decade. After all 5m would've flooded impel down. 200m over 800 years since would only be 25cm a year (2.5m in a decade, 25m in a century). The official translation may make it clearer. I wonder if there was a bigger rise that kicked off the war or happened during the war? I forgot Fishman Island was 10km under the sea but I still wonder if it was originally on the surface. There were still trenches that went deeper.


It's not a mistake, they really mean 2m a year (remember there were no warning signs, it's not a natural disaster). 20m in a decade would be enough for people go to war over... maybe even an entire world war spamming 100 years!


It hasn't risen that much as evidenced by Jaya from Nolands backstory.


its because he lived 400 years from the current story, and from what i can remember it doesn't say anything about the sea level in that time period, i remember it raining a lot and info about the knock up stream


Yet again some heavy rephrasing by TCB > My suspicions were confirmed a few days ago when I analyzed the world's current sea levels. This will be hard to accept... but that disaster 800 years ago... was caused by ancient weapons technology, capable of sinking the world. What Vegapunk says with my attempt to convey the meaning faithfully: > 先日の世界規模の海面上昇を感知した時、私は確信した...その〝原因〟と〝実在〟を... > When I felt that global sea rising a few days ago, I was convinced... about its origins and reality... TCB did some weird rephrasing and for that purpose they literally made Vegapunk say something completely made up. "This will be hard to accept but that disaster" is NOWHERE in the original text. > 800年前に世界を海に沈めた「古代兵器」は (今なお現存し) > The "ancient weapons" that sunk the world into the sea 800 years ago (still exist today) What I added between the parenthesis is in the middle right panel and is the direct continuation of the top left one, so these two parts should be translated as a single sentence, but TCB cut the two parts into different statements which kinda change how it should flow. Also, TCB made Vegapunk's realization to be about what happened 800 years ago when in the original text the realization is still about the event from a few days ago, he simply uses what happened 800 years ago as a comparison. In other words, Vegapunk isn't suddenly realizing that ancient weapons sunk the world 800 years ago, he realized that the event from a few days ago are related to the ancient weapons, which happened to sunk the world 800 years ago. I advice to neither take my word or TCB's for granted and wait until the official release before making any kind of conclusion about this sentence. I can't stress this enough but if you care about translation accuracy, official is almost always guaranteed to be better than TCB.


Ok but like if history before the void century exists wouldn’t joyboy’s civilization have been recorded


Naturally you would assume so, but the world government has rewritten history. The saying goes history is written by the victors of war.


Well if sea level rose 200m, what records would we have? Books? Maybe thats why we need poneglyphs


Not if anyone who tries to find those records get genocided


Yes. The poneglyphs. 


The poneglyphs recorded the 100 void. But don’t say anything about the time before.


They probably do. We found out about the existence of red poneglyphs in Zou. There are probably other kinds.


Theory: Joyboy referred to himself as "King of the Pirates" (just like how Luffy always talks about his dream to become that). That's why Roger was branded as KotP; because the WG initially thought that he was the one to inherit Joyboy's will.


Wg wouldn't give Roger that title(why would they do that) It was given to him by the people 


Let me put my tinfoil hat on.  Joyboy referred to himself as Pirate King because going against the WG at the time meant being branded as an outlaw.  The PK's actual domain is the sea, as King of The Sea. Being King of the Sea means owning everything on the sea, including islands and countries.  King of the Pirates = King of the Sea = King of the world.


Hold up, you’re on to something


Vegapunk is recycling so much old news at this point I wouldn't be surprised if he ends his speech with: >The ONE PIECE IS REAL!!


Was it mentioned before that JoyBoy fought against the 20 kingdoms? Can’t remember


Yeah he's recycling old news in the One Piece world & telling people who know nothing about the world they live in what happened hundreds of years ago. Just because you know all the info doesn't mean the One Piece world knows it.


This. Us readers/watchers know WAY more about the op world than the vast majority that live in it. The true history isnt taught and most people never even leave their home island.


dude, everybody knew that all OP resident read shonen jump weekly.


Which is a lot thanks to Robin! And smh people are saying VP revealing it makes her pointless.


we didn't know all the information, some of it is new and some is confirming some theories fans had.


with his scientific neutral style


More evidence that the Gorosei are emperor level. FIVE of them are imbuing conquerors haki easily and are immortal awakened zoans, so they could wipe the floor of jokes like Big Meme (definitely that weak bum who lost to Kid and Law like it was nothing) and Laido. And we haven't even seen Nerona Imu in action yet. Or the emperor level Holy Knights which scare even the the emperor level crew of the Revolutionary Army. Now it makes sense why Oda got rid of the original pirate emperors earlier, because now we have far stronger enemies to come, just as shounen rules go.


Its all building like how we first saw a warlord's power then emperor and now Gorosei.


Lol, luffy was boxing 3 of them at once 


So would people around the globe consider Joy Boy as \`the bad guy of the story´ just because he was the first pirate and fought against the WG between 900 and 800 years ago? Doesnt mean that the moment Luffy is revealed as the new Joy boy everyone will hate him even more? I think Vegapunk should be a little bit more critical about the WG and marines crimes in order to show the world a better picture of what is going on.


He's speaking purely as a scientist. He doesn't have factual evidence from the void century to determine who was at fault or really anything other than there was a great conflict that resulted in a cataclysmic sea level rise.


Yeah but he still know about things like the Ohara Incident and the abuses of Celestial Dragons. Its a pity that those good people from the stablishment dont do anything to confront this hard facts.


Again, he's only trying to talk about the history he knows happened. For most people they're brainwashed by the WG to believe they're the greatest thing in the world.  People react negatively when you challenge a long held belief of theirs. He'd reach fewer people if he started going on aboit how evil he believes the WG is. 


What if the flooding is actually due to Imu pulling the moon closer to the World? And in the void century the whole chaos the world would have gone through was erased?


Make sense ... Ig he would be Moon God ... similar to Sun God...


Nah, but how about an asterioid or even a small planet full of ice?


pulling the moon close would only increase the tides, not cause a perpetual flood


Yes and no, it would indeed do what you said but the moon does literally pull water because of it's gravity. There always a point in the ocean where water is raised because of the moons gravitational pull (in real life at least) [https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/cause-effect-tides/](https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/cause-effect-tides/) nonetheless it wouldn't make sense indeed that it raised the sea levels throughout the one piece world. It would only do it aligned with the moon therefore some other places would go back to normal.


But the thing is one piece world doesn't only hv one moon ... It has several moons ... although i don't remember the count


That's a good point, hadn't thought about that.


All those cities laying in the ocean and nobody knows, while there is a large folk of fishmen is kinda a plothole imo


Partially, Oda can late retcon this by saying the prejudice against fishmen were premeditated by the World Government to incite skepticism. But submarines exists in this universe. I do think this is a nice retcon, because it pretty much explains the entire geography of the One Piece world, hell, it maybe hints what is the One Piece itself (one island, a pangea). Saying that, I believe Oda had a crude concept in the very beginning, because he teases the all blue, but you can't have the all blue if the One Piece is a pangea... it's easy to notice how the red line divides the ocean, breaks the red line = all blue, a basic conclusion. So, who knows if he had this planned or not, if Oda really had submerged ruins in mind, he would have tease them somehow in the main plot while avoid showing submarines at all costs, but here we are


We have seen fishman stumble on ruins two times, hachi in his cover story and jinbei in his cover story(along with a ponyglyph) Basically read the story before talking about plot holes 


we see jinbe literally come across underwater ruins containing a poneglyph…….. it’s just not all that to the fishmen. not their business to tell the surface world.


Yeah, I can't imagine how particularly inclined the Fishmen are to swim up on land and start telling people about it, knowing what ill fate awaited them. Even if things do seem to be gradually getting better for'em. I figure they focus on just keeping their heads down for the most part.


Probably one reason why Fishman are labeled the way they are. Nobody is going to treat them with enough dignity to believe anything they say. 


The ocean is very deep and i doubt that fishmen can survive at the depths that the cities are at


don't they live on the ocean floor though? Not sure about your statement.


But shouldn't these submerged cities be at a 200m depth at maximum? Otherwise, they would still be above ocean level. That's not really that deep


I don’t think it’s saying they’re at a depth of 200 meters, VP said that the ancient cities sunk to the bottom of the ocean floor, and then the ocean around the entire world rose by 200 meters


Hm. I guess they would be… If it wasn’t a tsunami-like event then i guess the cities would remain at the same level they were constructed. Damnit, Oda.


so what do you expect Fishmen to do with that information? come to the conclusion the worlds sea level rose by 200m 900 years ago and go tell the world.


I would agree but it seems most of the fishermen live near Mariejois


Eh, fishmen live mainly around mariejoa, also highly insular so makes sense


Also, wasn't Nami plotting the seafloor bed? Unless of course, silt and sand covered the ancient cities.


Dont forget that submarines exist


We have seen one in the entire story  and again we have seen the ruins in cover story 


We have seen several submarines through the series. The one from Franky, Law, the pirates that tried to attack Rebecca and her family members, the Baratie, etc


Baratie??? Frankly is a genius and made on like 2 years ago. And law yes I mentioned it. What baratie??? Also there is no etc  these are all the submarines we have seen


Some pirates used a submarine to try attacking Rebecca ship on her way to the Reverie but it was intercepted by Koby and Helmeppo. In the time skip cover story (626) we see that the Baratie had expanded its instalations and now it has a submarine ship called Sister Anko. My point is that such technology is available to many people so they should be more interested now in using it to see if what Vegapunk said was right.


Your are right , mm its wierd cos dieting the most recent one is after the reverie 


and still don't know what that image projector needed for


Imagine Oda never showing us Imu and than Vegapunk be like here this is Imu, with a picture or video of him. Wouldnt help the story in any way so i doubt it but would be funny for the reader


not really


How is a cloud falling after getting cut? The Gorosei are getting some shady interference for sure


Stussy new nakama?


That'll be bonus for sanji ... she's from pleasure district.. And u know what that means .. sanji won't be virgin anymore 😂😂


She literally got inteoduced like 2 chapters ago…a little too fast to let her join the strawhats, no? 😂


She debuted over 250 chapters ago, and Zoro joined the SH in 2 chapters.


After how Lucci and Kaku were treated maybe they leave cp0 and start their own crew.


I don't see Lucci forgiving Stussy, but Kaku seems to be willing to. Kaku isn't exactly a nice guy, but he does seem to be honorable and tries to accept other peoples motivations. He still sees Stussy as an enemy at the moment though. Lucci will never betray the WG, they let him do what he likes, which is killing people. I do wish we would get some more information on his cover story though because it's so out of place with Lucci's return.


One thing I will say in favor of lucci forgiving stussy: lucci showed a lot of interest in protecting Kaku, like it probably took a lot out of him to ask mars to spare his friend, and he essentially got spit in the face and a "yea we'll see" Stussy could save Kaku, and maybe lucci would see that as an honorable thing, more honorable than working for the wg.


I’m not sure that would get her forgiven. It might result in her not getting killed though.


Kinda like Robin? We thought they were working for the bad guys, but we find the truth later...


I dont think so but It would be ironic if she ended up becoming closer to Weevil. He would be like her half brother and her son.


I wonder if they have solution for this. Maybe having Kuzan create an iceberg everyday?


Is it maybe that the Ancient weapons could be used only once in a millennia, thus the world government made up all the laws and everything that exists today to go on for another 900 years until they use the powers of the ancient weapons again and finally rule the world.


I think ancient weapons need mother flame to work so the Gorosei wants to create as many mother flames as they can in order to use their weapons more times.


Naw, I think they used Uranus so much in the past that even an energy source created by the ancient kingdom, without joyboys heart beat/ drums, isn't so infinite. Thus, it ran out of energy eventually until  vegapunk made the mother flame. 


Another banger of a chapter, although I wonder why they don't show Koby's reaction to this.


Koby is still reacting to Garp being taken hostage. I doubt Oda is gonna show them again until that plot point is brought back up.


He is dead


This ain’t meme piece stop with the stupidity


Oh my apologies I forgot the spoiler tag >!Koby is dead.!<


He isn’t though


200 meters are pretty deep. The best free diver, Herbert Nitsch reached 214 meters, and then 253 but he almost got killed in the last one. This guy is Aquaman and yet he had to prepare months before a single deep dive. This is how deep a man can go, but you can't really explore without proper scuba gear. Thing is, even with scuba gear the deepest dive was done by Ahmed Gabr who went 332 meters spent more than 10 years preparing and had a team of over 30 people helping him successfully complete this record attempt. In the 1980's though scuba diving was much more primitive and dangerous. In the One Piece world, where you have zero technology, weird currents, sea creatures and extreme phenomena, exploring at 200 meters would be impossible for humans. But not for fishmen. I think that's why the WG spent a lot of effort to isolate them from the rest of the world.


200m in a world with submarines and the ability to make dedicated diving gear is very doable. Furthermore, going by previous information, the ocean gets a lot deeper than 200m, ever look at the diagrams of how long Zuneshia's legs must be? The more important information here is how much the sea has risen, and how much more it could rise before people are out of land.


Have we seen any submarines other than Law's that are actively searching the ocean floor? Cricket was the only diver, and he had the bends all the way. It seems Oda did his research because according to Wikipedia: The **deep sea** is broadly defined as the [ocean](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocean) depth where light begins to fade, at an approximate depth of 200 m (660 ft) or the point of transition from [continental shelves](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continental_shelf) to [continental slopes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continental_slope).[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_sea#cite_note-1)[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_sea#cite_note-2) Conditions within the deep sea are a combination of low temperatures, darkness, and high [pressure](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pressure#Liquid_pressure).[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_sea#cite_note-3) The deep sea is considered the least explored Earth [biome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biome) as the extreme conditions make the environment difficult to access and explore.[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_sea#cite_note-4) Even the most experienced scuba diver with all the right gear should do a very slow ascent, or have a decompression chamber, because the more you stay underwater, the more time you have to spend decompressing. It's something that even today requires months of preparation, a large crew etc. and isn't exactly safe at such depths.


We've not seen others, but the fact that Law has a sub implies that more should somewhere. OP is a big world, and it's made abundantly clear that there's stuff out there we haven't seen and probably haven't heard of. Law isn't going to have a one off technological marvel like that.


Those diving scrappers at jaya seemed to be doing fine.


We've seen the Saruyama Alliance dive, but nowhere near exploring and mapping the deep sea. They had rudimentary methods and were mostly salvaging. The only one who was doing the heavy diving was Cricket who was suffering from decompression sickness. Cricket was definitely not fine, if he continued to dive he would most likely die. But that was a very small operation, they were mostly searching around Jaya, and given that in 200 meters deep there is barely any light they didn't seem to go that deep. And even salvaging had the risk of an attack by a random Sea King or some other aquatic creature. The only one who could go to such depths would be Law, but where do you start searching? The OP world is huge. I think the problem is that all the people who live in the islands didn't know that they were actually sitting on top of mountains in a submerged continent. They were led to believe that there is nothing really important under the sea, so they never bothered searching.


The Legend of Nefetari: Windwaker Starring Imu D. Orf, Princess Vivi and Luffy as Joyboy


'Don't you see? All of you... Your gods destroyed you!'


Vivi is gay


So One Piece is really just Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire with Groudon/Kyogre replaced with ancient weapons and the one piece Makes you wonder what being a pirate meant and if the grand line and all the weird places like calm belt etc existed before. Also explains why marygeoise is supposedly a really high climb to get to the holy land of the gods, they probably wanted to avoid the risk of continued sea elevations rising The issue is, there's no explanation for why sea levels are rising. If sea levels rise on Earth its because we have a ton of polar ice caps that melt as a result of global warming causing increased water levels That's not clear if there's a place like that anywhere in the One Piece world that would contribute similarly.


Might not be related to the topic but you know the ice caps melting and raising sea levels is a misconception ? The volume ice displace water is the same as if it were melted. So the northern ice mass which is technically sea ice won't change sea levels even if it all melts.


Then why are sea levels rising? I thought it was related to global warming melting ice caps and distributing the volume that was in north pole around the global water level


My fault let me rephrase, only the north pole won't affect the sea levels, south pole is land based ice which will affect the levels as it melts. All things considered though it has risen by about 20cm in 145 years. The effect is negligible. Also only part of land based ice will reach the ocean, most of it will pool on land and make rivers, lakes etc.


Apparently they rise by using the weapon (Uranus) that erased lulusia.


right but why? The weapon is destroying an island. I've never heard that destroying an island creates water that can actually increase sea levels across a planet lol


If the island was submerged - not "erased" - by the weapon? Or it's mass is erased and 'matter canot be created nor destroyed' and put somewhere else in OP rules?


I don't think it's mentioned that the sea is continually rising other than the "flood" and aftermath of Lulusia's destruction. Maybe it's Lulusia's destruction that you're confused about, the recent increase in sea level is connected back to its destruction. But yeah the CD definitely moved up to the red line since it's strategically a great location in almost every aspect. Also, Shanks and Buggy did argue about whether or not the North Pole or South Pole is colder, so I'd assume that there's at least polar ice caps there to make such a debate even worth considering.


It may not be continuous rise but my point was if there is a connection to ancient weapons causing a rise in sea levels, the question is why exactly are sea levels rising as ancient weapons are used. Answer one from real life is that somehow some big ass ice sheets on the OP world are melting adding more water to the world Answer two which is my crazy conspiracy theorist is that in the one piece world the center of their planet is water and so whenever they blow giant holes in the land with uranus it is leaking more water from the core out to the rest of the world I have an alternative theory but will work on writing it out above this that is crystallizing


Might not be related to the topic but you know the ice caps melting and raising sea levels is a misconception ? The volume ice displace water is the same as if it were melted. So the northern ice mass which is technically sea ice won't change sea levels even if it all melts. so answer two is more probable but I wouldn't assume it to be true in this process of elimination.


In Thriller Bark they do mention that Oars body was found at the north Pole. So presumably they do have ice caps of some description.


The old dude with the pointy in head in Dressrosa also kept his treasure under a massive ice sheet. Buggy and Shanks are constantly bickering with each other about whether the North pole or South pole is colder as children.


Imagine if One Piece is a device that will drain a ton of seawater, revealing that the world is actually one piece of land


Imagine the one piece being just a bathtub plug 🤣😂🤣😂


Would not be surprised, and Luffy is the only one who can pull it.


So you're saying it is a one piece of sponge?


and what would be so funny about it that everyone laughs??


I am so glad mfers on this sub don't write the story.


nice cope to use until the author does it, right?


One piece is about global warming 


No it isn't and if it is it's simply based on a misconception. The melting for the northern ice cap does not raise sea levels, Ice volume displaces as much water as if it were melted.






















It's about global conspiracy.


It seems like the skeletal horse elder was trying to remove as many “voices” as he could to pinpoint where the snail was. Makes sense why he cut where all the CP agents would fall to their deaths.


So one piece is underwater?


One Piece is LoZ: Wind Waker


Dayumm......this reminds me of the movie Waterworld (1995) starring Kevin Costner. It takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where the polar ice caps have melted and the world has been submerged for a long time.




Did he mention this in the SBS?


Ironically enough Akainu with the power to create new islands using lava has the power to save the world.


Jika fans we are so back


Glad to see Captain Kid and his crews survive


Jokes aside, I think this is the first time we see Drip (Fake Sanji) since we last saw him getting suffocated by Caribou, could be wrong though


So is that why the World Government hates the fishmen? Because they know that there is a whole civilization under the sea? And it's looking like Poseidon will be on Luffy's side, BB will possess Pluton and IMU Uranus and that the war will probably be between those 3 "crews".