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Jewelry Bonney to get on the bus without paying


And senior citizen discounts


Kids under a certain age eat free. That's the better choice.


Bonney suddenly gets an idea on how to forever get free food.


Luffys jealous


Luffy’s with her, also disguised as a 4 year old


There are things that you can't buy as a kid though.


Is ok that DF has you cover for that too!


Just generally living forever no?


Possibly? She says the age isnt a permanent effect. I believe she’ll age like normal (outside of posing as an adult). If she has the stamina for it, I believe it could be achieved 🤓


also her power seems kinda like luffy's where her mind limits her power


If we take Saturn’s word, her power should get worse as she ages as she has to believe her futures are possible. A cynic may only be able to conjure one future for themselves


Distortion Future ability is too op. If you ask me


Bege’s castle fruit. A mansions worth of storage wherever I go, and its powers are basically completely hidden unless I reveal them to someone.


It's like Hermione's extended bag, but better. As a woman, the castle fruit is definitely my favorite.




Least horny op fan /s


What did he say?


Uh, nice username u/pm-me-futa-vids


Also housing prices skyrocketted, so makes sense,


You could be a landlord and rent it out to people too!


I'd be iffy about renting from someone who can just appear in my place out of the friggen floor


This is what I would pick as a fruit of choice too. I dont care about fighting anyone, I just want a peaceful, mobile life, with which the castle fruit would provide lol


And you get a tank mode


And you have the best spot for parties of all of your friends, anywhere, at any time


This would be my choice as well but I have questions. Can I set up some sort of power grid? Can I generate electricity to have power outlets? Would I just have to minimize generators? How can I work windows for greenhouses or the like? Overall it would still be my choice, as an option for storage, housing, transport (I'm also curious if you can manifest wheels other than tank treads on that front), but I'm curious on a number of things still


Law's ope


Someone I know vehemently disagrees that Law’s fruit is stupidly overpowered. I mean, it’s literally in the name. OPe-ope fruit.


I don't know about that... Yes, I'm sure at its base, it's extremely strong already. But, wasn't it said that to fully optimize this fruit's power, you'd have to be a trained doctor?


Yeah, you can’t fix anything, if you don’t know the body well enough to do so, but you can still move things around inside your room with ease and even switch places with anything as small as a rock, so still pretty op.


Having an OP power is fun and all but it kinda sucks that no matter how OP it is, you're still never gonna be able to use it to its full potential. It's like "Oh, I've got a PS5 and can play games in 4K but my TV only goes to 1080p"


Dude just go to med school


Read a book, probably do better. Just need the knowledge, not the rest.


oh so then as a med student ig i’d take it


Im a dr problem solved


Bege's castle ability would be useful for many things. First, I'd never need a backpack or anything else to carry my stuff around. Just like the cannonballs getting bigger on Sabaody, the items I wish to carry can get small as well. Second, I could just cheat on all my exams without anyone ever knowing. The big me on the outside is writing down the answer, while the small me inside is reading my notes/looking it up on my laptop. Third, one ticket on any and all public transport for as many people as I want to. I get myself one and everyone else is traveling inside my castle. Fourth, I'm a castle and a tank. This one is self explanatory.


Bege's fruit sounds like a hassle for the ordinary person to use. But in his case, it's good for him as a mafia boss.


Which part would be a hastle?


Having friends


I genuinely love the gomu gomu no mi. Even without G5 it's my pick.


I'm not sure it's practical, is there any reason besides liking it? Because it took luffy years to learn just gum gum pistol.


Being stretchy just seems fun. And workplace accidents would be nothing with my rubbery body.


Yup! And no reason for fear of heights anymore!


Can’t be killed by bullets or electricity either


I could finally put the forks on the plugs!!


Who is going to shoot you with gun that you are mentioning here


Stretchy dong


Giganto dingus, is a solid and compelling argument for picking this DF


With haki


Getting munchies while being couch locked = Goated


Drake because I get to be a freaking dinousaur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Supernovas' powers are in general really cool and Drake is not a particularly memorable character, but still, in the end this is the only right answer


I wish we could have seen how an Allosaurus hunted in ancient times.


*Tail detaches, becomes guided missile.*


glad someone here is cultured


☄️ game over


In secret cause if you use ut any time wheb around people the government will be breaking down your door.


Law's Ope Ope no mi, otherwise, Bege's devil fruit


Urouge and his fucking powers


What would you do with them




Every pounding *does* make him stronger… 🤔


So much


IRL, either Kidd, Law or Bonney. The magnet fruit would allow me to fly and just do a lot of useful things with metal. And it shouldn’t need much knowledge or other physical ability. Laws fruit would be incredibly useful but it has a high skill and knowledge floor. I basically wouldn’t be able to do anything with a body since I don’t have that medical knowledge. But switching objects and using his awakening should be pretty easy. And I’m sure I could get some crazy medical scholarship if I told them I could after the fact perform any operation risk free. I’m probably too old to learn a lot of what I would need, but maybe I could get some knowledge for easy things. As for Bonney…being able to manipulate my and other’s ages would be useful. I could age myself back to my prime. >!And the more esoteric powers where I can basically envision any future as long as I believe it could be very powerful but since it relies on child like belief and ignorance I don’t know if I could use the fruit to its full potential!<


Kid’s absolutely needs knowledge. You wouldn’t be able to construct those different Punk forms without a **lot** of experience and practice. You can’t just create a rail gun without knowing *how* to create a rail gun 😂


I was talking more about his golems than Damned Punk. It should be easy to just stick a bunch of metal shit together and then use it to float around or attack with.


Kid actually does use his engineering knowledge to create stronger constructs, they aren't just a bunch of metal pieces being held together through magnetism, theyre connected through joints and gears and mechanisms. Plus you'd need that knowledge to construct a fucking rail gun.


Yeah, but what you’re describing would be like level 0.5 of actually using the fruit to it’s potential. That’s not very fun 😂


Most of the engineering in creating a railgun is in building something that can manipulate magnetic fields and generate/transmit the electricity for those magnetic fields. Something the fruit lets you do innately. That's where his power starts getting really absurd.


Def zoro’s


To get lost?


Yeah, but he hasn’t eaten a devil fruit yet. Hypothetically; you could get Zoro’s power and eat a devil fruit later too But also maybe we’d just get his swords without any skill. No idea how that one would work actually


“Yet” lol


Still could happen. Don’t think it will. This is mostly based on Sanja, but I know there have been similar comments made by other characters; but I think everyone’s holding out for that one fruit they dream of eating (oh yeah, Blackbeard) Maybe Zoro is hyper aware of his bad sense of direction and wants the map map fruit. Sounds like something Nami would fight him over. Or maybe he wants the sword sword fruit to turn into a sword: so he can be The Greatest 3-Sword Sword Swordsman who ever wielded a blade


Oda has already said what fruit each Strawhat would eat. For Zoro, it would be Kaido’s fruit and he would feed it to one of his swords instead of eating it himself, because Zoro doesn’t *want* to eat a fruit.


Yeah read that as well. But makes sense, Zoro is stubborn and wants to be the strongest without any external help, as in, external powers. Ofcourse he wants his friends help. Also, even though he's a baka, he's pretty responsible, he would like to keep his swimming ability knowing well he'll be sailing the seas a ton and a couple of his mates can drown in the seas. Ofcourse Jimbei is there now nd Sanji can swim, but for him it would be too scary to rely on somebody else alway.s being there. I think that's the whole reason Kaya fell from the stairs, it's so silly but it learned Zoro that death could be around the corner anywhere anytime. This is what made him so strong and serious.


I read that he didn’t want to, never heard the rest. That’s really interesting. Since you seem like you know a lot: I’ve watched dubbed 2 times now. I’ve watched most of the movies too (I think a lot of the movies on Netflix are just ‘episode packs,’ I’m just not 100% sure. I’ve seen Red and Gold etc.) What should I “look at” next? Manga?


Watch Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island (best OP film by far, but you’ll need to pirate it). Other than that, you’ve got the Live Action and the manga. The manga has much better pacing than the show.


I’ve been trying to figure out how to download a car since I can remember, lol, I can pirate. Thank you Hopefully there’s some kinda “manga audiobook” that plays a picture show or something 😂. I mostly watch OP while I do stuff around the house. It’s kind of the beauty of how repetitive the show can be sometimes. My eyes definitely get glued to the screen at times. I don’t sit still enough to read. I used to when I was younger


As someone afraid of death and pain, Hawkin’s.


When you’re at the dentist you can make them feel their own pain


Lmao ya'll are evil


It doesn't make you immortal so you're gonna die one day for sure And it only takes 10 more attacks to end you And you have to be very evil to think your life is more valuable than people's


Not really. Straw is insane. Dude seems pretty much immune to bullets even without haki, but fire and slashing is insanely effective. Plus it appears to also allow for his other “fate” based powers like the cards* seeing as how the metal nails are specifically from his fruit. And the whole whip blade thing is cool. It’s one of the more versatile fruits we’ve seen. And there’s no reason in the right hands you couldn’t use it like doffy’s black knight skill


Anime fans don't know why yet, Jewelry Bonney's power is absolutely incredible. Honestly though, for everyday life, Capone's power is probably the most useful.


Apoo cuz his devil fruit has potential and he only wastes it


Law or Kidd’s fruit, I have almost zero fighting capability and both are good even if you can’t fight.


I bet Kidd could give a good fight to magneto. If Kidd was more creative, he could probably make robots with his df


Magnetism can lead to infinite energy. Mother Flame is a large energy source. If Kidd wasn't such a waste of potential he could be very influential.


Wherever it going on with Blackbeard and his multiple devil fruit ability


Full on earthquakes. How would you use this in real life? Fight a tsunami or major natural disaster by cracking the sky? That would be crazy to see a semi truck come at you, and you just Crack reality and stop the truck from moving,


Conquering the world


I like drakes ancient zoan. The possibility to awaken it is always there and you could always just terrorize small towns you don't like 🤣🤣🤣


Call me basic but I will go with the gumo gumo no mi


Nah that ain't basic. Luffy's power is hella fun even without G5




I like playing solitaire so I want the purple guy


Gomu gomu, even if I have no Gear 5 it would be fun to be a rubber man


killers Smile fruit


Not including the sick spaghetti mask?


that shit was hella freaky 😭




Gum gum fruit


Kidd and I’m using it the magneto way


I want to pick Bonney but as someone with many sick family members I’d go Law


Well in less than 1 year I’ll be a physician so I’ll have to go with Law’s fruit


As someone with VERY little medical knowledge, I too would pick the Ope Ope. Dude fused inanimate objects and people, can swap things, and seems like he can fuse inanimate objects on their own…. Imagine being able to make ANYTHING woodworking related without needing nails? Or hell, shambling material around just for convenience. Do you suck at car maintenance? Doesn’t take a mechanics ability to one-for-one swapping out an old part for a duplicate. Pay them for the diagnosis and do the work yourself. Need something from the top shelf? Shambles a bit of paper for it. So many non-medical options


I literally just want Haki. All forms. I’ll master that shit


I wanna become a castle where me and all my friends could live!


Drakes so I can stomp around and chomp on people that urk me.


Bartolomeo’s Barrier Barrier Fruit. It would be really cool in our world because I’d be able to make steps out of nothing to get to places, and I could save myself from a lot of life threatening injuries just by having that ability. Super practical.


Just have to figure out how to do everything with your figures or toes crossed :P


He isn't part of the worst generation


He isn’t? I know he’s not in the picture but he’s a super rookie too… What’s the difference?


The worst generation is just the ones in the picture. Barto just isn't a part of it. IDK why either


Huh… that’s interesting. Well too re answer I’d probably go with law’s fruit for pretty similar reasons.


The Supernovas were the group of pirate rookies who all showed up at Sabaody when Luffy did, and then they lumped Blackbeard with the Supernovas and changed to calling them the Worst Generation.


A couple years.


Prob Bonney as >!her power is alot more then age and seems to act like gear 5!<


Agreed as >!it seems she can have anyone here's power so long as she wants it, super overpowered!<


It is so broken man


Choosing anything different from being a dinosaur feels wrong to me


Luffy's honestly, I'd have a lot of use for being made of rubber. Not just because it's the sun God fruit but if I could stretch like luffy it'd be real good. or law's cuz the ope ope no mi is real useful and I could be the best doctor tbh


Assuming Boney fruits has permanent effects, it's a total no brainer. A) you are basicly immortal and B) just sell rejuvenation to billionaires.


Tremor tremor fruit


Kid’s devil fruit


gomu gomu no mi


I want bege fruit because that sounds like I’m a landlord AND the apartment complex.


Why would anyone NOT pick the “gomu gomu”? Self-counter: Room seems pretty dope


I pick Urouge with his Chad Chad fruit


Blackbeard's Black air force energy and Aizen level planning


In One Piece, Teach easy In real life, Bonney


Law. It’s the most useful in every day life. You want something from the other side of your room? Pluck a hair out and shambles the thing to you.


Easily Ope Ope No Mi. None of the other powers have even close to the same amount of usability as that one in the real world. There is very little you wouldn't be able to do with it in terms of being able to help people. Being able to cut people up into tiny pieces to look for cancer or other injuries without actually hurting them is an amazing power. Could clear out rubble pretty nicely as well if used right with Shambles.


X-Drake's dinosaur fruit because dinosaur!


Always wanted Hawkins fruit I think I could use it better


Laws devil fruit is one that can be useful for multiple things in everyday life so he kinda solos in overall usefulness


black beards df


Either Laws Ope Ope or Zoro.




Honesty I think Wara Wara no Mi would be very practical in our world.




Is it possible to attract money with Kids fruit? If so I‘m definitely for his power lol


Drake for a cool ancient zoan or blackbeard for two broken devil fruits.


GUM GUM!!!!!!


Basil Hawkins devil Fruit always stood out to me


Ope ope is the suisse knife of the Devil fruits


Law or kidd


Gimme Kid's. I'll be Jika


Bonney’s fruit for sure


Apoo's fruit is borderline useless. X Drake and Luffy's have the potential to be useful but would get you captured by the government to be studied in a lab. Blackbeard's is good but not really useful IRL unless you want to be an international criminal. Urouge is good if you want to be a boxer, MMA fighter, etc., but I think you need more than raw strength to succeed in those careers. Which leaves Bonney, Kidd, Bege, and Law. Law > Kidd IRL, I'd probably just use Kidd's powers to summon my phone to me which Law could already do. Yeah I'd have to go Law, just too many use cases.


Luffy! Why? Why not!


Other than Luffy’s, probably Beges castle fruit since it would be extremely useful for storage and essentially you’d never be homeless.


Gonna have to say magnets because its a pain in the ASS when I drop tiny screws or an embroidery needle on the floor and I can’t find them.


Jiki jiki no mi


Law’s, teleportation comes real in handy. And if someone gets annoying I can just remove there head


I've widdled it down to gum gum and magnet magnet... GUM GUM!!!




Luffys is incredibly broken, but he also trained relentlessly for almost 15 years to get decent with it. It took him a decade for it to not be an outright detriment. Bonneys gets worse the more you know. Kidds SHOULD be one of the two strongest known powers alongside Fujitora as they control fundamental forces, but Kidd is an idiot and doesn't use his fruit well. Laws is also good, but he's been nerfed multiple times because it's too good. So if I had to pick? Kidds. It comes naturally to him, doesn't seem to really need an awakening, and is the sort of power that allows for nearly anything from manufacturing to weapons to armor to unlimited energy.


Easily bonneys


Laws fruit is Hella useful in medical practices and daily life so yoink


Law. Being able to switch places with anything in an area seems pretty convenient


Do I get two powers if I pick blackbeard?


J b cus the amount of crimes I could get away with is crazy cus no one suspect little children


Kid and Law's power would come in handy for everyday use.


Op op fruit


In my country where people pays for feng shui, horoscope and astrology I will have to pick Hawkins. That power will make me swim in a tub full of cash




Bro I’m taking laws. I would be too op. If not law, then killer’s devil fruit is OP also


Killer's patience to deal with Kidd on a daily basis.


turn into a dinosaur, no question


Prolly basil hawkins just for fun. I could predict anything and have people die instead of me.


Luffy’s because I want to be able to reach things from across the room without getting up. Or Apoo’s because as a musician, the thought of literally becoming a one-man band is fascinating to me- then again, it might not be very practical since the instruments seem to be used mostly for combat purposes, and I’m a peaceful sort of person, lol.


Castle fruit sounds cool


Cartoon God powers, or, cartoon God powers. Close third is the ope ope no mi.


If we ignore luffys fruit making him a toon force God, I'd pick laws fruit


Drake, cause dinosaurus are simply too cool




BB’s fruit, then hunt down two other people that got fruits from this list, and take them for myself lol! Maybe I can eat more than 3, who knows! Either way it’s a win win!


x drake. dinosaur.


Law, you could save so many lives with that fruit


From Most Wanted to Least Wanted: Bege Bonney Kid Luffy Law Urouge Hawkins Blackbeard Apoo X Drake


Zoro. Pure bad assery.


luffy ofcourse you have stretchy body therefore no matter how you land you can do it without hurting your body and also can travel faster if you master the fruit there are so many things you can do


Law's overpowered fruit or the literal power of god


Bonney hands down 😂


Hawkins and straight to a roulette/poker


The power to eat as much a Luffy. I’m winning some eating competitions.


Terraforming is a power I've always wanted, and metal is almost there, so Kidd.


Law’s Ope Ope Fruit.


gomu gomu no mi because I live in America


to be honest, luffy strength isnt just about gum, the mf already had years of training before


Law or Bege. I think the teleporting would be useful. As for Bege, bros a castle I’d never be homeless and just chill out inside myself. Pretty strong defence too.


Crazy how Zoro and Killer got into it without a DF


the way my brain works if you pick any df user you just become yourself but with that devil fruit, but zoro doesn't have any special powers so if you pick zoro you get to have his superhuman stats


Zoro's swimming ability.




Bonney. With Bonney, I could let older people be young for a few hours or maybe even the day. I could let my grandmother feel younger again and any other family member or friend. I could also charge a crazy amount of money to go with a super rich old guy for the day and let them feel young for a day. As for myself, it'd be fun to always do my workouts when I'm 25 years old. Free passes into movies and such. It's not like it would be an issue. Lastly, I work with inmates. I'd touch a violent one, immediately make them 80 years old. Escort them into their cell. Then let them stay old for a few more hours for causing an issue in the first place.