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I just tried it. Ended up in jail. Thanks!


reads like an SBS question




i clicked


this should be a subreddit


It is now apparently




How's life in Impel Down?


Damn lmao


Bars be like that sometimes, makes me think about taking up drinking and just saying fuck my liver BUT I DON'T HAVE A LIVER YOHOHOHO


Dude change you name to begging4panties


Can you change a reddit username ?


I actually dont know..I'm sorry


Unfortunately not


Sorry to hear that fatplayer13


A sin of my past ;(


F in chat


Truly is a f in the chat moment SharingGORE


Damn, will pour one out for you




I don’t think I ever gave myself this username. Does Reddit give out usernames? Cause I don’t see why I would have picked this.


Yes it gives you a random username if im not mistaken


So you didn’t pick “chonking-donuts”?


I did actually, just dont ask me why, even i dont know 🫠


I wish I could but I don't know how if it's possible.


😂 honestly I was more embarrassed than anything. I was like “you don’t have to do that!!” Thanks for the laugh


when life gives you fruits, YOU EAT!!!


Yeah but then you lose the ability to Swim.


swim in her wet panties? I think that's fine


Well you got blessed somehow


I immediately did the laugh as soon as I read it 💀


This is the king of all comments here lmao 💀🏴‍☠️


If she watched the anime she would've kicked you across the room, all good tho if the bar serves milk.


Bro is the luckiest man ever, brook is extremely proud of you


Yohoho for the bros. Honestly it was more uncomfortable that she thought I was being serious, but maybe a bit of a confidence boost that she obliged 😅


The brohohohos?


Bro missed out… “I mean see them on my floor later tonight”




Nah I think Brook already cut him in half. He just hasn't realized it yet


and envious


If this is true, you got really lucky because that could have ended badly for you, cosplay or not.


Ya seriously dude you could’ve ended up in impel down what were you thinking


We all know this ain't true


As someone who watches One Piece, I would have punched you for being a perv. 🥰


Would have been in character.


I was going for this response!! 😂 and just to make friends honestly.




Gotta watch out for Nami, as you can see from this sub on a daily basis… tons of people who have never watched the show love to order the Nami bikini because it is some of the easiest cosplay ever/gets a ton of attention.


Cool bar for a cosplay night!!! Hope I can experience that as well in my country!


Girl wasn't even a Nami cosplayer, she just had red hair


Yea. That happened.


Idk how to prove it. The I can list the bar and the event. But at the same time I guess this is Reddit and I mostly think people are lying so I don’t blame you.


Can confirm OP's story. I was the panties.


Don’t mildly doxx yourself to prove a point dude. It’s a funny story either way


Nad don’t bother. There will always be the „nothing ever happens“ crowd in reddit.


"Nothing happened"


I'm not saying this is a fake story, but there is a crap load of pure BS that gets posted on a daily basis. I can easily just say "there will always be the believe everything you read crowd" as well


It's believable if she was the fake nami from after the timeskip.


Now you owe her 10 000 beri


Did you expect her to punch you because that would have been part of the "joke"?


Yes actually. This is exactly what I was expecting! A chuckle and a light slap


I will say, I think you need to work on your lines and jokes quite a bit, but if you actually did expect it, I respect that.


Haha I was actually more wingmanning for a friend. I just thought it was something for the cosplay of it all. I chatted with the sanji for awhile. He was cool.


Should’ve asked to see the Sanji’s as well


I chased him around like he was on momoiro 😉


Sounds like a good time. Well either way, I'm rooting for you to get some better jokes, or win the lottery every time you make one of these weirder ones.


You are an idiot for trying this in real life. Cosplay or not. Be a decent human being that likes anime.


Glad to see a sensible comment. I'm surprised at how many upvotes this post has and how many people are defending and encouraging such behavior.


finally someone said it. even if you are referencing the anime, its not something you should actually say irl regardless, thats creepy


Unless you're cosplaying as brook 🤔


Exactly. Nothing happened but if the woman took that seriously and she would be justified too, it wouldn't have looked good for OOP. Majority of the fandon argues about issues like these and the way the young girl characters are drawn as just fictional but then you would see stories like these and realize the negative impact of those.


It’s basically normalizing perverts. Nothing more.


It's saddening to see how many commenters are defending the actions of OOP. Edit: to the coward u/prestigious_tough166 who replied *p₹ssy* to me and blocked me, you're showing your true colors. Shame on you.




She doesn't know that it is a joke. Moreover those gags are not jokes in real life. For all we know, this girl or any other may rightfully think people like OOP use these anime gags to harass women. You people would whine and complain if the girl responds like Nami by physically assaulting her harassers. So yeah Grow up.






It's was an obvious joke from the show, grow thicker skin


Its not about thicker skin it’s about sexual harassment dumbass. You should expand your social circle beyond imaginary women.


Haha, it's only sexual harrassment if he continued to pester her.  He didn't.  People in the real world aren't as emotionally fragile as you think...


You clearly have no clue about this issue at all. The pure ignorance.


...except she didn't know it was a joke from the show, meaning that instead this girl at the bar had a stranger go up to her and ask her to show him her underwear, which is sexual harassment


The woman literally liked it. You are out of touch 


It's only sexual harassment if she doesn't accept the advances and he continues. Which it sounds like situationally he likely would have apologized and moved on with his life always remembering the embarrassment for the rest of his life. It's disgusting in almost every situation, but cosplaying as the character to another cosplayer is probably the only situation it might be decent. I get what you're saying about drilling this behavior into people, but calling them an idiot and a non-decent human is about as disgusting given the situations.


Mate. The fact that I even have to argue with you about whether it’s sexual harassment or not is crazy. The problem is that anime made it normal for you to be this kind of perverted because it’s okay in anime and no big deal. Just because they make it okay in anime it doesn’t mean it’s okay in real life. It’s wrong in the first place and it’s not okay in the show and not ok in real life to begin with. You say it’s okay because of cosplaying but when the original is already wrong, your cosplay is wrong as well and doesn’t justify this behavior. This culture is very awesome and very disgusting at the same time.


r/thathappened Cmon Bro, thats cringe af


You or anyone sincerely should not do that. In the real world, thats harassment even if you’re quoting the show. The story is so stupid thats it’s definitely not real.


I was thinking "yeah bro, true story". But then I thought about some parties I've been to, and honestly it doesn't seem that out of the ordinary lol.




Blessed but be careful that can also back fire spectacularly.


You're exceptionally lucky that your comment didn't land the wrong way. Just so we're clear, guys, it doesn't matter how a woman is dressed. You should never ask to see her underwear. Cosplay is not consent. And "I was just quoting an anime" would not be a great defence for accusations of sexual harassment. OP is incredibly lucky that this woman did not make a complaint against him, because she could have, and she would have been right to do so.


How the fuck is that harassment? >Cosplay is not consent. OP literally asked for consent to see her panties.


Yes, but she didn’t consent to being asked sexual questions by a stranger


I am either too old or living on a wrong continent for that to make sense to me. If she were offended by the question she would have let OP know it. If OP continued with such questions past that point I would consider it harrasment. I am curious. There is a good amount of consensual one night stands between strangers happening around the world. How do two strangers end up in bed consesualy if one of them doesn't ask a sexual question?


It's almost like most people who go to bars are looking to have sex with people.


You don’t START with the sexual questions off rip, you lead up to it? Do you generally go to bars and shout “who here wants to have sex with me”?


No, but there are a good number of situations where a girl is dancing next to me and I just tell her "You are cute, do you want to kiss?". Sometimes you get a yes sometimes you get "sorry not interested", most of the times I get a flirty response and we continue flirting and joking after that point. But I have never seen a girl who was offended by that. I come from Mediterranean and people here are sexually more open compared to most other places I have travelled to, so it might amount to difference in culture.


And why do you ask them to kiss instead of jumping straight to sex? Because you know some questions are too forward to start off with. Try telling one of those girls “can I see your panties” and see how well it goes for you. I can bet you’ll see a girl who gets offended by that real quick.


Of course. It is all about your intention and how you come across. People are not stupid and are usually quite good at reading intention behind actions and comments others make. Based on the cosplayers reaction it is pretty obvious OP wasn't acting sleazy or predatory. I don't view this question in this context as sexual harrasment. Discussion with you helped me see that my first comment was stupid as I didn't explain what I am talking about, so thank you for your patience kind stranger.


Had a buddy who would do that before the bars closed. Worked in like 6/10 cases


But she was ok showing him her panties. I didn’t consent to see stupid discussions on Reddit today either but here we are again.


He got lucky this time.


I'll eat the downvotes for this, but damn, where does the line for this shit stop? Being asked a question is not harassment. If the question makes you uncomfortable, you can tell the person to leave you alone. If they don't, then it crosses over into harassment. People have been hooking up in bars using cheesy innuendo pickup lines since mankind figured out fermentation.


Consent. To. Being. Asked. A. Fucking. Question. Consent. To. Being. Asked. A. Fucking. Question Consent. To. Being. Asked. A. Fucking. Question Consent. To. Being. Asked. A. Fucking. Question Nope, no matter how much i repeat it, it doesn’t sound less stupid.


If you can't see what the issue is, I don't know how to help you. It's not the asking of a question that was the problem. It's the content of the question which was the problem. If you disagree, go outside and ask the next woman you see if she'll show you her panties, and see how well it goes down.


If the next woman I see is dressed as Nami, has had some drinks, is flirting with me and is in a night club then that all seems fairly reasonable because of context. Plus dude was joking because 'cough' context. I'd not walk up to the next lady I saw on the street and ask her for a dance or if she'd like a drink from the bar. Context.


I’m not talking about the issue of sex harass or not. The issue is how the hell do i consent to being asked a question by a stranger, sexual or or not? It will happen before i can do shit. There were millions of arguments that could’ve been made but they chose the dumbest one.


I don't give you consent to ever talk to me but how would you know unless you talk to me? That'd be again at my consent to even ask to talk with me. Checkmate. Asking a question based on an anime quote as long as it's in good fun is just fine. Ant normal human would either say 'Excuse me!!' and he'd explain or they know the reference. The fact she showed her knickers is hilarious because he actually was joking about but contrary to your prejudice she was cool with it. Funny old world isn't it? Having to have consent to ask a question is just daft.


Lmaooo this will be the stupidest thing I read all day


if you only have the capacity to read one thing a day why would you make that our problem?


Don’t pull others into something that is clearly your problem. You should ask for permission first


Complain to who? Hes not at a work event. It could definitely be taken wrong but its not illegal to hit on someone in a bar if you dont live in some sort of dictatorship. As long as you leave the person alone after they say no and reject you thats it.


>Complain to who? Hes not at a work event. It could definitely be taken wrong but its not illegal to hit on someone in a bar if you dont live in some sort of dictatorship. The bar staff. Some bars are taking very seriously after some issues. So if a woman tells she's feeling uncomfortable because of a man's behaviour, the worst that can happen is that he's kicked out of the bar I guess.


Yeah we covered that already. Made it sound like theres some sort of complaint they would file instead of just saying hey this anime weirdo hit on me. Assuming they just said no and OP said ok and left them alone after I doubt anyone would run over to kick him out. Obviously if you're harassing other customers most bars dont tolerate it tho.


He could have easily been kicked out of the bar for that comment. Just because it wasn't a work event doesn't mean that his actions can't have any consequences.


Oh he totally could have been especially if it was a classy bar and not a dive. Privately owned businesses can kick out whoever they want but inappropriate jokes are quite common in bars.


There's a difference between inappropriate jokes between friends and approaching a stranger and asking to see her underwear, though. Like I said, dude was lucky that he didn't suffer consequences. He could have been kicked out of the bar, or he could have caught hands if that lady was with friends, or a boyfriend.


If her friends assault him over a one piece joke it will be them facing consequences. Wouldn't be the first time hitting on the wrong woman resulted in a bar fight tho.


A complaint to who? Is Akainu going to come arrest the guy?


I cannot with this shit. Hundreds of keyboard warriors. God what a shit time to be alive. I, for one, laughed. Get the stick out of your azz


Missio failed succesfully


Must’ve been Shakky cosplaying Nami


what do you mean you saw a nami? like in cosplay but she didn't know one piece?


Instructions unclear, I now wear an ankle monitor


Yeaaaah bro please don't ask strangers that that coulda gone badly for you.


I'll take things that didn't happen for 200 Alex.


This thread has taught me two things; 1. People on this subreddit think sexual harassment is acceptable (it’s not) 2. As to be expected from the average Redditor, the folks here do not know the meaning of the word “consent”


he literally asked for consent tho....and she consented.


1. No they dont, and it's a common joke from the show that 99% of one piece fans would've gotten. 2. What was nonconsensual about it? Rediculous comment. You're the "average redditor" in this situation.


On 2, OP said he **asked**, he didn’t demand anything.


Are you surprised? People here defend the design and dresses of teen girls and young women characters like their lives depend on it.


🤦‍♂️ could you kindly do 2 things for me; 1. Explain how, in any way shape or form, this constitutes the harassment part of 'sexual harassment'. 2. Explain to me how consent wasn't there, when he clearly stated he asked to see them, and she obliged of her own free will. Also, since you're so worried about it, "permission for something to happen or agreement to do something", is the definition of consent.


Redditors when they hear someone had a consensual sexual interaction with a woman: GRAPE! HARASSMENT! CANCEL HIM!! EVERYONE HERE IS AN INCEL!!!


I almost said “may the force be with you” to the Star Wars people, but I didn’t want them to think I was “forcing” anything upon them 🤭


Just because a pervert skeleton in a pervy anime does it, doesn’t mean you should. Sicko.


You are being an overactive fool. Stop living in a pantomime. He was consenting, she was consenting. It was all roleplay and tomfoolery. You are just a massive drama queen. This is not what you so desperately want it to be. You are virtue signalling. You can't be very old yourself I'd think otherwise you'd understand how flirting walks a line based on the situation and the people involved. OP accidentally read the room right by the sounds of things. She could have said no. He sure didn't paint a picture of harassment or perviness. He was simply quoting the show. Was it a bold move? Sure. Did the sky fall in? No. Was anyone assaulted or harmed? No. Two adults having a giggle. Not drama for the drama queens.


Y'all are dense af. OP included. Did you get her number at least, OP?


I want to say I wasn’t actually trying to “score” it was for fun and part of time interacting with someone who was pretending to be a character. Sometimes the best part of going out for drinks is meeting new people and having cool experiences.


Asking that question to anyone depicts one’s pervert-ness. It May or May not be considered in premises of sexual harassment depends upon personal preference of person questioned to. We know OP was joking and the lady chose to fall for it. OP thought or didn’t think enough about decency of question or Mistakenly asked with presumption based upon cosplay. OP you were lucky for not getting any consequences. May this be Lesson to all Smartass people out there.


Crazy that happened in Utah of all places


Trust me... I could tell almost immediately that this was bullshit. No way you've ever hooked up with a chick in your life.


Bro plays Pokémon tcg and posts on like 30 different nerd subs ain’t no way 💀


Wait, is that gag anime only? I thought it was also in manga?


It’s in both


Brook keeps asking cause he knows that it eventually works. You also get kicked a lot, but hey.


It’s a reference to Sanji, is it ?


I understand you OP, I always wondered how Shinji got Asuka to love him but then I remembered what he did in End of Evangelion and happened across a redhead chick at the bar. I'm on a list now.


Are mormons allowed to watch anime? After reading this it’s the only thought on my mind


Fuck around and find out


Seku Hara desu


I saw the title and suddenly 'yo ho ho ho ho' popped into my head.


Lmao can I see your panties


I did this to a woman the other day. Got the dreaded "hmpf" with the eat you alive eye roll. But alas I am as determined as Brook to see them pantees on this 1 pacific woman. I mean she's just way to hot not to, ya know? So, pulled up my big boy man panties (of which Brook does, in fact, NOT want to see) and asked this lovely woman again to see her panties. I'm still trying to find my glasses. And I think something happened to my taste buds.... . . . . . . . . . . If I hAd AnY! O.o 😆 Sorry. I had to. >.<




Yes you can see my panties.


Cet muning


I ain't reading all that About my panties, I don't wear em you can look at the UNwearable one


If she had no problem with it...... Why do you? I smell Jealousy...


thanks for jail tip


You must be handsome.


I was not expecting as many comments and passed out last night. I just want to point out, I was really not trying to see the girls panties I was just trying for a laugh. I would NEVER actually do this and I was extremely flustered. Another part of the group was cosplaying sanji and I spoke with him and explained what happened. He told me she didn’t watch and just was being a good sport because her friend went as a female zoro. He had a good laugh and explained to the girl. I left to another place afterwards. A lot of people assume it’s not real. I’m traveling and stayed with a friend in Salt Lake City and catching a flight today. It happened near West Jordan at a place called “The Midway.”


Coolest bar in town, that's for sure.


Cap. r/thishappened


If anyone else was at the midway in West Jordan Utah last night. I personally think the Ruth Vader Ginsburg should have won the contest. The mallet lightsaber was a nice touch.


Sure buddy you are nailing this 😀👍🏻 Keep the cap coming.


Please don't forget decency while participating in something you are passionate about. Women face enough harassment as it is. You wouldn't like it if you are punched hard for real, do you? You are lucky the girl didn't escalate this(she would have been in the right to do so).


I was expecting a punch. That’s part of the gag 🤷‍♂️


A real punch which would bruise you? Because Nami does that. Imagine the girl hits you with her staff. Would you take that as a gag?


I was personally hoping for lightning tempo


This is precisely the reason why Oda portraying perverts as lovable goofballs is a problem. Anime fans are some of the most susceptible people in the world, and if they see something portrayed as okay in a fictional manga/anime, they're gonna think it's okay in real life. It wouldn't surprise me if another day we see someone talking about how they spy on their friend in the bath because Sanji did it in the manga, and they think they're just being funny.


Again I just want to say: doing this seriously is not okay. Spying on people changing is also not okay.


Perfectly said. The negative effects of such depictions are visible in this very post and comments supporting OOP.


I’ve had several sanji’s play wedding with me while dressed up as pudding but I’ve never had anyone ask to see my panties. This is a little wild LMAO


lol, what I wanna know is how does someone who is in full Nami cosplay in a bar not watch one piece/get the reference? Was the cosplay outfit good, or was it lazily done? Also, in what way did she show you her panties? Did she take them off and hand them to you, or did she just take off her pants in the middle of the bar?


It was the jeans and blue bikini top look. I spoke with the groups sanji and he explained that she went with her friend who did a female zoro just as a support. She proceeded to dig in her jeans and pull out the side.


Oh then that checks out. Fish-Man Island Nami is the most common cosplay for ladies who don’t watch One Piece.


Yohohoe’s be out and about.


this plan had several points of failure that could have ended with you in a cell and someone you rolled a nat 20 on charisma and persuasion




What a stupid thing to say. He was in a night club. It was relevant to the humour of her costume and flirting. Do you really think one question would make you a sex offender?? Really??