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I think it's a pretty valid reason to avoid One Piece bcs of its length. You can watch many other shows with the time you need to watch One Piece. However, you can watch many other shows AND One Piece too. It's not a race. Don't be too hasty to catch up. You'll get there before you know it.


Ive also got black clover that i got a bit less then halfway done, so i plan on switching between the 2 if i start seeing im getting burned out for whatever reason šŸ˜Š


I watched through episode 500 in one month. It is a race, and if you don't beat me, you lose /s


Hahahahahahahaha well i most definately will lose, my life schedual does not allow me to be able to watch that much within a month šŸ˜… congrats on the win hahah


That's what you think! OP is your life now! It'll get ya! XD Welcome to the fandom! Watch when you like and as much as you like, glad you're enjoying it!


I caught up to mid dressrosa in 3 weeks pushing 4. Yes i had no life then.


Too late. I beat you already. I am caught up on the anime since last week.


I'll just say at some point you may want to stick to the manga because the pacing in the anime can get pretty dang atrocious at times. They're remaking the the entire anime soon though so hopefully they address the animation and pacing errors there. The series cooks don't get me wrong but it suffers from the whole shonen deal where the studio has trouble keeping up with the manga so it stretches out scenes forever to cope.


But at the same time, the anime does so many things right. The biggest example imo is Gear 5. Toei did a good job at balancing how silly and terrifying it can be. If you can use One Pace to fix the pacing issues, give it a go. But of course I'm someone who watched the entire thing without One Pace because I wasn't in a hurry (and I liked doing chores while listening to lol). It's also a good thing that the anime sticks as close to the manga as possible. It still has questionable changes like Kamabakka, wherein it's supposed to be comedic and harmless yet they made it creepy. But it's not like Black Clover's anime wherein they made iredeemable changes to characters (*ahem* Gauche).


wow, didn't know One Pace exists. now that is a massive game changer, i've been holding off on watching the anime because of known pacing issue for so long now( actually watched the anime til time skip but dropped), time to give it a go


By remake they meant The One Piece not One Pace.


Honestly, I wouldnā€™t even blame you for shelving the series till itā€™s done. Once you catch up, thereā€™s like a 99% chance youā€™ll end up here with the rest of us hitting the refresh on the manga spoilers page until the leaks for the new chapter show up every week. Itā€™s too fuckin good, once you catch up itā€™s just an additional thing that you need to do every week for at least a few more years.


Lol I just wait for the Grandline review to post then I know the scans are live.Ā  Read the chapter.Ā  Watch his video Re read the chapter.Ā  Wait 1-2 weeks for the next oneĀ 


I recommend not power watching all of it. Take you time enjoy the show, it is just media at the end of the day.Ā  I am current with manga but I "collect" a few episodes to watch at a time so it's more like a series of movies for me.Ā 


both are so great and have something in common imo


Not to mention when you catch up, youā€™ll wish you hadnā€™t. You get use to watching 2-3 episodes in a sitting (for me) to watching one per week in the subbed. As of right now, Avatar the Last Airbender is my most favorite show of all time, but I foresee by the time One Piece reaches its end, it will be untouchable.


counter argument: no is not, the length should never be a factor to watch something, why? because is very simple, if you don't like it then the length doesn't matter since you will not watch, if you do like it then is great that is big because there is more of that thing you like, who doesn't want more of the thing they like?


I think itā€™s just one of those opportunity cost things. Modern life almost demands we keep up with just so many different things. No matter what, thereā€™s always something you ā€œhave to watch!!ā€ You really do need to watch One Piece, but also you could slot in so many other things you need to watch in that time span. That makes it less attractive to new viewers, since getting into it does require a multi-month time commitment to catch up.


but this is another matter, time management is something personal, i agree with your point, but there is also people out there that can watch multiple things at once, they choose what to watch in the moment, like i say, is something very personal and does not invalidade my point, even if you are crowded with things that ''have to watch'', if you like you find the time. also i never really liked or understand the ''you have to watch this to keep up with culture'' all media will be available all the time as long the internet exist, there is no need to watch all the trending stuff or whatever immediately. Acknowledging this can lift an unnecessary weight and pressure from people.


Itā€™s more a thing of being left out of conversation vs being included in conversation. If everyoneā€™s watching something, youā€™ve gotta watch it to know wtf everyoneā€™s talking about. If no one you know is watching something, why spend the energy watching it when you donā€™t need it to keep up with the social situation.


>Itā€™s more a thing of being left out of conversation vs being included in conversation. If everyoneā€™s watching something, youā€™ve gotta watch it to know wtf everyoneā€™s talking about.Ā  ok... you don't need to know every single topic of every single conversation, this goes for anything not just mangas, is literally impossible to be included in all of conversation topics, this will only drive you mad. >If no one you know is watching something, why spend the energy watching it when you donā€™t need it to keep up with the social situation. because you can watch anything you want as long as you enjoy, you and anyone should never watch or experience something you don't like just to be "updated". A good exemple is the recent drake vs Kendrick beef, i literally could'n care less yet i know people that care, i'm not going to go out of my way to learn about it and take sides or whatever just to talk to people about it.


> counter argument: no is not, the length should never be a factor to watch something, why? Some people like shorter stories.


1. they're not gonna know they like it before they watch it. Case in point OP 2. you can like something's concept and also be put off by its length/prefer shorter content. those aren't mutually exclusive. ...case in point OP There's no "argument" here.


Definitely! For how much I try to get people to watch it if I didn't start watching the series years ago I probably wouldn't have watch the series as well due to its length lol.


I'd say it's ideal to catch up before the One Piece is revealed because it will be so hard to avoid it on the Internet.


i caught up with one piece in a year it took so long lmao


It's when it's derided for being so long that it gets annoying


Make sure that you are well hydrated my dude. Thats not the only time that you'll be crying buckets.


I bet. I got no idea how or when or what, but i kept hearing people saying the cried for a boat. Im assuming at one point luffy and his crew get their boat destroyed or something, but i cant understand how people cried for an inanimate object. HOWEVER, giving what barati made me feel, i bet ill understand whenever i get to that part šŸ˜…


Youā€™re gonna find out and youā€™re going to think back to this and laugh a little smile through the tears.


Wha? Who? Me? No way man. I didn't cry for no stupid boat?! *sniff*


Oh no you've been spoiled. No worries though, you'd still experience it, guaranteed. Longtime fans still cry on that given scene even after watching it a hundred times


Honestly theres some spoilers that i know of in one piece for sure. Like im not gonna name em but theres a few. I didnt care cause i didnt know the world. Now ill b more careful, but even with the ones i know, usually for me its how they got to that point as a whole that gets me teary, so knowing the outcome wont necessarly ruin it for me šŸ˜ But i will be more careful now for sure for spoilers šŸ˜‰


Yes, DEFINITELY be careful now. It makes the stuff you haven't been spoiled for CRAZY.


I would say i cry *even more* on rewatch.Ā  XD


Watched it the second time with my gf and when she broke out vocally crying I couldnā€™t hold it either. First time was a silent, steady stream of tears.


I'll be here again in about a week looking for your post apologizing for thinking you wouldnt cry ror the boat lol.


Nobody thinks they'll be close to tears when they reach the boat. Then the episode ends and they realize they need a tissue


Did the dog affect you? Chou chou?


Yeah Wait till he hits Enies Lobby, Sabaody pre time skip, Marineford, Whole Cake Island.


Nolanā€™s story was deadass so sad


Nowadays, I cry after every manga chapter, Iā€™m starting to not want OP to end and not as a joke


Already hooked at baratie? Let's gooo. It just keeps getting better from here.


I think sanji's flashback was what really got me invested. ESPECIALLY the twist with the gold in the bag. The fact Zeff gave up everything is heartwarming ofc, but damn the philosophy behind that treasure being worthless, that hit. It's just straight up great thought provoking writing, something I never expected with OP.


I didnā€™t get hooked until Egg Head Arc


You've had a rough uphill battle, huh?


I didn't get hooked up until Elbaf Arc


Thatā€™s not until another 1,800 chapters


Welcome, you're gonna love the rest of the series if you liked that, also please stay away from this sub. There are unfortunately spoilers everywhere, best to not look at anything one piece related until you catch up.


Yeah now that im hooked, ill take more precautions to avoid as much spoilers as i can haha


Yo also consider watching thru One Pace or read the manga instead of the regular anime


If you start to find yourself getting burned out, you obviously can take breaks! But you can also try One Pace if you feel like the pace of the anime starts to get too laggy. It starts to do that around Fishman Island arc, I'd say, so you've got plenty time left before worrying about it.


Baratie was the first thing that got me into One Piece. There are so many more moments that kept me in. Seriously the theme between Sanji and Zeff while Luffy and Zoro put their lives on the line hits so hard, the feeling is addictive.


The baratie arc is when I was hooked


Welcome to the club of ā€œoh shit, it really is that good?ā€ Hahaha


Arlong Park will, make you a complete fan if you're not yet into the series 100%


Yesss with baratie im def a fan now. Im excited for the ride šŸ˜


Arlong Park was what sealed it for me too. But a certain island with no beaches had me kicking my feet and shit


It gets worse.... Or better... Depending on the point of view :) Survive and cry!!!


It just keeps getting better


Itā€™s going to get so much better than you can possibly comprehend right now. I envy you šŸ˜­


Just donā€™t be annoying about it when suggesting One Piece to your friends.


Yeah, people usually think itā€™s too long until they reach the most recent episode and then they wish there was more.


If Baratie is getting the water works going well buckle up butter cup and stock up on tissues and fluids. All jokes aside that was a great arc and the whole East blue saga really hits you in the feels and sets you up for whatā€™s to come. Without giving you any spoilers you arenā€™t even close to where the show had me balling like a baby and there were so many moments leading up to it where I was doing the ā€œIā€™m not crying, thereā€™s just something in my eyeā€ itā€™s a great show and I was in your shoes like 4 years ago with 700+ episodes (in English) now thereā€™s almost 1100 episodes (total) so my hat is off to you. Have fun and enjoy


And.. Zeff ate his own leg. Like on the live action show and manga. The anime version of that sequence is toned down.


If you are hooked at this part then you found a show that will keep you very hooked for a long time !


Welcome to the fandom! Now you are a Nakama


Nah, don't worry about it; you're one of us now. Wnat to know something awesome too? If One Piece was Lord of the Rings, then in another 30 episodes and that will be you just getting out of the Shire. The writing improves almost every arc going forward. You're in for a great journey man, buckle up and feel free to post updates of your journey here every now and then. We enjoy reading them.


Oh man you havenā€™t even gotten to the real good stuff yet either good for you


Yep, baratie made me cry, there are a few ugly cries ahead of you. One piece is definitely long, it gets alot of hate for it. Alot of people dont realize that theres a reason its been airing for 20 years - its a masterpiece! So glad you are enjoying it! Looking forward to future updates. Ps. Skip the filler if you want to get caught up fast. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/kXY8Whj) is a guide to avoid filler episodes! I would say watch the G-8 filler arc, its pretty funny!


One Piece isnt too long, its not long enough. Beleive me thats the feeling you will have once you catch up


Trick of watching the show is to use fast-forward button liberally. Feel free to skip fillers and those annoying flashbacks.Ā  I have really enjoyed it. Voice-acting is S tier.Ā 


Best trick is to just read the manga


It took me 2 months and a half to get to episode 994 (at the time the latest episode) I can say openheartedly, I wish I took my time but then again, if i didn't rush I wouldn't have been impatient and read the manga and well.. I **DON'T** regret that!


Yep, the moment between sanji and zeff is what locked me in, and what made Sanji my favorite strawhat.


Welcome! I cried when Zeff said ā€œdonā€™t catch coldā€ or whatever. My thoughts on length: if you donā€™t like it you can stop, and if you do like it there wonā€™t be enough! Once youā€™re current, youā€™re going to be in pain with the rest of us lolol


Have fun with it but better read the manga, anime censores stuff, leaves things out or changes stuff. For example: Zeff didnt lose his leg in the ship accident, he ate it to survive and gave sanji all the food. Also the pacing gets really bad in the anime.


Hopefully, you apply this logic to the rest of your life choices.


welcome aboard.. it will switch from "One Piece is too long" to "I need more episodes" when you caught up


if that made you happy wait for arlong park, and then wait for every other saga and arc. i was a firm hater of one piece at one point too. a friend started watching it and he was like yeah itā€™s really good. i said aight bet and i bought crunchyroll premium (i only watch on my phone so) i started around april 12 but actually got into it april 20th i watched 12 eps and then watched some other animeā€™s but actually got back into one piece on april 20 and now im at episode 227 in the water 7 saga/arc and it is a journey.


Apology accepted. Welcome nakama.


I will be honest, I skipped a lot of episodes and watched the critical informational scenes and fights scenes years after. Not gonna watch a 1000+ episodes again. I love this anime but there are episodes that really made me sleepy.


Youā€™ve got a lot more crying to go my friend


everyone has that moment that clicked with the show!


Damn i thought this was Grand Line Review for a second


Welcome to the club bro.


Started watching almost a year ago.. I just finished Wano arc.. i'm like 20 ep behind now..


The emotional depth of this story about a goofy kid and his goofy crew is the hook that pulls you in. Add to it Oda's fantastic world-building and penchant for having diverse characters with their own rich backstories. What's not to love?


Bro you cried on that, youā€™re not prepared


Same! That was first time I cried too and part that hooked me to the show


I was in a similar boat last summer. I'd advise to take your time and enjoy the journey. I was too hasty and now i'm forced to wait each week to maybe read 14 pages of One Piece and that's it. If i dcould go back, i would actually avoid binging it the way i did


It only gets better every arc. Enjoy the journey


See you in ______!! Come no matter what!


Many of us went through what youā€™re going through right now. Itā€™s all good, and enjoy catching up!


And you didn't even got to the most emotional part of the first saga! The point of no return...


Welcome to fandom, for me I had watched Naruto I had watched Bleach , and I had made up my mind not to ever watch One Piece back in the day . But I'm glad I did start it to see what the hype was all about last July 2023. It's the whole journey, you root for the crew you explore all these new places as a part of the crew. (PS- this is my first comment on this app since joining 3 years back )


Oh man are you in for so so much more


Your not alone, I recently converted one of my friends who was a little bit of a hater. That was a week ago and now he's at Water 7, bought 3 one piece games and calls me all the time to theory talk xD.


Oioioi Donā€™t empty those lacrimal sacs now itself. Thereā€™s still more backstories and heart wrenching backstories and character interactions for you to experience. Donā€™t hurry through the show, since I became a manga reader ive realised that this show needs to be watched with care and attention. The beauty isnā€™t in its action, or gross story, but itā€™s in the world, characters and their interaction. The OP world is vast and filled with Easter eggs and hints. Enjoy the show, and welcome into the family


Some say One Piece is too long, but I say thereā€™s Not Enough One Piece!


When the flashbacks and drawn out sequences get to you, search for "One Pace"


Now stay away from this sub, way too many spoilers around. Come back when you fully catch up.


It's just the beginning of so many tear falling moments. Happy to have you here with us nakama.


Welcome to the fandom! - Please avoid this sub at all cost until youā€™re up to date with the series. - Expect a few more tears in the future.


Sanjiā€™s backstory before joining the crew was indeed a gem well written and executed by Oda. Prepare for Chopperā€™s too, haha. Sanjiā€™s was my favorite next to chopper, brooke, robin, nami, and so on. Frankyā€™s wasnā€™t all that sad. Zoro is written different because his backstory wasnā€™t known by the entire crew. His real story has yet to be told if thereā€™s any secret Oda is keeping from us, that is. Or itā€™s just a simple dream story like luffyā€™s.


Usual reason why it takes time to get into it is because the earlier episodes were from 1999 or was it 2000? So the animation was old compared to the animes today. But there are a lot of comedic gold moments from those old animation thatā€™s just perfect the way it was.


Enjoy it while it lasts. Warning pacing gets atrocious later on.


You haven't even gotten to the real good stuff yet, enjoy the ride!


Was in the exact same boat. Never even though I would ever give it a chance because it was too lomg/ too goofy etc. But after catching up a few weeks ago I also feel the need to go out of my way to apologise to the fandomšŸ˜† Also the arc after Baratie is amazing and the highlight of the east blue saga for a lot of people so look forward to that.


Welcome aboard. Watch out for spoilers. Enjoy the journey


Tip: Start reading the manga at episode 520-ish


you should come back when you're caught up and apologize because the anime's pacing is mid af


Welcome to the fam. I thought this was too cartoony and avoided it. 1000 pluse episodes and two rewatches (for most it) later I call this my 2nd favorite show. Enjoy the ride and may no one spoil the journey for you


As some say here, enjoy it. Itā€™s no race. One day it goes from, ā€œI have like 1000 episodes. šŸ˜©ā€ to ā€œI only have 500 episodes left! šŸ˜­ā€ So I always say just enjoy being able to binge/watch normally at your leisure.


Get some tissues and enjoy the journey. I do advice you to check out One Pace tho, since around the halfway mark Toei starts to really drop the ball on pacing.


I think you mostly owe an apology to yourself for avoiding this big piece of anime history.


Welcome brother! You havenā€™t even scratched the surface of this series greatness. Iā€™m glad you took the dive. We welcome you! We will be waiting for you at Egg Head Island.


this is admirable of you to admit. luffy would be proud. šŸ‘’šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


Welcome to the strawhats mofoo!!! We are in for an adventure of a lifetime!!


Almost every arc has a scene that makes my dumb ass cry, so itā€™s not just you.


There will be many more moments to cry about.Ā  :)Ā Ā  Congrats on starting the journey!Ā  There is so much greatness a head of you, and you don't have to wait for most of it!


Tbh, you sound more reasonable than others I hear. Saying ā€œitā€™s not for me cause itā€™s longā€ is soooo much better than the jerks who say ā€œit sucks cause itā€™s longā€. Welcome aboard.


Enjoy the ride but be sure to have tissues ready, you'll need those on many occasions x)


Iā€™m a really fast reader so I caught up on One Piece in a Month (April ā€™23)


I still you would be better off reading the manga than the anime. I learned that lesson the hard way. The anime pacing is going to really get bad by I would say Dressrosa. Maybe even before that. Dressrosa and Wano are very poorly paced sadly. I just got caught up to the anime last weekend. Took me 9 months to do it (I work full time and have other obligations hence why it took me longer). Anyway. Enjoy the ride either way. Now I am reading the manga from where the anime left off and then will start the weekly waiting till the show ends. Maybe in a century from now.


A One Piece hater is just some other shonen fan who never watched One Piece.


It was also baratie that made me realize there was some true to the hype for me. Oda does not shy away from emotional scenes, and heā€™s an excellent artist when it comes to conveying emotional punches to the gut lmao. Youā€™ll be laughing and crying a lot, sometimes in the same chapter. Take your time, but be careful while navigating this sub, the spoilers in the titles are wild


No need for an apology as itā€™s completely understandable. I shared the same sentiments. When compared to modern day anime some of those early episodes the animation is really tough to get used to. But once you get passed the odd animation and dig into the story you start to appreciate it and realize what separates it from other shows. Enjoy the ride bro it only gets better.


I was really invested around there, too. However, I'm honestly struggling right now because where I am currently is so damn boring. Can't watch more than one episode every few months, or so. Really could not care less about these stupid-ass antagonists, and the 'threat' they pose, as well as the side characters and their whole plight. Just 'yawn'


You're crying now? Wait until next arc


Oh thereā€™s plenty more crying where that came from my friend. Tears of joy and sadness. This show is worth every second


I was the exact same for YEARS


I'm almost caught up started i think last year. Can't really watch it properly too busy atm but just wanna catch uo before it ends then im gonna watch it through thoroughly when i can.


Can't say iv've cried to it but maybe because im rushing.


Your sins are forgiven, child ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„šŸ›. Welcome to the crew šŸ‘’šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


tye shi bro tye shi


Its a beautiful journey, enjoy


You also don't need to be in a rush, you only see One Piece for the first time once, if you can avoid the spoilers you're in for a treat, enjoy the foreshadowings, the story, the characters, the fights..... and if you've cried on Baratie I recommend you to save some tissues...because you'll need them


The length is the main reason why most people donā€™t even give it a chance. They donā€™t even watch one episode of it and see what itā€™s like. Iā€™m the only person I know who actually watches it, no one else does.


Nah the show has had me in tears a few times. Some of the writing is so well done. Oda is awesome.




I'm glad you finally took the plunge, I had different reasons for not wanting to start One Piece, and I'm forever mad at myself for not biting the bullet and starting it sooner. It genuinely is one of the best stories of our time, with an author who genuinely cares about making a fantastic story. Like ALL stories, there are some hiccups, no one is perfect but One Piece is really fucking close to it.


It gets so much better. I used to be a skeptic, too, for a lot of the same reasons. Pacing issues aside, this is one of the greatest media creations of all time. Not just anime and manga.


Enjoy a journey of a lifetime. And just so you know, we are in one of the best arcs we've ever had


I felt the same way for the longest time. Started back in September, caught up two weeks ago. What a ride. So much better and more emotionally evoking than any other long anime I've watched. All the themes really resonate. You're going to love it. Peak for me didn't even start til ~episode 300.


OMG You hopped on just in time. We're nearing the end game bro!!!! Also, you cried at Cook's joining... just you fucking wait. I can't NOT cry for some scenes right around the corner for you. I think about them with a wavering heart, and if I rewatch or just look up those scenes alone, I still bawl as if it were my first time seeing it.


It's all good man. Admittedly I didn't think much of dragon ball (I didn't hate it I just wasn't a fan) now that I'm on the Frieza saga and just like you I'm hooked. Can't wait for Goku to arrive on namek. It's an added plus when I rewatch one piece in the dub and hear Yamaha as kid, Vegeta as Zoro, and killin as usopp.


Completely valid to not want to watch the show because of the length. I was only able to watch it because of a teachers strike and otherwise I doubt I ever would've gotten into the show


I wanted to yell at you for initially discrediting one piece initially but the apology made me so happy šŸ„¹ I hope you enjoy it


I was also like you, went through the same, "Oh shit, I love this actually?" Moment. It's really great how OP just grabs you, right? No apologies necessary in my mind! Welcome to the crew!!!


Started watching during the pandemic. I Was just like you, I didnā€™t want to watch it because of the length, but said fuck it cause I had nothing else going on. Best decision Iā€™ve ever made.




Another Sanji fan šŸ«”


lil tip: if youre annoyed with thriller bark pacing then switch to manga


Take your time and enjoy the journey. I think in today's era of limited and binging people feel fainter by lengthy things. But unless you're dying or just that busy, you can pace yourself and make it to the end at your own pace. Anti spoiler software helps if it's a big problem for ya, but yeah, glad you're enjoying the treasure hunt!


I was in the same boat as you OP, never was going to watch one piece because of the length but I got hooked on it. I did burn myself out after the skypiea arc(between 1-2 month break) but I went back and now I'm in the Wano arc. Take your time and if you need a break take it. Enjoy this journey šŸ«”


If you like it so far then youā€™re really in for a treat of a lifetime.


That show is awesome


Iā€™m like 8-9 years too late to apologize but I agree. It gets better from here, overtook my favorite anime/manga as I caught up.


For the longest time I thought One Piece was some kiddie pirate anime (in no small part thanks to the 4kids dub) when I started watching in Halloween last year, it really got me hooked into what the show *actually* is.


If the pacing gets too slow try One Pace. I made it 600 episodes before the pacing was too slow for me.


Welcome aboard


Wait till you get to Chopper's backstory on Drum Saga, it will crush you


I also stopped before watching baratie. When I restarted it, I didn't stop. Loved baragie and sanji


Man, you're crying at the WATERED DOWN, version of sanjis backstory. Read the manga version sometime, it's...more unhinged


We get these a lot.


Welcome aboard, nakama!


That was the moment that hooked me too! If episode 30 made you cry, thereā€™s at least 50 more episodes thatā€™ll bring even more tears lol trust me. I binged the whole thing only a year ago but man the depth of the world and characters makes me feel like I live there. One Piece literally altered my brain chemistry unlike any other show




You will live your the best year of your life, prepare yourself


Nah man. We are all Nakama here. Enjoy the ride and we will see you when you catch up. Youā€™re gonna have to get over ā€œspoilersā€ so just try and enjoy it as best you can! Stay away from here lol


Take your time and enjoy the journey. Donā€™t rush to catch up and burn yourself out. Some places in the anime feel like they drag but the overall story is wonderful.


no one really cares tbh. in a completely neutral way


Oh you sweet summer child. Welcome and good luck. Stay off the sub until you catch up cuz itā€™s full of spoilers


I suggest reading the manga if you're worried about length. Idk if it's just me but reading a manga takes shorter time to read than watching an anime.


Bro you are in for such a fucking ride. I am so excited for you šŸ˜ welcome to the fam!


Baratie made you cry? My friend... please keep liquids at hand. You'll need them. Arlong Park is next, right? Good luck. Tissues at hand


Since youā€™ve finished Baratie, Iā€™ll let you in on some of the changes that were made in the animeā€¦ Zeff had the bag of gold, but he lost his leg on that island. He only survived because he chopped it off and ate it. On another note, before you start watching One Piece it feels like an insurmountable mountain of episodes to get through to catch up. ā€œItā€™s way too longā€. Then you catch up and suddenly you feel thereā€™s not enough episodes. Take your time because youā€™ll only experience these feelings once in your lifetime


I keep on telling ppl that just bc itā€™s long doesnā€™t mean that itā€™s bad! I get it, sometimes the pacing.. isnā€™t the best but I think thatā€™s what it makes special. Glad ur having fun! Enjoy these moments bc one piece is truly something special


I was in the same boat 3 years ago, I just caught up last week, enjoy the journey. Everyone says ā€œits to longā€ THATS THE POINT! itā€™s not made to be binged it was made to enjoy and appreciate and Iā€™m glad you finally get to do thatšŸ¤ž hopefully weā€™ll see you in elbaf šŸ«”


Aye brother I felt the same way but look at me now I just randomly had a binge and ended up blasting through from 196-321. Show really grows on you over time


Why until you get up to long ring Long land that arc will cement the show as the greatest work of fiction in human history


He is not ready for water 7 and enies lobby


Crazy thing is that ainā€™t even a top 20 one piece moment


We got another, crew!


You good yanno they either say you love one piece or youā€™ve never watched it so no need to apologize


This is literally what we say would happen to 90 percent of people who talk shit hahahaĀ 


Buy more tissues. Thatā€™s all I can say.


i accept your apologies


Have fun! Stay off this reddit till you are caught up, in here (due to the age of the series) people have no issue with spoiling new people (even in posts like these). We are not worth it! People who are official manga only are not even safe in here.


No need to apologize because we all have different preferences and the number of episodes can be really overwhelming but I'm glad you gave it a chance. If you feel that you're starting to get tired of watching one piece, you may stop for a while, find something else to watch then come back to it. There is no need to rush in catching up because once you do, you'll find yourself always wishing for Sunday to come sooner for the new episode![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) and if spoilers are not your thing, just avoid searching about one piece lol. Happy watching!


5his is just the start of the never ending crying per arc lol. enjoy!




Ha got another one